Popularity of the veterinary profession. Who is a veterinarian? Veterinarian secrets he won't share with you

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The history of the veterinary profession goes back a long way. Since ancient times, the first animal healers appeared in nomadic tribes and pastoral communities, using various herbal mixtures and tinctures for treatment. Over time, the list of medicinal plants expanded, and ancient world Schools began to appear teaching the knowledge and art of healing animals. Currently, there are many branches of veterinary medicine (even such exotic ones as ichthyopathology - treatment of fish), which indicates successful development this industry today. A veterinarian is a specialist involved in the treatment and prevention of animal health. In addition to practicing medicine, a veterinarian may be involved in quality control of products of animal origin that go on sale. Specialists in the fight against diseases that affect both animals and humans regularly carry out sanitary examinations of products and raw materials of the agricultural sector. At the same time, veterinary services are studying the causative agents of various infections and are searching for new preventive agents for diseases in livestock farming.

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The profession of a veterinarian is associated with a love for animals; such qualities as responsibility, observation, accuracy, determination, broad knowledge of animal behavior and its connection with the symptoms of a particular disease are important in it. Features of the work of a veterinarian are increased requirements for a high level of medical education and the ability to “understand” animals, which, in combination, helps fight animal diseases much more effectively. Advantages of the profession: variety of activities, social significance of the profession. Limitations of the profession: working conditions, increased responsibility for the life and health of animals.

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The profession of a veterinarian belongs to the “Man - Nature” type, aimed at studying, interacting and helping animals, preventing and treating their diseases. This profession requires a high level of development of observation, attentiveness, physical endurance, inclination and interest in working with wildlife. The profession of a veterinarian belongs to the “heuristic” class, is associated with analysis, research and testing, requires high erudition, originality of thinking, a desire for development and constant learning.

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A veterinarian deals with the treatment and prevention of diseases of domestic, farm and commercial animals, and animals in various entertainment establishments. He carries out preventive vaccinations for animals, identifies and treats sick animals, and conducts outpatient visits. If the disease is not contagious, the doctor takes measures to identify the causes of the disease, seeks to change the diet, eliminate shortcomings in the maintenance of animals, and improve their places of residence. In the event of the occurrence of contagious diseases, he establishes a strict regime that excludes contact of sick animals with healthy ones. Can carry out sanitary and epidemiological functions, engage in control food products and so on. The work of a veterinarian includes: Identification and treatment of diseases in animals; Carrying out preventive vaccinations; Prevention and treatment of infectious diseases; Carrying out surgical operations, including cosmetic ones; Veterinary and sanitary control during the production and sale of livestock products, etc.

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To successfully master the profession of a veterinarian, basic knowledge of biology, chemistry, and natural history is required. A qualified veterinarian must know: the basics of biology, chemistry, zoology; basics of veterinary medicine; methods and methods of interaction with animals; sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations; basics of medicine, pharmacology, etc. A qualified veterinarian must be able to: take tests, medical samples, process the results; perform operations, surgical interventions, organize and monitor the recovery process; carry out complex therapy in the treatment of diseases; administer vaccinations and perform other medical functions.

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For the profession of a veterinarian, such qualities as absolute and boundless love for animals, the desire to work with objects of wildlife, physical endurance, courage, high reaction speed, responsibility, etc. are important. To successfully work as a veterinarian, you must have the following professionally important qualities: a penchant for working with natural objects, emotional stability, developed logical abilities, the ability to concentrate, a penchant for service work, activity and physical mobility, physical endurance

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A veterinarian can work either independently or in a team that may consist of several specialists. Most often, representatives of this profession work indoors. It can be medical centers, laboratories. Although work also happens in the open air, especially when treating animals in agriculture and in the wild. The work takes place mainly while standing, using special tools, tools and medications. As a rule, this is a mobile activity associated with a large number of movements and manipulations, which can also be full of travel and communication (home visits, work with remote objects). A veterinarian is quite independent in his activities. He makes his own decisions within the framework of the assigned tasks, acts within the limits of medical requirements and legal norms

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Medical restrictions for a veterinarian: diseases of the musculoskeletal system; nervous system; of cardio-vascular system; organs of hearing and vision; mental disorders; allergic diseases. In the presence of these diseases, work in the veterinary profession can lead to deterioration of health, as well as create insurmountable obstacles to mastering and growth within this profession.

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Basic knowledge of the veterinary profession can be obtained in secondary and higher education institutions. vocational education. However, employers prefer specialists with higher education.

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People who love animals, know how to treat them, and have a predisposition to medicine and natural sciences go into the profession of veterinarian. Like any other medical field, the profession of a veterinarian requires a large investment of time and effort to master it. Therefore, people thinking about choosing this profession (especially if it is not the first) should carefully evaluate their choice and readiness for this kind of work. The following graduate veterinarians with higher education are trained in Moscow: educational institutions: Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology (MGAVMiB named after K.I. Scriabin); Moscow State University applied biotechnology (MGUPB), etc.

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Possible ways to develop a veterinarian: Specialization and development of related areas. Representatives of this profession may specialize in the treatment of various types animals, deal with both domestic and farm animals, develop in the field of inspection, etc. A person with the profession of a veterinarian can master related specializations, such as: sanitary doctor, zoologist, fur farmer, etc. Scientific path of development. In this case, the veterinarian can deal research activities, can write master's and doctoral dissertations, cover new problem in the scientific world of veterinary medicine, to devote his life to scientific achievements.

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Profession - veterinarian Presentation prepared by Educator: Pryakhina E.Yu. OGKOU Cherntsy boarding school of the VIII type Career guidance lesson

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Who understands the animal world better? -Veterinarian - they will answer you willingly. Animals are a generous gift from God, a veterinarian guards it through his labors. He keeps this gift from all misfortunes, He finds his happiness in his work. Their work has become irreplaceable for the village, Veterinarian is a good profession. He devotes all his heart to the cause, Do your good, veterinarian! And gratitude is knocking on your door - May veterinarians live long in the world...

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Purpose of the profession "Veterinarian" (veterinarian): health protection and treatment of domestic and farm animals. Who is a veterinarian? A veterinarian is a person involved in the treatment of animals (veterinary medicine) and related duties.

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Once upon a time, people not only looked for friends in animals, but also depended on them in many ways.

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The word "veterinarian" from Latin means "healing livestock." Veterinarian is one of the most ancient professions on Earth. People began to heal animals since their domestication. In ancient states they understood how necessary the profession of a veterinarian was, and they greatly valued such people. In Ancient Egypt there was educational institution, called the House of Life. History of the profession

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In ancient Greece there were horse doctors. They were called hippiaters. In India, the profession of a veterinarian was very honorable. Here the priests treated animals. They have long treated cattle in Rus'. The first written mention of horse doctors can be read in Novgorod scribe books of the 15th century. History of the profession

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A veterinarian provides medical and preventive care to animals, monitors the sanitary condition of the animals’ places of residence; carries out inspection of animals and examination of meat and milk, organizes and disinfects farms and premises for storing and processing products. Contents of the activity

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After graduating from an educational institution, any veterinarian chooses a specific specialization, treating a specific group of animals.

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Treating animals is sometimes much more difficult than treating people. But the reward is priceless... a cat licking a hand with gratitude, the joyful faces of the owners of a rescued parrot.

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Qualities important for a veterinarian Love for animals Four-legged patients feel this love very well, so they agree to endure the most painful procedure from one doctor, while another will not even allow them to examine themselves. A veterinarian's talent, like any other, is a gift from above.

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Qualities important for a veterinarian Patience Hard work Decisiveness Resourcefulness Execution Discipline Perseverance Responsibility Physical strength Endurance Courage Memory span Logical thinking Stress resistance

The profession of a veterinarian is a profession that is chosen not based on prestige, career experience and high income in the future, but it is a profession that is chosen to one’s liking. A person must consciously choose this type of activity, and he simply must love animals madly. Love for animals and the desire to help them free of charge is the main quality of a veterinarian, which is the leading one when choosing this profession.

It is worth emphasizing right away that a person who decides to devote his life to rescuing and treating animals must have a number of qualities:

– the most important thing, as mentioned above, is love for animals, without the presence of this love you should not choose this profession;

– have patience, since animals cannot, like humans, explain what hurts them, talk about the symptoms of the disease and guess what kind of disease they have;

– lack of fear, all animals get sick, regardless of their size appearance;

– have composure and fortitude, since you will have to work with various animals, diseases, injuries, which are very unpleasant and can cause disgust.

Students who have chosen the profession of a veterinarian as their companion in life should be prepared that they will have to study almost as much as doctors, they will not have any concessions or a shortened course of study. As a rule, the duration of the educational process is five years, accompanied by mandatory practical exercises. Very great importance in the learning process is given to the anatomical and pharmaceutical areas in order to know who can be treated and with what. Because for different types Animals require different drug treatments and different diagnostic methods.

The advantages of working as a veterinarian include:

1) If a person has chosen the profession of a veterinarian, it means that he loves animals very much and is ready to spend a lot of time with them. Therefore this happy man who enjoys his work because he has made a conscious choice.

2) Now it has become quite fashionable and relevant to keep pets at home. If previously the presence of animals was considered mandatory only in rural areas, now almost every second city resident keeps a pet at home, and they are not always everyone’s favorite cats, dogs, parrots and fish. Wealthier people with financial resources began to give preference to more exotic pets, these could be ferrets, rabbits and even larger wild animals. That is why the work of a veterinarian is now very, very in demand. We have many private pet clinics and hotels that meet high European standards, where they will be happy to welcome a good specialist in this field. Therefore, we can definitely say that this profession is in great demand.

3) The profession of a veterinarian is well paid today. Even beginning specialists and students who have just graduated from educational institutions and who have absolutely no work experience are hired. Private clinics are ready to sponsor young specialists who are capable of becoming brilliant animal doctors in the near future.

4) Quite comfortable working conditions. Modern veterinary clinics are equipped with the latest technology, they have everything necessary equipment, medications.

5) Acceptable work schedule. As a rule, veterinary stores and clinics are open on weekdays. Of course, there are times when you have to work overtime, but this is the profession of a doctor and it doesn’t matter whether he treats people or animals. Typically all overtime hours worked are well paid.

6) Lack of competition in this area. Every year, several times fewer veterinarians graduate than doctors. Not everyone is able to devote their entire life to saving animals. Therefore, there is quite a large choice for a future place of work without fear that it will be difficult to pass the competitive selection.

(profession veterinarian photo)

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Disadvantages of being a veterinarian:

1) Almost complete lack of career growth. You will be lucky if the specialist gets a job in a large veterinary institution, where he can grow from a novice doctor to the head doctor of the department. As a rule, working as a veterinarian does not initially imply career advancement.

2) You have to work with completely different animals; today it could be cats and dogs, and tomorrow it could be lizards and parrots. You need to know the specifics of treating each type of animal, what can and cannot be used to treat them. Have excellent anatomical knowledge.

3) You have to constantly develop yourself, since you need to be aware of absolutely all new medications that help some animals and are contraindicated for others. Therefore, it is necessary to study the composition, side effects, dosage and method of administration. Be careful, since a number of drugs periodically become prohibited, and newer and more effective drugs are released to replace them.

4) Animals cannot explain what hurts them. But owners are not always particularly observant and cannot clearly list the symptoms of their pet’s illness. On the contrary, most often with their observations, they can provide unreliable information that initially directs the doctor in the other direction. That is why, when choosing a treatment method, a veterinarian should rely only on personal knowledge and practical skills in order to determine the severity of the disease and prescribe a further course of treatment, or send for the necessary tests.

5) Unfortunately, not all animals can be saved. Some of them die. This always makes the owners very upset. Therefore, cold endurance and nerves of steel are a mandatory factor in the veterinarian profession. For particularly anxious, sensitive people, this profession can negatively affect their overall emotional well-being.

The essence of the veterinarian profession is that it is suitable only for people who sincerely love animals, whose goal is not to get rich and gain financial independence, but to provide assistance and save absolutely everyone, both domestic and wild animals.

In addition, it requires fortitude, composure, lack of disgust and simply a desire to work. Of course, veterinarians do not take the Hippocratic oath, but this should not affect the quality of their work. Only a person with the above qualities can become a truly good professional in this field.

Want to learn even more about being a veterinarian? Profession veterinarian video:

A veterinarian deals with the treatment and prevention of animal diseases. To cope with your professional responsibilities, you will need not only special knowledge and skills, but also certain human qualities.

Features of the profession

Good veterinarian required if problems arise with the health of pets, recommendations on proper care, various procedures, and much more are needed. His work is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Examination of patients can be carried out in different conditions, often talking about health risks. The best veterinarian must work competently with many species of animals within his specialty. It can be:
  • pets - parrots, cats, dogs, rodents;
  • agricultural – goats, cows, rabbits, pigs;
  • exotic - reptiles, ferrets and others.
Each type has its own characteristics in care, diseases and methods of treating them, which the doctor should be well aware of. Vet clinic has employees specializing in a specific area of ​​activity:
  • laboratory assistant;
  • orthopedist;
  • surgeon;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • other.
The critical stage is training. You will have to graduate from a higher education institution in the relevant specialty – veterinary medicine. The university program is designed so that students receive all the required information regarding the physiology and anatomy of various animal species. In the future, during practice directly in the clinic, it will be possible to improve skills in a certain direction. The training will take five years. After receiving your diploma you have to start professional activity from the very beginning, working as an orderly or nurse. This stage is very important because it allows you to gain invaluable experience and knowledge that will be very useful in the future.

Advantages and disadvantages

This work has its advantages. They will be appreciated by everyone who loves animals, since for this category of people working with pets and helping them will only be a joy. The disadvantages include the risks associated with working with animals. In addition, it is often necessary to do not very pleasant work.

Key qualities of a great veterinarian

The work presented is quite dangerous, therefore it requires from a person, in addition to skills, also courage and determination. You can name a list of basic requirements, the observance of which will allow you to cope with the assigned tasks perfectly:
  • dexterity;
  • sufficient physical strength;
  • observation;
  • determination;
  • confidence;
  • good memory;
  • developed intelligence;
  • emotional stability;
  • the ability to think logically;
  • communication skills;
  • goodwill.
This list needs to be supplemented with one of the most significant moments - love for our little brothers. Every good veterinarian must have so much important quality. The ability to listen, observation, and empathy will also be very useful. Modern veterinary medicine is developing rapidly. This is reflected in the emergence of new treatment methods and medications. For this reason, doctors need not to rest on the achieved result, but to constantly improve. To do this, you will need to attend courses on various topics, improve your professional qualifications. An important personal quality is the desire to improve and raise the level of professionalism. The best veterinarian is an experienced specialist who is attentive to his work, has deep professional knowledge, extensive practical skills, has such personal qualities as love for smaller brothers, compassion, responsibility, accuracy. Such a specialist will always be in demand.


Since ancient times, man has begun to domesticate wild animals. It was difficult work, requiring constant care and attention. People who knew how to recognize and treat diseases in domestic animals were valued and respected. Currently, there is a special science - veterinary medicine, which deals with animal diseases. And specialists working in this field are, accordingly, called veterinarians.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Veterinarian are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities graduate a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Veterinarians.

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Description of activity

The activities of a veterinarian include both treatment and prevention of animal diseases, medical and cosmetic procedures, as well as veterinary and sanitary control. The work of a veterinarian can take place in providing consultations in clinics or laboratories, and outside the premises when traveling to the farm. In the process of work, the specialist uses medical instruments, medications and chemical reagents.


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Uniqueness of the profession

Rare profession

Representatives of the profession Veterinarian really rare these days. Not everyone decides to become Veterinarian. There is a high demand among employers for specialists in this field, so the profession Veterinarian has the right to be called a rare profession.

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What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession Veterinarian You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work Veterinarian(related or similar specialty). Secondary vocational education is not enough to become Veterinarian.

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Job responsibilities

The main responsibility of a veterinarian is to treat animals. However, depending on his place of work, daily responsibilities may differ. For example, a specialist working in a veterinary clinic receives clients, advises them, examines animals, performs the required medical operations, prescribes treatment and cares for animals in the clinic's hospital.
Veterinarians working on farms, livestock and poultry factories carry out routine examinations and preventive measures to prevent diseases and deaths of animals (birds). If a veterinarian diagnoses any disease or injury in an animal, he investigates the cause of its occurrence and develops treatment methods. The responsibilities of this specialist also include carrying out veterinary and sanitary measures, that is, observing the rules for keeping, feeding and caring for animals and birds, as well as monitoring the disinfection.

Type of labor

Mainly mental work

Profession Veterinarian- This is a profession predominantly of mental work, which is largely associated with the reception and processing of information. In progress Veterinarian the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But at the same time, physical work is not excluded.

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Features of career growth

Now many are going to study to become a veterinarian, since the profession is in great demand. An aspiring veterinarian can begin his career as an administrator in a veterinary clinic or as a veterinary consultant. Career this specialist manifests itself in expanding the range of responsibilities and increasing wages. If a specialist in this field of activity has a commercial streak, then he can open his own business within the framework of his competence. This could be a veterinary clinic, a veterinary drug store, a private zoo or a pet store.

Career Opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, Veterinarians have minimal career opportunities. It doesn’t depend at all on the person himself, it’s just a profession Veterinarian does not have a career path.

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