Practice for life changes. Practice to improve your life. Increasing daily consumption of clean water

You can often hear, especially in “The Battle of Psychics”, “The Truth Is Out There” and similar programs, that a person has some kind of generic problems. This practice will help you come to terms with your destiny and eliminate some of these problems. The use of reiki is encouraged :)

It is not by chance that every person ends up in one or another clan, family, and has just such a father and mother.

Perhaps it is these father and mother, this particular family that the human soul chooses for its next incarnation, because they can best help the soul understand its shortcomings and correct them. Coming to the Rod, we gain a unique experience that advances us on the path to our destiny.

We take energy from our ancestors and repay their karmic debts. With all our thoughts and actions we influence not only our own destiny, but also our ancestors, our entire Family.

This is possible because each person is closely connected with his Kin. The ancient Slavs believed that all events in the life of a person and his relatives are determined by the goddess Karna, who spins the threads of life, weaving them into a single fabric of the Family and the World. It is from her name that the word “karma” comes.

We have not only the traits of our ancestors, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, but also a shared destiny with them, in other words - karma.

This is how the ancient truth should be understood: “Children are responsible for their fathers, and all descendants up to the seventh generation atone for the guilt of their ancestors.” For example, some action of a grandfather places a heavy or, conversely, light burden on the life and fate of a grandson.

It happens that we commit offenses that, as people say, “make our ancestors turn over in their graves.” And sometimes we do something that “our ancestors look at us from heaven and smile.”

So, We are all connected to each other in our ancestral system. Each person who has stumbled provides an opportunity for his descendants to “receive retribution,” to learn lessons for himself and for his ancestors, and to change, to the best of his ability, ancestral programs and behavioral scenarios. And, having passed the tests, realizing your lessons, reach new level development of the Soul.

The modern science of the functioning of systems (cybernetics) states the same thing as the ancient doctrine of karma, only in a slightly different language: “All parts of the system are interconnected. Changes in one part inevitably entail changes in other parts, and also change the characteristics and capabilities of the system as a whole.”

It happens that, without wanting it ourselves, and sometimes without knowing it, we repeat the life scenarios of our ancestors. Studying family legends, traditions, comparing facts, dates and vicissitudes of fate, you are always amazed at the number of coincidences and repetitions that appear in the tribal system at its different levels, in different generations, triggering the most different people. Sometimes people give up, stop fighting fate, saying doomedly: “So it’s not fate...” or “Karma is such, what to do...”

But, knowing the laws of development of the generic system, we can change it - by changing ourselves. The Russian wonderworker Seraphim of Sarov said: “Save yourself - and thousands around you will be saved.” Taking the strength and experience of our Family, we, in turn, can also influence the state of those souls who came to our Family before us - our ancestors. We can change them and our future destiny - karma.

One of the ways available to everyone is the practice of connecting with the Family and repentance.

The practice “Connection with the Family” is performed as follows:

Early in the morning, at dawn, light a wax candle and place it in front of you at a distance of one and a half meters. Sit on your knees facing east and pray. The prayer can be any - the one that comes to mind at this moment, or simply an appeal to the Almighty with gratitude and a request for blessing.

Imagine yourself as a big tree with very strong roots. They branch into two branches. One is the maternal branch of the Family, the second is the paternal one. At the source of each root, stands the Forefather and Foremother - the Guardians of the Family. The branches of the roots are all your ancestors, up to the seventh generation. Feel that you are part of this clan, and all members of your clan, all your ancestors are part of you. Meditate, imagining yourself as a big tree with strong roots, feel your unity with the Family - as much as you need.

Say from your heart:

« I love myself” - 3 times. “I forgive myself” - 3 times.
“Mom, forgive me” - 3 times, “I love you, mom, and forgive you” - 3 times.
“Father, forgive me” - 3 times. “I love you, father, and I forgive you” - 3 times.
“All the ancestors of my family, forgive me, Guardians of the maternal line, forgive me. Guardians of the paternal lineage, forgive me.” - 3 times.
“We are of the same blood. You are Me, I am You. I can see you. Do I know you. I always remember about you. You are in death, I am in life. You are in the past, I am in the present." - 3 times.
"I love you all. I forgive you all. I show you my respect. I show you my devotion." - 3 times.

Let the candle burn out completely. Feel how your soul changes.

Our life sometimes seems strange and unpredictable to us.

“Apparently, it’s not fate...”, we sometimes say, complaining about this or that episode.

But if you think about it, what is fate? Why does everything happen this way in our lives and not differently?

What scenario do we live by and who wrote it?

Our life scenario - the key to understanding what, how, when and why happens to us. Accidents are not accidental. And indeed it is. And having realized why it happens this way and not otherwise, seeing the cause-and-effect relationships, we can change our scenario.

And, therefore, change your Life...

I suggest you do practical work to identify your scenario and change it.

Scenario Tree of Your Life.

Prepare a large sheet of paper (at least A4) and draw a silhouette of a tree on it.

This is your Life.

And right on this sheet you make your notes.

Roots- These are attitudes received from parents in childhood. We absorb them at the very beginning of our life journey. They begin to be recognized by the child in the womb and form the basis for the formation of his existential scenario.

It could be installation type: Don't, Don't be, Don't get close, Don't be significant, Don't be healthy, Don't be yourself, Don't grow up. May relate to thoughts: Don’t think like that, Don’t think differently than me; about feelings: Don’t feel, Don’t feel otherwise, etc.

Are there any positive attitudes? Yes, sure. One of the most important: Just live and be happy. More options (reverse from negative): You are important, Love, Be loved, Achieve success, Be independent, etc.

For example.

As a child, people only paid attention to you when you misbehaved. Then everyone began to take an active interest in your affairs, needs, and actively help. And when everything stabilized, it was as if they forgot about you... It is very possible that one of the attitudes is: “Don’t be good.” Those. when I'm bad, I'm needed, when I'm good, no one cares about me.

There may be several such settings.

Think about what message your parents gave you during your upbringing? It is perceived by the child both from the words of the parents and from his actions in relation to him, another person, and the outside world.

It could be some strong family phrases like “Money comes only through hard work.”

Find 5-6 such messages and write them on the roots of your Scenario tree.

The soil– psychological environment.

Remember when you were growing up (and the life script is formed before the age of 7 and is “edited” again in adolescence) what environment surrounded you? What was the most important thing about it? You can take both childhood and teenage periods.

Perhaps you were the “ugly duckling” in class and the environment around you was overwhelming, you were scared and a feeling of self-doubt was a constant companion? Or maybe on the contrary, parents always said: “You should be...”, “Have you already done your homework?” etc. And have you always felt like someone was watching you, controlling your every move? Or maybe your parents tried to make your world as interesting as possible, allowing you to be yourself. Or all the time they convinced you that you are much better than others, and the rest are so... misunderstandings, and only you are the center of the Universe.

Think and write it down where the soil of your scenario tree is. The environment could be different, because the soil is heterogeneous in its composition.

Now pay attention to trunk is your main script process.

There are four main existential scenarios.

“I am good - the world is good”- well-being scenario. IN real life, unfortunately, is very rare.

“I am good - the world is bad”- I am the best, the rest are not smart enough, beautiful, rich, educated, etc. True, sometimes they themselves do not notice it. But what will you take from them?

"I'm bad - the world is good"- I'm not worthy of anything good. In no case can I just be lucky in life; everything must be achieved through hard work. Others may have happiness, luck, money, family, etc. But my destiny is to suffer. Or punish yourself by feeling guilty.

"I'm bad - the world is bad"- here I think comments are unnecessary...

Please take a detached look at which one is yours. Of course, everyone wants to say: “Oh! I have the first one! But... be honest with yourself. The main thing is to see. Do not forget that this “grows” from children’s attitudes (horses) and the psychological environment (soil).

We write the script on the trunk of your tree.

More information about life scenarios can be found here (one of the open webinars) .

Branches- these are smaller scenarios, something that concerns some processes in your life. Regarding work, relationships, money, health, etc.

For example, the main Life Scenario “I’m bad - the world is good.” And from it can grow:

In the sphere of relationships: “Everyone good men already sorted out... so a happy marriage is not for me"

In the field of money: " High paying job- not for me. I don’t have enough experience/education/savvy/etc.”

Kidneys(from which new branches will grow) – these are your scenarios that can be. They are still in their infancy. Look into perspective what exactly can grow from these buds if you don’t change your life.

Leaves, flowers and fruits – realized goals, your achievements.

You can conditionally “divide” - leaves are your emotional states, flowers are your projects and plans for the future, fruits are direct achievements, what has been realized.

This work is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Of course, it’s better to do it with a specialist, because there is a lot in our lives that we don’t see or don’t want to see. It all depends on what we want to be true.

If you do the work yourself, then it is very important to do it as if for another person, not for yourself. Emotionally you need to detach. Then you will be able to see the situation impartially, as if from the outside. And that means it’s more realistic.

It seems to me that you have already understood that the most important element is a tree trunk - your existential scenario.

Is it possible to change it?

Of course you can. It's best to do this in individual work, but we would work with him during the training.

The schedule of open meetings is available.

I will be glad to see everyone there.

Recording of the first meeting:

But, if you decide not to go to the training, is it possible to do something about it yourself? Yes.

For example, you can draw a basket next to a tree with fruits collected from another scenario tree. These fruits will represent what you would like to receive in this life, the results of your activities. Label each fruit with what it means. What is your desire, your goal, your dream.

Now take a close look at your tree. What belief or script process prevents this fruit from growing in your life, on your tree?

Have you determined? If not, then think about what belief will help you. Draw a bud on the branch that relates to the area in which you want your goal to be fulfilled and write down this belief next to it.

Now think about how you can integrate this belief into your life? What will change? What will go differently? How important is it to you that this happens? How much does this agree/disagree with the main scenario (tree trunk). What can help you? What situations from the past tell you that this is possible?

Successful practice to you!!!

With love and gratitude

Hello friends website !

Today practice but only practice. Have a pen and a piece of paper. DO NOT READ without them.

You don't have to decide everything life problems immediately, you only need to solve the problems of today.



  • Lessons (trainings, coaching, webinars)
  • Books

You can plan to buy a book, sign up for a seminar.


  • Job
  • Blog (hobby)

We are also planning specific actions here.

Everyone can come up with additional categories, I indicated those that I describe myself.

Improving life, explanations

Remember the important thing:

Our fate is decided in moments of decision-making.

Where we are now is a consequence of the decisions we made before.

So you decided to introduce this system for improving life. If you have any questions, write in the comments below, I will try to answer.

When making a plan for the coming day, you need to think as if tomorrow is the last day of your life.

Next to each task, be sure to write down the time it will take to complete it.

It can take 7 minutes to call parents.
But how important they are!

So you wrote 10 points and set the completion time.
What's next?

From these points you need to choose the most important. As if tomorrow you will be given time to complete only one item.
What's most important? Solve and write down.

What can stop you from improving your life?

Only that you won't start.

Try planning this way for at least 2 weeks.
You'll be surprised how it starts change life.

When life is planned out in this way (by you, not someone else!!!), you know your goals and no one can distract you.

It is an anchor in life.
If it is not there, your boat will not sail where you want.

Sometimes you want to change something in your life, to find the treasured key to the door that will open the way to true happiness. But in reality, implementing this plan is not so easy - a lot of different excuses and difficulties that arise on our way force us to abandon our dream once again. We bring to your attention a monthly plan with which you will be able to change your life through daily efforts.

How to change your life in 4 weeks: a detailed guide

For each week of the plan, three tasks are given that you must implement in your life. You need to adhere to these rules throughout the month, but it is better to follow them constantly.

Week 1. Cleansing the mind and body

Early rise (around 6 am). By getting up early, you will be able to take time for yourself, because often during the day there is a catastrophic lack of it. It is in the morning that no one will distract you and you can go about your business in a calm atmosphere. Laziness and reluctance to get up so early are not at all indicators of fatigue. In fact, such a reaction is a sign that you don’t want to live your life.

Why get out of bed if the sky is overcast, then ride in a crowded subway, sit in traffic jams, and do boring work. If you think “it’s soon morning, a new day,” getting up early is unlikely to continue to be such a problem. The interesting thing is that this pattern can work both ways. Life is busy - getting up in the morning will be easy. If you get up easily in the morning, your life will become richer.

Lighter nutrition. To change your life you need to stock up on a lot of energy. Therefore, you have to choose the type of nutrition that seems most correct to you. Please note that you need to completely eliminate alcohol, cigarettes, junk food and processed foods from your new life. Also try to reduce your portions and not overeat before bed.

Sport. Spiritual health cannot be formed in the absence of tone and health of the physical body. To “get moving” it is best to use dancing, running and yoga. Try to move as much as possible - when getting ready for work, dance in front of the mirror, walk more often, etc.

Week 2. Cleansing space, affairs and environment

Cleansing space. To change your life you need to throw away all unnecessary things and throw them away, not hide them. Don’t neglect a single cabinet, because each item takes up not only part of the space, but also part of your energy. Leave only what inspires and pleases you. Try to get rid of everything unnecessary - it will immediately become much easier for you.

Clearing affairs and obligations. Surely everyone has some intention, or even several, that they have not been able to fulfill for a long time. For example, you are going to learn foreign language, but still can’t get around to it. Or visit relatives living in a neighboring state. Now your goal is to remember all the promises that you made both to yourself and to other people and decide what to do with them. There are only 2 here possible options- the first is to bring every task to the end, the second is to abandon this idea forever. The point is that you need to get things done as quickly as possible, instead of carrying around the burden of responsibility and dissatisfaction with yourself.

Cleaning the environment. Try to break off all relationships that pull you back and plunge you into depression. What does communicating with people who are always dissatisfied and criticize everything and everyone give you? To change your life, clear your environment of people with whom you have nothing left in common and from whom you have nothing to learn.

Week 3. Dreams, plans and goals

List of unrealistic dreams. To complete this exercise, you need to make a wish list, collect all the dreams that are not destined to come true. They are so extreme and cool that it is very difficult to believe in their reality. The main thing here is to turn off the inner critic that all the possibilities of the world are at your feet.

Daily plan. Every evening you need to make a plan for the next day. It can be short, its volume does not play a special role. The main condition is to write this plan in the evening, even if you don’t remember about it in the morning - your productivity will increase in any case.

Fulfillment of assigned tasks. Take a look at the list of goals and objectives that you made, say, a week ago. If it does not evoke positive emotions in you and a desire to immediately begin implementing each item, perhaps it’s time to cross out some things, and instead add something that makes everything inside tremble with anticipation. The ideal list of tasks includes not only planning work and distributing finances, but also relaxing with friends, and most importantly, time devoted to yourself. Your goal is to create a plan that will make your hands itch and knees shake.

Week 4: Expanding Boundaries

  1. Live differently. Any little things will do - you can take a new route to work, go to a very expensive store or an unfamiliar cafe and sign up for some section. In general, to change your life you need to start doing something you have never done before. When doing your usual things, always try to do it a little differently. It is important to develop the habit of constantly trying something new.
  2. Say goodbye to your comfort zone. If you were able to complete all the previous points, you have already done a good job on yourself, but now is the time to face your fears. For example, if you are afraid of heights, dare to skydive, or are afraid of the company of strangers, attend a large party (without girlfriends and boyfriends).
  3. Give yourself a break. Leave your cozy home, turn off your phone and go somewhere nice. Be alone with yourself and your thoughts - evaluate the situation and the changes that have happened to you, have you managed to change your life?

It is not difficult to follow all the rules described in the article, but by integrating them into your life, you will be able to find true harmony and be able to find the right path.

Lucy hastily painted her lips. She was late for the main event in her life - training personal growth. Why is it important? Because then there will be a NEW life! Successful, active, bright.

Zinaida Stepanovna looked into the mirror with a dull gaze. 45 – Baba Berry again. It’s just this hopeless melancholy, fatigue and hopelessness. Nothing. Valery Ivanovich is a good psychologist. He will definitely help!

Antonina barely came (crawled) home from work. Late. “It’s very hard to walk, I need to lose weight,” she thought, settling down in front of the TV with a serving of navy-style pasta. “Now I’m tired, but from Monday – definitely!”

Which of us hasn't started? new life from Monday, from the first, or at least from New Year? Thousands of identical stories about unfulfilled expectations. What happens to the best intentions and motives? Why can someone change their life radically, once and for all, while others cannot take even one small step towards a new self?

What is required for dramatic changes in life:

The realization that “I DON’T want to live THIS way anymore.” Most of us handle this just fine. A person suddenly realizes that he works in a job he doesn’t like, lives with a person he doesn’t like, doesn’t have enough money for anything, etc. Living with the awareness of lack without change is very difficult. It is the lack of something (mental or material) that triggers the process of human development. If a person realizes the lack of something, but does nothing to get what he wants, gray pessimism and dissatisfaction with the existing situation, envy of those who have it better, anger, resentment, etc. appear.

  1. Defining the goal - “I want to live like this.” This is from the realm of dreams and desires. But as a child, my mother often said, “It’s not harmful to dream!”, so many dreams remain dreams. Those who are ready to implement them move on to the next stage.
  2. Developing a plan to achieve the goal. Strictly adhere to it, without making any exceptions for any reason. This requires all the willpower and endurance.
  3. Consolidating the newly achieved position, maintaining positions. There is an opinion that 21 days is enough to learn any new habit. It is during this period that new neural connections are formed.
  4. It is important throughout all stages of transformation from awareness to consolidation - to limitlessly, unconditionally believe in yourself, your strengths and capabilities.

It seems that everything is simple, but often no one goes beyond the first point. Why? Because dramatic changes require huge mental strength and courage. The psyche is designed in such a way that any change is perceived as a threat to the existing situation. You will unconsciously do everything possible to prevent yourself from becoming different. Every person faces personal internal resistance every day. It manifests itself in everything: in the reluctance to get out of bed in the morning, in the reluctance to read the right book or learn a language, in looking for excuses from playing sports, in putting off until tomorrow everything that can (and cannot) be put off. We explain this to ourselves by laziness or procrastination, we make new promises to ourselves, only to fail to fulfill them again. Or do it tomorrow. Internal resistance works outside the will and desire of a person and can be so strong that it even harms him physically. For example, people who decide to go to a psychotherapist to improve family relationships begin to be late for sessions, forget about them, or even get sick and accidentally get injured - anything to avoid therapy, to avoid changes. This is the force that prevents the acquisition of new knowledge and habits.

A week after the training, Lyusya did not find the opportunity to complete all her homework and practice and returned to her usual way of life.

Zinaida Stepanovna went to see Valery Ivanovich once. Expensive. And is it possible to change anything at 45 years old? The sun of life turned to sunset... I bought myself a new blouse.

Antonina still comes home late from work and watches TV in the evening, combining the news with dinner. There is no time for anything else.

Do you think those who managed to change their lives have no internal resistance? Eat! they just learned to work with it and overcome themselves. The beginning of any transformation is leaving your comfort zone. This is an area of ​​living space that gives a feeling of comfort, coziness and security. Everything around is familiar and familiar. A state in which a person lives by inertia for years. And low wages, and boring work, and being overweight and unloved nearby, and much more - this is a comfort zone.

To leave it, you need to overcome a number of difficulties associated with the work of internal resistance:

1. Understand what exactly is stopping you from changing. How do you feel about this?

2. Realize what may be comfort for you, a secondary benefit from the current situation. There can be a lot of examples, for example:

  • Excess weight helps justify loneliness, the dislike of others, and all possible problems and grievances;
  • The disease calls on those around you to love, sympathize and pity, to show care, so you can feel significant for other people, become the center of life for your relatives;
  • An unloved job can meet the expectations of parents, gain their recognition, and implement destructive life scenarios;
  • Having an unloved person nearby helps you avoid responsibility for your life. It’s his fault that everything is bad for you, he’s the one who ruined your whole life.

In any case, the secondary benefit from an unfavorable state of affairs is, in some way, justifying oneself and an attempt to manipulate other people, the inability and unwillingness to take responsibility for oneself and one’s life, the inability to take care of oneself and the manifestation of self-dislike.

3. Overcome your fears associated with future change. For example:

  • Fear of failure. What if it doesn’t work out?! Fear of failure is associated with the lack of such experience or with the presence of negative experience of change. Well, yes, last year and the year before I was on a diet, so what? The important thing to understand here is that there is no such thing as failure. It's just experience. If it doesn’t work out one way, then you need to try another. The one who does nothing makes no mistakes.
  • Fear of criticism. What if everyone laughs, mocks, and teases? In any case, with major life changes, those who will criticize you will appear. For their own reasons, for various reasons that have nothing to do with you. Therefore, it is better to change your internal position towards the fear of criticism. For example, they only criticize lucky people who were able to achieve something. So you are on the right track. It only makes sense to listen to those who can help and support your change.

4. Take the first step. You can't change your past, but you can change your future! The main rule in expanding your comfort zone is to take small, small steps, but constantly, without changing your goal, all the time moving towards it. Personal praise for yourself, rewards, and an external assistant can help here.

Remember that a journey of 1000 steps begins with the first step. And if it is difficult to do it yourself, you can always contact a specialized specialist who knows what resistance is and how to work with it.

With all my heart I wish everyone who goes to master their path!
Note. All characters and names are fictitious. Any coincidences are random!