Typical mistakes when choosing a profession - research from the publication “VM. What mistakes are made when choosing a profession? An example of a situation where mistakes are made when choosing a profession

1. Treating the choice of profession as unchangeable
In any field of activity, there is a change in occupations and positions as a person’s qualifications increase. Wherein greatest success is achieved by those who have passed the initial stages well.

Analyze the situation on labor market. Please note that every year new professions appear. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to regularly improve your skills and master related specialties. Do not be afraid that the choice of profession now, in the 11th grade, will fatally determine your entire destiny. Changing choices, mastering new specialty will make you a valuable specialist in demand in interdisciplinary fields of activity. Your first profession, even if you later change your mind and find something more attractive, will come in handy in unexpected situations. For example, the first education of an art critic will help a lawyer with his second education to understand complex issues inheritance of antique values...

2. Current opinions about the prestige of the profession
In relation to the profession, prejudice is manifested in the fact that some professions and occupations important to society are considered unworthy and indecent (for example: garbage collector).

An economist or a psychologist is no more useful to society than a chemist or mechanic. The prestige of the profession should be taken into account - but after taking into account your interests and abilities. Otherwise, you will have (if you have) a “fashionable” but not enjoyable specialty. Or, what the hell, you will find yourself unfit to perform basic job functions...

3. Choosing a profession under the influence of friends (for company, so as not to fall behind)
We choose a profession according to our “taste” and “size” just like clothes and shoes.

The feeling of a group and orientation towards peers are very positive characteristics of children your age. They are needed to master the norms of behavior in society, form the image of “I” and self-esteem. Therefore, look back at others, COMPARING (yourself with friends), and not blindly repeating. Try to see how you differ from your comrades - and how you are similar. This will help you understand that if Vasya becomes a firefighter (and he is a risky person), you may not like this profession (you are very careful and reasonable).

4. Transfer of attitude towards a person, a representative of a particular profession, to the profession itself
When choosing a profession, you must first take into account the characteristics of this type of activity, and not choose a profession just because you like or don’t like the person who is engaged in this type of activity.

Being fascinated by a teacher is especially dangerous (if you admire the sincerity of a physicist, this does not mean that you like physics in itself, outside the “set”). In addition, guys often make the mistake of trying to get the profession of an idol - an athlete, politician, journalist, artist. Athletes - they are not all like that.

5. Passion only for the external or some private side of the profession
Behind the ease with which an actor creates an image on stage, there is intense, everyday work.

And journalists do not always appear on television programs - more often they sift through a lot of information, archives, talk with dozens of people - before preparing a 10-minute report that... besides, it will be voiced by someone else (TV announcer).

6. Identification of a school subject with a profession or poor differentiation of these concepts
There is such a thing as foreign language, and there are many professions that require language ability - translator, tour guide, international telephone operator, etc. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you need to take into account what real occupations and professions are behind this subject.

To do this, it is best not to just study profession charts or dictionaries of professions. It is worth analyzing newspapers with vacancies on the labor exchange (they usually indicate what education is required for a specific vacancy). For example, a person with a linguistic education ("Russian language and literature", "foreign language" at school) can work as a teacher, a translator, an editor, and a research assistant. Moreover, keep in mind that there are more professions than school subjects. You can become a lawyer, marketer, or apparatchik. Professions can usually be associated with several school subjects (usually corresponding to entrance exams to a university when entering this specialty). For example, a future economist may like both mathematics and geography at school.

7. Outdated ideas about the nature of labor in the sphere of material production
Complex and interesting technology is being introduced into all professions, and especially blue-collar workers, and the work culture is improving.

And computers are being introduced into absolutely all areas of activity - right down to livestock farming.

8. Inability/unwillingness to understand your personal qualities(inclinations, abilities)
Career consultants, parents, teachers, and comrades will help you understand yourself.

May also be useful psychological tests, as well as articles and publications on the topic of popular psychology. However, keep in mind that many of them are unprofessional, so be critical of both the test results and what is written in psychological books. The purpose of popular tests is to intensify the activity of self-knowledge (self-observation, introspection), and not to give you a ready-made answer to the question of who to be or sticking a label on what kind of person you are.

9. Ignorance/underestimation of one’s physical characteristics, shortcomings that are significant when choosing a profession
There are professions that may be contraindicated for you, because... they can worsen your health.

There are few such professions and they include mainly those that require prolonged stress of certain physiological systems. Computer scientists strain their eyes, but pilots strain their hearts...

10. Ignorance of basic actions, operations and their order when solving, thinking about a problem when choosing a profession
When you solve a math problem, you perform certain actions in a certain sequence. It would be wise to do the same when choosing a profession.

Our site was created precisely to guide you and show you the main stages of solving the problem. However, do not take the instructions literally; it is even better if you approach the matter creatively and develop your own plan for yourself - a list of actions necessary for choosing a profession. This may include: analysis of offers on the education market, analysis of demand in the labor market, objective assessment of one’s abilities, inclinations, knowledge (using tests or otherwise), etc.

1. Treating the choice of profession as unchangeable
In any field of activity, there is a change in occupations and positions as a person’s qualifications increase. At the same time, the greatest success is achieved by those who have passed the initial stages well.

Analyze the situation on the labor market. Please note that every year new professions appear. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to regularly improve your skills and master related specialties. Do not be afraid that the choice of profession now, in the 11th grade, will fatally determine your entire destiny. Changing your choice and mastering a new specialty will make you a valuable specialist in demand in interdisciplinary fields of activity. Your first profession, even if you later change your mind and find something more attractive, will come in handy in unexpected situations. For example, the first education of an art critic will help a lawyer with his second education to understand the complex issues of inheritance of antique values...

2. Current opinions about the prestige of the profession
In relation to the profession, prejudice is manifested in the fact that some professions and occupations important to society are considered unworthy and indecent (for example: garbage collector).

An economist or a psychologist is no more useful to society than a chemist or mechanic. The prestige of the profession should be taken into account - but after taking into account your interests and abilities. Otherwise, you will have (if you have) a “fashionable” but not enjoyable specialty. Or, what the hell, you will find yourself unfit to perform basic job functions...

3. Choosing a profession under the influence of friends (for company, so as not to fall behind)
We choose a profession according to our “taste” and “size” just like clothes and shoes.

The feeling of a group and orientation towards peers are very positive characteristics of children your age. They are needed to master the norms of behavior in society, form the image of “I” and self-esteem. Therefore, look back at others, COMPARING (yourself with friends), and not blindly repeating. Try to see how you differ from your comrades - and how you are similar. This will help you understand that if Vasya becomes a firefighter (and he is a risky person), you may not like this profession (you are very careful and reasonable).

4. Transfer of attitude towards a person, a representative of a particular profession, to the profession itself
When choosing a profession, you must first take into account the characteristics of this type of activity, and not choose a profession just because you like or don’t like the person who is engaged in this type of activity.

Being fascinated by a teacher is especially dangerous (if you admire the sincerity of a physicist, this does not mean that you like physics in itself, outside the “set”). In addition, guys often make the mistake of trying to get the profession of an idol - an athlete, politician, journalist, artist. Athletes - they are not all like that.

5. Passion only for the external or some private side of the profession
Behind the ease with which an actor creates an image on stage, there is intense, everyday work.

And journalists do not always appear on television programs - more often they sift through a lot of information, archives, talk with dozens of people - before preparing a 10-minute report that... besides, it will be voiced by someone else (TV announcer).

6. Identification of a school subject with a profession or poor differentiation of these concepts
There is such a subject as a foreign language, and there are many professions that require language ability - translator, tour guide, international telephone operator, etc. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you need to take into account what real occupations and professions are behind this subject.

To do this, it is best not to just study profession charts or dictionaries of professions. It is worth analyzing newspapers with vacancies on the labor exchange (they usually indicate what education is required for a specific vacancy). For example, a person with a linguistic education ("Russian language and literature", "foreign language" at school) can work as a teacher, a translator, an editor, and a research assistant. Moreover, keep in mind that there are more professions than school subjects. You can become a lawyer, marketer, or apparatchik. Professions can usually be associated with several school subjects (usually corresponding to entrance exams to a university when entering this specialty). For example, a future economist may like both mathematics and geography at school.

7. Outdated ideas about the nature of labor in the sphere of material production
Complex and interesting technology is being introduced into all professions, and especially blue-collar workers, and the work culture is improving.

And computers are being introduced into absolutely all areas of activity - right down to livestock farming.

8. Inability/unwillingness to understand one’s personal qualities (inclinations, abilities)
Career consultants, parents, teachers, and comrades will help you understand yourself.

Psychological tests, as well as articles and publications on popular psychology, may also be useful. However, keep in mind that many of them are unprofessional, so be critical of both the test results and what is written in psychological books. The purpose of popular tests is to intensify the activity of self-knowledge (self-observation, introspection), and not to give you a ready-made answer to the question of who to be or sticking a label on what kind of person you are.

9. Ignorance/underestimation of one’s physical characteristics, shortcomings that are significant when choosing a profession
There are professions that may be contraindicated for you, because... they can worsen your health.

There are few such professions and they include mainly those that require prolonged stress of certain physiological systems. Computer scientists strain their eyes, but pilots strain their hearts...

10. Ignorance of basic actions, operations and their order when solving, thinking about a problem when choosing a profession
When you solve a math problem, you perform certain actions in a certain sequence. It would be wise to do the same when choosing a profession.

Our site was created precisely to guide you and show you the main stages of solving the problem. However, do not take the instructions literally; it is even better if you approach the matter creatively and develop your own plan for yourself - a list of actions necessary for choosing a profession. This may include: analysis of offers on the education market, analysis of demand in the labor market, objective assessment of one’s abilities, inclinations, knowledge (using tests or otherwise), etc.

“There is no sadder story in the world than the story ...” about a certified specialist working outside his specialty. About a college dropout who is confused and can no longer say exactly what he wants to become. About a man who is disappointed in his profession, but continues to go to a job he doesn’t like...

It's sad to hear stories about an unfulfilled future. Although they say that it is never too late to return to your true dream, it is still much easier to warn yourself against possible mistakes in advance. This material will tell you how to make the right professional choice.

Rules for choosing a profession

Choose a profession based on salary

The last controversial point concerns the topic of money. Many will disagree that navigation is stupid. But we will not convince you otherwise. Let’s just leave here a quote from John Davison Rockefeller, the first dollar billionaire in human history, who certainly knew how to set priorities correctly.

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"Secondary school No. 14"

Project work for the course “Your professional career” on the topic:

« Common mistakes when choosing a profession"

Zalyubovskaya Daria,

8th grade student


Koshubaro Olga Nikolaevna

Noyabrsk 2017

Project title: “Typical mistakes when choosing a profession”

Project manager: Olga Nikolaevna Koshubaro.

Academic subject: Your professional career.

Academic disciplines: Economics, technology.

Project type: informational

Target project: study the mistakes that can be made when choosing a profession

Tasks project:

    Find out what a profession is

    Consider what mistakes exist when choosing a profession

    Consider the technology of choosing a profession

Abstract: At the moment, the project is relevant, since in most cases school graduates make mistakes in choosing a profession

The age for which the project is designed is from 13 onwards

Introduction . Each new generation of school graduates, not wanting to learn from the mistakes of those who went through this difficult path before them, steadily continues to step on the same rake when choosing an ideal profession for themselves. In this article we will present the most common mistakes that schoolchildren, applicants, and adults too make when trying to find the answer to the eternal questions “Who should I be?”, “What profession should I choose?” and “Where to study?”

As a rule, all of the following mistakes in choosing a profession do not depend on age group, but there are also unique options that, for example, can only be done by school graduates, for example, go to study with friends or in defiance of parents. At the end of the article there are useful tips, which are designed to help prevent most mistakes, representing a small road map with a description step-by-step actions to achieve the goal.

What are the mistakes when choosing a profession?

    Ignorance of the world of professions

One of the most basic and common mistakes in choosing a profession, from which many others follow. Many schoolchildren, approaching graduation and the need to take uniform state exams(Unified State Exam and State Examination), have little idea what professions there are and what is happening in the labor market at the present time. The situation is aggravated by the need to urgently decide on the set of exams required for admission to universities and continuing education in a certain specialty.

For a more successful choice and initial acquaintance with professions that are interesting and suitable for you, we can recommendgo through and get acquainted in detail with the rich world of offered specialties. For even more accurateWhen choosing, you must use the services of qualified psychologists - vocational consultants. Every city and almost every educational institution has appropriate services and specialists. Government services employment can also help resolve this issue.

    Focus on the prestige of the profession

A clear representative of mistakes when choosing a profession. Very often, when choosing a future career path, young people focus exclusively on the prestige of a particular profession. As a result, the labor market finds itself great amount freshly graduated specialists who go to work like hard labor, dreaming of Friday and a career change. Typically, lawyers, financiers, marketers, bankers, show business and others fall into the category of prestigious professions. This is undeniable good professions, but they are not suitable for everyone and you should not choose based solely on prestige. At a minimum, there are also equally important concepts such as demand in the labor market, interest in the profession, physical and mental predispositions to a particular professional field.

    Choice under peer pressure

Usually, the role of those around them are parents, who sincerely and with all their hearts want to place their beloved child in the best, in their opinion, field of activity. Unfortunately, very often the interests, talents, capabilities and aspirations of the child themselves are not considered, which leads to quarrels in families or the need to retrain and change professions later.

It’s even worse when parents try to realize their unrealized dreams of youth in their child. In such cases, the child needs to be able to defend his point of view while protecting his interests. It is difficult to study against your will, and even more difficult to work.

    Follow in the footsteps of your idol

A common mistake in choosing a profession for schoolchildren, when falling in love or another passion for another person (like a teacher, actor, singer, etc.) can predetermine the desired profession or field of activity. However, in reality, interest in a person and interest in a profession correspond even less than nothing, and disappointment may occur during training.

If possible, then you should talk to your idol, ask him about the job and its requirements, ask for advice on whether it is worth choosing the same profession and where it is better to go to study. As a minimum, the program must learn as much as possible about the profession; perhaps it will not be as interesting as it seemed from afar. Of course, in this case, it is necessary to sensibly assess your capabilities, interests and aspirations, and it is also advisable to take several career guidance tests and talk with a competent professional psychologist.

    Go to study “for company”

In cases where interesting profession it was never found, and there is an urgent need to decide on exams and admission to a university, school graduates choose options for the Unified State Exam to pass and universities to enroll in the company of school friends. Sometimes this option turns out to be not bad, since it is easier and more fun to study in an already established pleasant company, and then, perhaps, you will like the profession.

Alas, much more often it turns out completely differently: with interest and success, school friends absorbing new knowledge get ahead and make new acquaintances with whom they can discuss what they heard at the lecture, organize a joint project or conduct an experiment while a childhood friend, without with the appropriate talents, trails behind without the opportunity to participate in joint activities.

In essence, this situation is an avoidance of personal responsibility and shifting it onto others. But those around us absolutely cannot bear full responsibility for such a difficult choice for each person as choosing a profession. It turns out to be a lottery, in which you can get lucky, but much more often the ticket turns out to be without a win.

Such mistakes in choosing a profession are also made as a result of insufficient work of both school psychologists and teachers, who did not provide the required level of career guidance, and parents, who left the process of determining the student’s profession to its own devices and did not actively participate in it.

    Desire to study only in a certain place

The desire to study at a particular college or university in itself is commendable, since it indicates interest and information collection. Another thing is that the educational institution you like may simply not have a suitable and interesting program training. The problem is somewhat mitigated by federal universities, which cover a wide range of professions in the humanities and technical fields, and also have an excellent material and technical base for training. But they can’t teach much either. narrow specialties, which, as a rule, are taught by separate educational institutions: doctors, teachers, lawyers and many other specialties will be inaccessible with this approach.

Think about whether an old, beautiful building or the presence of a swimming pool is worth it for students to go to study for an uninteresting or far from desired specialty.

7. Outdated or incorrect occupational information

The world of professions does not stand still and is constantly changing. Some specialties are becoming a thing of the past, others are just emerging. With the development of science and the emergence of new methods, almost all professions available on the modern labor market are subject to constant change.

Therefore, in the process of definition, it is necessary to know well what a particular profession currently represents. Our or you can independently find on the Internet the requirements for specialists, a description of the work process, or go to job fairs and days open doors at the enterprises of interest. Thus, possible errors in choosing a profession due to ignorance of the current state of affairs will be minimized.

    Taking into account only the visible side of the profession

Many people like to dream about a career as a famous actor, singer or presenter. Indeed, at first glance, representatives of such professions easily fill the halls and receive large fees, but few imagine the real state of affairs and the huge amount of behind-the-scenes work, be it endless rehearsals, traveling around the country or training to keep in shape. Let's not forget about forced publicity, which not everyone will like.

Before you finally choose your preferred field of activity, you need to study it in as much detail as possible from all sides.

    Lack of desire to understand oneself

A fundamental mistake in choosing a profession is when, for one reason or another, a person refuses to understand himself, highlight his strengths and weak sides. One of these reasons may be avoiding responsibility for the choice made and shifting it to others. Another reason may be general lack of self-confidence and severely low self-esteem. In any case, the result of the choice will most likely be unsatisfactory, made without regard to objective reality, and the work will not bring joy and satisfaction.

Help in choosing a profession in this case can come from people you know well, such as parents, other close relatives, friends, colleagues. But much best choice will undergo psychological career guidance tests followed by extensive consultation with an experienced psychologist - career consultant, with whom it will be possible to identify the most pronounced and important features personality and choose a profession based on them.

    Incorrect assessment of your abilities

Incorrect assessment of your strengths and weaknesses can lead to an erroneous choice of profession and, as a result, dissatisfaction with the process labor activity and decreased quality of life. If you are unsure of communicating with other people and prefer books to socializing, then it is unlikely that you should choose the profession of a journalist or teacher.

Errors in choosing a profession also occur when self-esteem is low or high, which prevents one from adequately identifying talents and abilities for a particular type of activity. As in other cases, they will help solveproblemor in writing, as well as a mandatory conversation with a professional consultant.

    Attachment to your favorite school subject

There are many more professions than school subjects; in addition, many specialties cover many areas in their activities and it is very difficult to correlate them with a specific subject.

For example, even if the most favorite language at school was a foreign language, the choice of profession is not limited to just translator. There are many more options: from a guide and translator to a diplomat and intermediary between a domestic company and foreign enterprises.

Decide on what you wanttype of activity and help you choose a specific specialty, services like,which contains the most popular professions in Russia with detailed description and examples of activities. Also, before making your final choice, you should study in detail the labor market and the vacancies offered, where certain requirements and education for each vacancy are indicated.

    Ignorance of the prospects and requirements of the labor market

The right choice of profession, among other things, depends on the labor market of the region of residence and the prospects for its development. When choosing a professional path, it is definitely necessary to analyze newspapers and websites with vacancies, descriptions of professions and analytical materials about expected changes in the labor market in the next 5-10 years.

After the analysis, it may turn out that the chosen profession will lose its popularity or prestige after several years, and it will be difficult to find a job in the specialty. It is also worth considering the fact that very often non-prestigious workers and technical specialties are paid much better and are more in demand than another young economist without experience in an oversaturated labor market.

Thus, by analyzing the labor market of the region of residence, you can avoid the mistake of choosing a profession and make a better choice, taking into account your aspirations, desires and capabilities.

13 . Ignoring one's own abilities and interests

Very often, when choosing a profession, people deliberately ignore the significance of their interests and abilities, highlighting exclusively the level of wages or the ephemeral prestige of the profession. However, few are able to reach the top with such a choice - it is simply unpleasant and difficult to invest in work that is unpleasant and causes rejection. And in the absence of a noticeable outlet in his free time, such a person will be constantly unhappy, which will lead to a decrease in the quality of life.

A simple solution to such a mistake in choosing a profession would be to choose a specialty that you like and will be interested in doing for most of your life.

14.Continue family traditions against your will

It is a very good and right thing when a child follows in the footsteps of his parents. He has a wealth of experience, best practices and first-hand secrets of the profession at his disposal, and the support and advice of close and understanding people in his first steps is absolutely invaluable, useful and timely. It is from such families that talented doctors, engineers, actors, and scientists come out.

But there may also be a significant fly in the ointment, which will negate all the advantages of this approach. This spoon will be the child’s desire to follow in the footsteps of his parents and continue the family dynasty. Someone will break under pressure and accept the imposed rules of the game, someone will fight for the right to go their own way. The main thing is that the family does not perceive such behavior as betrayal and does not begin to put a spoke in the wheels on the path to the dream profession. Such actions will only lead to conflicts and possible breakdown of relationships.

15 . Treat the profession as the only possible one

Any field of activity is subject to constant change, and as experience, qualifications and career advancement increase, occupations with areas of responsibility will also change. Naturally, the most successful person will be the one who has passed the initial stages perfectly.

In addition to the profession itself, familiarize yourself with career prospects and the state of the labor market in advance. Be prepared for continuous training, mastering related and similar professions, or even radical change activities. All this will turn you into a valuable specialist who will always be in demand and successful.

Thus, you should not think that the initial choice of profession is the only chance that will determine your entire future fate. At any time you can retrain for another profession or a related specialty, and previously made mistakes in choosing a profession will help you make the right decision.

15. Underestimating your physical characteristics and capabilities

In some professions, it is necessary to assess your physical capabilities and characteristics as sensibly as possible. Military service, special forces, Ministry of Emergency Situations, service in law enforcement agencies require excellent physical fitness. Aviation requires perfect vision and quick thinking. For creative professions Must have taste and appropriate skills.

Some professions can be mastered with the right attitude and constant efforts towards the intended goal, while others may be closed forever. In this case, you can master similar or relatively related professions. For example, if you didn’t succeed in becoming a civil aviation pilot, then you can try to become an aircraft maintenance mechanic, a dispatcher, or even a steward.

An incorrect assessment of your physical capabilities may lead to the need to subsequently obtain another specialty, which will result in loss of time and finances.

16. Focus only on salary

A bad practice when choosing a profession is to focus only on the size of your future salary. Firstly, the salary indicated in the vacancies corresponds to specialists with experience and still needs to grow to it. Secondly, studying for a specialty you don’t like or is not easy to master will be difficult mentally and physically. Thirdly, working solely for money, without receiving absolutely no satisfaction from work, leads to rapid emotional burnout with unpredictable consequences.

17. Choosing a profession out of spite or in spite of someone

Very often young people choose a profession in defiance of the statements of their parents or others. significant people like “Do you have a hard time figuring out what kind of programmer you are?”, “You can’t put two words together, but you want to go into journalism!”, “You’ll never become a good specialist in your life, you don’t know how to do anything!” Sometimes such statements are true, sometimes they are said in a fit of emotion to hurt a person.

A choice made with the goal of proving to others that they were wrong is a bad choice, since working for an unloved or too difficult work It won't be the people who made the nasty comments that will have to do it.

18. Study only for the sake of a higher education certificate

Among all the existing mistakes in choosing a profession, this one applies mainly to Russia. We have a situation in which the presence higher education is a necessary requirement for many vacancies, even if objectively it is not necessary. Sometimes it comes to absurd situations when a higher education diploma is required for cleaning service employees or other professions that require exclusively applied experience and education.

Another aggravating factor is the threat of military service for guys, the only chance to delay it is to enter a higher educational institution and, by hook or by crook, study there until the age of 27. As a result, the output is well-trained specialists with an emphasis on scientific activities and existing dissertations, but who do not see themselves and do not plan to work in this field.

Career choice technology

Summarizing all of the above typical mistakes in choosing a profession, we can say that choosing a profession is a very difficult and responsible step, which should be approached as responsibly and seriously as possible.

You can derive a few simple rules and tips that will help you avoid most mistakes:

    Understand yourself: your abilities, talents, interests, physical capabilities.

    Determine your strengths and weaknesses in relation to future work.

    Take career guidance tests online or in paper form and receive detailed advice from an experienced professional psychologist.

    Get acquainted with the diverse world of professions, paying special attention to those that fit the results of the first three tips.

    To confirm the correctness of your choice, meet with specialists from the chosen fields and learn the subtleties and features of the profession that are invisible at first glance.

    Based on the above, choose the most interesting educational institution for higher education and find out the required set of Unified State Examinations for admission.

    Prepare well in your chosen subjects and pass the unified state exams for the best possible result.

    Enter the university of your choice and, after graduating, become an excellent specialist who enjoys work and moves up the career ladder.

Conclusion: Choosing a profession is a very difficult and serious matter, so you should take it very seriously. The most important thing is to know about mistakes and avoid them

Career: Career guidance - Methodical piggy bank

10 mistakes when choosing a profession

  1. Don’t treat your choice of profession as a choice of a lifelong destination.
    In any field of activity, there is a natural change in occupations, specialties, positions, and places of work as a person’s qualifications increase.
  2. Do not confuse position, profession and specialty.
    For example, a chief physician is a position, a doctor is a profession, a dentist is a specialty.
  3. Don't choose a profession based on its external signs. Always try to learn more deeply about the content of the profession, the essential aspects of the daily work of a professional.
  4. Do not give in to prejudices about a particular profession.
    The fashion for professions is constantly changing; today some professions are prestigious, tomorrow - others. But fashion in professions does not always keep pace with changes in the labor market.
  5. Do not transfer your attitude towards a person - a representative of a particular profession - onto the profession itself.
    The likeable or unlikeable personal qualities of a particular person are not always professionally important for a particular profession.
  6. Do not equate academic subjects and professions.
    The world of professions is much wider than one might imagine based on the list of school subjects.
  7. Do not choose a profession “for the company”, under the influence of your comrades.
    We buy clothes and shoes according to our size, and not what fits our friends. Do the same with your choice of profession.
  8. Don’t choose a profession without understanding your personal qualities.
    It is very important to know your interests, inclinations, abilities, level of knowledge and preparedness.
  9. Do not choose a profession without assessing your physical characteristics and shortcomings that are significant when choosing a profession.
  10. Many professions have special requirements for health, and some professions are contraindicated (not recommended) for certain characteristics of the body or deviations in health.
    Do not choose a profession without knowing the basic rules, actions and their order when solving the problem of choosing a profession. If you don’t know how to solve the problem of choosing a profession, turn to a specialist career consultant for help.

Mistakes when choosing a profession

  1. Treating your choice of profession as unchangeable
    In any field of activity, there is a change in occupations and positions as a person’s qualifications increase. At the same time, the greatest success is achieved by those who have passed the initial stages well.
    Analyze the situation on the labor market. Please note that every year new professions appear. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to regularly improve your skills and master related specialties. Do not be afraid that the choice of profession now, in the 11th grade, will fatally determine your entire destiny. Changing your choice and mastering a new specialty will make you a valuable specialist in demand in interdisciplinary fields of activity. Your first profession, even if you later change your mind and find something more attractive, will come in handy in unexpected situations. For example, the first education of an art critic will help a lawyer with his second education to understand the complex issues of inheritance of antique values...
  2. Current opinions about the prestige of the profession
    In relation to the profession, prejudice is manifested in the fact that some professions and occupations important to society are considered unworthy and indecent (for example: garbage collector).
    An economist or a psychologist is no more useful to society than a chemist or mechanic. The prestige of the profession should be taken into account - but after taking into account your interests and abilities. Otherwise, you will have (if you have) a “fashionable” but not enjoyable specialty. Or, what the hell, you find yourself unfit to perform basic job functions...
  3. Choosing a profession under the influence of friends (for company, so as not to fall behind).
    We choose a profession according to our “taste” and “size” just like clothes and shoes.
    The feeling of a group and orientation towards peers are very positive characteristics of children your age. They are needed to master the norms of behavior in society, form the image of “I” and self-esteem. Therefore, look back at others, COMPARING (yourself with friends), and not blindly repeating. Try to see how you differ from your comrades - and how you are similar. This will help you understand that if Vasya becomes a firefighter (and he is a risky person), you may not like this profession (you are very careful and reasonable).
  4. Transfer of attitude towards a person, a representative of a particular profession, to the profession itself
    When choosing a profession, you must take into account, first of all, the characteristics of this type of activity, and not choose a profession just because you like or don’t like the person who is engaged in this type of activity.
    Being fascinated by a teacher is especially dangerous (if you admire the sincerity of a physicist, this does not mean that you like physics in itself, outside the “set”). In addition, guys often make the mistake of trying to get the profession of an idol - an athlete, politician, journalist, artist. Athletes - they are not all like that.
  5. Passion only for the external or some private side of the profession
    Behind the ease with which an actor creates an image on stage, there is intense, everyday work.
    And journalists do not always appear on television programs - more often they sift through a lot of information, archives, talk with dozens of people - before preparing a 10-minute message, which, moreover, is voiced by another (TV announcer).
  6. Identification of a school subject with a profession or poor differentiation of these concepts
    There is such a subject as a foreign language, and there are many professions that require language ability - translator, tour guide, international telephone operator, etc. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you need to take into account what real occupations and professions are behind this subject.
    To do this, it is best not to just study profession charts or dictionaries of professions. It is worth analyzing newspapers with vacancies on the labor exchange (they usually indicate what education is required for a specific vacancy). For example, a person with a linguistic education ("Russian language and literature", "foreign language" at school) can work as a teacher, translator, editor, and assistant secretary. Moreover, keep in mind that there are more professions than school subjects. You can become a lawyer, marketer, or apparatchik. Professions can usually be associated with several school subjects (usually corresponding to entrance exams to a university when entering this specialty). For example, a future economist may like both mathematics and geography at school.
  7. Outdated ideas about the nature of labor in the sphere of material production
    Complex and interesting technology is being introduced into all professions, and especially blue-collar workers, and the work culture is improving.
    (And computers are being introduced into absolutely all areas of activity - right down to livestock farming).
  8. Inability/unwillingness to understand one’s personal qualities (inclinations, abilities)
    Career consultants, parents, teachers, and comrades will help you understand yourself.
    Psychological tests, as well as articles and publications on popular psychology, may also be useful. However, keep in mind that many of them are unprofessional, so be critical of both the test results and what is written in psychological books. The purpose of popular tests is to intensify the activity of self-knowledge (self-observation, introspection), and not to give you a ready-made answer to the question of who to be or sticking a label on what kind of person you are.
  9. Ignorance/underestimation of one’s physical characteristics, shortcomings that are significant when choosing a profession
    There are professions that may be contraindicated for you, because... they can worsen your health.
    There are few such professions and they include mainly those that require prolonged stress of certain physiological systems. Computer scientists strain their eyes, but pilots strain their hearts...
  10. Ignorance of basic actions, operations and their order when solving, thinking about a problem when choosing a profession
    When you solve a math problem, you perform certain actions in a certain sequence. It would be wise to do the same when choosing a profession.
    We hope that our recommendations will help you choose the right direction when choosing a profession and determine the main stages of solving the problem. However, do not take the instructions literally; it is even better if you approach the matter creatively and develop your own plan for yourself - a list of actions necessary for choosing a profession. This may include: analysis of offers on the education market, analysis of demand in the labor market, objective assessment of one’s abilities, inclinations, and knowledge. Good luck!

Not all schoolchildren are ready for such self-determination, and some do not even strive to take responsibility for such an important life choice. This is precisely the most important psychological and pedagogical problem of career guidance - fear of one’s own choice.

In such a situation, a school graduate looks for and often finds rather intricate ways of avoiding real responsibility for professional and personal self-determination, which can be expressed something like the following:

  • Seeking advice on choosing a profession and educational institution from your more authoritative (significant) peers and strictly following this advice. However, such advice is often based on existing preconceptions about what is “best” and what is “obviously unacceptable.” The result of focusing on these prejudices is the almost “universal” choice by teenagers of such professions as lawyer, economist, manager, makeup artist, etc.
  • Seeking advice from your teachers and school psychologists (vocational consultants), who are often also guided by existing prejudices in the public consciousness. At the same time, specialists often simply play along with their students, offering them the choice of prestigious professions And educational establishments. In such a situation, one can even talk about the fear of psychologists and teachers themselves to take responsibility for extraordinary advice (according to the principle: it’s easier to advise something banal, but generally accepted...).
  • Teenagers turn to their family and friends for advice. Often this advice is focused on existing (or previously existing) prejudices about what is more “prestigious” and “promising” and what is less... The peculiarity of parents’ advice is that even in comparison with teachers and career consultants, ideas about what is “correct” choice often lags behind real life and are more correlated with past socio-economic periods of the country’s development.
  • Finally, teenagers can be guided in their choices by the stereotypes of social consciousness cultivated modern means mass media- Media (youth press, television and radio programs, etc.). Often, such media influence is focused not on specific professions, but on a certain way of life. But at a young age, as we know, a person chooses not so much a profession as an image and lifestyle, where a profession is just a “means” to achieve the desired image and style. In this case, the profession is, as it were, “matched” to an attractive style and lifestyle. The problem here is that the cultivated (or rather, promoted) way of life is quite standard, somewhat vulgar (replicated many times), aimed at undemanding taste, and that is precisely why it is so attractive and seductive for the fragile soul of a self-determining teenager.

Thus, in reality, a teenager in most cases relies on the opinions of people close and significant to him. But is he, due to his social immaturity, even capable of being a full-fledged subject of his professional and life choices? Isn’t it too much that we demand from a still young and inexperienced person when we talk about self-determination and call for him to take responsibility for important life choices?

The fact that a self-determined teenager is trying to find additional support in his important life choices is normal and a psychologist should treat this with understanding. The teenager is worried, the uncertainty of the future really frightens him and his natural defense mechanisms simply come into play - mechanisms for insuring his choice. Unfortunately, often all safety nets come down to focusing on the stereotypes of public consciousness and the implementation of these stereotypes. But in this case, there is no longer any need to talk about real creativity when planning the prospects for one’s development, and then one will have to agree that the teenager is not so much self-determined as with the fact that he is “defined” by various “advisers” in the world of professions and life meanings .

If this is so, then the problem becomes even worse and the point is that professional choices are no longer made “together” with the teenager, but “instead” of him. What is the general logic of full-fledged career guidance assistance to a self-determining teenager, taking into account his insufficient life experience and ever-increasing anxiety about his immediate future (the future after leaving school)? You can consider several options for organizing such assistance:

  1. If career guidance work is carried out fully, then the scheme is approximately as follows. Even in elementary and middle grades, students are gradually introduced to the world of professional work, their main inclinations and abilities are revealed (first of all, the general dynamics of their changes are revealed, on the basis of which longer-term forecasts can be built). Ideally, schoolchildren are given a chance to try themselves in at least some available types of work (approximately as is done in “professional tests” - in the famous Japanese “Fukuyama Test” system.
    Closer to the senior grades, schoolchildren should gradually develop a readiness for self-analysis of their basic inclinations and abilities, i.e. They are increasingly not so much “researched”, but rather they are formed into motivation and the ability for self-exploration (self-knowledge). This is what can become the basis for the formation of readiness for true self-determination. At the same time, more and more are being considered, compared and discussed various options building your happiness (different lifestyles). Such consideration is impossible without turning to the value-semantic aspects of professional and personal self-determination. As many serious experts believe, it is value and moral orientations that constitute the “core” of a self-determining personality.
    Finally, in senior and graduating classes, the main emphasis increasingly shifts to specific elections. At the same time, schoolchildren are not offered so much ready-made recommendations, and gradually develop their readiness to make these choices independently. Only in this case can we talk about real professional choice and self-determination.
    The general logic of such preparation is approximately the following: first, using specially prepared examples (situations), a psychologist-vocational consultant (or school psychologist) shows how one could choose a profession and implement this choice. Further, using other example situations, the high school student himself is asked to give a recommendation to an imaginary peer (in this case, the example is already transformed into a learning task, where the readiness to independently navigate in various situations is gradually formed professional self-determination). Finally, the high school student independently uses the already formed ability to navigate career guidance situations in his own choices, and the role of a psychologist-vocational consultant comes down to monitoring and “insuring” the self-determining young man.
  2. Another option is when full-fledged career guidance work is not carried out with the student, but a conscientious teacher (or psychologist) still believes that career guidance assistance is necessary. Typically, this situation is complicated by the fact that the administration does not encourage the initiative teacher-psychologist in any way, there is practically no time left for such work (there are many other “important” things to do at school...), often the teacher-psychologist himself does not have sufficient qualifications and experience to provide professional counseling assistance . Still, help can be provided.
    Firstly, the very fact of discussing the problem with a teenager or his parents professional choice already worth a lot.
    Secondly, there is a set of fairly accessible and uncomplicated career guidance methods that make it possible to roughly identify a teenager’s professional preferences (for example, “Differential Diagnostic Questionnaire” - abbreviated as “DDO”, “Map of Interests”, “Professional Readiness Questionnaire - Modified” - “OPG- m”, questionnaires “For and against”, “Crossroads”, etc.).
    Thirdly, it is possible to organize the work in such a way that the psychologist works with a microgroup (3-4 people), where the problems of each student are discussed in turn. In this case, you can even organize a kind of “professional consultation” game, where peers will give each other advice and recommendations, which allows you to develop a willingness to navigate various (and not just your own) choice situations.
    Finally, fourthly, a school psychologist can simply “instill” in the mind of the teenager being consulted a feeling of confidence and optimism about his future, which is also worth a lot. At the same time, optimism itself is not just an infantile hope that “everything will be fine,” but the confidence that even in difficult situations the teenager will not be confused and will make a worthy choice (but for this it is important to understand what a “worthy choice” is in general, as opposed to, for example, a standard choice that is vulgar in its unoriginality...).

Of course, in the case of limited conditions for full-fledged career guidance assistance, it is not possible to “cover” all students, so we have to choose those who need such help the most and who are ready to discuss their career guidance problems.

In a school setting, addressing the problem of professional and personal self-determination is possible not only within the framework of specially designated hours and professional consultations. Every teacher and every psychologist, when conducting a variety of activities, can always touch on certain aspects of professional and life choices. As the former Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, famous psychologist A.G. Asmolov noted, the main task schools are not the transfer of knowledge, but the formation of a semantic picture of the world in the student, the world where they are going to live and self-determinate (similar statements can be found in such luminaries of psychology as V. Frankl, G. Munstenberg, etc.). And for a high school student, the main semantic problem is the problem of self-determination, i.e. planning your development after school. And if we really strive to give the student a complete, i.e. systematized knowledge and education, then the core of this system should be precisely the idea of ​​professional self-determination, which any teacher should remember... True, not all teachers and psychologists understand this (they are not “obliged” to understand this) and, as a result, , without a central, integrating idea, school knowledge is often “fragmentary”, “partial” in nature...

And yet, the opportunities for large-scale, systematized career guidance assistance in school are enormous. In this sense, the original title of the article, which reflects the idea of ​​“joint” work in this direction, seems correct. Note that in civilized Western countries the idea of ​​a career is dominant, central not only for educational institutions, but also for the whole society, i.e. the whole society helps to make a young man a career. In our "relatives" Russian conditions one can at least dream that at the level of a particular school the efforts of teachers, psychologists and administration would be integrated in jointly helping the student in professional and personal self-determination. At the same time, the ideal result of such joint assistance should be the formation of a school graduate’s readiness to independently (without the joint help of teachers and psychologists) solve their problems, i.e. readiness for true self-determination.

Choosing a future profession is the problem of a modern teenager.
What do we know about our future? We certainly don’t know anything and can only guess. We often think about it, spend long hours thinking about what will happen tomorrow, in a month, in a year, even in tens of years. And these thoughts sometimes prevent us from noticing what is happening around us, what kind of life we ​​are living now. What is it like for teenagers who are just learning to understand their lives, to understand themselves in the present, and their parents are already demanding a conscious choice of profession, a choice of their future? “It’s not easy for them, of course, but they can’t help but think about the future,” you’ll say, and you’ll be absolutely right.

So, choosing a future profession is not easy, but necessary and even vital. How not to get lost in all the diversity possible options specialties in the modern world, because there are so many of them now? To do this, it is important to have a clear understanding of the goals that you set for your child, and he sets for himself, that is, to understand what exactly drives you in the first place when choosing a profession. Nowadays, one of the leading motives is material well-being, that is, the desire to earn enough money to be able to not deny oneself anything. It’s normal and right to think about your well-being, since you really can’t live without money. But is this motive sufficient and the main one when choosing a future profession?

When thinking about money, do not forget that your child is choosing an occupation for the next (at least) several years. Accordingly, it is this activity that will fill his life, will be his life. And in life it often happens that activities that bring a lot of money do not bring happiness at the same time. This is a simple and banal thought: “Money doesn’t buy happiness.” But it is precisely this simplicity and mediocrity that proves its truth. Therefore, I suggest not to “disown” it.

The potential profitability of the profession is not the main thing. The most important thing, according to modern psychologists, sociologists and ordinary people, is that moral satisfaction, which brings the right profession. “But how can we help him now, when he is only 15-16 years old, to choose the one occupation who will please him long years life? - you ask. Unfortunately, there is no universal way, it is impossible to predict the future, so when a teenager chooses a profession, it is worth first of all thinking about the inclinations, abilities and interests that he already has now. To do this, you can do the following exercise with your child.

This exercise will help you not only assess the number of your child’s abilities and possible career options, but also better understand what these professions are, how they are taught, and who and where people work after receiving their education.

Don’t rush your child and don’t rush yourself, because you are not choosing a birthday cake, of which not a trace will remain after the end of the holiday. You choose the future. And spare no effort or time to really understand the professions that your child has chosen. Try not to put pressure on him, because he chooses his future, not yours. And so that the years of study, money and effort invested in it do not go to waste, and you do not one day hear an accusation addressed to you: “It was you who forced me to go there to study!” - allow, albeit with your help, your child to choose a future profession consciously and independently.

However, it often happens that it is difficult for a child to talk to you about his abilities, and in general it is difficult to talk to you about the future. He begins to be rude, deny it, laugh it off and resist in every possible way. Let's not forget that this is a teenager. Or you can’t choose a profession for other reasons. In this case, you may need professional consultation with a psychologist who will help the child decide to understand his existing abilities, evaluate them, select possible and interesting professions for him and understand which one is best suited for your child.

How to choose a profession
Scheme for solving the problem of choosing a profession (according to E.A. Klimov)

The process of solving a choice problem includes five operations (set of actions):

1st operation - to create for yourself a general orientation in the world of professions and a set of personal qualities that are important when choosing a profession;

2nd operation - find out the needs of the district, city, region in personnel, where your heads, knowledge, hands, young enthusiasm are most needed;

3rd operation - use a variety of sources to gain knowledge about professions: books, television, cinema, excursions to enterprises, etc.

4th operation - make a conclusion about the most suitable type of profession, then class, department, group of specialties;

5th operation - make a conclusion about the first step towards mastering your chosen profession, undergo role-playing practice. Here it is important to consult with a doctor, class teacher, teachers, older family members, and representatives of the profession being studied.

But the final decision must be made by yourself.