The dark side of freelancing: what to do if the client does not pay? What to do if the customer has not made a purchase

I present to your attention a free translation of an article I liked - "The Dark Side of Freelance Writing: When Clients Don't Pay".

We often talk about the benefits of freelancing, praising its flexibility and comfort. But there is one component that, in my opinion, is not covered enough - I call it "the dark side of freelancing", and it includes scammers and defaulters. One of the biggest rules I've learned over the years of freelancing is the fact that so many freelancers, after being scammed, are embarrassed to talk about it and not ready to admit it happened at all. Although, in my opinion, there is nothing to be ashamed of. The more we discuss situations like this, the more we can develop to protect against them.

Clients do not pay for various reasons. Sometimes this was not even their intention, but there were problems with the financing of the project; sometimes they expect the freelancer to not sue them, considering it a waste of time; and sometimes they absolutely shamelessly want to get the work done absolutely free. True, it also happens that a client can simply forget to transfer the payment - and you should give him a chance to correct the situation, not immediately suspecting all mortal sins. At least for the first time.

If your customer missed a payment, first check the terms of the contract. Nothing irritates a client more than a contractor who starts demanding payment ahead of time and before the work is completed. For example, if according to the terms of the agreement, payment should be received 15-20 days after the delivery of work, and you start reminding about payment the very next day, the client is unlikely to be delighted with your manner of doing business.

Wait for the end of the agreed period and:

  • kindly remind yourself. Don't start demanding payment by sending invoices or late notices. Give the client another week or ten days.
  • call. After a reasonable period of time - call the client. Most likely, by the tone of his voice and manner of speaking, you can determine the reason for the delay. If you have to call several times or the client constantly does not have time to talk with you - it is easy to guess that he simply postponed the payment ... at least for a while. If he apologizes and promises to transfer money in the coming days, be sure to specify when exactly. You must let the client know that you remember everything and are in control.
  • call again. Now is the time to start getting angry. If the client did not send you a payment, as planned and agreed, pick him up. Finger it every one or two days or once a week - whichever is more convenient for you. You have done your job, it has been accepted and should be paid.
  • write a letter. Let your client know that you will not give up and are determined to look for other ways to influence. When sending a letter, put in a copy direct management, a representative of the top management of the company and the chief accountant. In addition, when sending a letter, be sure to indicate “notify of delivery” and “notify of read”.

If the customer does not pay and continues to ignore you, you have several ways:

  • terminate any relationship with this client and the performance of any other work for him. If he did not pay you for previous orders, then the chances of receiving payment for the next ones tend to zero. Ask yourself whether it is worth continuing to work for such a customer or delaying work at least until the payment for the previous order has been made.
  • offer a payment or installment plan. If your client does not have enough funds at the moment and you have a normal relationship with him, offer payment in installments. It is logical to assume that a payment of $50 per week for a month would be preferable to a one-time payment of the entire amount of $200.
  • go over his head. If your client is not at the top of the company, find someone else to discuss the situation with, such as contacts CEO or a member of the board responsible for this area. They may not even know that you are having problems.
  • threaten legal action. Many clients expect you to not have the heart, time, money, or inclination to seek legal redress. And, most ironically, they are right. Most freelancers, when having problems with payment, rarely choose to take legal action as a means of resolving the problem, believing that there is no point in fighting for payment if the amount is less than $3,000, and legal costs can be higher. However, do not forget the fact that these costs will be paid by the losing side. Yes, problem solving judicial order does require quite a lot of effort, but it also immediately indicates the fact that you are not someone who can be simply brushed aside.
  • tell about it. Let your client know that you will definitely disseminate information about his business principles in all online communities, forums and exchanges you visit.

Never forget the correctness of the old adage - "every work must be paid." If you don't get paid, you can wave your hand and say “come on, it’s only $500” or you can say “I spent my time and effort on this person, which should be paid”. What to say is up to you.

Don't worry about burning bridges- customers who do not pay and do not care about good relations, and therefore for you this should be the last thing to worry about.

In addition, if you were not paid, but you put the brakes on this situation, you are only let the client know that this approach is absolutely normal. Consequently, you not only did not receive payment, but also framed your colleagues in the workshop, who will face the same customer tomorrow.

And even more - you begin to earn a reputation for yourself as a weakling and a simpleton with your own work. I know what I'm talking about, because at one time I worked for those who initially count on the simpleton. And believe me, they are still in business.

What do you do if the client doesn't pay?

It would seem that the prospects are the most promising, but ... Even the most beautiful theory is very different from real life. When Derevitsky developed all this ten years ago, he began to test the theory in practice in his own sales and, of course, run in training. And it turned out that there are a small number of situations in which the six types of resistance described are not enough.

Remember the wonderful cartoon "Last Year's Snow Was Falling"? There was such a phrase: “It will not be enough ...” And when six types of resistance became not enough for the author, he added a seventh.

Sometimes it happens that the client and I were born under different stars and we are simply not destined to agree ... The seventh type of client resistance had to be called like this: “Contact resistance”. These are situations where contact, its geography, time and the participants themselves turn out to be the main obstacle. And then I had to paint the techniques for countering the "seven" - the seventh type of resistance. But why am I not talking about this right away and why am I drawing a matrix with only six cells?

The fact is that I am very wary of the seventh type of resistance. I had a case at a training when, having heard about the "seven", one young man joyfully exclaimed:

– So this is what kills 90% of my sales!

But if 90% of your sales are killed by your inability to establish contacts correctly, then you, my dear, most likely chose the wrong profession. You'd better work in the school library and write out forms. Or a meat cutter in the market. But get out of sales!

So, I will also talk about the seventh type of client resistance and describe the techniques of resistance, but I ask all readers in advance: be careful with this type of resistance, you can’t justify too many of your failures!

Question errors

Now we will talk a little about the questions… Recently, after the training, a female trainee asked me:

- Alexander Anatolyevich, can I ask you a question?

I agree:

Are you interested in money?

I immediately became nauseous and bitter. There was a premonition that I would now be offered a job in some network. Answered with a question:

– I don't know how to answer. To say that they are not interested would be a lie. To say that they are interested is to understand that you are already managing me. So what's the best way to answer?

Premonitions of me, the old man, did not disappoint: the girl began to talk enthusiastically about some kind of insurance.

What I'm about to tell you, I never told her. It seemed pointless to me: we spent the whole day talking about how important it is to feel the interlocutor, and the need to repeat what was said did not inspire me at all. It can be seen that the horse was not fed ...

If we have not put ourselves in the place of the interlocutor and have not felt his helplessness in front of the stupid question we have planned, then this question is better to avoid.

There is a large cohort of small dirty tricks who earn money by composing those “very smart” questions that should help someone stick their business into the life of everyone they meet. These bastards must be avoided. You need to run away from them, because the “smart questions” invented by them in no way take into account the interlocutor - his mood, inclinations, experience, his true and justified premonitions.

Without personalization, without a focus on a specific person, any questions are unnecessary and inappropriate.

You can understand the true meaning of the client's objection not only with the help of questions. They are far from the only alternative to formulaic and stereotyped answers. It is quite possible to respond not with a question, but with just one word “and”. That is, the objection of the client “No need, we already have it” can be answered like this:

- We already have. And before autumn it will not be needed ...

Aha! But I received valuable information about the upcoming autumn resuscitation of his consumer needs.

Just a professional break would do. But “pausing” is the hardest part. But questions are most easily and relatively naturally woven into the canvas of almost any business conversation.

And yet, why are questions not the strongest sales tool?

One of the leading international experts buying behavior- Philip Graves writes: "To ask a question is to bring its subject to the level of consciousness of the respondent."

“Bring to the level of consciousness” is the same as “receiving a lie in response.”

For this reason, smart questions are much worse than casual conversation in which the interlocutor reveals his positions. unconsciously. "Unconsciously" means "honestly."

That is why we learn at trainings not to “smartly” ask the client, but to chat with him kindly and cheerfully. This is our job...

Once upon a time in my training, booksellers behaved like investigators. The coach has never received more provocative and provocative questions in the "buy and sell" games. I had to digress and start modeling the client's well-being, which is hit by the merciless shots of our questions.

A banal “revenge” provoked a modeling session - I simply began to “shoot” the group members with my own questions. And they, quite recently still so curious, very soon howled:

- You put questions in such a way that you don’t want to answer them, but you don’t even want to hear them!

I had to remember all the questions of these micro fights and figure out why they were answered so evilly?

So dearly (with such emotions!) we paid for the discovery that we made, tired of debatable fencing. Here is the discovery: many questions must be preceded by a thoughtful prelude. (Remark of one impressionable listener: “Well, here you can’t agree without sex! ..” But we still found the differences between negotiation sparring and sex.)

The prelude to interrogative attacks in negotiations (that is, the addition of an impulsive answer in the form of questions to the objections received) is often a simple and simple legend about the question I am preparing, about its maturation, about the reasons that will now force me to ask the interlocutor about something. It turns out that just a few words can prevent a negative reaction even to completely shameless questions.

Concretizing too abstract phrases of a client who rejects an acquisition is an opportunity, despite resistance, to continue the conversation.

General vague objections such as "something is wrong with this" require a special approach. Despite a certain interest and a real need for a product or service, potential client resists closing the deal. It doesn’t happen that a real potential customer “just didn’t want to buy.” In this case, the question of why he does not buy becomes the only obstacle to completing the transaction. Perhaps the customer doesn't want to show his ignorance by raising objections, or he's afraid of being laughed at if he buys. The sales agent must try to identify such motives, uncover them and overcome them.

If the objection is too vague to be reduced to a single question, then the salesperson should ask as many questions as needed. And in this case, he can not only ask questions, but also answer them. He summarizes his idea of ​​the product, he himself puts forward specific objections, and then refutes them. Of course, he must be careful to limit his objections to those that the client may have and which the agent can deflect.

Question errors should be classified

This is one of the most difficult and intractable problems: both sales personnel and high-ranking negotiators often try to “tell” everything, but at the same time do not allow the interlocutor to speak, do not ask questions, do not stimulate the opponent’s speech with their questions.

In the previous paragraph, we briefly described the problem, but there are many reasons for this trouble. That is why the problem is intractable: those who have to solve it too often do not condescend to analyze these causes.

Current page: 1 (total book has 26 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 15 pages]

Alexander Derevitsky
Sales School
What if the customer doesn't want to buy?

Trumps of Derevitsky

The first trump card is that his School lives Here And Now. That is why we are not trying to mechanically drag American and European sales and marketing techniques into the modern Slavic business. business communication. Perhaps they are good, but - in Texas and Munich ... At trainings, we do not retell other people's books. We have our…

And the second trump card is in our path to the creation of the School. We did not come from the bright departments of psychology, but from the street dust and dirt of the 90s, from those years when no one yet believed that the opportunity to do business is serious and for a long time. And this path made us practitioners. We are pragmatic and skeptical about theory. And the knowledge of our School can be applied in your own sales IMMEDIATELY.

They say that we teach not quite "white" techniques of negotiations and sales. Yes. It is important for us that our listeners are ready for what awaits them in the realities of modern domestic business. Therefore, we rely not on a refined and theoretical “as is generally necessary”, but on a lively and practical “as we have” ... That is why our trainings for sales staff give a tangible effect.

If only to inherit someone's commercial experience, then there is a chance to become the second. But to become first, it is necessary to break the existing rules and impose your own on the market. We give the visitors of our seminars and trainings the experience of interacting with people from many related communicative crafts: intelligence, diplomacy, special services, advocacy. Take it!

And most importantly, we are trying to humanize the globalized, regulated and standardized world of commerce and sales ...

Your Derevitsky


First, I am particularly grateful for the sensitivity of my new publishers. They were able to catch the unsatisfied demand, which the author so diligently bothered about, telling at the trainings that it was on their basis that the book "School of Sales" was written. For many years in a row, Derevitsky recommended that his students read it, but the time came when all the books ended ...

And secondly, it is worth saying a few words about what this same author managed to do after the release of the first edition of the book.

Since then, in addition to thousands of lines in my blogs, I managed to write two very important books for me: “Brakes and Accelerators in Negotiations” and “Other Sales” 1
For information on all books see

They are closely related to all the personal developments that I introduce into the system of training traders with my regular trainings. And their creation was such an important milestone for me that it leaves a special imprint on everything that I do now. This should be explained separately.

As the knowledge gained in the trainings turned into skills, my students faced the same problem: “I don’t have time! I just don't have time to think about it. My negotiating partner is tearing me to pieces and I don't have time for anything else."

In fact, these complaints became the main reason, the stimulus for writing a book on how to gain time for thinking during the crazy dynamics of the negotiation process. And, while working on the new edition of The School of Selling, I could hardly resist quoting abundantly from my book Brakes and Accelerators in Negotiations and stepping on the throat of my own song ...

The book "Other Sales" also persistently asked for today's revision of the "School of Sales". The fact is that the work with client objections is influenced by the personal qualities of each trader. And those tricks that customers easily and organically accept from one supplier, they will never forgive another. And “other sales” teach exactly how to find yourself and your personal style in sales and negotiations.

The impossibility of investing "other sales" in the "School of Selling" saddens me, but I really hope that my readers will adopt from the 455 techniques for dealing with all possible and impossible customer objections described here, exactly what suits them and corresponds to their personal style.

The fact that 455 methods of countering objections is quite enough for the normal work of a merchant was once interestingly written by a specialist in guerrilla marketing Alex Levitas 2

He made a bet to a friend:

“Let's bet on a bucket of cognac. Gather all your managers, you have thirty of them, right? Tell them that a situation has arisen: the client says “Too expensive, I won’t buy,” and you need to convince him. And arrange brainstorm, "get creative" about what to say to this client in order to convince him. Spend even a whole day on this, you can discuss it with the whole crowd or divide into groups ... The only condition is to discuss only “from the head”, not to use either books or the Internet.

What's the bet? I argue that all your guys, who are not the first year in sales, will not be able to come up with even two realistic ways to deal with the “Expensive!” objection that would not have already been described in Derevitsky’s book “School of Sales” and are available to anyone who reads it ". The man refused. It's for the best, otherwise why do I need a bucket of cognac? I'm a non-drinker...

Happy reading!

No-world and its geography

Why are we getting objections?

In this book, the reader will find not only a logically justified, but also a scheme of simple and understandable algorithms that have been tested by many sales, allowing you to find a way out of seemingly completely deadlocked trading situations. The book contains a description of 455 ways to counter all the possible and impossible objections of the client. Everything that is connected with overcoming the unwillingness of people to give you money is exhaustively stated here. This is the whole "No-world". It is rather strange that with so many personal selling allowances, this is the first time such work has been done.

For those who manage sales, the book will save time that they previously spent explaining to sales personnel what to do in this or that difficult case. Now, once having outlined these techniques to them, instead of another lengthy story about the trick needed in a given situation, it will be possible to simply “send them to Derevitsky”. And let them only dare to say after that that they don’t have enough arguments to work with clients!..

Since 1994 I have been training sales staff and professional negotiators. Over the years, hundreds of firms have passed through my hands, and more than fifteen thousand sales specialists have attended trainings. The monotony of the problems that I encountered at the trainings at first annoyed, then tired, and then prompted me to search for some unified mechanisms that would allow students to warn typical mistakes and discover new resources.

The source material for the book was "NO-training" - a special forced program, the result of my many years of training practice.

Once attempts to master the skill of working with objections turned into chapters of my first book "Agent's Cheat Sheet" 3
Derevitsky A. Agent cheat sheet. Kshv: Dovira, 1995.

The topic received an unexpected development in the book “The Practice of Countermanagement, or Guerrilla War with the Employer” 4
Derevitsky A. The practice of countermanagement. Kshv: Alternativna osvgta, 1998.

The next steps have been taken in my following works:

"The course of agents - the world experience of traveling sales" (M .: "KSP +", 2000);

"Hunting for a buyer" (M.: Media-Press, 2002);

“Torgova Bursa” (e-print, Kyiv, 2003),

as well as in hundreds of articles in the periodical press and on the website www.dere. ru.

So why are we getting objections?

The answer to this question is extremely simple:


And don't argue with me!

If we were selling something that people need, then the objections would be “on our side of the barricades”: we would choose customers, they would give us bribes, pester and persecute us.

Sellers' attempts to directly prove to the customer that the product is good is one of the ways to kill the sale.

How can she be killed?

To do this, you can "take the bull by the horns" and push the client away with pressure.

Sometimes it’s enough to know in advance “what he needs” and ruin everything with a stereotyped, stereotyped approach.

A good way to kill a sale is to tell "more" and play your eternal "presentation record".

The seller’s attempt to “be like everyone else” and look like a “real seller” reliably “rejects” the client.

Wanting to harm your sales, you can keep an official tone in communication, be clever, sell "not to the heart, but to the mind", and show the price as soon as possible. There are 33 more ways.

However, the most radical means of killing the sale is precisely the attempt fight with customer objections.

I am firmly convinced that, alas, my colleagues are also to blame for the total desire of the sales staff to fight customer objections. I mean those business coaches who, talking about the stages of sales and not thinking about the consequences, one of them is called "overcoming objections." It is they who are responsible for the existence of sellers, who can be called "eager to satisfy." Let's deal with the ideology of working with client objections.

Eager to satisfy

IN Lately I often have to argue about strange differences art And technologies sales. As a rule, the opponents are fierce opponents of "tricks" in negotiations and sales. The field of these disputes ranges from personal communication with students of seminars and trainings to virtual battles on more or less professional forums on the World Wide Web.

The meaning of most discussions comes down, as a rule, to the fact that some authors would very much like to reduce sales to technology, algorithm. That is, to logic. In general, this is a common attempt, in the words of A. Pushkin, to believe harmony by algebra.

What annoys my opponents the most is the thesis that sales are always violence.

You and I are doing a damn immoral business. Once he was patronized by the fraudster Mercury (the god of trade in ancient Roman mythology). And in the 16th century, representatives of the Polish gentry kept repeating: "Honor and trade live differently." What kind of morality can be discussed where people play money? ..

But if we do not intend to change the profession, then it is worthwhile to understand what our violence against the will of the consumer is.

We will have to describe four levels at which communication with a client can take place.

Level one. Vacation

Here, the meaning of the interaction of people on different sides of a real or conditional counter can be determined by the following dialogue:

- Give! says a customer entering the store.

- On the! - the seller answers.

Is this a sale? The client asks for the following:

a) he needs

b) what he is willing to pay the price for.

I wouldn't call it a sale, but vacation.

You can work all your life in a store, but never even visit a seller in your life.

Is it a sale if the client gives you money warmed in his fist and asks in return to give you what he needs from your rack? I think no.

Alas, this is the path to which good marketing leads:

1) find a good product that will be in demand;

2) find an opportunity to set a price for your product that will not cause resistance.

Do we need sellers with this approach? After all, this is almost the same situation when a locksmith breaks an open-end wrench, goes with the wreckage to the storekeeper, and he, having accepted the wreckage, gives out a new tool in return. Derevitsky always said that marketing is contrary to sales ©.

Does such an approach have the right to life? Well, why not?! Just don't confuse it with sales!

But if you managed to find a truly popular product and set an attractive price for it, then you need to look not for sellers, but for storekeepers.

The main thing here is not to frighten off the buyer, who has already set out to make a purchase. But they manage to scare away!

The scene in the showroom: the buyer studied in detail the Lanos offered to him, found out the price and, with a characteristic gesture, probing the inside pocket of the raincoat, is interested in:

- So where is your checkout?

The seller explains. When the buyer is already turning away and taking the first steps towards the cash register, the seller affectionately says in his back:

- It's good that you take this particular model - it's nice with air conditioning ...

- How is it - "with air conditioning" ?! - the client stops abruptly. - And without air conditioning - no?

- No ... - the seller answers in bewilderment.

- Can't you take it off?

- It is forbidden…

– Oh... Then I'll go somewhere else. I don't need air conditioning...

Do you think this client would regret buying if one day he suddenly discovered that his car had air conditioning? Especially if he discovered it in the midst of the July heat ... Would he demand a return? Would you hate the seller and avoid this car dealership? Hardly... But today, on the day of the purchase, he did not want to give extra money for the property of the product, the need for which he Today did not feel...

Is it necessary to teach the seller sales tricks if all purchases in his store follow the “Give! - On the!"? Not sure. Rather, he needs to be taught only two things: the ability to go with the flow of consumer desires and the ability not to meddle with unnecessary information ...

But seriously, with this type of relationship with a client, training should be special. Here it is necessary to cultivate gallantry in the seller, the ability to listen, to competently work with the queue without losing customers. Helpfulness, obedience, courtesy are important here. Well, the skills of a free shooter, a free hunter can come in handy here only in the very final - when implementing a rehash 5
Rehesh is a follow-up product.
This statement so often causes protests from listeners that it is worth stopping here and commenting on this thesis as scrupulously and caustically as it is necessary to do at trainings.

When you can offer to take something in addition to the main purchase: cartridges for a printer, ties for a suit ...

It would seem that it is easiest to find sellers to work in this style. But it's not. Today, such personnel are also in short supply ...

Level two. In-Depth Vacation

Let's imagine a different situation.

He (the client) comes, but does not say “Give!” to us, but shows a certain reaction that is impossible to understand and evaluate.

If the seller remains passive and does nothing at all, the customer may leave. Let's test one test with imaginary goods: "figaster" and "burbulator".

– It is no coincidence that you stopped at this particular model of burbulator. Draws attention, right?

– Do you need a side or corner figaster?

- With a corner.

And we wrap it with a model of a burbulator with a side figaster ...

But what if he doesn't give us that first "yes" but shows some kind of unrecognizable reaction again?

And we have a few more, as we put it, provocative tests in reserve ...

How to call such a relationship between the seller and the buyer? After all, this is not a sale either: we released the goods, but before that we identified the needs of the client a little deeper. Let's call it a "needs-in-depth vacation." Let's agree that in this way we will begin to define a situation in which a certain finite number of studied provocative tests can save the seller.

Surprisingly, sometimes even if the buyer wants to deal with the features of the product, indifferent sellers manage to push him away.

I go to a specialized tea shop. I remember it well from Soviet times. The store has been updated - probably the owner has appeared. But the staff is the same...

In crucibles on a brand new counter - samples of different teas. “Chinese yellow” attracted my attention - the association with the “yellow assembly” of computers worked too clearly ... I ask:

- What is "Chinese yellow"?

- Six hryvnias.

Understood. Got it. And, of course, he left. Although in order for the purchase to take place, a few words were not enough: “Oh! .. Take it, try it!”

We try to teach them sell, and they even let off do not know how…

Level three. Conveyor sale

With an extended vacation, in some cases, the client may decide to object, thereby turning the vacation into sale.

When the buyer submits standard objections, the seller may have a couple of typical answers ready.

So, if the client still has standard objections and the seller copes with them, then this is already sale.

So we got to the most important thing.

A sale happens only when we meet with at least some customer objection and when, after our work with this objection, we are still given the money.

It is important.

If the client has no objections, then we only GIVE what he needs, that is release the goods.

Sell ​​is:

Give what he did not want yet;

Give what he wanted, but in much more;

To give what he wanted, but not at his price, but at our price.

And do all this so that the client wants to use your services again and again.

It is clear that you don’t need much intelligence to defeat standard client objections. However, for this victory, the seller will have to learn something special. There is no need to teach this “special” to someone who is not engaged in sales, but only releases goods. These simple sales will be called conveyor.

Level four. The violence of real sales

We just need to define a sale.

I propose the following option:

“Selling is a victory over non-standard objections client."

If you disagree, offer your own definitions.

And the last.

In one of the companies during the training, I asked the audience:

What are you guys working for?

The guys studied a lot: the German owner provided them with regular classes. And so they almost answered in chorus:

- To meet the needs of the client!

I got terribly angry. And ordered:

- Take a sheet of clean paper!

They took.

- Write: "Statement. I ask you not to pay me any more salary from today - I will satisfy clients for free.

Guys offended:

- Are you kidding me?..

- I am dense, but still I understand: if the needs of the client are not met, he will never buy again.

Like you, I'm looking forward to a long-term partnership. One-time deals - and not for me.

But I know for sure what I'm working for: for the sake of a better life for myself and my loved ones.

I often had to see sellers who forgot about this. They were smart people higher education and even with academic degrees, but their misfortune was that in their former professions they could not realize themselves. And therefore to new job, sales, they treated condescendingly, as something annoying and temporary, even contemptuously.

These “altruistic” salespeople honestly did almost all their work: they served, advised.

But they forgot to push the customer to buy.

And customers, taking advantage of the service and advice of unfortunate altruists, taking test samples from them, often bought from their more practical competitors.

How would you, in the place of the employer, the owner, call such sellers?

Do not know?

And I know! I, who regularly pays the salaries of my salesmen, would find in the lexicon definitions much more expressive than the neutral “altruist”! ..

Now you can get back to work. And if you want, then go and satisfy for free!..

It is worth realizing that to force the buyer to buy what he No need,- this is the real sale.

If a normal person needs a product, then he says to the seller: “Give it!”

Do you consider your clients to be normal people? But giving a person what he asks for and taking money for it is not a sale. It is called release the goods.

Classical marketing aims to find the product that a person needs and find an opportunity to sell this product at a price that suits him.

That is, classical marketing makes the sale unnecessary. And if we do good marketing, then we will not need sellers either. And you will need goblin guards who will ensure proper order in the formed client queue.

Selling is always associated with violence. And this is worth realizing. Realize - you will sell.

I will consciously repeat: to sell is to force a person to shell out money for something that he did not need at all. Or give him what he needed, but not at his price, but at his own price. Or give what he wanted to have, but in a much larger volume, "in reserve" ...

Other than that, I don't mind humanizing sales at all, and I even insist on it! I am also against "vaping" and "sucking in". And if selling is violence, and objections are the "protoplasm" of bargaining, then you need to learn how to "use force" so that the client enjoys it and would like it again and again ...

What should violence be?

It is worth remembering that we usually sell adults. To change, re-educate them is both difficult and not part of the seller's task. Therefore, it makes sense to sell based on the attitudes that this adult lives with. You can almost always change the selling vector when faced with a hard negative attitude.

Try to imagine yourself as an agent who is trying to hand over advertising space for the Pravda newspaper to Professor Preobrazhensky. After all, we remember the attitude of the luminary to the press in general and to the Soviet in particular:

- God save you - do not read Soviet newspapers before dinner.

- Hm ... Why, there are no others.

- Don't read any.

How successful would the efforts of the unfortunate advertising agent be? If he had not changed the sales vector, he would not have been successful. But if, without insisting on the good quality of the red press, he gently informed the professor that his colleagues have long and very successfully promoted their services through both Pravda and Izvestia ...

At one of the programs, a puzzled young man approached me during a break - he was selling cleaning products and detergents Procter & Gamble, and complained:

- You know, Alexander Anatolyevich, I cooperate with one firm, and there such a strict lady - a commodity manager decides everything ... She told me: “I hate the very name of this company of yours. And I will never take anything. On no terms. It's enough for me that my husband visits a proctologist twice a month! .. ”I keep trying to prove to her how good our Procter is, I collect all kinds of statistics from the Internet, various reviews. But she resisted!.. What to do?

- Yes, it’s not she, darling, who “rested”, but her attitude. Do you expect to change the attitude of an adult? And do not hope! Will not work. Try it differently. After all, what does a merchant need? Should he love the name trademark or appreciate its quality? So join Madame in her dislike of the Procter sound and say, “That's it! I can't even stand that word combination anymore! But resourceful, infection! And why are his people sweeping away ?!

… And if you can’t do anything with yourself and still want to prove something to the client, then perhaps you need a tattoo on your wrist: “I don’t need to argue, but sell!”?

There seems to be a sense not to overcome objections, but to work with them more flexibly.

Have you experienced in your practice that your client could not relax? For example, to completely relax the muscles of the arms, neck or legs, especially at the moment when you hold this part of the body in your hands?

You, as a massage therapist, at such moments feel that the client's muscles are tense, that he unconsciously resists your movements. However, the client at such moments most often does not feel anything, as a result of which it becomes even more difficult for him to relax. A professional massage therapist should be able to competently and effectively draw the client's attention to this problem and help him relax.

The point here is not at all in structural, pathological muscle tension. The muscles of each of us differ in elasticity, and the joints - in mobility. Now I'm talking about the client's ability to feel muscle tension and completely relax the muscles, consciously reduce their tone. This muscle contraction-based resistance to passive movement is regulated by the central nervous system with the help of motor neurons, and normally this resistance performs many physiologically important functions. For example, it helps to maintain posture, makes it possible to regulate the speed of movements, etc. This "background" muscle tone decreases during sleep, decreases significantly during general anesthesia, but increases greatly during exercise and stress. Research has shown that one of the main factors affecting our ability to relax muscles, to consciously reduce excessive tone, is proprioceptive sensitivity, or muscle feeling.

If you see that your client cannot relax, try the following:

Improving proprioception is the key to sustaining the effects of manual therapy.

Even a simple massage, touching the muscles improves proprioception, and coupled with the right questions, pauses and words from the therapist, the effect will be simply amazing! Habitual muscle tone declines slowly, but the improvement in proprioception, which is the undoubted result of competent work with the client, is a great start. You can speed up this process by offering the client a program of home exercises aimed at developing proprioception (the simplest example is muscle contraction and relaxation).

Chronic stress and other factors that excite the sympathetic nervous system can affect muscle tone in a variety of ways.

For example, the release of adrenaline directly causes skeletal muscle contraction (this effect is dose-dependent). Everyone knows that massage is great at combating stress while smoothing it out. Negative influence on the body.

Unconscious kinesthetic imitation (imitative actions in the form of a mirror-neural reaction) can also play a role.

The simplest example, for which one does not have to go far, is a “contagious” yawn. If the massage therapist is tense, the client will unconsciously notice this and it will be much more difficult for him to relax.

Physical and emotional discomfort is the number 1 cause of muscle hypertonicity.

Maybe your client needs a pillow? Or should you work slower? To be silent or still to occupy the client with conversations? You must be able to speak and listen, constantly maintain contact with the client in order to know what he likes and what he does not.

Some clients are unable to relax during the session due to pain and spasms.

This is especially true for working with previously damaged parts of the body, as well as with painful areas. Accurate and competent work will help to "reboot" the nervous system, which will lead to a decrease in the intensity of pain, a decrease in pathological sensitivity and the removal of spasm.

If pain occurs directly at the time of massage or manual therapy, you need to make sure that the cause of this pain is not in your actions.

Are you applying too much pressure, or are you working at an excessively fast pace? Sometimes you even have to choose other methods and techniques. If pain occurs due to factors beyond your control (for example, when working with damaged parts of the body), you can work with tissues located nearby - this will help reduce pain. However, this must be done gradually!

Finally, muscle hypertonicity can be a consequence of certain neurological diseases and disorders, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, dementia, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In almost all cases, the improvement in proprioception and increased mobility leads to a decrease in tone, even in the presence of such serious diseases.

Relaxation is not so easy. To relax a muscle, sometimes you need to go against long-term habits. It doesn't matter if relaxation is the goal of the session or just preparation for it - possession various techniques and approaches aimed at relaxing the muscles, will help to significantly increase the therapeutic effectiveness of the session, and make the massage itself much more comfortable for both you and your clients!

Alexander Derevitsky

Sales School

What if the customer doesn't want to buy?

Trumps of Derevitsky

The first trump card is that his School lives Here And Now. That is why we are not trying to mechanically drag American and European techniques of sales and business communication into modern Slavic business. Perhaps they are good, but - in Texas and Munich ... At trainings, we do not retell other people's books. We have our…

And the second trump card is in our way to the creation of the School. We did not come from the bright departments of psychology, but from the street dust and dirt of the 90s, from those years when no one yet believed that the opportunity to do business is serious and for a long time. And this path made us practitioners. We are pragmatic and skeptical about theory. And the knowledge of our School can be applied in your own sales IMMEDIATELY.

They say that we teach not quite "white" techniques of negotiations and sales. Yes. It is important for us that our listeners are ready for what awaits them in the realities of modern domestic business. Therefore, we rely not on a refined and theoretical “as it should be”, but on a lively and practical “as we have it” ... That is why our trainings for sales personnel give a tangible effect.

If only to inherit someone's commercial experience, then there is a chance to become the second. But to become first, it is necessary to break the existing rules and impose your own on the market. We give the visitors of our seminars and trainings the experience of interacting with people from many related communicative crafts: intelligence, diplomacy, special services, advocacy. Take it!

And most importantly, we are trying to humanize the globalized, regulated and standardized world of commerce and sales ...

Your Derevitsky


First, I am particularly grateful for the sensitivity of my new publishers. They were able to catch the unsatisfied demand, which the author so diligently bothered about, telling at the trainings that it was on their basis that the book "School of Sales" was written. For many years in a row, Derevitsky recommended that his students read it, but the time came when all the books ended ...

And secondly, it is worth saying a few words about what this same author managed to do after the release of the first edition of the book.

Since then, in addition to thousands of lines in my blogs, I managed to write two very important books for me: Brakes and Accelerators in Negotiations and Other Sales. They are closely related to all the personal developments that I introduce into the system of training traders with my regular trainings. And their creation was such an important milestone for me that it leaves a special imprint on everything that I do now. This should be explained separately.

As the knowledge gained in the trainings turned into skills, my students faced the same problem: “I don’t have time! I just don't have time to think about it. My negotiating partner is tearing me to pieces and I don't have time for anything else."

In fact, these complaints became the main reason, the stimulus for writing a book on how to gain time for thinking during the crazy dynamics of the negotiation process. And, while working on the new edition of The School of Selling, I could hardly resist quoting abundantly from my book Brakes and Accelerators in Negotiations and stepping on the throat of my own song ...

The book "Other Sales" also persistently asked for today's revision of the "School of Sales". The fact is that the work with client objections is influenced by the personal qualities of each trader. And those tricks that customers easily and organically accept from one supplier, they will never forgive another. And “other sales” teach exactly how to find yourself and your personal style in sales and negotiations.

The impossibility of investing "other sales" in the "School of Selling" saddens me, but I really hope that my readers will adopt from the 455 techniques for dealing with all possible and impossible customer objections described here, exactly what suits them and corresponds to their personal style.

The fact that 455 methods of countering objections is quite enough for the normal work of a merchant was once interestingly written by a specialist in guerrilla marketing Alex Levitas. He made a bet to a friend:

“Let's bet on a bucket of cognac. Gather all your managers, you have thirty of them, right? Tell them that a situation has arisen: the client says “Too expensive, I won’t buy,” and you need to convince him. And brainstorm, get creative about what to say to this client in order to convince him. Spend even a whole day on this, you can discuss it with the whole crowd or divide into groups ... The only condition is to discuss only “from the head”, do not use either books or the Internet.

What's the bet? I argue that all your guys, who are not the first year in sales, will not be able to come up with even two realistic ways to deal with the “Expensive!” objection that would not have already been described in Derevitsky’s book “School of Sales” and are available to anyone who reads it ". The man refused. It's for the best, otherwise why do I need a bucket of cognac? I'm a non-drinker...

Happy reading!

No-world and its geography

Why are we getting objections?

In this book, the reader will find not only a logically justified, but also a scheme of simple and understandable algorithms that have been tested by many sales, allowing you to find a way out of seemingly completely deadlocked trading situations. The book contains a description of 455 ways to counter all the possible and impossible objections of the client. Everything that is connected with overcoming the unwillingness of people to give you money is exhaustively stated here. This is the whole "No-world". It is rather strange that with so many personal selling allowances, this is the first time such work has been done.

For those who manage sales, the book will save time that they previously spent explaining to sales personnel what to do in this or that difficult case. Now, once having outlined these techniques to them, instead of another lengthy story about the trick needed in a given situation, it will be possible to simply “send them to Derevitsky”. And let them only dare to say after that that they don’t have enough arguments to work with clients!..

Since 1994 I have been training sales staff and professional negotiators. Over the years, hundreds of firms have passed through my hands, and more than fifteen thousand sales specialists have attended trainings. The monotony of the problems that I encountered at the trainings irritated at first, then tired, and then prompted me to search for some unified mechanisms that would allow students to prevent common mistakes and discover new resources.

The source material for the book was "NO-training" - a special forced program, the result of my many years of training practice.

Once upon a time, attempts to master the skill of working with objections turned into chapters in my first book, The Agent's Cheat Sheet. The topic received an unexpected development in the book “The Practice of Countermanagement, or Guerrilla Warfare with the Employer”. The next steps are made in my following works:

"The course of agents - the world experience of traveling sales" (M .: "KSP +", 2000);

"Hunting for a buyer" (M.: Media-Press, 2002);

“Torgova Bursa” (e-print, Kyiv, 2003),

as well as in hundreds of articles in the periodical press and on the website www.dere. ru.

So why are we getting objections?

The answer to this question is extremely simple:


And don't argue with me!

If we were selling something that people need, then the objections would be “on our side of the barricades”: we would choose customers, they would give us bribes, pester and persecute us.

Sellers trying to directly prove to the customer that the product is good is one way to kill the sale.

How can she be killed?

To do this, you can "take the bull by the horns" and push the client away with pressure.

Sometimes it’s enough to know in advance “what he needs” and ruin everything with a stereotyped, stereotyped approach.

A good way to kill a sale is to tell "more" and spin your eternal "presentation record".

The seller’s attempt to “be like everyone else” and look like a “real seller” reliably “rejects” the client.

Wanting to harm your sales, you can keep an official tone in communication, be clever, sell "not to the heart, but to the mind", and show the price as soon as possible. There are 33 more ways.

However, the most radical means of killing the sale is precisely the attempt fight with customer objections.

I am firmly convinced that, alas, my colleagues are also to blame for the total desire of the sales staff to fight customer objections. I mean those business coaches who, talking about the stages of sales and not thinking about the consequences, one of them is called "overcoming objections." It is they who are responsible for the existence of sellers, who can be called "eager to satisfy." Let's deal with the ideology of working with client objections.