How to determine the direction of your career. Moscow State University of Printing. Types of business career

A person’s attitude towards his future is connected with work, and for someone who wants to navigate the whirlpool of life, and not go with the flow, it is necessary to have individual career planning, a conscious perception of the future, setting guidelines, or at least a vision of the desired future and its possible paths achievements when moving up the career ladder. A career is not a continuous movement only up hierarchical levels. You can, for example, be the founder of your own company, but not occupy a top management position in it, or you can make a career as a manager without reaching the top of the hierarchical ladder. A manager's career is a sequence of positions held. An example of such a career is shown in Fig. 6.1.

Every manager's career is unique and is not always planned for the long term. It is important to “get on the right horse.” However, career planning is necessary. The specificity of a modern organization is its interest in your successes as a decisive factor in its own, and therefore its management plans your career together with you or even for you. But even in this case, individual career planning remains relevant.

There are three career paths:

1) professional;

Rice. 6.1 Manager career

2) intra-organizational;

3) organizational.

The first direction concerns professional development and activity and is characterized by stages of training, hiring, professional growth, advanced training, which an employee can go through in different organizations, each time remaining true to his profession, for example, an accountant or engineer.

The second direction is implemented within one organization vertically or horizontally. Vertical promotion is most often identified with the concept of career because it is more obvious. Horizontal movement means rotation. A career in this case means that the status of the organization itself changes, and the scope of authority within the occupied position expands.

There is a special, centripetal progression within the organization. This career means access to per-

to the top persons of the organization, movement to the top of power. For example, the boss invites you to previously inaccessible meetings or meetings, including those of an informal nature, and allows you access to informal sources of information, and therefore power. In this case, we are talking about an informal career, which subsequently, if both parties wish, can be transformed into vertical advancement.

The third direction means career advancement by changing jobs or moving to another organization. It is the opposite of the lifetime employment career planning that is common in Japan. This direction is typical for transition economies and economic crisis, but only for self-confident managers without ownership.

In all cases, individual career planning means developing one’s own actions to achieve individually conscious professional and work positions, as well as behavior aimed at achieving them. If a manager has a career plan that is not limited to one organization and self-confidence, then this reduces the fear of job cuts and the fear of being fired.

To successfully plan a career, you must rely mainly on your own strength, knowledge and self-control. In this case, studying and independent work become a kind of “rowing against the tide.” Planning means choosing the current to row against. In economically difficult times, it is not easy to make such a choice also because in the organization where you work, there may be no “currents”, but only “seething waters” or even stagnation. In this case, it is necessary to use similar situations that have developed in other organizations.

A. Dmitriev, after receiving qualifications as a mechanical engineer for automation of production processes, was assigned to the position of engineer in the measuring equipment department of a building materials enterprise. A year later he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army. Having served, A. Dmitriev returned to engineering work in 1973, but already in the department of the chief designer of the same enterprise, for a number of years he held engineering positions and in 1976 became a power engineer in a brick production workshop, i.e. has entered


into the workshop management apparatus almost at the level of the deputy workshop manager for energy resources. It should be noted that the workshop is a division that already has its own organizational structure and includes four levels of management: worker - foreman - section manager - workshop manager. The next level for the workshop energy engineer is the chief power engineer plant Dmitriev was appointed to this position only after five years of work in the shop management level. These years turned out to be the foundation for his subsequent career as a manager.

In our example, we consider the promotion of a functional manager through the management levels up to the chief engineer ( technical director), who manages the main organizational and technical specialists, for example, chief power engineer, chief mechanic, chief technologist, metallurgist, surveyor, depending on the profile of the enterprise.

A Dmitriev began fulfilling the duties of chief engineer in 1981, and 3 years later he was appointed director of one of the branches of the arbitrary association. Since then, his career has been connected, firstly, only with the highest levels of enterprise management, and secondly, he entered the age that, according to psychologists, is considered the most favorable for creative activity - 35-45 years (Figure 6 2)


The concept of “career planning” includes determining the path of individual professional development. A career is understood, first of all, as an employee’s advancement up the career ladder; it is a part of his life associated with production, economic or professional activity A career gives a person motives, goals, develops abilities, expectations that can be realized. For each person, a successful career is understood in its own way, i.e. is subjective in nature Career planning means a preliminary understanding of the positions occupied in the future and the requirements for them. It is part of the systemic development of personnel. Hence the career itself is systemic in nature

Career as a system. If an enterprise systematically plans employees' careers, this means


Fig 6 2 Career of General Director i

that modern principles of personally oriented personnel policy are used there Modern structure career as a production system includes six main positions:

1 "Space of movement" It's about opportunity
careers from the enterprise by “supplying” positions and
their occupation, which depends on organizational structures, staffing
schedules and forms of the career itself or, in sports terms
com, "treadmills".

2 Reasons and reasons for movements We're talking about
the possibility of occupying vacancies, the occurrence of vacancies themselves,

appearing when positions are vacated, as well as when a certain environment is created around positions that are still occupied. There are many reasons why vacancies arise, for example, the creation of a position for a specific person who needs to be relieved of his current position.

3. Directions of movement. There are three directions:
vertical, horizontal (rotation) and horizontal, but in
promising project team.

4. Movement profiles. They occur in cases of stability
of the position occupied and are typical for large enterprises
ties with a stable hierarchy and quite numerous states
generative (homogeneous) positions. Career here
depends only on the position on the hierarchical ladder, i.e. this is wa
Vertical movement option, but maintaining the profile
responsibilities. This is not possible in small businesses.

5. Moving frequency And speed of progress. Speech
is about a professional career, for example from an economist to
chief economist. It is determined by the residence time
employees in their positions and depends primarily on
barriers that exist between the level of the hierarchy, as well as
depends on the functional distinctions between adjacent areas
these works.

6. Activity level enterprises when resolving issues
employee careers. Involves holding events with
with the goal of activating all the main characteristics of a career as one
Noah from employee development systems. This position depends on the right
new regulation, the size of the enterprise and its dynamics

One approach to systematizing potential career moves is the so-called “personal resource portfolio,” developed using criteria for performance and development potential based on a survey of 55 managers at various career phases. Based on these criteria, four types of employees are distinguished (Table 6.1).


Table 6 1 Human Resources Portfolio (HRP"

Guiding forces should occupy positions in which they have sufficient chances for success and freedom of action.

"People who like to ask questions" contribute to the development and identification of organizational problems.

Performers of work are valuable because they see prospects for the development of at least their position and can contribute to success.

As for the so-called "fellow travelers" then they work ineffectively, but with a permissive leadership style in a bureaucratic organization they are able to masquerade as effective performers, imitating busyness and high performance. If an organization reaches a critical mass of “fellow travelers,” personal conflicts begin within it and questions about work disappear, because there is no work itself.

Using the Human Resources Portfolio as a guide, employees can understand their place in the organization and understand the reasons for their career situation. A move can occur as a result of a person’s own decision, however, if the position in the organization regarding such a decision is negative, then he, having sufficient activity, looks for ways to realize career goals in another enterprise or directs his energy to changing his position at this enterprise. If an employee has reached the heights of his own potential in career matters, then he directs energy to non-productive goals, to searching for a situation in which the remaining development potential can be used.

A number of career researchers include another variable in the HRP concept - “position mobility”. This refers to the use of the potential of an oriented direction, for example, when there is a need for a managerial career. In this case, individual measures are developed to analyze the situation and improve the employee’s abilities.


Career planning goals. The career system is always task-oriented.

Production goals. IN general view strategically, such goals are designated due to the fact that with the help of career planning, business and economic optimization of the enterprise is explored. Business optimization can be driven by career decisions that achieve the ideal balance between job requirements and employee qualifications. If for one vacant place If several candidates apply, then when choosing one of them you should be guided by production goals, which may conflict with the individual goals of other employees.

Solving employee career problems also includes economic optimization. Optimal matching of job requirements and employee qualifications makes it possible to better use the individual’s potential and contributes to the economic growth of the enterprise. It is clear that career planning contributes to productivity, motivation of employees and improves their personal development.

Individual goals. They are the basis of interconnected individual goals and determine the ways of their implementation. Here are ten possible career-oriented individual goals (Fig. 6.3).

An interesting structure of career motives was obtained as a result of a survey of 2,500 managers of Western companies who answered the question: “What could prompt you to change your current position?” The survey results were as follows:

higher income (42%);

greater competence and influence (38%);

greater independence (31%);

activities without instructions from above (26%);

better development opportunities (23%);

greater workplace safety (11%).

Age plays an important role in the structure of career motives. Research shows that approximately half of mature managers consider their career or professional aspirations to be vital. Among the young


Only 23% of management personnel share this point of view.

Suggestions of possible career paths (forms of “treadmills”). The possibility of a career is determined, firstly, by the hierarchical structure of the enterprise and, secondly, by the economic state of the enterprise. Career incentives can be:

delegation of competence and responsibility to lower levels, formation of autonomous working groups;

use of rotation;

enterprise restructuring; 1 active work with the personnel reserve;

using the practice of understudy managers;

creation of project groups;

career "without a managerial position."

Career planning process. The optimal option for the career planning process is full compliance of production goals with individual goals, when an employee manages to occupy one of the positions in the production hierarchy in accordance with


correspondence with the structure of its capabilities, and the enterprise creates the necessary conditions for their implementation.

If individual career needs and its production system do not coincide, then negative consequences may occur for both parties, expressed in the fact that career-supporting personal potential is not realized in the best way in work results. Then “questioners” (see Figure 6.2) and “difficult employees” (Figure 6.4) arise. A compromise in this case may be competition between employees in the process of group work, the effectiveness of which depends on interpersonal relationships that acquire the nature of conflicts.

Rice. 6.4."Portfolio" of personality resources

Negative consequences can be prevented or reduced if the goals of employees and the enterprise are identified, aligned with each other and only then planned activities taking into account production requirements and individual goals. To do this, it is proposed to carry out certain actions that create a career plan from the integrated components of personnel planning (personnel plan) (Fig. 6.5).


The collaboration process is not limited to the formulation of goals and their agreement. It also includes responsibility for the activities of the plan, and also involves joint activities aimed at achieving common goals. The positions they occupy and the time they work in them have a huge impact on the development of personnel.

When planning individual careers, the planning horizon is determined, which is necessary due to the dynamics of career requirements for positions, functional areas and management levels.

Successful career planning is ensured by:

principle of performance;

careful analysis of chances for promotion;

planning for no more than one or two levels of the production hierarchy and for a short period of time - two to three years;

accessible, open mechanisms for filling vacant positions;

knowledge of the “portfolio” of personal resources (see Fig. 6.4).

Thus, career plans are complex entities, so there may be multiple paths to advance toward each planned position. An enterprise, represented by, for example, the head of the personnel department, develops “for hundreds of


mine" several alternative ways of its promotion. At VTO "Polesie" (Pinsk) there is a practice of interviewing promising young management personnel to clarify personal strategic and tactical goals: we are talking about determining the "ceiling" of a career, managerial abilities, and career for the coming years.

When simultaneously planning several careers for a number of positions, the method of paired comparisons and tabular analysis of decisions can be used.

Often when planning a career, the so-called “senior” principle is used, when age, experience, length of service at a given enterprise, parents, and marital status are taken into account. This principle finds application mainly in highly bureaucratic institutions, where achieving production goals is possible only if this principle does not contradict the qualifications of the employees for whom a career is planned. The “Signora” principle is adhered to by employees who are focused on safe work(see Fig. 6.4).

An employee career plan has a positive impact on the success of the enterprise only if the following requirements are met: its compilation:

objective assessment of compliance with the qualifications of the position;

compliance of planned positions with personal development goals;

continuity of planning taking into account changed circumstances;

the relationship between the phases of career and life path (Table 6.2).

Often, employees' careers are planned by their managers. In this case, we are talking about the introduction of systematic and regular career planning within the framework of the developed centralized concept of personnel development and a corporate style of working with them (Fig. 6.6).

Individual career planning. It is part of:

Personal planning, which in addition to career includes relationships with friends, family, financial situation, work activity;


Table 6 2.Relationship between career phases and life path

Age phases of career Life path
Labor activity Social sphere(family, friends, etc) Biopsychological sphere
Early (17-30) Choice of profession, education; taking office, understanding the path Youth, family, friends Development of lifestyle, development of professional orientation
From rsday (30-45) Comprehensive orientation; high impact, regular results Growing children; responsibility for parents, family; new friends Awareness of the differences between dreams and reality, search for compromises
Chrslaja (45-60) Regular performance; livelihood crisis Death of friends; public concerns Understanding the path

Rice. 6.6 Career planning in the personnel management solution system


Self-management, including self-motivation, sa
self-control, self-organization;

Business communication;

Personal work techniques, leadership style;

Goals for your own development.

All these aspects overlap each other, closely interact and therefore cannot be isolated (6.7).

A potential leader strives to manage himself, to be his own manager, authority, and psychologist. He is focused on setting and achieving personal goals, cares about his own development, and therefore his career.

A person, as an object of planning his own career, must know his strengths and weaknesses, as well as the pros and cons of that external environment, in which it operates (Fig. 6.8).


The well-known statement that a person creates circumstances, and circumstances create a person, is directly related to career planning. The role of such circumstances are specific situations that determine the actions of a person.

Note that in the middle of a career (40-50 years) specific problems arise:

the structure of motivational factors changes sharply, the stage of “fermentation” begins;

a person sees the beginning of a narrowing of his own capabilities;

the number of family concerns increases.

In this regard, we will limit ourselves to considering the beginning of a manager’s career.

Rice. 6.8 Career planning model

Most typical situations, which determine the conditions for starting a career, are determined by the following four groups of factors:

1. Characteristics of employees, acquaintances:

the level of education;


attitude towards risk, success, business;

level of intelligence, competence.


2. Features set before oneself or predpi
tasks carried out by others, expressed in:

the degree of their specification and structuring; planned or spontaneous nature; character (creative or routine); novelty and deadlines.

3. Organizational conditions:

the type of organizational structure and size of the enterprise where a person begins his career;

the state of formal and especially informal communications;

degree of expression and form of control;

principles of delegation of authority;

form style management;

state of survival and success in the market.

4. Environmental conditions:

a situation of material surplus or shortage;

unemployment rate, features of labor markets, jobs;

degree of social protection;

political system;

monarchy, democratization or dictatorship;

personnel policy;

dominant values ​​in society, pluralism or the predominance of one ideology.

Of particular importance is the form of ownership, the presence or absence of start-up capital, work experience and education. Depending on these factors, as well as on your desire, there are basically two personal possibilities: various plans actions.

The first of them involves a career in state-owned enterprises or in government bodies, the second - in privately owned enterprises and by creating your own business.

Each plan is a function of many variables, most of which are almost impossible to influence. A course of action becomes a plan to the extent that it includes controllable factors. Other factors that are objective


character act as limitations. For example, there is no enterprise at all. It exists specifically for each employee, partner, and client.

The best way to become an entrepreneur is to start your own business. Founders of companies joint stock companies or brokerage houses, by the very fact of their founding, they took the first step in planning a manager’s career. Every entrepreneur can be considered a manager if he manages his organization. When it gets bigger, the entrepreneur hires managers. Some entrepreneurs may not have the inclination, desire or ability to perform managerial functions. Moreover, often an outstanding entrepreneur does not become successful manager. In practice, most new business ventures fail because of poor management rather than bad entrepreneurial ideas. Therefore, along with entrepreneurs-owners, there are those who did not have start-up capital, but were invited to the company to carry out coordination, control, marketing, organizing the supply of production or sales, i.e. managers. The latter can become entrepreneurs if they act decisively. The career of a manager does not contradict the career of an entrepreneur. The choice of entrepreneurial activity orientation depends not so much on property, but on the structure of a person’s business qualities, his personality.

The concept that personal business planning is independent of ownership leads to a distinction between entrepreneurs and shareholders. According to this concept, not every owner of shares is an entrepreneur-owner, much less an entrepreneur-manager. This is just a virtual entrepreneur, even if he owns ordinary shares.

Entrepreneurs-managers differ from entrepreneurs-owners in that it does not matter to them who the owner is. An enterprising economist or engineer actively seeks opportunities for success and takes intentional risks. An enterprising technologist who introduces a new technological operation is in spirit the same entrepreneur as the head of an enterprise who decides to invest capital in a risky business.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal budgetary state educational institution

higher professional education



"Basic principles for building a career"

Checked by: Completed by a student:

Savin A.V.Parsegova L.G.MO 1-3

Moscow 2015


Every person at some point begins to think seriously about his future, about his future career. Knowledge about a career, its types and models, as well as knowledge of one’s abilities, weaknesses and strengths will help any person find organizations that will provide him with:

opportunities for professional growth and improved living standards;

obtaining a higher degree of job satisfaction;

a clear picture of personal professional prospects,

targeted preparation for future professional activities;

increasing competitiveness in the labor market.

Organizations in which career is a controlled process will receive:

Motivated and loyal employees (who connect their professional business with this organization), who will increase labor productivity and reduce staff turnover;

The ability to plan the professional development of employees taking into account their personal interests;

Individual employees' career development plans as a source for identifying training needs;

A group of employees interested in professional growth, trained for promotion to leadership positions.

This problem is relevant in the modern world. Many people cannot systematize their knowledge and build a successful career. The purpose of this work is to review the basic principles of construction successful career(ways of planning, career development, etc.).

To achieve this goal, I set the following tasks:

Research the literature on this issue;

Define basic concepts;

Determine the stages, types and models of a career;

Consider how career management is carried out in a modern organization;

Draw conclusions about the importance of career management in an organization.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of a career

1 Concept and types of career

This concept has many definitions, each of which allows us to define the essence of this word in more detail.

Career - moving up the career ladder, success in life.

In the theory of personnel management:

A career is the result of a person’s conscious position and behavior in the field of work, associated with official or professional growth.

A person builds a career - the trajectory of his movement - himself; it depends on any internal characteristics and extra-organizational reality, and most importantly on his own goals, desires and attitudes. “Happy is he who has arranged his existence according to the peculiarities of his character”

Career is successful advancement in one or another area (social, official, scientific, professional) activity.

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions a person makes in his life. This is explained by two compatibility: the first is the compatibility of the individual with the nature of his work, the second is the compatibility of personal career expectations with the capabilities of the organization.

The concept of a career (as one of the types of career) can be interpreted in both a broad and narrow sense.

In a broad sense, a career is professional progress, professional growth, stages of employee advancement to the highest level of professionalism. The logical conclusion of a successful career is the employee’s high professionalism, recognized by the head of the organization. Of course, throughout a person’s career, the assessment of professionalism may vary.

In the narrow sense, a career is advancement through the ranks, achieving a special status in one’s professional field. In this case, a career is a desired upward path, consciously chosen by the employee to receive certain moral bonuses in the form of self-affirmation and enjoyment of the work he loves. “And if work does not give you pleasure, then you are working in the wrong place.” This is the main motive for moving towards a certain status (social, official, qualification).

One can also define a career from the point of view of it as a mobile movement of an employee towards an improved way of life that provides him with stability in the social flow of being. Career is the process of obtaining vital values, benefits, appreciation in society and in the workplace.

A career is a person’s professional growth, an increase in his influence, authority, status in environment, manifested in his advancement through the steps of the official, qualification, material and social ladder.

When talking about careers, one cannot fail to mention career growth. Career growth is the expansion of an employee’s powers and responsibilities, upward movement, and transition from one level of management to another.

Career growth is promoted by:

) job levels, hierarchy levels;

) steps of the qualification ladder and related categories that differentiate knowledge and skills

) status ranks that reflect the employee’s contribution to the development of the organization (rational proposals, etc.);

) levels of power as the degree of influence in the organization (participation in making important decisions, closeness to management);

) levels of material income (salary level and variety of social benefits).

The complexity of career growth is determined by many reasons, depending on the personal qualities of the individual making a career, on the sphere in which the career is formed, as well as on the specifics of the society in which the person and the organization operate.

There are several fundamental trajectories of a person’s movement within a profession or organization, which will lead to different types of careers.

Career types:

Professional career - characterized by the fact that a particular employee, in the course of his professional activity, goes through various stages of development: training, entry to work, professional growth, support of individual professional abilities, retirement. A specific employee can go through these stages sequentially in different organizations. Professional career - growth of knowledge, skills, abilities. A professional career can follow a line of deepening in one chosen at the beginning of the professional path, a line of movement or mastery of other areas of human experience, associated, rather, with the expansion of tools and areas of activity.

Intra-organizational career - covers the successive change of stages of employee development within one organization; is implemented in three main directions:

vertical - it is with this direction that the very concept of a career is often associated, i.e. in this case the progress is most noticeable. The vertical direction refers to the rise to a higher level of the structural hierarchy, job growth;

horizontal - this means either moving to another functional area of ​​activity, or performing a certain official role at a level that does not have a strict formal fixation in the organizational structure (for example, fulfilling the role of head of a temporary task force, program, etc.). A horizontal career can also include expanding or complicating tasks at the previous level (usually with an adequate change in remuneration); those. this is promotion within the organization, for example, work in different departments of the same hierarchy level;

centripetal - this direction is the least obvious, although in many cases it is very attractive for employees. A centripetal career is understood as a movement towards the core, the management of the enterprise. For example, inviting an employee to previously unavailable meetings, meetings of both a formal and informal nature, an employee gaining access to informal sources of information, confidential requests, certain important instructions from management, i.e. this is advancement to the core of the organization, the control center, and increasingly deeper inclusion in decision-making processes.

1.2 Basic methods and career stages

A career is a long process. It goes through a series of successive stages in which a person satisfies his needs. In order for a person to adequately distribute his strength over the entire period of his career, predict possible ups and downs and not be afraid of the latter, it is important to know the characteristics of the stages of its development:

The preliminary stage includes schooling, secondary and higher education and lasts up to 25 years.

During this period, a person can change several different jobs in search of an activity that satisfies his needs and meets his capabilities. If he immediately finds this type of activity, the process of self-affirmation as an individual begins, he cares about the security of his existence.

During this period, the employee masters the profession, acquires the necessary skills, his qualifications are formed, self-affirmation occurs and the need to establish independence appears. He continues to be concerned about the safety of his existence and concerns about his health. Usually at this age families are created and formed, so there is a desire to receive wages, the level of which is above the subsistence level.

Promotion stage from 30 to 45 years.

During this period, there is a process of growth in qualifications and career advancement. There is an accumulation of practical experience and skills, a growing need for self-affirmation, achieving a higher status and even greater independence, and self-expression as an individual begins. During this period, much less attention is paid to satisfying the need for safety; the employee’s efforts are focused on increasing wages and taking care of health.

Conservation stage from 45 to 60 years.

The conservation stage is characterized by actions to consolidate the achieved results. The peak of improvement of qualifications is coming and its increase occurs as a result of active work and special training; the employee is interested in passing on his knowledge to young people. This period is characterized by creativity; there may be an ascent to new career levels. A person reaches the heights of independence and self-expression. A well-deserved respect for oneself and others who have achieved their position through honest work appears. Although many of the employee’s needs are satisfied during this period, he continues to be interested in the level of remuneration, but there is an increasing interest in other sources of income (for example, participation in profits, capital of other organizations, shares, bonds).

The completion stage lasts from 60 to 65 years.

Here a person begins to seriously think about retirement and prepare to retire. During this period they go active search worthy replacement and training of the candidate for the vacant position. Although this period is characterized by a career crisis, and such people receive less satisfaction from work and experience a state of psychological and physiological discomfort, self-expression and respect for themselves and other similar people reaches the highest point for the entire period of their career. They are interested in maintaining the level of wages, but seek to increase other sources of income that would replace the wages of this organization when they retire and would be a good addition to the pension benefit.

At the last stage, the retirement stage, the career in this organization (type of activity) is completed. “We are all foremen. We build our lives in the same way as a foreman before retiring.” There is an opportunity for self-expression in other activities that were impossible while working in an organization or acted as a hobby (painting, gardening, work in public organizations, etc.). Respect for oneself and fellow retirees is stabilized. But financial position and health status during these years can make it a constant concern for other sources of income and health.

Chapter 2. Principles of career building

1 Career planning and development

Career planning is one of the important aspects of building a successful career.

It consists of determining the employee’s development goals and the paths leading to their achievement. The implementation of a career development plan involves, on the one hand, acquiring the qualifications required to occupy the desired position through professional training, internships, attending advanced training courses, that is, the professional development of the employee, and on the other hand, the consistent occupation of positions in which work experience is necessary for work in the position. As a rule, every enterprise has standard career ladders that lead to senior management positions.

Planning and management of career development requires certain additional (compared to routine professional activities) efforts from the employee and from the enterprise (if it supports this process). There are a number of benefits of planning, both for the employee himself and the business organization in which he works.

For the employee this means:

A higher degree of satisfaction from working in an entrepreneurial organization, which provides him with the opportunity for professional growth and increasing his own well-being;

A clear vision of personal professional

Opportunity to prepare for future professional activities;

Increasing competitiveness in the labor market.

The business organization receives the following benefits:

Obtaining motivated and loyal employees, which increases labor productivity and reduces staff turnover;

Individual workers' career development as an important source of identifying training needs;

Obtaining a group of employees interested in professional growth, trained, for promotion to key positions.

Awareness of these and other advantages has prompted the management of many business organizations to create systems for managing the career development of their employees. One of the most common models for managing this process has become the partnership model for career planning and development (Figure 1.)

Rice. 1. The process of planning and developing the career of an employee of a business organization

Career planning is an activity that has:

Goal: building a successful career or something similar (everyone has their own goals)

Subject in the form of an employee.

Mentor as a leader.

Consultant in the form personnel service.

Partnership involves cooperation of three parties - the employee, his manager and the personnel department.

The employee is responsible for planning and developing his own career or, in other words, is the owner of this process.

The manager acts as a mentor to the employee. His support is necessary for successful development career, since he manages resources, manages the distribution of working time, and certifies the employee.

The HR department plays the role of a professional consultant and at the same time carries out general management the process of career development in a business organization.

After hiring, human resource specialists train the new employee in the basics of career planning and development, explain the principles of partnership, the responsibilities and capabilities of the parties involved. Training has two main goals:

Get the employee interested in career development;

Give them the tools to start managing their own careers.

At the next stage of developing a career development plan, the employee determines the position(s) that he would like to occupy in the future, based on his own professional interests and methods for their implementation. At this stage, the employee needs qualified assistance from the personnel service and his own manager, first of all, to determine his own capabilities and shortcomings, as well as development methods. Some enterprises conduct special testing to determine the strengths and weaknesses of their employees, the results of which provide significant assistance in career planning. The participation of the manager in the career planning process allows not only to carry out a certain check on the reality of the employee’s career expectations, but also to involve the manager in the process of developing the career of this employee from the very beginning and thereby enlist his support.

The implementation of a career development plan depends, first of all, on the employee himself.

If the employee is:



person interested in work,



person, then he, of course, has a greater chance of building a successful career.

Work is the path to success! “Work hard! The world won't be a paradise

For those who want to live like lazy people.”

In this case, it is necessary to keep in mind not only the personal qualities of a person, but also a certain set of conditions:

Results of work in the position held. Successful performance of job responsibilities is the most important prerequisite for promotion;

Professional and individual development. The employee must not only take advantage of all available means of professional development, but also demonstrate newly acquired skills, knowledge and experience;

Effective partnership with the leader. The implementation of a career development plan largely depends on the manager, who formally or informally evaluates the employee’s performance in his position and his potential, and is the most important channel of communication between employees and the top management of the business organization, who makes decisions about promotion;

Prominent position in a business organization. To advance in the organizational hierarchy, it is necessary that the enterprise knows about the existence of the employee, his achievements and capabilities.

2 Ways to achieve a successful career

A successful career means not only big earnings, but also an opportunity to significantly increase your own self-esteem, standard of living and prestige. This is why many people strive to reach the top of the career ladder.

On the path to absolute leadership, a person who decides to achieve success at work, as in any path, will have to face many obstacles. This means that you won’t be able to quickly reach sky-high heights with your own labor. To get closer to your goals, you have to make some efforts. In addition, it is advisable to have a clear action plan (this was discussed in paragraph 2.1) in order to strictly move in the right direction.

Building a successful career involves realizing a person’s creative ambitions. But before you start conquering the career Olympus, you should really assess your capabilities. There is no need to waste energy on achieving goals that are obviously doomed to failure. But at the same time, you should not greatly underestimate your own potential. It is important to realistically assess your own abilities. A positive attitude will help you get even closer to your goal, so you need to be positive and paint your future in bright colors. A pessimistic outlook on life is not the best companion on the path to success.

You should also remember that a successful career is only possible in the field of activity that a person is truly interested in. Work that brings pleasure will quickly bring positive results.

Those who dream of achieving a high position should not forget about building relationships correctly. It is important to remember that career advancement is facilitated by people - colleagues and other persons involved in the work process. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to properly build partnership relationships and always try to make a favorable impression.

Some character traits also play an important role in building a successful career. A person striving for leadership must first of all be efficient and reliable. These qualities can replace the lack of experience in a certain field of activity. A responsible person learns quickly and most often achieves greater success than an experienced employee who is negligent in his duties.

On the way to a high position, it is important to learn how to plan your time and set priorities. You need to have a clear work-life balance. All tasks that require immediate execution should not be postponed until later. It must be remembered that work time given for productive work, after which you can indulge in pleasant rest.

Career development is not unimportant in this matter. Classification of career aging is carried out according to four indicators:

advance speed:

sequence of positions;

perspective orientation;


The predominance of one or another type of career depends on the socio-economic situation, form of ownership, industry, and characteristics of a particular position.

The diversity and complexity of the career phenomenon is reflected in the variety of its types and the variety of approaches to its typology. To classify career aging, many different grounds, signs, and criteria can be identified:

"Top" career growth employee

Climbing the career ladder when a person reaches a higher paying position. An employee reaches this position, he sets a goal for himself to remain in this position for a long time. But at the same time, he has no plans to develop and moves further up the career ladder, everything suits him. This model is very typical and used in practice in Russia.


In this case, the employee moves up the career ladder gradually and the time spent at any stage reaches no more than 5 years. The movement of this excavator begins the moment it becomes a professional in its field of work. After the “excavator” lifts the worker to the very top, the reverse process begins. This happens because the manager is getting older and younger people are ready to replace him. From a psychological point of view, this model reflects poorly on the employee. This model is used in foreign companies.


This model provides for the horizontal movement of an employee from one position to another, and this occurs until the employee has held all positions at this level. Thus, this allows the employee to study this niche more thoroughly. And only after the employee has studied the entire area where he is currently located, he is transferred to a new management level. Now it is easier for an employee to manage another level since he has studied it completely. This model is most similar to the Japanese model.


The following principle already applies here. When, after a certain period of time, an employee undergoes qualification certification. And if he confirms his qualifications, then he is promoted. This model is widespread and applicable both abroad and in our country.


Career planning is one of the important factors in building a successful career. The most important thing when building a career is to have a carefully developed plan of action to achieve career success. Any career, no matter in what area it is built, will have its own difficulties, in order to avoid these difficulties with the least possible losses, a specialist needs to know the stages of moving up the career ladder, types of careers, and take into account the specifics of his profession to model his career.

In addition to planning, a person’s personal qualities are very important: hardworking, responsible, organized, etc. a person will be able to achieve success in any field of activity.

It seems to me that a career plays an important role in the life of a modern person, and when we start to think about a career, we need to remember that a career is a complex multi-stage process that takes a lot of time and effort.

So, so that building a career is not a burden, but a joy, let’s take into account all the pitfalls that we will encounter along the way, let’s take them into account in advance before we begin to plan or build a career.

A career is a person’s subjectively realized ideas about his work future, the expected ways of self-expression and satisfaction with his work activity. This is a progressive advancement up the career ladder; changes in skills, abilities, qualifications and remuneration associated with the employee’s activities. A person's life outside of work has a significant impact on and is part of their career. Career is advancement along a chosen path of activity, in other words, it is an individually conscious position and behavior associated with work experience and activities throughout one’s working life.

“Making a career” means achieving a prestigious position in society and greater powers, higher status, power, and a high level of income. This means prestige from the point of view of a broad public opinion. There is a close connection between the concepts of “career” and “success”.

Striving for recognition and success, it is necessary to objectively assess your strengths and capabilities along this path. And the next question will not be superfluous: is the chosen goal achievable? Only sober analysis own desires and your internal potential will allow you to achieve real achievements.

Career development is a continuous process during which a person gets to know himself in order to choose his field of activity, and then specific profession. When looking for the direction of your professional career and profession, you should pay attention to three significant aspects:

    The profession should be interesting and exciting,

    The profession must correspond to the abilities

    Possibility of finding a job in this profession.

A person builds a career - the trajectory of his movement - himself, in accordance with the characteristics of internal and extra-organizational reality and, most importantly, with his own goals, desires and attitudes. We can identify several fundamental trajectories of a person’s movement within a profession or organization that will lead to different types careers.

Professional career - growth of knowledge, skills, abilities. A professional career can follow the line of specialization (deepening in one line of movement chosen at the beginning of the professional path) or transprofessionalization (mastery of other areas of human experience, associated, rather, with the expansion of tools and areas of activity).

Intra-organizational career is associated with the trajectory of a person’s movement in the organization. It can go along the line:

    Vertical career - job growth;

    Horizontal career - advancement within the organization, for example, work in different departments of the same hierarchy level;

    Centripetal career - advancement to the core of the organization, the control center, increasingly deeper inclusion in decision-making processes.

There are certain stages of a career, the classification of which is usually based on a whole complex of different characteristics: age, accumulated experience, level of personal development, etc. We can give a general description of the stages, based on the fact that at different stages of a career a person satisfies different needs (Table 8 ).

Table 8

Stages of a manager's career and needs met

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Age, years

Achievements, goals

Moral Needs

Physiological and material needs


Study, tests for different jobs

The beginning of self-affirmation

Security of existence


Mastering a job, developing skills, forming a qualified specialist or manager

Self-affirmation, the beginning of achieving independence

Security of existence, health, normal level of remuneration


Advancement up the career ladder, acquisition of new skills and experience, growth of qualifications

Growing self-affirmation, achieving greater independence, beginning self-expression

Health, high level of pay


The peak of improving the qualifications of a specialist or manager. Improving your qualifications. Youth training

Stabilization of independence, growth of self-expression, beginning of respect

Increasing wages, interest in other sources of income


Preparing for retirement. Preparing shifts for a new type of activity in retirement

Stabilization of self-expression, growth of respect

Maintaining wage levels and increasing interest in other sources of income

When meeting with a new employee, the HR manager must take into account the career stage that he is currently going through. This can help clarify the goals of professional activity, the degree of dynamism and, most importantly, the specifics of individual motivation.

Career stages are not always linked to professional development stages. A person who is at the stage of advancement may not yet be in another profession highly professional. Therefore, it is important to separate the career stage - the time period of personal development and the professional development phase - periods of mastery of activity.

In accordance with the phases of development of a professional, there are:

    Optant (option phase). A person is concerned about choosing or being forced to change a profession and makes this choice. There cannot be exact chronological boundaries here, as in relation to other phases, since age characteristics are set not only by physiological, but also by multidimensional cultural conditions;

    Adept (adept phase). This is a person who has already taken the path of commitment to the profession and is mastering it. Depending on the profession, this can be a long-term or very short-term process (for example, simple instruction);

    Adaptant (phase of adaptation, habituation young specialist to work). No matter how the process of training a particular professional in educational institution, he never fits “like a key to a lock” to production work;

    Internal (internal phase). An experienced worker who loves his job and can independently, more and more reliably and successfully cope with the basic professional functions what is recognized by colleagues at work, by profession;

    Master (ongoing mastery phase). An employee can solve both simple and the most difficult professional tasks, which, perhaps, not all colleagues can handle;

    Authority (the authority phase, like the mastery phase, is also summed up with the next one). A master of his craft, already well known in the professional circle or even outside it (in the industry, in the country). Depending on the forms of employee certification accepted in a given profession, he has certain high formal qualification indicators;

    Mentor (mentoring phase). An authoritative master of his craft in any profession “grows” with like-minded people, adopters of experience, and students.

Career planning is one of the areas personnel work in an organization, focused on determining the strategy, stages of development and promotion of specialists. This is the process of comparing a person’s potential capabilities, abilities and goals with the organization’s requirements, strategy and plans for its development, expressed in drawing up a program for professional and job growth.

List of professional and job requirements, which records the optimal development of a professional to occupy a certain position in an organization, is a career chart, a formalized idea of ​​what path a specialist must take in order to get necessary knowledge and acquire the necessary skills for efficient work at a specific place.

Career planning in an organization can be carried out by: the HR manager, the employee himself, his immediate supervisor (line manager). The main career planning activities specific to different planning subjects are presented in Table. 9.

Table 9

Specifics of career planning activities

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Promotion is determined, as a rule, not only by the personal qualities of the employee (education, qualifications, attitude to work, system of internal motivations), but also by objective conditions. Among the most important objective characteristics of a career are:

    The career high point is the highest position existing in the particular organization in question;

    Career length - the number of positions along the path from the first position occupied by an individual in an organization to the highest point;

    The position level indicator is the ratio of the number of persons employed at the next hierarchical level to the number of persons employed at the hierarchical level where the individual is located at a given moment in his career;

    The indicator of potential mobility is the ratio (in a certain period of time) of the number of vacancies at the next hierarchical level to the number of persons employed at the hierarchical level where the individual is located.

Depending on the objective conditions, an intra-organizational career can be promising or a dead end - an employee can have either a long career path or a very short one. The HR manager, when accepting a candidate, must design possible career and discuss it with the candidate, based on individual characteristics and specific motivation. The same career path for different employees can be both attractive and uninteresting, which will significantly affect the effectiveness of their future activities.

Almost every person faces in his life such a problem as choosing a career. At the same time, everyone strives to achieve certain successes in life: to conquer some peaks, to achieve best results, strive for excellence and professionalism in any field and, undoubtedly, obtain satisfaction from work.

Choosing a profession is a very important decision, since mistakes along the way can lead to the most negative results. The choice of profession itself depends only on the person personally, so it is necessary to have an idea of ​​​​your own inclinations and abilities, as well as about existing professions. In order to beat competitors in the labor market and get an interesting job that a person will successfully cope with, it is not enough to have an irresistible desire to get it - you must have certain qualities and personal characteristics, special knowledge, good education and correctly navigate a specific situation. And it is necessary to remember that the main thing in work is not only earnings, but also the pleasure received from it.

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions that a person makes in his life, since a person's achievements in a particular field of activity depend on the fit between his personality and the nature of his work, as well as on the combination of personal expectations in the field of personal career with the capabilities of the organization .

In the labor market there is intense competition between those who want to occupy the most “profitable” position. workplace. In such conditions, achieving career goals is impossible without timely developed strategic plan. This is especially significant at the initial stage of job search, where you can use your professional abilities.

Each person prioritizes several guidelines that “set the tone” for the entire career strategy. When people are aware of the factors that influence or “stick” them to a particular career path, it becomes possible to conduct the most effective search for work that is meaningful to them. In order to build (choose) a career correctly, you need to correctly assess your potential and personal qualities.

You should not be afraid to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Strengths include: level of education, skills and abilities, experience, physical characteristics; all these aspects are under the control of the person himself. Weaknesses include negative aspects vocational training(which can be eliminated), self-doubt, reluctance to work.

Having the ability to self-assess, a person himself is better than others able to understand his strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, he can make the most effective decision to increase his chances of success. It is not wise to plan for something that is unlikely to be achieved.

To assess personality characteristics and optimize the choice of field of professional activity at the beginning of a professional path, it is important to take into account the personality type of the person choosing the field of activity. HR consultant J. Holland argues that a person's personality (values, motives and needs) is one of important factors career choice. He determined that there are six basic personality orientations that determine the types of careers to which people are most inclined. Based on research using his vocational test, J. Holland identified the following main individual orientations (Fig. 6, Table 10):

    1. Realistic orientation. People with this orientation are prone to activities related to physical labor, requiring skill, strength and coordination: forestry, farming and agriculture.

    2. Research orientation. These people tend to pursue careers that involve introverted activities (thinking, organizing, interpreting) rather than affective activities (feeling, interpersonal communication, and emotions): biologists, chemists, teachers.

    3. Artistic orientation. People here tend to pursue careers that require self-expression, artistic creation, expression of emotion and individuality: artists, musicians, advertising creators.

    4. Social orientation. These people are inclined towards careers that involve interpersonal rather than intellectual or physical interaction: diplomatic service, social work.

    5. Entrepreneurial orientation. These people are prone to careers that involve verbal activity associated with influencing others: managers, lawyers.

    6. Conventional orientation. These people prefer careers that provide structured, regulated activity, as well as professions in which it is necessary for a subordinate to compare his personal needs with organizational ones: accountants, financiers.

Rice. 6. Typology of personalities by J. Holland

Most people have multiple orientations, and Holland believes that the more similar or compatible these orientations are, the less internal conflict there is and the easier it is to make career decisions.

According to Holland's research, the two closest orientations in the diagram correspond to the most compatible. Holland believes that if a person has two orientations side by side, he will have less problems choosing a career. However, if the orientations turn out to be opposite (for example, realistic and social), a person may have more uncertainty in choosing a career and further work, because his interests involve different types of careers.

Table 10

Summary table of J. Holland's personality typology

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Although, according to Holland's concept, one type of personality orientation is always dominant, a person can adapt to conditions using strategies of two or more types. The closer the sectors of the circle of the dominant and second (third) orientation, the more holistic the personality. Considering the content of dominant and non-dominant orientations, one can choose those types of activities that closer to man and in which he will be more successful. If the dominant and subsequent orientations are far from each other, choosing a career is more difficult.

Another typology that can be used for career selection purposes is the typology of E.L. Klimova. The methodology he proposed helps to choose a professional career based on those skills and abilities from the implementation of which a person receives the greatest satisfaction, which is the most important prerequisite for increasing labor productivity, a reliable guarantee against various errors and omissions. All types of activities are divided here by subject of labor:

    Type P - “man - nature”, if the main, leading subject of labor is plants, animals, microorganisms.

    Type T - “man - technology”, if the main, leading subject of labor is technical systems, material objects, materials, types of energy.

    Type H - “person - person”, if the main, leading subject of labor is people, groups, teams, communities of people.

    Type Z - “man - sign”, if the main, leading subject of labor is conventional signs, numbers, codes, natural or artificial languages.

    Type X - “person - artistic image”, if the main, leading subject of work is artistic images, the conditions for their construction.

An HR manager, as a rule, is faced with a person who already has a profession, but it is important to know how the person made his choice. The following main situations for choosing a profession can be distinguished:

    Tradition - the question of choice did not arise due to tradition and customs;

    Chance - the choice occurred by chance, due to some event;

    Debt - the choice of profession is associated with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bduty, about one’s mission, calling or obligations to people;

    Target choice - choice is associated with the conscious determination of the goals of professional activity, based on the analysis of real problems and ways to solve them (before the moment of choice, it is already known about future professional activity).

How is career path selection usually done in practice? If you have not decided from the very beginning (say, during your university studies) what your professional path will be, then one of the most important decisions that you will have to make in your life will be the decision about what type of activity you will choose. If you have thought about this question seriously enough, then by the time you make your final choice you have several ideas in your head, which, however, still need to be clarified. You can make the necessary inquiries from a number of sources of knowledge and experience. One of these sources is your connections.

During the transition to work, you have at your disposal:

    Home and family connections;

    Connections that may have been established through sports and hobbies;

    Numerous contacts, which in the future can become the basis of your professional connections (contacts with university teachers, people with whom and for whom you worked during your studies, on vacation, etc.).

All of these possible contacts are needed in order to find someone who has practical experience in the type of activity that you are considering as your possible professional career. For example, if you are thinking about a career as an accountant, then you need to find among the connections at your disposal a person who could tell you what such a job promises in principle. If you don’t know such a specialist, then you need to use the contacts at your disposal to find a competent person.

However, when using connections as a source of advice when choosing a career, you expose yourself to considerable danger, since any advice you receive from your contacts about a future career should be assessed soberly, taking into account the emotional aspect present in the words of the adviser. It is better to find out the opinions of several people and find out where their assessments converge. Compare the general things that were expressed by your friends with information from other sources. The method of seeking advice by activating the connections at your disposal will also come in handy when you have to solve the next big problem - finding your first job.

In market conditions, achieving average results is usually valued low. The same rule applies in professional activities. Therefore, you need to achieve outstanding success in those areas that management and customers believe are most important. The secret of professional success is to create a reputation for yourself as a highly qualified specialist in the business in which you are directly involved, regardless of whether you work in government agency or have your own business. You can always make a significant contribution to the success of your company through the intensity and quality of your work, and stand out noticeably from the crowd of other employees.

Create your own brand

Identity politics, or brand creation - trademark, which is called the basis of all marketing theories, pays special attention to the identity and individuality of a particular person. A brand serves as a sign of originality and identity that distinguishes a product or person from the world around it. We all know certain famous brands. Their identity is usually deeply rooted in the minds of consumers. In some cases, the influence of a trademark is so strong that it is used as a synonym for the name of the corresponding product, as happened, for example, with diapers.

Sometimes we think about some famous person whose identity is expressed very clearly. You can achieve the same success. To do this, you need to be considered an outstanding, irreplaceable employee in your company who does his job competently and makes a significant contribution to the prosperity of the company. In marketing language this is called internal politics identity. An employee who has his or her own identity makes outstanding progress, while at the same time directing his or her work to strengthen the identity of the entire enterprise. Increasing the level of identity of individual employees of an enterprise has a powerful impact on the popularity of the products and services offered by the enterprise in the market.

What is a private label? Any proper name is already a brand. Every person has a name. Every person acts, thinks and reacts to something in both public and private life. Moreover, his actions, thoughts and reactions can be both positive and negative. If you want to achieve success in life, then you should look at yourself as an unchangeable brand product and build your behavior in accordance with this. In order to create your own brand, you need to take six steps in succession.

First. Find out everything related to the operation of your enterprise. One of the intermediate goals should be to obtain maximum information about the identity of the enterprise’s brand, its meaning and mission in the market for goods and services. You should find out whether the company is respected by customers, suppliers, competitors and employees. You need to understand what makes the enterprise unique and how it fundamentally differs from other organizations of the same profile.

Second. Assess the attitude towards you on the part of the enterprise personnel. Examine in detail your own contribution to the work of the enterprise and take a closer look at how other employees treat you. Ask others how they would tell a third party about you. Does the data obtained meet your expectations? Find out what others think about your recent successes, especially paying attention to constructive criticism.

Third. Define your own brand identity. Examine your life style, the times during which you have changed, the cultural environment and society in which you moved and move, your work and the attitude of others towards you at different periods of your life when, as it seems to you, you set the bar high . After an impartial examination of your personality, you should have an idea of ​​who you really are, what you want, how you are different from others, and what you feel inclined to do. Try to summarize everything you have come up with in your reasoning and write a short summary of your identity.

Fourth. Make a list of tasks. Make a chronological list of the tasks you have completed that were highly rated by management and that you consider most successful. Focus on those tasks that make you stand out from the crowd. Figure out what was the secret to the success of these tasks, activate yourself, don’t wait for interesting projects to fall on you. Try to search for and develop them yourself, without hoping for a lucky break. Understand that projects developed by you personally will contribute to the creation and strengthening of your identity.

Fifth. Promise yourself to stay true to your brand. The sum of the concepts and qualities that define your identity represents the promise that you must make your “article of faith.” All future actions should reinforce your identity.

Sixth. Tell everyone about your “creed.” When you have finally found your promise, share it with those around you. Tell us about it inside the enterprise and outside its walls. Don't think this is about shameless self-promotion. No, you just let others know what you can do and what abilities and skills you have.

Only after you have given up misunderstood modesty and faith in blind chance in your professional life and begin to work consistently, from morning to evening, to create your own identity, will you have a chance to achieve the desired position within the enterprise.

To find your brand, do this:

    Find out what policy your company pursues to create its own brand;

    Learn to look at yourself through the eyes of other people;

    Define your own identity;

    Make a list of projects that match your identity and that you would be willing to implement;

    Make a written promise to yourself to direct all your future actions towards strengthening your identity.

The result will certainly be a successful career.

Correct positioning

If someone's name is associated with outstanding success, broad competence and therefore becomes famous, the marketing value of its owner increases. After all, any name, whether we are talking about an individual, a company or social group, becomes a brand. The extent to which a given name is strengthened in the memory of the target group depends on what a given person or given group of people does for this. The secret of the strengths of any brand lies, firstly, in the correct positioning, and secondly, in the ability to influence the consumer’s decision and his readiness to make a purchase.

A successful branding program (positioning) develops a certain concept, which is then forever established in the minds of the target group as unchanged and original. This applies equally to products and services and to the individual.

First of all, it is necessary to find the right niche for correct positioning, bearing in mind that it, in a slightly modified form, uses the same methods that are used in modern advertising. Each person can develop their own positioning strategy in order to present a product, service, business, organization or, ultimately, themselves in the best light.

Proper positioning implies that the promoted product lingers and remains in the minds of the target group. At the same time, there are three opportunities to engage in your own positioning, while at the same time refusing to compete:

    - “optically” change yourself or your products;

    Give it a new or additional meaning;

    Provide a wider profile of product use.

When a buyer finds himself in a situation of choosing between products, he begins to look for any distinctive features in them. The product must have such features that, as a result of the purchase, give the buyer the feeling that he has made the best purchase possible. You can change your positioning in better side, introducing virtual or actual changes in its quality. Virtual changes imply that a person, using certain methods, creates in the minds of the target group a new vision of his personality or his products. A new positioning, created through virtual rather than actual changes, usually differs from the previous one in greater originality and originality. Often, for a new positioning it is enough to change the packaging, price, name, etc.

Actual or qualitative changes mean an actual change or at least a fundamental improvement in the product.

Compared to positioning achieved through actual changes, virtual positioning tends to have a stronger impact and hold more firmly in people's minds. There are many examples that show that faith and conviction in the quality of a particular product are much stronger than bare reality.

A positioning strategy is not necessarily based on constantly creating something new and special. Rather, it connects and connects existing thoughts, gives them a certain form and provokes new associations. Try, without resorting to actual innovation, to find a different positioning for what distinguishes you.

Thanks to the vast experience gained through numerous studies marketing strategies and intensive consulting, German expert Peter Savchenko found that many enterprises have a number of memorable distinctive qualities, which do not correspond to the outside world and exist, as it were, in secret from the consumer. Therefore, you need to behave in such a way that target group thought positively about you and from time to time remembered you with gratitude and satisfaction. Beware of poor communication.

According to experts, knowledge nowadays is updated every two years. And the world is changing almost before our eyes. The education received today is no longer “education for life” and does not guarantee a successful career. Its only guarantee is “lifelong education.” This is natural: if knowledge quickly becomes outdated, it means that it needs to be updated even faster in order to achieve success in one’s professional activities. One of the ways to update existing knowledge and acquire new ones is precisely self-education.

If education can be characterized as the process of acquiring systematic knowledge and a specific way of thinking, then experts define self-education as education through correspondence courses with full self-control. Today, many people seeking to achieve career success study on their own, mastering a colossal amount of information in a short time. The ability to learn helps them in this - the main skill necessary for a person engaged in self-education. It manifests itself:

    In the ability to make decisions regarding one’s own learning process, developed self-motivation;

    In the correct use of basic techniques of mental activity and intellectual strategies (mental, logical, etc.) in relation to the subjects being studied, in developed skills in organizing one’s own time, in the ability to plan and control one’s activities;

    The ability to find the necessary information and choose appropriate methods for studying it;

    In communication skills - the ability to make acquaintances, plan communications with people you are interested in, and cooperate with them.

Self-education, in principle, can be of two types: systematic and situational, when knowledge and skills are acquired as the need for them arises. Systematic education is of particular importance, since only it helps to improve a person’s professional level and leads to career success. The most important thing in this process is to attract all external resources and engage in self-education using various sources.

The main and traditional source is books and tools mass media. In principle, a lesson based on books - tutorials, textbooks, textbooks and so on. - This classic way self-education. Today you can easily find the necessary literature on any topic. There are also quite a lot of media today, however, they are heterogeneous in the level and quality of the material presented. Therefore, it is necessary to be critical of the materials published in them, especially new and unusual ones.

With development global network the Internet has appeared as a new source for self-education - the opportunity to use electronic libraries and study materials from various sites. Distance self-education via the Internet is also developing. Another source of self-education is special training computer programs. Many of them are generally provided free of charge along with the corresponding software. Computers, of course, are not in every home today, but it is quite possible to use an office one in your free time from work. This will only increase your attractiveness in the eyes of management.

Attending various conferences, seminars and exhibitions is another very useful and, most importantly, very interesting source of self-education. Participation in such events allows you to always keep abreast of events, learn in time about new directions, ideas and developments that modern scientists and researchers are engaged in.

Another important source self-education, which people often forget about, is the reality around us. The events that happen around us and the people we meet and interact with can enrich our knowledge as much as, and sometimes even more than, other sources. The main thing is to be able to see and hear, and also to understand that you can learn something from any person.

Speaking about the surrounding reality, experts, first of all, advise remembering the importance of perceiving any information that comes into your field of vision. They recommend learning how to transform it into the most useful information for yourself, “passing it” through your professional prism, and always asking yourself how this information can be useful in your future activities. Sources of self-education also include all kinds of hobbies and hobbies. Especially if they are directly or indirectly related to a person’s professional activities.

In any case, in the process of self-education it is necessary to use all of the above sources, without forgetting any of them and combining them optimally. Only in this case will this process be effective.

Experts say that everyone who has achieved significant success in their activities, regardless of its type, has been engaged in self-education a lot. They associate this not only with the acquisition of new knowledge, but also with the fact that this type of education develops skills in creative understanding of reality and the ability to independently analyze various information, events and phenomena. A person has to overcome the unknown, so he develops independence and independence of thinking, and perseverance in overcoming difficulties that arise. In addition, it has long been known that nothing is assimilated as well as what is obtained through one’s own labor.

At the earliest possible age, objectively assess your abilities and choose a strategic direction for career development.

The advice is clear and hardly anyone would question it. But how to implement it is the question. Its implementation involves two options: at a very early age, parents or close people should determine the direction of a child’s career; this is their sacred duty. And from adolescence, or even more so in adulthood, no matter who helps you, the responsibility for choosing a career lies with the person himself

The importance of choice is very great. A mistake in this matter can literally devalue a person’s entire life and become irreparable. Here is what V.P. wrote about this. Glushko, designer rocket engines For spaceships, academician, twice Hero of Socialist Labor of the USSR: “Happy is the one who has found his calling, which can fill his whole life. Twice happy is the one who found his calling in adolescence. I was so lucky..."

Choosing a strategic career direction means determining what a person’s abilities and capabilities best suit – technology or humanities, or any other business, for example, professional sports, housekeeping, etc.

Over time, you should clarify the area of ​​your future activities. If the field is technical, then specifically a branch of the national economy and industry, for example, chemistry or construction, metallurgy or transport. If transport, then what kind: road, air or rail. If preference is given to humanitarian activities, then which one: learning languages, literature, music. If sport, then what type, etc.

At the same time, you should decide for yourself one of the main questions in life: what do my abilities best suit, a career as a manager or a career as a specialist? Usually the answer to this question is not easy to give and its solution is sometimes associated with many errors. Best of luck achieves the one whose strategy matches his abilities, so you should soberly assess your qualities.

Orienting a child towards the correct, optimal life path for him is a very difficult task. There are scientific recommendations on this matter. Director of the Zelenograd Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support (CPMSS), Candidate of Medical Sciences Yuri Belekhov, believes that it is necessary to actively and purposefully develop creative personality, at the same time, the child can and should realize with what mission he was born from the age of 4-5. Parents need to keep an eye on their child and not force him if he doesn’t want to do something. In the meantime, while he is small, you should boldly change clubs, sections, activities, and look for what he will really like.

Yu. Belekhov advises giving the child the opportunity to decide on his preference as early as possible, that is, to establish what he is most drawn to - music, drawing, numbers, shapes or words. These are only five directions, and it’s not that difficult to try them all. From an early age, it is necessary to cultivate in a child the main, defining feeling in life - the feeling of the author of his life.

In our real Russian reality, vocational guidance, even at school for almost adult children in grades 9-11, is organized unsatisfactorily. But in the ninth grade, the child has to decide whether to go to college or continue his studies at school. And at this crucial moment, children should be able to choose the right profession.

In most foreign countries, career guidance is much better than ours in Russia. In the Swedish mathematics textbook, before each topic, an explanation is given in which real-life situations the acquired knowledge can be applied. In Germany, already from the fourth grade, a child should roughly outline his future path in life. In France, special lessons are held on the topic of choosing a profession.

Underestimation of work vocational guidance in Russia is one of the main reasons that a large number of people work outside their specialty. In Moscow, for example, there are more than half of such workers. It is clear that it is simply pointless to expect high returns from amateurs. In addition, everyone who works outside of their specialty is, to some extent, a person offended by life.

In addition to wishes and justification for the system of measures for professional guidance, and therefore the choice of direction for career development, science has already come close to solving the issue of issuing specific personal recommendations to each person regarding his life purpose. The head of the laboratory for the development of the human nervous system from the Institute of Human Morphology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Savelyev, rightly believes that we often choose our life’s work not according to our vocation, but at best according to the size of our salary. Therefore, as a result, only a few of us find our purpose - the majority go to work every day as if it were hard labor. But you can live completely happily. And for this you need a complete “trifle” - to figure out what is actually destined for you by fate. And he proposes to do this not with the help of psychological tests, not by long delving into oneself from the very cradle, but on the basis systematic approach to the problem, based on the structural differences in the brain of each of us.

The essence of his proposals boils down to increasing the resolution of modern computer tomographs by five to ten times, with their help to be able to determine a person’s potential abilities as part of a routine medical examination. He believes that qualitative differences between people can be confidently established from the age of 16, when the brain has already finished forming. His method, described in the book Variability and Genius, looks like science fiction. But let us remember how many inventions that seemed fantastic not so long ago have been introduced into everyday practice over the past at least fifty years. So it is possible that S. Savelyev’s developments may become a reality in the very near future.

But while this is not the case, each person must, without shifting this matter to anyone else, independently understand their strengths and weaknesses, soberly evaluate their skills and knowledge and choose the path in life that most closely corresponds to this. You need to remember that no one knows you better than you know yourself.

Methods developed by science and already widely used in practice can help you choose the right career. For example, the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute physical culture(VNIIFC) has been studying the problem of using digital dermatoglyphics* for prognostic assessment of physical abilities in the practice of selection and training of athletes for many years. Under the guidance of Doctor of Biological Sciences T.F. Abramova prepared appropriate methodological recommendations. The abstract to the work stated that it reflected the results of a study of the relationship of morphogenetic markers - signs of digital dermatoglyphics with various manifestations of physical abilities in representatives of elite sports, as well as on the example of people not involved in sports and people with congenital motor limitations. The marking properties of patterns on the fingers have been identified in assessing the innately acquired development of physical qualities, mechanisms of energy supply for motor activity, as well as in assessing the risk of reducing a person’s physical potential. Features shown

*dermatoglyphics – study of the details of the relief of the skin of the palms and feet

early prediction of suitability for sports specialization. A method for assessing a person’s motor potential based on signs of digital dermatoglyphics is presented.

Authors methodological recommendations propose to use the results they obtained in the early orientation of children and staffing teams, when choosing a sports role in team sports, as well as in professional guidance, when choosing means and methods of ideological influence.

In a brief popular summary, the essence of the work is that scientists have found a relationship (based on a study of several thousand people) between finger patterns and human potential. This creates the preconditions for choosing the right career. In elite sports, the results of research by T.F. Abramova have been used for a long time and successfully. There is every reason to hope that her method will find wide application outside the sports sphere.

Sometimes the choice of a specialty for young people (and this is the choice of a life path) is influenced by random factors. For example, they choose a university not one that matches their abilities, but one that is easier to enroll in. That is why we currently have a huge overproduction of lawyers and economists. They are now 18 and 33 percent, respectively, of the total number of specialists working in national economy. The country simply does not need so many graduates of these specialties. This leads to the fact that young professionals cannot find work.

Magnificent, which has already become a classic, is an example of the career choice of Dale Carnegie, a world-famous psychologist, whose books on the correct design of relationships between people and recommendations for those who strive for success are still read with great interest.

D. Carnegie's parents were poor farmers in the USA. Dale attended a college whose students were mostly athletes (football and baseball players) and guys who knew how to defend their point of view in public discussions. D. Carnegie, clearly understanding that he did not have athletic abilities, decided to achieve victories in the field of oratory. But at first nothing worked for him. There was despair and even thoughts of suicide came to mind. His mother supported him in time, advising him to take part in a discussion group, where he entered after several attempts. His perseverance helped him gain self-confidence and improve his self-esteem. Success has come. D. Carnegie began to win top awards at competitions. This was in 1906, when he turned 18 years old.

3. 2. Career plan

Having aligned your abilities and capabilities with your career desires, outline a plan for their implementation and follow it.

This is one of the most difficult tasks on the path to building a career, because... requires not only an understanding of one’s place in life, but also the manifestation of character, qualities such as willpower, determination, and endurance.

Plans may change throughout life, but a person should always see the main strategic line of life and career clearly. There is no this line, and you become a toy of fate. It is rightly said that the wind is fair only for those who know where to sail. Life provides many examples of career planning and the precise implementation of these plans.

Special attention deserves the outstanding athlete, writer and public figure Yuri Petrovich Vlasov, who in the 60s of the last century defeated, as everyone then thought, the invincible American weightlifter Anderson. Yu. Vlasov had many sports awards. Such different people, like Yuri Gagarin, Marilyn Monroe, Arnold Schwarzenegger called him “the king in the kingdom of kings.” Already in adulthood I learned that this outstanding man Even as a child, he outlined his career strategy: “Life – struggle – striving forward – diplomat – engineer – writer – athlete – citizen.” Yuri Petrovich Vlasov fulfilled all these points with the exception of one - he did not become a diplomat.

At the end of 2012, in an interview with the MK newspaper, Yu.P. Vlasov briefly but clearly expressed his position in life, his understanding of the meaning of life: “I am often asked, how do you live? And I would correct: WHERE do you live? Where is my life leading? Ask yourself this question... Without a vector - a direction - life turns into existence. It turns out that instead of Homo sapiens, there is a creature. Finding out for yourself the essence and direction of your own life is already the beginning of a new world. And you know what they say: people are divided into two categories. Some exclaim: “Where is this world going?”, while others are rolling it. I have always loved life very much and found joy in its smallest manifestations. And this is a huge creative power - to love life!”

A clear and very instructive example of early choice of a goal in life and its clear implementation is the Governor of California in the USA, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Some believe that Schwarzenegger made it to the top of his career thanks to iron muscles. This is wrong. It's not about muscles, but about iron will. Having set the goal of becoming the best in bodybuilding, he persistently pursued it, despite the fierce resistance of his parents. From an early age, Arnold kept a notebook in which he meticulously wrote down what he had to achieve during the day.

Having conquered all the heights in world bodybuilding, A. Schwarzenegger set himself the following goal: “I want to become the greatest actor!” And in school notebook, already as an adult, Schwarzenegger wrote: “It’s time to begin the assault on Hollywood!” And he “conquered” Hollywood, becoming a film star.

Having set the goal of becoming a politician, he achieved the post of governor of California. Newspapers wrote that if the Constitution of the United States had allowed a person who was not born on its territory to occupy the post of President of the United States, then Schwarzenegger would have been the best candidate for this post.

An example from our Russian life. Personally, I am categorically against women's boxing. Watching women hit each other is not a pleasant experience. If it were my power, I would ban this boxing. This opinion was especially strengthened after I saw the ending of one fight. The Englishwoman lost, her face was scary to look at - it was a shapeless, swollen mask.

But women's boxing exists. Russian Natalya Rogozina has conquered all heights in professional boxing, winning 9 award belts in the most famous versions. This has never happened in the entire history of women's and men's boxing, and it is almost impossible to repeat it.

In this case, N. Rogozin interests us as an example of a person who chose his career direction and strictly followed his plans. She says that it was very difficult, especially in her younger years, not to be distracted from the intended goal; she was drawn to go to a disco or to the cinema instead of training. But she was able to overcome herself and as a result achieved phenomenal success.

Career planning is a broad concept, including both strategic (long-term) and tactical (medium- and short-term) plans. At its core, the advice consists of carefully considering all actions related to the realization of career ambitions, whatever form they may be: getting a job, behavior in the workplace, choosing a system for advanced training or retraining, etc. Everything requires a clear plan and a well-thought-out system for its implementation, plus constant self-control.

I know successful people who, having a long-chosen life goal, set themselves specific goals for several years, a year, a month, a week. They write these tasks on a piece of paper and subsequently check their execution. I try to do this myself. It can be very uncomfortable for yourself when you see the reason for the failure of planned tasks in your laxity, laziness or forgetfulness.

In the literature and on the Internet you can often find clear advice on career planning and the implementation of these plans. I will cite one of these recommendations prepared by psychologist V. Aladina, quoting the text without comment, since I agree with its content.

“Once you have decided on your strategy, start building a career plan. Think about where you see yourself in 10 years and count down from there. This technique will give you a clear picture of the time required and step-by-step algorithm achieving goals.

List all the professional qualities required for the desired position. Eliminate the daydreaming, just describe the most effective leaders whom you personally consider to be role models. Then characterize them in detail from the point of view of personal qualities, describe their life schedule, how and with whom they spend their work and free time, what activities they prioritize, what they read, what films they watch, etc. Be sure to read the stories of those who you consider to be successful: such people often give useful recommendations– follow them.

Now analyze your own schedule: find the least effective ways to spend your time and make adjustments. In ten years, you need to reach the final destination of your plan, which means you need to adhere to the advice and behavior patterns of those who have already traveled this path. Learn, but also develop your own style.

Next, based on the adopted strategy, write down in reverse order what your level should be in 5 years, 3 years, a year. Always simplify the process to elementary steps and think through their sequence.

Include a system of continuous learning in your plan: not a single year should be missed, so be sure to take advanced training courses or independently acquire the required knowledge and skills. Read at least 30 pages a day, get audiobooks if you often drive. Remember that no quality is acquired by intention alone.

When setting career goals, fully disclose their parameters to yourself - this gives you the opportunity to concentrate, better understand what exactly you want, be honest with yourself and be more specific in your formulations. Accuracy in defining a goal is the basis for its successful achievement.

A lot of literature is devoted to the topic of goal setting; read at least a couple of small books, or better yet, go to a good training. Never waste time and reasonable money on training: investing in yourself is the only win-win, because you receive dividends throughout your life.

Having built an algorithm for ten years in advance, and breaking it down by year, reduce the focus to each quarter, month, week, day. Strictly adhere to the plan and teach everyone around you to take your interests into account - this quality must be developed from the very beginning, as it will be very useful in the future when your career takes off.

Never forget that a fulfilling life consists not only of work, but develops in all directions at the same time. Skewing in one direction means marking time.

If you have already achieved some success and can afford the additional costs, consider coaching. Choose the right coach who will work with you personally and will not allow you to feel sorry for yourself or be lazy, and you will see how quickly you will climb the career ladder.

Always remember the formula for success: (TC * PE)/V = E(U), where:

TC - accuracy in determining the goal, CP - clarity in planning, B - time,

E – efficiency, U – success.

Only those who are effective are successful, so be effective!” .

A very important task in terms of realizing your career plans is finding a job that matches your life aspirations. On this occasion, the famous management theorist P. Drucker wrote: “The probability that the first choice of work you make will turn out to be completely correct is one chance in a million. And if you decide that such a choice is correct, then the chances are high that in making this choice you simply showed yourself to be quite lazy.” (I quote from the monograph: G. Zaitsev, G. Cherkasskaya, Business Career Management.)

With all due respect to P. Drucker, I cannot agree with him. To get one chance in a million in choosing the “right job” means to take this matter completely thoughtlessly. If you approach the choice of work as it should be, seriously, mistakes in this matter can be reduced to a minimum.

The first and most important thing is to know what you want. And this “want” must correspond to strategic direction career, and the plans that you have planned for the coming period. It is very important to correctly compose brief information about yourself (previously it was called “lens”, now it is called “resume”). It should be understood that a correctly compiled resume is important not only for presenting it to the employer in order to get the desired job, but also for an objective assessment of one’s own person, which can lead to a revision of previously outlined career guidelines.

Over the course of many post-perestroika years, general approaches to writing an effective resume. They look something like this. A resume consists of three blocks: personal data, education, work experience. Information should be arranged in chronological order. Thoughts must be expressed concisely, but not in short. When listing places of work, indicate the main range of job responsibilities. It is important to realistically and clearly formulate the purpose of the search, i.e. what kind of work is required. Do not forget to enter all forms of advanced training completed (trainings, courses, etc.) When giving information about personal qualities and hobbies, it is advisable to indicate your state of health (it must be good), a positive attitude towards innovation, the degree of proficiency modern technologies(and in particular, information technology), desire and ability to learn, etc.

When looking for a job, it’s a good idea to think through and formulate in writing (not verbally) the ideal position for you, objectively indicate all those characteristics that you would like to have: work schedule, reporting system, content official duties, rights, number of subordinates, distance from place of residence, salary, etc. All of these are sections of a plan for realizing career opportunities.

It is worth recalling that before an interview with an employer you also need to prepare by drawing up a conversation plan. The basis of this plan is the previously prepared summary. But at the same time, you need to remember that personal contacts always differ significantly in the results achieved from written contacts (in this case we are talking about a resume).

Conclusion on the second piece of advice: do not be lazy to draw up “career” plans in writing, monitor their implementation, and you will receive a clearly noticeable increase in the quality of solving career problems and accelerating their implementation.