Drawings of products made of graded metal. Properties of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Drawings of rolled steel parts. Reflection on learning activities

Second generation GEF lesson notes. Technology 6th grade.

Routing lesson

Subject: Technology

Textbook (UMK): A.T. Tishchenko, V.D. Simonenko

Lesson topic: Drawings of rolled steel parts. Using a computer to develop graphic documentation. Reading assembly drawings.

ETC. Reading individual part and assembly drawings.

Lesson type: combined

Equipment: Samples of completed drawings, workbooks, textbook, drawing supplies.

Multimedia equipment. Textbook of technology V.D. Simonenko.

Planned results

Subject - students get acquainted with assembly drawings, sketch a part of one of the products, learn to read the assembly drawing of the product.

Meta-subject (MSD): regulatory - transform a practical task into a cognitive one, communicative - the ability to work in a group when completing a task, the ability to collaborate with a teacher, cognitive - what is an assembly drawing? In what cases do the drawings show not one view, but two or more? etc. Personal – the ability to conduct self-analysis of the work performed, the development of hard work and responsibility for the quality of one’s activities.

Basic Concepts: assembly drawing, assembly drawing reading.

Motivation stage(self-determination for activity) -org. moment, we create a problem by showing a slide with an image of an assembly drawing.

Question: What are the rules for depicting technical drawings, sketches and drawings of parts made of wood and sheet metal.

What dimensions are indicated on the drawings?

Updating knowledge and recording individual difficulties in problematic action.

In order to update knowledge, a short conversation is held with students, during which the following questions are asked:

In what cases do the drawings show not one view, but two or more? (Cognitive UUD - acquire new knowledge in the process of observation and reasoning)

What dimensions are indicated on assembly drawings? (regulatory UUD - independently read the assembly drawing);

(cognitive UUD) - What is an assembly drawing?

In order to update knowledge, a conversation is held with students, during which the following questions are asked:

1.What is the difference between assembly drawings of wood and metal products? (Cognitive UUD - acquire new knowledge in the process of observation and reasoning)

2. State the procedure for reading an assembly drawing from a rolled section (Regulatory UUD - independently find the necessary information in the textbook)

3.What is an assembly drawing? What does the expression "overall dimensions" mean? (Cognitive UUD – search and select necessary information to solve an educational problem - in a textbook, encyclopedia, Internet.)

Formulating the topic of the lesson.

What do you think we will learn today?

Having found out the children’s opinion, the teacher clarifies the role of the drawing in the design of products (updating students’ knowledge, regulatory UUD - goal setting)

Practical work

The teacher organizes the updating of methods for studying actions sufficient to build new knowledge.

Trial action (task) - Look at Figure 61, complete workbook sketch of one of the parts: a screwdriver. template, corner - or sketch of a part from your creative project.

Do the experiment: stretch and release springs made of steel (hardened) and copper wire. Draw a conclusion about the elasticity of steel and copper.

Read the assembly drawing shown in Figure 62.

Complete the table in your workbook

The teacher checks the correctness of the task, identifying difficulties in the trial action.

Fixing the problem:

Incorrect definition of dimensions. Incorrect determination of the number of views in the drawing (ways to solve the problem)

Way out of the problem:

Once again, the teacher talks about the need to be able to read assembly drawings, to be able to draw drawings of individual parts, thereby organizing students to explore problematic situation(UUD - communicative, joint problem solving)

3. Reflection on learning activities

At this stage of summing up the lesson, the teacher asks the children questions, by answering which he can judge the mastery of this material.

Questions: What is an assembly drawing?

In what cases do the drawings show not one view, but two or more?

What is the difference between assembly drawings of wood and metal products?

What dimensions are indicated on the assembly drawing?

What new knowledge have you gained for yourself?

Can the knowledge acquired today be useful in life?

The teacher invites the boys to evaluate their work in class. (Personal UUD - adequate understanding of the reasons for success/failure in educational activities.)

House. exercise: repeat § No. 16.

Manufacturing of products from rolled products. The connection of parts can be permanent or detachable. Permanent connections of parts are obtained using rivets, welding, soldering, glue, detachable connections - using bolts, screws, studs, nuts. The manufacture of products from rolled products in training workshops includes the following metalwork operations: marking using a ruler and calipers; cutting with plumber's scissors and a hacksaw; cutting in a vice and on a stove; filing with a file; bending in a vice; connecting parts with bolts and nuts; connecting parts with rivets; finishing of products. In production, these operations are performed by a mechanic.

Slide 10 from the presentation “Cast iron and steel” for chemistry lessons on the topic “Ferrous metallurgy”

Dimensions: 960 x 720 pixels, format: jpg. To download a free slide for use in a chemistry lesson, right-click on the image and click “Save Image As...”. You can download the entire presentation “Cast iron and steel.ppt” in a 225 KB zip archive.

Download presentation

Ferrous metallurgy

“Metal casting” - Types of casting. Afterwards the resulting metal is cleaned. Protective covers, fluxes, deoxidizers. Fuse. Sanding removes oxides from the sculpture, revealing a clean surface. Melting and casting of metals. Depending on the degree and nature of contamination, the charge material is subjected to various treatments. Casting. Used in its pure form heavy metals: tin, lead, zinc.

“Metal processing” - B last years The production of church utensils has been mastered: lamps of various shapes, frames for icons, crosses, panagias. If a filigree ornament is made on a metal background or wood, then a pattern is applied to the background surface, according to which, after a series of operations, the filigree is soldered or glued. Already in ancient times, the art of metal processing existed in Rus', which consisted of making openwork patterns reminiscent of lace from wire of various thicknesses (smooth or flattened).

“The Age of Metals” - Gold and platinum are found only in free form. Most often included in the Bronze Age, but sometimes considered a separate period. Tsar Cannon Tsar Bell Colossus of Rhodes. Application. Biological role. Stone tools were made from various types stone I am hard, malleable and plastic, brilliant, needed by everyone, practical.

“Obtaining metals” - Metallurgy deals with the extraction of metals from ores. The prevalence of metals in nature. Very active metals. Moderate activity. Methods for obtaining metals. Electrolysis. The most important ores. Inactive (noble). Finding metals in nature. Nacl (melt) na+ + cl- cathode(--) anode(+) na+ + 1? na o 2cl -- 2? cl2 (reduction) (oxidation).

“Steel” - Increases strength, wear resistance and imparts anti-friction and elastic qualities. Rice. Thermal and chemical-thermal treatment of metals. E – hard magnetic steel for permanent magnets. Silicon (Si) - is introduced for deoxidation. 1. For example, E21 is electrical steel, contains 2% silicon and about 0.1% carbon.

Educational technological map.

The purpose of the lesson:

educational : to form concepts about long products and methods of obtaining them.

Developmental : develop logic of thinking, develop creative potential, skill

analyze, compare and draw informed conclusions based on comparison.

Educating : to cultivate interest in learning, to cultivate diligence, accuracy,

perseverance, aesthetic feelings, a sense of responsibility for one’s work.

Planned results:

Subject - students become familiar with assembly drawings, sketch a part of one of the products, and learn to read the assembly drawing of the product.

Metasubject (UUD): regulatory - transform a practical task into a cognitive one, communicative - the ability to work in a group when completing a task, the ability to collaborate with a teacher, cognitive - what is an assembly drawing? In what cases do the drawings show not one view, but two or more? etc.

Personal – the ability to conduct self-analysis of the work performed, develop diligence and responsibility for the quality of one’s activities.

Basic Concepts : assembly drawing, reading an assembly drawing.

Lesson type: combined

Equipment : Samples of completed drawings, workbooks, textbook, drawing supplies.

During the classes.

1. Motivation stage (self-determination for activity) - org. moment, we create a problem by showing a slide with an image of an assembly drawing.

Question : What are the rules for depicting technical drawings, sketches and drawings of parts made of wood and sheet metal.

What dimensions are indicated on the drawings?

2. Updating knowledge and recording individual difficulties in a problematic action.

In order to update knowledge, a short conversation is held with students, during which the following questions are asked:

- In what cases do the drawings show not one view, but two or more?

(Cognitive UUD - acquire new knowledge in the process of observation and reasoning)

What dimensions are indicated on assembly drawings? (regulatory UUD - independently read the assembly drawing);

(cognitive UUD) –What is an assembly drawing?

In order to update knowledge, a conversation is held with students, during which the following questions are asked:

1.What is the difference between assembly drawings of wood and metal products? (Cognitive UUD - acquire new knowledge in the process of observation and reasoning)

2. State the procedure for reading an assembly drawing from a rolled section (Regulatory UUD - independently find the necessary information in the textbook)

3.What is an assembly drawing? What does the expression "overall dimensions" mean? (Cognitive learning activities - search and select the necessary information to solve an educational problem - in a textbook, encyclopedia, Internet.)

3. Formulation of the topic of the lesson.

What do you think we will learn today?

Having found out the children’s opinion, the teacher clarifies the role of the drawing in the design of products (updating students’ knowledge, regulatory UUD - goal setting)

4. Practical work.

The teacher organizes the updating of methods for studying actions sufficient to build new knowledge.

Trial action (task) - Look at Figure 61, draw a sketch of one of the parts in your workbook: a screwdriver. template, corner - or sketch of a part from your creative project.

Do the experiment: stretch and release springs made of steel (hardened) and copper wire. Draw a conclusion about the elasticity of steel and copper.

Read the assembly drawing shown in Figure 62.

Fill out the table in your workbook

The teacher checks the correctness of the task, identifying difficulties in the trial action.

5. Fixing the difficulty:

Incorrect definition of dimensions. Incorrect determination of the number of views in the drawing (ways to solve the problem)

6. Way out of difficulty:

Once again, the teacher talks about the need to be able to read assembly drawings, to be able to draw drawings of individual parts, thereby organizing students to investigate a problem situation (UCD - communicative, joint problem solving)

7. Reflection on educational activities.

At this stage of summing up the lesson, the teacher asks the children questions, by answering which he can judge the mastery of this material.

Questions : What is an assembly drawing?

In what cases do the drawings show not one view, but two or more?

What is the difference between assembly drawings of wood and metal products?

What dimensions are indicated on the assembly drawing?

What new knowledge have you gained for yourself?

Can the knowledge acquired today be useful in life?

The teacher invites the boys to evaluate their work in class. (Personal UUD - adequate understanding of the reasons for success/failure in educational activities.)

8. Cleaning workplaces.

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Details Category: Long products

Long products

Widely used in engineering, construction, transport rolled metal: sheets, strips, tapes, rails, beams etc. It is obtained by compressing a metal ingot in a hot or cold state between the rotating rolls of a rolling mill. Steel, non-ferrous metals and their alloys are processed in this way.

Rental profile (the shape of it cross section ) depends on the shape of the rolls. The figures show the main profiles of rolling production products, called long products.

The following profiles are distinguished: long products: simple (circle, square, hexagon, stripe, sheet); shaped (rail, beam, channel, brand and etc.); special (wheels, reinforcing steel and etc.).

Most often, rolled products are used as blanks for various parts. For example, from hexagonal rod make bolts and nuts. From round steel cylindrical parts are turned on lathes. Angle rolled products used in the production of frames, frames, shelving, etc.

By rolling, you can give the workpiece the shape of the finished part, thereby avoiding additional processing and, therefore, reducing metal waste and saving time.

Below are several examples of common types of rolled products: pipe, reinforcement, beam, channel, sheet, angle, strip, etc.

Long products - one of the types of semi-finished products. This is the name given to a labor product intended for further processing and production of finished products.
You are already familiar with some types of semi-finished products - lumber, plywood, wire.
Sheet metal divided into thin sheet (up to 4 mm) and thick sheet (over 4 mm

Types and properties of steel

Steel- This iron-carbon alloy(up to 2%) and others chemical elements. It is widely used in mechanical engineering, transport, construction, and everyday life.
Depending on the composition there are different carbonaceous And alloyed steel. Carbon steel contains 0.4...2% carbon. Carbon gives steel hardness, but increases brittleness and reduces ductility. When adding other elements to steel during melting: chromium, nickel, vanadium etc. - its properties change. Some elements increase hardness and strength, others increase elasticity, others impart anti-corrosion, heat resistance, etc. Steels containing these elements are called alloyed. In alloy steel grades, additives are designated by letters: H - nickel , IN - tungsten ,G - manganese , D - copper , TO - cobalt , T - titanium .

By purpose they distinguish structural, instrumental and special become.
Structural carbon steel happens ordinary quality and high quality. First- plastic, but has low strength. Used for making rivets, washers, bolts, nuts, soft wire, nails. Second differs in the increased durability. Shafts, pulleys, lead screws, gears are made from it.
Tool steel has greater hardness and strength than structural steel, and is used for the manufacture of chisels, hammers, thread-cutting tools, drills, and cutters.
Special steels - these are steels with special properties: heat-resistant, wear-resistant, stainless, etc.
All types of steel are marked in a certain way. So, structural steel ordinary quality is indicated by letters St. and serial number from 0 before 7 (Art. ABOUT, Art. 1 etc. - the higher the steel number, the higher the carbon content and tensile strength), high quality - two digits 05 , 08 , 10 etc., showing the carbon content in hundredths of a percent. From the reference book you can determine chemical composition steel and its properties.
The properties of steel can be changed using heat - heat treatment(heat treatment). It consists of heating to a certain temperature, holding at this temperature and subsequent rapid or slow cooling. The temperature range can be wide depending on the type of heat treatment and the carbon content of the steel.
Main types of heat treatment - hardening, tempering, annealing, normalization .
To increase the hardness of steel it is used hardening - heating a metal to a certain temperature (for example, up to 800 ° C) and rapid cooling in water, oil or other liquids.
When exposed to significant heat and rapid cooling, steel becomes hard and brittle. Brittleness after hardening can be reduced by vacations - the cooled, hardened steel part is again heated to a certain temperature (for example, 200...300°C), and then cooled in air.
For some instruments, only their working part is hardened. This increases the durability of the entire tool.
At annealing the workpiece is heated to a certain temperature, maintained at this temperature and slowly(this is the main difference from hardening) cool down. Annealed steel becomes softer and therefore easier to process.
Normalization - a type of annealing, only cooling occurs in air. This type of heat treatment helps to increase the strength of steel.

Heat treatment of steel industrial enterprises perform thermal workers. Thermist must have a good knowledge of the internal structure of metals, their physical and technological properties, heat treatment modes, skillfully use thermal furnaces, and strictly observe labor safety rules.

The most important mechanical properties of steel - hardness and strength . On hardness steel is tested using special hardness testers. The measurement method is based on pressing more than solid material: hard steel ball, diamond cone or diamond pyramid.

Hardness value NV determined by dividing the load by the surface area of ​​the imprint left in the metal ( Brinell method ) (Fig. on the right, A),

or by the depth of immersion into the metal of a diamond tip, a steel ball ( Rockwell method ) (rice. 6 ).

Strength steel is determined using tensile testing machines by testing samples of a special shape, stretching them in the longitudinal direction until they break (Fig. on the left). When determining strength, divide the greatest load that preceded the rupture of the sample by the area of ​​its original cross-section.

Target: to familiarize students with the types of long products, methods of obtaining them and depicting parts from long products in drawings.

Equipment: samples of rolled products, assembly drawings, samples of products from long products.

During the classes

I. Repetition of the material covered.

1. Conversation on the following issues:

– What alloys of non-ferrous metals do you know?

– What are the properties of these metals?

– List the technological properties of metals and alloys.

– Name the mechanical properties of metals and alloys.

– Tell us about the use of aluminum.

2. Exercise for the development of observation, accuracy, accuracy.

Exercise. Determine which keyhole the key fits.

3. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

II. Presentation of program material.

1. Introductory conversation.

Teacher. In the lessons in grade 5, we examined sheet metal and wire. Remember how you get them.

For the manufacture of various products, other forms of rolled products are also needed, which are obtained by rolling (compressing) heated ingots between rolls of different profiles.

Often, the shape of the future part is brought closer to the shape of the rolled product, this allows reducing metal waste and the time required to manufacture the part.

There are various forms of long products, the most common of which are shown in the figure. Consider and name them. (See Figure 1.)

Rice. 1. Long products profiles: A- square; b- band; V– hexagon; G- circle; d- corner; e- triangle; and- channel; h– rail

The teacher explains the main applications of various rolled profiles.

2. Practical task.

Execution sequence:

1) Cut two strips of 100×240 mm from tin and perform an experiment, loading strips of tin (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Samples of tin strips

2) It is necessary to load until the strip of tin touches the table.

3) Write down the data in a notebook and compare the results.

3. Summary of execution practical task.

1) Evaluation of students’ performance of practical tasks.

2) Generalization.

Teacher. In the section “Wood Processing” we looked at how diagonals are depicted. Name these methods. ( Using sketches, technical drawings and drawings.)

How are rental products depicted? ( Long products are depicted similarly.)

How is a product consisting of several parts depicted? ( A product consisting of several parts is shown on assembly drawings.) (See Figure 3.)

How are corners controlled? ( Angle control template.) (See Figure 4.)

III. Practical work.

Completing tasks:

1. Consider the rivet making tool in Figure 3.

2. Sketch the template in your notebook.

3. Carefully read the assembly drawing (Fig. 3) and fill out the table.

IV. Lesson summary.

1. Check and compare the data filled in the table.

2. Evaluation of sketches and tables.