Presentation on the topic "organization of the subject-spatial environment in different age groups of preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard" presentation on the topic. Presentation “Developmental subject-spatial environment of a preschool educational institution Presentation of a developmental environment in kindergarten

The educational environment is a set of conditions purposefully created in order to ensure the full education and development of children. Developing subject-spatial environment is a part of the educational environment, presented specifically organized space(rooms, area, etc.), materials, equipment and supplies for the development of children preschool age in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protecting and strengthening their health, taking into account the characteristics and correcting deficiencies in their development

SPACE TIME SUBJECT ENVIRONMENT Such design of the environment shows its influence on the development of the child. Designing an environment using such components allows us to imagine all the features of a child’s life in the environment. The success of the developmental environment’s influence on the child is determined by its activity in this environment. Entire organization pedagogical process assumes freedom of movement for the child. In the environment, it is necessary to allocate the following zones for different types of activity: work; active; calm

Free access for children to games, toys, materials, aids that ensure all basic types of children's activities, serviceability and safety of materials and equipment, accessibility for pupils of all premises where educational activities are carried out

The main task Education of preschoolers is to create in children a sense of emotional comfort and psychological security. IN kindergarten It is important for a child to feel loved and unique. Therefore, the environment in which the educational process takes place is also important. Thank you for your attention!

Zhanna Varivdina

MBDOU No. 229 “Kindergarten combined type» city of Kemerovo.

One of the important conditions of educational work in a preschool institution is proper organization subject-developing subject environment. A developmental environment should be understood as a natural, comfortable, cozy environment, rationally organized, rich in a variety of sensory stimuli and play materials. In such an environment, it is possible to simultaneously involve all children in the group in active cognitive and creative activities.

Rainbow program

Organization of subject-developmental environment in the middle group

Rainbow program

Game center

Allows you to create conditions for the creative activity of children, the development of imagination, the formation of gaming skills, the implementation of gaming plans, and the cultivation of friendly relationships between children.

In the fifth year of life, a high interest in role-playing games appears.

Child middle group, as well as junior preschooler, loves to repeat his favorite game actions and plots many times. The plots of games at this age are simple and related to the child’s experience: family, store, kindergarten, etc.

"Mumming Corner":

suits, skirts, sundresses, shirts, jewelry, scarves, scarves, hats, ribbons, wigs, etc.

In the group it is necessary to have a mirror where the child can see his transformation.

"Box of Wonderful Things":

phones, cameras, flash drives, cassettes, reels, glasses, sticks, etc. All this will find its use in the game and will contribute to the development of gaming ideas and creativity

Games with rules

Center for Cognitive - Speech Development

In middle age, the cognitive activity of preschoolers increases and interest in the world around them awakens. The following can help with this:

Educational and developmental games;

Materials related to objects for study, in the process of working with which children can become familiar with their properties and learn different ways of organizing.

Creating collections:

Herbarium (theme: “Golden Autumn”);

Collection “Seeds” (topic: “Vegetables and fruits”);

Collection "Fabrics" (topic: "Clothing");

Collection "Buttons";

Collection "Paper";

Stones, sea and river shells;

Wrappers, postcards, stamps, calendars, etc.

The creation of collections is planned according to thematic planning or theme days.

To introduce children to the various work activities of people throughout the year, an album “All Work is Good” is created.

7 slide. To create holistic systems of children's ideas about the world, acquaintance with individual representatives of the flora and fauna, playful animate characters are introduced


Getting to know the Leaflets (creating a collage “Magic Forest for the Leaflets”);

Manufacturing of “precious stones”, “treasures”;

Creation of the Mountain of Gems;

Making a house for leaflets

Math corner

Corner of nature

Mini-center “Sand-water”

Activities with sand and water are very useful for children. Children love to touch the sand and sprinkle it with their hands and a scoop. With what joy they splash in the water. This has a beneficial effect on the psyche, calms, creates a peaceful mood, and extinguishes negative emotions. By playing with sand and water, children learn about the world around them, become familiar with the properties of substances, and learn patience and hard work. Playing with water and sand helps develop fine motor skills.

To play with sand you will need: buckets, scoops, rakes, sieve, small various toys (fish, boats, etc.)

To play with water you will need: the game “Fishing”, rubber and plastic toys, various containers (watering cans, funnels, cups, etc.)

Traffic regulations corner

Book corner

Center for Artistic and Aesthetic Development

contributes to the formation creative potential children, development of interest in artistic activities, formation of aesthetic perception, imagination, artistic and creative abilities, independence, activity. Here children spend a lot of time drawing, creating crafts from plasticine, cutting out paper, etc. d.

Didactic albums “I’ll do it myself” for independent activities manual labor and drawing. Album guides will help you find examples of drawings, crafts made from natural, waste materials, and develop children’s imagination and ingenuity.

The set of materials includes materials for drawing, modeling, appliqués, paper different colors and textures, as well as natural and waste materials. At the same time, children need to be taught the technique of painting. For this purpose it is necessary to have special stencils

Slide 14 At this age, children are especially sensitive to adult assessments; they expect support and praise, and want to hear and see approval for their actions. Therefore, it is important to find a place where the child can display and hang his work. We place children's work using magnets in the reception area.

Creativity Stand

Crafts made from plasticine are placed on a special stand in the shape of a ladder.

Music corner.

Theater corner

Physical Development Center

serves to satisfy the preschooler's need for movement and introduce him to a healthy lifestyle. For physical development games, the following sets of items have been selected:

To prevent flat feet and develop fine motor skills: walkers, sandbags, massage mats, waste material (lid cones, etc., hedgehog balls, expander, games with a rope “Who is faster.”

For games and exercises with throwing, catching and throwing: ring throw, balls of different sizes, darts, skittles.

For games and exercises with jumping: jump ropes, hoops.

Sports board and floor games: basketball, air football, Pelican.

Subject-developmental environment in kindergarten within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard

MDOBU "Kindergarten No. 12 LGO"

senior teacher

Banina E.R.

Subject development environment in preschool educational institutions

  • Particularly relevant today is the issue of organizing the subject-development environment of preschool educational institutions. This is due to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) to the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education.
  • In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the program should be built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas and in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of students. The solution of program educational tasks is provided not only in the joint activities of adults and children, but also in the independent activities of children, as well as during routine moments.
  • Everyone knows that the main form of work with preschoolers and the leading activity of children is play. That is why we educators are experiencing an increased interest in updating the subject-development environment of preschool educational institutions.

What is a subject-development environment? ( Terminology)

The environment for the development of a child in the structure of the Federal State Educational Standard is a complex of material and technical, sanitary and hygienic, social, social, social, ergonomic, aesthetic, psychological, pedagogical, spiritual conditions that ensure the organization of the lives of children and adults in preschool educational institutions .

Federal State Educational Standards requirements for a subject-development environment:

1. Accessibility for students of all premises of the organization where the educational process is carried out.

2. Free access for pupils to games, toys, materials, and aids that provide all basic activities.

Factors to consider when organizing PRS

  • Children should be protected in every possible way from the negative influence of toys that: provoke the child to aggressive actions and cause cruelty, provoke game plots associated with immorality and violence that are beyond the competence of childhood.
  • Anthropometric factors ensuring compliance of height and age characteristics with the parameters of the subject development environment. Furniture must be in accordance with the requirements of SANPiN and Federal State Standards

The subject development environment should contribute to the implementation of educational areas in the educational process, including:

1) joint partnership activities of an adult and children;

2) free independent activity of the children themselves in the conditions of a subject-based developmental educational environment created by teachers, which ensures that each child chooses activities according to his interests and allows him to interact with peers or act individually.

Subject-spatial development environment must organized taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, where all five educational areas:

1) social-communicative, 2) cognitive, 3) speech, 4) artistic-aesthetic, 5) physical .

Approximate centers by educational fields in light of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Social communication

positive development:


new development:

  • Traffic rules center
  • Fire Safety Center
  • Labor Center, Duty Corner
  • Game activity center (center role-playing games)
  • Center "Nature Corner"
  • Sensory Development Center
  • Center for Constructive Activity
  • Center for Mathematical Development

Speech development:

Artistic and aesthetic development:

- Experimentation Center

  • Speech Development Center or Speech and Literacy Corner

Physical development:

  • Fine Arts Center or Creativity Corner
  • Physical Development Center
  • Center "Hello, book!"

-Center for musical and theatrical activities

Direction: Artistic and aesthetic development . At the Creative Workshop Center there is material and equipment for artistic and creative activities: drawing, modeling and appliqué. If desired, the child can find and use what is necessary to realize his creative ideas, plans, and fantasies. This center has free access.

Direction: Speech development Center "World of Books" plays a significant role in developing children's interest and love for fiction. In this corner, the child has the opportunity to independently choose a book according to his taste and calmly examine it with bright illustrations.

What a miracle these books are!

Kids love them very much!

Everyone reads it regularly

They gain a lot of knowledge!

Direction: Cognitive development. Center for Experimental Activities. It contains material for carrying out experimental activities: a microscope, measuring cups, soil, stones, seeds, cereals, etc. Our little “whys” conduct simple experiments, determine the properties of various natural materials.

Nature Center includes environmental activities. This corner contains various types of indoor plants, which are convenient for demonstrating modifications of parts of the plant, tools for caring for these plants: sticks for loosening, a spray bottle, watering cans, etc. In addition to indoor plants, this center contains models (a rural courtyard, an aquarium, a feeding trough with birds, etc.).

We almost have a winter garden

In a natural corner.

Everyone is happy to work here,

Help hand to hand!

"Construction" (constructive) center , Although it is concentrated in one place and takes up little space, it is quite mobile. Its practicality lies in the fact that with the contents of the construction corner (constructor various types, large and small constructor) you can move to any place in the group and organize this activity.

One, two, three - I’ll put the parts together so that they become a machine. From a designer like this No matter what you do, everything works fine

Center for Didactic Games (game library) The Center decides the following tasks : purposeful formation in children of interest in elementary mathematical activities, nurturing in children the need to occupy themselves free time not only interesting, but also games that require mental stress and intellectual effort.

Direction: Social and personal development Play is the main activity of our children. A bright, rich play center creates conditions for children’s creative activity, develops imagination, develops gaming skills and abilities, and fosters friendly relationships between children. Attributes for role-playing games emerging at this age are freely available to children:



We have good toys -

Dolls, bears, rattles.

Let's play later

We'll put everything back in place.


Safety corner

About safety on the road,

On the street and at home

We will, I know, talk

Today in the group again.

Sports section

If you start the day with exercise, then everything will be fine. For us, pills and medicine are replaced by physical education!

Music and Theater Center

Our group is all actors, puppeteers and dancers. Every day and every hour We want to play for you!!!

Duty corner

Everyone wants to be on duty

To lead everything.

After all, to be on duty every day,

The kids are not at all lazy!

Study area

We are familiar with the figures

We learn a lot about numbers.

And mathematics laws

We never tire of learning!

Here's my favorite place,

Here time rushes like a river,

Here you can quickly become an adult,

And change professions!

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“Organization of the subject-spatial environment in different age groups of preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard”

Regulatory documents: Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 14, 2013 N 30384 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ORDER dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 ON APPROVAL OF THE FEDERAL STATE EDUCATIONAL STANDARD OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION

Federal State Educational Standard for the conditions for the implementation of educational educational programs in preschool education These Requirements include five groups of requirements: psychological and pedagogical conditions subject-spatial environment personnel conditions material and technical conditions financial conditions

The concept of “subject-spatial environment” A developing subject-spatial environment should be understood as a natural comfortable environment, rationally organized in space and time, saturated with a variety of objects and gaming materials. In such an environment, it is possible to simultaneously involve all children in the group in active cognitive and creative activities.

3.3.1. The developing subject-spatial environment ensures maximum realization of the educational potential of the space of the Organization, Group, as well as the territory adjacent to the Organization or located at a short distance, adapted for the implementation of the Program (hereinafter referred to as the site), materials, equipment and inventory for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protecting and strengthening their health, taking into account the characteristics and correction of deficiencies in their development. P.3.1. Requirements for the subject-spatial environment of the educational Organization (Group), which include:

: 3.3.2. The developing subject-spatial environment should provide the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children (including children of different ages) and adults, physical activity of children, as well as opportunities for privacy. 3.3.3. The developing subject-spatial environment should ensure: the implementation of various educational programs; in the case of organizing inclusive education - the necessary conditions for it; taking into account the national, cultural and climatic conditions in which educational activities are carried out; taking into account the age characteristics of children.

3.3.4. A developing subject-spatial environment should be: - content-rich, - transformable, - multifunctional, - variable, - accessible - safe. 3.3.5. The organization independently determines the teaching aids, including technical, relevant materials (including consumables), gaming, sports, recreational equipment, inventory necessary for the implementation of the Program.

The subject-spatial environment of the preschool educational institution should contribute to the implementation of the main areas: social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Model of a subject-spatial environment for children 2-3 years old Peculiarities of age: - active knowledge of the surrounding world; - mastering “weapon” methods of action in everyday life and play; - mastering active speech; - the emergence of a plot-display game. Toys and materials: for the development of movements; for the development of gaming activities; for experimentation (center of water and sand); For children's creativity; educational games and toys (touch table, educational games).

Toys and materials: to stimulate physical activity; reflective toys real life, game attributes and substitute items; for children's creativity; for experimentation; didactic and educational games, construction kits; - for socialization (pictures depicting people of different ages, genders, with different expressions of emotional states, with different features of appearance, hairstyles, shoes, clothes). Model of an object-spatial environment for children 3-4 years old Peculiarities of age: - the baby’s transition to new relationships with adults, peers, and the objective world; - manifestations of children's independence; - accumulation of sensory experience in joint subject-cognitive activity with an adult.

Model of a subject-spatial environment for children 4-5 years old Peculiarities of age: - accumulation of experience in joint activities with peers - development of cognitive activity and activity - attempts to creatively reflect impressions in productive activities. Toys and materials: - to ensure optimal motor activity; - for role-playing games; for construction games; for sensory development; for experimentation; for social and personal development; Didactic, educational games.

Model of a subject-spatial environment for children 5-7 years old Peculiarities of age: - psychological position changes - children begin to feel like elders in kindergarten; - there is an interest in problems that go beyond personal experience. Toys and materials: for director's games; visual activities; independent labor activity; cognitive and speech activity; artistic and creative activities; to enhance motor activity; - iconic, symbolic material.

Algorithm for transforming the subject-spatial environment in a kindergarten group Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Formulate the goals and objectives of the work based on an analysis of the Organization’s basic general education program for preschool education in accordance with the age characteristics of children. Conduct an assessment and analysis of the subject-spatial environment of the group room, identifying deficient areas, write down on a piece of paper: educational and methodological aids necessary for education and training; games and gaming materials for independent children's activities; special equipment for children's activities. Study the interests, inclinations, preferences, characteristics of the children in the group.

Algorithm for transforming the subject-spatial environment in a kindergarten group Step 4. Step 5 Step 6. Make a list necessary materials and equipment based on the principle of necessity and material capabilities. Draw up a diagram, determining the spatial placement of equipment in a group, based on the principle of non-rigid zoning. Provide ways to allocate play areas. Place furniture and large equipment according to the plan and fill with play materials.

Algorithm for transforming the subject-spatial environment in a kindergarten group Step 7. Consider the sequence of making changes to the subject-spatial environment throughout the year, taking into account the educational program, the positive dynamics of children’s development, and the acquisition of new tools.

Plan - diagram of a group room 8 bedroom 6 6 10 10 10 10 10 19 7 7 12 11 12 2 17 1 15 13 entrance 9 3 4 5 14 washing window 16 18 4 1. Rack for storing educational and research materials. 2. Corner of nature. 3. Beauty shelf 4. Hanging shelf - a rack for storing productive materials. 5. Band table for productivity 6. Cabinets for storing play materials. 7. Double-sided rack for story games 8. Soft modules 9. Corner for physical education equipment 10. Corner for girls. 11. Doll house (model) 12. Rack with shelves for storing the designer. 13. Magnetic board. 14. Cabinet for storing manuals educational activities 15. Wall carpet. 16.Table for playing with sand and water. 17. Laboratory. 18. Container for storing natural, waste materials. 19. Corner for boys. 4

Dividing the space of a group room into 3 parts: an area for active activity, an area for quiet activity, a work (study) area

Active sector Game center. Center of motor activity. Center for Musical and Theatrical Activities Design Center

Work (educational) sector Center for productive and creative activity. Center for educational and research activities. Center correct speech and motor skills.

Quiet sector Book center Nature center Recreation center

Why does a child need a subject-spatial environment? The development of a child occurs in activities that determine the effectiveness of development in each psychological age which is carried out in a certain developing subject environment; The developmental environment is the source of the development of the child’s subjective experience; In a developing environment, the child realizes his right to freedom of choice of activities.

Why does a teacher need a subject-spatial environment? The unity of the pedagogical process and the continuity of the stages of development of activity in early, junior and senior preschool ages is ensured by a system of developing subject environment, taking into account the specifics educational process in kindergarten age groups. A developing subject-spatial environment is an effective means of supporting the individuality and holistic development of a child before school. The environment not only creates favorable conditions for the child’s life, it also serves as a direct organizer of children’s activities and influences the educational process.

Literature: 1. SanPin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations“Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 29, 2013 N 28564 FEDERAL SERVICE FOR SUPERVISION IN THE FIELD OF PROTECTION OF CONSUMER RIGHTS AND HUMAN WELL-BEING CHIEF STATE SANITARY PHYSICIAN OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION DECISION dated May 15, 2013 N 2 6 On approval of SanPin “Sanitary epidemiological requirements for the structure, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations" 2. The concept of preschool education (authors V.V. Davydov, V.A. Petrovsky, 1989). 3. Guidelines on the subject-developmental environment in kindergarten (compiled by the OMC TsOUO, 2010) 4. “Senior Teacher” magazine, 2011, section “Creating a subject-developmental environment.” 5. "Preschool education" No. 12\2010, heading "Subject-developing environment", 6. "Pre-school education" No. 3\2011, heading "Subject-developing environment" 7. Methodological recommendations for organizing a subject-development environment can be found at portal of the Central Educational Institution of Preschool Education in Moscow in the section “For heads of preschool educational institutions”

"Modeling developing subject-spatial environment (DSES) in kindergarten according to with requirements GEF DO »

Multicomponent educational environment of preschool educational institutions

Subject-spatial developmental educational environment

Nature of interaction with adults

The nature of interaction with other children

The system of a child’s relationship to the world,

other people, yourself

Contribute professional development teachers

Create conditions for developing variable preschool education

Ensure children's emotional well-being

Ensure openness of DO

The educational environment in preschool educational institutions must meet the following


Guarantee the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children

Create conditions for parental participation in educational activities



environmental organization


Allows you to create comfortable, relatively stable conditions for the implementation of the educational process

Focused on systematic addition, renewal, variability, promotes the activation of various types of children’s activities, stimulates their development

Appropriate content

Organization of appropriate interaction

Form (organization of the environment)



teach and educate?




teach and educate?

teach and educate?

  • 3 .3. Requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment.
  • 3.3.1. The developing subject-spatial environment provides maximum realization of the educational potential of the space of the Organization, Group, as well as the territory adjacent to the Organization or located at a short distance, adapted for the implementation of the Program (hereinafter referred to as the site), materials, equipment and supplies for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protection and strengthening of their health, taking into account the characteristics and correction of deficiencies in their development.
  • 3.3.2. A developing subject-spatial environment should provide the opportunity for communication and joint activities between children (including children of different ages) and adults, physical activity for children, as well as opportunities for privacy.
  • 3.3.3. The developing subject-spatial environment should provide:
  • - implementation of various educational programs;
  • - in the case of organizing inclusive education - the necessary conditions for it;
  • - taking into account the national, cultural and climatic conditions in which educational activities are carried out;
  • - taking into account the age characteristics of children.

  • 3.3.5. Organization independently determines teaching aids, including technical, relevant materials (including consumables), gaming, sports, recreational equipment, inventory necessary for the implementation of the Program.
  • 3.3.4. A developing subject-spatial environment must be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.
  • 1) Saturation of the environment must correspond to the age capabilities of the children and the content of the Program.
  • The educational space must be equipped with teaching and educational means (including technical ones), relevant materials, including consumable gaming, sports, health equipment, inventory (in accordance with the specifics of the Program).
  • The organization of the educational space and the variety of materials, equipment and supplies (in the building and on the site) should ensure:
  • - playful, educational, research and creative activity of all pupils, experimenting with materials available to children (including sand and water);
  • - motor activity, including the development of gross and fine motor skills, participation in outdoor games and competitions;
  • - emotional well-being of children in interaction with the subject-spatial environment;
  • - opportunity for children to express themselves.
  • For infants and young children, the educational space should provide necessary and sufficient opportunities for movement, object and play activities with different materials.

  • 5) Availability environment assumes:
  • - accessibility for pupils, including children with disabilities and children with disabilities, of all premises where educational activities are carried out;
  • - free access for children, including children with disabilities, to games, toys, materials, and aids that provide all basic types of children’s activities;
  • - serviceability and safety of materials and equipment.
  • 6) Safety The subject-spatial environment presupposes that all its elements comply with the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use.

  • 4) Environmental Variability assumes:
  • 2)
  • 3) Multifunctionality materials involves:
  • 4) Environmental Variability assumes:
  • the presence in the Organization or Group of various spaces (for play, construction, privacy, etc.), as well as a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment that ensure free choice for children;
  • periodic change of play material, the emergence of new objects that stimulate the play, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.

  • 2) Transformability of space assumes the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children.
  • 3) Multifunctionality materials involves:
  • - the possibility of varied use of various components of the object environment, for example, children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens, etc.;
  • - the presence in the Organization or Group of multifunctional (not having a strictly fixed method of use) items, including natural materials suitable for use in different types children's activity (including as substitute objects in children's play).


Universal design

to demonstrate performance results

  • 2) Transformability of space assumes the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children.


Transformability of space

Transformability of space

Transformability of furniture

Sensory Center


sand and water


with retractable tabletop


"Field of Dreams"


with pull-out tables and drawers