A letter to a person close in spirit. Composing a letter to a loved one Letter to loved ones

Hello Dimka!

What's up? Do you have some new? A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since we met at the student Olympiad in foreign literature. We haven't written letters to each other for such a long time! And today I wanted to tell you about how I live. Perhaps you would like to write to me. I would be very happy to hear from you.

I have already entered the university and fully enjoy student life. I am very satisfied with my faculty and my department, and I like all the disciplines that are taught to us here. And I also feel comfortable in the team in which I got. To be honest, this is so far one of the few bands where I don't have even the slightest conflict with anyone. I am respected.

Our groups are small, because the groups are divided according to the languages ​​they study. Our group is Spanish. 11 people. Seminars on general subjects such as philosophy and history we hold together with two groups of French (18 people). Well, at the lectures we see all the language groups of philologists - about 80 people. Of course, we have few general lectures and seminars. If in the past semesters they happened 5-6 times a week, now we have only 2 common pairs. And the rest of the time we learn our languages. That is, in fact, the team in which I rotate every day consists of 11 people. Of course, spending at least 12 couples a week together, people get to know each other quite well.

That's how you read it all and decide that we have a great group. Disappointing. Although you can find positive moments in everything. And I personally like this group. We studied together for a year and a half, got used to each other, got used to it.

I remember the first semester - everyone somehow treated each other with distrust. And on the very first day they began to break into small groups of 2 people. Now my friend tells me that from the first day she remembered me as an open, sociable, friendly person. While everyone was warily trying to figure out who was who, I talked to each one separately and with everyone together. After all, we were equal then: no one knew anyone.

Over time, I had a group of people with whom I often communicated. Of course, there were people who didn't like me. One, I remember, terribly “got me”. Once there was a case when I saved her from a deuce by giving her my notes, and then she didn’t even thank me! But you can't imagine my surprise when she started making friends with me last semester! And the other girl was always "pinning". These "shots" touched everyone and everything. And me too. And you know what I did? For each of her jokes in relation to me, I began to respond with a joke in relation to her. There was such an unobtrusive verbal skirmish (without the "exchange of pleasantries", of course). And what do you think? Now, if she “comments” on my words or actions, it is only in a good-natured, joking manner. And she can’t not comment: she’s such a person. So with two ill-wishers it was quickly finished.

But there is one more girl who can't stand me. And all why? I don't want to obey her. When she says in her voice “leader”, so that everyone goes to skip the couple (since she did not do her homework), and I consider this absenteeism pointless, I boldly voice my point of view. And interestingly, they often support me: after all, many entered the university not to skip couples, but to study. Well, how can someone like the "mutiny on the ship"? This is where she gets angry. She sees me as a rival, though I don't know why.

That's the kind of relationship I have with three of my classmates. The other two are friendly to me. I consider two girls to be my friends. And with the rest I have a neutral relationship.

You know, from all this I made one important conclusion: it turns out that it is better to speak with everyone in the same tone and on the same topics that he himself wants to talk about. And further. Each person thinks that his point of view is the most correct, the most important, that it is his problem that is the most difficult ... And there is no need to destroy this illusion in people. I try to respect the point of view of others, but I also want my position to be respected.

Here you go. The general atmosphere in the group improved. But you understand very well that every person is always looking for a like-minded person. Of course, I didn't do any special research. Somehow I immediately had a pretty good relationship with two girls and one guy from our group (a year later he moved to another group: he wanted to learn German). And I still communicate with these people, considering them my friends.

Do you know what pattern I found in my communication with people? At the beginning of an acquaintance, I always say more, and my interlocutor looks at me. When he understands that I can be trusted and that I can listen, he begins to speak. I listen carefully, analyze, give advice. The interesting thing is that my friends appreciate my advice. I like to talk about "high matters". Of course, sometimes we can chat about "nothing". But I don't really talk about myself anymore. But when a difficult period comes in my life, when I want to tell someone about my experiences, I want to be listened to, understood, I suddenly realize that there is no one to tell, that even if I tell, they will not understand. People often don't understand me. Even the ones I consider my friends.

This is how I communicate with my girlfriends: with one I talk about guys, with the other I talk about studies, teachers, etc., with the third - about her unfinished love and her bad mood ... I realized that every person is interested, mainly , his personal problems, and that everyone wants to be heard. And I'm listening. And who will listen to me and understand? Sometimes I want to “howl at the moon” about this. It's strange somehow: there are friends, but there is no one to understand.

Although no, there is still one such person. Or was. This is the guy from the parallel group who was my classmate during the first year. He knows how to listen to me, knows how to understand me, and I know how to understand him. I am on the same wavelength with him. Soul harmony. Brother in spirit. Or at least that's how it always seemed to me. Maybe I was wrong. But it doesn't matter anymore. Our life paths diverged. He left for another group. Now we see each other very rarely. And although the same warm relations remained between us as before, during our several-minute meetings we no longer talk about “high matters”, but exchange a few phrases - that's all. It's a shame.

Does this situation sound familiar to you? With you, we had a similar situation, although the circumstances were very different. I'm in terrible pain again. Somehow it happened by itself that I lost two of my friends for no apparent reason. But I'm still worried about this question: is it just me who lose people who are close to me in spirit, or does this happen to someone else? I thought maybe I'm doing something wrong? But time passes, I analyze everything and understand that it seems that I did everything right, that otherwise I simply could not do it, that I always, no matter what, remained myself. I tried to be honest with myself and with others. Although now I no longer believe in pure friendship between a guy and a girl. And do you believe? In relationships like "boyfriend - girl" there is often a state of love on at least one side. Maybe that's why such relationships quickly collapse if they do not move to another stage.

Yes ... I chose a bad topic. I hope it doesn't make you feel as sad as it does me. Now, if I had known your reaction in advance, then maybe I would not have sent this letter. I just sit here and write about something that has long been sore. And that I just could not tell anyone until today. It’s strange somehow: our planet is so big, so many people live on it, but you can live your life and not meet a “brother in spirit”. So I was lucky in this regard: I have already met two such people. And the fact that something, perhaps, did not work out ... But there were very good memories. And faith in the best. And the confidence that exists in the world good people… This is how I convince myself that I am an optimist. It does not always work. Well, okay.

A few days ago I had a very beautiful dream. I dreamed that together with a person whom I trust (but I don’t know who he is), I was escaping from some kind of gray prison. We went into a room with a high ceiling - and suddenly slowly began to rise towards the ceiling. It's that simple. There was a thought: "I'm taking off" - and then the legs come off the ground. A light wave of my hand - and I break the wall and fly somewhere into the distance. I'm flying very close to the ground. Snowing. And I see many huge bouquets of dark red roses in the snowdrifts. I know what these flowers brought me. It was brought by the person with whom I escaped from prison. And I fly after this man, not even seeing his face. But as soon as I bend down to pick up the roses, I wake up. Here is such a dream. And why am I writing this to you?

Here is the letter. It is probably strange not to correspond with a person for a year and a half, and then suddenly put a letter of similar content in an envelope and hope to receive an answer. I just really want you to know that everything is fine with me, and that I have not changed, that I am still the same as two years ago. It seems to me that you will correctly understand everything that I wanted to tell you.

P.S. This letter was written at a time when you had to wait several weeks for the postman to drop an envelope with an address written in uneven, angular handwriting into the mailbox. It is a pity that at that time it was not yet possible to exchange messages by simply pressing a key on the keyboard. And it is a pity that communication with people who are close in spirit can be cut off forever. This letter was never sent to the addressee. I don't even know, fortunately or unfortunately. I hope everything is fine in Dima's life now.

Hello Anton. It's been half a year since you moved to another city. A lot has changed in the class since you left. Three new students have joined our class since September 1st. Two girls and one boy. One girl does ballet, the other goes to music school. But the main acquisition of our class is Sergey, he plays football very well. So now our team has become stronger. Next time you come, we will definitely play together.

And recently, our class was sick, even in the hospital. We visited her with the whole class. After 2 weeks, she was cured and allowed to return to work.

At the beginning of September, there was a "Exercise with a Star" at the school. She was led by an Olympic champion. And the basketball court on the street was repaired, the backboards and rings were painted.

Come back soon, we miss you guys.

Letter to a friend - composition (impression)

Hello Mishka! I am extremely glad that you passed all the exams with excellent marks and that you will spend your summer holidays in a health camp. Everything is fine with me: I still make music, perform at competitions and concerts.

I can't wait to tell you how my classmates and I visited the city amusement park yesterday. It attracts with its extreme rides, sports grounds and green spaces. The square is designed for visitors who want to actively spend time and “tickle their nerves”.

More recently, a high-rise, rope complex “Len to Stump” was opened there. This is a unique combination of difficult obstacles at height. A ropeway with barriers of various difficulty levels is stretched along the trees.

First, we were given protective gear. Professional instructors brought us up to date and monitored compliance with all safety rules.

At the start, I was seized with anxiety, and I was tormented by doubts - can I really not resist and be the first to leave the race? But I pulled myself together and managed to pass the track from start to finish. I even overcame the "path of the brave" stage - moving on a roller in the air. It was the most breathtaking experience.

You can’t even imagine, but moving along the obstacle course of ingenious combinations of ropes, logs and boards, I felt like a conqueror of heights, a rock climber and just a clever boy. In this park, I got a lot of impressions, joy, adrenaline and positive emotions. I felt energized and ready for action. For me, it was not only an excellent workout for all muscle groups, but also a way to cope with the fear of heights, develop determination and the will to win.

After an energetic time spent, I had an enviable appetite. The park provided an opportunity to enjoy delicious meals. I liked the cherry pies, orange juice and chocolate ice cream.

I returned home with a pleasant fatigue in my body, but happy. It was one of my best days!

I am looking forward to your letter. Your friend Nikita.

Essay on personal impressions in the form of a letter Grade 5

Hello mommy! I'm fine. I feel fine. The road was easy. We have already reached the camp. It's just a huge area. It's very beautiful here, I love it!

We arrived 3 days ago. Traveling by train is very interesting, I liked watching nature. Buses were waiting for us at the pyrope, which took us to the camp in 15 minutes. I was very surprised, I imagined him completely different. There is a large territory here, everything is emptied by a fence, there are such tall, tall pines all around. The smell is just amazing, you want to breathe and breathe.

In the camp, counselors were waiting for us, who immediately took us to their detachments. We were settled in small houses. I was impressed by what I saw. At home, like in American films, I thought there were no such things in Russia. Our house has two floors, and each has 4 rooms, each room has 3 beds. I checked in with Oleg Sidorov and Petya Ivanov - you saw them.

In the evening we went to dinner. It was simply indescribable. Delicious! Cutlet with puree - the taste is excellent. And there was also apple juice and Tula gingerbread.

After dinner we went to bed. That Day I was very tired and therefore fell asleep without hind legs.

The next morning started with a workout. But it was not a simple exercise, like at school, but a disco exercise, I really liked it.

After the games, we were given a plan for a month. Our first task in the camp was to come up with a name for the detachment and chants. We thought about this task for a very long time, all the options were very interesting. In the end, we decided to be "dolphins" because we live near the sea. And we also composed this song: “The dolphin always swims forward - we know that! Together we will play as a team and we have never lost!”

Now it remains for us to come up with a dance and perform tomorrow at the concert "Review of the teams of the Zvezdochka camp." I hope we all crush! We are the strength!

The camp is good! Thanks for letting me in here. I really like everything! Hope you get this letter soon! I love you very much! Your son Pashka!

Letter from Misha

Dear friend, how long have we not seen each other! Your letter I received it a week ago, I was very pleased with it. Now I have a free minute, I decided to answer you.

This summer I spend at the dacha with my parents and younger sister. We rarely go to the city. But I'm not drawn to it. The country house is very good. The weather is great, very hot. Our whole family goes to the river every day to swim and sunbathe. We spend a lot of time on the beach. In such weather, all summer residents are there. Mom bought me and my sister each an air mattress, and I also bought flippers. I can swim very fast in them. Once I even wanted to swim from one coast to another, but my father did not allow me. I will definitely do it next year.
My sister and I have one entertainment. On Wednesdays we always go fishing together. The night before, my sister always prepares food for us to take with us. And I dig worms and take fish food with me. We get up very early to go fishing. It is still damp and cool outside at this time of the day, so you have to dress warmly. Going back, we are already taking off our windbreakers.

We always go fishing to the same place. This is our favorite lake with reeds and ducks. This year there are a lot of little ducklings. We feed them with bread, which remains with us after breakfast. The fish that I catch, we take to my mother. If a large fish is caught, then mom cooks it for us for lunch. And if it’s small, then it gives it to the neighbor’s cat Vaska. He is very happy with our catch.

The days are flying by. It's been a month of vacation. I'm starting to miss school and my classmates a little. It would be faster to see everyone, find out how they spent the summer.

Write to me what's new with you, how your brother Artem is doing. I'm very interested in what's going on with you.

Goodbye. See you in the autumn at roll call.

Your bear.

Short essay for grade 5

My dear friend!

I have never written you a letter, and most likely you will be surprised to receive this letter. I hope that no distance will interfere with our communication.

I'm sorry we had to part ways, but I'm happy for you. New horizons are opening before you. "Big ship - big voyage!". You should know that no matter what happens in life, you can always count on me.

Of course, I am sure that we will meet. You can always come to our city, and I will be very happy if you stay with me. I often remember our conversations. You know, I'm proud of our friendship and appreciate it. I am very glad that I have you and I want to thank you for your friendship.

Write to me. I miss you.

Your sincere friend.

A letter about one of the successfully spent evenings or days in the family (with relatives, friends) at school in a club, etc.

Option 6

Hello, Misha! I hope that you have not forgotten our promise - to tell each other in a letter about who and how they spend their time. In a week I will go to the post office again, I hope that you have not forgotten, and I will find your letter in my mailbox. Otherwise, at the beginning of autumn, someone will get hit in the neck. Yes, yes, I mean exactly you.

Getting down to business - at first everything went in the most boring way. All I did was relax, read a book a couple of times. But at some point, my cousin Yulia came to me. In general, she is older than me, but she communicates with me almost on an equal footing. In fact, of the two of us, the sister was the "starter", but I'm not complaining. On the contrary, it is very interesting with her. Once she also lived in this city, and therefore showed me a bunch of interesting places. I didn't even think we could do something like this. You knew that if you go a little deeper into the artificial "forest", then next to a fallen pine tree (where there is a large anthill) you can find a bunch of pieces of iron. We don't usually go there because the ants don't bite, but if you take mom's hairspray (after all, it's better to ask permission) and put on high boots, then everything is in order. There is even an old and abandoned car there. No idea how she got there and why no one noticed her before, but the fact remains. We even dragged some of the scrap metal to the collection point a couple of times. For a whole chocolate bar, but it doesn't matter.

And then we went to the cinema. Repeatedly. It was fun. Then we visited the library. I think they dragged me with them only out of boredom, but then I met the librarian and made a plan of what I would like to read later. In general, everything went well. After that, we somehow fed the birds and rode bicycles. Unfortunately, Julia went back, but those were fun days. I have no idea what I'll do next, but I'll think of something. I am looking forward to your letter. Your friend is Sergei.

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Hello beloved!

I am writing this letter, and in front of me is your photograph. I never leave her day or night. I just can't live without you for a minute. When I think about you, it seems to me that you are near, I feel your exciting breath, the warmth of your body. Honey, you have no idea what you're doing to me! I live only for you! As long as you are on this earth, I am not afraid of anything, I will overcome everything. Every day I thank God for helping me find you among so many people, for our great tender love that will never end - I'm sure of it.

Today I had a dream. Believe it or not, you were in it. You and I walked across a wide field, golden ears parted around us, and in the distance - a large wooden door. At first I was scared: where did the door come from in the middle of the field, and how will we go further? Approaching her, we stopped in confusion. But some unknown force prompted us to bend down and start looking for something on the ground. After a while, our eyes fell on the key. We took it, opened the ill-fated door and walked on, holding hands... You know, it was a good dream. The field is our life, big and interesting, the door is an obstacle that we will overcome together, because we will find a solution to this problem - the key. I sincerely believe in it.

You know, I have a dream. She is very kind, and therefore must come true. I want us to have a real strong family, so that we love each other not only during the honeymoon, but also, the further, the stronger. Let the years only temper us and make us more tender to each other. I want us, my love, to have two children: a girl and a boy. Let them please us and be the meaning of our whole life. Agree, it's so wonderful to look at your children and never cease to be surprised that they are a part of you and me, merged together!

I hope that as you read this letter, you feel the same way about me that you miss me too. You have no idea how I want to run up to you, cling to your strong manly chest, smell your muscular body. My beloved, dear! Believe in the sincerity of my words, because before I could not tell anyone what I say to you. Why? Yes, because I have never loved anyone the way I love you! I am surprised by this, but I can not do anything. And I don't want to! You are the best, you are the most beloved, you are the dearest person for me, for whom I am both in fire and in water! Even to the end of the world!

At the end of my letter, I want to wish the two of us a speedy meeting, which I look forward to like nothing else. Hope it's mutual.

Goodbye My dear. Don't forget to write. I kiss you and love you very much! Your baby.

Today, quite unexpectedly, I found in my mailbox an ordinary paper envelope with a letter.

I'm talking about that mailbox in the entrance, in which recent years twenty, except for advertising, no one throws anything.
People stopped writing letters to each other and sending postcards for the holidays. Already and email many do not write much.
We do not write letters on paper with an ordinary fountain pen, we almost do not knock on the clave. What for? I sent a template postcard on WhatsApp or on a social network, attached a smiley face, and that's it.
But one of my friends from the Far East just took it and wrote me a regular letter.
An ordinary envelope with a letter, which, not so long ago, in principle, our parents, aunts and uncles, and, of course, grandparents loved to write to each other.
In it, in beautiful calligraphic handwriting, he told me about his life and being.

In fact, we communicate with this friend quite often.
But on skype, whatsapp, in in social networks, and naturally on "soap". Of course, we call each other by mobile phone.
I called him on Skype today. Thank you for the letter.
It would seem, well, what can you write if you communicate almost daily? But it turns out there are some things that cannot be transmitted digitally by electronic means.
The number has no soul. There are only zeros and ones. But in an analog letter written with an ordinary ballpoint pen, it is.
By the way, I love listening to vinyl records. The sound is softer and livelier.

Here, it seems, the same even lines with text, but you perceive them differently. Yes, and doodles too.
Well, here, for example, let's remember the classics of our cinema - "White Sun of the Desert". Remember the letter of the Red Army soldier Sukhov to his wife: “I am writing back to you, dear Katerina Matveevna, because I had a free minute. We don’t experience it. The sun is here, it’s already white in the eyes "...
But imagine Katerina Matveevna, who received this letter via WhatsApp. Although, I do not represent the Red Army soldier Sukhov, who writes in WhatsApp. What would he write there? I attached a photo of some cool cat Vaska, a bunch of emoticons, and the duty “Miss you”. In the end, the sacrament of writing would not have happened.

Technological progress has destroyed this sacrament.
As well as the halo of romance, the smell of paper and the handwriting of a person dear to you, by which you can always find out about his mood and even what he felt at the time of writing the letter.
We are all in a hurry somewhere and are afraid to be late. During this rush, so many interesting things rush past us, but we no longer notice it.
But sometimes you can stop. Put aside the keyboard, take it, and write a regular letter to a friend or loved one.
Firstly, the recipient will be happy, and secondly, logical thinking is trained in the process of writing. It is necessary to build a proposal correctly and write it correctly. Thirdly, in a letter you can always say much more than in a meeting.

Today I will buy an envelope, take out my Waterman and write an answer to my Far Eastern friend. And then I'll go to the post office and throw it in the box.
Let the Russian Post work later ...

The need to write a letter to your beloved man is different: he is far away, or you had a fight and want to talk about your experiences, or other circumstances have arisen. Be sure to write, and if you do not know how and about what, we will tell you.

Letter to a loved one

If the beloved is far away and you are bored, the words themselves will splash out on paper. You just need to pick up a pen and get started.

Here are some examples for inspiration:

  • You are far away now, but for me you are near: in my heart, in my soul and thoughts. I miss you so much and can't think of anything. But we must live apart, and I try to be cheerful, waiting for you. I do not always succeed in this, in the evenings, when I come home, I allow myself to be sad, to give vent to emotions. I look forward to your return, the thought of it warms me every day.
  • Darling, I miss you. I meet the dawn with thoughts of you and remember how good it was for us together. Come back soon and I will never let you go again.
  • Forgive me, but I can't help but be sad away from you. Before, I did not appreciate the time spent with you so much, but now I felt how hard it is to be alone. I remember every second. I am waiting and sad. Yes, there are many things to do and worries, but the thoughts in my head are only about you, how are you there, is everything okay? Let me know.
  • Every 5 minutes I look at the phone and wait for your call, because I can't live without you for so long. Wherever I go, whatever I do, your face is always before my eyes, dimples on your cheeks, you smile so charmingly and are so funny angry. Call me quickly and come back soon.

Being at a distance, we must support each other with warm words, constantly remind us of love, so that there is confidence that everything is the same.

A touching confession to a guy

It is often difficult to speak directly about feelings, but it is much easier to write:

  1. Dear, I am writing to you, because I do not dare to tell you in words. You became not just a person in my life, you became life itself. I feel uplifted and empty when I'm alone. Love you.
  2. I don't know why I'm writing this, I probably don't have the courage to say it directly. But I know I can't hide anymore. Before, I could not imagine that you would become more than a friend to me, but this is exactly what happened.
  3. I'm afraid to utter big words, I know that all this is unexpected, but it makes no sense to remain silent further. Regardless of your decision, I tell you about my love. I dream of a response, but I'm not in a hurry, because everything is "like a snowball on my head." Real love does not require reciprocity, and if you do not consider it necessary to answer it, I will be grateful for honesty in this case. I love and hope.

Of course, it is difficult to advise in such a matter how and what to write. But deciding to confess do not hesitate to speak directly, frankly.

Short notes-confessions to a loved one

Such notes can be thrown to a neighbor, classmate, colleague, when you don’t want to talk for a long time, but only convey the main meaning:

  • I can’t speak beautifully - know that there is a girl nearby who cares about you;
  • I have a few words that are torn from me - I love you;
  • I look forward to meeting you like a miracle. I myself did not expect that I would fall in love so seriously;
  • Tell me, has this happened to you, you see a person and you understand what it is is yours Human? It happened to me the other day when I saw you;
  • I can’t believe it myself, but it so happened that without you I’m sad and lonely. When you are near, happiness overwhelms me;
  • I'm so looking forward to meeting, and I myself wonder - did I really fall in love. Apparently it is, for good reason I am drawn to you like a magnet.

It is necessary to write just such messages, men do not like unnecessary words, everything is accessible and understandable.

Letter to a man in verse

It is very touching to receive poems written by the girl you love. Write them congratulating on the holiday, being apart or just like that:

Now you are my man

And I don't know how to thank fate.

Because I became your love

I can always be with you.

All resentment passes

When I look into your eyes

And all the suffering of the past

I'm ready to forget right away.

I love you more than life,

And thankful to fate, dear,

What gave her this spark,

That ignited our love.

Thank you for finding me

In the crowd among others.

Between gray buildings, sad faces,

We merged with each other.

Undoubtedly, you can compose a few lines yourself, if not, choose the appropriate ones and give them as a gift.

Tender and kind messages to husband

Tell your husband about your feelings after parting for a while and when he is around, let him remember that he is loved and expected:

  • I don't know if you remember when we met. But I remember this day clearly, as it changed my life and me. I remember not only that, but also how you looked at me for the first time, how you walked me home and called me the next morning. All this time I was overwhelmed by a flurry of emotions and doubts. But soon I realized that fate had given me a gift and accepted it with gratitude. Thanks for showing up in my life.
  • Perhaps I have never said these words and this is my omission. You are the best for me, you combine courage and intelligence, humor and prudence. I am proud of my husband, I can’t imagine how I would live without you or with someone else. I miss when you are gone, looking forward to the moment when I can return home. The best thing in my life is our nest and you in soft slippers.

A letter to a loved one in prose

And a few more options for messages for all occasions:

  • My dear man! Yes, that's what I want to call you. I know that this is unexpected, but the feelings overwhelm me. You have become not just close, I understand that I was waiting for you. Having waited, I can safely say that I love. I'm not afraid to speak so openly even if you don't reciprocate. After all, those we love do not become our property, just be aware of this.
  • You are far away, and I, left here alone, realized what you mean to me. Previously, we lived and did not attach any importance to this, gray everyday days passed by one after another, in worries and fuss. But we will begin to truly appreciate each other only now, after a long separation. I, every day, lying in bed, imagine how I will run to meet you and what words I will say. And most importantly, I will never let go for such a long time again.
  • Dear, thank you for making my life better. Only you could make her truly happy. I love you when you get angry and laugh, and it doesn’t matter to me what your mood is, I can always dispel your sorrows. You are the most wonderful person, wherever you are, no matter what happens, I want to be there.

Words of recognition and gratitude should sometimes be spoken by all people to relatives and friends. It doesn’t matter whether orally or in writing, the main thing is to convey the essence.

If you decide to leave

It’s easier to express difficult thoughts on paper, and if you don’t have the strength to say goodbye looking into your eyes, write:

  • Hello, you are probably surprised to receive a letter from me. But in Lately our communication becomes more and more impossible, we constantly swear and quarrel. So I decided to talk in this form. Realizing that it cannot continue like this, I inform you that we are parting. Forgive me for everything and I forgive you.
  • Cute, good man! I can't muster up the courage to talk, writing will be easier. Our relationship has outlived itself, we can no longer stay together. If we continue this performance, we will lie to ourselves and others. Forgive my insolence, but I think you will agree with me.
  • Hello, I am writing a farewell message. There is not enough spirit for another meeting, I turned out to be a terrible coward. I feel that you are no longer looking at me so affectionately, hugging me not so tenderly. I don’t want to be not happy, so that you are there only out of pity or a sense of responsibility. I let us go in different directions. Thanks for the great time, sorry and goodbye.

It’s hard to write about parting, but gather your will into a fist and explain yourself. Don't wait until you become a burden to each other.

It doesn’t matter what you need to write a letter to your beloved man about. Whether it's a happy occasion or a sad one, be honest and show respect to the end.

Video: what words can convey your feelings?

In this video, psychologist Antonina Ryabtseva will tell you what you can write for your loved one to convey your love: