Festive concert for teachers on Teacher's Day. Scenario of a holiday with a concert of students for Teacher's Day at a music school. Festive concert for Teacher's Day in Russian and Tatar languages

Scenario of a festive concert for Teacher's Day

Target: lay the foundation for the formation of a favorable climate between teacher and students.
Form: holiday
Methods: joint creative work
Preparatory work: choose presenters, invite guests, prepare student performances, organize a concert.

The progress of the holiday

Ved.1: Hello, dear teachers, students and guests of our holiday.

Ved.2: Dear, dear teachers. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day! But there is no teacher without students. This means that today is not only your holiday, but also that of everyone who studied and is studying at school. And all our grandparents, mothers and fathers studied at school. It turns out that Teacher's Day is a national holiday.

Let autumn be here for a whole month,
Today suddenly there was a breath of spring,
Flowers bloom today in every heart:
Teacher - today is your holiday.

The path of a teacher is not a mistake,
After all, this is not work, but fate,
Today all the love, all the looks and smiles,
Today, everything in the world is for you!

Ved.1: The teaching profession is very difficult; it requires a lot of patience and understanding from a person. Basically it consists of difficult but interesting everyday life. However, today is our dear teachers’ professional holiday, and they, of course, deserve the most sincere and warm congratulations and wishes addressed to them.

Ved.2: We want to congratulate you and sincerely thank you for giving us the most important thing in life - knowledge. With your hard work, you make us smart people, ready to embark on the path of life. Happy holiday to you, our dear teachers!

Wonderful routes of exploration
We're on a life's journey
From the ABC book to the secrets of the universe,
From school desks to sunny heights.

And in this continuous ascent,
As a guide, attentive and strict,
Leads by work and inspiration
Comrade and mentor - TEACHER.

1. Musical composition

1.You won’t find a more beautiful time...
The rustling of linden alleys,
The holiday of ___________________________________ enters like a ringing blue
My friends are teachers.

2.They will burn and worry again,
Once again everyone is a master and creator,
Give away your wealth again, ___________________________________
Wealth of thoughts and hearts.

3. You need to study - this is the job!
Step! The roads are good.
There is no more joyful thing in the world, ___________________________________
What is the education of the soul!

4. For mentors - poems and songs;
The sparkle of inspired lines -
The wisest of all professions, ___________________________________
With the proud title Teacher!

5. There is no more beautiful position in the world
Labor is braver and sweeter.
Blue shines. It is a holiday today __________________________________
My friends - teachers!

6.You are always young at heart,
Sharing work and joys with us,
Our strict ones, our relatives, ___________________________________
Patient teachers.

7. You give us a lot of strength,
And love, no matter what.
How do you believe in us, that perhaps __________________________________
No one can believe like that.

8. Beautiful at heart and very kind,
You are strong in talent and generous in heart.
All your ideas, dreams of beauty,
The lessons and undertakings will not be in vain!
You managed to find your way to the children, _________________________________
May success await you on this path!

2. A song is playing

And now we have a television studio in touch, today your students have prepared wonderful congratulations. We hope that they will delight you on this autumn day and that you will remember them for a long time! Well, we give them the floor.

School years... They are truly the happiest, most cheerful and wonderful.

Ved. 1:
Teaching is not work, but renunciation.
The ability to give your all,
Leave for a long feat and torment,
And in this we see light and grace.

Teaching - when in the eyes of cold
The dawn of understanding will light up,
And you will understand: I tried not in vain
And it was not in vain that he scattered his knowledge. Readers:
1. On this day we congratulate
The best of people -
Our dear, fair, ___________________________________
Dear teachers!

2. Your work is an everyday feat,
Let's put it bluntly, without embellishment.
Honor and respect to you, ___________________________________
We love you endlessly!

3. We know that light is teaching.
Knowledge is power, let us confirm!
For your care and patience ___________________________________
We say thank you!

4. Today is Teacher's Day in Russia,
And therefore we want to congratulate you,
You are our dear teachers, ______________________________
We thank you for your great work!

5. Let everything that you have long dreamed of,
No problem, easy to implement!
And may salaries invariably rise, ___________________________________
May you go on vacation abroad in the summer!

6. The teacher knows his business -
Bring a bright light to the world of knowledge.
So unobtrusively, skillfully ____________________________
Able to give advice to children.

7. And on this day, rightfully important,
We wish you a sea of ​​flowers.
Let everyone say “thank you” to you, ___________________________________
Who do you give love to?

3. Musical number

We learn at school to appreciate goodness,
How to overcome rudeness and evil.
And how difficult it is for you sometimes -
You and I don't know this.
How much patience, affection and strength,
The teacher invested in you and me! Characters
Anya, girl
Vanya, the neighbor's boy
Anya is on the front stage.
Anya. Many children and some adults often use unnecessary slang words in their speech. For example... (Vanya appears, whistling.) Hello, Vanya.
Vania. Hello.
Anya. Well, tell me, Vanya, how are you?
Vania. Wow, things are going strong!
Anya. I'm sorry, what?
Vania. Cool, I say. Just one wick froze this. Rolls up to the net. Let me drive the bike, he says. He sat down and scratched. And here is the teacher. And let him show off. He opened his mitten. Yes, how it gets messy. Himself with a black eye. The teacher almost went crazy, and the bike booed. Laugh. Cool, right?
Anya. Was there a horse there?
Vania. What horse?
Anya. Well, the one who was laughing. Or did I not understand anything?
Vania. Well, you didn't understand anything.
Anya. Come on, let's start all over again.
Vania. Come on. So, one wick...
Anya. Without a candle?
Vania. Without.
Anya. What kind of wick is this?
Vania. Well, one guy, a long one, rolled up to the sket...
Anya. What did he ride up on, a bicycle?
Vania. No, the bike had a cage.
Anya. Which sket?
Vania. Well, there's only one idiot. Yes, you know him, he walks around here with such a snob.
Anya. With whom, with whom?
Vania. Yes, not with whom, but with what, his nose is in the shape of a snob. Well, let me drive the bike, he says. He sat down and scratched.
Anya. Did he have an itch?
Vania. No, he said.
Anya. Well, how did you cut it?
Vania. What did you saw?
Anya. Well, is it big?
Vania. How?
Anya. Well, this same schnobel.
Vania. No, the cat had a snob. And the wick had a black eye, a blast hit him in the head, and he began to wander around. He opened his mitten, and so he jerked.
Anya. Why the mitten, did he get fussy in the winter?
Vania. Yes, there was no winter there, there was a teacher there.
Anya. Teacher, what do you mean?
Vania. Well, with a black eye, that is, with a great one, no, with coils. But it was the rolling of the bike that made the bike whoop.
Anya. How did you whoop?
Vania. Attack, it's covered. Into small pieces. Now I understand?
Anya. I realized that you don’t know the Russian language at all.
Vania. How come I don’t know?
Anya. Can you imagine if everyone spoke like you, what would happen?
Vania. What?
Anya. Now listen to how it sounds in your quirky language: “The cool Dnieper in cool weather, when wandering around and showing off, saws its cool waves through the forests and mountains. It won’t whoop, it won’t cover itself. You hatch your eyes, open the mitten and don’t know whether he’s sawing or not. Rare bird with a snob he will comb to the middle of the Dnieper. And if he finishes scratching, he will whoop so much that he will throw off his hooves.” Do you like?

We speak words of recognition
And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
With this song we congratulate you,
We value and praise our teachers.

4. Dedicated to our dear teachers: Musical number

You give it all great job,
You awaken a dream in children's souls.
Thank you for living
Here's to the beauty of your deeds and thoughts!

Today we congratulate not only teachers, but also all educators, all teachers working with children.

The teacher knows everything, he can do everything,
At least he doesn’t expect affection from life.
Stops children running
He will enter the thundering hall.
He writes poetry, draws,
Cooks, and knits, and sews,
Plays on stage, dances
And even, imagine, he sings!

Dear teachers, the time has come to hear congratulations from those for whom this year at school will be the last. In just a year, when you meet your former students, you will be proud of their successes, worry about them and rejoice at their victories as if they were your own. In the meantime, welcome.

5. Musical number

Our concert is coming to an end. We once again sincerely congratulate all the teachers of the school on this holiday.

No matter how life flies by.
Don't regret your days.
Do a good deed
For the sake of the children's happiness.

No matter how difficult it is,
Stand firm, keeping the faith
In the tenderness of the new morning
To the valor of a new day.

To make the heart burn,
And it didn’t smolder in the darkness,
Do a good deed -
This is how you live on earth.

Our concert has come to an end. We once again sincerely congratulate all the teachers of the school on this holiday.
We wish you peace and goodness!
Good guys, and more!
We wish you wonderful work,
And the school can live and not grow old longer.

Municipal state educational institution

secondary school No. 47

Barabinsky district, Novosibirsk region

(Barabinsk, Ermaka St., 91)


music teacher MKOU secondary school No. 47

highest qualification category

Melnikova Oksana Valerievna


Explanatory note

This development is intended for holding a festive concert, dedicated to the Day Teachers.

Relevance of this event is that the importance of teaching work in society is falling.

Therefore the goal concert program is to create a festive atmosphere,cultivating a sense of gratitude towards the teacher.


  • to form in children a sense of pride in their teachers;
  • create conditions for cooperation between children and teachers;
  • develop children's creative abilities, speech, stage presence;
  • develop organizational and leadership abilities of students;
  • to cultivate an active life position, determination, and a sense of collectivism;
  • encourage children to be active.

The target audience:subject teachers, parents and guests of the holiday.

Equipment: microphones, presentation equipment, multimedia equipment.

At the stage of collective planning, a scenario for the holiday is developed and those responsible are assigned:

  • for the selection of musical accompaniment;
  • presenters have been identified;
  • dancers identified;
  • Vocalists have been identified;
  • responsible for the slide show.

Preparatory work:

  • Preparation and adjustment of the script for Teacher's Day and demonstration in PowerPoint;
  • Preparation of selected musical numbers;
  • Rehearsals of musical and dance numbers;
  • Decoration and preparation of the hall for the Holiday.

    At the festive concert various

    methods and techniques:
  • Heuristic method- combines a variety of gaming techniques.
  • Demonstration method- methodical technique, showing images projected on a screen using modern electronic and video technology.
  • Role-playing game -method of teaching to activate schoolchildren. The essence of the role-playing game is to create situations in which each participant receives a social role - a leader, an artist. The presenter directs the course of the concert. Role-playing game creates motivation that is close to natural, arouses interest, and increases the emotional level.

Participating in the festive event a large number of students from 1st to 11th grade. In the morning, at the entrance, teachers are greeted by 11th grade students and given flowers. At every break, songs about the teacher and school, selected by 9th grade students, are played. The holiday turns out to be spectacular and bright, very musical. Students demonstrate their creativity and stage presence.

All directions educational work allow for a person-centered approach to education while simultaneously implementing educational activities on a large scale and stimulating the creative abilities of students in all aspects of educational work.

Festive scenario game program on Teacher's Day



6th grade students leave

We are happy to welcome you today!
And now one thought is more important than others:
Russia is famous for its teachers,
The disciples bring glory to her!

The teacher is like a hero soldier,
He is fighting a difficult battle with ignorance!
He read whole volumes of books.
Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

The teacher is just an alien!
But its proximity does not frighten us.
We know his “habits” well,
We live together on the Planet of Childhood!

A lot of words have been invented about teachers,
But we want to repeat it again:
Teacher for children - the beginning of fate!
The time has come to give you a song.

Song "Teachers"

Music for the presenters' entrance (10th grade students)

PRESENTER 1: Good afternoon, dear teachers! We hasten to congratulate everyone gathered in this hall on a wonderful holiday - Teacher's Day.

SPEAKER 2: Good afternoon! With great trepidation and excitement, we will be glad to spend these unforgettable moments with you on this holiday - Teacher's Day!

PRESENTER 3: The work of a teacher is hard and difficult, but there is one day a year when, throwing away all worries, anxieties and problems, meeting with children and colleagues in a cozy environment, he should be happy - this is Teacher's Day.

SPEAKER 4: I really want to find suitable and worthy words, but this is not so easy. After all, Teacher's Day is a day of childhood and youth, it is a day of love and hope, it is a day of experience and mastery.

SPEAKER 5: Dear teachers. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday...

ALL: - Happy Teacher's Day.

PRESENTER 1: The floor to open the holiday is given to the school director Marina Anatolyevna Lysova.

Speech by the director with congratulations.

PRESENTER 2: To congratulate the teachers, the floor is given to the Chairman of the trade union committee, Irina Yuryevna Yakhontova.

Words of congratulations from the trade union committee.

PRESENTER 3: Today at our celebration there are guests, veterans of teaching work. (transfer):

SPEAKER 4: Our dear veterans, please accept our words of gratitude for your work, kindness and patience. Congratulations on your professional holiday!

SPEAKER 5: We wish you good health, mental and physical strength, creative success and sincere love from your students! Accept a musical gift from our teachers.

Song performed by teachers “Golden Heart”

PRESENTER 1: Dear teachers! Today we have prepared a gift for you.

PRESENTER 2: There is a surprise in this beautiful box. Want to know which one?

PRESENTER 1: To do this, let's remember what you tell your students when it's time for exams.

PRESENTER 2: What is your favorite (key) phrase that you tell students before an exam? ( teachers' answers)

SPEAKER 1: And you also say that you need to go to the exam as if...

ALL (in unison). Like a holiday!

PRESENTER 2: So we decided to give you a real holiday today -


PRESENTER 1: And in this box, as you already guessed -Examination tickets.

PRESENTER 2: Whoever passes the exam today with “excellent marks” will go to work tomorrow at the very best super-school!

PRESENTER 1: And whoever does not pass the exam will not be allowed to work tomorrow!

PRESENTER 2: It will be agreed with the director!

PRESENTER 1: And first we need to go on an excursion to this very super-school.

PRESENTER 2: Prepare your legs and arms and repeat the movements after us!

The game "EXCURSION" is played.


We are coming to a super school!

They hit their thighs with their palms.


Let's go up the steps!

Movement with your fingers down - on your heels.


We boldly open the doors!


Movement of the hand to the right and left - open the curtains.

We enter the foyer - wow!

Arms open wide in amazement.

There are such offices -


We take our hands to our heads and shake our heads.

In the first one, everyone sings and dances!


We show humorous folk dance movements.

In the second they sit and draw!


We depict applying strokes to the canvas.

In the third - they write essays!


Depicting writing an essay.

And in the fourth they put on an experiment!


We depict explosions.

And then the school principal appears and shouts in a loud voice: “What are you doing here?”

And out of fear we run away in reverse order.

We do the movements in reverse order.

SPEAKER 3: Well, did you like it at the super school?

SPEAKER 4: First, let's think: do we know our children?

PRESENTER 5: Let's try to get to know them again!

PRESENTER 3: We will start sentences about what our children usually do, and you answer only “girls” or “boys.”

The game “Girls or Boys” is being played

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Of course, only… “girls” weave

Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in the pocket of... “boys”.

Skates on the ice drew arrows

The “boys” played hockey all day.

We chatted for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses... “girls”

Test your strength in front of everyone

Of course, only… “boys” love.

Cowards are afraid of the dark

All the same... "girls"

Game over.

SPEAKER 4: Great. You are ready to answer questions about children.

PRESENTER 5: What if you have to sing and dance during the exam?

PRESENTER 1: The school is unusual - and anything can await us in the exam! The master class will be shown to you by guys from class 4A.

Dance 4A “Happy Recess”

PRESENTER 2: We suggest you draw a ticket. (presenters hand out tickets to teachers)

PRESENTER 1: And we invite to the stage the lucky ones who pulled out ticket number 1. ( Teachers with ticket No. 1 come out on stage)

The first exam is a test of your professional skills. What is the most common thing any teacher has to do? Of course, talk. Sometimes it takes so long and is so difficult that your tongue begins to get stuck. Let's see how our teachers can cope with complex texts.


1. Konstantin noted the incident with the intendant and the precedent with the applicant.

2. The interviewer interviewed the interventionist.

3. The sergeant with the sergeant, the captain with the captain.

4. Popcorn bag.

SPEAKER 1: Great! The first exam has been passed. And based on the results of the exam, you are awarded a new academic title and awarded a diploma!

Diploma text:

“This diploma confirms that the bearer of this actually passed the professional suitability exam to work at a super-school with excellent marks, demonstrating remarkable professional skills. The bearer of this is awarded the title of SUPER TEACHER"

ticket number 2.

They will have to pass an understanding test.


The couple must finish the word in unison. For example, the leader says: “Samo...” If both players in chorus say the same ending of the word, for example, “... years,” then they get a point. If one says “... years”, and the other, for example, “... dumped”, then they don’t get it.




Snake... (catching)



PRESENTER 2: Fantastic! The second exam is passed. And based on the exam results, you are awarded a new academic title and awarded a diploma!

Diploma text:

“This diploma confirms that the bearer of this actually passed the professional suitability exam to work at a super-school with excellent marks, while demonstrating full mutual understanding with colleagues. The bearer of this is awarded the title of SUPER TEACHER"

PRESENTER 1: Now we’ll take a little rest.

PRESENTER 2: Dear teachers, our youngest first-graders came to congratulate you on the holiday. They will sing a song for you.

Song “Autumn in the Forest”

ticket number 3.

In a super school you need not only mutual understanding, but also mutual support.

Will you be able to support your colleagues in difficult times, suggest what is best to do when it seems that all guidelines have been lost and it is unclear where to go?

Now we will check it!


In a pair, one is “blind” (we blindfold him), the other is a “guide”. The “blind” person must complete a simple task with the help of the guide’s prompts (for example, water the flowers in the office on the top shelf or write the formula of water on the board).

Wonderful! The third exam has been passed.

Diploma text:

“This diploma confirms that the bearer of this actually passed the professional aptitude exam to work at a super-school with excellent marks, while demonstrating the ability to support a colleague in difficult times. The bearer of this is awarded the title of SUPER TEACHER"

PRESENTER 4: And we invite the owners to the stage ticket number 4.

In a super-school, both children and adults live an interesting and fun life and do not let each other get bored.


In the famous song about a grasshopper, we replace all the verbs with “la-la.” Let's sing only the 1st verse.

We get something like:

In the grass la-la grasshopper

In the grass la-la grasshopper

Just like a cucumber

He's green!



Just like a cucumber.



He's green!

But la-la frog... etc.

Incomparable! The fourth exam has been passed.

And based on the results of the exam, you are awarded a new academic title and awarded a diploma!

Diploma text:

“This diploma confirms that the bearer of this actually passed the professional aptitude exam to work at a super-school with an “excellent” grade, while demonstrating extraordinary singing abilities and intelligence. The bearer of this is awarded the title of SUPER TEACHER"

PRESENTER 1: Girls and boys from 2nd grade are rushing to our stage, welcome.

Song "Kindness"

PRESENTER 5: And we invite the owners to the stage ticket number 5.

To teach at a super school, you will have to master great amount new material, which means you will need trained memory.

I think that no one in our team particularly complains about bad memory and the next exam will be even easier than the previous one.

The presenters conduct the exam according to the ticket.


The super-school, of course, employs not only ladies, but also men. Moreover, everyone is a perfect choice, smart and noble. And now we will create his portrait together.

1st player: - The ideal man carries women in his arms.

2nd player: - The ideal man carries women in his arms and never lies.

3rd player: - The ideal man carries women in his arms, never lies and dresses with taste.


Wonderful! The fifth exam has been passed.

And based on the results of the exam, you are awarded a new academic title and awarded a diploma!

Diploma text:

“This diploma confirms that the bearer of this really has an excellent memory and therefore passed the exam for professional suitability to work at a super-school with excellent marks.” The bearer of this is awarded the title of SUPER TEACHER"

PRESENTER 1: And we invite the owners to the stage ticket number 6.

A teacher working in a super-school must have an unusually broad outlook, because the children in this school are interested in absolutely everything!

I think that teachers who go up on stage to take an exam have precisely this kind of outlook.

TICKET No. 6. Tricky questions.

1. What can be cooked, but cannot be eaten. (lessons)

2. What will happen to the yellow towel if it falls into the Red Sea? (it will become wet)

3. What do all people on Earth do at the same time? (getting older)

4. Which hand is better to stir tea? (actually it’s better to stir it with a spoon)

5. In what century did the Ancient Greeks walk backwards with their heels? (they still walk like this, with their heels behind them)

And finally, a riddle that only seems simple, but requires attention and a sense of humor and attention:

A, I, B built a house for themselves.

And he went abroad

B fell and went to the hospital.

Who stayed at home? (nobody)

Stunningly! The sixth exam has been passed.

And based on the results of the exam, you are awarded a new academic title and awarded a diploma!

Diploma text:

“This diploma confirms that the bearer of this really has a broad outlook and therefore passed the professional aptitude exam to work at a super-school with excellent marks.” The bearer of this is awarded the title of SUPER TEACHER"

PRESENTER 3: Boys from grade 5b ask to go on stage. Let's support them with thunderous applause.

Song "On the Next Street"

PRESENTER 2: And we invite the owners to the stage ticket number 7, who go straight to gymnastics classes.

After all, a teacher working in a super-school must be unusually dexterous. And if you can’t be dexterous, then at least be resourceful!

The presenters conduct the exam according to the ticket.


You can ask both of them to jump through a hoop or twirl it around their waists.

- Gorgeous! The seventh exam has been passed.

And based on the results of the exam, you are awarded a new academic title and awarded a diploma!

Diploma text:

“This diploma confirms that the bearer of this actually passed the professional aptitude exam to work at a super-school with excellent marks, demonstrating dexterity. The bearer of this is awarded the title of SUPER TEACHER"

PRESENTER 3: And we invite the owners to the stage ticket number 8.

For a super-school to flourish, the teachers working in it must also have economic literacy... or, more simply put, they must be able to count money.

This is what our examinees will do now.


Players receive a tightly sealed transparent jar filled with paper bills and coins of various denominations. Their task is to count the money without opening the jars. The one who accurately named the amount wins.

This is simply unthinkable! The last exam passed brilliantly!

And based on the results of the exam, you are awarded a new academic title and awarded a diploma!

Diploma text:

“This diploma confirms that the bearer of this really has economic literacy and therefore passed the professional aptitude exam to work at a super-school with excellent marks.” The bearer of this is awarded the title of SUPER TEACHER"

SPEAKER 4: I congratulate you, dear teachers! You passed the most difficult exams with honor and tomorrow the entire teaching staff will go to work at the super-school.

PRESENTER 5: Let's do the last training session - let's all think together about how we will start our lesson tomorrow.

Now I’m going to fantasize out loud, and if I do everything right, you clap your hands, and if I do it wrong, stomp your feet.

The game "True or False" is played

So we go into class, right?

We say: “Hello, children, please sit down.” Right?

Let's put our feet up on the chair, right?

On the table?

On the nightstand?

Are we going anywhere at all?

Let's go to the board, right?

We write: “The third of October. Cool job." So?

Seditious work?

Underground work?

A!! Test!

We hand out leaflets with tasks to the children. Right?

We ask them to think first, right?

And then scream.


Make faces?

And while the children are writing, we sit under the table, right?

On the table?

To the table!

And we solve the crossword puzzle!

Reading a detective story?

Telling jokes?

Let's fill out the magazine!

And then we collect the notebooks, right?

And we say: “Thank you everyone. The lesson is over,” right?

And we stomp our feet!

Right! Exactly!!

PRESENTER 1: Or you can clap again and shout “Hurray!” to our wonderful teachers.

PRESENTER 2: After all, you all probably already understood that today we were talking about our beloved school.

PRESENTER 3: Because if you work as amicably and passionately as you did today throughout the school year, our school will truly become a real super-school.

PRESENTER 4: Happy holiday, dear teachers. I wish you happiness, health and fun work for the whole academic year!!!

SPEAKER 5: Our meeting has come to an end. We tell you again
TOGETHER: Thank you!

All concert participants come out

Song "Happy Teacher's Day"

Scenario of a festive concert for Teacher's Day

Presenter 1 Hello, dear teachers, students and guests of our holiday.

Together: Hello!!!

Presenter 2: Today is an unusual day!

Leading 3 - Today is an amazing day!

Ved. 1 Today...

All: Holiday!!!

Ved. 2 Glad!

Ved. 3 Long awaited!

Ved.1- Today...

ALL: Teacher's Day!!!

ALL: Happy holiday

Presenter 2:

Dear teachers. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day!

Let autumn be here for a whole month,

Today suddenly there was a breath of spring,

Flowers bloom today in every heart:

Teacher - today is your holiday.

Presenter:3 The floor is given to the school director V.I. Kasatkin

Presenter1: Our dear teachers, for you..... song

Presenter2: You opened a whole world before us,

We are interested in every hour with you,

And it's impossible to express in words

The love with which we think of you!

Ved. 3 You always serve as an example for us

We want to become just like you,

Health and joy for many years to come

Let me wish you from the bottom of my heart!


Presenter1: Ah, the holiday in our school hall.

We called all the teachers

To say kind words.

And hearty congratulations to everyone!

Ved. 2 We know that teachers here in Russia

A source of kindness and strength.

The power of knowledge is given to them all

Know that she is the main thing in life!

Presenter3 They introduce us to the world

When we arrive in first grade.

On “100” childish “Why?”

They will find the answer to you and me

Ved. 1 Remember or write down:

All the warmth of my soul

Teachers give us

This is why I love them all!

Ved. 2 Who teaches us?

Who is tormenting us?

Who gives us knowledge?

This is our school teacher -

TOGETHER: Amazing people!

Presenter 3: It's clear and bright with you,

My soul is always warm

And forgive me if it's on time

The lesson was not learned.

Ved. 1 Where can I find worthy words?

Make it clear without unnecessary phrases,

That we are grateful to you all,

That we love you very much!

Ved. 2 We cordially congratulate you

And on this holiday we wish

You and the kids should be friends

Be happy here at school

Ved. 3 We sincerely congratulate you

All our teachers.

And we wish everyone good health

TOGETHER: From prankish children!

Presenter 1: A gift for all teachers

Two grandmothers come out: one is “cool”, the second is rustic

1st: Vovanovna: Are you wearing a gas mask?

2nd: You are uneducated, Petrovna, this is my makeup, I’m going to a symposium of new Russian grandmothers! In our yard, on a bench.

1st: Well, I don’t have time to go to symposiums, I need to write an essay for my granddaughter: “ Comparative characteristics Masyanya and Larina Tanya.”

2nd: No, the new Russian grandmothers don’t care about their grandchildren! They do shaping, make-up, make-up...

1st : No, we need to help our grandchildren, you know how much they ask! Every day I write three essays, and I compose two essays!

2nd: And what is your granddaughter, that healthy big thing, doing?

1st: She has this night library every day.

2nd: And I think that these new Russian children should be kept in black bodies

1st: Oh, they just look like they could sit on the grandmothers’ necks!

2nd: My granddaughter came yesterday: “Grandma, when will you buy me new shoes?” And I tell her: “When you wear off your skis!”

1st: No, I don’t regret anything for my granddaughter. When I started first grade, I bought her boots, she’s been wearing them for 11 years now!

2nd: You should have bought her more galoshes!

1st: But then there is gratitude! My granddaughter says to me: “I will grow up, enter the veterinary institute, and treat you, grandma!”

2nd: Oh, you’re a fool, Petrovna, you’re a fool! A veterinarian, he treats dog diseases! Did you get the hint?

1st: You yourself are a fool, Vovanovna, a veterinarian, he treats veterans, like you and me!

2nd: Nothing!

As they say, we look at the optical sight with optimism! Life is just beginning!

Presenter 3 (Masha)

It was in September

It was in the yard!

Five simple disciples

They talked about love,

Confessions poured in

All about the thirst for knowledge!

1st. Russian is not easy at all

How can I live like this?

There is only one thing left for me:

Headlong into the pool!

2nd. Yes, I found my problem!

Russian is practice!

I'll tell you frankly:

My cross is mathematics!

3rd. Mathematics, calculations -

It's not that complicated!

But English words

Impossible to remember!

4th. Dates, I confess to you,

Not remembered!

I'm afraid of history!

How can I deal with it?

1st. It's hard to be a student

I'm telling you for sure!

Something needs to change

Urgent in this life!

2nd I think I have a way out!

Everyone would be in shambles:

I'd like to eat geometry

In pure chocolate!

1th And then I would completely

I didn't study anymore!

I would eat geometry

And lay there being lazy!

4th. Well, I'm not at all lazy

There is a highlight of the story!

The dates themselves every day

They would go into my head!

3rd. I ate a couple of jelly beans

Early, early in the morning -

And history already

You know, very cool!

1st.“Come on, catch up!” candy

I would eat it and then

Only an A in physical education

It would be easy!

1st.“Sweet Russian” marmalades

We need to release it urgently!

Essays in notebooks

Everyone would write "A"!

4th. If only everyone wrote books

On candy wrappers!

And then everyone would know for sure

Was Bolkonsky or not!

3rd. Well, yesterday I dreamed

The best dream in the world:

I ate too much ice cream

Called "Spy"!

1st. What does a spy have to do with it?

How would I help you?

3rd. I'd like to eat some ice cream

And I learned English!

1st It's hard to be a student

But it’s more difficult for the teacher!

Explain one thing a hundred times

It's really difficult for them!

1th Sometimes they succeed

Explain the complex to us!

This is a tricky trick

The difficulty is impossible!

2nd. Everyone is in love with work

Strict, but beautiful.

And for everything today we

Let's tell them...

All. Thank you!

Presenter 2: Dear guests, we are celebrating not just one holiday, but two, since today is another wonderful holiday - the Day of the Elderly.

And today at our holiday there are teachers who have given the warmth of their hearts to the students of our school all their lives, and are now on a well-deserved retirement:

Ved. 3 Oh, how much sadness there is in the word “Veteran”!

But how much honor and warmth there is here!

After all, only through labor was human honor given,

And the best years passed at school

Ved. 2 And we pass the mic Kuznetsova Renata Pavlovna

Presenter 1:

The guys go to lessons in the morning,

September comes - it's time for school.

Ved. 2 The guys go to lessons in the morning,

And, of course, the teacher is in a hurry with them,

And the wind autumn leaves circles.

Lesson, change and lesson again,

First call and last call.

And between them all life lay,

Which was often difficult and alarming.

Ved. 3 Waltz whirling and tears from the eyes:

Now the senior classes are leaving us,

But you come back to school in September,

And again you are happy with the mischievous children.

Ved. 1 And every autumn again and again

You will celebrate your holiday with your friends,

Sad and laugh for the umpteenth time,

And listen to the autumn teacher's waltz,

Quiet, autumn teacher's waltz.

Ved. 2 And let the years fly ahead,

There is no need to be afraid of age,

May you have many years of experience,

But in your heart there are only 20!

Presenter 3: Dear teachers! Dear veterans! May joy and luck accompany you today, as always.

They perform for you...


Presenter 1: Our dear teachers!

We speak words of confession

Thank you for the love and affection,

Care, tenderness and warmth.

Ved. 2 When you are near, life is like a fairy tale,

And on the gloomiest day it is light.

We would like to congratulate you today...

We cannot convey everything in words.

We, dear ones, need to take care of you all.

Together: This is what we wanted to tell you!


Presenter 3: For your sincere smile

And the student and every student

In an instant he will correct all his mistakes

And it will not repeat them in the future.

Ved.1 You carry the torch of knowledge for everyone,

The one that will never go out.

May all your wishes come true,

And your cherished dream will come true.

Ved. 2 After all, you share your experience with us,

Let bad weather not touch you,

And let it burn over you forever

A bright star of success, fame, happiness.

Presenter 3: Today we speak on behalf of every heart

We tell you

(together) Thank you!

Closing song

Holiday concert script

for Teacher's Day.

Two presenters appear against the backdrop of beautiful music.

1 presenter:

Let autumn be here for a whole month,

Today suddenly there was a breath of spring,

Flowers bloom today in every heart:

Teacher - today is your holiday.

2 presenter:

The path of a teacher is not a mistake,

After all, this is not work, but fate,

Today all the love, all the looks and smiles,

Today, everything in the world is for you!

(music louder, short pause)

1 Presenter

It's a beautiful autumn time outside, which delights us with colorful colors. A time of year that combines joy and sadness. Autumn pleases us with its rich harvest, but nevertheless we are sad to part with the warm summer. I think that is why in the first days of October the whole country celebrates the professional holiday of teachers.

Both presenters: Happy holiday, dear Teachers!

2 Presenter. Opens our holiday program T dance composition performed by Kan Anita and Lozovsky Bogdan

1 Presenter

What an amazing house - school! Everything is mixed up here: childhood, youth, science and art, dreams and real life. In this house there is joy and tears, meetings and partings.

2 Presenter.

Yes, school remains a bright, joyful island of childhood for each of us. For teachers, school is their home, and all students are their children. Kazakhstan is famous for its students, students bring glory to him..

Meet Victoria Alekseenko “Frog Lambada”

1 Presenter

Our journey through life has just begun,

Thank you - it started as it should.

We wish you health and good luck,

Students - good and obedient!

Potapova Angelina sings for you “I am a star”».

2 Presenter

What a huge heart you need to have in order to generously give it out in pieces day after day, year after year!

1 Presenter

.People who once came here at the call of their hearts will never leave it. Let me wholeheartedly congratulate you, dear teachers, on your professional holiday.

2 Presenter

. I wish you health, happiness, peace of mind and fulfillment of all creative ideas.

1 Presenter

Years will pass, centuries of shadow

They will disappear, everything will close in a circle.

But the warm word is "teacher"

Suddenly our hearts will be troubled.

2 Presenter

Will always make you remember something

Dear, close to you

In the twentieth century and in the two hundredth -

The teacher is eternal on earth!

Accept a dance as a gift from 10th grade students.

1 Presenter

Romance is not a fairy bird,
Not a song about the wanderings of brigantines,
A romantic is one who is young and strives
Reach unknown heights in everything!

2 Presenter

Teacher, he has been a romantic since birth!
Teacher, he is a romantic from head to toe!
And the school world is a country of courage and skill,
The cheerful world of untrodden roads.

1 Presenter

Romance! In its very nature,
Romance is the soul and essence of it.
Always and everywhere famous among the people
Fearlessness, courage, dexterity, skill.

Alina Nurmukhambetova performs the song “Carousel of Melodies” on stage.

1 Presenter

The golden leaves are swirling!

In the dance of autumn the leaves flutter,

Our sad, thoughtful garden

He falls asleep to the sounds of rain.

There is a wet forest in the gilding -

It freezes in the icy wind,

Autumn gives us so many miracles -

This only happens in the fall!

The fate of every teacher is a colorful autumn. They happily greet us at the school door and confidently lead us along the steps to the pinnacle of knowledge, living a part of our lives with us. They are sad when we leave our home school and look forward to meeting us again.
We dedicate this song to you, our dear and beloved teachers.

Please accept musical greetings from Adil Aitpaev “Teacher's Rap”.

1 Presenter

On this festive day, we want to express sincere words of gratitude for the noble work of all teachers - great workers. Infinitely devoted to his profession. Your profession at all times has been the personification of serving people, instilling high citizenship and patriotism, culture and the pursuit of knowledge.

2 Presenter

By developing the minds and enriching the souls of students, teachers leave a piece of themselves in everyone. We wish you health, optimism, new creative victories, inspiration, conquest of all professional heights, happiness in your personal life!

Zatula Angelina “Good Path” gives you her congratulations

1 Presenter

It doesn’t get any harder than your work,
Reform will not make it easier,
Life itself forces you
Spare nothing for the children.

2 Presenter

In aviation it is strictly believed that
How many hours did the pilot fly?
No one will know about my studies
How long did he stand at the board?

1 Presenter

How many notebooks did I check at night?
How many life plans have I written?
How many times have you believed a person?
And I punished myself for it.

2 Presenter

We have known your name from the cradle,
Both adults and children know you,
No - you are not a hero, not an artist, not a ruler,
You are a beloved resident of our hearts.
Our humble and beloved teacher.

1 Presenter

Let Blue bird today now
It will become a bird of happiness for you.

Meet the dance “Retro” performed by Daria Florya and Nikita Losev

1 Presenter

Happy Teacher's Day, happy holiday!
We congratulate you today!
And we want to teach us properly,
How you can do it every time!

2 Presenter

You always understand humor
At least you are always serious too.
After all, we are still inexperienced, young,
And we have all the years ahead.

1 Presenter

So teach us, teach us more,
Together with us you learn to live!
And for everything, of course, forgive us,
We didn't want to upset you!

2 Presenter

Be kind, good and honest!
Let your world be a better place!
It's always very interesting to be with you!
Happy Teacher's Day, our dear friend!

Galina Anatolyevna Korotkova congratulates you “Love me like this”

1 Presenter

Behind the outskirts of Indian summer

This day moves us to tears.

Your holiday is in a sea of ​​yellow

Half-asleep aspens and birches.

2 Presenter

Teacher's Day is a special holiday:

No garlands, no sparklers.

Do you carry knowledge so that

The world did not collapse into the abyss of shadows.

1 Presenter

Sometimes you sigh: “Teaching councils,

Careless students..."

Your everyday life, alas, is not sung,

But things are so great!

2 Presenter

How wonderful it is sometimes to transform

Yellow-faced naive chicks

In young educated geniuses,

In engineers, doctors, salesmen.

1 Presenter

Having drawn up study plans,

Don't be sad, don't grumble!

Can you imagine how desirable

The fruits that you can give!

2 Presenter

You won't be led off the beaten track

Not words, not dreams, not rubles.

Happy Teacher's Day to you, teachers!

We love you! We won't let you down!

Class 11 A has prepared my congratulations for you

(video and song first)

1 Presenter

We congratulate once again all teachers and all school workers on their professional holiday. We wish you all the best, pleasant and happy.

2 Presenter

May the sun shine on you more generously!

And from everyone who is near and far,

We send you greetings from all pets

And bow – from heaven to earth!

Final song of all artists

(development class teacher 5th grade Plaskina A.G.)

The hall is decorated with wall newspapers and balloons.

Presenterscome out to the audience.

Leading1. Hello, dear teachers, veterans of teaching work, students and guests of our holiday.

Presenter 2:Today is an unusual day! Today is an amazing day! It is a holiday today!!!

Glad! Long awaited! Today is Teacher's Day!!! Happy holiday!!!

Presenter 1:Dear teachers. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day!

Let autumn be here for a whole month,

Today suddenly there was a breath of spring,

Flowers bloom today in every heart:

Teacher - today is your holiday.

Presenter 2:

My friends! Friends of my friends

There is no holiday more worthy and beautiful!

We honor our teachers, whom we know

Loves school!

We love you strictness, simplicity,

For knowledge, for humor, for skill,

For human kindness,

For your selfless burning!

Congratulations! Bow to you!

All good songs are sung to you.

And together with you it’s like a vunison,

The boys' hearts beat so selflessly!

Presenter 1: Our dear teachers, for you a skit from 7th grade students

Lenochka : Hello!

Vovochka: Len, oh Len!

Lenochka :What do you want?

Vovochka :What are you doing?

Lenochka : Lessons, of course!

As if you yourself don’t know that there is a lot set for tomorrow!

There’s no time, Vovka, for me to talk to you.

I haven’t completed my Russian exercises and I haven’t learned the poems yet

Vovochka : Yes, a divine exercise and with poetry too!

Lenochka :Why?

Vovochka :You forgot - tomorrow is Teacher's Day! The teachers will all be kind and kind!

Lenochka : Well, in your opinion, there’s no need to learn anything? Do you think they won't call?

Vovochka : Listen to what I came up with! If they call you to the board, I’ll say that I didn’t sleep all night, writing congratulations in verse!

Lenochka : Do you think they will believe it?

Vovochka : They will believe, they will believe!

Lenochka :What, do you write poetry? You are able to?

Vovochka :What is there to be able to do? A couple of trifles!

Lenochka : I doubt it - you’ll get a D again!

Vovochka :But no! Let's meet and see how I can do it!

Lenochka : Well, come on, compose!

Vovochka :Now…

Lenochka :Well!

Vovochka :Now…

Lenochka :You said that this is a couple of trifles.

Vovochka : Couple, couple! Said!

Lenochka : Well, come on, write something about the director,

Vovochka :Now...

Lenochka :You said that this was nothing.

Vovochka : Couple, couple! Said!

Lenochka : Well, come on, write something... About the director.

Vovochka :Now…

Our director is very nice

And a kind person.

If you came without a shift,

Or I was late in the morning,

Or I didn’t wash my hands -

He will wash your hands himself

And my neck at the same time,

And in general he will comb your hair

On the hero's head!

Our director is very nice

And a kind person!

Lenochka : Wow! Yes, you are a real poet!

Presenter 2:You opened a whole world before us,

And it's impossible to express in words

The love with which we think of you!

You always serve as an example for us

We want to become just like you,

Health and joy for many years to come

Let me wish you from the bottom of my heart!

Now we will give the floor to the youngest representatives of our school, primary school students.

A! - We'll go through the alphabet together,
B! - We will sing it like a song.
IN! - We'll sing it merrily!
G! - Louder than thunder, louder than thunder!
D! - Today is a musical day,
E! - We have vocal talent,
AND! - Living without knowledge was boring!
3! - Knowledge is our strength!
AND! - And the paths are open to him,
TO! - Who will make friends with the alphabet?
L! - Horse, llama, lily of the valley, spoon,
M! - Blizzard, metro, matryoshka.
N! - Sky, net, thread, bride,
ABOUT! - Gadfly, cloud, orchestra!
P! - The parrot sings from the notes.
R! - A swarm of bees builds honeycombs.
WITH! - The dragonfly chirps in the garden,
T! - The dachshund stomps its paws.
Uh! - The duck listens to records,
F! - Flamingo tries Fanta!
X! - The choir is not bad, the choir has hearing!
C! - The King of Beasts is his support!
Ch! “We honor him,” he growls purely!
Sh! - He will replace six soloists!
SCH! - The song gives us a generous world.
Eh! - This day brought us together:
YU! - Humorists, optimists,
I! - Nursery-Sadovsky artists.

Song: “They teach at school” (primary classes)

At the end of the song, first-graders run to their teachers and give them air balloons, flowers, fakes...

Presenter 1.For you the sketch “The Ryaba Hen” performed by 5th grade students

Granddaughter and Chicken Ryaba.

They lived and did not grieve.

They washed down the cracker with tea,

Once a month they chewed sausage.

And everything would be fine

yes little chicken

She took it and laid the egg.

The egg is not simple,

Golden egg.

And now at our prices

And in general it is priceless.

For family advice

Grandfather gathered Granddaughter and Grandmother.

Grandfather.Anyway. Such a thing.

What should I do with this egg?

Maybe I should eat it? Or sell?

Or change to dollars?

Maybe the walls will fall down

Shall we buy a modern music center?

Grandma.What are you doing, Grandfather?! Fear God!

Music doesn't cost much!

We'd better buy a TV

Vacuum cleaner or transistor

Or let's take a cart of soap,

To keep the house clean.

Granddaughter.Maybe we can buy me some perfume?

The grooms will be amazed!

Or French lipstick?

I'll be glad to see her too!

And everyday noisy argument.

It’s not like that, but it’s not like that.

Grandfather. You idiot!

Grandma. You are an idiot!

The world has never seen anything like this!

Only the Chicken is silent,

Stands near the table.

Chicken. Well, I didn’t expect it

Be the cause of a scandal.

To stop this

I need to break an egg.

And, flapping his wings lightly,

Dropped the egg on the floor

She smashed him to pieces!

Granddaughter is crying, Baba is crying...

Granddaughter and Grandmother.

What have you done, Ryaba?

He turned out his pockets with holes.

Grandfather.I have no money, so what?!

Peace in the family is more valuable than anything else

Presenter 1:Ah, a holiday in our school hall.

We called all the teachers

To say kind words.

And heartfelt congratulations to everyone!

Know, teachers here in Russia

A source of kindness and strength.

The power of knowledge is given to them all

Know that she is the main thing in life!

They introduce us to the world

When we arrive in first grade.

On “100” childish “Why?”

They will find the answer to you and me

Remember or write down:

All the warmth of my soul

Teachers give us

This is why I love them all!

Who teaches us?

Who is tormenting us?

Who gives us knowledge?

This is our school teacher.

Presenter 2:It's clear and bright with you,

My soul is always warm

And forgive me if it's on time

The lesson was not learned.

Where can I find worthy words?

Make it clear without unnecessary phrases,

That we are grateful to you all,

That we love you very much!

We cordially congratulate you

And on this holiday we wish

You and the kids should be friends

Be happy here at school

We sincerely congratulate you

All our teachers.

And we wish everyone good health

From prankish children!

Presenter 1:For all teachers a gift - a skit from 9th grade students

Uncle Fedor: I got knocked off my feet today

How should I go to class?

I lost my pencil case

And Galchonok told me...

Galchonok: I didn't touch your pencil case.

Matroskin, maybe you saw it somewhere?

Uncle Fedor: I asked the cat sternly:

“Matroskin, didn’t you touch your pencil case?”

Answers me awake...

Matroskin: I'm a kitten, not a child,

I don't need your pencil case

I didn't write in the notebook!

You should go to Sharik,

I would ask about the loss.

Uncle Fedor: Sharik, my dear friend,

I'll give you a pie

Find my pencil case:

He's disappeared somewhere!

Ball: Woof! I'll find him in no time.

Just answer my question:

Where did you poke your nose yesterday?

Where did you go with your pencil case?

There you forgot it!

Uncle Fedor: I drew on the table

I wrote the essay

I went to visit Pechkin,

And with a cow in the meadow

I was solving a problem. Huh-huh!

Cow: Mooo! I didn't see the pencil case.

I was lying in the sun:

Sunbathed, rested,

I drove away the neighbors' flies! (Pechkin rings the bell)

Pechkin: Ding la la! Ding la la!

Fedor, it's time for us to go to school.

Uncle Fedor: My pencil case is missing.

Have you seen him, Pechkin?

Pechkin: Well, I forgot my pencil case:

I wrote congratulations.

Unfolds a roll of wallpaper with a congratulatory inscription: “Congratulations to our beloved teachers!”

Galchonok: As soon as the leaves begin to spin

Among the autumn days,

Anyone will be happy to congratulate

Your teachers!

Matroskin: We will sing the song loudly

And congratulations to your beloved teachers!

Presenter 2:Dear teachers! For you, the song “Birthday” performed by 5th grade students.

1. Let them run clumsily

Fifth graders on puddles:

Children rush to school to get to class.

Even the rain doesn't scare me

If he invites you to class

Our best friend is a cheerful call.

Chorus: We have grown up over the summer

And tired of resting

Everyone has grown up, tanned -

You won't know right away.

2. Our books, notebooks

In perfect order

How long can you rest?

It's terribly boring at home!

But school is great:

Chorus: We all love to study,

We don't sleep in class,

We answer the questions:

We all want to know

3. Let them run clumsily

Fifth graders on puddles:

Children rush to school to get to class.

Congratulate the teachers

And leave it as a memory

What each of us could do.

Chorus: Children are happy to congratulate you,

And believe me: from the heart

We sing and dance for you,

Even if they are just kids.

Presenter 1:Today at our holiday there are teachers who have given the warmth of their hearts to the students of our school all their lives, and are now on a well-deserved retirement:

Oh, how much sadness there is in the word “Veteran”!

But how much honor and warmth there is here!

After all, only through labor was human honor given,

And the best years passed at school

Presenter 2:Dear teachers! Dear veterans! May joy and luck accompany you today, as always.

Presenter 1:For you, the skit “Grandmothers” performed by 8th grade girls.

Two grandmothers come out: one is “cool”, the second is rustic

1st: Vovanovna: Are you wearing a gas mask?

2nd: Uneducated: you, Petrovna, this is my makeup, I’m going to a symposium of new Russian grandmothers! In our yard, on a bench.

1st: Well, I don’t have time to go to symposia, I need to write an essay for my granddaughter: “A comparative description of Masyanya and Larina Tanya.”

2nd: No, the new Russian grandmothers don’t care about their grandchildren! They do shaping, make-up, make-up...

1st : No, we need to help our grandchildren, you know how much they ask! Every day I write three essays, and I compose two essays!

2nd: And what is your granddaughter, that healthy big thing, doing?

1st: She has this night library every day.

2nd: And I think that these new Russian children should be kept in black bodies

1st: Oh, they just look like they could sit on the grandmothers’ necks!

2nd: My granddaughter came yesterday: “Grandma, when will you buy me new shoes?” And I tell her: “When you wear off your skis!”

1st: No, I don’t regret anything for my granddaughter. When I started first grade, I bought her boots, she’s been wearing them for 11 years now!

2nd: You should have bought her more galoshes!

1st: But then there is gratitude! My granddaughter says to me: “I will grow up, enter the veterinary institute, and treat you, grandma!”

2nd: Oh, you’re a fool, Petrovna, you’re a fool! A veterinarian, he treats dogs’ ailments! Did you get the hint?

1st: You yourself are a fool, Vovanovna, a veterinarian, he treats veterans, like you and me!

2nd: Nothing!

As they say, we look at the optical sight with optimism! Life is just beginning!

Presenter 2:Teacher's Day is a holiday not only for our teachers, but also for all school employees. Today we say a big thank you to the cooks, technical staff, and librarians for their good attitude towards us. We congratulate them with all our hearts and wish them happiness, health, and prosperity!

Poem: "Teacher's Day" (Surkova A. - 8th grade)

I walk on fallen gold, on gold

And under the feet of the puddles there is fragile glass,

Summer is giving way, giving way to cold,

And everything in my soul is as bright as spring

Today is a quiet day and exceptionally bright,

And in the waltz the leaves fall onto the asphalt.

Today is a holiday - Teacher's Day,

Warm greetings will relieve your stress

Smoothes out your fine wrinkles

And with an equally happy expression

The stars of your stern eyes are shining.

Behind honorable work, and sometimes painful

The entire Russian land is grateful to you

The smartest rulers of the rebellious souls of the boys,

Sorry if we offended you in any way...

God bless you, God bless you, teachers!

Presenter 1:You opened up a whole world before us,

We are interested in every hour with you,

And it's impossible to express in words

The love with which we think of you!

You always serve as an example for us

We want to become just like you,

Health and joy for many years to come

Let the souls wish!

Sketch from 8th grade students

The girl is sitting, doing her homework, dad is reading the newspaper.

Daughter. (talking as if to himself)
Load more and more of us
For some reason they did.
Our school has 5th grade
Like an institute.
Write an essay
They gave us a task.
Who do I want to become in life?
This is punishment!
It would be nice to become a singer
And I can sing with Kirkorov.
No, it doesn't suit me -
A bear fell on my ear.
Or maybe become a pilot?
These are the dreams...
I wish I could fly a plane,
Yes, I'm afraid of heights.
Maybe I should become a doctor?
It is important to cure everyone
I don't care about all the illnesses
It's just scary.
Maybe I should choose something
Without anything in the world
No one gets by -
Adults and children?
If I think like that,
Here's what happens -
Each of us has a life
School starts.
You've already had an hour
Blank page.
Maybe some advice for you
Will daddy be useful?
And what is the whole day about?
Are you thinking, baby?
Our mother is a teacher.
This is very bad?
I answer the question,
Dear baby:
Mom is often not at home,
This is very bad.
If he checks his notebooks all night long,
And the student suddenly banged a cracker over his ear,
That's not very good, and perhaps bad.
And I’ll also answer this way:
Listen to me:
Our mother is a teacher.
That's a special case.
She graduated from the institute with honors -
This is very good, we all understand this.
Gives knowledge to children - Masha, Mityam, Petya -
This is very good, the best in the world.
And wherever they take you
All roads in life
I’ll say this: most importantly,
Daughter, teachers.
May she not sleep at night, may her work be difficult,
Even at home, school worries are on my mind.
We'll take pity on her and prepare dinner.
Remember! At school, children really need a teacher.
They hold the country together, children grow up,
And the teacher is responsible for each of them.
They teach humanity and goodness. You know baby
This is very good, but not bad at all.
Draw, write, count and read decently
My mother teaches. Badly?
No! Great!
Every year students
People come to her with flowers.
Songs, tender poems
They give it to our mother.
You're right - it's getting tired
Very our mother.
There's always a lot to do,
Here we will help ourselves.
We'll clean everything in the apartment,
Let's wash it, period.
Same for you later
My husband will help with my daughter.

Mom comes in
My dears,
What are you making noise here?
Am I late again?
I am your teacher.
I was at the meeting
Took the class to the theater
All things to do, things to do, things to do.
I forgot to buy bread.
Sit down and relax
We are preparing dinner.
Dad and I decided:
Your work is greatly needed.
I decided that when
I'll grow a little
Not a pilot, not a doctor,
I will be a teacher.

Presenter 2:Who teaches us? Who is tormenting us?

Who gives us knowledge?

This is our school teacher.

Presenter 1:A lot of words have been invented about teachers,

But we want to repeat again:

Teacher for children - the beginning of fate!

The moment has come to give you a dance

Dance number. Performed by girls

Presenter 2:

The guys go to lessons in the morning,

There are different ways to live in life,

It is possible in sorrow and in joy.

It's on time. Drink on time.

Do nasty things on time.

Or you can do it like you: get up at dawn

And, thinking about a miracle,

Reach the sun with your naked hand

And give it to people.

September comes - it's time for school.

The guys go to lessons in the morning,

And, of course, the teacher is in a hurry with them,

And the wind swirls the autumn leaves.

Lesson, change and lesson again,

First call and last call.

And between them all life lay,

Which was often difficult and alarming.

Waltz whirling and tears from the eyes:

Now the senior classes are leaving us,

But you come back to school in September,

And again you are happy with the mischievous children.

And every autumn again and again

You will celebrate your holiday with your friends,

Sad and laugh for the umpteenth time,

And listen to the autumn teacher's waltz,

Quiet, autumn teacher's waltz.

And let the years fly ahead,

There is no need to be afraid of age,

May you have many years of experience,

But in your heart there are only 20!

Presenter 1. Song: “Our School”, performed by 5th grade students.

(to the tune of Chung-Chang's song)

1. How we live together and have fun,

We learn notes and sing songs.

Our school is our home,

And we cannot live without school.

Chorus:Our school is a miracle

It's so fun for all the people,

It's so great for all the people,

Let it be so? (Repeat chorus twice.)

2. Every student knows exactly

That without school the world becomes dim in an instant.

Our kids love school.

School, school is the best time.

3. Let the teacher be very strict with us,

I'll try to learn my lesson.

I will not be silent at the board,

Let him give me a five rating!

Presenter 2:Our dear teachers!

We speak words of confession

Thank you for the love and affection,

Care, tenderness and warmth.

When you are near, life is like a fairy tale,

And on the gloomiest day it is light.

We would like to congratulate you today...

We cannot convey everything in words.

We need to take care of you all, dear ones.

This is what we wanted to tell you!

And now girls from grades 8 and 9 will perform in front of you with their ditties

1. I’m not lazy at our school
Exercise every day.
For an A in work
I'll come on Sunday!
2. I teach mathematics
Three hundred and forty days a year!
The remaining twenty days
I'm just thinking about her!
3. I study science
I gain a lot of knowledge.
I blew up half the school!
This is such chemistry!
4.Drawing lesson
They drew a steamship.
I didn't hear the task,
The result is a lunar rover!
5.I love physical education
I can walk on my hands!
The only problem is,
My legs can't carry me!
6. I love reading
Listening to the poem.
It's just hard for me to understand
Pushkin's creations!
7. I know the laws of physics -
I will tell you without a doubt.
They prevent me from waking up
Laws of attraction!
8. I scream all day long
Without any embarrassment.
I'll sing everyone tomorrow
Singing lesson!

9. I speak my native language
I will dedicate my life to the grave.
I need to know for sure
How to write the word “crisis”.
10. They say Pythagoras
The pants are very strange
We don't teach geometry
That's all the pantsless ones!
11. I'm in the textbook alone
I looked at the pictures.
Finally I saw
Pistil and stamens!
12.I want to go on vacation
Go on foot to Bulgaria.
I study all day now
Science Geography!
13. I know Napoleon,
He discovered America!
Should I teach history?
I don't have enough strength!
14. How many years until Andromeda
Will I have to fly?
Astronomy - science
It's difficult for me!
15. We sang ditties for you
They're all cool.
They wanted to joke from the heart
About school science.
16.We hurry teachers
Congratulations on the holiday!
Maybe someone would like
Put “five” in your diary!

Song: “We wish you happiness!” (All)

1. In a world where crazy snow is swirling,

Where the seas threaten with a steep wave,

Where sometimes we wait for a long time for good news,

To make it easier in difficult times,

Each of us really needs

Everyone really needs to know that happiness exists.

Chorus: We wish you happiness, happiness in this big world!

Like the sun in the morning, let it come into the house

We wish you happiness, and it should be like this -

2. In a world where there is no rest for the winds,

Where there is a cloudy dawn,

Where on a long road we often dream of a house.

It is necessary both in a thunderstorm and in a snowfall,

To someone's very kind look,

Someone's very kind gaze warmed me with warmth.

Presenter 1:For your sincere smile

And the student and every student

In an instant he will correct all his mistakes

And it will not repeat them in the future.

You carry the torch of knowledge for everyone,

The one that will never go out.

May all your wishes come true,

And your cherished dream will come true.

After all, you share your experience with us,

Let bad weather not bother you,

And let it burn over you forever

A bright star of success, fame, happiness.

Presenter 2:Today we speak on behalf of every heart (1, 2, 3 together).

We say thank you!

Presenter 1:Our holiday is already over

What else can I tell you?

Let me say goodbye

I wish you good health

Presenter 2:Don't get sick, don't get old

Never be angry

So young

Stay forever

Presenter 1:Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm, cheerful laughter

For a smile, understanding

This is our great success

Presenter 2:Now the moment of farewell has come

Our speech will be short

We say “Goodbye!

See you happy, new meetings"