Business plan for opening a music school. Music school for adults. What does it take to open a private music school?

Business plan for a private music school, LLC “Treble Clef”


3. Market research and analysis

4. Marketing plan

5. Production plan

6.Organizational plan

7. Financial plan

8. Potential risks





Short name of the project: LLC “Treble Clef”

Full name of the project: creation of a modern private music school, Treasure Clef LLC, to provide music and educational services for children and adults

Address: Perm, st. Borchaninova, 8

Project start date: January 2011

The positive and therapeutic influence of music and art in general on human development is already well known. Research recent years in the field of brain physiology, they are returning to art the important role in human development that should rightfully belong to it. Both in Europe and in Russia, it has been proven that increasing the number of classes in music and art helps students master mathematics and languages.

It is well known that through music we can change the rhythm of breathing, reduce blood pressure, speed up or slow down metabolic processes in the human body, reduce physical fatigue and stress, ease the load on the senses, reduce pain, etc. By playing music and singing together, we can exercise various social abilities and improve overall mental well-being. Musical logic and finger exercises when playing musical instruments develop thinking and strengthen brain cells. The influence of various rhythms on the human body is also ambiguous.

Therefore, music and art, by virtue of their inner nature, must be an integral part of any education, and for this they must become part of the education of every future teacher.

Purpose of this project is the organization of a private music school, LLC “Treble Clef”, which will provide the following services: training in playing the piano (synthesizer), violin, xylophone, guitar, vocal lessons, solfeggio and musical literature.

Based on the results of the project, the net present value will be = 7,564,087 rubles, the profitability index is 9.3, the payback period is 9.1 months.

This project is quite attractive. The highlight of this project is that teaching music will not be carried out in a traditional form. Students will be offered a wide range of subjects. Teachers will select works for memorization, taking into account the wishes of the student.

The main competitors of this institution are traditional music schools and all kinds of music clubs, and private music schools (there are few of these in our city). The school will offer the following opportunities:

The Treble Clef private music school is constantly open to any changes and innovations that could improve its activities.

Training in playing the most popular instruments today: piano, synthesizer, xylophone, guitar, as well as training in vocal classes (academic, jazz).

The project is expected to be financed from own funds and borrowed.

The initial investment is RUB 1,564,400.

Own capital – 364,320 rubles.

2. Characteristics of the business object

Violin Clef LLC plans to provide the following types of services:

Learning to play the most popular musical instruments: piano (synthesizer), violin, xylophone, guitar;

Vocal lessons (academic, jazz);

Solfeggio lessons;

Lessons on musical literature.

A special feature of Treble Clef LLC is that the school offers music lessons for both children (from 5 years old) and adults, guaranteeing an individual approach to everyone.

At the “Treble Clef” school it is planned to use the modern concept and methodology of teaching music by N.A. Berger entitled "Music for Everyone". The technique is unique. It is aimed at enabling every person to feel the beneficial effects of music, to find for themselves the meaning of playing music, first of all, in personal harmony.

The main principles of the methodology are the relationship between the intellectual and emotional principles in the presentation of material, a personal approach to communication, taking into account the bright individuality of each child in the process of group and individual lessons.

The goal is the development of creativity, independence, the ability to be active, active, aspiring, emotionally developed, while deeply feeling the world around us, its subtle structure.

To optimize the educational process, the methodology proposes an intensive method of mastering musical literacy, which has been tested for many years and has proven to be highly effective in working with different age groups. This method ensures ease of learning the material, regardless of the student’s age and the degree of his musical talent.

This “Method of teaching practical music-making” is based on:

1. on the development of individual and group forms of classes, which allows, on the one hand, to reduce the cost of a music lesson several times, increasing throughput class and teacher, on the other hand, take into account the individual characteristics of the student in the process of mastering the material;

2. on the rationalization of many aspects of the study of traditional musical writing, which makes it possible to reduce the time it takes to master it by at least four times and achieve optimal results;

3. on improving musical writing itself, developing a system for introducing musical writing, mastering shorthand alphabets for recording music as needed;

4. on the predominance of creative forms of work, which allow maintaining interest in the subject being studied for a long time and developing the creative abilities of the individual;

5. on the development and use of relatively cheap TSO for the design of music classes, which significantly increases the effectiveness of classes.

The “Music for Everyone” method differs from all other methods found in state Children's Music Schools, because its goal is not to learn a piece, refine its sound to a professional level, and then perform it on stage. The main thing is to master the elements of musical language and musical writing so that in the future students can learn to read a musical text, work with it, and also be able to improvise and create their own compositions based on the mastered elements, recording them if necessary. Bringing the sound of works to “stage readiness” is not excluded, but it is carried out, firstly, solely at the request of the students themselves, and, secondly, it occurs using traditional training methods.

Equipping the classroom with various musical instruments is of great help in introducing the development of musical language and musical writing in the process of practical music-making.

As a result, the student will be able to learn in a short period of time:

Quickly remember;

Stored in memory for a long time and relatively short term reconstruct a forgotten work;


Freely select the melody you like by ear;

Play music in various genres (from classical to jazz);

If desired, freely create your own compositions, gaining the opportunity for creative self-realization.

Future services:

Starting from 2016, it is planned to expand the geography of the business by creating new branches of the school in various areas of Perm and the Perm region;

Intensive development of activities in the field of providing these services is planned.

Currently, the private school education market in Perm and the surrounding region has reached some equilibrium. Over the past four years, the number of schools has neither increased nor decreased. According to experts, further development of the market will depend on the degree of government pressure on non-state educational institutions and the growth of parents’ well-being.

Private music school education in the Kama region is in a state of stagnation.

Today in Perm there are 13 state music schools, 1 private music school “Flowers by the Stream”.

Table 1 shows competitive analysis organized by the private school “Treble Clef”:

service market music plan marketing

Table 1.

Competitive analysis of Treble Clef LLC

Comparison area

PointsLLC "Treble Clef"

Competitors, points

LLC "Treble Clef" Competitors
"Flowers by the Stream" Public Schools
Material and technical base (quality and quantity of tools) 5 5 3
Variety of educational services offered 4 5 5
Advertising 5 5 2
Image 3 4 3
Professionalism of the staff 5 5 4
Quality of services 5 5 4
Individual approach 5 4 3
Prices 3 3 5
Structure of price discounts for services 5 4 3
Schedule flexibility 5 5 3
Total 45 45 35

Thus, we can conclude that the main competitor of the newly organized enterprise is the private music school “Flowers by the Stream” that has long existed on the market.

Competitive advantages of Treble Clef LLC:

The private music school “Treble Clef” provides services of the highest level, the quality of which is ensured by the experience, knowledge and culture of the teachers;

Organization of the educational process using a unique modern concept and methods of teaching music N.A. Berger;

LLC "Treble Clef" is located in the center of Perm;

Children and adults are provided with a reliable level of safety during their stay at school;

A set of professional subjects such as solfeggio, musical literature, general piano course;

Training in playing the most popular instruments today: piano, synthesizer, xylophone, guitar, as well as training in vocal classes (academic, jazz);

Individual approach to each student;

The ability to build an individual program, which gives a feeling of freedom of learning;

Home visit in case the student is unable to move;

More free variation of the schedule;

Lack of competition among students.

Regular student performances;

At high professional level access to music competitions and festivals;

Being in a professional environment, the opportunity to compare your level of play with peers;

Possibility of issuing for use musical instruments;

The Treble Clef private music school is constantly open to any changes and innovations that could improve its activities.

4. Marketing plan

Since Treble Clef LLC will be located in the center of Perm (8 Borchaninova St.), the main student population will be those living in the city center.

Starting from 2016, to expand the business, it is planned to create new branches of the school in different areas of Perm and the Perm region; as well as intensive development of activities in the field of providing these services.

To increase demand for the services of Treble Clef LLC, it is necessary to conduct an advertising campaign.

This music school is planned for 600 children. It is planned to admit 400 students in the first year, 500 students in the second year, and 600 students in the third. (for example, 600 children are currently studying in Children's Music School No. 1) Analyzing the activities of city music schools, we can conclude that music education, as a rule, includes a mandatory minimum - these are two specialty lessons (learning to play the chosen instrument), a solfeggio lesson is obligatory and musical literature. If desired, additional training in playing the synthesizer, other musical instruments, and vocal lessons is also possible. The highlight of this school is that the student will be given a choice in a set of musical subjects. Thus, one student on average will attend 5 classes per week or 20 classes per month.

5. Production plan

The music school is open from 10:00 to 21:00 (1 hour - lunch), 6 days a week. An instrument lesson lasts 45 minutes, solfeggio lasts 45 minutes, music. literature – 45 min.

“Treble Clef” LLC plans to organize 10 instrumental classes and an assembly hall, in which classes will be held. Address of LLC "Treble Clef": Perm, Borchaninova str. 8, premises area 283 sq.m., rent will be 56,600 rubles.

A maximum of 13 lessons (10×60/45) can be taught per day in one class, 338 lessons per month (26 days ×13 lessons). This means that the possible maximum volume of services per month will be 3380 lessons (338 lessons × 10 classes). Then the maximum number of lessons per quarter will be 10,140.

Before Treble Clef LLC begins work, it is necessary to purchase equipment. Table 2 shows the need for fixed assets and inventory:

Table 2. Requirement for fixed assets and inventory

To purchase fixed assets you will need funds in the amount of 1,346,200 rubles. In the following table we present the necessary equipment for the school.

Table 3. Inventory

Name Quantity price, rub. Price Calculation scheme
Sofas for the hall 3 15 000 45 000 similarly
Computer 3 19 000 57 000 similarly
10 1 500 15 000
Chairs for classes 20 120 24 000 similarly
Fax 1 240 2 400 similarly
Multifunction device LaserJet-M 1120 MFP 1 800 8 000 similarly
Chairs for the assembly hall 50 500 25 000 similarly
Student board 2 4 500 9 000 similarly
Office chairs 3 5 000 15 000 similarly
Total 200 400 Σ lines

To purchase inventory you will need 200,400 rubles. The total cost of the purchased equipment of Treble Clef LLC will be 1,546,600 rubles.

Table 4. Calculation of depreciation charges (according to fixed assets)

The initial one-time costs should include the costs of registering and licensing a private educational institution. These costs must include the costs of permits, licensing costs, costs of purchasing equipment, including transportation costs.

To register an educational institution, the founders are required to:

Pay the state fee (2000 rubles);

Prepare and submit to the registration authority constituent documents the organization being created (depending on the organizational and legal form - a protocol or decision on the creation of the organization, the Charter, possibly a constituent agreement, as well as a number of other documents in case of registration public association), information about the founders, information about the location of the permanent executive body;

Notarize the signature on the registration application legal entity in the established form (the applicant must be one of the founders) and submit an application to the registration authority.

Notary fee – 800 rubles.

After state registration, before starting practical activities for the provision of services in the field of education, educational institution must obtain a license. Licensing procedure educational activities determined by the Government Russian Federation(at the time of writing this article - the Regulations on licensing of educational activities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2000 N 796).

The cost of licensing and registration will be 15,000 rubles.

Thus, for registration and licensing you will need 17,800 rubles. We present the initial costs in the table.

Table 5. Initial costs (one-time)

Name Quantity Price
Piano Richter 10 860 200
Grand piano Yamaha GB 1 PE 1 383 000
Chairs for classes 20 24 000
Reception desk 1 23 000
Floor clothes hanger Floor clothes hanger 10 15 000
Furniture for directors and accountants 2 80 000
Sofas for the hall 3 45 000
Computer 3 57 000
Fax 1 2 400
Multifunction Laser Jet-2 1 8 000
Chairs for the assembly hall 50 25 000
Student board 2 9 000
Office chairs 3 15 000
State duty 2000
Notarial services 800
Licensing and registration 15000
Total 1 564 400

The initial costs of opening a private music school will be 1,564,400 rubles.

Treble Clef LLC will bear the monthly costs of rent, utility bills, stationery, for communication, security. Table 6 shows payments for these types of services:

Table 6. Current costs of operating activities (fixed)

Fixed costs for the implementation of the project will be 73,100 rubles per month. In year fixed costs will amount to 877,200 rubles.

Let's present current costs in terms of constants and variables.

Table 7. Current costs by year

Thus, fixed costs aimed at maintaining the activities of the enterprise will amount to 877,000 rubles.

Variable costs (costs of auxiliary materials - stationery, this is printed auxiliary material for students. Variable costs are 5,000 rubles per month. Based on 600 students. Thus, with an increase in the number of students, variable costs will increase by the third year of implementation of the project, current costs will be 60,000 rubles.

Let's take a more detailed look at the costs of administrative, managerial and educational personnel.

6. Organizational plan

The structure of the required personnel of Treble Clef LLC is as follows (Table 8):

Table 8. Personnel structure

Personnel requirements:

Director. Higher education in economics, 5 years of management experience. The director carries out general management of the enterprise.

Customer Service and Marketing Manager. Higher specialized education, work experience of 3 years or more, communication skills, negotiation skills, experience in conducting advertising campaigns, confident PC user, availability of a car.

Accountant. Higher specialized education, 5 years of work experience, knowledge of 1C, confident PC user. Responsibilities - management accounting at the enterprise, maintaining records of fixed assets, inventories, wages, settlements with suppliers and customers, tax accounting.

Administrator. Education above average, good appearance, confident PC user, sociability, discipline. Responsibilities - scheduling lessons, consulting services, providing the company with materials (paper, pens, etc.).

Teachers. Higher or secondary specialized education. Work experience from 8 years. Responsibilities: teaching lessons.

Cleaning woman. No bad habits, discipline.

Table 9. Payroll

Job title Number of persons Salary, rub. Premium, % Premium, rub. Total wage per month, rub. Monthly wage fund, rub. Calculation scheme
Director 1 14 000 30 4 200 18 200 18 200

Bonus, rub = salary × bonus,%;

Total salary per month = salary + bonus, rub;

Monthly salary fund = total salary × number of people

Account and Marketing Manager 1 10 000 30 3 000 13 000 13 000 similarly
Accountant 1 10 000 30 3 000 13 000 13 000 similarly
Administrator 1 10 000 30 3 000 13 000 13 000 similarly
Cleaning woman 1 5 000 15 750 5 750 5 750 similarly
Total 5 62 950 62 950 Σ lines

Premium calculation:

bonus for director = 14,000 × 30% = 4,200 rubles.

bonus for manager = 10,000 × 30% = 3,000 rubles.

bonus for an accountant = 10,000 × 30% = 3,000 rubles.

bonus for administrator = 10,000 × 30% = 3,000 rubles.

bonus for the cleaner = 5,000 × 15% = 750 rubles.

Total salary per month:

salary for director = 14,000 + 4,200 = 18,200 rubles.

salary for manager = 10,000 + 3,000 = 13,000 rubles.

salary for an accountant = 10,000 + 3,000 = 13,000 rubles.

salary for administrator = 10,000 + 3,000 = 13,000 rub.

salary for a cleaner = 5,000 + 750 = 5,750 rubles.

According to the federal law of July 24, 2009. No. 212-FZ “On insurance premiums in Pension Fund RF, Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and territorial compulsory medical insurance funds", which provides for the replacement of the Unified Social Tax with insurance contributions; deductions from wages will be 34%: 26% - in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, 2.9% - in the Social Insurance Fund RF, 2.1% - in the Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and 3% - in the TFOMS.

Table 10. Contributions to insurance funds

The annual salary fund for management personnel will be 1,012,236 rubles.

Let's calculate teachers' salaries. Teachers' salaries are variable and will depend on the number of lessons taught.

There is a number of lessons by year: 1 year – 27152

2 year – 33660

3rd year – 39306.

In this case, the rate is 24 hours per week or 32 lessons.

Then the number of hours per year will be 20,364 hours in year 1, 25,245 hours in year 2, and 29,480 hours in year 3.

The average cost of a standard hour is 60 rubles. Teachers' salaries will depend on the number of lessons taught. The salary of the management staff of the music school will be a constant value.

Table 11. Teachers' salary fund

Thus, the wage fund will increase with the increase in the number of students and, accordingly, with the increase in classes conducted.

In the first year it is planned to enroll 400 students, in the second - 500, in the third - 600.

Let's calculate the percentage of services provided from the maximum volume.

1 year – 67%,

2-year – 83%,

3rd year – 100%. In subsequent years, the school is planned to have 100% occupancy.

According to the expected enrollment of students, we will predict the lesson plan for the billing period.

Based on experience, the assortment structure will look like this:

Playing the piano (synthesizer) – 19%;

Playing the violin – 10%;

Playing the guitar – 25%;

Playing the xylophone – 13%;

Vocal lessons – 15%;

Complex services (playing an instrument, solfeggio, musical literature) – 18%.

Table 12. Sales plan, number of services in 2011

Index Quarter Total for the year Calculation scheme
1 2 3 4
Playing the piano 1290 1290 1161 1290 5031 This year it is planned 67% of the maximum volume of services, i.e. 3,380 × 67% = 2264; 2264 × 19% = 430. 430*3=1290
Playing the violin 678 678 610 678 2644

3,380 × 67% = 2264; 2264 × 10%= 226

Playing guitar 1698 1698 1528 1698 6622

3,380 × 67% = 2264; 2264 × 25% = 566

Playing the xylophone 882 882 793 882 3439

3,380 × 67% = 2264; 2264 × 13% = 294

Vocal lessons 1018 1018 916 1018 3970

3,380 × 67% = 2264; 2264 × 15% = 339

Comprehensive services 1222 1222 1099 1222 4765

2264 × 18% = 407

Total 6788 6788 6109 6788 26471

In the third quarter there is a decrease in the number of lessons by 10%, as is usually the case in the summer months a large number of people are planning vacations, and for 2011 the total number of services will be 26,471 lessons. Next, let's look at the sales plan for 2012.

Table 13. Sales plan, number of services in 2012

Index Quarter Total for the year Calculation scheme
1 2 3 4
Playing the piano 1599 1599 1439 1599 6236 This year it is planned to carry out 83% of capacity: 3,380 × 83% × 19% = 533, 533*3=1599
Playing the violin 841 841 756 841 3279 3,380 ×83% × 10% *3= 841
Playing guitar 2103 2103 1892 2103 8201 3,380 ×83% × 25%*3 = 2103
Playing the xylophone 1093 1093 983 1093 4262 3,380 ×83% × 13%*3 = 1093
Vocal lessons 1262 1262 1135 1262 4921 3,380 ×83% × 15% *3= 1262
Comprehensive services 1514 1514 1362 1514 5904 3,380 ×83% × 18% *3= 1514
Total 32803

The sales plan for 2012 will be 32,803 classes.

Table 14. Sales plan, number of services in 2013

Index Quarter Total for the year Calculation scheme
1 2 3 4
Playing the piano 1926 1926 1733 1926 7511 This year it is planned to carry out 100% of capacity: 3,380 × 19%*3 = 1926
Playing the violin 1014 1014 912 1014 3954 3,380 × 10%*3 = 1014
Playing guitar 2535 2535 2281 2535 9886 3,380 × 25%*3 = 2535
Playing the xylophone 1318 1318 1186 1318 5104 3,380 × 13%*3 = 1,318
Vocal lessons 1521 1521 1368 1521 5931 3,380 × 15%*3 = 1521
Comprehensive services 1825 1825 1642 1825 7117 3,380 × 18%*3 = 1825
Total 39503

The sales plan for 2014 will be 39,503 lessons. It is planned that in 2013 and in subsequent years the school’s occupancy will be 100%

Vocal lessons – 250 rub.

Table 14 shows the revenue plan:

Table 15. Revenue plan, rub.

Index 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year Calculation scheme
Playing the piano 1006200 1247200 1502200 1502200 1502200 Number of services per year (for piano) × price
Playing the violin 528800 655800 790800 790800 790800 similarly
Playing guitar 1324400 1640200 1977200 1977200 1977200 similarly
Playing the xylophone 687800 852400 1020800 1020800 1020800 similarly
Vocal lessons 992500 1230250 1482750 1482750 1482750 similarly
Comprehensive services 1286550 1594080 1921590 1921590 1921590 similarly
Total 5826250 7219930 8695340 8695340 8695340

Thus, for the first year the revenue will be 5,826,250 rubles, in the second year - 7,219,930 rubles, in the third, fourth and fifth years - 8,695,340 rubles. Guitar playing, comprehensive services and vocal services are the most profitable service.

7. Financial plan

Financing strategy:

The initial investment is RUB 1,564,400.

Borrowed capital – RUB 1,200,080.

Own capital – 564,320 rubles. it is planned to leave a cash reserve for unforeseen circumstances in the amount of 200,000 rubles, the remaining 364,320 rubles. will go towards development.

To finance the project, it is planned to take out a loan (“Gain momentum”) in the amount of 1,200,080 rubles, for three years with the principal repaid in equal monthly installments, at 20% per annum from Kamabank.

Table 12 shows the loan repayment schedule:

Table 16. Loan repayment schedule

Month year Balance of principal, rub. Payment of principal, rub. Interest payment, rub Total payments per month, rub
1 1200080,00 33335,56 20001,73 53337,29
2 1166744,44 33335,56 19446,13 52781,69
3 1133408,89 33335,56 18890,53 52226,08
4 1100073,33 33335,56 18334,92 51670,48
5 1066737,78 33335,56 17779,32 51114,87
6 1033402,22 33335,56 17223,71 50559,27
7 1000066,67 33335,56 16668,11 50003,67
8 966731,11 33335,56 16112,51 49448,06
9 933395,56 33335,56 15556,90 48892,46
10 900060,00 33335,56 15001,30 48336,86
11 866724,44 33335,56 14445,70 47781,25
12 833388,89 33335,56 13890,09 47225,65
Total for 1 year 400 026,67 203 350,96 603 377,62
1 800053,33 33335,56 13334,49 46670,04
2 766717,78 33335,56 12778,89 46114,44
3 733382,22 33335,56 12223,28 45558,84
4 700046,67 33335,56 11667,68 45003,23
5 666711,11 33335,56 11112,07 44447,63
6 633375,56 33335,56 10556,47 43892,03
7 600040,00 33335,56 10000,87 43336,42
8 566704,44 33335,56 9445,26 42780,82
9 533368,89 33335,56 8889,66 42225,21
10 500033,33 33335,56 8334,06 41669,61
11 466697,78 33335,56 7778,45 41114,01
12 433362,22 33335,56 7222,85 40558,40
Total for 2 years 400 026,67 123 344,02 523 370,69
1 400026,67 33335,56 6667,24 40002,80
2 366691,11 33335,56 6111,64 39447,20
3 333355,56 33335,56 5556,04 38891,59
4 300020,00 33335,56 5000,43 38335,99
5 266684,44 33335,56 4444,83 37780,39
6 233348,89 33335,56 3889,23 37224,78
7 200013,33 33335,56 3333,62 36669,18
8 166677,78 33335,56 2778,02 36113,57
9 133342,22 33335,56 2222,41 35557,97
10 100006,67 33335,56 1666,81 35002,37
11 66671,11 33335,56 1111,21 34446,76
12 33335,56 33335,56 555,60 33891,16
Total for 3 years 400 026,67 43 337,09 443 363,76

Thus, loan payments in the first year will amount to 603,377.62 rubles, in the second year - 523,370.69 rubles, in the third year - 443,363.76 rubles.

Based on the calculated data, we will draw up a profit and loss statement

Table 17. Profit and loss statement

1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year
Revenue 5826250 7219930 8695340 8695340 8695340
-fixed costs 877200 877200 877200 877200 877200
loan payments 603377,62 523370,69 443363,76 0 0
-variable costs 38400 48000 60000 60000 60000
- salary management personnel 1012236 1012236 1012236 1012236 1012236
-teachers' salaries 1637266 2029698 2370192 2370192 2370192
Profit 1657770,38 2729425,31 3932348,24 4375712 4375712
Income tax 15.5% 256954,41 423060,92 609513,98 678235,36 678235,36
Net profit 1400815,97 2306364,39 3322834,26 3697476,64 3697476,64

Net profit in the first year of project implementation will be 1,400,815.97 rubles, in the second year, net profit will be 2,306,364.39 rubles, in the third year of project implementation, net profit will be 3,322,834.26 rubles. and starting from the fourth - 3697476.64 rubles.

Table 18. Cash flow statement

To assess the effectiveness of the project, it is necessary to determine the discount rate; we use the cumulative method for this:

Typically, the specific amount of the premium for each type of risk (with the exception of country risk) is determined by experts in the probable range from 0 to 5%.

The formula for calculating the discount rate using the cumulative method is as follows:

R = Rf + R1 + ... + Rn, (1)

where R is the discount rate;

Rf - risk-free rate of return;

R1 + ... + Rn - risk premiums for various risk factors.

As a risk-free rate, you need to take government income securities. Considering the fact that the central bank discount rate is 11%, the yield on securities is usually lower; on the website it is noted that it fluctuates around 8-9% per annum.

It is accepted that the risk-free rate will be 8%.

When calculating the discount rate, premiums for different kinds risks associated with a specific investment (country risk, risks associated with company size, dependence on a key figure, product/geographical diversification, clientele diversification, financial structure, etc.). Typically, the specific amount of the premium for each type of risk (with the exception of country risk) is determined by experts in the probable range from 0 to 5%.

Let's identify the most significant risks for a private music school.

Company size

This risk factor is estimated to range from 0 to 3%. We accept it at 2%, because the object of evaluation can be positioned as medium business regional scale.

Financial structure

This risk factor is estimated to range from 0 to 5%. This indicator depends on the equity capital concentration ratio and on the current liquidity indicator. We accept 4%

Industrial and territorial diversification

This risk factor is estimated to range from 0 to 3%. The company has a single line of business - selling railway tickets. Territorial diversification is present within the Perm region, which is not enough for sustainable business. We accept 2%

Diversification of clientele

This risk factor is estimated to range from 0 to 4%. The risk of losing clientele is common to all companies. However, the loss of a customer affects the sales volumes of different enterprises to varying degrees. The less dependence of a company’s income on one or several major clients, the less equal conditions it's more stable. Consumers of railway tickets are consumers of different ages, which allows us to estimate this risk factor as an average of 2%.

The profitability of the enterprise and the predictability of its income.

This risk factor is estimated to range from 0 to 4%. Profitability of this enterprise primarily depends on pricing policy. Predictability and stability of income in this business not high enough, so we estimate this factor at 3%

Quality of management

The quality of management is reflected in all areas of the company’s existence, i.e. the current state of the company and the prospects for its development are largely predetermined by the quality of management. It is often impossible to identify those individual indicators on which management has had a particularly strong impact. Therefore, we define this risk factor as the average value of factors, except for factors that depend on the size of the company and the predictability of income. The value of the management quality factor is 2%

Other own risks

This risk factor is estimated in the range of 0–5% and takes into account the likelihood of other specific risks inherent in the company being evaluated affecting the receipt of projected income. Taking into account the specifics of doing business in Russia, it is necessary to include in the discount rate the value of this factor at the level of the middle of the range. We accept this figure as 2.5%.

Taking into account the risk-free rate, we get 25%.

Table 19. Calculation of discounted cash flow:

NPV=-1564400+-163584/(1+0.25) 1 +2306364.39/(1+0.25) 2 +3322834.26/(1+0.25) 3 + 3697476.64/(1+ 0.25) 4 +3697476.64/(1+0.25) 5 =5667878.95>0

Based on this table, we can conclude that Treble Clef LLC will begin to make a profit only from the second year.

Thus, we can conclude that the project is effective since the net present value is positive (NPV >0).

Let's calculate the profitability index (PI):

PI= 14613775/1564400=9.3

Since the value of the PI indicator is >1, this project is considered profitable.

Let's calculate the payback period of the project (PP):

Investments in the project amount to 1,564,400 rubles. Net profit in year 2 – 2142780.4 rubles. The payback period will be 1 year 2 months.

Let's calculate profitability indicators:

Table 20. Profitability indicators

According to calculations, the profitability of sales increases from the first year of project implementation from 28% and in the third year of project implementation it amounts to 38.8%. This is due to an increase in net profit.

Return on sales = net profit / revenue ×100

Based on the results of profitability indicators, we can conclude that the project is effective and cost-effective.

The return on sales indicator allows you to analyze changes in profitability due to changes in price and sales volume and changes in cost. This coefficient shows that by the beginning of the third year of project implementation, approximately a third of the revenue, that is, 38%, will be profit.

In general, the enterprise has a positive trend in its development. The current value (NPV) of the project is positive, amounting to 5667878.95 rubles. The implementation of the project is advisable.

8. Potential risks

In its activities, the enterprise faces high market uncertainty and various risks, which, under certain circumstances, may affect the results of its activities.

The most significant risks for Treble Clef LLC:

1. Industry risks.

First of all, this risk is associated with the youth of the industry and the lack of a clear understanding in Russia of the benefits of private education.

2. Country and regional risks.

This risk is expressed primarily in the economic downturn observed in modern Russia and the high degree of uncertainty that characterizes our country.

The company faces inflation risks that may have Negative influence on the results of its operations. Accelerating inflation rates have a negative effect on financial results enterprises.

4. Legal risks.

Legal risks are associated with insufficient elaboration legislative framework for the implementation of private education.

5.Market risks associated with the likelihood of not attracting customers.

Table 20 presents a risk sorting map. This sorting of risks is based on the degree of their likelihood and impact.

Table 21. Risk sorting map

Based on this table, we can conclude that market and financial risks have the greatest impact.

Table 22. Risk assessment and ranking

Thus, the most dangerous risks for the Treble Clef LLC school are financial risks and market risks.

Risk assessment

The break-even point is the minimum volume of production and sales of products at which costs will be offset by income, and with the production and sale of each subsequent unit of product the enterprise begins to make a profit. The break-even point can be determined in units of production, in monetary terms, or taking into account the expected profit margin.

The break-even point allows you to determine at what level of sales their profitability is ensured.

Determining the break-even point using contribution margin is an alternative to the mathematical method. Margin method is based on determining the difference between sales revenue and variable costs. Therefore, marginal income includes profit and fixed costs. The break-even point will be reached when the company receives income sufficient to cover fixed costs.

Contribution Margin = Unit Price - Variable Costs

Variable costs per unit of production with the school at full capacity will be - 61158/600 = 101.93 rubles, where 600 is the number of students in the school since 2013.

The average price per unit of production will be 220 rubles.

Marginal income per unit of production = 220 – 101.93 = 118.07 rubles, Break-even point formula:

Break-even point = total fixed costs/ marginal income per unit of production.

Break-even point = 1889236/118.07 = 16000 classes

Figure 1 Break-even chart

Thus, the school needs to conduct 1,334 lessons per month at an average sales price of 220 rubles for the private music school to have neither profit nor loss. Increasing the volume of lessons in the second and third years by 20%.

The appendix presents the aggregated forecast balance and cash flow budget.

Sensitivity Analysis

The task of quantitative analysis is to numerically measure the impact of changes in risk factors on the effectiveness of the project.

Sensitivity analysis occurs with a “sequential - single” change in each variable: only one of the variables changes its value, on the basis of which the new value of the criterion used (for example, NPV) is recalculated.

As variable initial variables we take:

Investment size

Volume of services


The resulting project indicators can be:

Performance indicators (net present value, internal rate of return, payback period, return on investment)

Annual project indicators (balance sheet profit, balance of accumulated real money).

Initial NPV = 5667878.95 rub.

Let's increase the volume of investments by increasing borrowed funds by 5% and calculate NPV. We will carry out the calculation in Excel.

We summarize the obtained data in a table.

Table 23. Project sensitivity analysis

Deviation from the base level, % NPV when changing
Number of services Price of services salary Investment size
-10 4031517,276 3540608,474 6422702,111 5785101,687
-5 4849698,113 4522425,329 6045290,531 5726490,319
0 5667878,95 5667878,95 5667878,95 5667878,95
+5 6486059,787 6158787,752 5409684,257 5609267,581
+10 7304240,624 7290659,451 4913055,789 5550656,213

Rice. 2 Project sensitivity analysis

Based on the data obtained, we will construct a graph of the sensitivity of the project to the listed factors.

This project is most sensitive to changes in the number of services, while NPV fluctuations are the greatest.

When the price changes, NPV also changes.

Thus, the project has the highest sensitivity to changes in the following variables: the number of services and the price of services.


Business plan – short, precise, available description proposed business. In terms of its content and purpose, it is a planning document of a multi-purpose nature:

It is developed to justify a new business (it provides all the main aspects of future activities, analyzes the problems that will have to be faced, and determines ways to solve them);

Can serve as formal legal document, with the help of which the formation of the authorized capital and financial assets of the future enterprise begins;

Used as a means of obtaining the necessary investments;

In this work, research was carried out and conclusions were drawn on the relevant tasks posed at the beginning of the work.

The goal of the work is to develop a business plan for a private music school.

The first chapter defines the concept, essence, structure of a business plan, its place in the planning system; modern methods and standards for developing business plans in Russia were studied. In addition, the main approaches and methods for assessing the effectiveness and risks of the project were considered.

In the second chapter, a business plan for creating a private music school, Treble Clef LLC, has been developed.

The goal of the project is to organize a private music school that will provide the following services: teaching piano, violin, xylophone, guitar, vocal lessons, solfeggio and musical literature.

A special feature of Treble Clef LLC is that the school offers music lessons for both children (from 5 years old) and adults, guaranteeing an individual approach to everyone. Within the framework of the school, musical and educational classes will be conducted, the purpose of which is the development of creativity, independence, the ability to be active, active, aspiring, emotionally developed, integral and harmonious.

To implement the project, premises with a total area of ​​283 sq.m. will be rented.

Competitive advantages of Treble Clef LLC:

The private music school “Treble Clef” provides services of the highest level, the quality of which is ensured by the experience, knowledge and culture of the teachers;

Organization of the educational process using the unique modern concept and methodology of teaching music by N.A. Berger;

LLC "Treble Clef" is located in the center of Perm;

Children and adults are provided with a reliable level of safety during their stay at school;

The analysis showed that the main competitor of the newly organized enterprise is the private music school “Flowers by the Stream”, which has long existed on the market.

The initial investment is 1,564,400 rubles, based on the results of the project, the net present value will be 5,667,878.95 rubles, the return index is 9.3%, the payback period is 14 months.

The sensitivity analysis of the project showed that this project is most sensitive to changes in the number of services.

The total cost of the purchased equipment of Treble Clef LLC will be 1,546,600 rubles.

The initial one-time costs should include the costs of registering and licensing a private educational institution. These costs must include the costs of permits, licensing costs, costs of purchasing equipment, including transportation costs. The initial costs of opening a private music school will be 1,564,400 rubles.

Analyzing Internet sources, newspaper advertisements, prices will be taken at the market average level:

Playing instruments – 200 rubles.

Vocal lessons – 250 rub.

Complex services – 270 rub.

Based on the data, a sales plan was calculated and a profit and loss report was compiled. In this work, the effectiveness of the proposed project was calculated and a sensitivity analysis of the project was carried out.

The project has the highest sensitivity to changes in the following variables: the number of services and the price of services.

The project has average sensitivity to changes in such an indicator as wages and is less sensitive to changes in the volume of investments (due to an increase in borrowed funds).

To reduce possible risks, it is necessary to regularly analyze the number of services provided and determine the exact number of students. For a regular influx of students into music school It is necessary to conduct a regular advertising campaign.


Regulatory documents

1. the federal law"About investment activities in the Russian Federation, carried out in the form of capital investments.” – Approved by the Federation Council. – 25.12. 99. – No. 39-FZ.

Monographic literature

2. Vilensky P.L. Assessing the effectiveness of investment projects/ P.L. Vilensky. – M., 2002. – 888 p.

3. Damodaran A. Investment assessment. Tools and methods for assessing any assets / A. Damodaran. – M., 2004. – 775 p.

4. Baldin K.V., Vorobiev S.N. Risk management: Textbook. - M.: Gardariki, 2005. - 285 p.

5. Barinov V.A. Business planning: tutorial. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2007. – 256 p. - (Professional education).

6. Gribalev N.P., Ignatieva I.G. Business plan: a practical guide to drawing up. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. – 342 p.

7. Kolesnikov N.A. Business plan. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2005. – 256 s.

8. Ludolf F., Lichtenberg S. Business plan. Professional compilation and presentation. - M.: OLMAPRESS, 2004. – 251 p.

9. Lyubimova T.P., Myasoedova L.V., Gramotenko T.A., Oleynikova Yu.A. Business plan: Educational and practical guide. - M.: “Book Service”, 2004. - 96 p.

10. Orlova E.R. Business plan: main problems and mistakes that arise when writing it. – M.: Omega-L, 2005. – 435 p.

11. Pelikh A.S. Business plan or how to organize own business. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: “Os-89”, 2003. – 362 p.

12. Savchuk V.P. Assessing the effectiveness of investment projects/ V.P. Savchuk. – M., 2002. – 200 p.

Description of electronic resources

13. Alpha radio: [ Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. - Access mode:

14. Ticket via the Internet in Perm: [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Art. – B.M., 04/02/2010 – Access mode:

15. Double-GIS: [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. - Access mode: perm .2 gis . ru .

16. Dyakonova I.A. Assessment of investment flows using discounting of cash flows: [Electronic resource] / I.A. Dyakonova. - Electron. Art. – B.m., B.g. - Access mode:

18. Information Agency REGNUM. In 2008, passengers of the Kuibyshev Railway issued about 11 thousand tickets via the Internet: [Electronic resource] – Electron. Art. – B.M., 01/27/2009. - Access mode:

19. OJSC CB “SKB-Bank”: [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. – B.M., 2010. – Access mode:

20. JSC "Russian railways"- passenger transportation: [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. - Access mode:

21. Perm-Wikipedia: [Electronic resource] – Electron. Art. – B.m., B.g. - Access mode:

22. Polyukh A.V. Forecast of inflation rates in Russia. Kudrin's forecasts: [Electronic resource] / A.V. Polyukh. - Electron. Art. – B.m., B.g. - Access mode:

23. Website of the Chelny-Market company: [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. - Access mode:

24. Website of JSC Russian Railways: [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. - Access mode: http:// rzd . ru .

25. Website of the web design studio “Genre” - Development and creation of websites in Perm: [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. - Access mode:

26. Website territorial body federal service state statistics in the Perm region: [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. – B.M., 2009. – Access mode: http:// permstat

27. Creation and promotion of websites in Perm: [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. - Access mode:

28. Transport in Russia 2009. Statistical collection: [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. – M., 2009. – Access mode:

29. Prices for train tickets in Perm: [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Art. – Perm, B.g. - Access mode:

30. Pogosbekov D.D. What is the procedure for recording the costs of creating and promoting a website: [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Art. – M., 2008. – Access mode:

31. Calculation of the discount rate during the assessment of intellectual property and intangible assets: [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Art. – M., 2009. – Access mode:

32. Website [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. – Perm, 2009. – Access mode:

33. Connecting the Internet to the office. Innor – modern communication for business: [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. – B.m., B.g. – Access mode:

34. Volkov A. Investment projects: from modeling to implementation / A. Volkov. – M., 2005. – 256 p.

35. Site materials:

36. Site materials:

37. Website material:

38. Site materials:

39. - Methods quantification investment project risks

40. // Cash flow analysis


Forecast aggregate balance

1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year
Permanent assets 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000
Intangible assets
Fixed assets
Unfinished capital investments
Long-term financial investments
Other permanent assets 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000
Current assets 5876250 7269930 8745340 8745340 8745340
Unfinished production
Finished products and goods
Accounts receivable from customers, incl. 5826250 7219930 8695340 8695340 8695340
Advances issued
Short-term financial investments
Cash 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000
Other current assets
Total assets 6076250 7469930 8945340 8945340 8945340
Capital 364320 724053,85 1027732,2 1186380,6 1186381
Authorized capital 364320 364320 364320 364320 364320
Additional capital and reserves
retained earnings 359733,85 663412,2 822060,6 822061
long term duties 0 0 0 0 0
Credits and loans 0
Other long-term liabilities
Current responsibility 3 509 834,03 3 988 365,61 4 435 305,74 4 060 663,36 4 060 663,36
Credits and loans 603 377,62 523 370,69 443 363,76 0 0
Debt to suppliers
Advances received
Salary arrears 2649502 3041934 3382428 3382428 3382428
Debt on taxes and fees 256954,41 423060,92 609513,98 678235,36 678235,36
Other current liabilities
Total liabilities 3 874 154,03 4 712 419,46 5 463 037,94 5 247 043,96 5 247 044,36

Cash flow budget

Title of articles 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year
CURRENT ACTIVITY 5826250 7219930 8695340 8695340 8695340
COMING 5826250 7219930 8695340 8695340 8695340
Receipts from buyers of products (works, services)
Total income from current activities: 2649502 3041934 3382428 3382428 3382428
CONSUMPTION 256954,41 423060,92 609513,98 678235,36 678235,36
Settlements with personnel for wages and related taxes 877200 877200 877200 877200 877200
Current taxes
Payment for energy and public utilities, rent
Repayment of finance lease obligations
Other settlements with suppliers and personnel
Non-productive and social expenses 3783656,41 4342194,92 4869141,98 4937863,36 4937863,36
Other expenses and payments 2042593,59 2877735,08 3826198,02 3757476,64 3757476,64
Total expenses for current activities:
Net flow from current activities
Sale of fixed assets
Total income from investment activities -1564400
Expenses for the purchase of fixed assets -1564400 0 0 0
Other capital expenses -1564400 0 0 0
Total expenses for investment activities 5826250 7219930 8695340 8695340 8695340
Net flow from investing activities 5826250 7219930 8695340 8695340 8695340
Attracting short-term bank loans
0 0 0 0 0
Repayment of loans provided 603 377,62 523 370,69 443 363,76 0 0
Return of other deposited funds 0 0 0 0
Total income from cash funds 603 377,62 523370,69 443363,76 0
From transactions with bills of exchange of third parties 0 0 0 0
Placement in bank deposits 0 0 0 0
Providing a loan 0 0 0 0
Total expenditure on cash funds 0 0 0 0
Total net cash flow -125184,03 2354364,39 3382834,26 3757476,64 3757476,64

Business plan for a private music school, LLC “Treble Clef”


3. Market research and analysis

4. Marketing plan

5. Production plan

6.Organizational plan

7. Financial plan

8. Potential risks





Short name of the project: LLC “Treble Clef”

Full name of the project: creation of a modern private music school, Treasure Clef LLC, to provide music and educational services for children and adults

Address: Perm, st. Borchaninova, 8

Project start date: January 2011

The positive and therapeutic influence of music and art in general on human development is already well known. Recent research in the field of brain physiology is returning to art the important role in human development that should rightfully belong to it. Both in Europe and in Russia, it has been proven that increasing the number of classes in music and art helps students master mathematics and languages.

It is well known that through music we can change the rhythm of breathing, reduce blood pressure, speed up or slow down metabolic processes in the human body, reduce physical fatigue and stress, ease the load on the senses, reduce pain, etc. By playing music and singing together, we can exercise various social abilities and improve overall mental well-being. Musical logic and finger exercises when playing musical instruments develop thinking and strengthen brain cells. The influence of various rhythms on the human body is also ambiguous.

Therefore, music and art, by virtue of their inner nature, must be an integral part of any education, and for this they must become part of the education of every future teacher.

The goal of this project is to organize a private music school, LLC “Treble Clef”, which will provide the following services: training in playing the piano (synthesizer), violin, xylophone, guitar, vocal lessons, solfeggio and musical literature.

This project is quite attractive. The highlight of this project is that teaching music will not be carried out in a traditional form. Students will be offered a wide range of subjects. Teachers will select works for memorization, taking into account the wishes of the student.

The main competitors of this institution are traditional music schools and all kinds of music clubs, and private music schools (there are few of these in our city). The school will offer the following opportunities:

- home visits in cases where the student is unable to move;

More free variation of the schedule;

Lack of competition among students.

Regular student performances;

With a high professional level, access to music competitions and festivals;

Being in a professional environment, the opportunity to compare your level of play with peers;

It is possible to issue musical instruments for use;

The Treble Clef private music school is constantly open to any changes and innovations that could improve its activities.

Competitive advantages of Treble Clef LLC :

- the private music school “Treble Clef” provides services of the highest level, the quality of which is ensured by the experience, knowledge and culture of the teachers;

- organization of the educational process using the unique modern concept and methodology of teaching music by N.A. Berger;

- Treasure Clef LLC is located in the center of Perm;

- children and adults are provided with a reliable level of safety during their stay at school;

- a set of professional subjects such as solfeggio, musical literature, general piano course;

- training in playing the most popular instruments today: piano, synthesizer, xylophone, guitar, as well as training in vocal classes (academic, jazz).

The project is expected to be financed from own funds and borrowed funds.

The initial investment is RUB 1,564,400.

Borrowed capital – RUB 1,200,080.

Own capital – 364,320 rubles.

To finance the project, it is planned to take out a loan (“Gain momentum”) in the amount of 1,200,080 rubles, for three years with the principal repaid in equal monthly installments, at 20% per annum from Kamabank.

The initial investment is 1,564,400 rubles, based on the results of the project, the net present value will be = 7,564,087 rubles, the profitability index is 9.3, the payback period is 9.1 months.

2. Characteristics of the business object

Violin Clef LLC plans to provide the following types of services:

Learning to play the most popular musical instruments: piano (synthesizer), violin, xylophone, guitar;

Vocal lessons (academic, jazz);

Solfeggio lessons;

Lessons on musical literature.

A special feature of Treble Clef LLC is that the school offers music lessons for both children (from 5 years old) and adults, guaranteeing an individual approach to everyone.

At the “Treble Clef” school it is planned to use the modern concept and methodology of teaching music by N.A. Berger entitled "Music for Everyone". The technique is unique. It is aimed at enabling every person to feel the beneficial effects of music, to find for themselves the meaning of playing music, first of all, in personal harmony.

The main principles of the methodology are the relationship between the intellectual and emotional principles in the presentation of material, a personal approach to communication, taking into account the bright individuality of each child in the process of group and individual lessons.

The goal is the development of creativity, independence, the ability to be active, active, aspiring, emotionally developed, while deeply feeling the world around us, its subtle structure.

To optimize the educational process, the methodology proposes an intensive method of mastering musical literacy, which has been tested for many years and has proven to be highly effective in working with different age groups. This method ensures ease of learning the material, regardless of the student’s age and the degree of his musical talent.

This “Method of teaching practical music-making” is based on:

    on the development of individual and group forms of classes, which allows, on the one hand, to reduce the cost of a music lesson several times, increasing the capacity of the class and the teacher, on the other hand, to take into account the individual characteristics of the student in the process of mastering the material;

    on rationalizing many aspects of studying traditional musical writing, which makes it possible to reduce the time required to master it by at least four times and achieve optimal results;

    on improving musical writing itself, developing a system for introducing musical writing, mastering shorthand alphabets for recording music as needed;

    on the predominance of creative forms of work, which allow maintaining interest in the subject being studied for a long time and developing the creative abilities of the individual;

    on the development and use of relatively cheap TSO for the design of music classes, which significantly increases the effectiveness of classes.

The “Music for Everyone” method differs from all other methods found in state Children's Music Schools, because its goal is not to learn a piece, refine its sound to a professional level, and then perform it on stage. The main thing is to master the elements of musical language and musical writing so that in the future students can learn to read a musical text, work with it, and also be able to improvise and create their own compositions based on the mastered elements, recording them if necessary. Bringing the sound of works to “stage readiness” is not excluded, but it is carried out, firstly, solely at the request of the students themselves, and, secondly, it occurs using traditional training methods.

Equipping the classroom with various musical instruments is of great help in introducing the development of musical language and musical writing in the process of practical music-making.

Classes can become a hobby, a pleasant hobby, help you express yourself through music, become more integral and harmonious.

As a result, the student will be able to learn in a short period of time:

Quickly remember;

Keep in memory for a long time and reconstruct a forgotten work in a relatively short time;


Freely select the melody you like by ear;

Play music in various genres (from classical to jazz);

Most educational institutions today are in private hands.

You can find popular individual kindergartens, commercial non-state universities or private schools. At the same time, there may be many other thematic educational institutions on a commercial basis.

Large cities always suffer from a lack of specialized additional education. In order to enter an art or music school, you need to try very hard, and then constantly go there, spending great amount time and nerves. In this regard, many parents either simply block the child’s desire to develop creatively, or spend a lot of money on individual lessons at home. Based on this, we can conclude that the population lacks music schools. Therefore, it is possible to create an ordinary private musical children's educational institution near a large residential area. There is an option to organize a prestigious school, which will be located near an elite village. It’s easy to create a business plan for a profitable private music school. You just need to pay attention to some important points.

First of all, you should decide on the premises. After all, it needs to be rented to start a new business project. You can spend little money on this. The fact is that you can get municipal space at your disposal to organize additional education. You can even choose the appropriate option by going to the official specialized website on the Internet. As a result, for a large premises of 200,000 sq.m. you will have to pay 250 rubles. for one sq.m. per month. It is better to choose a room that is located at a considerable distance from the state music school. This will help avoid competition. An excellent advertising move would be to choose premises close to a large concentration of other children's institutions (early development school, general education institutions or kindergartens).

The state is also ready to further support such businesses. Firstly, you can take advantage of tax benefits. Secondly, there is the possibility of receiving additional subsidies to help start a business. Such factors can save money and make future business profitable.

Renting premises is not all the difficulties on the way to opening a private music school. This business involves the purchase of musical instruments. Of course, you need to purchase the most common, popular and inexpensive options. However, this will also require approximately 300,000 rubles. Additional expenses will include the cost of salaries for teachers, in the amount of 200,000 rubles. There is also a need to purchase sheet music and furniture for classes, which can cost 50,000 rubles.

The total costs of a business idea are divided into permanent and one-time costs. Every month you will need to spend money on renting premises and paying salaries. This will amount to 400,000 rubles. At the beginning of the journey you will need to spend 350,000 rubles.

The areas that will be taught at school must be determined in advance. It is better if it is a classic of the genre and the most common musical instruments: piano, saxophone, violin and others. It would be good if the music school provided the opportunity to study in a vocal and variety class. The popularity of this direction will be undeniable. After all, many really want to become singers and see themselves on the big stage.

At the initial stage of operation of a music school, you can offer discounts for children of employees of large organizations and institutions that are located nearby. Advertisements can be placed directly in nearby secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, and kindergartens. This will help attract customers.

You should study the training plan in advance and distribute the load. But even if approximately 90 people attend the school and pay approximately 5 thousand rubles a month for training, the profitability of the business will be approximately 450,000 rubles. If we take into account all monthly expenses and government subsidies, the enterprise’s net income will remain at the level of 130,000 rubles. This can quickly recoup the initial costs and make a good profit.

Music is a wonderful area for creativity and self-realization. Like any hobby, music can be a great entrepreneurial idea, and you don't have to go on stage to do it. You can open a private school and teach modern musical instruments. Our guest, Denis Nosenko, will share the secrets of an original creative business idea.

Initially, Denis’ project “GUITAR COLLEGE” was positioned as the first European-style school in the central district for teaching guitar to everyone. Over the five years of work, the project has transformed into a school of contemporary music, which has several main areas: drumming, acoustic and electric guitar, bass guitar, keyboard playing, vocal and acting training. A proprietary franchising program has also been developed, following which you can open a music school in any city.

Main points of the interview:

  • Kind of activity: private school of contemporary music
  • Business location: Russia, Bryansk city
  • Occupation before starting a business: dispatcher, manager
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business: OOO
  • Initial investment amount: 100 thousand in installments and 6.5 cash
  • Formula for success:“Become an expert in your field!”

Hi Denis. Tell us, when and why did you decide to start a business?

I was always attracted to music, I tried to work in advertising and in a car service center, but music was always present in my life - I played the guitar. No matter how my tastes, views and moods changed, I resonated on the same wavelength with music, it brought me joy, unlike other activities. At a certain point, I just stopped and wondered if this was what I was doing and decided to try to channel my passion into a professional direction.

Once I took part in the “Guitar for You” competition - I performed very well, and after that about 20 people immediately approached me with a request to teach them how to play the guitar. I began searching for a place that could provide space for private music lessons. I contacted the city recreation center, but there they constantly cheated me through the accounting department, so that there was only money left for a minibus. He also applied to United Russia for municipal premises, but was refused. After which I signed up for free program“Steps of Success”, now this program is called “You are an Entrepreneur”, where lectures are given by existing business owners. Then I looked at successful entrepreneurs from bottom to top, because they could afford a lot in financially. Upon completion of the program, I applied for a cash grant in the amount of 150 thousand rubles.

Then he took out 100 thousand worth of musical equipment in installments, invested part of the money of his own, accounted for the checks and rented the premises. For rent I had to chip in 6.5 thousand with my friend. The room was small, we already had some equipment, others were purchased in installments, and we actually got the chairs for free from a friend. After that, I started work with enthusiasm, but soon one unpleasant thing happened - I was denied a grant. However, this only increased my motivation, because I had to work off the debt, but there was no money.

At first, I had to work as a teacher, administrator, answer phones, do advertising, be a director and a cleaner all rolled into one. For some time there was not even a sofa or hangers, but gradually the room was filled with the necessary furniture. Our music store also expanded, and many people became interested in the school. This was largely due to the creation of a thematic public on the social network Vkontakte (, where I posted interesting news, reports about concerts and events. A year later, I applied for a grant again and won, but at that time we already had working capital, and we could easily do without grant money.

How long did it take from the idea to be implemented?

For six months - in April 2011, I started thinking about creating a school, and in October we were already working.

Have you registered yourself as an individual entrepreneur or LLC?

For two years I was registered as an individual entrepreneur. But then I switched to LLC - of course, the risk in this case is higher, but there are also more opportunities. There is more trust in LLCs, both from clients and potential franchise buyers.

Has a business plan been developed for the idea?

Yes, at the very beginning a business plan was drawn up, and in the near future it will be updated, since it has already been fully implemented in 5 years. In addition, we have developed our own methodological manuals for teachers and an original training system.

How long did it take for you to achieve self-sufficiency in your business?

It took me about 12-15 months to reach a decent level, but this was just a guideline, after which I had to set new goals and objectives. In addition, at the initial stage, a lot of the money earned had to be spent on purchasing equipment.

If you start now, then self-sufficiency will require more time - about 15-24 months to launch 4 classes with a starting capital of 100-150 thousand rubles.

Playing the electronic guitar is a rather rare musical direction, weren’t you afraid that you wouldn’t be able to find clients?

Yes, I had doubts; at different times it even seemed to me that my school might turn out to be unnecessary. However, almost 5 years have passed since its creation, during which time about 5 thousand people have studied with us, which allows us to conclude that music is relevant and in demand.

The music market in Bryansk is quite poorly developed; in my memory, 8-10 private schools were opened, many have already closed, others continue to operate today. But every year the education system in this area becomes more and more advanced, people see the results and copy my system.

How many students were there when the school opened?

Even before the opening of the school, 20 people expressed a desire to study. While I was looking for premises and purchasing equipment, 3 months passed, I began calling potential students - someone moved, someone changed their minds, in the end there were only 10 applicants left.

How many people are currently studying at your school?

115-120 people are constantly engaged - these are people who attend individual classes. We do not rely on group training, as we believe that this leads to a loss of quality.

There is usually a decline in the summer, students become more active in the fall and winter, but our doors are open at any time of the year. It is worth noting that clients come to us from different age groups, of different status and profession - students, office workers, officials and civil servants, police officers and FSB workers, there are also students of retirement age. I am very pleased that my school has a social orientation; I feel the organization is useful for the city.

Once every three months, reporting concerts are held, in which each of the students can demonstrate their acquired musical skills to the public.

By what criteria did you select specialists for work?

I have been in the musical environment for 17 years and know the most experienced and professional playing teachers, so it was not difficult for me to form an excellent personnel composition. I am proud that I have teachers who graduated from the Academy. Gnessins in Moscow is the No. 1 educational institution in the Russian musical environment.

Internet - 90% of people come through social media and websites. Now I have 8 working sites running and 1 site offering a franchise

When and why did you decide to sell the franchise?

My business model was successful and almost exclusive in its industry, so three years after opening the school, I launched a franchising program. So far I have managed to sell three ready-made projects by franchise.

In 2014, I won as the best young entrepreneur in the franchising category.

What difficulties did you encounter during your activities?

The biggest challenge of being a pioneer is that I had to do something that no one had done before in the city and neighboring communities. Much was created practically from scratch. I went to Moscow and studied private music schools, but they did not inspire me.

Another difficulty is the lack of knowledge, finances and connections.

Does it have any effect on work? economic crisis?

The crisis is not affecting our school at all; in January there was even an increased influx of clients.

What advice would you give to those who are planning to open a business during a crisis?

It all depends on the personality and character. There are no bad directions, there are bad entrepreneurs. If a person is persistent, believes in himself and his work, then he will succeed. I have yet to see people who really wanted something and it didn’t work out for them.

At the beginning of my career, everyone predicted complete failure for me and even joked: “Can playing the guitar be a business? This is some kind of nonsense!” But when I reached a decent level, the jokes stopped. Someone else’s opinion can greatly hurt a person psychologically; it is important not to pay attention to this and confidently move towards your goal.

What goals do you set for yourself in the near future?

I want to scale, namely create federal network across Russia. Ideally, there should be an easy and accessible technology with which everyone could immerse themselves in the world of music. The main task is development, and music is a great way for this!

I am also currently developing one interesting project, “The School of Great Books,” which is self-knowledge and improvement of a person’s inner world through the thoughts of great writers.

Can everyone become a music entrepreneur?

No, not everyone. First of all, you need to love music and be passionate about your idea. This is a creative business project, not just mathematical calculations. Opening a school is still half the battle; you need to have a perfect understanding of the specifics of music, have experience and move in certain circles.

What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs?

First, you should clearly define the direction, and then develop professionalism in this area.

Any business is about selling yourself, goods or services. An entrepreneur always needs to sell something. And if a person is an expert in his field, then selling something will not be difficult for him. A competent specialist should be able to present his business and its advantages in a minute.

It is important for an entrepreneur to be flexible and persistent, not to give up at the first setbacks. In any business, and especially in business, you must comply with agreements and be responsible.

I would also advise you to never stop studying and playing sports.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

The director of the “Virtuosi” music school, Dmitry Tolstyakov, shared his practical experience of creating his own music school from scratch with readers of the website project.

- Dmitry, how did you come to the idea of ​​starting this particular business? How did the idea of ​​your music school come about?

I started my business in my 3rd year at the University of Economics and Finance. I had many different projects: tourism business, courses foreign languages, wholesale sale of mushrooms and berries. These projects were not successful.

Once on the Internet I saw a young man asking where to find a good guitar teacher. And then I noticed how the guitarist posted an advertisement looking for students.

I decided to become a mediator between these people. I started with an agency; at first I didn’t even have an office. Then I rented an office and worked as an agency for six months. But the turnover increased, the number of students and teachers grew, and I decided to open a permanent school.

We teach people of all ages to play all types of musical instruments. The uniqueness of our approach to learning lies in the presence of a staff of professional teachers, an individual approach to each student, as well as the ability of students to choose the place of study: at school, at home, or with a teacher.

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All students who come to us achieve their goals with our help, perform at reporting concerts and other events, and also take prizes at competitions and festivals. Our school is not only aimed at adults. For children from 2 years old, the school offers children's musical development courses using the Zheleznovs' method, which today is recognized as one of the most efficient systems early development.

- Tell us more about the peculiarities of your music teaching methodology?

The main idea, and this is also the peculiarity of the method, is an individual approach to each client. We are ready to teach both academic and pop vocals, both classical guitar and accompaniment for bard songs.

The basis of our unique approach is our teachers, whom we select very carefully. We rely entirely on their professionalism. It is they who, together with the student, draw up a training program based on the desires and capabilities of the student.

One of our teachers specially traveled to Moscow in order to take a training course using the Zheleznovs’ method. The main principles of this technique are: the participation of parents in the learning process of children, learning occurs in movement, the use of phonograms, the use of classical or high-quality modern music and familiarization with the keyboard and playing light songs. We conduct educational music classes for children with their parents, which really brings the family together.

Have there been cases when teachers, having learned the main secrets of the method, opened their own courses using your author’s method?

We do not have a specific universal technique that could be stolen. However, there are other problems that we face. The first is the leakage of students when studying at home. Every third client who came to the teacher’s home suggested that the teacher study without the participation of the school.

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But we have our own methods of dealing with such manifestations. Firstly, we count on the honesty and integrity of our teachers and talk to them about this. Secondly, if after the first free lesson the student does not come to us to conclude an agreement, and this situation is repeated several times, then we stop cooperation with this teacher.

This means either that the teacher is not honest with us and is working with the student behind our back, or that he cannot interest the student. In both cases, such a teacher and I are not on the same path. In addition, we also have methods to combat and prevent such cases.

But still, there was a case when one of the teachers took our idea of ​​a private music school for adults and children, our thoughtful contracts, exchange rate system and created his own music school.

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However, by and large they do not create competition for us. Because we have independently thought through all the intricacies of running this business from the very beginning and we know where pitfalls can arise. And this teacher simply copied appearance our scheme, and now faces problems of a deeper nature.

And nothing can be done about such cases. Anyone can steal an idea. In this case, we only need to keep the quality of services at a level so that competitors have no chance, despite the similarity of the work scheme.

- How did you implement the idea from its conception to the final implementation of the school?

From the origin of an idea to its implementation is one step. I just started acting. At first, I independently searched for students and teachers on the Internet and simply matched them up. Three months later, I began renting a small office in which I conducted interviews and meetings with clients, hired employees who took calls and entered into contracts with students and teachers.

From the very beginning, I immediately advertised on social networks (ads) and improved the site’s position in search engines. So the calls started coming on their own. Within six months the school acquired new format- she became stationary. It took me no more than a month to find premises and purchase tools. We did a lot of decorative work ourselves.

- How much did it cost you to start the project?

The initial investment in a music school operating under an agency scheme can be estimated at 150 thousand rubles. But this is an approximate amount; I got by with much less money. The main costs are the search and rental of office space, the purchase of furniture and equipment (tools and office equipment), printing and advertising.

- Are there additional (administrative) requirements for premises and personnel?

For office space There are no special requirements. Workplaces and a place for employees to relax, where they can have a snack and drink tea, should be equipped. But in the case of a stationary school, everything is a little more complicated.

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The room should be large and easily accessible. It should be possible to equip several classrooms for classes, an office part, a place for the administrator, and a kitchenette. It is also important to make a good and interesting room design.

Finding excellent staff is the most important and difficult task. It is essential that your staff genuinely do a good job and want to please your customers.

- What difficulties did you encounter in the initial stages of doing business? And how did you deal with them?

The biggest problem at all times is yourself. Or rather, what's in your head. It is necessary to get rid of “garbage”, from stereotypes, live for today and fight your fears. Therefore, the limitation of our success is only in ourselves.

The main difficulty is choosing a good team. Find adequate teachers, good employees. But this is not even a difficulty, it is a task. And one of the most interesting in business in general. There is only one solution - to communicate with people, conduct interviews, find out what is important to these people, why they want to work at the Virtuosi music school.

-Have you recouped your initial investment?

Yes, it paid off. Six months later, I was already working in profit.

- What can you say about the profitability of this business?

If it were not profitable, it would have ceased to exist long ago. Although this business has such a feature as seasonality - in the summer everyone goes on vacation and vacation, and there is a drop in the number of clients. However, even at this time the school pays off. But the autumn period is a boom of new clients and applications. Last September the company's turnover amounted to 1 million rubles. On average, the profitability of this business can be estimated at 20%.

What kind of employees does your company have on staff? How did you select key employees (requirements)? How are they paid for their work?

Currently, the company’s staff consists of a head teacher, a methodologist and two administrators who work on shift schedule. The head teacher is responsible for marketing, finance, teacher selection, and monitoring the work of the methodologist and administrator. The methodologist works with teachers and clients. And the administrator takes calls, greets guests, draws up a schedule, and monitors everyday matters.

The basic requirements for personnel can be formulated by three principles:

    The attitude towards clients and partners should be the same as you would like for yourself: decent, respectful, without arrogance.

    Fulfill your obligations efficiently and on time. Or don't take on these obligations.

    Always strive to be the best at your job. If you are not interested in doing this work and constantly learning, our company is not for you.

I looked for people through advertisements on job search sites. I used both free and paid ads. But these investments paid off. Regarding salaries: for administrators, payment is made per shift. And for the methodologist and head teacher, a salary + percentage of profit scheme has been introduced.

We conclude civil contracts with teachers, and payment is piecework, i.e. the number of classes is simply counted, and wages are paid once a month. When the stationary school “Virtuosi” appeared, we recruited several teachers to employment contract, and they work on a salary.

- How do you promote your services? Name the main promotion channel. How is your sales network built?

We promote only through the Internet, and word of mouth is already working very well. Tried it different types advertising: leaflets, newspaper ads... But nowadays only the Internet brings a real number of clients.

On our website, in a group on social networks, you can leave a request for training, and clients actively use this service. After receiving the application, our administrator or methodologist contacts the client and begins manufacturing process: selection of place of study, teacher, course.

Among the methods in “real” life, we tried advertisements on houses and poles, leaflets in the mailbox, advertisements in public places. Now we have already abandoned all this, although some methods brought a certain number of clients (for example, advertisements around the city).

But this is St. Petersburg - a big city. For cities throughout Russia that are not so large, all of the above methods may be effective. We were also filmed on television several times. But it was free for us, because... they became interested themselves. Why not? This is an excellent news opportunity, unlike another disaster or financial scandal....

Do you engage in direct sales, offering your courses (lessons) to schools, kindergartens and other institutions for children and adults?

No, we do not engage in direct sales. Advertising on the Internet (at first, mainly social networks) immediately brought a sufficient number of clients. We are in a position where people are calling themselves.

It’s not just those who want to study who call. We often get calls with offers to perform at some festival or competition. We agree with pleasure, providing an opportunity for our students to test themselves, grow professionally, and show the results they have achieved.

- Do you have representative offices in other cities of Russia?

Just two months ago we launched a franchising program for our school. We want people in all Russian (and not only) cities to have the opportunity to realize themselves in music, regardless of age, employment, or place of residence. We chose franchising development precisely because it is not just selling a business. This is a search for partners, new acquaintances, new people who are also infected with our idea and are ready to actively work on creating their own business, ready to share their ideas, successes and failures, and tasks.

Quite recently we signed the first agreements with Novosibirsk and Moscow. Now our new partners are actively preparing for the opening: they are looking for premises and teachers. We support them, advise them over the phone and the Internet.

In general, people from completely different cities - large and small - leave requests and call. This means that the idea of ​​organizing music education in the private sector comes to many people’s minds. Because people see that existing system Music education is not able to satisfy the demand for services and does not provide the kind of quality service that the residents of our country want to see for themselves.

- How do you see your prospects? further development your business?

Now I am closely working on a new project “Academy of Talents”. This is a large-scale educational project that includes many different schools. For example, we will have a photography school, a chess school, a computer school, a culinary studio, a foreign language school, a creative workshop and a “Virtuosi” branch.

- Online learning is very popular now. Are you planning to launch such a service yourself?

Yes, sure. I'm following modern trends and I always try to “stay on topic.” I already have some ideas on how to implement this.

What can you say about competition in your business? Have you encountered such a problem as opposition from colleagues?

In St. Petersburg and Moscow the competition is quite strong. Now more and more different creative studios are opening for both children and adults. And in the regions this sector is not represented at all. That's why we count on the success of our franchisees.

What advice could you give to beginners who are just planning to launch their own courses in various fields and industries?

Focus on the results your clients can achieve and do whatever it takes to help them achieve their goals.

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