Graduation in kindergarten: a modern scenario. Graduation party in kindergarten "Good luck! Graduation holidays in dow scenarios

In the dry official language, “kindergarten” is an institution of preschool education. But for little fidgets and their parents - it's just a "kindergarten". The place where children spent most of their time over the past 4-5 years, managed to learn a lot of interesting and important things, learned useful things and acquired all the necessary habits. For hundreds of boys and girls, the kindergarten is the last refuge of a carefree childhood, a small continuation of the house, where they wash, feed, put to bed and take out for another noisy walk just as carefully.

But every year a sad and exciting moment comes to all entrance groups - an unusual holiday of farewell to the kindergarten. In order to fill the original matinee with positive as much as possible and make the event unforgettable, educators and parents take a very responsible approach to organizing it. Most new interesting ideas fly into a considerable penny, but you can’t do without other resources: without imagination, inspiration, free time and the desire to please 100%. After all, in order to have the best matinee in kindergarten, the script must be not only modern, but perfect in all its details.

Cheerful graduation in kindergarten: organizing a holiday and an unusual scenario

Preschool institutions are traditionally the first to open a big graduation marathon. This is probably why responsible parents and experienced educators begin preparations for the farewell party at the beginning of the year. And yet, we will not be too lazy to once again remind all organizers and assistants of the main aspects of organizing a holiday and the principles for choosing an unusual scenario for holding a fun graduation in kindergarten.

  1. Determining the date and time of the event;
  2. Drawing up a creative group of teachers and parents (more often educators and a parent committee), taking responsibility for organizing graduation and individual elements;
  3. Drawing up a list of graduates, guests, educators and employees of a preschool institution;
  4. Preparation of a new modern scenario or alteration of a previously known matinee plan;
  5. Decoration of the assembly hall with pompoms, compositions from balloons, ribbons, garlands, streamers, fresh flowers, etc.;
  6. Buying gifts for graduates, educators, headmaster, cooks, physical teachers and other kindergarten workers;
  7. Order photo and video shooting;
  8. Preparation of solemn speeches of teachers, graduates and response words of parents;
  9. Planning the entertainment part of the holiday with or without animators (on the territory of the kindergarten, in nature, in the banquet hall);
  10. Organization of a sweet table for children and a buffet table for adult guests;

A competent and responsible attitude to all of the above points is the key to success in holding a wonderful prom. But the most important thing is the right choice. interesting scenario.

Script ideas for a farewell party in the graduation group of kindergarten

Today's preschool children are much more "advanced" than their parents. To surprise and interest them, you will have to work hard on organizing the holiday and creating a script for a fun graduation in kindergarten. Parents and educators who have found a writer's vein in themselves can independently draw up a holiday program, drawing inspiration from the world around them. The rest will come in handy ready-made ideas for script:

  • Journey to the planet "School". Such a matinee can be held in the form of a virtual journey with starting point- planet "Kindergarten" to the cherished goal. On the way, children, educators and parents will find a lot of unexplored adventures, funny numbers and the most interesting gaming moments. At the end of the holiday, each preschooler can receive a personal medal "First Grader Traveler";
  • Steam locomotive from childhood. At the heart of such a graduation party is a ride on an old locomotive along the thorny Road of Knowledge. During the event, the locomotive can make stops at the stations "sports", "music", "magic", "dance", "intellectual", etc. This means that each graduate will be able to demonstrate their talents for the last time in one of the concert numbers: song, dance, magic tricks, skits;
  • Award ceremony. The Oscar-themed matinee provides for the awarding of a special title to absolutely every graduate. All nominations (the brightest star, the smartest boy, the smartest pupil, etc.) can be alternated with games, contests, concert numbers and other stages of the matinee.

In order to spend the brightest and most cheerful graduation in kindergarten, the organization of the holiday and the unusual scenario of the event must be thought through to the end. There are a lot of ideas and suitable options. The main thing is that the chosen scenario is somehow connected with the school and provides for a sufficient number of game elements.

An interesting scenario for graduation in kindergarten based on Pushkin's fairy tales

There is no one general recommendation for holding a graduation matinee in kindergarten. Most often, educators simply adhere to the classical structure of the holiday, complementing it with bright and extraordinary content. Like any other, an interesting script for graduation in kindergarten based on Pushkin's fairy tales can consist of four main parts:

  1. Solemn. The graduation group enters the prepared hall, teachers give parting speeches, participants show beautiful numbers (dance of girls with fathers, farewell song of kindergarteners, etc.), demonstrating their talents;
  2. Fairytale costume show. During the second part, the guys dressed up as fairy tale characters play their roles. Parents and educators are often involved in the dramatizations. And the plot is almost always altered to fit the theme of the event;
  3. Climax. The most touching and emotional part of the graduation party. During its implementation, preschoolers thank their kindergarten for their care and knowledge, educators express gratitude to their parents, and they show the kindergarten workers a surprise gift number;
  4. The final. At the end, educators present gifts and certificates to future first-graders, and mothers and fathers present their gifts to teachers and kindergarten.

Options for graduation scenarios in the kindergarten based on the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin

Any of the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin can be a brilliant idea for an interesting script for graduation in kindergarten. Having plunged into a fairy-tale atmosphere and feeling like real acting characters (positive or negative), the guys will be able to enjoy the real childhood for the last time. So, the most popular options for matinees based on the works of the rice writer:

  • “At the seashore, a green oak ...”;
  • "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" in a new way;
  • "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel";
  • Fragments-alterations from "The Tale of Tsar Saltan";
  • "Ruslan and Lyudmila" for creative graduates;

Even a combination of several fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin in one scenario can be an excellent basis for an event. The main secret of success is that all children are involved in the matinee as equally as possible.

Modern scenario for graduation in kindergarten "Cinderella goes to school"

most popular in last years a variant of the script for graduation in kindergarten is a modern interpretation of the well-known fairy tale - "Cinderella goes to school." Such a holiday is a real surprise not only for preschool girls who dream of being princesses, but also for boys who want to feel like princes for a while. The main part of the matinee can be based on the motive of the fairy tale of the same name or simply filled with characteristic fairy-tale elements. At the same time, the second option is more advantageous, because one Cinderella is not enough at the graduation party. The rest of the graduates will surely be offended!

All speeches, lyrical indentations, contests and even funny games should somehow be tied to a given storyline - only then will it be possible to preserve the overall picture of the fairy tale and the unique atmosphere of magic. And yet, choosing contemporary script at the graduation in kindergarten "Cinderella goes to school", it is better to discuss all the nuances with your parents in advance. Otherwise, there may be two princesses in the same dresses or several identical princes at the celebration.

Video examples of kindergarten graduations on the topic: "Cinderella goes to school"

Unusual graduation party in kindergarten: a new fun scenario for parents

Most of the organizational and preparatory moments of the graduation matinee in kindergarten are decided by multi-stage debates at parent meetings. There is budgeting, and choosing a place for the entertainment part of the holiday, and discussing the best gifts for graduates and garden workers. But there are certain things that dialogue alone cannot resolve. Among them is the participation of mothers and fathers in the holiday itself. To be more precise - speeches, solemn speeches of the committee, surprise numbers and so on. You will have to not only find new unusual scenarios for competitions and skits for parents, but also rehearse them well before a fun graduation party in kindergarten.

The role of parents of graduates at a farewell party in kindergarten

For an unusual graduation party in kindergarten, a new funny scenario for parents, you can make it yourself, or use old templates. But first, it is worth determining the role of moms and dads at a children's holiday:

  • Firstly, the most enterprising parents will have to give a response to graduates or a speech of thanks to teachers. Most often, members of the parent committee are assigned to such a role, and the text of the speech is prepared in advance according to one of the samples. Eg:

On behalf of all parents of graduates of our group, I would like to say thanks a lot to all teachers and staff of kindergarten No. XX. Apart from necessary knowledge You have invested a part of yourself in our children. You managed to penetrate into children's hearts and instill kindness, love and joy in them. Always remain the same creative, hardworking and loving teachers. Thank you for our children!

I express my gratitude to the head of kindergarten No. XX, the teachers of our group, as well as the entire staff of this preschool educational institution for their selfless work and desire to work in kindergarten, educating the younger generation. You are all high-level professionals with extensive experience working with children. Our children were happy to go to the garden, and what is very important, we, the parents, never worried about leaving the children in your reliable hands. We want to note your sensitive attitude towards children, attention to parents, high professionalism in raising children. Educators approached all pedagogical tasks with creative inspiration and imagination, rooted for all the successes and failures of our children. Thank you very much!

  • Secondly, moms and dads have a great opportunity to show their own number on a festive matinee. For example, a funny sketch for children about a future school year, a remake of a popular fairy tale, a funny surprise dance for teachers, or a congratulatory song dedicated to kindergarten;
  • Thirdly, parents can play the role of individual characters at the holiday, if this is provided for by the fairy-tale scenario. So, the chosen mom and dad can easily play popular cartoon characters: Masha and the Bear, Masya and Papus, Nyusha and Barash.
  • Fourthly, traditionally part of the games and competitions at the holiday involves the participation of children with their parents or against them. This means that scenarios for such game indents must be prepared in advance and shown to parents. If they are not a surprise or impromptu.

The best scenario of the number from the parents of the graduation group to the teachers at the graduation in kindergarten

Most parent groups consider the best option- "dry" congratulations to kindergarten workers with standard bouquets and material gifts. And only a part of mothers and fathers of graduates decide not to follow the beaten path and supplement their present to teachers and kids with an interesting concert number or an unexpected surprise. For example: a large photo collage, a pre-filmed video clip, a well-rehearsed flash mob, a humorous dramatization based on a good old fairy tale. Although even a simple scene, a lyrical song or a funny dance performed by parents can become a bright emotional outburst for the heroes of the occasion and kindergarten workers. The main thing is not to be lazy and take some time to prepare. And examples of the best scripts for numbers from parents of the graduation group to teachers at graduation in kindergarten can be seen in our videos from the last section.

Examples of kindergarten graduation scenarios for teachers from parents on video

When organizing the best graduation in kindergarten, choose the script very responsibly. Only new original ideas can pleasantly surprise the graduation group and please the guests. children's holiday. And do not forget: a modern farewell party in kindergarten should be not only interesting, but also unusual, not like all the previous ones.


Graduates preparatory group Kindergarteners are looking forward to their first graduation in their life with impatience and excitement, because, on the one hand, they will have a fun holiday, and on the other, farewell to their beloved teacher. And so that the farewell ball leaves only the warmest memories for the kids, employees of preschool institutions are trying to find or compose the coolest, most unusual and funny scenarios with characters and heroes of popular fairy tales for graduation in kindergarten. A cool star graduation in kindergarten in the style of "Dandies Show" or another well-known and beloved TV show by children will surely be remembered for a long time by both graduates and their dads and moms. And to help employees of the preschool educational institution and parents of little graduates to find a modern scenario for the farewell party with kindergarten, we have published here scripts in the style of "Scarlet Sails", "Surprise from the Box" and other original ideas for the graduation party. Also below, our guests will find a cool script for parents and videos from unusual and very beautiful graduation balls in kindergartens.

The coolest, most unusual and fun scenarios for a graduation party in kindergarten

For little kindergarten graduates, a farewell party is, first of all, a fun and unusual holiday, after which a carefree vacation begins. Therefore, unlike school graduations, cheerful songs are heard and funny scenes are played at events in kindergartens, and graduates are sincerely glad that they will soon become schoolchildren. Teachers and educators are looking for the coolest, most unusual and fun scenarios based on fairy tales and comics for graduation in kindergarten so that children can play the role of their favorite characters.

Even the most fun and funny graduations in kindergartens, however, are very touching, and at the end of the matinee, many children do not hold back tears. They understand that this is their last holiday in their own kindergarten, and very soon they will participate in other, more serious and “adult” events at school. Therefore, even those children who did not want to participate in other matinees learn with great enthusiasm the roles assigned to them according to an unusual and fun prom scenario.

A fun scenario for graduation at the preschool educational institution "Funny" with the heroes of fairy tales

Russian folk tales about Baba Yaga, Vasilisa the Beautiful and Ivan Tsarevich in the 21st century are still popular and loved by children. And the funny scenario of the graduation party "Funny" based on fairy tales with the heroes of Russian folk legends and legends will surely appeal to both little graduates and their parents. In this cool and unusual scenario, at the prom in kindergarten, children will have to find a magical briefcase to go to school with it for knowledge. And they will definitely succeed.

The music "Where does childhood go" sounds.

presenter: Dear parents, dear guests. Today we are all a little sad because it is time to part. Very soon the first school bell will ring for our graduates. Kindergarten years are behind us and school years are ahead.

The last time we got you

In a spacious and elegant hall

He escorts those to school

Who in life is dearest to us

Who is dearer to us than anyone in the world

Of course they are our children.

They leave for the first time

With all our hearts we give them now

Let's say goodbye.

To the music, graduates enter and stand at the central wall.

There is one country in the world

Can't find another one like it

Not marked on the map

And the size is small

But he lives in that glorious country

wonderful people

And wherever you look

A friend walks with you

You probably guessed

This is our home garden.

Children sing a song.

Children read poems about the kindergarten.

Graduates perform a dance.


You lived in the garden a lot of fun

Songs sung and played

And they didn't even notice

How big they got. Let's see how it was.

Showing a DVD - a film about weekdays and holidays.

Sounds music "Magic Dreams" from the movie "Mary Poppins". Enter kids with balloons.

1st baby:

We are very small

Small, but remote.

Been watching you all day

And they shook their heads.

2nd kid:

How did you go to the gym,

How did you dance?

We did not reach the window -

We just watched through the crack.

3rd kid:

We came to say goodbye to you

We brought you gifts.

And we want the last time

To see you at the party.

The fairy tale begins

Where are you. Where. Take me with you.

I want first grade too.


IN distant kingdom in the thirtieth state there lived a king. He was stupid, like almost all kings, but on the other hand, he had a daughter more beautiful than anyone in the world. Her name was Mariana. And Mariana was slender and blush, but there was no joy in the life of the young princess.

Princess. song

Why are we unfortunate princesses

We are forbidden by law to teach

In royal families such is the ancient order

You can't go to first grade with kids.

And I don't want to, I don't want to live with kings

And I want to go to first grade to first grade

I want to study with the guys at school

I will still go to them.

The king enters.

Well, Maryanushka was spinning. Here, eat an apple.

Princess. Don't want.

Tsar. Maybe play with dolls.

Princess. Bored alone.

Presenter No. 2: When Maryanushka grew up, the tsar hired her father - her home teacher - a smart but strict and treacherous Polkan. And he was not allowed to study in the first grade. The princess resisted the will of her father, and then one day his patience snapped.

Tsar. You won't go to first grade.

Princess. I'll go.

Tsar. Dont go.

Princess. I'll go.

Tsar. Dont go.

Princess. I'll go.

Tsar. Then you're not going anywhere with me.

presenter: More than ever, Maryanushka yearned. She sat down by the window in the locked chamber and wept bitter tears, and suddenly out of nowhere Vanya was a chimney sweep. He cleaned the chimneys in the royal chambers. He heard the princess crying, and now he crept closer. As I looked and fell in love immediately head over heels. And the princess liked this daredevil.

Princess. Release me Vanya. I want to go to school, but my father won't let me.

Ivan. Yes, I'm going to first grade. The most important thing is to find a magic briefcase. And with him, the first-graders will come running. Then we will release you. Wait for me, princess, I will find a portfolio.

Princess. Father. I will only learn from the one who gets the magic briefcase.

presenter: The king was puzzled. And he summoned...

Tsar. Polkan. Find the magical briefcase.

Polkan. Looking into the wallet. I will buy.

presenter: And then the evening came. Vanya thought and realized that it was impossible to buy a magic briefcase in an ordinary store and went to the fairy forest. It became dark and scary around the shadow, some forest monsters were hooting. How long did Vanya walk for a short time dreaming about his own cherished. It got completely dark. Ivan came up to the house. And suddenly…

Baba is a yaga. Who are you.

Vania. I am Ivan. And I want to go to school. And I need a magical briefcase to rescue Princess Maryana. Please help me find him.

Baba is a yaga. Vanya hasn't smelled of human spirit for a long time. And there is no one to talk to. Well, I'll give you a magical portfolio, and you listen to my ditties. Yes, look, listen carefully after the song, there are magic words - and remember them.

Stretch fur accordion

Oh play - play

Sing ditties grandmother hedgehog

sing don't talk

I flew to kindergarten

looked at the guys

We sang we played

We read fairy tales

The children ate in kindergarten

Barely a casserole

I flew in with a broom

Swallowed whole.

They didn't take me to kindergarten

Old - I was told

I'm a girl, aren't I

I'm only two hundred years old

Stretch fur accordion

Oh play - nayarivyay

Sing ditties grandmother hedgehog

sing don't talk

Bows and speaks: Kindergarten goodbye. Good luck.

Vania. Thanks grandma. Goodbye Kindergarten. Good luck.

presenter: Our Vanya rushed back to the royal tower.

Ivan. Hello Maryanushka. I found a magic briefcase. Now you need to put everything you need for the school into it - and in the first grade.

Princess. And where are the guys.

Ivan. Words are needed.

Princess. Which.

Tsar. Suggests. The princess, of course.

Ivan. Forgot. Parents help

Ivan. Thank you dear parents.

Tsar. Princess. Open. Princess.

Vanya and the princess in chorus. Goodbye Kindergarten. Good luck.

Tsar. What can you do with you. Since you have so many friends, I let you go to school. But that's what Polkan will do.

Polkan. And maybe I'll go to school too. Work as a music teacher.

presenter: This is the end of the fairy tale, and who listened well done. And you princess and Vanya do not leave, stay with us at the celebration.

We invite graduates to dance - quadrille.

Princess. Guys, do you know what exactly should be put in a portfolio.

The game of who will collect the portfolio faster.

presenter: Dear mothers, this song is a gift to you.

Song for mom

And we haven't forgotten about dads.

This song is a gift to our dads.

presenter: Dear moms and dads, thank you for being so extraordinary thank you for your help for your understanding for your children.

Letters of thanks to parents.

Well, the celebration continues. Look, all the kindergarten staff came to take you to school. Well, that means it's time to say goodbye.

Children read poetry and sing a farewell song.

Video with a script for an unusual graduation in kindergarten

The video filmed a very beautiful, funny and unusual graduation party in kindergarten, held on original script. The script or individual ideas and scenes from it can be used to create your own script for a matinee in honor of graduation from kindergarten.

The coolest scenarios with unusual characters for graduation in kindergarten

Children of 6-7 years old, graduating from the preparatory group in kindergarten, have limitless imagination and sincerely want to be like their favorite characters. Therefore, it is not surprising that every child wants to be reincarnated as their favorite hero for graduation, and educators have to “puzzle their brains” for a long time to come up with the coolest scenarios for graduation in kindergarten with characters from different fairy tales, films and comics. However, if desired, everything is possible, and in the scenario of one holiday, you can combine such characters as:

  • Heroes and superheroes from popular films
  • Fairy tale characters
  • Kindergarten students and schoolchildren, etc.

Moreover, one child can play several roles at once and transform into 2-3 interesting characters for a matinee. Undoubtedly, such an unusual and cool graduation party in kindergarten will be remembered by children for a long time as one of the brightest and most interesting events of the last preschool year.

An example of a cool script with characters for a graduation party in a kindergarten preparatory group

Leaders enter the room.
Presenter: Good afternoon, dear parents, guests, and employees of the kindergarten. So we met again in this room. Today you will find an unusually exciting celebration! Our Kindergarten has opened its doors for a graduation ball dedicated to future first-graders!
We are ready to accept everyone, we only ask you for one thing.
Do not judge today strictly you yesterday's preschoolers.
They are a little worried and their knees are trembling a little.
Here to say goodbye to kindergarten
Preschoolers are in a hurry in the morning.
We solemnly welcome them
Applause, friends,
Children come in to the music, dance to the song "Childhood" and line up in a semicircle.
Child: The kindergarten is dressed up - you won’t recognize it directly.
Mom puts on her best outfit.
And ironed trousers, cleanly washed hands,
And the excitement - they just escort us to the first class.
Child: And mothers look with excitement at yesterday's preschool children,
And dad's eyes warm, and brother winks.
Even my grandmother furtively raised a handkerchief to her eyes:
From now on, her dear granddaughter will be a schoolboy.
Child: We ourselves forgot all the verses from excitement.
There were just preschool children, and now students.
Child: To be honest, how can we not worry!
How many years we lived here, and played, and were friends!
Together they built factories, castles, towers and bridges.
From the designer and clay of unprecedented beauty.
Child: The sun gleefully knocks on the windows with a cheerful ray.
And today we are proud of the important word "Graduate".
Child: Before school childhood leaves one day
And everyone will feel it today.
Toys, cars, rocking chairs leave,
And books - babies, and dolls - squeakers.
But we can't forget this colorful world,
And our garden is kind, cozy and bright.
And warm hands, and affectionate look,
All: Thank you, thank you for everything, kindergarten!
Child: Only we need to say goodbye to kindergarten, dear,
The school will be very happy with such first-graders.
Strong, brave and cheerful, the most friendly of the guys,
Hello holiday, hello school,
All: Goodbye, Kindergarten!

Song "Favorite Kindergarten" (music and lyrics by Azamatova-Bas G.)
Presenter: Dear children, dear parents and guests! Despite the parting, we hope that this evening will be pleasant! After all, we connect our hopes, unfulfilled dreams with children and, of course, we want them to be happier than us!
How the years flew by - instantly,
You have grown up here, no doubt,
And it's time for us to say goodbye
You go to school to study.
Child: Red summer will rush, a cheerful bell will ring,
With a bright festive bouquet, I will go to school.
I'll walk along the road, a new satchel behind my back,
Do not forget to take pens, books and notebooks with you.
Child: We want to learn quickly, make friends with the primer.
From page to page, we will read it by spring.
We will be at school, like big ones, write a lesson on the board,
We decided in advance to become all excellent students.
Child: At school I will try, because there is so much to know
To get a new diary, only fives.
I myself will learn lessons and solve problems too,
Well, if something happens, I know my mother will help me.
Child: We are ready to study and become schoolchildren.
Get good grades!
Accept, school, us for the first time in the first class!
Open the door wider - we are first-graders now!
The song "Soon to School" (lyrics and music by Z. Root)
The children sit down.
Host: Dear graduates! Your junior comrades, with whom you lived together all these years, came to your graduation party. They brought you their wishes!
To the music, kids enter the hall.
Presenter: Oh, funny, funny! You were, after all. They will grow up a little, they will also come to school to you.
1st kid: We guys, kids, all came to congratulate you!
You enter the first class and do not forget about us.
2nd kid: You will go to school soon, please do not be lazy,
We wish you guys to study well.
3rd kid: We honestly promise you that without you in our native garden
We will not break the flowers, we will save all the toys.
4th kid: We wish you to study, get fives!
And remember the kindergarten "Bee" more often.
5th kid: Do not forget about us in kindergarten, resort to us
We will play together, read school books.
Toddler dance.

Children and guests with applause see off younger preschoolers.
Host: Dear guys, you have been going to this group for several years, but from now on our paths will diverge. And let's dream a little, who do you want to be?

Scene "Dreamers".

1 child: My years are growing, I will be seventeen.
What should I do then? What should I do?
I will read books, strive for knowledge.
To become very smart, go abroad.
2 child: And I will be a showman, all mustachioed, bright.
I will spin the wheel, receive gifts.
3 child: It's good to be a showman, but it's better to be a singer.
I would go to the Basques, let them teach me!
1 child: I would become a teacher, let them teach me!
2 child: Did you think at all? The nerves are shattered!
4 child: I will work as our president.
I will ban semolina porridge all over the country!

5 child: Mom dreams for me,
Dad, grandma, friends...
I'm just a stubborn guy
You can't give in to them.
Everyone is giving me advice.
Despite this, I will be myself!

Host: We think that when our children grow up, each of them will find their own path in life, and they will succeed. We told our thoughts on "Hurrah", and now let's dance a dance, kids.
Dance "Little Stars" (group "Giant")
Presenter: Our holiday continues. Childhood is always a fabulous world of wonders. Children and we adults love fairy tales. Really guys? Do you love fairy tales?
The scientist cat enters.
Cat: Hello guys! I went about my fabulous business, and it seems that I was late for your ball.
Presenter: Do not worry, dear, our holiday is just beginning. Look how many joyful faces have gathered here today.
Cat: Meow! Then it's all right. Did you recognize me?
Host: Of course. Guys who is this?
Cat: I am a scientist cat of the most fabulous seaside. I've come to take you to school. And at the same time check whether you are ready to study school sciences. Ready? (yes) And now we'll find out.
Cat: Who is very very soon
Walking to school together?
Which one of you will come to class
An hour late?
Who keeps things in order
Pens and notebooks?
Which one of you kids
Walks dirty to the ears?
Answer in chorus in a moment
Who is the main student here?
who takes care of the clothes
Does he put it under the bed?

Cat: What good fellows! Completed the task. Well, now I want our respected parents to take an oath. You must say YES loudly and clearly!

1. Will we always help children in their studies? - Yes!
2. To make the school proud of children? -Yes!
3. Formulas to remember is nonsense for you? -Yes!
4. Will we be wise, like a star in the sky? -Yes!
5. When the school is over, will we take a walk with the children then? -Yes!
What good fellows! And the parents got it right. There will be no problems with them at school. Guys, do you know the letters? Tell me, what else do you know? Are you able to read? Well done! Okay, now I'll check how attentive you are! Let's play!
Game "Be careful"
To the music, the children run in all directions, the Cat says any number from one to five, and the children, respectively, must stand up either one at a time, or in pairs, or in threes, etc.

Cat: Yes, I see you didn’t go to the kindergarten for nothing. Useful knowledge gained here.
Presenter: And also our guys are real artists, and actors. Watch the scene "Malvina and Pinocchio" performed by Amalia and Vladimir
Scene "Malvina and Pinocchio"

Cat: Well done guys! The school will always be happy with such students! I wish you to study well at school, but now let me say goodbye.
The cat is leaving.
Presenter: We continue our holiday, we invite everyone to dance.
A farewell minuet, a little sad. It's not easy to spin around in it!
This farewell dance, in a light prom dress!
Dance "Minuet" (to the music of P. Mauriat's orchestra)
Presenter: We open our chest, guys, look at the letter here.
Reads "parting words to children to school" and distributes gifts from Vasilisa the Wise.
Presenter: Well, all the games have been played, all the songs have been sung, our holiday has quietly come to an end, which means that the moment of parting is coming! It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten and say the last words.
Children line up in a semicircle and read farewell and thanksgiving verses in turn
The song "The World is Childhood" (music by A. Muratov, lyrics by V. Danko)
Soap bubbles show

Presenter: Our dear children, your last holiday in kindergarten has ended. May you have many, many more different holidays in your life, may life give you only goodness and joy. And may your future be the most beautiful!
What to say goodbye to you at this touching hour?
May your wishes and dreams come true.

Build, sing and dare, but don't forget about us!

Graduation in kindergarten: the coolest scripts for parents and graduates

At the graduation ball in kindergarten, parents and teachers worry and feel sad much more than children, because while the kids are having fun, adults are thinking about how quickly children grow up. And in order to give the kids to fully enjoy a carefree childhood, the pedagogical staff of the preschool educational institution are looking for the coolest scenarios for parents and graduates at graduation in kindergarten.

And a great idea for a graduation party in kindergarten would be a script based on famous and beloved fairy tales - Pinocchio, Three Heroes, Cinderella, etc. For example, the script can be built on the fact that Pinocchio has cunning Fox Alice and The cat Basilio was kidnapped by the Primer, without which he cannot go to the first class. Throughout the holiday, children help Pinocchio win competitions, cheer him up with songs and dances, and at the end help return the Primer. Then all the participants of the matinee, together with their parents, go to celebrate a fun event at the sweet table.

Cool idea and video script for graduation in kindergarten based on Cinderella

No less interesting can be the scenario based on Cinderella. If in the original fairy tale Cinderella was not allowed to the ball, then at the graduation party, the Stepmother and Sisters will do their best to prevent Cinderella from going to first grade. They will come up with different tasks and puzzles for her to prove that Cinderella is still too small and unintelligent for school. But the little graduates, dressed as their favorite characters and superheroes, will not leave Cinderella in trouble and help her not only solve all the tasks and puzzles of the Stepmother and Sisters, but also get the best Primer and portfolio.

The video shows one of the options for a graduation party in kindergarten based on the fairy tale "Cinderella".

The most beautiful scenarios for graduation in kindergarten: "Surprise from the box"

To please their daughters and sons and give them a great holiday in honor of graduation from kindergarten, parents spare no effort or money. Boys come to the graduation party in formal suits, and girls in beautiful puffy dresses, and at the end of the holiday all children receive commemorative CDs with photos and videos and gifts from their parents. And in order to please little ladies and gentlemen, teachers are trying to pick up the most beautiful scripts for graduation in kindergarten, and “Surprise from the Box” is one of them.

This scenario is the best fit for a modern prom, because the main characters in it are fairies, princes and princesses. This means that in order to play a character at a graduation party, children do not even have to change clothes, because little graduates in children's ball gowns already look like princesses from a fairy tale, and boys look like real princes.

Graduation script in kindergarten "Surprise from the box"

For this scenario, parents or caregivers need to prepare a beautiful box that will contain the following items:

  • Treble clef
  • Beautiful bright ribbon
  • Light cards with the numbers "5" and "4" and dark ones with "2" and "1"
  • slipper
  • canvas bag
  • Large pushpin
  • Slingshot
  • small toys
  • Candies
  • Plasticine
  • Paints, notebooks and other stationery
  • Cubes for learning letters.

The main characters of the script for graduation in kindergarten "Surprise from the Box", in addition to the presenter, are 5 fairies (Good, Fairy Tales, Games, Dances and Plastics), Master, Unity, Queen of Knowledge, Queen, Prince and Princess, Music Bird and Petya Lentyaikin.

The solemn moment has come
And for some reason, the room went quiet...
In the eyes of delight and sadness a little,
Let everyone remember them now -
Graduates ... of the year!

(Children enter the hall, perform impromptu movements
to the music from the song "Preschool Waltz")

Today, the excitement is unstoppable.
Flowers, and music, and a hall bright with smiles.
Graduates, the school has opened doors for you,
Today is your farewell party!

(Children sing the song "Our kindergarten, goodbye")

1st child:
Childhood is the best time:
Books, balls, toys.
There is always a game in the yard
Your friends are waiting for you.

2nd child:
We had fun living
Draw, sculpt, frolic.
Dancing, playing, making friends.
And now it's time to study!

3rd child:
Our kindergarten never
We will not forget with you
Years have flown by here
Our childhood is golden!

4th child:
Educators, relatives, we love you from the bottom of our hearts,
Look what we are, we are no longer kids!
On this day and at this hour, our song is only for you!

(Children sing the song "Kindergarten")

5th child:
We lived in our own kindergarten like at home,
Any corners were familiar to us here!

6th child:
We grew up together, loved to laugh,
But now they have become big - it's time for us to part!

7th child:
Let the island of dreams and childhood, joy and love
Kindergarten days will remain in my heart forever!

8th child:
It is a pity that these preschool years will not return,
But you will always be a beacon in our lives!

9th child: Thanks to those who taught us,
Who fed us and who treated us!

10th child: And those who simply loved us!

Children (together): Bow to you and thank you!

It's time to say goodbye -
Kindergarten manager
Hasten to congratulate you!

(The head of the kindergarten makes a solemn speech.
The music is “Dance of the Dragee Fairy” from the ballet by P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Nutcracker"

Magical music in the hall sounds
Perhaps someone is in a hurry to visit us ?!

(The Good Fairy comes out with a small box in her hands.)

Good Fairy:
I am the Fairy of light and goodness,
I'm glad to see you, friends!
The sun warms the planet with a ray,
People and blades of grass rejoice in its light.
But there is no kinder and brighter heart in the world,
What gives us unquenchable light!
Get up from your seats guys
Choose your pair!
In the land of magical childhood
We all live together
We play and dance and sing songs!

(Children perform a general dance to the music from the song "Good Tales")

Good Fairy:
What is this magical land
It is filled with joy and laughter!
Music box - my old, good friend,
Melody crystal scattered around.
This box is full of secrets and songs,
She will reveal musical secrets to us!

(The Good Fairy takes out a small treble clef from the box.)

Good Fairy: Oh, yes, this is a musical key! It will help us not only to hear, but also to see the music!

(The Music Bird exits.)

Bird Music:
I am the Music Bird, friends! I live everywhere.
Hear the stream sing and the grasshopper too
The dragonfly looks like a helicopter.
Music is always bright, its light does not melt,
A bee sings something into the microphone of a flower!

Good Fairy:
You, box, open, open quickly
And give another surprise for all the children!

(To the music from A. Lyadov’s play “Musical Snuffbox”, the Good Fairy takes out
a ribbon from the box. The Plastic Fairy comes out.)

Fairy Plastic:
I am the Fairy of Plastics and Gymnastics!
It’s not at all difficult for me to make a bridge and twine,
I believe that each of the guys can be flexible.

(The girls come out and, together with the Plastic Fairy in the center of the hall, perform an impromptu dance with a gymnastic ribbon.)

Fairy Plastic:
I open the magic box again,
I invite the Dance Fairy to visit!

(The Good Fairy gets
from the box a fake ballet shoe. The Dance Fairy comes out.)

Dance Fairy:
I am the Dance Fairy, I am subject to
Batman tandyu and balance.
I am polonaises, polkas, waltzes
I present to you in all its glory!
Gentlemen, hurry up, invite the girls to tango!

(Children perform a pair dance "Tango")

Fairy Plastic:
Dear guys, be friends with music,
You keep your childhood in your soul!
I open the box again
I invite Fairy Igrolochka to visit us.

(Fairy Toy comes out with toys.)

Fairy Toy:
Friends, I open the door to the country of Igralia,
And dads have been here, and all moms, believe me!
And grandparents will give you the answer,
What's better than Igralia...

Children (together): There is no country in the world!

Good Fairy:
Fairy Toy not only came,
She brought toys with her!

(Children take toys from the Fairy Toy and sing the song “Goodbye, kindergarten”)

Fairy Toy:
It's not easy to part with toys,
Give them to friends and acquaintances.
Kittens, teddy bears...
They are so drawn to their babies!
Guys let me pick them up
And I'll take the little children as soon as possible.

(Fairy Playboy collects toys and leaves.)

Good Fairy:
You, box, open, open quickly,
You call the magician to the ball to us as soon as possible!

(An audio recording of the song “The Half-Taught Wizard” sounds. The Magister comes out.)

Greetings to all adults and children!
I am the most skilled mage.
Guess it guys
My school riddles.

(The master reads poetic riddles and suggests the wrong answer,
not in rhyme, sometimes funny. Children name the correct answer in rhyme.)

Riddles of the Magister

Every student should take with him to school ... binoculars. (Answer: diary.)
So that suddenly he does not disappear, we will put him away ... in the sofa. (Answer: in a pencil case.)
That the album will color ours? Well, of course ... an airbrush. (Answer: pencil.)
The bell will ring loudly, calling you to ... the meadow. (Answer: lesson.)
You will complete all the tasks to get an estimate ... two. (Answer: five.)

Well you did my job!
And now for the next test.

Game "Merry fortune-telling"

Colored double-sided cards with marks depicted on them are laid out on the floor. As soon as the song "Twice two - four" begins to sound, the children choose the grades they want to receive at school. Girls play first, then boys.
At this time, the Master "plays" the current situation, collects only deuces, ones, and offers them to choose the children. At the end of the game, if the child accidentally picks up a two, the Master turns it over and tells everyone that it is a five.

Good luck guys, bye!
See you at school - it's like two and two!

Good Fairy:
The children are all ready for school, they will count everything in a row,
Well, everyone will be happy to dance now.

(Children show a common dance.
Then Petya Lentyaikin enters the hall in wide ragged
pants with large pockets and a Unit with an untidy bag.)

Petya Lentyaykin:
Ah, what a beautiful room!
Is this the prom?
A holiday is good, a holiday is sweets!
I love sweets...

And all sorts of bad things!
The best mark in school is One!

Petya Lentyaykin:
This unit is a great craftswoman
Be lazy and mischievous!

I was in such a hurry, in a hurry
I came to your graduation ball.
Now we'll all be friends
Do not teach lessons and do pranks!
And this is Petya - a well-known loser,
Lazy and hooligan-rake.
I saw him once -
Since then, we've been friends forever!

Petya Lentyaikin: Here I am attached!

Good Fairy: Why, Petya Lentyaikin, did you come to the holiday, but didn’t say hello to the guys, didn’t congratulate them on the holiday? Yes, and brought the Unit with him!

Petya Lentyaykin:
Of course, now I congratulate everyone,
I will give you gifts.
I don't feel sorry for you -
I just love pranks!

(The unit takes out "gifts" from Petya's pants and from his bag:
slingshot, toy gun, thumbtack, small stone.)

Here's a slingshot for you guys to shoot at the birds,
Here's a pistol for you, children, to scare each other.
I suggest you put this button on a chair,
But with this miracle stone you can break a window!

Good Fairy:
Say guys
Do you need such gifts?

Unit: Of course, yes!

Children (together): Of course not!

Good Fairy: And this is the right answer!

Petya, let's test the guys with you,
And play with them?

Game "Collect a portfolio"

On the children's tables, various items are laid out in random order: plasticine, colored pencils, pens, rulers, notebooks, a diary, an ABC book, as well as small toys, jars with soap bubbles, and cubes. 2–3 children are selected (optionally), who, at the signal of the leader, begin to collect their “portfolio”: they choose from the subjects those that, in their opinion, will be needed at school. The one who completes the task faster and more correctly is declared a “school student”. Spectators support the players with applause and advice.

Petya Lentyaykin:
Guys, you are great!
And it's time for me to fix
Stop bullying, get better!
(Smooths disheveled hair, straightens clothes.)
How tired of being lazy
I, like you, want to go to school!

Unit: What about me?

Petya Lentyaykin:
And you, One, go away -
Look for another companion!

Unit: Oh wow! Wait, I'm with you!

(Petya Lentyaykin quickly leaves. To the music from the song "In every little child"
(music by Sh. Kallosh, lyrics by G. Auster) One is trying to catch up with him.)

Good Fairy:
Opening the box again...
We invite Fairy Tales to visit!

(The lights in the hall go out, the illumination turns on.
The Fairy of Fairy Tales comes out, lighting her way with a sparkling "magic lantern".)

Fairy of Tales:
Glad to see you, friends!
Fairy of Fairy Tales - it's me!
Everything happens in fairy tales, miracles in fairy tales,
Sleeping princess, beautiful girl,
Cinderella and princes, witches, kings.
Miracles will happen if you believe!
I'll wave my magic wand
I will invite guests from a fairy tale to us.

(To the music from the play by P. Mauriat "Minuet"
Prince, Princess, Queen come out.)

Theatrical sketch "Fairy Tale"

Prince: I want to marry a princess - and not just any, but a real one!

Queen: A real princess will not be easy for you, my son, to find!

(Music sounds from the play “In the Cave of the Mountain King” from the suite by E. Grieg
"Peer Gynt", then the audio recording of "Thunder Roll".)

Prince: What is it? Thunder rumbles, rain like a river ... someone is knocking on the house ... Come in!

(Princess enters, takes off her cloak.)

Prince: Hello! Who are you and why did you come to us?

Princess: Hello, I'm a princess. The most real!

Queen: All right, dear, stay. Don't get wet in the rain. Whether you're a princess or not, we'll see!

(The Queen goes to the other end of the room, where there is a bed, a night table and a lamp.)

Fairy of Tales: The night has come. The queen put a small pea in the guest's bed. All night the beautiful princess could not close her eyes.

(The Queen puts a small pea under the mattress.
Following this, the Princess lies down on the bed, moves, tosses and turns.
The light goes out, then comes on again. The Queen comes out.)

Queen: Prince, Prince, come quickly! I found you a real princess! Be happy!

(To the music from the song “To the Music of Vivaldi”, the Prince and Princess perform an impromptu dance. The general light is turned on.)

Good Fairy:
In a fairy tale, good triumphs over evil!
May it not leave you.
We'll take a wonderful box with you,
We will invite the Queen of Knowledge to visit!

(Queen of Knowledge enters.)

Knowledge Queen:
Dear my children,
There is a lot of knowledge in the world!
Follow the truth
Not afraid of bad weather
Let me help you along the way
Your bird of happiness!

1st child:
OK it's all over Now! Farewell, our kindergarten,
With you, childhood is leaving little by little,
I'll save childhood memories
I'll take some of them with me on the road!

2nd child:
We are our own kindergarten
Let's not stop loving
And yet we say goodbye to him,
After all, we have become big!

Good Fairy:
It's time for goodbye
Please don't forget us!
Together with us, the waltz seems to be sad.
Our last, our farewell waltz!

(Children dance the waltz.)

Knowledge Queen:
We want to wish you, dear guys,
Learn, grow, meet new friends.
We will always be very proud of you
Walk the stairs of knowledge boldly!

(Children exit
from the hall after the Queen of Knowledge.)

Original ideas for a modern script for graduation in kindergarten

It is very easy to come up with an interesting modern script for graduation in kindergarten, if you take into account the interests of modern children. For example, little graduates will surely be delighted with a graduation party held in the style of a beach party. For such a scenario, you need to decorate the assembly hall in advance and turn it into a sunny beach - hang palm leaves cut out of paper, stick paper white clouds on the walls, place a composition of shells and an imitation of water from blue fabric in one corner, and a beach umbrella in the other.

There is ice cream on any beach, so as prizes for singing songs and "beach" dances, children at a beach party will receive ice cream and sweets from the host. Also, the following contests will fit perfectly into the modern graduation scenario in the style of a beach party:

  • A ball game like "Edible - not edible", in which edible and inedible items will be replaced with things that are or are not related to the school
  • Kinetic Sand Drawing Competition
  • A small quest during which children will look for accessories for future schooling on the "beach", etc.

Video with original modern kindergarten graduation

Another video below original idea modern scenario of a graduation party in kindergarten. A graduation party held according to this scenario will be similar to graduation balls in the best old schools in Great Britain, which means that it will be remembered for a long time not only by the graduates themselves, but also by their parents and all guests present at the celebration.

The scenario of the "star" graduation ball in kindergarten

Graduation in kindergarten is a holiday where every little graduate is in the spotlight, accepts congratulations from parents and parting words from educators. And you can hold a graduation party so that the children literally feel like stars, walk along the starry path and demonstrate all their talents and skills acquired in kindergarten.

To spend an unforgettable stellar graduation in kindergarten, it’s easy to find or come up with a script. Each child has talents and will gladly present himself as a real star for 1-2 hours, and the teacher and parents will only have to help him prepare for the holiday.

Star graduation in kindergarten: script and video

Here we have published one of the stellar graduation scenarios, developed by honored preschool teachers. This scenario can be taken as the basis for a graduation ball in kindergarten, changing the art numbers and songs in it to those that little graduates like best.

Melody "Lighting the Stars"

Presenter 1:

“Listen! After all, if the stars are lit -

Does that mean anyone needs it?

So - it is necessary that every evening

at least one small star lit up over the roofs.

Host 2:

And today, not one star, but a whole constellation of Talents will sparkle in this hall!

We are starting our graduation!

Here everyone will be a bright star!

Graduates are invited to the star track!

Solemn music: No. (song "Non-Childish Time")

Host 1, 2 (in turn):

Dear ladies and gentlemen! Meet! Our stars!

(The hosts call the children in turn. The children stand in a semicircle in front of the chairs).

Presenter 1:

Stars are a symbol of success

A symbol of talent, joy, laughter!

People, like stars, also burn!

No wonder today is such a starfall!


Once upon a time there were 100 guys

Everyone went to kindergarten.

One - the child is very noisy!

Two is the smartest child!

Three is the bravest child

All managed, said and done!

There are many talented people here!

All children:

- Why?

Host 2:

Yes, because! No need to explain!

They're just kids from our kindergarten.

This is where our talents are revealed.

We are singers and musicians

We are artists, dancers

And some actors.

You will not find the best artists in the world,

Even though we are not uncles, even though we are not aunts.

Presenter 1:

Who are talented, smart?

All children:

Well, of course it's us!

From preschool we grew up

Our finest hour has come.

And all that we can

We'll show you now.

Dance "Starland"

Host 2, 1 (in turn):

For four years, our little stars were helped by the big stars of our kindergarten. Welcome:

(Greetings to all teachers and staff of the preschool educational institution)

Song "Educators are our favorite"

Presenter 1:

At our star ceremony, you can not do without the presentation of nominal stars.

Host 2:

Today, each of you, our dear graduates, will receive the best star and win in one of the nominations of our Star Show.

We declare the ceremony of presenting nominal stars open!

Solemn music: No.

An excerpt from A. Mironov's song "Yvette, Lisette"

Presenter 1:

What beautiful names. What do you guys think, who will we give the very first star to?

- ... (to the child with the rarest name in the group).

Host 2:

The winner in the nomination "Star Name" becomes ....

Presenter 1:

Our ceremony promises to be very interesting. What other surprises await us?

Host 2:

I think there are many surprises ahead of us.


Starry sky, for the umpteenth time

Our path illuminates and shines now.

And again on stage surprisingly

A stellar performance is ready!

Song "About Kindergarten"

Presenter 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for the presentation of the second nomination "Starship Troopers". Who gets this star? To announce the results, we invite the chief specialist in children's toys ....

In the nomination "Star Legion Troopers" they win ...!

Host 2:

Until recently, the girls cried so bitterly.

Now moms and dads are proud of them.

And they are preparing for real life for now.

Host 2:

For the award of a star in the Star Solo nomination, we invite ...– music director.

In the nomination "Star solo" wins ...!

Presenter 1:

You are not one step behind our pop stars.

You will sing better than all the singers without any phonogram!

We invite you to the stage ....

Song "Little Stars"

Presenter 1:

Presenter 1:

To announce the winners in the nomination "Star of the dance floor" we invite the choreographer of our kindergarten.


The winners in the nomination "Star of the dance floor" are ...

Host 2:

Only the finalists will perform today -

Well-known honored artists in the garden!


Let foreign actors envy

After all, we have great dancers!

It's high time for all of us

Enroll in a ballet class.

Dance "Asterisks" (only girls dance)

Host 2:

Do you think it's easy to be artists, to sing, to dance? Do you know at what age children begin to study in order to sing, dance, and recite poems so beautifully?

Presenter 1:

But the winner in the next nomination "Screen Star" knows for sure. Who is this, we will be helped to find out by a teacher - a speech therapist.

The winner in the nomination "Star of the screen" is ...

Host 2:

Winner, please tell us how to succeed.

The winner in the nomination reads the poem "Chatterbox"

(other nominations, awards and artistic performances at the choice of teachers and children)

Presenter 1:

Our stars are all amazingly cute!

And amazingly beautiful!

Ready to please us

Gentle dance with doves.

Dance "With pigeons" (all dance)

Host 2:

Look at the guys - these stars are burning,

And from these child stars, the world becomes brighter.

You are the stars, guys, shine stronger,

Be friends, merge with rays of lights.

So that we can be proud of your success,

So that there are always only happy faces.

Children make wishes for the future.

All graduates sing a farewell song and read poems with gratitude to the teacher, teachers and kindergarten staff.

The video captures another unusual star graduation, according to the scenario of which children are supposed to become stars and planets. This scenario is good because little graduates during the holiday will not only have fun, but will also learn a lot about our planet, the solar system, space and the universe.

Cool modern script for graduation in kindergarten in the style of "Dandies Show", video

"Stilyagi-show" on Russia1 is watched by both adults and children. The participants of this outrageous show try on a variety of roles to surprise and impress the audience, and many children have probably imagined themselves on the stage of this show next to Maxim Galkin more than once. And they will have a chance to make their dreams come true if the teacher and parents choose a cool modern scenario in the style of “Dandies Show” at the graduation in kindergarten, the video of which the children will probably watch more than once, already studying at school.

The script on the video from the graduation in kindergarten in the style of "Stilyagi show"

Below is the original modern scenario of the prom at the preschool educational institution in the style of "Dandies Show", in which there are roles not only for all little graduates, but also for their parents, grandparents. If desired, this scenario can be supplemented with favorite games and competitions for children and artistic performances performed by talented little "dudes".

You can see that the graduation in kindergarten based on the Stilyagi Show is really very funny, interesting and cool by watching the video from the matinee held according to this scenario.

A touching themed graduation in a kindergarten in the style of "Scarlet Sails"

Alexander Grin's story about little Assol, waiting for her dream - a ship with scarlet sails, resonates in the hearts of both adults and young children. Scarlet sails have long become a symbol of faith in a dream and the fulfillment of cherished desires, so the parents of many graduates of preparatory DOW groups want to hold graduation in the kindergarten in the style of "Scarlet Sails".

For graduation in the Scarlet Sails style, the celebration hall is decorated according to the theme of the holiday: pink curtains are hung on the windows, voluminous paper flowers are attached to the walls, and a model of a ship with scarlet sails is placed in a conspicuous place. The teacher teaches touching songs, beautiful dances and farewell poems with the children in advance. It is important that every little participant in the prom can choose for himself which artistic number he wants to participate in and what talents he can demonstrate to parents and guests of the holiday.

Since the Scarlet Sails-style kindergarten graduation script, as a rule, includes many musical numbers, the children and the teacher will need the help of a music director when preparing for the holiday.

Graduation script in kindergarten based on "Scarlet Sails"

The scenario below is one of the options for holding a graduation ball in a kindergarten in the Scarlet Sails style. This is a touching and solemn scenario, which includes a lot of artistic performances so that each graduate can show his talents, beautifully thank the teachers and the entire staff of the kindergarten and mentally prepare for entering the school.

Under the fanfare, 2 presenters come out.
Presenter 1: We were anxiously waiting for this day, and today it has come.

School roads beckon, well, in the garden, a farewell ball.
Presenter 2: The fanfares sound solemnly, the notes are invitingly high.

Beautiful couples will enter our hall, meet our graduates!
Children of the preparatory group enter the hall to the music in pairs, line up in their places, on the screen there are photographs of graduates.

The song "Catavasia".

Vedas: 1 We have been waiting for this day for five years, but it suddenly came, somehow at once.

And the lilac blossomed in the garden, as it had never bloomed before.

Bouquets, music, poems and a hall bright with smiles

All this for you, graduates, today is your preschool ball.

Reb: 1. Preschool childhood is a golden time, happy days round dance.
What a pity that they fly by so quickly and now the school is waiting for us!
2. How fun, together we lived in the kindergarten, played all day long,
We laughed, and sang, and were close friends, and now the school is waiting for us!
3. Preschool childhood has rushed off somewhere, and time is running forward,
See how your guys have grown, and now the school is waiting for us!
4. The sun gleefully knocks on the windows with a cheerful ray
And today we are proud of the important word “graduate”!
5. Say the garden "Goodbye!" the school country is waiting for us
Homework and fun activities!

SONG "Goodbye Kindergarten"

Presenter 1: Yes, school childhood is a big country, it was lost in the magical seas. How would we get to this country?

The sound of the surf sounds, the multimedia screen rises, behind it a ship with scarlet sails near the central wall.
Presenter 1: What a beautiful ship! If only we could sail on it to the school country! How can we sail if there is no captain on the ship!
Vedas 2 / Captain: (puts on a tunic / cap) There is a captain on the ship!

In swimming you will be the senior assistant (leader 1)

Well, dear friends, I invite everyone on board!
Full speed ahead!!!

Children "enter" the ship, to the song "Black Sea". 1 couplet.
Kapit Vedas: (see through binoculars). I can see the island on my way. (children disembark, i.e. go out into the hall)
Under the music a boy is sleeping on his back, children with leaders are suitable:

Vedas: Boy, who are you?

Loser: I am Petya Lentyaikin!

Vedas: What a suspicious surname you have.

Loser: Surname, like a surname. And where did you come from?

Vedas: And we are future schoolchildren.

DV: Students? Guess I went to school too.

Vedas: What does "walk" mean? And what class?

DV: Twice the first time, three times the second.

Vedas: So what are you, a loser?

DV: Yes, it's not my fault, it was the wrong teachers that came across to me.

Well, her, this school, I ran away to the islands - beauty!

There is no need to learn lessons, do what you like!

Vedas: Well, well, Petya Lentyaikin! How can you say that?

Who is the brave one, who is the hero? Guys, follow me!

1 boy: I'm actually too lazy to run to school every day.

Boy 2: Instead of reading, I would warm myself here without a doubt.

3 boy: I'm ready to go with you, I'll prove that I'm a hero!

Girls: Oh, where will you go, because without knowledge you will be lost.

(girls sit down)

Boys (Together): Everyone, everyone, everyone, it's time to understand.

We are small children, we like to walk.

All the boys perform the dance “we are little children” and remain in the center of the hall, to the music. Barmaley appears.

Barm: It's time for all the boys in the world to understand.

What to eat Barmaleya, it's time again. (wrapping rope around them)

Ah, got it! Stop running! It's really time for me to have lunch.

1 small: Dear, dear Barmaley, have mercy on us.

Let us go quickly to our dear mother.

2 small: Dear, dear, cannibal, have mercy on us.

We will give you sweets, tea with crackers.

Petya Lent: Well, please, dear Barmaley, let the little children go!

Barm: Well, no, where am I going to let you go now, to us, Barmaley,

I also want to eat, especially you, because there is nothing

tastier than lazy people and loafers ...

Wow, I'm tired with you, sit, just be quiet, and I'll lie down ....

(lullaby sounds, Barm falls asleep in the center, the boys sit behind him)

1 mal: What should we do? Here we are! Finished the game! Walked up!

2 small: Oh, some piece of paper in Barmaley's pocket.

(sneaks up, takes a piece of paper out of his pocket)

3mal: It looks like some kind of plan.

4mal: It will help to find ours.

5 small: Look, this arrow will lead us somewhere.

Just what is this word, which of you will read it?

Petya: No, I was a loser.

4mal: And I forgot all the letters!

5mal: And here, before the turn, you need to take five steps.

Petya: I was a loser!

1 small: And I forgot all the numbers!

2 small: Eh, they didn’t even figure out the plan! We can hardly escape now.

3 small: But it's all because of you, unfortunate loser!

It is better to let them teach at school than to eat in vain! (cry)

Ved\Captain: Let's go rescue our friends! Well, hold on, Barmaley!

Under the music girls surround Barmaley.

Vedas: Barmaley, you are surrounded!

Barm (Wakes up) What??? How Surrounded? Why are there so many of you?

Vedas: We came to rescue our friends.

Barm: Ha! Ha! Ha! Rescue friends! I had one dinner, and now it's enough for the whole week! Where are my bums I cooked for dinner.

Vedas: Come on, try it, catch it!

Game "Traps". Under the muses, Barm runs and runs after the idler boys. Children standing in a circle hold hands and raise their hands to let the guys through, and let go to stop Barmaley.

At the end of the game, Barmaley is not allowed out of the circle.

Barm: Let me go, dear children.

I will love you all, won't you be naughty?

Vedas: If we fool around, then only a little.

Dance "Naughty".

Barm: I will, I will be kinder, I will love all the children,

Because Barmaley loves small children.

Vedas: Well, guys, will we let go, Barmaleya? Yes!

Shall we tell him who these children are? Yes!

The song "What are children."

(Barm on the chorus after verse 3 leaves, the children sit down)

Vedas1: Finally, they seem to be alive, everyone is healthy? Children: Yes, healthy!

Well, then we need to continue, we say goodbye to kindergarten.

The captain looks through binoculars.
Captain: Here is an island on the course, it is not low, not high.
There are toys, dolls, bears, rattles on the island.
Hey, assistant, whose island?
Presenter 1: This is the island of Kids !!!
The kids of the younger group come out to the music.
Educator You came to kindergarten with the same crumbs,

You learned to stomp your feet, now you've grown up.

And we came to congratulate you on the transition to the first class.

First baby: Today the kids congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts!
Second kid: But don't forget about us, you visit our kindergarten!
Third kid: We will grow up a little, we will also come to your school.
Fourth kid: And we want to wish you only get fives!
Fifth kid: To make it more fun, sing a song, hurry up.
Children's song "We came to congratulate you."

Host: Thank you all for coming to congratulate us.
And for this, balloons (a bunch) are given to you by graduates!
To the music, the children of the preparatory group give the kids balloons and the children of the younger group leave.
Captain: I can see the shores of the School Islands, because school country is a country of children, a country of true friends that you will meet and walk with them through life.

Vedas 1: Dear captain, our voyage was informative and interesting. We have overcome all obstacles because we are

Children: Friendly!

Vedas: Because we-

Children: The best! Dance "We are the best"!

Remain in the hall in their places.
1 reb: There are many schools - special, musical, sports,

gymnasium ... How not to get lost here? Where to go?
2 reb: I think that a school is the same as an institute.
There, according to the competition, they take the smartest!
They take them, they put them at desks and teach them for eleven years!
3rd child: And what to teach us? We know a lot, we have been reading books for a long time!
4 reb: How is it to teach? The most important thing: who to be!
5 reb: And I already know for a long time, I don’t sleep at a quiet hour, but I dream ...

become a great soccer player!
6 reb: And I want to be a driver, to carry different loads!
7 reb: I dream of ballet, it's better not to have it in the world!
8 reb: I want to become a cool doctor, I will treat everyone with medicine
Very tasty, like candy, ate it - there is no illness!
9 children: I want to fly the plane, to be the main pilot on the plane!
10 reb: And I'm a pop artist!
11 reb: And I'm a cool financier!
12 children: I want to become a pianist, a wonderful artist
Music has been with me since childhood, I love it with all my heart!
13 reb: I dream of becoming a teacher of children, singing, walking, playing with them, celebrating birthdays!
14 reb: I don’t have a soul in paints, I dream of becoming an artist
Order me a portrait, I can handle it, no doubt!
15 reb: And I'm a captain, surf the sea!
16 children And I decided to be a policeman, to keep order in our city!

Vedas 1: There are many professions in life - different, honorable and not very, but in each profession one must strive to be the first.
Dance: "The most - the most."

Captain: The blue sea is waiting for us, in places! Full speed ahead!

Song: "Sails of Childhood"

The children “enter” the ship and, after the 2nd verse, they line up in the hall in a checkerboard pattern facing the audience.
Children: 1. Our garden is sad today ... and we are sad quite a bit.
The day of farewell has come, a long road awaits us.
2. Leaving a piece of childhood here, we leave for the first school class.
But we will be with you in the neighborhood, and we will remember you more than once!
3. More than once we will remember how we played, and how many ideas there were here!
How they painted in the evenings and the forest, and mother, and the stream!
4. How they loved good books, in a circle, sitting, reading,
How they went on excursions to know everything-everything-everything about life!
5. Yes, we are sad quite a bit, and time cannot be turned back.
And it's time for us, it's time to go,
All: Farewell, beloved kindergarten!
1. So the hour of parting has come:
A kindergarten waltz is circling around the garden.

1. Our kindergarten escorts its children to school!
2. Here we played, played pranks, grew up,
Here our childhood years passed.
We rushed here every morning.
We will never forget kindergarten.
3. Time comes - we go to school,
Let's meet with books and primers.
Let's learn, grow up and make friends
Whatever happens, we will not forget the kindergarten!
Against the background of music:
Vedas 1. What to say goodbye to you
At this touching hour?
So that your wishes and dreams come true for you,
To go through life boldly, for any business they took,
So that you do not go astray, so that everyone is proud of you.
Build, sing and dare, and don't forget about us!

Vedas 2. We wish you success in school
And we say: "Good afternoon!"
Let in September ring cheerful
The school will welcome you!

The children sit down.

Vedas 1. The ceremony of awarding diplomas on graduation from kindergarten begins.
Vedas 2. The floor is given to the head

(Gives diplomas.)

Closing song: "Farewell".

The holiday is over, teachers distribute balloons to children.

A cool modern script for a graduation ball in kindergarten - for each graduation group its own

In an effort to give little graduates an unforgettable and cool graduation in kindergarten, the teachers, together with the mothers and fathers of the children, come up with cool, unusual and funny holiday scenarios for the Sami. Of course, scenarios such as "Surprise from the Box", "Scarlet Sails" and graduation in the style of "Hipsters Show" can be called universal, as most children will like them. But in order to hold the best holiday for parents, children and educators, it is necessary to take into account the wishes of each participant and come up with a modern scenario with children's favorite characters, which will include artistic performances that allow graduates to show all their talents. Having fulfilled these simple conditions, the educators will be able to hold a real star graduation in kindergarten, because every child at the matinee will feel like a star. And kindergarten graduates will probably want to watch a video with such a graduation party more than once, already studying at school.

In our time, many changes have taken place in the field of organizing holidays, even the traditionally classic children's matinees have become more modern and dynamic. Our proposed option: script for the graduation party in kindergarten “Let's go to school beautifully!”- not an exception. Its program traditionally includes: poems, reworked songs, performances by children, educators and parents, but all this is presented in a more modern style, easy, entertaining, with an emphasis on musical and active games (thanks to the authors of the musical compositions and ideas that were used ). This option does not require a lot of preparatory work and a difficult rehearsal period; for those who want to arrange a holiday more saturated with numbers from children, an additional block is offered. Recommendations and necessary musical accompaniment are attached.

Preparation: rehearse dance and musical numbers; alteration songs, if necessary, can be recorded on a phonogram, ready-made songs and backing tracks with lyrics are offered.

- Encourage parents to prepare a slideshow of photos of graduates, but if there are difficulties with creating a slide show, you can simply "present" the graduates, in accordance with the proposed words.


- Slate

- Flowers and balloons for children.

- Screen for slide show "DEtsadovsky album.

Scenario graduation party in kindergarten "Let's go to school beautifully!"


Background music sounds in the hall, parents and guests are invited to take their seats.

Callsigns of the holiday sound - track 1 (folder Music for the scenario).

Sounds track 2 - graduates, together with educators (hosts of the holiday), dancing, go out

Dance "Kindergarten quadrille" - in the final of which the graduates in an organized manner, to the applause of the guests, also take their places in the hall

1st Tutor: In kindergarten today is a holiday:

Not like usual

Today is a fateful day

Somewhat very symbolic.

2nd Tutor: How many guests today!

Happy to give everyone a holiday:

We are graduates today

We see off from the kindergarten.

1st Tutor: A very sad moment of farewell,

But let's not get upset.

2nd Tutor: After all, we have a holiday today!

And, therefore, we will clap, play and smile! Do you agree?

1st Tutor A: Then, let's start right now!

Clapping game "Hey, friends, don't yawn!"

Track 3 sounds - a clap game is held with the audience

1st Tutor: Well? Released a little excitement?

Getting ready for graduation, trying hard?

2nd Tutor: And now in a good mood

Let's see how the holiday was going.

Scene for graduation in kindergarten "Pre-holiday fuss"




Son - he is the 1st boy

(There is a slate board on the stage with a list of things to do, many items are ticked. The board says something like the following (if necessary, the organizers make their own changes):

Not forget:

- Prepare holiday outfits

- Go to the hairdresser

- Charge the camera

- iron the laces

- Wash the car

- repeat words

- Invite guests


- Flowers

- Balloons

- Present

- Birthday Cake)

Track 4 sounds. A. Pugacheva. Cause time (minus) - at the exit of Papa and Mama

(Dad takes out a chair, mom a bag with balls and other little things)

Mother (breathing): They say it's time

And it's time for fun ...

Dad: Just something this hour

It takes us a long time.

(Wearily falls into a chair.)

Dad: I really want to relax!

Mother: But we have a lot of work:

Comb, dress, put on.

Blow up the balloons...

(thinks, looks at to-do list)

Dad (doomed): Do not forget gifts in the kindergarten,

And wash the car!

- Song-alteration for graduation in kindergarten "On the way to kindergarten"

(to the motive of the Little Red Riding Hood song)

Track 5 sounds - educators (or one of the employees) perform and beat the alteration song

Lyrics (excerpt for illustration)


But today is a special day!

Ah, today is a special day!

Yes, today is a special day!

The kids are graduating!

The roads are calling them forward:

Schools, backpacks, teachers,

And mugs, friends, girlfriends.

All peaks ahead!


(Participants of the scene to applause leave and take their places in the hall, the presenters continue the festive program)

- Lyrical block "Through the pages of the kindergarten album".

1st Tutor: We wish our guys to overcome all the peaks,

Achieve everything you set out to do and achieve everything!

2nd Tutor: But now, we would like to look back,

See what graduates the garden remembers!

Screen saver Kindergarten album

(Slideshow can be shown with background music - track 6. If the presentation is without a screen: educators look at the albums (real ones), turn the pages, read the text)

Text option for the slideshow.

(If necessary, the organizers make their own changes to the text, adapting to the specific composition of the children and the collected photos)

1st caregiver: These three often fought,

They fought endlessly.

And now they're friends

And you can't spill water!


2nd caregiver: And our beloved girls and boys,

Clever, of course, but also naughty!

Sounds like track 7 . Dance "Naughty" - children perform a dance to live vocals or a phonogram

1st caregiver: Thanks for the dance! This applause is for you!

2nd caregiver: But, tell me, dear graduates, just be honest,

In such games, moms and dads are your place? (children react)

1st caregiver: Do adults know how to be naughty? Or have fun, at least?

Come on, let's check it out!

2nd caregiver: Invite adults to play with us.

1st caregiver: Remember your childhood and fun!

Track 8 sounds - children invite parents to play

- Game block of musical games "All friends are in this hall"

(Author's note: Conduct all proposed active music games or skip some - at the discretion of the organizers. In any case, according to the scenario plot, it is desirable that the game “All friends are in this hall” is mandatory and stands in the final of this game block. At the same time, you can conduct it to a ready-made phonogram, or you can perform it yourself by adding actions: “pinch”, “hug”, “push”, “kiss”, etc., which can greatly entertain and unite the participants. An example of holding with children at graduation can be seen below. You can also not invite parents, but only play with children - also at the discretion of the organizers)

Sound track 9-11 - musical games are held.

Track 11a sounds - parents and children take seats in the hall


(kids come out)

- Roll call in verse "What have we learned!"

1st caregiver: Yes, today is a special day, dear friends,

We really bonded like a family.

2nd caregiver: Together we experienced difficulties and victories,

It was difficult for our fidgets to learn.

1st Tutor: But everyone tried, everyone worked,

Children(in chorus): We have learned a lot!

2nd caregiver: Cut, glue and sculpt,

Children(in chorus): To make crafts.

1st Tutor: We read a lot of fairy tales,

Children(in chorus): Hundreds of coloring pages...

Children(in chorus): One two three four five.

1st Tutor: What's just up to five?

Children(in chorus): We can do up to twenty.

1st girl: We know the seasons

1st boy: And what's the weather like.

2nd boy: Learned to reason

2nd girl: Don't offend kids.

3rd girl: We know rainbow colors

2nd boy: The point is where, and where is the line.

4th girl: Find the letter you need

Shade, circle.

3rd boy: We know many different rules:

It's bad that

5th girl: and what's great...

4th boy: We learned to be friends,

5th boy: And be educated

6th girl: songs to sing,

6th boy: Tumble,

8th girl: dance.

7th boy: Too long to list...

- Game block "Festive exam"

- 1. Game "Numbers"

- 2. Game "Shapes"

- 3. Relay "Bukovki".

- 4. Game "Clean up toys"


Callsigns of the holiday sound - track 1.

(Parents are leaving

One of the parents(or a group of parents speaking in turn): Thank you darlings (names and patronymics of educators), for sharing their knowledge and experience with our children so generously, for giving them their warmth, attention and love! …..… the period of preparation for school is over and today we are leaving, leaving light, joyfully and (in chorus) Beautiful!

(Children run out of the hall, join their parents and sing a remake song together)

Track 18 sounds - graduates and parents sing a song

- Song-alteration "Let's go to school beautifully"

(to the motive of the song of the Zveri "Regions, quarters")

I want to say a lot - the hour of farewell has come

And it cannot be avoided, the bell called us to school.

Here are secrets and dreams, and the desire to know everything!

In the heart - you remain, we - to step forward.


We sing to the kindergarten: “Happily!”

And we're leaving, we're leaving beautifully!

Kindergarten native: "Thank you!"

We leave for school, we leave beautifully!


- Original game moment "Graduation Show"

One of the parents: And to make our departure memorable, and to be really spectacular and beautiful, each family will present, .......

Tracks from the folder "Graduation defile" sound - each family plays its own piece of music

Musical excerpts (for illustration purposes):


(33 ready-made cuts are offered - to choose from)



The third part of the holiday "On Air Independent Children's Broadcasting".

(All material for this additional block can be downloaded separately in the full version - folder CHILDREN'S BROADCASTING)





Little Johnny

Props: Microphone with a sticker NDV (Independent Children's Broadcasting) - for the scene "Interview"

A correspondent appears (this may be the 1st teacher) along with a cameraman. Then the correspondent communicates with the audience, the cameraman shoots the whole process for real or imitates filming.

Correspondent (to the cinematographer): It seems they did. Shoot!

Correspondent: Hello! With you - Independent Children's Broadcasting. Today's report is from NN Kindergarten, where the prom is taking place. Children who came here four years ago are leaving the walls of this preschool today. Look at everyone's amazing smiles! Today is the "birthday" everyone. And educators, and parents, and, of course, children!

(Turns to the 2nd Educator): What can you tell about the group, which today received the proud name - "Graduates"?

The children worked hard

And they didn't learn for nothing.

We know it's not worth boasting

The right is today. Can!


- Song-alteration "We came to kindergarten"

- Grateful ditties from parents

- Song of the Curious Shorties

- The song "We are no longer preschool children!"

- Game "School of Cinderella".

- The game "School of the Tin Soldier".

To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to deposit a small amount (350 rubles) into the site development fund - conditions and details on the page AUTHOR'S SCENARIO

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to obtain full version this scenario.

(download by clicking on the document)

N. G. Khudyashova, E.P. Astashkevich, 2019

Fanfare. Leaders enter the room.

Presenter 1:

The day is cloudless, clear and clean,
There are many smart guests in the hall!
Our kids grew up so fast
We take the kids to school!

Presenter 2:

I remember the first tears
That peas roll down
And a million more questions
If you don't know something, hold on!

Presenter 1:

We lived with children's worries,
Our kids grew up
Every day they hurried to meet them,
Giving a piece of the soul!

Presenter 2:

Today they are here, beautiful and stylish,
And the hall freezes in anticipation!
Applause sounds everywhere strong,
We are opening our prom!

1. Solemn entrance of children. "Minuet" (Collection by A.Burenina)

Children enter the music in pairs and take their places

1 child:

Well, that's it, the time has come
The one we've all been waiting for!
We gathered for the last time
In our cozy room!

2 child:

Brightly decorated room
Bouquets alive.
We came to the kindergarten to the ball
With friends and family.

3 child:

We had so much fun here
We sang and danced...
And they didn't even notice
How suddenly they became big.

4 child:

Dressed up now we stand,
Words, worrying, we say,
How sad to leave our garden
But the school start has already been given to us.

2. Song "Today the school meets us"

Presenter 1:

You have matured imperceptibly
The kindergarten became like a home,
We are with you with all our hearts
And they loved it with all their heart!

What a pity, the moment of parting
Getting closer, closer every day.
We don't want to say goodbye
And we'll be a little sad!

5 child:

Yes, we are sad quite a bit!
But time can't be turned back!
And it's time for us, it's time to go!

All children: - Farewell, beloved, kindergarten!

Song "Educator"

6 child:

We will honestly tell you: life in our kindergarten

Bright, wonderful, very interesting.

And I dream for a long time

To make a movie about such a life!


And what? And, indeed, indeed!

And we wanted to make movies!

Host: Cinema?

All children (in chorus): - Cinema!

Leading - For a long time?

All children (in chorus): - For a long time!

presenter : Well, we're filming, it's decided!

All children (in chorus): - Hurrah! Movies are allowed! The children are seated.

presenter : Attention!!! It is strictly forbidden to make noise in the studio! Filming starts!!! And now you will see the most interesting shots from our film.

Reb: So, the first frame is infantile!

Child : Do you remember, 5 years ago, how we came to kindergarten?

Child: What are you, they didn’t go, they drove us in wheelchairs.

presenter : And then you grew up, they brought you to kindergarten. Now I will remind you how it was. I need your parents' help.

He calls his parents in panama hats, with toys, takes them out to the hall by a ribbon.


1. We were taken, carried somewhere

2. It turned out to be in kindergarten

3. Everything here was very strange

4. Take us back!

(Children start crying)

Presenter: Oh oh oh! Who's crying here?

Look, the bunny is jumping! (shows a toy)

Well, they took out handkerchiefs, Wiped their noses - and that's it.

These are the kids, we met in the garden with you.

3 children come out to the middle:

1 child:

Day after day passed.
It was hard and easy...
But everything is learned here
And now we are O-GO-GO!

2 child:

Childhood flies and flies so fast

What lies ahead for us?

Maybe happiness

Maybe sadness?

3 child:

I won't think about it.

Whatever it is

In my life

Children. I won't forget my childhood!

Child. ( comes out with a clapperboard) - The second frame is hysterical.

All: WHAT???

Child. Oh, No! - historical!

Leading. We remember everything: like a young mother,
Anxious and excited breathing
Secretly, perhaps wiping tears,
She handed over the baby to us.

And so the baby went on his way,
Overcoming the steps of the floors,
He ate porridge, got better little by little.
He puffed, putting on pantyhose himself,
So imperceptibly the years flew by,
Gone - don't look back.

Oh, our kids, how you have grown up here!
Kindergarten is escorting you today!

Today, the children of the younger group came to congratulate you, graduates, meet them!

CONGRATULATIONS KIDS. Children enter to the music “……………..”.

Children in order:

1. There is turmoil and noise in the kindergarten

Everyone prepares their best suit.

2. We all gathered at the graduation,

But they didn’t let everyone in, but we broke through.

3. We put on dresses and washed our cheeks,

They became beautiful and hurried to you.

4. We are tired of waiting for our speech

We want to dance at the party.

5. Dance “Once a palm, two palms!


Thank you guys

This dance is simply class!

Here you go, it'll come in handy.

Here is a gift from all of us!

Gives a gift to kids


And the little ones say goodbye

You will say “Goodbye!” in unison.

The kids go to the music.

Child: Frame three: “Theatrical…..”

Leading: We will now open the third frame and arrange a rehearsal

Let's have a wonderful game!

But .. who is knocking at the door, come to us soon!

(Pippi Longstocking runs in)

Peppy: Let me introduce myself I am Pippi Longstocking!

I'm Pippi, I love to crumple, twist, feint and somersault!

So that there are thoughts on one side, stand on your head all day!

Hello girls and boys! Hello funny kids!

Here you have a terrible heat! Come on, get up kids!

Together they took everything by the ears - they turned their ears!

They turned, turned, and here are the ears ... flew off!

And whoever didn’t fly away, everyone flew after me!

They screamed, they screamed! They stamped their feet, they all clapped their hands!

Now dance with me a new clockwork dance!

DANCE "Perpetuum mobile" sat down.

Peppy: Turn all to each other, And shake hands with a friend.

Raise your hands all up

And move at the top.

Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurrah!"

It's time to start the games!

You help each other

Answer questions

Only "Yes" and only "No"

Kindly give me an answer.

If "no" you say

Then knock with your feet;

If you say "Yes" -

Clap your hands then.

An old grandfather goes to school.

Is it true or not?..

(No - children knock with their feet)

Does he take his grandson there?

Answer together...

(Yes - clap your hands)

Is ice frozen water?

We answer together ... (Yes)

After Friday - Wednesday?

Together we will answer ... (No)

Graduation - a little sad holiday? (Yes.)

Are you waiting for games, songs, dances? (Yes.)

What good fellows you answer so amicably.

Game: "One, two, three - get up in three"

1 part children move in pairs in a “boat” with a side hoop.

2nd part . Stop. Two claps on the knees and two on the hands of each other.

Claps are repeated. Circling in jumps with a "boat" in place. The music stops.

The host says: “One, two, three, get up in three!”.

The music is playing again, the children are dancing one by one.

The leader says: “One, two, three, four, stand up in four!”. etc.

Peppy: When I grow up like this, no, like this...

I will become a sea robber! And who will you become?

Girl: I don't know yet!

Peppy: I don't know, I don't know! And now I know!

I have a chamomile - magical! (shows)

Whoever tears off the petal - he will name the future!

(Tear off the petal, who will you be, read it to us!

Now try it - what will be ahead!

Well, choose any - tear off the petal)

Poems for children

1. My years are growing,

I will be seventeen.

Who should I work then

What should I do?

Strive for knowledge.

To be very smart

To go abroad!

3. I will work

our President

I'll ban it all over the country

I'm semolina porridge!

4. I want to tell you guys

I want to become a lawyer

And while not a lawyer,

I beat everyone.

5. And I want to sing like Galkin,

I can, I can handle it!

Maybe Alla Pugacheva,

I'll like it too!

6. Oh, don't think about her

You are wasting your time.

You are for Alla Pugacheva

Already very old!

7. I would become a teacher

Let me teach!

8. Did you think what you said?

The kids are tormented!

Peppy: Look, parents, what an interesting future your wonderful children have! The petals are gone. I want to know more - boy, what do you want to be?

Boy: I want to be a director, and I want to live beautifully!

Peppy: Here is the wish! But ……. Looks like your wish will come true!

Dramatization of "The Lazy Man and the Pillow".

(Lazybones is lying on the bed and snoring. A pillow is attached to his head)
Vedas: Who is it in the bed?
And awake says?
Lazy person: Ah, cruel fate!
Everyone tortured me!
(Grandma comes up to Lazybones)
Grandmother: Wake up baby
Get up soon, baby!
To be always healthy
Push up five times from the floor
Bend over and pull up
Wipe off with a towel.
Lazy person (displeased): Wake up, dear,
Get up soon, baby.
Ah, cruel fate!
Everyone tortured me!
(Grandma steps aside. Mom runs up to Lazybones)
Mother: Gotta hurry to school
To study things.
To be able to count, write...
Lazy person: I love the bed!
I don't want to get up!
Mother: I will wash you myself, and I will cover your bed,
I'll pack your briefcase and walk you to school.
Your friends are waiting for you in class...
Lazy person: Oh, get away from me!
I have a girlfriend - a soft pillow.
(Grandma and Mom grab their heads, gasp, groan, shake their heads)
Grandmother: Woe, whatever you say!
What lies ahead for us?
Mother: The ignoramus will remain
Will toil in life!
Lazy person : Oh, cruel fate!
Okay, okay, I'll get up!
(The lazy person gets out of bed, feels his head, gets scared, tries to tear off the pillow, but nothing works out for him)
Mother: Who will help us now?
Grandmother : Call the doctor soon!
(Mom goes to the phone. Grandmother calms her grandson)
Grandmother: My dear granddaughter, calm down, I'm with you!
It's good that only the pillow has grown to the top of your head.
If the bed had grown, you wouldn't even be able to get up!
(The lazy man begins to sob, Grandmother strokes him on the pillow on his head)
Mother (speaking on the phone) Dear doctor, come,
Save your son from trouble.
To his round head
Pa-pa-pillow has grown!
(Mom sobs, stutters, wipes away tears. Hangs up the phone, approaches her son. All three hug and sob. The Doctor enters)
Doctor (listens with a phonendoscope): So, let's listen to the child.
Here is the liver, spleen ...
Now turn left.
Touch your nose with your tongue.
(Lazybones does whatever the Doctor says. The Doctor touches the pillow.)
Doctor: Now I'll tell you the diagnosis, I think I won't be surprised.
Lenivis, a loafer, my friend, -
Reluctance is the result.
(The lazy man repeats the words with fear)
Lazy person: Lenivis, loafer?
Doctor: The pillow is firmly rooted
You will not pull away from the crown.
I will give you this advice:
Gotta cut! With your head!
(The Doctor with an energetic movement runs the edge of his hand along the throat. Grandmother pushes the Doctor away from Lazy).
Grandmother: No, I won't, don't touch your grandson!
Doctor: That for laziness to him science!
Vedas: Grandma came to the defense.
Clap! And fainted!
(Mom picks her up, waves her handkerchief)
Doctor (scratching the back of his head): There is one more piece of advice.
Should you speak or not?
Grandmother: I don't have my power
Speak quickly!
Doctor (shakes his finger): If you stop being lazy,
If you go to study
The miracle will happen again
And the pillow will fall off!
(Doctor, Grandmother and mother leave)
Lazy person: So, you have to try
To part with the pillow.
I will put on my own shirt
And I'll get down to business:
I will do exercises
(makes a few movements)
I'll put notebooks in my briefcase(takes a satchel, dresses)
I'll clean everything in the room (fixes bed)
I'm off to class!
(The lazy man leaves the hall. He has a satchel behind his back, a pillow on his head)
Vedas: Our lazy person does everything, and the pillow disappears!
(Lazy man runs in without a pillow)
Lazy person: No pillow, beauty!
Hello school! Hello me!
Vedas: Well done!
Never be lazy, always work hard and study well!
(Heroes of the scene go to bow)

Leading: Every child is our little bright star. And today, May 27, 20156, a new countdown begins for our stars, who, and we really hope so, will turn into big, kind, talented ones!

Child. - The fourth frame is parental!

Child .At the mother of a first grader
Bouquet in the hands is clamped.
Mother of a first grader
My knees are trembling a little.

Well, school is coming,
And the school porch!
Mother of a first grader
Anxious face.(L. Fadeeva)

Moms, don't be afraid, moms, calm down!

We will not let you down at school, we will dance and sing for you!

Dance with balloons.

Leading. Well, that's the end of our movie. And we have to take the last frame.

Child. The last frame is a farewell!

Leading. - Time flies, and it can not be returned, the guys have become big.
We lit the stars, we send you on your way,

say goodbye to kindergarten.


Our kindergarten, goodbye,
The time has come to part with you.
And let us say goodbye
In great love for you to confess.


For so much for long years and winters
You have become family to many.
We say goodbye
The road to school awaits us.


We do not swear to you, but we will learn this way,
So that everyone knows about us, finally.
So that you hear this everywhere:
"One of the" fourth "- means well done! (together)

Song "Kindergarten, don't be sad!

Leading. - And now the epilogue of our film.

Attention! The solemn moment has come:

We give the children a document, It is called a Diploma,

You for life, for the memory of him. Everything will be: school, institute,

Your first diploma is here! And try to learn

To be proud of diplomas!

Presentation of diplomas and gifts.

The floor is given to the head.

The floor is given to the parents of our graduates.

parents come out