Halloween skit performance. Scenario for celebrating Halloween for high school students at school - how to make Halloween interesting and fun? Scary Halloween scenario for students and youth

Description: The evening begins with a host who talks about some of the holiday traditions. During the event, individual representatives of evil spirits appear who hold games and competitions, and an “unclean” quiz. The last to appear is the Devil, who wants to take the souls, but with the first crow of the rooster he has to leave without a sip.

Target: acquaintance with the history and some traditions of the holiday, creation Have a good mood and increasing team cohesion.

Decor: Decorate the hall with images of a pumpkin - Jack, signs of evil spirits - a witch's cauldron, horns and hooves of the devil, a sheet with the image of a scary face put on a balloon, the bats. There are paper dice posted all over the room.

Required attributes:

  • on the back of each chair there are images of a broom, a pumpkin, a fish tail, a bone, and white leaves;
  • brooms and objects are obstacles;
  • orange air balloons, thread, black markers;
  • ropes;
  • scull;
  • drawing of a tailless donkey and tail;
  • bones and skeleton image.


  • Leading
  • Witch
  • Mermaid
  • Koschei the Deathless
  • Ghost
  • Mummy
  • Crap

Progress of the event


Terrible evening, guys! What's going on on the street today: witches, ghosts and other evil spirits are roaming freely! You don't know what happened?

They say today is Halloween.


Exactly! How could I forget, this is one of the ancient holidays celebrated in English-speaking countries. By the way, can you remind me which countries began to celebrate the Eve of the Hallows' Eve - that's what Halloween is called?

Ireland, France and England, where Celtic tribes lived.


That’s right, the ancient Celts believed that a hundred years consisted only of winter and summer. Summer ended on October 31st. The onset of winter was considered the beginning of a new year, and it was on the night of November 1, when the seasons changed, that the gates opened between the worlds of the living and the dead.

At this time, the souls of the dead sought to find a body that they would own for the entire next year.

To avoid being captured by evil spirits, people wore costumes and masks, thus trying to remain unnoticed.

And that is why today we dress up in costumes and masks to mislead those who came from the spirit world to take over our body.


It was on this evening that all the witches flocked to the Sabbath. Many dreamed of seeing a real witch and resorted to various tricks to achieve their goal. They used to believe that if you went for a walk with your clothes turned inside out, you would definitely meet this bright representative of evil spirits on your way. Let's also turn some piece of clothing inside out and put it on - maybe we'll also meet a witch.

Complete the task.

Jumps out on a broom to the music Witch.


A most terrible evening, mermaids and goblins, and all other evil spirits! Don't know where Witch Mountain is? She flew to the Sabbath, but got a little lost - Leshy was probably joking.


Hello, Witch. We don't know where the mountain is. Haven't heard of this one.


(suspiciously): Are you exactly who you say you are?

Somehow I don’t believe in your unclean affiliation.


If you don't believe it, check it out. We are ready to prove it.


Fine. If you are truly the most evil and disgusting, then you should be able to fly on a broom.

This is what I will check now.


Guys, look who has a picture of a broom glued to the back of his chair - go on stage.


Well, well, I believe that you are not lying. Then I'll fly on. My fellow witches are probably already waiting for me. Hello to the Devil if you see him!


Phew, it's gone!

Guys, let's quickly turn things right side out so that we don't encounter such a miracle again.

They turn their clothes inside out.


On this night, you can protect yourself from evil spirits not only with a suit. The main attribute of the holiday is... what?

That's right, a pumpkin with a face carved into it. It is a symbol of an evil spirit that scares away the fire located inside.

Let us create a similar masterpiece. Guys who have a pumpkin design on the back of their chair, go on stage.


Well, now we are doubly protected from evil spirits, which this night calmly passes through the gates guarded by mermaids.

Do you know who mermaids are?

Included Mermaid.


Hello guys. I came to you with a request: I have a girlfriend lost in your world. Now I'm looking for her.

Is she not among you, by any chance? Exactly?

She can pretend to be a person, but this is absolutely impossible. The night will end, and she will stay, not have time to return.


I don't think she's here. But this can be checked!

Those with a fish tail on their chair go up to the stage.

Conducts game "Mermaid Tail". Each participant's legs are tied to form a tail. The participants’ task is to jump to the desired place and in the opposite direction. It can be carried out in the form of a relay race - a competition between two teams.


Look, our participants completed this task with ease!

If they were mermaids, they would not even be able to move, because a real tail does not allow them to move on the ground.


I see that it is not. Thanks for the help. I'll go look further.


It's not just mermaids and witches who roam the world of the living during this dangerous time.

You can also meet other evil spirits.

Enter Mummy, Koschey the Immortal and Ghost.


Hello, hello, hello everyone! How are you feeling at today's party?


Horrible, as it should be. We are incredibly scared.


Well, that's how it should be. After all, today is our holiday!

Want to get a little creepy?


Of course, with great impatience.

  • Koschey conducts a quiz on the theme of the holiday:
  1. What kind of bloodsucker lives in a scary castle? (Dracula)
  2. Who could the blacksmith Vakula ride? (trait)
  3. Old lady with a bone leg (Baba Yaga)
  4. The most popular vegetable on All Saints' Day among Americans (pumpkin)
  5. For whom do snakes replace hair? (Medusa Gorgon)
  6. Who can seep through walls? (ghosts)
  • The mummy plays the game "Skull":

Everyone stands in a circle. They pass the skull to each other to the music. As soon as the music ends, the one holding the skull lets out a terrifying scream and sits down. The rest continue to play until one person remains, who will be the winner.

  • The ghost is holding a competition for the best howl.

Participants come out with a white piece of paper glued to the back of their chair.


Well done! They weren’t afraid of the howls, and yet so many ghosts had just performed. Well, let's move on from scaring people.

It turns out Crap.


Ha ha ha! Here we are! Did you think you could hide from me behind your suits?

Now I’ll call everyone here, we’ll take all your innocent souls!


What's happened? Why do you want to harm us?


Out of harm! That's how I'm built.

I just want to hurt someone!


But we didn't do any harm.

By the way, the Witch said hello to you.


And this one has already been noted here. Well, you can take the tests to try and save your souls.

Only, if you don’t cope, then you won’t see freedom like your ears!

  • Conducts games and competitions:
  1. « Attach the tail to the donkey"- Those who wish to participate can participate.
  2. "Assemble the Skeleton"- collect all the paper bones located on the walls of the hall and glue them to the image of the skeleton, finding the correct place for each bone. Those who have a drawing of a bone glued to their chair take part.


Well done, you completed the task.

But I will still take your souls, I really need them!


You won't take it!


Why is this?


Because morning has come. Guys, when does all the devilry end?

When the roosters crow.

Let's show the Devil that it's time to return to his world. Are you ready?

They crow.


I didn’t have time today - I’ll make it next time! So beware!


Guys, we were able to escape from captivity, we passed all the tests.

Why not rejoice and dance? Now - disco!

This cheerful and creepy holiday, thanks to its mysterious atmosphere, has managed to fall in love with both adults and children. If you have managed to retain childlike spontaneity and a love of adventure in your soul, Halloween is exactly the holiday that simply needs to be included in the set of your family traditions. Coming to us from afar, it will introduce you and your children to the festive culture of other countries, and joint preparation for it will give you many pleasant moments of creativity and communication.

Children's Halloween Party: Fun Trouble

How to decorate your house for Halloween? There are many options! And if you consider that all children are initially talented, there will be no end to interesting solutions.

Here are a few ideas to consider:

1. Decorate the walls and doors with funny signs and posters, drawn, of course, together with the children. The content of the signs may be as follows: “Door to the fifth dimension”, “Beware of hungry mosquitoes”, “No biting!”, “Don’t scare away the bats”, “Scary room”, etc.

2. Charming ghosts cut out of a sheet of whatman paper will be happy to be placed on the walls and ceilings of your home.

3. Thematic figures – bats, spiders, pumpkins, etc. You can also cut them out of colored paper and hang them around your apartment, or you can decorate the windows with them. By the way, such thematic stickers can be purchased at almost any stationery store.

4. Cut autumn branches will help create a magical holiday atmosphere.

5. A variety of Halloween figurines, purchased in a store (very cute figurines are sold in the Red Cube chain of stores) or made by yourself, will decorate window sills and bookshelves.

6. Pumpkins! The more of them there are at the holiday, the better. From a couple of large pumpkins you can make holiday lamps with funny faces, and use the rest to decorate the room.

7. It's hard to imagine Halloween without the mysterious flickering of candles. Candles create an amazing atmosphere, but be careful -... children's party Fire safety measures must be observed.

8. Autumn leaves, straw and others natural materials– the best thing you can think of for decorating your home and holiday table.

9. You can easily draw terribly cute tantamaresques depicting all kinds of monsters and ghosts yourself on a sheet of whatman paper, and then cut out holes for the face and hands. The main thing here is not artistic skill, but the love and care that you put into your creations!

10. Decide in advance how much fun your house can handle, and make cute invitations in the form of pumpkins or autumn leaves for all guests.

Children's Halloween party: festive table

“Cheap and cheerful” - a festive table draped with black and orange mesh, which can be purchased at any fabric store, will look very impressive. Make the same one, and secure all the knots and folds with decorative spiders. It is good to additionally decorate the table with a natural composition of pumpkins, leaves and candles and other Halloween paraphernalia.

The holiday menu should consist of healthy dishes from children's cuisine , decorated and named according to the holiday theme. For example: all kinds of pumpkin dishes - stew served in a hollowed out pumpkin, golden pancakes, pumpkin pie; juices and compotes are predominantly red, but you should always have an alternative option for children who do not want to eat red foods due to allergies; salads decorated in the form of shapeless monsters with eyes made of olives or peas; vegetable and fruit slices in the form of eyes, smiling jaws, etc. – there are no limits to imagination here. Sandwiches, pies, and cookies can also be decorated in the most amazing way.

Children's Halloween Party: Costumes

Any themed holiday involves dressing up, and Halloween is no exception. You can purchase ready-made costumes, or you can make a costume yourself. Anything that somehow resonates with our theme will be a suitable option: a vampire robe, a pirate outfit, a witch or ghost costume - all of this is spot on.
Take care of the attire for your guests. Of course, they will probably not come empty-handed, but just in case, prepare some elements of costumes for the invited children and adults - just enjoy the walk!

Children's Halloween: games and competitions

1. Test. When opening the Halloween party, arrange a “test” for the kids to test their knowledge of the habits of otherworldly inhabitants:
- to the most terrible howl;
- to the loudest stomp;
- knowledge of traditional scary dance (dance competition for attentiveness when repeating movements).

These “tests” will help to involve children in the festive process and activate their attention.

2. Repeated horror story. Now the guys move single file behind the leader, repeating the words and movements after him:

We are entering a dark forest ( take a few sneaking steps forward),
Where are the trees up to the sky? pull your hands up)!
Let's wander along the path ( a few more steps),
Let's wander into the thicket of the forest ( spread our fingers out to look like tree branches).
We reach the ravine ( sneaking around),
Oh, we'll be afraid ( we're shaking):
There's a roar everywhere, a howl everywhere ( we stomp and make scary sounds) –
It's time for us to run home ( children run in all directions and hide in all directions, and the leader tries to catch them)!

3. Hungry monster. This charming monster with an open mouth must be drawn in advance on a sheet of Whatman paper and glued to a cardboard base. The monster's mouth is cut off, and a stand is glued to the back of this structure so that the cardboard can stand on the floor. You can also use a tall box, on one of the wide sides of which a monster is drawn and its mouth is cut out. The children’s task is to “feed” the monster by throwing tennis or plastic balls into its open mouth. The one who hits the target the most times wins.

4. Crossing the swamp. For this competition, prepare hummocks cut out of paper or leftover linoleum. Children will need to “go through the swamp”, stepping only onto saving hummocks. One participant is given three bumps, after completing a step, he must move one bump forward and take the next step, etc. The game is a relay race. The fastest participant (or team) wins.

5. “Take care of your eyes!” Another relay game. We will need a tablespoon and a tennis ball painted to look like an eyeball. Participants need to quickly and very carefully bring the “eye” in the spoon to its destination. The team that can complete the task faster and more accurately wins.

6. Dinner for a witch. Under the guidance of the leader, children will need to find dinner ingredients scattered and hung around the room in advance: rubber snakes, lizards, various insects, bats and spiders. The presenter reads the recipe, for example: for the roast we will need 15 bats, 2 cockroaches, 10 caterpillars, etc., and the guys look around the room for the ingredients in the right quantities. A small snack after such a competition suggests itself!

7. Path of Terror. While the children are busy in the hall, quietly place several cardboard boxes with different fillings that are unpleasant to the touch: wet moss, crumpled newspaper, rustling bags, a damp rag, a heating pad with warm water. When everything is ready, invite the children to walk along this scary path one by one. The main condition: the participants’ eyes must be closed and they must walk barefoot.

8. Vampires. Before the competition begins, tell the legend that we have entered the domain of a vampire lord and are obliged to follow the rules of the vampires' daily routine. Together with the guys, we remember what time of day they sleep and what time they are awake. We choose a “victim” and place it near the window. And the “vampires” - all the other children - are located on the opposite side of the room in their “crypt”. The children’s task is to move only when the leader announces the onset of night, and freezing in place at the word “day,” to try to catch the victim as quickly as possible. Whoever catches it wins.

9. Little artists. Children are given orange balloons and black permanent (others may smear) markers. You need to draw a Halloween monster on the ball. The funniest grimace wins.

10. Night rest. Do you remember the indescribable delight and horror that various scary stories caused you in childhood? Light a candle, sit the children around it and announce a scary story competition. The candle is carefully passed from one participant to another, and the one near whom the candle stops must tell his “horror story.” The main thing here is not to overdo it and end too creepy stories on an optimistic note, causing smiles and laughter. Believe me, the amazing atmosphere, fascinating stories and the opportunity to dream a little will bring a lot of pleasure to both storytellers and listeners.

Don’t forget about the festive disco with fun dance competitions: with balloons squeezed between your bellies - for the friendliest couple, with a mop in his hands - for the most cheerful and active witch, with repetition of movements - for care and precision and etc.

And finish the competition part at a festively set table, “planting” a pre-cleaned pumpkin with all sorts of sweets suitable for the theme in the center of the table - licorice candies in the shape of worms, “scary” chewing marmalade and figured cookies.

Interesting ideas and happy holidays!

©2011 Attention! The script was developed specifically for the Prazdnodar website: encyclopedia of holidays. Full or partial reprinting of the material and its publication on other websites is possible only with the written consent of its author and the editors of the site. Attempts of unauthorized use of materials in commercial purposes are illegal and subject to prosecution.

The preparation for the holiday itself went like this. All guests were given the task to come to the holiday in a suit (preferably a negative character, but if someone came without a suit, and this happened, then this person automatically became a “VICTIM” of evil spirits, just like those who came to the holiday in costumes of goodies). Each holiday hero comes up with a name for himself.

We had previously reserved a table in the cafe, and we were allowed to purchase alcohol ourselves, in exchange for our photos (then the cafe staff posted them on their website).

Therefore, our holiday cost us very little. We made the costumes ourselves from whatever we could; those who couldn’t sew them themselves ordered them for inexpensive money from the studio, because... there are ordinary rags and cloaks. Masks can be purchased in specialized stores, as well as various equipment that will be needed during the scenario.

They also baked a cake for the whole company and smeared it with “blood”; it was not a pleasant sight, but it was delicious.

Two presenters are selected. For celebrations and various competitions.

Halloween Scenario

Witch: On the day when the doors open between the world of the living and the world of shadows, you never know what surprises fate has in store for you.

Witch : There are no random guests in this castle. If you came here today, it means that there are fragments of the black sun stuck in your heart.

Sinister Laughter.

Vampirella : What a pity that summer has died forever. Now the dark walls of the castle, drafts and the squeaking of bats surround me. I got the Black Sun.
Witch: Why such despondency? And the black sun has its bright sides. Only once a year does such a wonderful day happen, - dark side takes over for a day. Look how many guests there are?!
Vampirella: I am Vampirella. And there will be no peace today. I promise you this.
Vampirella: Where can we get hot blood today? There are our own people around.
Witch: I feel, I feel a living heart.(attacks a man without a suit in a frightening manner)
Vampirella : Be careful not to lose your fangs!
Witch: Look, guests have arrived with gifts for great spirits!!!

Who will say the most terrible, vile, terribleTOAST!!!??? We give our word to Dracula himself to drink the cupblood!!! (red wine)

Reading Jokes (Black Humor)

The guests of the holiday were given the task in advance to prepare jokes (black humor). After each joke there was an ominous laugh. Which made everyone else laugh hysterically.

Witch: Flying through darkness and gloom
I see everything that happens next.
You opened the door jokingly
Into the world of fear, envy and falsehood.
Those who are weak in spirit will perish,
And those in whom strength is primordial
Still, they will tear you out of the clawed paws
The living mystery of the universe.


And now questions for you, how well do you know about evil spirits!!!

Questions for the audience: Who will answer my first question:
1. Where was Dracula's castle?(Transylvania)
2. Which writer told about the ghoul’s family?(Alexey Tolstoy)
3. How to kill a vampire?(Aspen stake)
4. How to defeat a werewolf?(silver bullet)
5. What plant accompanies a hanged man?(mandrake root)
6. What do witches fly on? (mortar, broom, cat, just like that, pig)

Witch: The great spirits of darkness, those whose names are unpronounceable, await our gifts. Everyone who bears the stamp of darkness in their hearts wants to please them. After all, their favor can open any doors.

Who will give the most terrible, vile, terrible TOAST!!!???

If in your eyes -
Moon reflection
So you hate light.
You came to this castle
Under the power of darkness
And there is no turning back.


Sinister pouch

You will need: a small bag; a number of strange or unpleasant to the touch objects (dried plums, wrinkled carrots, mushroom caps, wet sponges, etc.)

First, you need to put all the items in a bag (preferably before the guests arrive). Participants sit in a circle (at a table). The presenter, in a creepy tone, tells a chilling story about where and how he found the bag (for example, in a cemetery, in a haunted house, or is it a gift from a ghost, etc.) The first player is invited to take something in the bag (look inside and You cannot feel the bag!). It is prohibited to remove the item. After the player grabs an item, he must invent the scariest story possible about it. For example, a player finds a dried plum and assumes that it is someone's plucked out, shrunken eye. And makes up a story about him. At the end of the story, the narrator finally pulls this thing out of the bag and, as a rule, is surprised at how far his imagination can take him. After this, the bag is passed to the next player, who tells his story about another item.

Spirits of the sky, spirits of the sea,
Wind spirits in an open field
Be there in difficult times,
This sacrifice is for you again.

I'm announcing a competition"Mummy"


You will need: a large number of toilet paper.

This is a team game. Players are divided into teams of two. One will play the role of the Mummy, the other will be the Egyptian. At the signal, the Egyptian must wrap up the Mummy as quickly as possible toilet paper from head to toe (eyes, mouth and nose, naturally, remain “free”). The one who made the Mummy faster wins. Just be careful: if the paper tears, the team is out of the game!

I conjure the powers of the night
Make the day even shorter
Make the face of the sun not bright,
And for this you receive gifts.

Witches dance

You will need: a broom (you can use a broom, mop, etc. instead), music.

Participants stand in a circle with a broom. When the music turns on, the witches begin to dance merrily and pass the broom from hand to hand. The witch who has the broom after the music stops is eliminated from the game (without the broom, of course). The winner is the one who ends up dancing alone with the broom.

Underwater spirits, earthly spirits,
heavenly spirits, other spirits
listen to the word, please
to those who are marked with the stigma of darkness.

Competition for " Old Dead Joe»

There's enough imagination here, that's how we did it. Vampirella told how she walked through the cemetery and fell into the grave "Old Dead Joe", from which she collected the remains of poor Joe and brought them to the holiday. It's disgusting isn't it? And then it gets even worse. Offered:

These are the parts of the body "Old Dead Joe"that you need manufacture and place it in " cave" in advance:
- « Old Dead Joe's Guts» - a large bowl filled with moist, slimy noodles;
- « Old Dead Joe's Heart» - a very large peeled tomato;
- « Old Dead Joe's Eyes"- a small container filled with water in which two large grapes float;
- « Old Dead Joe's Teeth» - a metal pot or kettle filled with small stones or hard candies;
- « Old Dead Joe's Hair» - a wig made of human hair, stretched over a ball;
- « Old Dead Joe's Tongue» - the slimy, moist part of raw beef liver placed in a shallow bowl of warm water;
- « Old Dead Joe's Bones» - any bones of suitable size;
- « Old Dead Joe's ears» - two halves of an artichoke (with sharp spines trimmed);
- « Old Dead Joe's Nose» - raw potato, cut in the shape of a nose;

Fingers Old Dead Joe's - cold sausages;
- finally, " Blood of Old Dead Joe"- a pot or jug ​​filled with warm tomato juice.

You will need to have a towel on hand to dry the contestant's hands after they have put them in the " blood " The cave can be made from a large black cloth, covering the prepared “good” with it so that there is darkness.

When you leave " caves " with a participant, you can make a big deal by loudly declaring: “Hurry, John, go and wash the blood off your hands: otherwise there will be blood all over the parquet!”

You will also need a flashlight to navigate your way through a dark room (corridor). Of course, the participant will be blindfolded, but you will need a little light to guide him by the hand from vessel to vessel.

Be sure to videotape the entire event (including your visit to Old Dead Joe's Cave); it can be successfully demonstrated to guests closer to the end of the holiday.

It’s also possible, if anyone has enough imagination for it.

« Old Dead Joe's Fingers»:
- two briquettes of ready-made sugar cookie dough;
- one can of peanuts;
- green food coloring.
Roll out the dough into pieces in a mold
"fingers". Press one nut onto
the end of each “finger” will be “nails”. Bake as directed.
in the instructions. Then, when the cookies are ready, use green food coloring to color your “nails.”

Also, each participant in the holiday prepared his own act: a scary and original story, a dance, at our holiday there was a “pageant who is not a wizard yet, but is just learning” - he showed tricks. Vampirella and Dracula danced a beautiful dance. In general, everything comes to mind during the holiday. I have no doubt you will also have fun and have a lot of positive emotions.

Halloween scenario: a fun program for children on Halloween

3.8 | Voted: 20

On the night of October 31 to November 1 in the USA and Europe, and in last years In the CIS countries, Halloween is celebrated - All Saints Day. The Holidays Workshop has prepared a Halloween scenario that is suitable for children from 7 to 14 years old and a selection of entertainment for younger children. If you decide to try on a mystical image and have a fun Halloween, this article is for you!

This Halloween scenario does not require long and complicated preparation, and the holiday will turn out just wonderful! The hosts of the event are the Witch and the Drummer (artistic adults dress up as them). If desired, you can choose other characters. All guests should be warned in advance to come up with images of all kinds of evil spirits: ghosts, witches, sorcerers, mummies, zombies. For greater effectiveness, you can invite a face painter to the event - he will help guests transform into the desired characters.

Themed souvenirs (eyes on springs, keychains in the shape of pumpkins, cats, witches) or sweets can be used as prizes for competition participants.

The holiday begins with a speech by the witch presenter.


Hello! Welcome to the holiday of horrors! I see everyone has already gathered devilry... after all, today is our day - the terrible and solemn Day of All Saints. It is on the night from October 31 to November 1 that the souls of the dead come from the other world.

Drummer (in a mysterious tone): Finally! This is going to be a night! Scary stories about coffins, creepy dances in the company of ghosts and simply terrible entertainment! You are ready? Then let's start our coven!

Game “I am the most terrible and terrible”

The purpose of the entertainment is to introduce everyone present, to liberate and create a friendly atmosphere.

Guests stand or sit around the host. The presenter takes a small pumpkin (or a soft toy) and begins the game with the words “I am the most terrible and terrible witch who...”. Then she tells what she does, for example, takes sweets from children or eats spiders for breakfast and why she chose this image. Then the presenter passes it to the first participant, who talks about himself and so on in a circle until everyone has introduced themselves.


Everyone knows that the symbol of Halloween is a glowing pumpkin. But do you know, my dear monsters, where this attribute came from?

The Legend of the Glowing Pumpkin

A long time ago, a swindler and drunkard, Jack, invited the devil himself to his Halloween celebration. After the gathering, the man bet with the guest that he would not climb the tree. The devil quickly climbed to the top, but cunning Jack drew a cross on the tree and the devil could not come down. The man then offered to remove the cross in exchange for never tempting him again.

After his death, Jack was not allowed into heaven because he was a sinner, but the devil did not allow him to go to hell, giving him only a hot corner. Jack hid the coal in an onion and has since appeared with it on All Hallows' Eve. Later in the USA, the onion was replaced with a pumpkin, and since then the glowing orange vegetable with an ominous smile has been a symbol of the Halloween holiday.

Competition "Symbol of the Holiday"

The presenters invite the children to make the main attribute of the holiday themselves. Each participant is given a small pumpkin and a black marker (if children under 10 years old) or a knife (if older children).

The task is to draw or cut out a scary face in the allotted time (for example, 15 minutes). Then the presenters determine “The most terrible Halloween symbol”, “The most original Halloween symbol”, etc. Children will be able to take their creations home after the holiday.


Oh, how many times I had to celebrate All Saints' Day... I can't even count. But one thing I remember well is that there was always a funny game with donuts!

Game "Sweet Tooth"

This entertainment is traditionally present in the Halloween scenario. For the competition you will need donuts (can be replaced with soft bagels) and two ropes or threads. Two donuts are hung on threads at the height of the participants. Then a couple is selected who want to take part in the competition.

The players' task is to eat the treat without using their hands. The one who can do it faster wins and receives a prize from the presenters.


My old friend Count Dracula gave us food for our holiday.

Competition “Feel like Dracula”

The hosts offer the bravest guests of the holiday a taste of the “blood of the old magician” (tomato or cherry juice). Everyone receives a glass with a drink and a straw. At the leader’s signal, the participants begin to drink. The first one to empty the glass wins.


My friends, monsters, witches and ghosts. Yesterday I received a letter from my nephew, Kasper. He has a lot of trouble with his horror homework. Little Casper needs to learn how to appear in public so that everyone's knees shake. And we can’t do it without your help.

Game “What a horror!”

Each contestant takes turns making a "scary and terrifying" appearance in public. You can use a white cloth or sheet for this. The winner is chosen by voting or applause.


Oh, Witch, how scary our guests are! But this is not enough, because evil spirits often have to get out of the most unexpected situations.

Fun "Magic Pumpkin"

You need to make a container out of a large one in advance, clearing out all the contents and washing it thoroughly. You should also prepare tasks for the participants - write on pieces of paper (the edges can be burned for effect) what they should do, for example:

  • Tell a scary story;
  • Remember 5 proverbs or sayings that mention mystical creatures (“the devil is not as terrible as he is painted,” “the devil is in the middle of nowhere,” “sell your soul to the devil,” etc.);
  • Dance Baba Yaga's dance with a broom;
  • Name 13 mystical characters;
  • Name 10 ingredients of a magic potion, etc.

Participants take turns pulling out a note with a task from the pumpkin and completing it. After the competition is completed, everyone receives sweets.


Although we are called not very kind, we love to have fun and dance. We invite everyone to the disco!

After the dances, the hosts offer the children festive treats. You can organize a candy bar where guests can enjoy themselves at any time during the event. Read more about how to decorate a sweet table for Halloween in an original way.

If children under 6 years old will be present at the holiday, you can make changes to the Halloween scenario by adding several entertainment appropriate to their age.

"Assemble the Monster"

Each participant receives a picture (witches, pumpkins, ghosts) cut into pieces. We need to collect an image. You can have a speed competition.

"Magic Potion"

In the room you need to scatter artificial flowers, leaves, pumpkins, rubber spiders, frogs, snakes. The children’s task is to collect the ingredients to prepare the potion in the quantities indicated by the presenter. For example, 10 maple leaves, 3 daisies, 5 frogs and 4 snakes.

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I’m always happy to help in holding and organizing a holiday!

An interesting and detailed Halloween scenario for school students.

Halloween. Scenario for school

Goals: familiarize students with the holiday and its traditions; develop creative abilities.


Imp, host of the evening.

Isabella, heir to Lucifer.

Lestat, vampire.

Jack the Pumpkin King.

Wooperi, the sea witch.

Dick Turpin, the ghost of Heathrow.

Progress of the event

Imp. Ha ha! Hello, vampires, witches, ghouls and other not entirely pure forces. Today there will be a grandiose Sabbath, which will be remembered by you for the number of nasty things, troubles and other dirty tricks committed!!!

A terrible laugh is heard. Isabella is highlighted. She walks surrounded by her retinue.

Imp. Vivat to the young, beautiful and terrible Isabella! Vivat to the most beautiful and most unpredictable!

The vampire bows before Isabella in respect.

Lestat. Greetings, Isabella! You, as always, are beautiful, like a true child of darkness.

Isabel. Thank you, Lestat! I knew that you wouldn’t let me down and would come to our Sabbath. Help me complete my mission: my uncle asked me to choose the king and queen of the evening.

Lestat. With great pleasure I will choose a contender for the title “Our Royal Majesty.”

The light is flashing. Lestat comes to the forefront, two demons select participants in the hall.

Lestat. First, all applicants must drink fresh blood!

The guys are brought a glass of tomato juice.

Lestat. And now I want to know if you know how to scare someone. So, demons, don’t be shy - let’s demonstrate!

A musical excerpt from some horror film is turned on.

Lestat. And now you, dear participants.

A competition is taking place. The three winners are given medals.

Isabel. Yes, they would make great villains! Thank you Lestat, you truly are a horror genius.

Lestat. That's not all, but I think I'll save the next competition until we choose a queen...

Imp. Mrs. Isabella, Jack is here!

Jack. Hello! Sorry for being late!

Isabel. Oh, Jack, you will choose us the queen of our coven.

Jack. My favorite activity!

The hall is completely dark, only candles are burning, which the contestants need to blow out. The first three to blow out all their candles are the winners.

Lestat. The conclusion to choosing a couple for the evening will be a dance! Gentlemen invite ladies!

Lestat invites Isabella to dance, falling on one knee, Jack with a gallant bow.

Isabel. It was impressive! Musicians, play! I dance with both!

The boys invite the finalists to dance, and how they do it is taken into account.

Classical music is played and the dance itself is judged.

Lestat. I'm having a hard time choosing...

Imp. The most famous ghost of the British Isles!

A ghost appears above the stage, giggling creepily.

Dick(whispers). Hello!

Isabel. New guest!!! (Claps his hands.) Dick, we need to choose a couple of the evening from the remaining applicants.

Dick. I will be happy to help you choose! I really love to play! Here in England, everyone really loves the game “Find Me”. But, as a rule, we find only parts: arms, legs, ears and other body parts. And you have to collect all the parts that are in the hall. All clear? On the search! Our couples support groups help them.

Participants collect paper dice that are posted in the hall. Based on the count, one winning pair is determined.

The sea witch Wooperi comes out.

Wooperi. Good evening, the most beautiful witch! My father apologizes that he cannot appear at today's Sabbath, he is all dried up.

Isabel. I am glad to see you! Someone bring a rag, there is water on our parquet floor!

Wooperi. You don't have enough water, there are no swamps around. So I brought water with me. She is the best, from distant swamp reserves.

Imp. Sorry to interfere, but we have... everything in moderation, and water...

He doesn’t have time to finish, one of the demons covers his mouth and drags him backstage.

Imp(from behind the scenes). Let me go, I have to perform the coronation ceremony...

Isabel. He's already tired me out! Perhaps today my dear guest will conduct the ceremony. Wooperi, do you agree?

Wooperi. Of course yes! Lestat, Jack and the Imp, your task is to ensure that everyone present in this room swears allegiance to our royal couple.

The guys are divided into three teams. They take out three empty and three filled soda water bottles, three glasses. The competition consists of each team member taking turns pouring water from a full bottle into a glass and running to fill the empty one. The amount of water and the speed of the team are taken into account. Based on the results of the competition, the winner is announced.

Isabel. I like it! Amazing ceremony!

Imp. Oh my lady! With the coronation ceremony, we completely forgot about your birthday!

Lestat. Have a terrible birthday, Isabella!

Jack. All the evil spirits of our coven have prepared a gift for you!

Imp. Premiere of the film "On Halloween Night".

Music sounds, a screen is brought onto the stage: a shadow horror film that shows evil spirits. Next, the guys show their performances. The children are given tasks - horror stories written in advance on cards. Allow 5-10 minutes to prepare the miniature.

Wooperi. Happy birthday again, Mrs. Isabella!

Isabel. Thank you, my terrible ones! I want a real Sabbath!

Dick. Then it's time for some real Halloween fun!

Jack. I love the color yellow! The same three teams are participating, your task is to find yellow bows in the hall, which are made of ribbons and tied in remote corners or attached in a visible place. The one who finds the most bows the fastest will win.

A competition is being held.

Lestat. I suggest the following game “Quiet, Mysterious Voice”. Everyone sits down again at the table. A player is selected by lot and sits away from the table with his back to everyone. In a clockwise direction, each person takes turns saying the word “Halloween.” The driver must guess who said it. For each correct vote he gets a point. The game continues until everyone has played the role of driver. The points are then added up and the team's total points are compared.

A competition is being held.

Wooperi. Based on the name of the holiday - Halloween - let's think of the letter “X” as the main one in such a game. I ask one of the teams the question: “Who?” Participants of this team must answer with the letter “X”. For example, a hamster. Next question to the other team: “Which one?” Answer: "Thin." Question: “What does it do?” Answer: “He wants.” Etc.

The game develops quick reactions. The team is given 15-20 seconds to think.

Dick. We ghosts really love dark and gloomy places... I will ask two people from each team to come out here to me. Now Lestat, Imp and Jack will help me attach clothespins to the clothes of the remaining participants. Those who come to me blindfolded must remove all clothespins from the clothes of their team members.

A competition is being held.

Imp. Now we expel one player from the team from the room, we lay out objects on the table, each team has its own, but all the objects lie together. The team comes up with an action with the proposed items. The player does what the team has in mind while blindfolded. All his actions are controlled by the participants. When he does it right, they shout “hot”; if he does it wrong, they shout “cold”.

For example, we put a ball, a spoon, a plate, and a sugar bowl with sugar on the table. Now let’s create a task (for example, you need to take a spoon, scoop up sugar from a sugar bowl, put it in a plate and throw a ball). The player is blindfolded. Not knowing the task, he approaches the table, first tries to determine what is there, tastes sugar on his tongue. Then he performs various actions with objects. For example, he takes a ball, puts it in a plate, sprinkles sugar with a spoon into the plate next to the ball. The team that spends the least time completing the task wins.

Imp's cell phone is ringing.

Imp. The boss is calling! Madam, it's time for us to go home!

Lestat. And that's true! See you soon!

Isabel. We say goodbye to you and leave the King and Queen of Halloween in command on your Bald Mountain. Sabbath! Ball!

All the other heroes of the evening say goodbye to the guys.

The festive disco begins.