How to help your child become attentive presentation. How to help your child define himself. determines the process of a person’s self-determination, his choice of one or another type of activity and means of achievement. Helping children study

The grades our children receive are evaluations of their work. Sometimes it turns out that student performance decreases compared to the previous school year or compared to the previous quarter. Why is this happening? Why don’t our children want to study and, as a result, get bad grades?

  • - The marks that our children receive are assessments of their work. Sometimes it turns out that student performance decreases compared to the previous school year or compared to the previous quarter. Why is this happening? Why don’t our children want to study and, as a result, get bad grades?
The learning process requires attention and passion. These variables depend on the child's interest and motivation. The teacher is an intermediary between the student and the world of knowledge.
  • The learning process requires attention and passion. These variables depend on the child's interest and motivation. The teacher is an intermediary between the student and the world of knowledge.
Why does the student study at all? Why does he make such significant efforts every day to do this? If you observe the behavior of some parents, you can come to the conclusion that only fear of punishment forces a child to study. Of course, sometimes one should be strict, but forcing oneself to perform well as a permanent means cannot be considered any reliable and effective way her achievements. It only intensifies the aversion to school, learning or certain subjects.
  • Why does the student study at all? Why does he make such significant efforts every day to do this? If you observe the behavior of some parents, you can come to the conclusion that only fear of punishment forces a child to study. Of course, sometimes one should be strict, but forcing oneself to perform well as a permanent means cannot be considered a reliable and effective way to achieve it. It only intensifies the aversion to school, learning or certain subjects.
The student wants to acquire new knowledge at school. This is especially noticeable among first-graders. Mastering reading immediately brings children one step closer to adults. Now you no longer need to ask to read a fairy tale. The child sees firsthand the benefits of acquiring a new ability.
  • The student wants to acquire new knowledge at school. This is especially noticeable among first-graders. Mastering reading immediately brings children one step closer to adults. Now you no longer need to ask to read a fairy tale. The child sees firsthand the benefits of acquiring a new ability.
The student strives for self-affirmation and recognition from adults. Only in action does it become clear to him what he can already do and what he cannot yet, whether he grows spiritually or remains at the same level.
  • The student strives for self-affirmation and recognition from adults. Only in action does it become clear to him what he can already do and what he cannot yet, whether he grows spiritually or remains at the same level.
  • We live in a society, and like all people, we want to receive recognition from our neighbors. The most natural path to such recognition is our work in the team and for the team. Let us rejoice with our children in their success and the recognition they deserve.
Do you think this goes without saying? Surveys have shown that parents of low-performing students show almost no joy, even if their children bring home excellent grades, while parents of high-achieving children are happy if their child gets just good grades. Paradox.
  • Do you think this goes without saying? Surveys have shown that parents of low-performing students show almost no joy, even if their children bring home excellent grades, while parents of high-achieving children are happy if their child gets just good grades. Paradox.
A child sometimes works worse because his attention is diverted to some other things. For example, the child is bothered by thoughts about home, sexual issues, fantasies, or obsessive thoughts.
  • A child sometimes works worse because his attention is diverted to some other things. For example, the child is bothered by thoughts about home, sexual issues, fantasies, or obsessive thoughts.
Children may perform poorly as a result of deliberate avoidance of learning. This is especially pronounced among those teenagers who refuse to go to school, thereby trying to express a protest against the value system of adults. Some fairly intelligent children refuse education, believing that it is not worth the work that has to be done to obtain it.
  • Children may perform poorly as a result of deliberate avoidance of learning. This is especially pronounced among those teenagers who refuse to go to school, thereby trying to express a protest against the value system of adults. Some fairly intelligent children refuse education, believing that it is not worth the work that has to be done to obtain it.
In some cases, the child may associate the learning process with painful or unpleasant sensations. A similar situation arises if parents punish a child for failure. It may happen that the child will begin to associate punishment with learning and will avoid it. This can also happen when among the child’s peers they despise children who carry out the teacher’s tasks at school and at home, or consider them “suckers.” If a successful child is called a “crammer” by his friends, he may decide that he should not strive for success in school.
  • In some cases, the child may associate the learning process with painful or unpleasant sensations. A similar situation arises if parents punish a child for failure. It may happen that the child will begin to associate punishment with learning and will avoid it. This can also happen when among the child’s peers they despise children who carry out the teacher’s tasks at school and at home, or consider them “suckers.” If a successful child is called a “crammer” by his friends, he may decide that he should not strive for success in school.
Many people, but not the student himself, are racking their brains over how to improve their performance. Despite all this, he remains completely indifferent and even begins to enjoy his role as a passive observer. We often see how such students view their coming to extra classes as a great “favor” on their part.
  • Many people, but not the student himself, are racking their brains over how to improve their performance. Despite all this, he remains completely indifferent and even begins to enjoy his role as a passive observer. We often see how such students view their coming to extra classes as a great “favor” on their part.
Should I help my child study? Of course yes. It is much more important to first think about using his own existing motives for learning so that he himself wants to learn, he himself takes care of eliminating gaps in his knowledge, he himself asks friends and relatives for help.
  • Should I help my child study? Of course yes. It is much more important to first think about using his own existing motives for learning so that he himself wants to learn, he himself takes care of eliminating gaps in his knowledge, he himself asks friends and relatives for help.
Try using the following with your child:
  • Try using the following with your child:
  • How does the process of “scolding” a child for bad grades usually happen? A tirade sounds: “Look at how Masha (Vanya, Tanya, etc.) studies. And you...? What did you bring in the diary?!”
  • This does not cause anything but hostility towards parents, an ardent desire for them to leave behind as quickly as possible, and hatred for Masha (Vanya, Tanya, etc.). And it would be strange if there was a different reaction.
But you need to encourage your child to compete with other children, to encourage his ambition to take action! So what to do? What should I say?
  • But you need to encourage your child to compete with other children, to encourage his ambition to take action! So what to do? What should I say?
  • Create a pleasant, cozy atmosphere. Take a notepad, ruler, pen, calculator. Bring a journal or workbooks for all subjects. Try not to spoil the mood with comments about an unfilled diary and sloppy notebooks.
  • Together with your child, calculate the sum of the last grades received in all subjects, not forgetting physical education, drawing and labor. This is your child's life, and everything in it is important.
  • The maximum amount can be 50 points. That's 10 "5" ratings. Minimum – 10 points. That's 10 ratings of 1.
  • All of your child's other achievements will fall between these two numbers. We explain to the child that this is the beginning of his competition with himself. These are his initial successes.
  • Tip #1.
We explain to him that after every 10 marks received, we will repeat this procedure and see how the child grows and who will win this competition: he, who has grown a little, is new, or he is former! If, during subsequent calculations, your child begins to learn 1 or 2 points better, this is very important.
  • We explain to him that after every 10 marks received, we will repeat this procedure and see how the child grows and who will win this competition: he, who has grown a little, is new, or he is former! If, during subsequent calculations, your child begins to learn 1 or 2 points better, this is very important.
  • Children really like this simple procedure. It will help them strive to surpass themselves!
Consolidating a new skill requires from 50 to 200 repetitions with mandatory intervals between them for consolidation. Therefore, do not demand the impossible from your child! Let him read, do something, then return to what he read.
  • Consolidating a new skill requires from 50 to 200 repetitions with mandatory intervals between them for consolidation. Therefore, do not demand the impossible from your child! Let him read, do something, then return to what he read.
  • Tip #2.
Teach your child to listen and “draw a picture” in his mind of what the teacher is talking about, without being distracted at all. Have fun by trying and practicing at home. Tell him something, and he will describe the picture that arises in his mind. Having learned this, your offspring will spend less time on homework, since he will understand a lot in class.
  • Teach your child to listen and “draw a picture” in his mind of what the teacher is talking about, without being distracted at all. Have fun by trying and practicing at home. Tell him something, and he will describe the picture that arises in his mind. Having learned this, your offspring will spend less time on homework, since he will understand a lot in class.
  • Tip #3.
What is difficult is what is not clear. Therefore, explain every incomprehensible word to your child. Teach him to use dictionaries and encyclopedias that are appropriate for his age.
  • What is difficult is what is not clear. Therefore, explain every incomprehensible word to your child. Teach him to use dictionaries and encyclopedias that are appropriate for his age.
  • Tip #4.
You need to think out loud in front of the child, analyze, reason. You need to think with your child together, plan, discuss. Decide life situations. Teach your own child to think - main responsibility parent!
  • You need to think out loud in front of the child, analyze, reason. You need to think with your child together, plan, discuss. Solve life situations. Teaching your own child to think is the main responsibility of a parent!
  • Tip #5.
Take advantage of D. Carnegie’s advice:
  • Take advantage of D. Carnegie’s advice:
  • Start with praise and sincere recognition of the child's strengths.
  • When calling attention to errors, do so in an indirect form.
  • Ask questions instead of orders.
  • Praise your child even for modest success.
  • Tip #6.
Make sure your child goes to bed on time. A sleep-deprived child is a sad sight in the classroom.
  • Make sure your child goes to bed on time. A sleep-deprived child is a sad sight in the classroom.
  • Let your child see your interest in the tasks.
  • Read for yourself, let the child see that free time can be spent not only in front of the TV.
  • Don't talk bad about school or criticize teachers in front of your children.
  • Take part in the life of the class and school as much as possible.
  • Please note the following:
Of course, there is no single rule for everyone and for all occasions. Every child is unique. You need to convince your child of the importance of becoming a knowledgeable and hardworking person. If we want our children to avoid academic problems, we need to work patiently in this direction.
  • Of course, there is no single rule for everyone and for all occasions. Every child is unique. You need to convince your child of the importance of becoming a knowledgeable and hardworking person. If we want our children to avoid academic problems, we need to work patiently in this direction.


25. 09.2015


- SUCCESS there!"


How to improve performance in the classroom?

  • Results of 5th grade.
  • Interim assessments

educational activities

  • Speeches by subject teachers
  • Miscellaneous.

Results of the first quarter

  • Quality of knowledge – 53%
  • Excellent students (2): Kayutkina Lyubov,

Poslova Tatyana

  • Good guys (8): Antonova Irina;

Belozerova Karina; Kalbin

Kirill; Lysyak Olesya; Finoshina Polina;

Volkman Pavel; Frolov Ilya.


  • The student's attitude towards learning activities in the classroom.
  • Student's attitude towards doing homework.
  • initiative;
  • integrity;
  • responsibility;
  • performance;
  • desire to work extra, etc.

Good knowledge of the child "Two Sides of Personality"

Positive psychological properties

Negative psychological properties

focused on goals, focused on winning, self-confident, hardworking, ambitious, energetic.

Helping children study

should go in three directions:

  • organization of the daily routine;
  • control over homework completion;
  • teaching children to be independent.

Questioning parents

1. Which subject is the most difficult for your child to study?

2. What are the reasons for the child’s learning difficulties in this subject?

3. What types of homework are most difficult to complete?

4. Has your child asked the teacher for help?

5. Do you control your child’s educational activities?

6. How do you monitor his educational activities?

Tips for parents:

Never call your child stupid, etc.

Praise your child for any success, no matter how small.

Every day, look through your notebooks and diary without any complaints, calmly ask for an explanation of this or that fact, and then ask how you can help.

Love your child and instill confidence in him every day.

  • “I want you to clean the bathroom immediately. Get started."
  • "Lunch is ready. When are you going to set the table?”
  • “You won’t go outside to play until you clean your room.”
  • “I don’t allow you to play in the snow. You'll catch a cold."

Solution parent meeting:

  • Monitor execution homework.
  • Checking diaries.
  • Find out assignments on activated days.
  • Attendance of lessons by parents whose children violate discipline.
  • Invite behavior offenders to the parent committee at school.

Parent meeting decision:

  • Mobile phones are kept during lessons...
  • Calling children during lessons regarding personal matters is prohibited.

Parent meeting

“How to help your child study”

Target: Improving the pedagogical culture of parents on the issue of helping their child learn; integration of the efforts of the family and teachers in activities to develop the child’s personality.


Inform parents about the features of the second generation standards;

About the reasons periodic change academic performance and cognitive decline

Student interest;

Determine the level of attention that parents pay to their child;

Develop common approaches to solving the problem that has arisen.

Equipment and materials:computer, presentation in ppt format, student work, diagnostic test results.

Progress of the meeting

I. Organizational moment

An educated person differs from an uneducated person in that he continues to consider his education incomplete. - K. Simonov
When you study a lot, not only your face, but also your body acquires an intelligent expression. Friedrich Nietzsche

Don't be afraid that you don't know - be afraid that you don't learn. - Chinese aphorism

II. Speech by the class teacher

Slide 2

Children these days have to absorb a lot of information. This happens day after day and piles up like a snowball. Each of us is familiar with the expression: “Learning is light.” And I would also like to add that teaching is good, it makes a person wiser, kinder, richer both spiritually and materially (which is important in our time). In a rapidly changing world, systematic changes are taking place in the education system. So today our children study according to the new educational standards of the second generation. And so what is the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO.

(Presentation about standards)

Education does not consist in the amount of knowledge, but in the full understanding and skillful application of everything that you know. - G. Hegel

But no matter what standards are adopted, no matter what methods teachers use, there will always be children for whom studying is burdensome, and homework is generally a terrible punishment.

How to make learning desirable and attractive, how to help a child with his studies?

There is a category of parents who are frivolous about how their child studies and does homework, explaining that since the child was sent to school to study, then let the school teach. Control over the completion of homework is limited to the question “Have you written samples? Well done". We often hear phrases like this: “Why check it? After all, this is 1st grade, he’s just learning, he does it the way he gets it,” “Now the program is different, I don’t understand anything about it.” It’s good if the child can cope on his own, but what if not?

Psychologists have long proven that children’s responsible approach to homework contributes not only to learning, but also to the development of skills that are essential not only in school, but also in life: organization, readiness to solve problems, attention, memory, ability to formulate challenge, perseverance and discipline.
Slide 3

No matter how old a child is, he needs parental help. But how can working, always busy parents help? The simplest excuse about your own ignorance of the material is not a reason to avoid helping your child. It is not at all necessary to master the theory of the material that your child is studying; you do not have to solve problems and do exercises for him. The main thing you can do for him is to support him morally, create the necessary conditions. In a word, do not withdraw yourself in the process of raising and educating your child.

Slide 4.

Doing homework by schoolchildren is an obligatory part of their studies. The absolute duty of parents is to establish the process of preparing homework. A child should feel a sense of responsibility for what he does, because it is the key to success in school and life.

Slide 5.

Cultivating a sense of responsibility is inseparable from the ability to complete the work started.

One more point is important. “First of all, the student must be seen as a person, and not as a repository of knowledge that must be acquired, assimilated, and assimilated. Knowledge only becomes a blessing when it is born from the fusion of the internal spiritual forces of man and the world that is being cognized...” V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

About competitions. Now there is a wave of participation in competitions. This is very good! But this should not become an end in itself. The child should have a need for the process of completing tasks, and not for the end result of the competition. When Vika first went to the competition, it was not my suggestion, but her desire, “Is there still a difficult task,” and a completely different situation - the child is just giving me the completed tasks, and is already asking, “When will the diploma be available?” Children should participate in competitions only at their own request, and not at their parents’ request.

What to do if a child does not participate in competitions, does not cope with the school curriculum and does not do homework? Don’t panic, don’t immediately label him a quitter and don’t exclaim in a panic: “I don’t know what to do with him.” First, try to understand the reasons that led to this situation.

Slide 6.

These may include the following:

  1. Objective difficulties, lack of understanding of a specific topic. It may be that they stem from the relationship between the teacher and the child: children are reluctant to study the subject (even if it interests them) because they do not understand the teacher (for example: speaks quickly or difficultly, loudly or quietly, is too demanding or strict and vice versa etc.) In more frequent cases, the child’s attention is distracted by extraneous things (toys, an apple, a computer at home, etc.), hence the inattention when acquiring new knowledge and the inability to reproduce it.
  2. The desire to attract the attention of adults. In families where parents, in their everyday haste, do not give their children basic human warmth, this is the only way to attract attention.
  3. Spoiled: Excessive care can lead to dictatorship on the part of the child.
  4. Fear of failure, which prevents a child from concentrating. A similar situation arises if parents or a teacher punish a child for failure. It may also happen that the child will associate punishment with learning, as a result of which his general educational knowledge will be insufficient.

III. Analysis of student questionnaires“Studying attitudes towards academic subjects”

Classroom teacher.It is the active presence of parents in the lives of children that gives them a sense of security and self-confidence. Such children are sociable, resourceful, and able to understand various social situations.

If parents are overly demanding and do not give the child independence, then the children lose faith in themselves, they develop uncertainty, which leads to difficulties in relationships with others and to difficulties in their studies.

When parents are not at all interested in the life of their child, voluntarily or unwittingly avoid communicating with him, the child may fall under the influence of the first “authorities” that come across, which will lead to conflicts at school, misunderstanding at home, a decrease in academic performance and the disappearance of interest in learning.

We can conclude that the school, of course, bears responsibility for raising children, but still the main educational environment is the family: the child’s behavior and, of course, the desire to learn depend on the relationship between parents and children. Having found out the causes of the problem, you need to look for ways to solve them

IV. Solving pedagogical situations.

Slide 7

Situation one: the child is desperate because he cannot solve the problem. At the same time, it answers your questions about its content with difficulty or does not answer at all. How should a parent who may not be good at math act in this situation?

Slide 8.

Situation two: the day before, the child studied history for a long time and persistently, but the strict teacher demanded not only the reproduction of the content of the paragraph, but also asked a number of questions about it. The result is a “three”. The child declares that he will not study the subject again because it is “useless.” What to do?

V. Advice on the problem being solved.

There is no pill that can cure all diseases at once. The same goes for the education process. But there are no hopeless situations. What to do if it is extremely difficult to force your child to study? It is necessary to find such motivation that the child would want to complete the proposed work, so that not only the result, but also the process of doing the work itself would be pleasant for the child. Encourage your child for homework done well, praise him, and be happy about his results associated with a positive mark. Form a culture of mental work in your child, ask what additional literature can be used to complete homework well. Consult with subject teachers if you see that your child is having difficulty preparing homework (slides 10-17).

There is no single rule for everyone and for all occasions. Each child is unique, and so is our relationship with him. The philosopher Rousseau said:“Let the children do what they want, but they should want what the teacher wants.”If we want our children not to have problems with their academic performance and not to develop a reluctance to learn, then not only teachers, but also parents must constantly improve their knowledge about their child. This is the key to success. They know their child better than anyone and are more likely to come to the rescue if he or she has problems in school. Only the parents themselves, having analyzed the current situation in detail, will be able to understand what caused the reluctance to learn.

VI. Reading technique results, independent work in mathematics, Russian language

VII. Selecting a foreign language

VIII. Decision of the parent meeting.

  1. Parents spend more time with their children and, together with them, develop a program of action to solve problems that arise.
  2. Encourage ongoing collaboration between parents, children and teachers.

It is NECESSARY to cultivate in a child a sense of responsibility for what he does. A sense of responsibility is the key to success in school and life.

Cultivating a sense of responsibility is inseparable from the ability to bring something started to completion

Objective difficulties Desire to attract the attention of adults Spoiledness Fear of failure REASONS WHY A CHILD FAILS WITH THE SCHOOL PROGRAM

Situation one: The child is in despair because he cannot solve the problem. At the same time, he answers your questions about its content with difficulty or does not answer at all. How should a parent, who may not be good at mathematics himself, act in this situation?

Situation two The day before, the child spent a long time and persistently learning about the world around him. But the strict teacher demanded not only a reproduction of the content of the paragraph, but also asked a number of questions about it. The result is a “three”. The child declares that he will not study the subject again because it is “useless.” What should I do?

WHAT TO DO if it is extremely difficult to get someone to work. You need to find such motivation so that the child wants to do the proposed work, so that not only the result, but also the process of doing the work itself is pleasant for the child.

You CANNOT set any conditions. This teaches the child to study only for the sake of something. Studying for fear of being punished leads to the child developing an aversion to learning and school.

NOTE TO PARENTS: The child needs to be interested in studying. Repeat unobtrusively: “You get knowledge for yourself.”

NOTE TO PARENTS During the learning process, a child should be strengthened in the idea that his mental abilities are not limited

NOTE TO PARENTS Encourage your child to think when he is doing homework, this stimulates mental activity and develops interest in certain knowledge

PRAISE YOUR CHILD Show him that he is capable of much and you believe in his strength Eliminate insults from your communication with your child

Parents know their child best and are more likely to come to the rescue if he or she has problems in school. Parents must constantly improve their knowledge about their child. This is the key to success!

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“The greatest mistake you can make in parenting is to rush too much.” J. Rousseau

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What does it mean to study well? Be hardworking, not lazy, prepare conscientiously for all lessons. Be curious, read a lot. Be attentive in class. Be able to reflect, think, be smart, savvy. Be kind and in a good mood.

8 slide

What, in your opinion, ensures the success of a lesson? The child’s readiness for the lesson (availability of homework and school supplies) The child’s attentiveness and cognitive activity Parents’ awareness of how the child’s educational affairs are going, their interest in the child’s successful educational activities.

Slide 9

Based on the above, it follows: The child should take homework seriously, and parents should look at their notebooks and diary every day; if necessary, ask for an explanation of a particular fact, and then ask how you can help. Stimulate your child’s cognitive activity and develop his curiosity.

10 slide

Weekly teaching load in primary school: in Russia - 20-24 hours In Finland and Germany - 28-32 hours Food for thought

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The maximum amount of homework in accordance with the requirements of clause 2.9 of SanPin 2.4.2 1178-02 1 grade - 1 hour from the 2nd half of the year 2 grades - 1.5 hours 3 grades-4 grades - 2 hours

12 slide

Name the problems in your opinion: Why do our children lose interest in learning?

Slide 13

Situations Within 5 minutes, you must familiarize yourself with them and present your versions, one of which shows how not to act in this situation, and the other, how to do the right thing.

Slide 14

Situation 1 The child is in despair because he cannot solve the problem. At the same time, it answers your questions about its content with difficulty or does not answer at all. How should a parent who may not be good at math act in this situation? 1. What should I do? 2.What should not be done?

15 slide

Situation 2 The day before, the child had been preparing the world around him for a long time and persistently. But the teacher demanded not only a reproduction of the content of the paragraph, but also asked a number of questions about it. As a result, only a “three”. The child declares that he will not study the subject again because it is “useless.” What to do? 1. What should I do? 2.What should not be done?

16 slide

Situation 3 When you come home from work, you find your child in tears. After talking with the child, you understand that he does not know how to write an essay: where to start, what is its logic, how to choose the main thing. But the biggest difficulty is that the child is absolutely sure that he will never succeed. In addition, his friends have been waiting for him for a long time to play football in the yard. How to help a child without breaking him? 1. What should I do? 2. What should not be done?

Slide 17

Advice for parents on supporting their child in educational activities. Rule one: don't hit someone who's down. “D” is a sufficient punishment, and you should not punish twice for the same mistakes. The child has already received an assessment of his knowledge, and at home he expects calm help from his parents, and not new reproaches.

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Rule two: no more than one flaw per minute. If possible, choose from the many shortcomings of the child the one that you want to eliminate first, and talk only about it. The rest will be overcome later or will simply turn out to be unimportant. Otherwise, your child will stop responding to your words and become insensitive to your assessments.

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Rule four: praise the performer, criticize the performance. The assessment must have an exact address. The child usually believes that his entire personality is being evaluated. Praise should be addressed to the individual. A positive assessment should refer to a person who has become a little more knowledgeable and skillful. If, thanks to your praise, the child begins to respect himself for these qualities, then you will lay another important foundation for the desire to learn.

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Rule five: the assessment should compare the child’s today’s successes with his own yesterday’s failures. There is no need to compare a child with the successes of another. After all, even the smallest success of a child is a real victory over oneself, and it should be noticed and appreciated.

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Teach him to control whether he has achieved them or not. Do not insist that he complete an excessive number of additional examples, problems, equations without errors and corrections. Rule six: set accessible goals for your child

Slide 23

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Exercise 1. Choose as many headings for the story as possible. In the fall, my dad brought me a small onion. He said that the onion contains joy. Mom took the pot with the onion to the basement. A month later a sprout appeared. I put the potty in the bathroom. Covered the sprout with a paper cap. He needed coolness. Here's a bud peeking out. I moved the flower to the window. Before the New Year, blue fragrant flowers opened. It was a hyacinth. Hyacinth decorated our festive table. This is the joy that was in the gray onion.

25 slide

Exercise 2 Retell it as briefly as possible, using 1-4 sentences. In the fall, my dad brought me a small onion. He said that the onion contains joy. Mom took the pot with the onion to the basement. A month later a sprout appeared. I put the potty in the bathroom. Covered the sprout with a paper cap. He needed coolness. Here's a bud peeking out. I moved the flower to the window. Before the New Year, blue fragrant flowers opened. It was a hyacinth. Hyacinth decorated our festive table. This is the joy that was in the gray onion.

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Exercise H. “Expressing thoughts in other words.” This summer will be very warm.

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Description of the presentation individual slides:

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If you feel nervous about “going” to a parent-teacher conference, try to visualize your child sitting next to you at the meeting. Imagine that he sees and hears everything that you hear. Having his image present will support you as his protector and make you feel more like his parent. If you help your child do his homework, then the main criterion for you should be Feedback from him it’s like “I understand or I don’t understand,” and not what mark he will receive tomorrow in class for the understanding he has jointly achieved with you. Your task is to provide your child with an atmosphere of safe learning, regardless of his or her relationship with the teacher and school performance. And, naturally, emphasize that your feelings for him and your attitude towards yourself do not depend on the grades he brings from school.

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Some parents are very nervous about their children's grades, as if these grades were given to them themselves. This happens because parents unconsciously view the child's grade received at school as an assessment of their parental success.

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Why children can, but do not want to study? Strange as it may sound for people over thirty, but today's children often do not want to study for a very simple reason: they do not know at all what it is for. There is such a very good children's joke. A boy comes to his mother and says: - Mom, say “fun.” - Why is this? - Feeling some kind of catch, the mother asks suspiciously. - Well, just say: “fun.” - What does this even mean? - Don’t ask anything, just say: “fun!” - Yes, I won’t say any nonsense! - You will not? So don't force me then English language learn!

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For today's children, the announcement that they must study is an empty phrase. Statements that only by studying can one get a good job in life are also quite dubious. Our children are not stupid at all and every day they see people who, even if they learned something well, clearly did not do it at school. And yet, these people are perfectly (often much better than parents who advocate education) “settled” in life.

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So what to do? The only way out is to show children every day, at every opportunity, that knowledge and education make a person’s life more interesting, more fulfilling, and expand the boundaries of the world available to him.

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Sometimes children's academic performance suffers due to conflicts at school. In middle grades (5-8) this is especially common. The child claims to be a leader, but does not have the strength or ability to lead others. A new, not very sociable student came to a class where relationships had already been established. He has no friends, during recess he stands alone against the wall, not daring to take part in the noisy games of his classmates, and does not respond to clumsy “tricks” or attempts to involve him in communication. Gradually, such a child becomes a scapegoat and, as a result, cannot study well and does not want to go to school.

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Sometimes the reason for studying below capacity or even failure is the immaturity of the child’s cognitive interests. Such children, as a rule, grow up in single-parent or socially disadvantaged families, from the very beginning early years left to their own devices.

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Reading and non-reading children It's no secret that today more and more children grow up without picking up a book. Their literary experience in this case is limited to comics, more or less random magazines, and subsequently to sluggish attempts to master the works of the school curriculum in an abbreviated form. What to do? Read with him!

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Overload The “working day” of an ordinary student sometimes reaches 8-10 hours. Some children, in addition to general education school, also attend numerous additional classes! Constant conditions of time limitation - both in a regular lesson and when performing test work. The total number of teaching hours in week for students last years hasn't changed. But at the same time, the number of hours allocated to studying mathematics and the Russian language has decreased. This means that today's student has to master the same amount of material in a much shorter time. What to do? Avoid overload.

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TV, video and computer. Benefit or harm? Advice one. Limit the time your child spends in front of the TV and computer screen. For a child over 10 years old. TV or VCR - no more than three hours a day with mandatory breaks after every hour. Computer - no more than two hours daily, with mandatory breaks every half hour. Tip two. Do not neglect generally known safety rules. You can watch modern color TV from a distance of at least one and a half meters. For older TVs, this distance should not be less than two meters. If your computer does not have a very modern monitor, be sure to purchase an additional protective screen.

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Tip three. If a child suffers from neuropathy, neurosis, MMD, night terrors or has other neurological disorders, it is necessary to significantly limit viewing of “horror stories”, bloody action films and programs that overly excite the child.

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Tip four. Don't forget that Twentieth Century Wonders is not only entertainment, but also a powerful tool for a child's learning and education.

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How much time should you spend communicating with your child? “How much time do you spend with your child?” - You've probably come across this question in questionnaires for parents. “We need to be with children more,” they write in numerous pedagogical articles. However, if you ask a child how much time he spent with mom or dad on Sunday, he is unlikely to be accurate. What matters to a child is not the amount of time spent with him, but how it is spent. Sometimes ten minutes spent in a cordial conversation means much more to a child than a whole day spent with you, but when you, holding back a yawn, were simply present in his games.

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