Corporate picnic: little secrets of a big event. Catering organization barbecue outdoors Corporate picnic

If you are tired of the noisy, stuffy city of Moscow, then a corporate picnic in the Moscow region will certainly The best way hold a one-day corporate event. Company"Atmosphere of Success" and our reliable partner- we offer a modern four-star hotel conduct a corporate active holiday in the near Moscow region surrounded by picturesque nature near Moscow (only 30 km) and organize a barbecue.

Outdoor recreation has a beneficial effect on your emotional state and helps resolve intra-team conflicts, and our interactive team-building programs help you overcome stressful situations and get to know your colleagues better.

  • Convenient location 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road!
  • More than 50 hectares of forest area.
  • Secure parking.
  • Possibility of accommodation: in three modern hotel buildings there are 188 cozy rooms of various categories, eco-cottages.
  • Conference rooms: events of any level. 10 conference rooms with a capacity of 10 to 350 people, 7 meeting rooms, as well as a business center. All rooms are equipped with modern equipment.
  • Banquet halls and venues: gazebos for up to 200 people, banquet pavilion for up to 1500 people, areas for events, sports grounds(football field, tennis court, volleyball and basketball courts.
  • Services and entertainment: fitness center, SPA, animation team, show ballet, team building, rope course, paintball, horseback riding, boating, ATV, as well as a shooting range, bowling, billiards, swimming in the pool and much more.
  • Restaurants: restaurant "Atlas" (up to 250 people), cafe "Venice" (up to 150 people), cafe "Kolyba" (up to 36 people), "Sea Bar" (up to 60 people), "Karaoke Bar" (up to 30 people), “Lobby bar”, “City bar”.

Gazebos for one-day corporate events in the Moscow region

Stay on site on weekdays: 150 rubles/person, on weekends 250 rubles/person.

Coffee break from 250 rubles/person, service fee 10-15%.

Renting a site for team building - 5,000 rubles/hour.

Capacity: up to 120 people

Location: in the forest area.

In the gazebo: wooden tables, benches, lighting, heating (gas burners for an additional fee), fireplace, toilets.

Rent price 2000 rub./hour

Corporate gazebo Sports

Capacity 120 people

Location: in the hotel's sports area.

In the gazebo: wooden tables, benches, lighting, heating (gas burners for an additional fee), fireplace, toilets, changing rooms, shower room.

Rent price 2200 rub./hour

Gazebo Kolyba

Capacity 36 people

In the gazebo: wooden tables, benches, barbecue, lighting, area for relaxation on the river bank. There is a mini zoo nearby.

Rent price 3500 rub./hour

Corporate gazebo German

Capacity 18 people

Location: on the river bank

In the gazebo: wooden tables, benches, barbecue, lighting. A great place to relax in the Moscow region in the summer.

Rent price 800 rub./hour

Corporate gazebo Baltiyskaya

Capacity 120 people.

Location: on the embankment of the Rozhaika River.

In the gazebo: wooden tables, benches (chairs), lighting, stationary heating, toilets, embankment with wooden flooring.

The gazebo is intended for corporate recreation in the Moscow region and for holding holidays, weddings and other family celebrations. Above the gazebo there is an open area, which during the day serves as a natural solarium.

Of course, you can have such a picnic at almost any time of the year. But in our country it has developed so that the “picnic era” starts mainly in May and lasts until late autumn, saturating the surrounding area with the appetizing smell of smoky barbecue...

When it comes to a corporate picnic, for some reason a scene from the well-known movie “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” immediately comes to mind, where Alexei Batalov’s hero Gosha (aka Goga, aka Zhora, aka Yura, etc.), so talked about meeting friends in nature: “We go away from everyone and don’t spoil environment, everything is always clean after us. I have a friend, he is an ulcer, he can’t do anything at all, he comes to watch, just to be happy for us. You see, when you sprinkle a piece of black bread with green onion, and put a Baltic keleka on top..." If at this stage you felt a strong desire to join the company of Gaucher - Batalov and his comrades, then it’s time to run away from the office - to the river, to the forest or to the park by the entire team, led by management!

A picnic is a good alternative to a party

- The nature there is colorful. Palm trees, zebras, kangaroos... From the movie "Height"

Firstly, colleagues will not have to sit at the table all evening. After all, for a change, you see, it’s so nice to stretch out on a sun lounger or lie down on the young fluffy grass. A picnic does not imply elegant outfits, ties and starched shirts - all these attributes of the dress code for special occasions. All this can be successfully replaced with more comfortable T-shirts, sneakers and jeans.

The noisy metropolis with its traffic jams, smog and crowds of people on the streets will remain somewhere in the distance, and you can go fishing, mini-football or badminton? - all these simple entertainments can not only strengthen the collective spirit, but also give everyone the opportunity to shake themselves up thoroughly.

Organizing a picnic is no joke

It is better for us from all diseases

sun, air and water.

From the song from the movie "The First Glove"

So, a collective decision was made: there will be a picnic!

It may seem that the first step is to choose a place for a group vacation. But no! The main thing now is to try to remember previous trips or hikes, or rather, their positive sides, but above all, disadvantages, especially if an event agency, catering company, etc. is hired to help you in organizational matters. In this case, it is better to write down every detail in the brief - from the number of seats you need on the bus to the types of carbonated drinks.

Trust professional organizers and remember that even such an annoying little thing as the lack of paper napkins or the lack of “beds” in tents or huts can greatly reduce the “morale” of the team.

Next comes the most enjoyable activity, namely: choosing a place for cultural leisure in nature. It’s good if you already have a proven camp site or sanatorium in mind. If not, do not rush to contact a travel agency; it is better to ask colleagues from neighboring departments or friends where they have been, whether they liked their vacation there and what impression they had.

In any case, at your disposal is the shore of the nearest body of water, a cozy tent in a forest or park, etc. But even if this is a well-known vacation spot, you should first send a “spy” there. Let him find out whether it is clean there, whether it is possible to make a fire and set up a barbecue, whether there is a place for team games and competitions, whether you will disturb the local residents, etc.

In addition, it makes sense to routinely brief all participants in the future outdoor event on how to dress, what to take with them, determine the date, and clarify the time of departure and arrival. By the way, the issue of transportation to your destination and back is very, very important! Arriving and leaving without hassle and in full, without “forgetting” anyone, is a big deal :)).

One of the most necessary things will also be a first aid kit. You shouldn’t think about the unpleasant in advance, but anything can happen in life. And it is quite possible that having validol or iodine at hand in time will help protect you from disaster.

Time management at a picnic

- A toast on a hunt should be short, like a command, like a shot. Otherwise, there will be no time left for rest! From the film "Peculiarities of the National Hunt"

I know from experience: if the department in which you work has no more than five to eight people, there will be no significant problems with the picnic “scenario”. But if a department employs thirty, forty or more employees, then an hourly schedule is indispensable! After all, only beginners in this business may think that a picnic is just about coming, eating and having fun. In fact, you and your colleagues will enjoy a good time much more if the organizing committee develops picnic time management.

Let's start with the fact that any corporate event should somehow involve all employees in the “action” - the stronger the feeling of belonging to the holiday, the better the rest will be. If we are talking about a trip outside the city for several hours (up to half a day), it makes sense to divide the time at your disposal into three parts.

The first part is preparatory: preparations, arrival, location on the ground, “settlement” of the territory (this can also include the organization of departure).

Well, you know, being in the fresh air and playing outdoor games simply brings out a beastly appetite. Therefore, another third of the time should be allocated so that people can have a leisurely snack.

We invite everyone to the table!

- If you’re going to barbecue from this bride, don’t forget to invite him! From the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

So, if a picnic is organized by a team, everything related to the “meal” must be thought out to the smallest detail. Therefore, if you are planning a luxurious lunch with kebabs or barbecue, the list of essentials should include charcoal grills, grills for cooking meat or fish, skewers, skewers, firewood, coal and other “special equipment”. It would be good to purchase the necessary equipment for such purposes, but it can also be rented from catering companies.

Colleagues who have been to picnics many times will not let you lie: a skillfully lit fire is the key to satiety and comfort for the entire honest company. Therefore, pre-stocked charcoal, paraffin-peat briquettes, lighter fluid, and dry alcohol tablets will make it possible to cook food over a fire without any problems.

If the sun is already quite hot, it would be a good idea to place drinks in convenient cooler bags, then they will not heat up. Dishes (usually disposable) should be taken with a reserve so that everyone has enough plates, spoons, forks, etc. Also take plenty of garbage bags to thoroughly clean up after yourself after relaxing in nature.

Of course, when creating a menu, it would be good to take into account as many wishes and preferences of your colleagues as possible. Again, there should be enough food for everyone! To avoid unpleasant incidents, it is better not to take perishable products with you, and if for some reason you cannot do without it, then deal with them first.

By the way, a worthy alternative to barbecue is the collective preparation of fish soup or soup. With the right approach and in combination with other dishes on the menu, you will get a delicious and satisfying lunch! The main thing here is to comply sanitary requirements.

Who's who: a picnic will help you figure it out

- Doctors of Science, Candidates of Science, barbecue - everything is real, and they spoke the honest truth... From the film "Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears"

It’s probably not worth emphasizing that a picnic, like any other corporate event, is a great opportunity to get to know colleagues better and unite the team.

In addition, such a collective trip to nature allows everyone to see themselves through the eyes of other team members: to analyze their own informal communication skills, to train their intelligence, to evaluate physical fitness etc.

In addition, active leisure time in nature is an excellent reason to realize the shortcomings of yourself and your colleagues (some are too modest and shy, others, on the contrary, are too noisy and aggressive). After all, such a vacation in a relaxed atmosphere is like a litmus test for determining the psychological state of each of the “links.”

IN last years Many companies have a good tradition of organizing picnics in the format Family Day when employees go outdoors with their families. Such events form loyalty of family members to the employer, help them better understand the specifics of the activities and values ​​of the organization in which father, mother or other relatives work.

Regarding the issue of self-expression of colleagues, psychologists have repeatedly noticed that people often react more emotionally to the performances of “their own” rather than invited professional artists. Therefore, a picnic is a great occasion to open up your colleagues to yourself and yourself to your colleagues in an unexpected way. Of course, the main initiative in this case will belong to the organizing committee, but your impressions will certainly remain unforgettable!

If someone likes to sing romances and is very good at it, one concert number is already ready. If someone draws well or knows how to weave beadwork, you can organize a traveling mini-exhibition. This always attracts attention and “humanizes” the employee in the eyes of colleagues, regardless of his position or status.

Let's play and have fun

- Three meals a day, striped pajamas, cultural recreation! From the movie "Three Plus Two"

In order for the picnic to be remembered by everyone, you need to organize not only a table with appetizing food, but also interactive games and competitions. If the team is of different ages and “motley”, you can come up with several types of entertainment. Those who prefer quiet leisure time will be happy to engage in, for example, holding a tea ceremony, putting together puzzles, or solving puzzles and crossword puzzles together.

For thoughtful “quiet people”, various quizzes should be provided (say, according to the principle of the famous TV game “What? Where? When?”, games of checkers and chess, dominoes and backgammon.

Those who prefer active competitions will certainly enjoy quest games. Of course, the time frame of the game, the idea and complexity of the tasks must be determined in advance.

In addition, thematic games using appropriate surroundings are still popular - it would be desirable to prepare it, and then take the necessary props with you. These include knightly tournaments, treasure hunts for cunning pirates, musketeer and cowboy adventures, etc.

As a rule, purely sports competitions where teamwork is needed - volleyball, basketball, football, various relay races, etc., never become obsolete.

IN Lately Many event agencies, as one of the entertainments, offer all employees to participate in an event called the “Book of Masters.” Its essence is that office workers It is proposed to master several specific and unusual skills and processes, such as origami (the art of folding paper figures), compiling a herbarium, making a variety of toys and souvenirs, and much more.

The best “works” can then decorate the office for a while. Such non-standard leisure time evokes many vivid emotions and is remembered for a long time by all participants in the action.

"Let's sit down on the path!"

So, everything is assembled, the necessary “props” are carefully packed, and colleagues are about to take their seats on the bus. It's time to get ready for fun and useful corporate leisure! Agree, it’s not often that there is a place for him in everyday work. Well, if you still manage to find a little time to spend with colleagues in an atmosphere of ease, enjoy these hours to the fullest. Believe me, there will be something to remember later.

“Eco-picnic” is a modern format of environmentally friendly and inexpensive corporate recreation in nature.

The Event Consulting Service company organizes turnkey corporate eco-picnics in the near and far Moscow region. The Eco-Picnic concept developed by Event Consulting Service is our small contribution to the implementation of the global concept “ Sustainable development" - sustainable development. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a Decree on holding in 2017 Russian Federation Year of Ecology, which makes such corporate events even more relevant.

Often, a significant part of the cost of corporate outdoor recreation is made up of venue rental, corkage fees and other expenses not directly related to the corporate event. Meanwhile, there are many magnificent natural corners where a corporate trip out of town can take place without extra costs, with sufficient comfort proper organization, and most importantly - no worse than on the territory of a country hotel. In addition, this format of a corporate event has a number of undeniable advantages.

Corporate eco-picnic – the choice of companies thinking about corporate social responsibility with concern for the environment. Speaking about the “eco-picnic” concept, we can confidently say that the consumption natural resources in the case of an eco-picnic in comparison with a corporate event in nature at a hotel, it differs significantly. If the cost of such programs is also low, there is a double benefit.

A corporate eco-picnic implies the active involvement of participants in the organization of the event. Undoubtedly, this format of a corporate retreat or holiday goes well with environmental events, sporting events or outdoors. Catalog of team building programs from Event Consulting Service.

Principles of organizing and conducting “Corporate Eco-Picnic” programs

1. No direct payment for use of the venue
2. After the event – ​​cleaner than before the event
3. Separate waste collection
4. Use predominantly renewable natural resources
5. Refusal plastic dishes, containers and household chemicals without eco-label
6. Healthy simple diet, organic products
7. Use of eco- and resource-saving technologies for household and demonstration purposes
8. Environmental education is a logical part of the event
9. Active participant involvement
10. Compliance with environmental legislation

Also, important feature of the “Corporate Eco-Picnic” program is the absence of typical hotel restrictions and rules, which often negatively affect logistics, cost and general impression from a corporate party.

An example of the implementation of the “Corporate Eco-Picnic” program

  • Transfer – a modern bus with a diesel engine that meets the EURO IV standard
  • Venue: border of a forest on the river bank, clearing (forestry)
  • Eco-action - the organizers clear the territory of household waste within a radius of 300 m
  • Printout of the event program – eco-label paper
  • Making badges from recycled cardboard on paper string
  • Decoration – reusable flag ribbon and flagpoles
  • Tent structures – tents of the “Star” and “Master-tent” types
  • Tables, chairs, sun loungers - wooden or inflatable structures
  • Service – locker room, luggage storage, first aid kit, mosquito repellent, chargers for gadgets, umbrella rental, blanket rental
  • Heating – gas heaters and/or fire
  • Electricity – low noise diesel generator, solar battery and/or windmill
  • Lighting – LED lamps, LED garlands
  • Light for disco - LED equipment
  • Sound – maintaining a reasonable sound level; Special attention to sound during bird nesting season
  • Drinking water – certified drinking water high mineralization
  • Industrial water – filtered river/spring water, detergents eco-label
  • Toilet - peat bio-toilet or rented toilet module
  • Food - a simple menu of organic products with the opportunity to fry meat on the grill, bake potatoes, and so on
  • Fresh bar – freshly squeezed juices and draft beer
  • Tableware – disposable eco-friendly tableware, aluminum tableware
  • Sports – mobile volleyball court, mobile mini-football court, ribbon climbing wall, frisbee, gorodki, petanque, badminton
  • Additions – yoga master class, scientific show laboratory with Microworld microscopes, eco-tour “Edible and poisonous plants”
  • Recycling – separate collection and removal of waste
  • Security – paramedic on duty, private security company employees

The spring sun is burning with renewed vigor every day and soon there won’t even be a puddle of snow left. It's time to think about going out into nature, picnics, barbecues and other spring activities. If you are faced with the task of organizing a corporate party, then take advantage of the weather conditions and invite your colleagues to a picnic.

It’s very easy to organize an outdoor trip for your employees. It’s unlikely that anyone will refuse to get out of stuffy offices and get some fresh air. Before your trip, read our material to find out how to have a hassle-free corporate picnic.

Choosing a picnic spot

The ideal option for a picnic, of course, is a summer house. If one of the employees or management of the company is ready to sacrifice their garden plot for the sake of the rest of their family, then you are very lucky. The dacha has all the conditions for a pleasant stay: pure water, table and chairs, sun loungers, toilet, shower, barbecue. You don’t have to take dishes, tablecloths and other small items with you.

If you still decide to take a break from civilization, then choose a place that is not too distant from populated areas. It is desirable that it is easy to reach. Perhaps one of my colleagues can suggest a good place for a picnic. It’s easier to rest in a proven forest clearing or near a familiar river. You will already know where you can park your car, whether there are places for swimming, firewood and where to make a fire.

Transport for the team

Before organizing a corporate event, make a list of employees who will come to it. And it’s better to plan a picnic for Friday, otherwise not all colleagues will want to sacrifice their day off for the sake of their family. Make sure that everyone gets to the place, tell them in detail how to get there. Colleagues can agree and come to the picnic together. If this is not possible, then order a bus for everyone, which will then take them home.

Menu for a corporate picnic

Preparing a picnic menu is the most rewarding activity. Everyone's appetite in nature is brutal, so think in advance about how much meat you will take for the barbecue. You should marinate it at home a few hours before your trip. Calculate 500 grams of shish kebab per person. For the barbecue, of course, bring a lot of greens, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers. Don’t rush to cut salads; leave them for office gatherings.

Picnic food should be easy to prepare, juicy and fresh. Sandwiches, bread, baked potatoes will be received with a bang by vacationers. If among your colleagues there are true gourmets, then they can cook fish soup over a fire or pilaf. But, as a rule, pork or chicken kebab, herbs and bread are enough.

Alternatively, skewers skewers of fish, king prawns and vegetables. This dish will look original and cook faster than grilled meat. You can serve the meat with homemade tomato sauce, adjika or onion salad.

There's rarely a line for dessert in nature. But if you still decide to drink tea, then for sweets, buy pies with apples, lemon or dried apricots, sweets and cookies. Multi-layer cakes and pastries with butter cream will be an extra treat. As alcoholic drinks give preference to wine and beer. In this case, your colleagues will not get carried away, and they will save their face in front of their superiors.

Outdoor fun

The main outdoor entertainment is a picnic, barbecue, swimming in the river or fishing. If a company of about 20 people gathers, then you should take care of music, dancing and games around the fire. Traditionally they play “Mafia”, “Crocodile”. Take badminton rackets and a soccer ball with you. If one of your colleagues knows how to play the guitar, then you don’t have to worry about entertainment. There are few things that can bring a team together as much as songs around a campfire.

When the evening in nature is over, do not forget to put all the garbage in bags and take it with you to the trash can. Make sure the fire is extinguished. To do this, it is better to cover it with earth. Take your colleagues home and thank them for spending time together. A few weeks after an outing, you can put together a corporate newspaper with original headlines and photographs of colleagues on a picnic. By doing this, you will remind them of the fun time they had, and perhaps encourage them to get together for the corporate event again.

Picnic shopping list:

    • disposable tableware,
    • tablecloth,
    • several blankets, pillows, folding chairs,
    • paper and wet wipes,
    • drinking water,
    • salt and spices,
    • necessary products,
    • drinks and alcohol,
    • matches, lighters,
    • Trash bags,
    • grill and skewers,
    • charcoal,
    • thermos with tea and coffee,
    • details for active games,
    • mini first aid kit,
    • insect repellents,
    • sunscreens.

A picnic is one of the most popular types of corporate recreation. Holding various corporate events, including a picnic, has become a good tradition for any successful organization.

Outdoor recreation for business partners

Corporate picnic- this is an unforgettable event, as it transports all participants from the drab everyday life into the tranquil atmosphere of nature.

Organizing a picnic is a difficult and quite troublesome task. The complexity of preparing this event lies not only in the choice of menu, location of the holiday and its design, but also in the fact that the organizers are required to be prepared for any vagaries of nature. It is important that in case of rain there are awnings or tents. Refrigeration equipment is also necessary so that dishes do not lose their original appearance and taste under the scorching rays of the sun. Even one thoughtless small detail can ruin the impression of the event.

You will have the opportunity to choose any of the proposed options or order an individually developed program. We will organize the event taking into account all your wishes.

Order a picnic or ask a question to the manager:

Organizing a picnic- this is one of the forms of catering, which is most often used for corporate events and simply informal communication between company employees and their clients, as well as business partners. The picnic is carried out mainly in the form of a buffet table. The venue for the holiday must be decorated with balloons and other holiday attributes - this is one of the elements of the success of the event.

Picnic service

Picnic service- this is one of the activities of our company. Thanks to the considerable experience of our specialists and their high professionalism, you will be able to fully enjoy relaxation and communication with your partners, clients and employees. We will help make your holiday unforgettable.