What is a good leader in two sentences? The ideal leader: what he should be, qualities and features. He trusts and inspires confidence

When we are assigned to our first leadership As a rule, we are beside ourselves with happiness for some time. Most likely, this was a long-awaited promotion, but even if it is unexpected, it can only increase the degree of euphoria from a sudden promotion. But, of course, as soon as this first joy fades away, many begin to get lost, timid, and gain self-doubt. It is new bosses who are very often constrained by the so-called “perfectionist paralysis”, when, for fear of making mistakes from the very beginning, a person cannot begin to fulfill his new duties and goes to work day after day, doing practically nothing, and only diligently imitating a stormy activity.

But sooner or later, this will be noticed more high authorities, and then the question of the advisability of a new appointment may well arise. To prevent this from happening, you need to act more boldly. Knowledge of the main holes and potholes located on this path will help with this. Knowing the rules makes it much easier to get involved in the game, isn't it?

1. The leader does not allow familiarity towards himself. Let's start with the truisms, because it is precisely their oblivion that leads to the most crushing defeats and failures in the world. If you suddenly decided that all this subordination is outdated philistinism, and during the period of your glorious “reign” everyone will address each other as “you” and put a farting pillow on the boss’s chair, for the sake of laughter, then this is a sure way to losing all respect from the team. Realize that most people need a chain of command so they don't forget what their role is in the company, or, more simply put, who the boss is. So a high-status chair, a heavy table, and maintaining distance are not just showing off, but tools necessary for leading any team.

2. The boss is not a patch for any gap. Many people have a desire to correct the mistake of a subordinate in order to show him “how it should be done,” strengthening their authority and demonstrating to everyone that the leader is the last line of defense of the company that cannot be broken. Sometimes such “actions” are really effective, but most often they turn the boss into a plug for any hole, and his subordinates into drooling infants who do not want to take responsibility for anything.

3. A good leader is always results-oriented. Encouraging effort or striving for results - the right way you will never see this result. Let's understand that it doesn't matter to you how effectively an employee works, but only the results can be praised. Even if you want to praise someone who is clearly trying, you should then gently hint that effort itself is only a means to achieve the main goal, the result.

4. It is impossible to give a person a salary worthy of him. Trying to start your leadership by setting a good salary for everyone is simply a waste of the company's budget. People are not grateful in such matters; very soon the new salary will again seem too small to them, and they will again be dissatisfied. A good boss is stingy with raises. It doesn't sound very nice, but it is true.

5. The leader does not participate in infighting and does not encourage it. All office wars should be nipped in the bud by the boss if they are noticed by him. But most often it is impossible to fight affairs; they are an integral part of production process. So, at the very least, you should at all costs avoid getting involved in one of them.

6. The boss always chooses the right path. His faith in him is unshakable. And those who wanted to show off by mockingly doubting him in public must be strictly put in their place with an iron hand. Objections and comments can be expressed to the boss personally by coming to him with constructive suggestions and a report. Bring this to the team at every opportunity. And the one who decided to show off in front of the secretaries, loudly doubting your choice, earned himself a demonstrative spanking, no less.

7. Admitting mistakes must be decisive, bold, immediate. Only the lowest insignificance and weakling does not know how to admit his mistake when it is already obvious. Do it quickly and boldly. Acknowledge it as if it was not you who allowed it, but someone else whom you are reprimanding. Everyone makes mistakes, so there's nothing particularly scary about it. In cases where your mistake is far from obvious, then you should avoid admitting it. In a couple of weeks it will become just a vague story, so there is no need for you to constantly be self-flagellation.

8. Personal affairs are diligently kept away from business affairs.. Because mixing them together is a cocktail that can knock any team off its feet. Affirm this in words, and confirm it in deeds. Personal and business should stand on opposite sides and never intersect. Even sex with a secretary (which is far from uncommon, after all), with a good boss is only part of effective relaxation therapy, but not a love affair.

9. A bad manager always has an employee who is out of place. And a good one asks himself every day: “Is every employee of mine engaged in the work that he does best?” You must constantly ensure that not a single cake maker in your team wears a shoe, which is far from uncommon for most companies today.

10. No one ever fulfills all their responsibilities. And there is no point in raising your eyes to heaven and crying out for justice. Every person quite naturally wants to get more by working less. So the regular salary system is very outdated. Effective method To keep employees on their toes today is a system of bonuses. Even though the salary itself will be small, the employees will have many bonuses: for the absence of errors in their work, for the absence of delays, for meeting deadlines, for something else. What bonuses can a “relaxed” employee easily be deprived of? This will save the company money and get the lazy guy into shape. Everyone has a chance to relax, but that doesn't mean you have to pay for it out of your own pocket. Or from the company's pocket, it doesn't matter.

In general, of course, this is only rough rules that help to be good boss. The true art of leadership is learned over many years, honed and perfected. In which we wish you early success.

All of us, occupying not the most key positions in a company or organization, as a rule, we show dissatisfaction with certain qualities and characteristics of the behavior of our superiors. And, of course, each of us assures ourselves that, if I were in their place, I would be a good boss in which employees However, upon reaching the desired position, we are seized with fear, and we constantly ask ourselves the question of Tom, the leader. Today we propose to understand what a real leader should be like and what qualities he should have.

a leader and lead people?

Experts identify several basic skills, with which a person can achieve success as a boss. As a rule, large organizations try to promote people to key positions who already have most of the necessary abilities. The missing skills will have to be developed in the process of work. We invite you to take a closer look at each of them.

Employee motivation

A good leader is, first of all, a person who knows clear answers to the following questions. Why does your organization need these employees? What keeps them in your company and prevents them from leaving for competitors? What makes employees stay in your organization even after difficult moments? A talented boss certainly understands that the reason here is not money at all. More precisely, not only them. There are many other reasons that you, as a leader, need to understand. Therefore, in order to be good, class teacher, you must follow the recommendations:

Remember that what drives us above all is our values ​​and self-respect. So, if you show respect to each of your employees, regardless of their position, you can be sure that the team will respond to you with 100% dedication.

As much as possible, have heart-to-heart discussions with your employees. Try to find out how much they like them daily work whether they get satisfaction from it. This information will help you in the future.

Offer your employees some benefits that are important to them. So, if your employees are concerned about their own health and physical fitness, then give them the opportunity to visit Gym. If family is their priority, then allow them to take their children to school in the morning and pick them up at lunch. Believe me, people will appreciate your concern for them, which will have an extremely positive impact both on the microclimate in the team and on labor productivity and efficiency.

Setting Goals

If you are wondering how to become a good manager of a sales department or another department or even an organization, then keep in mind that a very important aspect is the ability of the boss to clearly define. Thus, each employee must clearly understand what the boss expects from him. Having specific goals will make it easier for a person to focus on the work at hand. Therefore, clearly communicate to each of your subordinates your expectations and deadlines for completing tasks, and also explain what you will then do with the results obtained and why you need them.

Performance evaluation

Even though the vast majority of people view criticism negatively, it is an integral part of a well-established work process. However, make every effort to explain to your employees that a conversation with a small assessment of the results of their work is in no way a reason to find fault with their work. Set a schedule for these discussions in advance so employees can plan their time.

Delegation of Responsibility

This point is one of the most important when talking about how to become the best leader. So, of course, if you become a boss, it means you are doing your job well. However, this does not mean that you have to do everything yourself. One of them is to teach other employees to work well. You need to start small. At first, give your subordinates tasks that, if performed incorrectly, can be easily corrected. Gradually train your employees and expand their capabilities. At the same time, take into account their strengths and weak sides and move on to more complex and responsible tasks. This will not only help your employees grow professionally, but will also increase their value to the company.


The qualities of a good leader are unthinkable without communication skills and openness to his subordinates. So, make it clear and periodically remind employees that if they have any questions or difficulties, they can always contact you directly. Communication built in this way will help you quickly learn about problems and, accordingly, quickly solve them.

In addition, show genuine interest in your employees. You should not communicate with them using only a business tone. Ask employees about their well-being, how they spent last night, who they supported during the last football match, etc. Tell us a little about yourself. In other words, connect with them. Believe me, people appreciate attention to themselves and will definitely respond to you with loyalty. However, you should not go too far. So, do not ask subordinates about overly personal things, such as family life, religious views, etc.

Learn from mistakes

Above all, allow your employees to make mistakes. Of course, you shouldn’t turn a blind eye to such phenomena, but, as they say, you shouldn’t give your subordinates a beating over every trifle. Otherwise, people will be afraid to come to you with their problem or even try to hide the fact of the mistake, which can have a very negative impact on the results of your organization as a whole. Therefore, remember that we are all human and have the right to make mistakes.

Another important principle that helps answer the question “how to become a better leader” is the ability to admit your own mistakes. So, if something didn’t go as you expected, don’t be shy and discuss what happened with your team, trying to figure out what should have been done to achieve the result. This approach will show your employees that you, too, can make mistakes, and will also teach you how to correct your own mistakes.

Use egalitarianism

If you are seriously thinking about how to become a better leader, then take the time to great attention this point. After all, most of us are actually not as egalitarian as we think. Quite often we highlight favorites and favorites on a subconscious level, without realizing it. As a result, we all know that it is not uncommon for a boss to recognize mostly the merits of those people who constantly remind him of themselves and express their devotion and loyalty in every possible way. At the same time, the contribution of employees who modestly and painstakingly carry out their work is often underestimated. Therefore, pull yourself together and try to give people credit not based on their attitude towards you, but based on the results of their work.

In addition, always follow the rule that absolutely all your subordinates must be treated well. Believe me, this will have an extremely positive impact on both the microclimate in the team and the results of work.

Can a woman be a great boss?

This question in Lately is very relevant. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to become a good leader for a woman, then take into account that there is no special secret here. However, practice shows that ladies are often more effective bosses than representatives of the stronger half of humanity. It's pretty easy to explain. After all, a woman throughout her life has to simultaneously concentrate on a greater number of tasks and goals than a man. Accordingly, this is reflected in her leadership abilities.

Additional qualities of a good leader

Always remember that what makes us move forward is respect, understanding and recognition of our merits. In this regard, always be as loyal as possible to your subordinates. Thus, a good manager always knows his employees by name and is also aware of their affairs. Always support your employees by lending them a helping hand in difficult times. May your doors always be open. In addition, the qualities of a good leader are unthinkable without honesty and responsibility towards subordinates. You should not hide the state of affairs or your plans from them. Believe me, all people appreciate the trust placed in them.

The success of an enterprise depends to a large extent on who is at the head of it. A qualified manager will help promote business through proper organization the labor of their subordinates.

Being a good leader is not easy. A person holding a leadership position must combine various professional and personal qualities.

Leadership qualities that lead to success

The main qualities of a leader are divided into three groups:

1. Professional quality. This group includes qualities that characterize a person as a competent specialist. These qualities are the basis that allows a person to perform leadership activities. This group includes:

  • education, work experience, competence, knowledge of one’s own and related fields of activity;
  • related skills: knowledge foreign languages, ability, computer skills.

In general, this group includes skills and abilities that are usually listed on a resume.

2. Personal qualities of a leader. This group includes the qualities that every employee must have:

  • honesty;
  • responsibility;
  • psychological health;
  • balance, ability to control oneself;
  • responsiveness, benevolent attitude towards others.
  • In addition, this also includes such personal qualities that not everyone has, but which a leader must possess:
  • optimistic outlook on life;
  • self confidence;
  • sociability and desire to communicate;
  • stress resistance;
  • charisma;
  • interest in people;
  • organization;
  • purposefulness and ambition;
  • justice.

3. Business qualities leader. These include skills in organizing the labor process, self-organization and managerial qualities of a leader:

  • ability to plan your activities, knowledge of time management;
  • desire for self-improvement;
  • critical perception and ability to rethink situations and the surrounding reality;
  • erudition;
  • ability to train others;
  • openness to everything new, the ability to look for new forms and methods of work;
  • skill to work in team;
  • the ability to support and ignite people with a new idea;
  • the ability to create a work team with a favorable psychological atmosphere for work;
  • the ability to manage people, the desire to lead people, to jointly achieve goals;
  • the ability to distribute attention and keep tasks of different directions in mind;
  • logical and critical thinking;
  • initiative;
  • efficiency in resolving emerging issues;
  • the ability to identify primary goals and objectives;
  • desire to succeed at any cost.

5 qualities of an ideal leader

The qualities of an ideal leader will differ depending on which leadership level we are talking about. For example, a lower-level manager must be a good organizer, and a senior manager must be a strategist. In general, we can highlight the following basic qualities of an excellent leader.

What leadership skills are of greatest interest to companies? What has changed about this set over the past decade and what will change in the next? To find out, I surveyed employees at five of the world's most prominent executive recruiting firms in 2010. Experienced HR consultants interview hundreds, if not thousands, of applicants, evaluate their leadership skills, track their clients' careers over the years, and often help them move on to other and third jobs. They also observe how these executives negotiate, what contract clauses are most important to them, and why they decide to change companies (read about the priorities that top managers focus on in the April issue of HBR, “Executive: The Person and the Function”).

As a result, it was possible to identify seven skills or character traits that are most valued by companies:

  1. Leadership skills. This quality is considered absolutely essential for all senior managers, not just the CEO. One HR professional described the search for a head of information services this way: “In the past, technical knowledge would have come first, but now there is more emphasis on leadership skills than on technical ones.” What kind of leadership is required - experts differed on this issue, some called “inspirational leadership”, some “non-authoritarian leadership corresponding to modern leadership talents”, “responsible” leadership, “leadership as a combination of sincerity, respect for others and the ability to build trust in a team” , there was also a “strategic leadership” option. Ethical leadership was mentioned. Some experts noted that the type of leadership is determined by the needs of a particular company. “If a company is growing rapidly, exploring new horizons or strategies, it needs a visionary leader,” answered one respondent. Another elaborated: “Responsible leadership is the ability to take an organization as a whole or some function of it to new heights.” Predictions were also made: for example, that in 2020, companies will be looking for “the same [same qualities as in 2010] and will even more value the “indelible” qualities of a leader and the experience of saving a business in difficult times.”
  2. Strategic thinking and leadership.“Strategic foresight,” the ability to think strategically and globally, was often mentioned. One consultant highlighted the ability to “ask strategic direction", another equated strategic thinking with "integrated leadership." It was also emphasized that strategic thinking also involves the ability to realize a vision or dream (one respondent called this quality “executive savvy”; another called it “a high standard of work”). One HR specialist recalled that strategic thinking is a relatively new requirement for senior managers, and another confirmed that interest in this quality has flared up relatively recently: in the last decade, in 2000-2010.
  3. Technical and technological skills. The third most sought-after quality for senior executives is technical skills, especially thorough knowledge of their specific area of ​​expertise - such as legal, finance or IT. In particular, respondents highlighted technical and technological literacy. “A top manager needs to understand the role technology plays in their organization and how to use it,” one specialist said. Others insisted on financial knowledge and skills that were “industry specific.” Contrary to popular belief, the importance of many technical skills is not declining, but rather increasing.
  4. Ability to build relationships and create a team. Many consultants look for qualities in applicants that contribute to organizing an ideal team: the ability to not only gather, but also lead people so that the team works harmoniously. “A world-class leader must assemble a team of exceptional leadership qualities and lead it further. No one wins alone,” warned one of the respondents, while another added that a modern leader should “focus not on his own interests, but on the development of the team.” “Bosses are no longer sitting in offices,” said one consultant; they must become “team-oriented, constantly multitasking, leading without rank or credentials, handling pressure, making sure subordinates don’t burn out, all while a big smile on the face, in a common office open to everyone.” Another respondent described the modern company as a whole as a well-coordinated team, and main responsibility called the manager “to lead and develop its team, starting from senior management and ending with the rank and file.”
  5. Ability to present yourself and communicate. All experts agreed that the ideal leader must have the gift of persuasion and the ability to present himself and his ideas: “the intellectual ability to communicate with the widest range of stakeholders,” as one of my interlocutors put it. The task is not easy, because now there are many more interested people than before. Convincing a variety of audiences, both informed and uninformed, inside and outside the company, friendly and skeptical, requires considerable flexibility of mind and style. Some experts said the best applicant should be willing to serve on a board of directors, while others emphasized the ability to “influence business development and front-end operations” or add “value to the organization” itself. Senior managers must also maintain good relationships outside the company. “The ability to present yourself has become the key to success,” says one of the respondents, “and in the future its importance will only increase, as life big business interested in both the media and government bodies, and employees, and shareholders, and legislators." There was also a warning that leaders will have to “perform in front of a stubborn audience.” Finally, senior managers must be sensitive to new information and be able to analyze it.
  6. Change management. There is increasing demand for the ability to manage change, a quality that until recently was not recognized or valued as such. HR professionals noted that they are increasingly being tasked with finding a candidate who would be an “engine for change,” who could implement “transformation or reform,” and who would unite the team for “decisive change.” One thoughtful consultant said that “change management,” as applied to this role, usually refers not so much to the willingness to undertake sweeping, company-wide transformations, but rather to the ability to constantly live in a state of flux and transition. “A leader must be an agent of change,” he explained. - He must be committed to continuous improvements, constant networking, establishing processes and systems, improving commercial relations, increasing market share, developing leadership.” Another consultant suggested that a company looking for a change maker often prefers an outsider because he or she will “bring new skills and a new perspective that will create significant positive change and growth.”
  7. Honesty. Of course, honesty is not a special skill, but the reputation of a person who always follows ethical standards is valued very, very highly, according to the experts we interviewed. One even said that what was required was “ethics beyond question.” Another recalled that there was no emphasis on this before, but now the issue of reputation has come to the fore”: “Personal integrity, respect for ethical standards... became much more important because information began to spread much faster.” Another comment: “Organizations test the “suitability” of candidates for leadership positions from the point of view of investors, legislators and government agencies.”

We also asked recruiters what they think has changed in this range of executive skills and what changes they foresee. In the responses, a global approach and experience of international work came to the fore. Another interesting observation: the cult of stars is a thing of the past. Now it is more important to be a team player, to play with others - and over time this will be given more and more importance. Team skills and change management tied for second place among leadership qualities valued today but neglected a decade ago. One consultant illustrated his point with a real-life example: “I was recently tasked with selecting a manager for a branch international company. The previous one was fired because he was considered too authoritarian and did not provide his team with opportunities to grow. Managers complained to management and a replacement was decided.”

Many consultants say that technical skills, once sought after in the first place, are still important, but have become just a starting requirement that has become standard: as the arsenal of skills required by a manager has expanded, the scope of mandatory requirements and wishes has expanded accordingly. But a manager who neglects technical knowledge hardly has a chance to get ahead: in a rapidly changing global economy, outdated information leads to incorrect strategic decisions and a waste of resources.

What skills do you think are important for leaders now and what skills will they need in 2020? How are you preparing to be in ten years' time? the best candidate for a leadership position?


In search of answers to these questions, we interviewed several dozen employees from the world's five largest recruiting agencies. 57% of the group were men and 43% women. They were involved in various market sectors, including: industrial (28%), finance (19%), consumer goods (13%), technology (11%), corporate governance(6%), organizational practices (6%), education and social programs(4%), biology and medicine (4%). These consultants worked in 19 countries in all regions of the world, including North America (34%), Europe (28%), Asia (26% including India), Australia and New Zealand (6%), Africa (4% ) and in South America (2%).