Literary and gaming program "The most fabulous planet." Scenario of an intellectual and entertainment program for children “Holiday parade of riddles, quizzes, charades” Game program for children in the library

01.06.2010 | Looked at the script 11147 Human

Hama: Three thousand devils! This was still missing for me. Again, tourists were brought to the island. I am urgently changing the island name sign.
(Turns the sign “Treasure Island” to “Island of Bad Luck”)
So they strive to get their hands on the treasures. My...

Scenarios for game programs "Fun Seekers"

01.06.2010 | Looked at the script 14057 Human

Presenter 1. Good afternoon! We are pleased to welcome you to the game program “Kaleidoscope of Fun”.
Presenter 2. Remember the kaleidoscope - this cute magical toy from your childhood. You look through a small hole, and behind it is a magical world. Turned a little...

Game program "Call of the Jungle"

01.06.2010 | Looked at the script 10031 Human

Today is a holiday for the guys,
It will be noisy today.
Everybody's talking about it
The school is very friendly!

Why in class today
Are the windows festively lit?
Because “Call of the Jungle”
Guys - “Hello” - they say.

B - 2: Hello! We tell you...

Educational game program for children "Up the Magic River"

01.06.2010 | Looked at the script 4989 Human

The hall is a library, on one of the walls of which you can see pictures of a magical forest. An unlucky student comes here who received an assignment on Russian fairy tales. The girl doesn't like to read, but she doesn't want to get a bad grade. About Us...

Game program "Journey to the Land of Good"

01.06.2010 | Looked at the script 9167 Human

Today we will take a trip to the land of Good. We will do it on the magic train Appendix. And first you must split into 3 trailers. 1 car – “Sun”, 2 – “Rainbow”, 3 – “Star”. Guys, I forgot the most important thing. ...

Game program "Jurassic Amusement Park"

01.06.2010 | Looked at the script 4419 Human

Hello, dear guys! Now we will go on an exciting, but very risky journey into the mysterious, unknown world of dinosaurs. We are going into the distant, distant past of our planet. The park opens its doors wide before you...

Scenario of the game program "Guests from Space"

01.06.2010 | Looked at the script 4914 Human

1 led. Hello, dear friends! Today we dedicate our holiday program to Cosmonautics Day.
2 ved. On a dark cloudless night you can see thousands of stars. The stars are grouped into constellations. And each constellation has its own name. And today to...

Literary and game program for children 5 - 6 years old, dedicated to International Day children's book.

Target: create conditions for developing positive motivation for reading in children.


Encourage children to read books;

To develop children's interest in Russian folk art, books, and reading;

Develop creativity, speech activity, fantasy and imagination.

Age: 5 - 6 years.



"Journey to the Kingdom of Books"

literary and game program



TsRTDIYu "Levoberezhny" Lipetsk

Zakharova Nadezhda Alekseevna

Target: create conditions for developing positive motivation for reading in children.


Encourage children to read books;

To develop children's interest in Russian folk art, books, and reading;

Develop creativity, speech activity, fantasy and imagination.

Age: 5 - 6 years.

Progress of the event

Leading: Good afternoon Happy hour! We are glad to see you here!

Hello guys and parents!

We are in the fabulous Kingdom of Books, which is called the library. There is no gold or silver in it. The wealth of this kingdom is books. They contain all the wisdom of life, and wisdom helps to get out of any difficult situation, to feel not only rich, beautiful, but also resourceful.

And today is our holiday. Do you know which one? We are celebrating name days. Ilyusha's? Oli? Dima? The girls? The boys? No! Our books!

Buratino's birthday

We'll celebrate with you

Let's not forget about Malvina

And about the golden key.

Birthday boy teremok

And the fearless cockerel,

Uncle Fyodor, Matroskin the cat

And a cheerful bun.

To learn a lot

A real person

Books help you become!

Leading: Today we invited the world's funniest fairy-tale hero.(Looks at his watch.)Only for some reason he is delayed. Until he comes, I will tell you fabulous riddles. Do you like fairy tales?(Children's answers.) Then you will guess my riddles and name the heroes of fairy tales.

Wooden naughty

Kind, brave

I was a boy.

That's why he got Tortila

She gave me a magic key.

What is the name of Carlo's son?

Well, of course... (Pinocchio).

Two pink ears

And a pink tail

Went with Winnie the Pooh

He is visiting the Rabbit.(Piglet.)

The girl is good

Walking through the forest.

And there are buns in the basket

He's bringing it to grandma.

There are lights behind the bushes

A pair of angry eyes.

Someone scary will meet

The girl now. (Little Red Riding Hood.)

I didn’t tremble before the wolf,

Ran away from the bear

And for the fox's teeth

Still got caught... (Kolobok.)

The frog has found a home for itself:

The mouse was kind.

In that house, after all,

It became crowded with residents.(Teremok.)

Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut,

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.(Three Bears.)

An arrow fell straight into the swamp,

And in this swamp the princess lived.(Princess Frog.)

The beautiful maiden is sad -

Spring is coming.

It's hard for her in the sun,

The poor thing is shedding tears!(Snow Maiden.)

Cook is the name of the old woman's rat Shapoklyak?(Lariska.)

Beware of any disease -

flu, sore throat, diphtheria.

He challenges you all to fight

Nice doctor...(Aibolit.)

The Kid has known him for a long time.

He flew into his window.(Carlson.)

(The sound of a propeller. Carlson flies in.)

Carlson: Hello Kids! I'm probably the world's greatest late runner. But I couldn’t tear myself away from the biggest jar of jam. After all, jam is the best medicine in the world. Please excuse me for being late.

Leading: Of course, being late is not good. But this time we will forgive you. Really, guys? We are very glad that you, Carlson, found the time and flew to our holiday.

Carlson: I love holidays. Where's the cake?(Looks around.) Well, I don't play like that. What kind of holiday is this?

Leading: Holidays are different. Today there are children gathered here who really want to get acquainted with different books.

Guys, you want to make friends with books?(Children's answers.)

And this means that books will have more reading friends. This is a real holiday!

Carlson: Can I become a better reader?

Host: Of course, you can.

Leading: Oh! Who could it be?

(Music sounds. Dyudyuka enters the hall.)

Dyudyuka: Let me introduce myself. Dudyuka Barbidokskaya!(Bows.)

Leading: But we didn't invite you.

Dyudyuka: Nobody invites me, I come myself. I overheard that you were having a holiday here and decided to ruin the holiday for you.

Carlson: How can you ruin it?

Dyudyuka: And I will quarrel with everyone.

Leading: Nothing will work out for you. Our guys are friends not only with each other, but also with books. Really, guys?

Dyudyuka: Oh, they made me laugh! How can you be friends with a book? You can't even quarrel with her - she doesn't know how to speak.

Leading: Of course, you can’t quarrel with a book. But she can tell a lot of new and interesting things.

Carlson: To become a good reader, you need to study.

Dyudyuka: (to the side) Boomsik failed. Now I'll arrange it for them!

And I love fairy tales. Do you want me to tell you a fairy tale? Then listen!

Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew very, very big. He began to pull the turnip, but could not pull it out. Grandfather called the pockmarked hen, Little Red Riding Hood, and Winnie the Pooh. So they pulled and pulled and pulled out the net with the goldfish. And she said gold fish: “Don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie. Bring it to grandpa, bring it to grandma.”

Did you like the fairy tale?

Leading: I think you, Dyudyuka, just need to re-read the fairy tales. Guys, help Dudyuka, tell me the name of the fairy tale with which she began her story.(“Turnip.”) Let's remember all the characters in the fairy tale:

Who did grandfather call? (grandmother)

Who did grandma call?(granddaughter)

Granddaughter of whom? (To a bug.)

And Zhuchka? (cat)

And finally, who did the cat call?(mouse)

How did the fairy tale end? Did you pull the turnip or not?

Well done boys! Well you know this fairy tale!

Carlson: Fairy-tale heroes often have long names. So long that I can't remember. Now I will pronounce one part of the name, and you, together, continue:

Koschei the Deathless) ;

Ivan Tsarevich) ;

Vasilisa... (The Wise);

Sleeping Beauty) ;

Dragon) ;

The Little Humpbacked Horse) ;

Tiny... (Khavroshechka) ;

Boy... (thumb) ;

Sivka... (Burka);

Firebird) ;

Swan geese) .

Carlson: Thanks guys! Thanks to you, I remembered the names of these heroes.

Dyudyuka: (to the side) And still I will ruin their holiday.

I ran through fairy tales and took various objects from the heroes. Without them, fairy tales cannot tell their stories to you.

Leading: What have you done? We urgently need to return things to their place. Guys, we need to guess which fairy-tale character each item belongs to.

Game “Guess the fairy tale hero by object”

ABC, cap, key(Pinocchio);

Shoe (Cinderella);

Broom (Baba Yaga);

Arrow (Ivan Tsarevich);

Basket with pies(Little Red Riding Hood);

Phonendoscope, syringe(Dr. Aibolit) ;

Pot of honey(Winnie the Pooh) ;

Pea (Princess on the Pea).

Leading: Well done boys. Helped fairy tale heroes get their things back.

Dyudyuka: (to the side) : Again the boom failed.

Relay competition “Fairytale Mosaic”

Leading: We made sure that you know the heroes of fairy tales.

Guys, we've got some trouble. Portraits of two fairy-tale heroes fell from the wall and broke. Help me collect them.

(One team collects a picture with the image of Kolobok, and the other with the image of Winnie the Pooh.)

Leading: Thanks guys! Now we will hang their portraits on the wall again.

Relay competition “Kolobok”

Leading: Let's remember how the bun rolled in the fairy tale. And he rolled along winding paths. He ran away from his grandfather, and from his grandmother, and from the wolf, and from the hare... Let's see which of you he will run away from too.

(Children stand in a circle and, to the music, quickly pass the bun to each other. The music stops. The one who has the bun left in his hands is eliminated from the game.)

Carlson: Oh, how interesting. I really like it here. I want to join your library. The library is like a big city. It has its own streets and avenues-shelves. Each book has its own address, its own house - this is a place on the shelf. Anyone who carefully reads the inscriptions on the special dividing signs will quickly find this house.

Dyudyuka: I still can't find what I need!(He gets nervous. He stomps his foot.)

Carlson: Then you need to go to the librarian...

Dyudyuka: To whom?

Carlson: To the librarian. This is a person who works in the library, helps people find books and gives them home to read.

Librarian: That's right, Carlson.(Introduces himself.) My name is …

Dyudyuka: Do you give out books forever?

Librarian: No. We cannot give you the books forever. Our other readers are looking forward to meeting them. But for a while - please. Only then must they be returned.

Dyudyuka: I also want to join your library. I won’t do all sorts of nasty things anymore! I will study and become a good reader.

Carlson: What if we sign up, we can go to you every day?

Librarian: Yes. (The librarian talks about the library's opening hours.)

Leading: So, guys, our journey to the fabulous Kingdom of Books has come to an end.

Librarian: I hope you enjoyed your stay with us. You already know a lot of books! And how many books are still unknown! How many wonderful stories they will tell you, if you just want to.

Dyudyuka: Can we go and look at your books?

Librarian: Of course you can.

Carlson: Then everyone follow me!

Dyudyuka: (to Carlson) : Wait! I'm with you.

(The librarian invites the children on a tour of the library.)


Elkina N.V., Tarabarina T.N. 1000 riddles. A popular guide for parents and teachers. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996.

Lipatnikova T.N. The holiday begins. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy, Co.: Academy Holding, 2011. – 224 p.

Tubelskaya G.N. Holidays in kindergarten And primary school. – M.: Linka-press, 2001. – 256 p.

Someone once invented balls,
As entertainment for kids.
Someone once cheated for the first time,
Someone once breathed their soul into them.

June 1st V Central Children's Library of Volgodonsk was announced During the day balloon . Don’t look for this date in the calendar, nothing is said about it, but there is such a holiday on the Planet of Childhood. On this planet, children love and know how to fantasize, laugh and not be upset, play and have fun. In short, it's a great time.

And bright balloons helped young readers have a great time in the library. The balloon is a toy loved by people of all ages, it has the wonderful ability to create great mood and a pleasant atmosphere.

All the kids did with the balls: they tossed them up with their noses, held them on their heads, burst them, cut them off the strings. Funny faces were drawn on the balloons with markers. They let the ball go around in a circle, and it chose a player and a task for him. They ran in pairs, holding the balls between their foreheads. Competitions were held: who would push the balloon further, who would throw it higher.

There were even “balloon fights” and “air football”; we enjoyed playing the original game “Rope” - with a ball in our hands, and to prevent it from bursting, we had to walk, crawl, crawl under the rope, as its height was constantly decreasing.

And the Balloon Seller sold balls for correct answers to riddles, but very soon he was left without goods. All participants of the holiday received sweet delicious ice cream from the deputy Volgodonsk City Duma for electoral district No. 2 Potogin Konstantin Yurievich. Lots of music, smiles, Have a good mood gave the children a fun holiday, and our little friends will remember Balloon Day for a long time. For them, he was a real fairy tale - kind and fascinating.

Literary and gaming program “Journey through the pages of your favorite books”

Compiled by:


GBOU No. 604 St. Petersburg

Demchenko M.S.

The literary and game program “A Journey Through the Pages of Your Favorite Books” is held during Children’s Book Week and is intended for 5th grade students. Five teams (classes) take part in the game. During the program, the teams will visit the Vostochnaya, Pushkinskaya, Zamorskaya, Teremok, and Zazerkalye stations and answer questions.

Goals of the game: teach children to work in a team; develop students' cognitive abilities; develop a positive attitude towards knowledge and books; encourage you to search for new knowledge, to expand your horizons, to work with a book.

Form: intellectual game - traveling through stations

Preparatory work: divide the participants into teams and choose captains; select presenters who will read questions at stations; prepare route maps (Figure 1) according to the number of teams, certificates, prepare five areas in which the stations will be located, make signs with names on the doors.

Progress of the game:

Organizational stage

The participants of the game line up in the library, where the presenter introduces them to the conditions of the game and distributes route maps to the team captains. At the signal from the leader, the teams disperse to stations. Once all five stations have been completed, the teams gather again to sum up the results of the game.


At the end of March, during spring break, all the children in our country celebrate their name day. The heroes of this celebration are not Sasha and Masha, not Kolya and Tolya, not Katya and Marina, but our faithful friends - books.

The Children's Book Festival lasts all week. Millions of children across the country participate in it. And every day interesting meetings and exciting events await them.

Good holiday, which brought us all together today, came to us from the distant war year of 1943. The country was going through a difficult time: three years of war, devastation, hunger, cold. Although adults tried to somehow protect the children and make their lives easier during these terrible years, everyone understood that children had the most difficult time.

“The war was both bitter and harsh, there was one misfortune for all people. They didn’t have a separate childhood, but childhood and war together...” In March 1943, the adults decided to please the children and hold a holiday for them. But which one? How can you distract children from fear, hunger, at least for one day, and let them have a little fun? Writer Lev Kassil thought that children love to read more than anything else. War children especially loved books. Many of them could not study: schools were destroyed, there were not enough teachers, few children's books... And Kassil suggested holding a children's book festival. And so on March 23, half-starved, poorly dressed children came to the Kremlin hall in Moscow. But curiosity shone in their eyes: “What will happen there, outside the walls of the country’s main palace?”

And there the children were waiting for the writers of their favorite books, who talked about themselves, about their books, and answered the children’s questions.

The participants of the holiday decided to celebrate the book's name day every year during spring break. And not just one day, but a whole week of holidays to go to children's libraries and read books. And not only in Moscow, but throughout the country.The cheerful inventor and good children's writer Lev Kassil called this holiday week “Book Name Day” - that’s what children and adults have called it ever since.

This is how Book Week appeared.

Game stage: commands are sent to stations

Questions for the game

Vostochnaya station

    What was the name of the daughter of the chief vizier of King Shahriyar?
    (Shahrazade or Shahrazade)

    How many nights did Shahrazad tell tales to King Shahryar?
    (1001 nights)

    What was the profession of Aladdin's father from the fairy tale “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp”?

    What was the name of the princess in the fairy tale “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp”?

    Where do genies live in Arabian fairy tales?
    (in lamps, jug)

    What magic words opened the door to the cave with treasures in the fairy tale “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves”?
    (Sim-sim (Sesame), open up)

    What was the name of the sailor who made seven sea voyages?

Station "Pushkinskaya"

1. Which fairy-tale heroine fulfilled her master’s requests four times, but took everything away on the fifth time? (Goldfish)
2. What was the name of the dog in “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”? (Sokolko)
3. What was the name of the king in “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”? (Dadon)
4. Who did Tsar Guidon turn into in order to get to Tsar Saltan? (into a mosquito, a fly or a bumblebee)
5. On what terms is Balda hired as a priest? (“A year for three slaps on the forehead”)
6. How many years did the devils not pay the priest’s rent in “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”? (three years)
7. How many years did the old man fish in “The Tale of the Goldfish”? (30 years and 3 years)
8. What inanimate object had the ability to speak in “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”? (mirror)

Station "Zamorskaya"

1. Which of the heroes of the great Italian storyteller was born in a garden bed? (Cipollino)
2. What kind of magical assistant fairy tale heroine became a dying swallow? (Thumbelina)
3. Which of the fairy-tale heroes required boots for themselves to serve their owner faithfully? (Puss in Boots)
4. Which fairy-tale heroine was so curious and careless that she ate a completely unknown pie as soon as she read the inscription: “Eat me!”? (Alice)
5. Which fairy-tale heroine was so careless that she lost her shoe on the steps? (Cinderella)
6. Everyone knows that trolls are evil creatures. What was the name of a very kind troll? (Mummy Troll)
7. Which fairy-tale heroine’s basket contained a pie and a pot of butter? (Little Red Riding Hood)
8. Which fairy-tale heroine had seven wonderful dwarves as faithful assistants? (Snow White)

Guess Station

1. Which literary heroine had unknown friendship, love, pity, compassion, anger and other human feelings? (The Snow Queen)
2. The door in which fairy-tale hero’s closet was opened with a golden key? (Papa Carlo)
3. Which literary character marked his path in the forest with white pebbles? (Tom Thumb)
4. Which fairy-tale characters were lucky enough to travel with wild geese? (to Nils)
5. Who voted for Mowgli, allowing him to remain in the pack of wolves? (Balu, Bagheera)
6. What was the best medicine for Carlson? (Jam)
7. From what plant did Eliza weave shirts for her 11 brothers from the fairy tale “Wild Swans”? (From nettle)
8. From what flower was Thumbelina born? (From a tulip)

Teremok station

1.What was the name of the main character in the fairy tale “Finist - the Clear Falcon”? (Maryushka)
2. What tasks does the king give to his daughters-in-law in the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”? (Bake a loaf, weave a carpet)
3. What did Ivanushka the Fool have to do so that Elena the Beautiful in the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka” would become his wife? (Ride on horseback to a high tower and take off the gold ring from her hand)
4. What was your name youngest son the old man in the fairy tale “By the Pike's Order”? (Emelya)
5. Which animal helped Tiny Khavroshechka? (Speckled cow)
6. How was Mashenka able to escape from the bear in the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”? (I hid under the pies in the box that the bear took to my grandparents)
7. What did the wolf fish with in the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf”? (Tail)
8. Who helped the bunny drive the fox out of his hut? (Rooster)

Zazerkalye station

You are given two lists. One is a list of authors. The other is a list of books. Connect the author and his work.

    G.N. Troepolsky.

    VC. Zheleznikov.

    Yu.K. Olesha.

    L. Carroll.

    A. Lindgren.

    D. Brown.

    V.P. Astafiev.

    K.G. Paustovsky.

    D. Rowling.

    A.S. Pushkin.

List of works:

    "Three fat men."

    "Ruslan and Ludmila".

    "Roni, daughter of a robber."

    "A horse with a pink mane."

    "Hare's feet."

    "Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets".

    "White Bim Black Ear".

    "The Da Vinci Code".

    "Alice in the Wonderland".



    G.N. Troepolsky - “White Bim, black ear.”

    VC. Zheleznikov - “Scarecrow”.

    Yu.K. Olesha - “Three Fat Men”.

    L. Carroll - “Alice Through the Looking Glass.”

    A. Lindgren - “Roni, the daughter of a robber.”

    D. Brown - “The Da Vinci Code.”

    V.P. Astafiev - “Horse with a pink mane.”

    K.G. Paustovsky - “Hare's Paws”.

    D. Rowling - “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.”

    A.S. Pushkin - “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

Station "Merry Confusion" (Appendix 1)

Station "Yumorina" (Appendix 2)

Captains' Competition "Tongue Twisters"

1. There is a butt on the head, a cap on the butt, a head under the butt, a priest under the cap.

2. Prokop came - the dill was boiling, Prokop left - the dill was boiling. Just as dill boiled under Prokop, dill boils without Prokop.

3. Half a quarter of a quarter of a pea without a wormhole.

4. Mother gave Romasha whey from the yogurt.

The final stage: At the end of the game, the results are summed up and the teams are awarded diplomas and certificates.

Annex 1

Which fairy-tale character was very fond of the saying “One head is good, but two is better”?

Name the heroine of a French fairy tale who did unskilled labor, cleaned stoves, and cleaned the house.

Name a fairy tale by an Italian writer where all the characters are fruits and vegetables.

Card No. 2

    Name the heroine Russian folk tale, which was an agricultural product.

    Which Russian folk tale solves housing problems or, to put it in clever language, problems of housing and communal services?

    Name the heroine of the French fairy tale who got her nickname thanks to her headdress.

    What were the names of the three fat men from Y. Olesha’s fairy tale “Three Fat Men”?

Card No. 3

    In which Russian folk tale does the brother disobey his sister, once violate the sanitary and hygienic rules, and pay dearly for it?

    Which French fairy tale hero loved shoes and what was his nickname for it?

    Which hero of the Russian folk tale caught fish very in an original way? What words should he have uttered?

    Name the words that A.S. Is Pushkin finishing “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”?

Card No. 4

    Name the hero of an English folk tale: he built a house using advanced methods, but his brothers worked the old fashioned way and therefore almost lost their lives.

    What type of energy did Baba Yaga use when flying in the mortar?

    Name the hero of a famous fairy tale by a Russian poet, who at the end receives a traumatic brain injury, loses the ability to speak and goes crazy?

    Name the girl Ellie’s companions who went with her to the Emerald City.

Card No. 5

    Which fairy-tale character sowed money, thinking that a money tree would grow and all that was left was to harvest the crop?

    To what family of poultry does the heroine of the Russian folk tale, who carried items made of precious metals for her owners, belong? What was her name?

    In which fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky are the animals the most cowardly? Why?

    What were the names of the three bears from Leo Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Three Bears”?

Card No. 6

    Which fairy-tale bear cub had a friend who was named after a five-kopeck coin?

    What heroine of A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale could dream of washing machine, if you lived in our time?

    What evil sorceress did not wash her face for five hundred years because she was afraid of water?

    Which math teacher was made famous by a little girl?

Appendix 2

Scenario of a children's competitive game program for Children's Day


children's game program for Children's Day

"Hello, children!"

Ved. : Hello, hello, hello, children! Hello to all those who have a hundred freckles on their nose, and those who have none. Hello everyone with pigtails sticking out in different directions, everyone with curly forelocks and cute bangs. Hello, smart, cheerful, happy. Today we can congratulate you all - it’s time for vacation, and vacation is great!

Guys! When we met, I remember

First things first, you need to get to know each other!

And now your help, guys, needed:

Say your names! (children call)

Oh oh oh! Understood nothing! Louder! Even louder! No, that will not do. So we won't succeed. Let's do this: I call the name, and those to whom it belongs respond. Agreed? Let's start! Sashi! Oli! Natasha! If! Vani! Petit! Oksana, Tanya, is there anyone I didn’t name? Guys, can you help me get to know each other? and so on.

Well, we met each other! Now, in order to become completely friends, we need to start some kind of common cause.

Well, for example, I’ll tell you riddles, and you solve them all together. Do you agree?

Treats little ones children,

Heals small animals.

Looks at everyone through glasses

Good doctor.


An elderly man

With a short beard.

He is a notorious villain -



Walking to school with an ABC book

Wooden boy.

Gets to school instead

In a linen booth.

What is the name of this book?

What's that boy's name?


He comes to visit every day:

Trouble for the owner!

AND "puffs" like a poet

Sometimes he composes.

And he has a nose for honey,

It's called.

(Winnie the Pooh)

Mom found her daughter

In a blossoming flower.

Who has read such a book?

Knows a little girl.


An elderly man

Wow, with such a beard.

Offends Pinocchio,

Artemon and Malvina.

And, in general, for all people

He is a notorious villain.

Do any of you know

Who is he?


Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

I didn’t tremble before the wolf,

Ran away from the bear

And the fox's teeth

Still got caught.


He plays a little bit

For passers-by on an accordion.

He strives to build a house,

To live in it with friends,

And the old lady is naughty

Doesn't want to be friends with him.

You are undoubtedly aware

Crocodile green.


Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back,

He, without knowing it,

He carries her home.

And the road is not easy,

And the basket is high.

I would like to sit on a tree stump and eat a pie.

(Masha and the Bear)

He is crooked and lame,

The commander of all washcloths.

He, of course, will wash everyone away,

Wash basin.


Now be especially careful. I read, and you must finish correctly. It's clear?

Over the forest the sun's ray went out -

The king of beasts is sneaking... (a lion)

Here's a riddle for kids:

Who is the cat afraid of? (dog)

Curled up in a ball, come on, touch it,

Prickly on all sides... (hedgehog)

He has a big ears.

He loves to eat brooms.

He is powerful and full of strength -

Insatiable… (elephant)

Sing songs under the moon

Sat on a branch... (nightingale)

Who loves to run through the branches?

Of course, red... (squirrel)

He beats like a drum.

Sitting on a pine tree... (woodpecker)

He knows a lot about raspberries,

The owner of the forest, terrible... (bear)

Found beauty in the tail

Proud bird... (peacock)

He's a big, big bird.

He has a nest in the mountains.

Among the birds he is the strongest.

This is a bird... (eagle)

Look at your friend -

How many eyes does a friend have... (two)

If your head is full of knowledge,

So, at school you will get... (five)

So, at school you will get... (two)

He tucked his tail and went into the forest.

Not a lamb, but... (wolf)

He was a thundercloud.

I went to fight with Piglet!

He loved honey most of all.

Little baby... (Winnie the Pooh)

Everyone should know this:

The cat's paws are straight... (four)

Well, we did exercises for the mind, but our arms and legs also need to be stretched.

A game "Fun exercise"

Repeat the moves after me

Hands to the heels and to the ears,

On your knees and shoulders

To the side, on the waist, up,

And now a funny laugh (the game is played 3 times)

Ved. : We did great! We solved all the riddles! We did our exercises! Now we are real friends! There is nothing better than a holiday with friends! Really, guys!

But now I suggest you break up into teams. And for this we have prepared tokens of two colors. Everyone will draw their own, and, according to the color received, 2 teams are formed. (break into teams to cheerful music)

Now your task is to come up with a name for yourself.

Contest"Puss in Boots"

Performance: The first child from each team puts on a hat, runs to the first landmark - takes off his hat near it, turns to his team and makes a beautiful bow, puts the hat on his head and runs to the next landmark - bows, puts on his hat and runs to the third landmark - makes bows, goes around the landmark and runs back to his team, passing the hat to the next child.

Competition “Malvina Relay”

Two teams line up in two columns, one at a time. The first player turns around at the signal and ties a long hair ribbon on the head of the next player. Then the second player unties the bow, turns around and ties the ribbon on the next player's head. So until the last player unties the ribbon.

Competition for spectators"The most beautiful"

IN competition two boys take part. For each person there is a sundress and a scarf on the chair. You need to run to the chair, put on a sundress, tie a scarf: who will complete the task faster. Then a melody sounds "Kalinka", and the nesting dolls should dance. Can be repeated several times as desired children.

Ved. : And now, with the help of a riddle, we will find out what task our teams will perform


Flew over the lawn

He will fuss over the flower,

And share the honey! (Bee.)

Come on, bees, fly out,

And collect your honey!

Relay game “Bees”.

(Who will collect nectar from flowers faster.)

Bright disposable plates with caramels in the middle are laid out on the chairs. (nectar). The bees need to transfer one caramel to their house - the hive. (box with slot). Each team has its own “hive”.

A violinist lives in the meadow,

Wears a tailcoat and gallops around,

He's green like a cucumber

It's called.

All. Grasshopper!

Relay game “Grasshoppers”.

A team of 5 people takes part in the relay race. At the command of the leader, each participant must gallop on two legs from start to finish and back.

Competition for spectators

Guys, today it is summer, but I am sure that among you there are those who love winter. There are such?

Now let's remember one of our favorite winter activities. This requires four participants.

By using toilet paper make a snowman, wrap it.

Ved. :

It's time for a new riddle,

Dear guys!

In the forest by a stump

Vanity, running around.

Working people

He's busy all day!

Children. Ants!

Relay game “Ants”.

2 teams of 10 people are selected. The teams need to build houses - “anthills” - from cubes. Each team member takes 1 cube and runs to the construction site. The last participant installs the roof. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Playing with spectators

-The bunny went out for a walk, the bunny’s paws were straight (four)

- I have a dog, she has a lot of tails... (one)

- There is a funny sign, snow has fallen, meet... (winter)

-The blizzard howls like a drill in the yard... (February)

– Birthday is coming up, we baked…. (cake)

– Irinka and Oksanka have three-wheelers... (bike)

Ved. :

Hard workers - ants -

Real heroes

The house was built to perfection...

Again guys

Fun riddle:

Centipede crawling

Along the narrow path,

Feeds on leaves

Turns into a butterfly!

All. Caterpillar.

Competition “Funny Caterpillars”.

The first participant runs to the finish line and back, the second one joins him, holding his waist, and now they run together. Then a third one joins, etc.

Game for spectators "Fun Relay Race"

Two participants needed (prizes for two participants)

Well done to all participants! We completed the task. And we continue! I want to know if you watch cartoons? Remember the blind and lame woman from the Russian cartoon! (Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat from "The Adventure of Pinocchio") Right! And now you have to play the role of Alice the fox and Basilio the cat. This is the next task.

Contest"Basilio the Cat"

Team members are divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant is blindfolded and puts his hand on the shoulder of his partner, who in turn bends one leg at the knee and holds it with his hand. In this situation (one is blind, the other is lame) they must reach the turning mark and return to the start, passing the baton to the next pair. Whichever team does it faster will win. FOX ALICE AND CAT BASILIO (funny music)

Contest"Tell someone else"

(the jury sums up the results)

I know you can draw great,

Now you can show off your talents.

And for this you will need colored crayons.

I look forward to beautiful, bright drawings about summer from you.

Contest"Drawing on the asphalt"

Dance game "How beautiful I am".

Everyone can play, standing in a circle. Players pass a basket of things from each other to the music. As soon as the music ends, the player who has the basket in his hands must take out one item and put it on himself. The funnier the items, the more interesting it will be.

A game "Train"

"Train". In this game, everyone stands behind each other in a line, holding onto the belt or shoulders of the person in front. Train head - "locomotive"– runs quickly, often and unexpectedly changes direction. You and I must follow him and at the same time not tear ourselves away from the train. I will name the part of the body that you should grab while moving (head, ears, shoulders, stomach, knees, heels, etc.). Ready? Answer - "Yes!" Then let's go!