Who is a space organizer? Secrets of the profession. Profession “space organizer” Organize storage according to the rules

In our country, such a profession as space organizer, we admit, is not yet in great demand. But in the West, these specialists are popular; their services are used quite often. The RMNT website will give examples of situations where the services of a space organizer will definitely not hurt you.

The first reason is relocation.

The portal site has already given you advice on preparing to move to a new home. It can be difficult to cope with this situation on your own, especially if you are sorely short of time. In the event of a move, a space organizer will not only help you pack your things correctly and neatly and get rid of everything unnecessary, but will also beautifully, competently lay out and arrange all the items in your new apartment or house. The services of a specialist will help you make the most of your storage space and settle into a new place quickly and comfortably.

Important! the main task personal space organizer - not just to put things in order in a single room, but to help owners organize everything, save time and improve the quality of life.

Reason two - a mess in the pantry or dressing room

A closet full of clothes, but absolutely nothing to wear. A very familiar picture, don’t you agree? Yes, you can organize a dressing room yourself, but maintaining perfect order in it in the future is a more difficult task. If your pantry, wardrobe and cabinets have turned into a warehouse for something unknown and it is not possible to find the necessary item, it’s time to call a space organizer. After his work, even your threads and buttons will be in order, strictly, neatly, in separate boxes.

Reason three - you need to tidy up the garage

It happens that so many things have accumulated in the garage that even the car can no longer fit. And the owner, who is always working, simply has no time to dig out these rubble and get rid of the rubbish. A professional will help organize storage systems in the garage, put everything in its place, advise which rack you need to buy and how to store spare wheels and tires. The space organizer can do the shopping for shelving and racks for the garage himself if you give him this authority.

Reason four - you are expecting another child

A good reason to clean up at least the nursery. The pregnant housewife has no time for this, perhaps she is even in the hospital, so the help of a professional organizer will not be superfluous. He will prepare storage areas for the newborn’s things, help sort and neatly arrange the older child’s toys and clothes, and choose the most suitable place for the playpen and crib. As a result, after discharge from the maternity hospital, everything will be ready to receive a new family member.

Reason five - not enough space

You have a small apartment and you are simply desperate to lay out and arrange all the items so that it is convenient, beautiful, and neat. The services of a space organizer will help you use every corner of the space wisely. A specialist will help you choose furniture for a tiny kitchen, turn a narrow pantry into a functional room, and use all the possibilities of a small balcony.

Among the services of space organizers are such specific ones as dismantling the belongings of the deceased loved one, as well as preparing the house for sale. Such services do not cost much. For example, organizing one zone of a house directly on site will cost an average of 800 rubles per hour of work. At the same time, of course, a specialist cannot do it in an hour! Planning furniture for one area without visiting a professional - from 2 thousand rubles. Moving without your participation is also 2 thousand rubles per hour.

Expensive, you will say that I can’t put order in the pantry or garage on my own. We are sure that with a lot of effort and time, you will get it right. But it is often very pleasant to shift all these efforts to a space organization specialist and get useful tips and perfect order in the house! All you have to do is support him so as not to bring the situation to a critical point again.

Video on the topic

Hello, dear readers of the site “Mom’s Career”!

Olga Strugovshchikova is with you. And today our guest is Ekaterina Pushkareva, a professional space organizer.

From the interview with our guest you will learn:

  • how Ekaterina came to the profession of space organizer
  • where can I learn this profession and is it possible to master it on my own?
  • what exactly does a space organizer do and how does this profession differ from others like it?
  • What are the prospects for further growth in this profession?
  • what difficulties did Catherine have to face on her way?
  • how soon can you go on stable income being new to the profession
  • and many many others.

Video version of the interview with Ekaterina Pushkareva

Text version of the interview with Ekaterina Pushkareva

Hello. My name is Olga Strugovshchikova, and today we have a video interview. Our guest is Ekaterina Pushkareva, a professional space organizer. And I invited her so that she could tell us about this new very interesting profession, which is chosen by many mothers. Hello, Ekaterina!

Catherine: Hello Olga!

Olga: Let `s start? Are you ready to answer our questions?

Catherine: Yes, I'm ready.

Olga: Space organizer is quite new profession, I assume that you didn’t study this at university and were doing something else before. Tell us who you were in a “past” life.

Catherine: Yes, of course, in past life I was a test engineer software. And put things in order in the program code, i.e. It also has a little to do with order.

How Ekaterina found herself

Olga: Tell us what your path was in understanding that you want to engage in this particular profession, especially since it is so unknown. How did you find her? How did you come to this?

Catherine: You can say that I came by accident. I’ve been here for five and a half years now: first with one son, then immediately with another, and I was at a crossroads. My youngest son needs to be sent to kindergarten, and I also need to do something, because I already want to do it myself. Returns to old profession somehow I didn’t feel like it, I wanted to try something new. And we were in the States at that moment, and there in a Facebook group I came across such a person - the organizer of the space, and began to observe her activities, her projects. It was very interesting, but I just watched, and then somehow, really, I’m not lying, I woke up in the middle of the night with this thought: I can do it too, I’m also interested in this. And I started looking for information, but at first there was almost nothing. And then by chance, again on Instagram, I came across Yuliana Myznikova’s account and her project “Stopbardak”. And she was just beginning to enroll in a training school. professional organizers, and I, hands on feet, ran to her, signed up and completed training there. Juliana has certificates from the American Associations of Organizers, and she teaches girls such a new interesting profession.

Where to go to study to become a space organizer?

Olga: This is exactly what I wanted to ask the following question: where did you study? Is it possible to master this profession on your own? Are there any faculties abroad?

Catherine: On your own - this is only if through the American Association of Space Organizers, if you own English language, or there is a European association. I think there are still some in Brazil, if I'm not mistaken. There are people who are organized on their own, but it comes naturally to them. It is still necessary to somehow structure the knowledge. Here we have a chat, we share with the girls some of our ideas, some experience, i.e. someone tells someone something and it helps a lot. It seems to me that it still makes sense to undergo vocational training.

Space organizer - cleaner, designer or..?

Olga: OK, thank you. Let's get to the very essence of the profession. What exactly does a space organizer do, how does this profession differ from similar specialties? I know that an organizer is confused with a person who simply cleans: a maid or cleaning lady, with someone who comes to fix something, hang shelves, a “husband for an hour” or something else. For example, how are interior designers different? They also help to distribute things in space. What is the essence of your profession?

Catherine: The essence of the profession is to help a person restore order in his environment. And little by little it turns out that these changes, putting things in order in the house, lead to positive changes in life, i.e. something is being structured in my head. When you throw away old unnecessary things, space opens up for new things.

And we also teach not just how to put things in order, we are not cleaners, but we teach a person how to maintain this order. For example, if you take a wardrobe, then this is the correct and rational folding of things, how it will be more convenient to fold them, arrange them so that the next time you take them again, this chaos, this disorder will not happen again, so that you can also calmly put them away in place, and you had them in order in this closet, in a drawer or on hangers.

If you take a designer, it often happens that, for example, designers see such a beautiful overall picture, they say, you have a red sofa here, a gray blanket or gray pillows will look fantastic on it. These are little things, these are some amenities that will be comfortable for you (for example, you don’t use the pillows on this sofa). This is just an example that came up. Those. They don’t always pay attention to this, they may not pay attention to it.

And also, due to the fact that the majority in this profession are girls, women, we don’t hang shelves (laughs), we don’t assemble, we don’t dismantle. For this there is a special service “husband for an hour” or some other specialist. Those. The point is to teach a person to maintain this order himself, so that it is not difficult for him, so that he feels comfortable and cozy.

If a cleaner is recommended and called in every week, then this indicates her professionalism and that she does a good job. And space - ideally, this is a person who was called once, and he said everything, and no more comes for this zone, for organizing a certain space.

Olga: What zones are you organizing? Is it just the house, just the wardrobe, or any indoor space, be it a home office, or maybe even an office? Maybe you organize other materials on the computer - where do the tentacles of the space organizer “reach”? (laughs)

Catherine: Yes, yes, our tentacles are long, reaching a lot of places. (laughs) Just in our courses we had something like this: first you need to try everything, but then, after all, each specialist finds his own area, area of ​​​​application. Those. Yuliana, in my opinion, has 9 graduates, one of them in St. Petersburg specializes in putting things in order on the computer. It helps you structure information in the way you want – in the way you want. There are girls who specialize in time management, specifically in organizing some of their own tasks and needs.

Olga: Life is more organized.

Catherine: Something like that, yes. Now I have a project to organize an office, not just a home-office, but an office-office like this, a real office, we will work next week. Yes, dressing rooms, kitchens, children's rooms, play areas, children's rooms, garages and storage rooms, storage rooms, bathrooms.

Types of employment: offline and online

Olga: Tell me, is a space organizer a person who is tied to his place of residence? This is always an on-site visit, i.e. come to someone’s home, look at it, advise something, show them how to fold it better and more functionally? Or is it possible to resolve some issues remotely, as is customary now?

Catherine: Basically, due to the fact that this profession is still very new in Russia, i.e. There are very few specialists in it; in every city, of course, there are none. Moreover, we have a lot of cities and there can be a lot of people willing to use this service. And therefore, as far as I know, each of the graduates, each of the specialists in this field has an online organization service. It goes like this: for example, we call on Skype, discuss problems, discuss what goals a given zone of the organization has, i.e. We set some specific tasks. Some people need to organize the same home office, while others need a crib next to it, because this is a young mother who combines everything. In general, every need of every client.

Olga: So that toys are not scattered throughout the house. You also help organize toys, as far as I know.
Toys - yes, I recently had a free organization marathon, the girls did a good job. Then we discuss the further format of collaboration. It will either be an online organization - we call each other and, at the client’s request, I can sit on Skype, roughly speaking, and comment on every action, or I give a certain direction, vector, I prescribe specific steps, and we call each other at a certain period of time and discuss, or We will discuss upon request if any questions arise.

Or there is another option of drawing up an individual plan. This participation is used in such cases, for example, when you move to a new house or you have a new space in which there is not yet a mess that needs to be decluttered, but it must be somehow competently organized so that you can then use it comfortably. So that you don’t have to redo what has already been done 10 times, but do it all correctly at once. There is such a service " Individual plan", i.e. I describe all this to you in detail and with different options, you choose the one that suits you, we discuss it, then, when the time comes, when you have the opportunity, you order, for example, some filling or furniture and, accordingly, if then they will be needed, all this is discussed individually.

Prospects for career growth in the profession

Olga: OK, thank you. I understand correctly that this is a one-person business, i.e. It’s like a private practice, when you look for clients for yourself. Or is there, for example - this thought occurred to me - is there an opportunity to get a job as a space organizer in some company, maybe not in Russia, maybe find out Foreign experience. It is clear that if this is a new profession for us, there is already some kind of history there. Here are the prospects career growth can be?

Catherine: As I already said, most often, if the organizer of the space is already quite experienced and if he organizes everything competently, then in the future either the office or the person should no longer need his services. More likely, this is exactly what it is private business, independent promotion, independent search for clients. You can position yourself as some kind of consultant and, accordingly, get promoted, and so that companies turn to you to organize their offices. But I haven’t heard of this yet that there was some kind of company with organizers. But, again, this may be due to the fact that this is not developed in Russia, there are not yet enough specialists.

Olga: But in general, I even saw some movie. The main character was just busy sorting out the cabinets.

Catherine: Yes Yes! It was a film about a Japanese expert in organizing space. Marie Kondo, I have her reference book here (shows the book).

Olga: I also saw a Hollywood, American film. In that film, everything is completely about the organization of space. There are several stories there, I recommend it to everyone who hasn’t seen it yet.

Catherine: It's called "Life is the magic of tidying up."

Olga: There is something quite artistic there, but there the main characters were sorting out their wardrobes. Two women came... If anyone is watching us now in the recording and remembers this film, write in the comments what it was called. (laughs)

* Movie title "Blended"

Difficulties and obstacles

Olga: I also had the same question for you personally. I realized that I liked the profession, I understand that this is generally something I like, since it dawned on me like this - it’s mine, and I want to do it, but there are always things that I like in the profession and things that I don’t like. Tell us about what doesn’t interest you the most, these may not be disadvantages, but what you don’t like.

Catherine: To be honest, due to the fact that the profession is new and there is a lot of enthusiasm, so far, in principle, I like everything. We can say that there are not disadvantages, but some difficulties. When, for example, it is difficult for a person to part with his things, and he says: no, I need this and I need this, we don’t throw it away. And at the same time, I can’t insist, because these are really not my things, and I have to take into account the client’s wishes, but sometimes you understand - well, it’s not worth it. Sometimes we discuss, for example, with a client: come on, if you don’t use this thing within, for example, a month or three, then we will still throw it away. Yes, clients take such steps. The difficulties for me personally are probably this. I never suspected that I would have a personal business that needed to be developed further, planned, some kind of marketing... Mastering all this is still new for me, not that difficult, but new for me, and that’s why I’m trying Now is the time to find it all...

Olga: I realized that marketing, especially if you have never done it... You have to master, in fact, two professions - a businessman and a professional space organizer. What are your future prospects? What do you want, what do you dream about? Maybe create your own agency? What are your plans?

Catherine: I'm still at the beginning of my journey. This is how often in interviews it is customary to ask where you see yourself in 5 years or approximately 10 years. Maybe also for training organizers in Russia. Now Yuliana and Victoria are organizing an association of professional organizers in Russia, i.e. There will already be such a party there, it will be interesting to gain new knowledge. Probably, for now, in the future, we will come to the point of training new organizers.

First money in the profession

Olga: Another question, I think, will be of interest to everyone who listens and watches us, because it’s a money issue. If possible, of course, please share, did you manage to reach a level of income that, for example, was comparable to your previous job? And secondly, I’m interested in this question: how quickly can I make money with a new profession? You, too, like many of our listeners, are a mother who was on maternity leave, who has very little free time, and here you need, in addition to mastering this profession, you need to work, manage Instagram, some technical issues like this... T .e. plenty of time. At first it’s scary that the monetary result will not come soon. Tell us how it was for you, how long it took for you to get your first money and what level of income you have already achieved, if this is not a big secret. (laughs)

Catherine: The first money, i.e. The first paid order was approximately 2 months after completing the training.

Olga: Great.

Catherine: But, to be honest, there is no stable income yet, I’m still working on it, but there are already willing clients. I can now give you an approximate cost. Since I am still a beginner specialist, my cost is still quite low - 400 rubles per hour for an on-site visit and 200 rubles per hour for an online consultation. But already in October I plan to raise the price a little, and by the New Year I have set myself goals so that I already have a fairly stable income.

Olga: I keep an eye on your Instagram, I see a great response and wish you prosperity and access to the goal that you have set, so that your dream goal comes true, when you can do what you want, for as long as you want. And maybe, in conclusion, would you recommend something to those who are watching us and who liked this direction, this profession, maybe you will give some recommendations?

Catherine: First of all, thank you for your wishes, I will try. And the recommendations are as follows: if you feel that you like to put everything on shelves, find its place for each thing and put things in order, then you can watch this Japanese film “Life is the magic of tidying up”, read the book by Marie Kondo. And run to sign up for courses with Yuliana, she’s just enrolling in October, the next stream for training professional organizers is starting - link to the course (if you want to master this profession, then when you specify the promo code maminakariera you will receive a 5% discount).

Olga: Thank you. But we will also give your contacts in the description of this video, so you can also subscribe to Ekaterina or other girls who do this on Instagram. Look at what this profession is like from the inside, because in today’s interview Ekaterina gave a lot of information, but I also read a lot there. Why did I want to do an interview, because Ekaterina explained in detail there why we are not cleaners, what we do, who should call, who should not, and, accordingly, who should work, who should not - you can also draw your own conclusions .

Well, shall we wrap this up? Thank you very much, Ekaterina, for your detailed answers. I really like this one. For me personally, I think it is very relevant. I always want to spend as little time as possible searching for things so that everything is always at hand. And I suspect that it is people like you who will bring the long-awaited order into our lives.

Catherine: Yes thank you.

Olga: All the best.

Catherine: All the best, goodbye.

Our guest:
Ekaterina Pushkareva
Contacts: [email protected]
instagram: @vsepomestam
VKontakte https://vk.com/u_nas_vsepomestam


If you want to find a job that you will like and bring the desired income, then. To get free access to the course, enter your name and email in the form below.

Valeria Mytsenko

Hello! My name is Lera, and if you are here, it means I have something to offer you!

I have an innate sense of order and an unbridled love for cleanliness, by any means I am ready to help you deal with the mess ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Together with me you:
1. You will understand the causes of the disorder and get rid of both the causes and the disorder;
2. Find out what categories of things are stored in your home;
3. You will part with unnecessary and unloved things without regret;
4. You will learn to neatly and quickly fold things of any level of complexity;
5. You won’t hear from your husband: “Where are my socks, those are black with stripes, but not wide, but green,” because all family members will know where, in what quantity and what things are stored;
6. You will be able to spend the minimum amount of time maintaining order and the maximum amount of time on yourself and your loved ones;
Let's sentence the disorder to life! It will be LEGENDARY!

I am Tatyana Vanyushina, and with me you will learn everything about order!

Since childhood, I loved putting everything into boxes and shelves, and now I have become a professional in my field!

  • If you don't know where to start.
  • If the thought of decluttering makes your head spin.
  • If you are busy cleaning all day long, but the cart is still there.
⠀✅ Go to profile @orgporyadok, write/call WhatsApp/Viber 8-965-129-44-87.
⠀✅ Say goodbye to the mess once and for all, let it remain only in memory and in the BEFORE photo!
⠀✅ Free up time for the main thing!

⠀I offer a full range of space organization services:
⠀✅ Departure in Moscow ALL INCLUSIVE - first 4 hours - 6000 rub., then 1000 rub./hour.
⠀For residents of the Obruchevsky district of Moscow there is a 20% discount.
⠀✅ Online organization, online consultation 750 rub./hour.
⠀✅ Individual organization plan - 2000 rub. for the project
⠀✅ Smart closet/wardrobe/kitchen project - 3000-5000 rub.

I love order, I’ll put it in your house!

Nadezhda Vedeneeva

Psychologist, the first and only space organizer in Moscow, working with people after loss.
I help sort things out after the death of a loved one. It is very important to know how grief works, what stages a bereaved person goes through, and how you can support someone who is experiencing the death of a loved one.

To contact Direct or What"sApp +79169556470

I will help you organize any area of ​​your home online and offline.

Tatiana Dubinskaya

Hello! My name is Tatyana Dubinskaya!

I am a Professional Certified Space Organizer in Moscow.

She is also the owner of a cozy home, a happy wife and mother of three children. In addition to the Space Organizer certificate, I have a Diploma of Higher Economic Education and work experience in the field of economics, finance and accounting. All the knowledge I've gained and rich enough personal experience, certainly help me in my profession as a Space Organizer. And I, in turn, will be happy to help you solve any problems related to organizing space, putting things in order and maintaining it in your home! I also provide assistance during the move, both in collecting things and in organizing them in a new place.

Ulyana Savelyeva

My name is Ulyana Savelyeva, I am a happy mother of two beautiful girls, part-time economist-analyst, and recently also a certified space organizer.

To be honest, my path to order was thorny and twisted.
But only until I learned about the organization of space.
And since you are reading my page, it means that you also have difficulties with order.

I declare with confidence: a mess is a fixable matter! And together with you we:
let's declutter easily;

  • Let's make the closet exemplary;
  • we will find a place for each toy;
  • Let's turn the kitchen into a fairy tale;
  • Let's make the house clean and comfortable, and life interesting!
Easily! And forever!

I inspire people to get organized and maintain it.
The competent organization of space has changed my life and home beyond recognition, and now I realized that I am obliged to share knowledge with the world.
I invite you to create an ideal living space with me!

My services:
1. Organization of space in any area of ​​the house - 1000 rubles/hour, up to 4 hours. Every next hour 500 rub.
2. Purchase of organizational materials 1000 rubles.
3. Online consultation- 600 rub/hour
4. Individual plan for organizing one zone of the house - 2,500 rubles.

Composition of services:
1. Collection of information, preliminary estimate problems in the area of ​​interest of the organization;
2. Development of a plan for a new organization system and a plan for the purchase of organizational materials;
3. Purchase of organizational materials (at your request).
4. Procedure for organizing space in the declared area of ​​your home.
5. Maintenance and control of application new system organization within 2 weeks of use.
6. Adjustment of the organization system if necessary.

My geography:
Moscow and Southern Moscow region: Chekhov, Serpukhov, Protvino, Pushchino.

A more detailed description of my services can be found on the page @volshebnyy_poryadok.info

Tatiana Bebenina

The first certified specialist in order in Balashikha.

I will create an individual system for storing things in your home, taking into account your wishes.
I’ll help you declutter painlessly.
I’ll teach you how to fold things for compact storage.
Taking care of you and your home.

WhatsApp 89032121022

My services:

  • Organization of any residential/non-residential area.
  • Relocation assistance.
  • Online consultation with an organization plan.
  • On-site consultation.

Svetlana Slugina

Creative person, mother of many children, country resident.
I help people get rid of unnecessary things so they can find time for what matters most. For me, decluttering my home is a self-therapy method that allows me to bring order to my thoughts, cope with anxiety and trigger a wave of changes in my life.
In my profession, I love the magic of transformation, creating an image in my head and turning it into reality. This is real magic and creativity.

Services and prices:
On-site organization of one area (kitchen, children's room, wardrobe, hallway, bathroom, etc.) - 1200 rub./hour. Departure time is 4 hours, then the work is paid at a rate of 600 rubles per hour. (Kaluga, Moscow and Moscow region)
Online consultation - 2000 rub.
Online organization- 800 rub./hour.
Technical visit (inspection of the area, identification of the problem, measurements, answers to questions) - 2000 rubles. Departure time is 2 hours. (Kaluga, Moscow and Moscow region)
Purchase of organizational tools (organizers, baskets, dividers, etc.) - 1000 rubles.
Individual organization plan ( step by step plan with selection of organizational tools) - from 2000 rub.
Design of new furniture (kitchen, wardrobe, children's furniture, wardrobe) - from 3,000 rubles.

1. Large families - 10%
2. For repeated departure - 20%
3. Residents Kaluga region(Maloyaroslavets, Balabanovo, Obninsk, Zhukov, Belousovo) and Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region - 10%.
The first consultation is free.

Sofia Avdonina

Hello, my name is Sofya Avdonina, I am a space organizer and a mother of three wonderful boys. I live in Moscow, in Tyoply Stan.

I will be happy to help you deal with the clutter in your home. If you are tired of things spreading all over the house or accumulating in inappropriate places, if your children do not want to put away their toys and cannot find their school supplies, contact me, I will help you go through all the things, declutter and create something that suits you storage system. I also create furniture projects taking into account your needs. It is possible to work online via WhatsApp.

Departure within Moscow. Residents of Teply Stan and Konkovo ​​get a 15% discount


  • Home visit. Minimum 4 hours.
    3000 for the first four hours, then 750 rubles/hour
  • It is possible to purchase org. tools. 1000 rub.
  • Online consultation 700 rub.
  • Online organization 400 rub/hour.
  • Individual online project from 1000 depending on the size of the zone.
Furniture project from 1500 depending on the amount of work.

My contacts:
My Instagram page @dom_prileginki
Contact numbers:
Viber, WhatsApp 8-916-244-19-75

Tatyana Samotoina

Once upon a time, when I was a child, I tried by hook or by crook to avoid the responsibilities of cleaning the house. My closet was a thicket in the forests of Narnia.

After marriage and the birth of children, nothing changed, except that it was no longer possible to escape from household responsibilities. Therefore, with a look of doom on my face, I sorted out the rubble every week and waited with fear for a new cleaning.

Intuitively, I began to find methods and ways to clean things up less often and spend less time on it. The one who walks will master the road. So I eventually found a wonderful teacher - Tatyana Danilyak, who showed me the light in the chaos of disorder and endless cleaning.

Now I confidently control order not only in my home, but also help others defeat it. Cleaning, order and cleanliness are the words that no longer make me feel cold and want to run away. I just know how to enjoy putting things in order, how to make sure that order stays in the house forever, how to make even a very small space convenient and comfortable, and how to do it for you.

Services and prices:

I first learned about professional space organizers after watching a lot, and then Yulia Trushina also gave me a link to. This is a relatively new profession, the emergence of which, of course, is due to the fact that not everyone can independently cope with the abundance that the consumer society gives us. A professional organizer is a specially trained person who can quickly figure out how to structure the space of a home, office or store, for example, make it comfortable, orderly and functional. They are well versed in all kinds of storage systems, know all the life hacks and, most importantly, love to put everything on the shelves. Then I came across an article about Marie Kondo, an organizer from Japan, who gives her advice on organizing your home, my favorite: fold things like sushi :)))

The big question is, who becomes the clients of such organizers? In addition to pathological hoarders, these can also be completely healthy people who value their time and choose how to manage it; you can call such an organizer to help you move, at a time when you want to radically change something in your life, at the design and decoration stage a new home (to help the designer), or Marianna said in an interview that she once had the task of finding several specific things in the house of a deceased relative of a client, and throwing away the rest, putting them in place or selling them.

And you know, then I seriously thought about learning and trying myself in this new profession.
It seems to me that I have all the necessary qualities for this: strategic thinking, the ability to see the situation as a whole, including helping people understand their situation, determine priorities, as well as a love for organization and the ability to structure both things and information. I remember at my first job (at the age of 14 I worked as a courier in a small printing house in the summer), I had a lot of free time in the office, and my director tasked me with disassembling his desk, he was so pleased with the result that he even paid me a bonus!

What’s even more interesting is how much psychology there is in this! But it’s one thing when it concerns my life, things, time and space, it’s completely different when I have to deal with other people’s rubbish, and most importantly, with other people’s stories, traumas, habits... Probably, someday I’ll try!..

Recently in a post I mentioned organizers and, perhaps, went a little harsh on the topic of organization and storage, I must admit that this is not entirely fair. Firstly, I am sure that a very minimalistic home is probably not suitable for everyone, and secondly, I myself organized my home quite well and found a place for every thing precisely thanks to the fact that some convenient storage devices are still used. I have a lot of questions about Ikea storage items specifically, but we can’t use Ikea alone, thank God! I recently met Maria Belyakova and was fascinated by her store Everything is in place (using coupon po-drugomu I asked for a discount for you, my readers!), which is entirely dedicated to things for organizing order in the house, in the car, in the bag. I was surprised that the main assortment of their store is their own development and production in Russia. What's the difference? And for example, such that they think about colors, durability, and even the possibility of washing, because the internal partitions are not cardboard, but plastic. To be honest, I hung there for so long! I didn’t even think that some of these things existed in nature! And then for a whole hour in their group I was looking at all sorts of cool storage ideas, beautiful dressing rooms, kitchens, eco-friendly interior solutions, just my like-minded people!

But there were conflicting feelings. At first the minimalist in me rebelled, and then the inner essentialist and lover of simplicity in general came to the defense of these special devices. Here are the reasons:

They really help preserve things. At some stage, such devices may simply be necessary to organize not only things, but also thoughts and established habits. The same hangers, special boxes for storing shoes and trunks for bags, have you ever wondered how much longer things last when they are stored correctly and carefully? Firstly, you can’t put dirty, salt-stained shoes in a freshly purchased transparent shoe box until next winter, but you can put them in a bag in any form (or am I the only one?), and when autumn comes, you take them out, disgusting, dusty, dirty, wrinkled , then you feel disgusted, and the first thought is: I need new shoes! Although if you spend a little time, wash them, dry them, anoint them with cream and push some paper or use special form holders, and only then send them to rest, then the boots can last for more than one season.

They give things a place. Here are socks, stockings, bras, panties, I think even the most notorious minimalists use all of these, and for me there is nothing wrong with these things also lying in their places. Moreover, special boxes can limit their number. Not to mention the decorations!

Make life easier. And how annoyed you get (well, I’m annoyed!) when you can’t find your phone, wallet or lip gloss in a minimalist bucket bag for a long time, when the pages of your passport are wrinkled or your keys are stuck somewhere!.. I’ve already told you how I don’t like to rush , and it just infuriates me to have to transfer all sorts of little things from bag to bag before leaving, so that God forbid I forget nothing. It’s cool that for people like me they came up with all sorts of organizers for bags.

Makes travel easier. Whether on a trip with a suitcase or with a backpack, I always need quick access to what I need, so I’m in favor of toiletries, for example, and I need exactly my shampoo and my cream (in small travel containers, yes), and in India, where we were going At night, while Tasha was sleeping, I realized that I definitely needed fabric bags that didn’t rustle for things. Besides, such things help, which is also important!

In general, for me all these are most often not superfluous things, but on the contrary very useful, rather making life easier and more joyful, it is only important to find your balance, and when the moment comes that they are no longer needed, you can sell them or donate them, after all, there are There are many who are at the very beginning of the path to freeing up their space! And if you, for example, have long dreamed that your grandmother would sort out her dacha rather than shame her with Plyushkin syndrome, you can give her beautiful and inspiring storage containers to renew and a day of her time as, if not a professional, but still an organizer of space. By sorting out the closets and mezzanines together, you can learn many interesting details of your grandmother’s biography and just have a warm time together.

In the spring, the only additions to traditional general cleaning include washing windows, which can be delegated to specialists, cleaning tulle and curtains, and soaking the door mat from outdoor reagents. Otherwise, putting things in order is no different from cleaning at any other time of the year. The Village asked professional space organizers and cleaners to tell us how to deal with seasonal items quickly and not spend the whole weekend cleaning.

How to get rid of unnecessary things?

Inessa Zbar

space organizer

There is a big difference between the concepts of “putting things in order” and “cleaning”. In the first case, we evaluate the entire furnishings of the house, get rid of unnecessary things and put things in their places; in the second, we simply clean the house of dirt. Here are some recommendations on how to deal with unnecessary things and properly organize storage in your apartment:

Plan the process

A list of cleaning places and things that need to be done will help you properly distribute your time and energy. Without it, we risk finding ourselves under an avalanche of overwhelming tasks and exhausting ourselves ahead of time, without achieving the desired goal. Be sure to indicate the performer, date and time for each item, honestly assessing your strengths and leaving time to complete with a margin. It's best to start with small areas such as closets, kitchen and bathroom. Then we move on to larger spaces, which tend to be less cluttered and require less time to work on. On weekdays, deal with small tasks, on weekends, with large ones that will require you to spend a couple of hours.

Appreciate what you own

Evaluating things is a mandatory step in decluttering space. Gather all the items related to the area of ​​the house you plan to declutter and sort them into three groups: throw away, donate, or keep.

What do you need to get rid of without regrets?

Expired products, cosmetics and medicines;

Broken things;

Items that no longer make you happy or are associated with bad memories;

Items that duplicate each other;

Old calendars, magazines and newspapers;

Pointless decor: magnets on the refrigerator, souvenirs from trips, vases, pictures that have no meaning to you;

Things that are carefully stored in anticipation of “someday” or “just in case”: exercise equipment, knitting kits, clothes that are small/large, unnecessary gifts, etc.;

Photos with people unknown to you, without dates or location;

Old toys.

It is important to make decisions about things quickly and not get stuck, especially when sorting through books, photographs, children’s crafts, papers, and other things. To do this, set a timer and take a break every hour for 5-10 minutes. If the decision is difficult, ask yourself: “Would I buy this today? Can I do without this? If you answered “no” and “yes” respectively, then the item must be released or given away. Especially if you haven't used it for a year or more.

Organize storage according to rules

Now that it has become clear what items will remain in the house, you can begin to organize them. Here are some simple rules:

Every thing has its place. One of the main reasons for chaos lies precisely in the lack of a convenient permanent place for things and the habit of returning them to their place. I recommend my clients to think in “cycles” - a well-known technique in psychology for completing an action. For example, I take a cup to drink. The task of “drinking” is completed not when the cup is empty, but when it stands in its place, that is, the cycle (beginning, middle, completion) is completed.

Store by category. Group items together following the logic you define. There is no universal approach here - the logic of storage can be different: most often, items are grouped by method and place of use, by materials, by color, by style, by format. It helps to know exactly the number of things you have.

Show things. That is, make their storage visible, namely, use transparent or mesh containers, label the boxes or label them with pictures. You should be comfortable navigating things.

Don't buy storage equipment in advance. I encourage clients to use what they already have and not get cluttered with extra boxes. Only by assessing the number of things, how they are used and the size of the room can you plan to purchase additional accessories.

Often used closer, rarely further away. One of the basic principles that is often forgotten. Nevertheless, its observance helps to maintain order in the apartment on an ongoing basis.

Clear digital rubble

Raid your home for unused gadgets, chargers, cords and cables. Check their functionality and make sure that they are really not needed. Send unwanted devices to special collection points, as they cannot be thrown into general household waste bins. Label each cable you need with a label - this will make them easier to identify in the future.

Take the time to sort through the files on your computer, tablet, and smartphone. Come up with your own navigation and storage system. Take advantage of the opportunity to store data in cloud storage and save backups regularly. Disassemble email, unsubscribe from unnecessary mailings.

Irina Tsyplenkova

founder of the “Full Order” project

In the spring, you should not just remove winter things and take out summer ones, but carry out a full-scale audit to free your home from unnecessary things and prepare for a new life cycle - spring and summer. What things should be taken apart? First of all: clothes, shoes, accessories, cosmetics, first aid kit. Secondly: documents and things for active leisure.

Shoes and clothing

Clothes, shoes and accessories are things that have a significant impact on how we feel and how other people perceive us. Therefore, before you start sorting them out, ask yourself: “What qualities do I want to develop in myself? How do you feel?” Next, when making a decision about each specific item, ask yourself the question: “What kind of person do I feel like when I’m wearing this item? What does it support in my lifestyle?” The answers to these questions will help you make a decision: keep the item or throw it away/give it away.

The things you choose to keep deserve your care. Therefore, before putting away your shoes, clean them, treat them with impregnations, and stuff them with paper. Repair if necessary. To make it easy to understand what is in which box, you can label them or even stick photos. Outerwear usually takes up a lot of space, so to store it you can use vacuum bags, the air from which is pumped out with a vacuum cleaner. True, it is better to remove no more than 50% of the air, so that later the clothes quickly return to their original form. Vacuum bags cannot be used for items made of leather and fur - they are best stored in breathable covers. The most important thing: try to put all things of the same category in one place. Then by next winter you won’t have to painfully remember what else you had and where it all went.

First aid kit

There are two obvious stages in revising your first aid kit and cosmetics: throwing it away and repurchasing it. First, check all expiration dates and throw away all expired medications and cosmetics. Winter care cosmetics can be thrown away now if their expiration date expires before next winter. Also pay attention to storage conditions: some products should be stored strictly in the refrigerator. If you find such drops, creams, suppositories not in the refrigerator, you will have to say goodbye to them - it is unsafe to use these drugs.

During the check process, write down what products you threw away so that you don’t forget to buy them later. Then think about what you and your family usually get sick with in the spring and summer. If, for example, someone in your household is allergic to dust or flowers, make sure you have antihistamines. Check if you have sunscreen and mosquito repellent - these things may be needed at the most unexpected moment.


Separately, it is worth noting the verification of documents: spring is almost summer, which means vacations, summer camps and other trips are ahead. So first of all, make sure that you and your family members’ passports do not expire, and that your child has everything Required documents for children's camp. Also, if you are planning a vacation abroad, make sure that you have paid all taxes and fines, otherwise you may not be allowed to go abroad.

Continuing the travel theme, when spring cleaning, put your outdoor gear, volleyball or kite somewhere you can easily reach. If such things lie on the mezzanine, littered with other items, your chances of going out to play badminton with your child in the park or spontaneously going on a picnic with friends are greatly reduced. In my opinion, The best way storage of things for active leisure are hooks: you can hang a sleeping bag, a tent, rackets, and a ball in a net on them. But things in this category usually take up quite a lot of space, so you can safely store them further away: on the balcony or in the closet. The main thing is that you see any thing at first glance and can easily take it.

How to clean properly?

Anna Zemnukhova-Pivovarova

online service cleaner household services YouDo.com

I recommend starting cleaning by ventilating the room and putting things in visual order. First, take your things apart, put them in their places and get rid of the trash. After this, everyone has their own algorithm. As a rule, if there is no one when cleaning the house, then I give myself freedom and clean not step by step in each room, but in the entire apartment at once: first I walk around the apartment with a vacuum cleaner, then I move on to thorough cleaning, moving from top to bottom - I wipe the dust in all rooms, then wash doors, mirrors and other surfaces. After cleaning the surfaces is finished, I start washing the floors.

You may be used to vacuuming at the end of a cleaning task, but doing it first can be more effective. The fact is that during operation of the vacuum cleaner, dust gets into the air and settles on surfaces, and it has to be wiped again. For the same reason, make your beds before you start cleaning.

What places are most often forgotten about when cleaning?

As a rule, when cleaning, they don’t so much forget about certain places as ignore them altogether. Such places include shelves with books and small things (you don’t want to rearrange a lot of things), window fittings, chrome furniture legs, baseboards - many do not consider them part of the floor, so they most often do not wipe them. Cornices, chandeliers and the top of cabinets are a different story altogether. It rarely gets to them, so dust can accumulate there for years.

What is the minimum cleaning product needed at home?

For effective cleaning, two or three cloths and special products are enough. If you clean regularly, use a cotton rag to clean up stains in the bathroom (this material is excellent at removing dirt and fingerprints even without the use of special products) and a microfiber rag. Of all the variety of household chemicals for cleaning the house yourself, you need:

Glass cleaner (it will also help clean the laminated facade of furniture);

Grease remover;

Bleach-based product or equivalent for cleaning toilets and bathrooms;

An abrasive product (powder) suitable for cleaning bathtubs and sinks.

If you only use organic cleaning products, keep in mind that they can often be replaced with an alternative set of household products. For example, you can use baking soda instead of cleaning powder, citric acid- instead of antimir and vodka or ammonia - instead of glass cleaner.

How much time does a cleaner take to clean and how can this process be made easier?

Cleaning a two-room apartment, for example, takes different amounts of time for everyone. On average it takes 2.5–3 hours, depending on the pollution and clutter of the area and surfaces. Following certain algorithms will help to significantly reduce cleaning time. The first, which has already been described, is the step-by-step cleaning of the entire apartment at once. That is, first you vacuum all rooms, then wipe dust everywhere, and so on. The second is sequential cleaning of the rooms (suitable if someone else is at home): in each room you will need to repeat all the cleaning steps according to the algorithm described above. Lastly, clean up the bathroom and toilet.

You can also reduce time by putting some processes on autopilot. For example, run in parallel washing machine, pour cleaning products into the toilet, bathtub, sinks, stove or kitchen countertops. While you are cleaning the rooms, the cleaning products will have time to work - this way you will protect the surfaces from unnecessary friction and save your energy.