Announcements about cooperation in business. Search for business partners: where and how to find a reliable person in a short time. Friends are reliable partners

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Commercial partnership

Anyone commercial enterprise reliable mutually beneficial business relationships are needed. Effective economic interaction is one of the main conditions for successful functioning within the framework of an integral economic process.

Today it is becoming very important to focus on getting new partners and permanent search for the most effective partnerships. They allow for the reorientation of activities based on market changes, as well as strengthening competitive advantages firms.

Therefore, partnership in business should be considered a type of economic relations which are based on the collective actions of the parties aimed at achieving common purpose and obtaining a common benefit. In other words, commercial cooperation is a set of ways and methods of organizing relationships between business partners.!

Do you open new business project or are busy promoting an already successful enterprise - it is quite difficult to cope with this alone. Responsible, immersed in business, reliable people are a rarity. Where should you start looking for business partners? Where can they be found? What are the options to select? And how not to make the most popular mistakes in the process of finding business partners?

Independent search for business partners

There are two key areas search for business partners: online (Internet resources) and offline (events).

Let's start with online search methods.

Specialized web resources. There are many websites for finding business partners. You can place your own announcement about your desire on them or see the information of other applicants for partners:

  • Share of Dela (;
  • Start2up (;
  • "" (;
  • Investtalk (

Business forums. A good way is to look for like-minded people on forums where startups communicate:

Blogs of entrepreneurs. Many businessmen, in order to promote their trademark blogging on social media. There they write about their thoughts, successes, life hacks. Some of them already have successful business, someone is just working on their own idea. In any situation, one of them may be open to partnership.

Examples of interesting blogs:

IN real life you can also find worthy business partners. The main thing is to know exactly where they can be found.

Ways to search for business partners offline:

Industry exhibitions, conferences, business summits, forums. By attending such events, you will discover your target audience in concentrated form: companies and organizations that are looking for partners, startups and experienced entrepreneurs, as well as people involved in investing. At such an event going great amount specialists from the same segment. There is an opportunity to meet people in person, establish connections, exchange preliminary agreements, and in some cases immediately sign an agreement. This is a great chance, because in normal mode you will be forced to arrange a meeting with each of them separately. And so in a short time you will meet many potential business partners. But here it is necessary not to forget that in order to participate in such events you will have to spend money on the design of your stand and pay a fee. Information about such events can be found on the Internet by subscribing to mailing lists on the following resources:

  • "Russian Internet Technologies" (

Public organizations and associations. As a rule, entrepreneurs create non-profit associations to protect their interests and support cooperation. They can be found both within the same sphere and in related industries. Data and assistance in the process of finding business partners is provided to its participants by Delovaya Rossiya ( - public organization. And the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry does not require membership in its community in order to provide assistance on how to find a partner. On the resource of this organization - - everyone can use the business partner search service and post their proposal for finding a business partner or read other people's ads.

Clubs. These are all kinds of specialized communities of interest, including those on the topic of entrepreneurship. In the modern world, this trend is rapidly gaining popularity. People gather in such clubs in order to exchange experiences, attract investments, realize their business idea or find a suitable business partner. But there is one catch, it is not at all easy to get into such clubs. There are certain verification steps and parameters, so ordinary people are not allowed there. And in them the ability to pay membership fees is not a key selection factor. In those where for the entry you need only financial resources, and the rules are simpler, and the audience too.

Examples of business clubs:

  • closed business club KELIA (;
  • Avangard (;
  • Standard (

Schools. This includes trainings, seminars, intensives, master classes (for example, the "School of the General Director"), meetings with business gurus (for example, on the Day of the General Director). At these events, you can strike up conversations with interesting entrepreneurs and make useful connections. Naturally, attending such meetings is not free, but in many cases, such an investment in your education pays off in the future when you find the right business partner and your clients.

social life and hobbies. In some cases, getting to know the person you need and establishing contact with him is much easier in an informal atmosphere. It can be parties, balls, meetings of interest. Of course, in a knitting circle you are unlikely to be able to find a business partner, but in a golf club, for example, this may well work out.

Charity. In the modern world, sponsorship is a fairly popular activity among serious entrepreneurs and not only. The most famous charitable foundations are listed below:

  • Valery Gergiev (;
  • Rusfond (;
  • "Give Life" (

Specialized business parties, presentations and parties. Such events are initially attended in order to meet new people from the field of entrepreneurship.

A rather original method of finding business partners is quick business acquaintances. We are all well aware of speed-dating - these are fleeting dates when a couple has a few minutes to tell all the most interesting things about themselves. Dating in the business sphere is arranged in a similar way, for example, on the Nasvidanii Internet resource - Serious businessmen, of course, are unlikely to be seen at such meetings. But startups often attend events of this format in order to meet new people who can be useful to them in the future.

Good buddies. Do not forget about your friends. It also happens that the ideal business partner for you is in your close circle, he just has not yet shown his business qualities. Do not confuse such acquaintances with your relatives or friends. Business experts are of the opinion that a close relationship with a business partner can negatively affect the success of a business. In relationships with people you just know, it will be much easier to establish the distance that is necessary for effective collaboration. Also, you can easily distribute your official duties and sign an agreement on the conduct of a common business project.

Experts in your business area. Another option for a startup is to offer to become a partner to that person who is a highly qualified specialist in the field of the future enterprise. After all, before you are going to open your own business, you will need to conduct a market analysis, as well as talk with people who are already working in this industry. It is possible that with one of them you will form quite friendly relations, which will subsequently develop into partnerships. Agree that it's good when your partner already knows the intricacies of doing future business.

Word of mouth radio. If you have already gone through all the methods, but the search for business partners has not been successful, then try to apply the most elementary method. Just tell everyone you know about your entrepreneurial idea, what you have already done and what you are working on now. It is quite possible that among your social circle the person you need will be found.

In order to increase the efficiency of finding business partners, you need to use several methods at the same time, immediately search online and offline.

  • Friend and boss at the same time: experts talk about the consequences
  • l>

    5 nuances when choosing an event to find a business partner

    There are a number of points that can save you from wasting time. Depending on the nature of the event, it is attended by different entrepreneurs, respectively. Take this fact as a basis when you start looking for business partners.

  1. The larger the event budget, the fewer guests you will see at it. But the entrepreneurs themselves will be more successful and wealthy.
  2. In the evening and on weekends, events are less frequently attended by founders of business projects and top managers. Among them, short meetings at lunchtime or in the morning are more popular.
  3. The theme of the event will also affect who will come from the company. This will be exactly the person who solves the relevant issues in the company. For example, the director of the company will not come to a meeting on supply issues.
  4. The location of the event has a big impact on the audience. The more status it has, the more successful entrepreneurs will visit him.
  5. The organizers of the event deserve special attention. There are always those of them whose events are consistently more interesting than others.

5 rules for a competent search for partners at a thematic event

Now you understand exactly where you need to deploy your search for business partners. But in order not to make unnecessary mistakes at the time of meeting and probing the ground, you need to take into account a few more points and subtleties, using which you can avoid getting into trouble and smooth out all the sharp corners that arise in your communication with potential business partners.

Rule 1 Find out who you need. Based on this moment, select the right places and attend specific events. Think about who can potentially become your business partner, with whom you want to sign an agreement, and who can help you reach the required level.

Rule 2. Create and learn a presentation of your business project. Your story should be no more than a few minutes long. This method is called elevator pitch, that is, "presentation in an elevator." Often, people cannot accurately and clearly describe what their activities are. In this situation, the search for business partners is unlikely to be successful, as a potential partner will quickly lose any interest in you.

Rule 3. Do not sell your services at the very beginning of your acquaintance with a potential business partner. And not even the first time I met him. The first thing you need to do is connect with the person. And your intrusive story about your activities can alienate a potential business partner.

Rule 4. Introduce people to each other. This way you can quickly gain favor and approval, and the next time one of them will express a desire to introduce you to the right businessman.

Rule 5 If you need to get acquainted with a certain person, find all the information about him in advance, which is possible to find. About his hobbies, hobbies, communication style and image of the company. So you are more likely to guess with the manner of conversation when you first contact him.

And do not hope that the only meeting can end for you in finding a business partner and concluding an agreement with this person. Do not set yourself up in this way, or you will be disappointed later. You may seem too pushy, and this will alienate a potential business partner from you.

How to find business partners abroad

When promoting your business project, you often have to contact not only Russians, but also foreign suppliers, partners, and investors. Searching for business partners at business forums or foreign conferences is a laborious and costly business. In this regard, most entrepreneurs prefer to use social networks. Not every foreign businessman and top manager will immediately make contact. There are several secrets about where to look for them and how to partner with them.

Secret 1. If you are interested in a particular company, then you need to calculate the key persons who are responsible for making decisions in this company. Find them in in social networks: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. Most foreign executives are active on these platforms in one way or another. Add them as friends, track what posts they post, who they have as friends, like their posts, leave your comments, take an interest in their life on social networks. If you can show originality, then they will definitely accept you and you will gradually be able to get closer to them. If the person you are interested in has 5 thousand subscribers, hundreds of likes and the same number of comments under each entry, then analyze who and whose responses he notes or reposts the most. You can always find a method that will lead to someone whose opinion he respects. And already with the help of it to establish contact with the person who interests you.

Secret 2. Try to get acquainted immediately with one of the well-known foreign businessmen. It may seem unrealistic to you, but in the recent past, R. Branson, an entrepreneur with the most best business idea offered to present it personally to him on his own island, and then participate completely free of charge in the largest US exhibition - CES.

Secret 3. You can use another method in the process of finding business partners - to have an article about your company published on a popular US news resource that is read by the businessman you need. For example, TechCrunch editor Mike Butcher loves to write about startups in Russia. He even formulated the perfect letter that he would like to see.

Step-by-step search for business partners

There are five key actions that can increase the effectiveness of the process of independent search for business partners.

  1. Clearly define your business challenge and try to communicate it to people you know well. Talk about your business idea with friends, relatives, good acquaintances, work colleagues. There is an opinion that it is not worth opening a business together with your loved ones. There is some truth in this, but not in all cases. You are well acquainted with these people, you know their positive qualities and negative points. You can trust them. There is in the world a large number of examples of a family business, when a husband and wife or children and their parents perfectly build one joint business.
  2. Find business portals on the Internet, sites where entrepreneurship issues are discussed. Quite often on such network resources you can find people who themselves are in search of business partners and business personalities. Such an acquaintance on sites that contain information about entrepreneurship can be a start for future effective cooperation. You can also place your ad on the search for a business partner on specialized resources. This will greatly increase your chances of success in business.
  3. Find out if there is an entrepreneurial community in your city or region. In such a structure, all issues are resolved, including those related to participation in common business projects. By establishing contact with a group of local entrepreneurs, you will acquire useful connections and acquaintances. And by becoming a member of such a community, over time you will be able to gain the trust of other participants and secure recommendations from serious and experienced business people.
  4. When looking for a partner, try to find someone who matches your level of business training and has similar entrepreneurial ambitions. If you are a highly qualified and experienced programmer, then find yourself a person with the same education and skills for a managerial position. Ideally, your business partner should complement your positive qualities. There are other criteria for determining whether you can manage a joint business: mutual sympathy, the same sense of humor, etc.
  5. When talking with a potential partner about the possibility of organizing a common business, do not hesitate to set your conditions. Here it is worth noting that it is necessary to talk not only about the distribution of functions and responsibilities, but also about cash payments (about earnings). Discuss all the terms with your partner right away and draw up a formal agreement, which must be notarized. Otherwise, if a non-standard situation arises, you cannot avoid conflict and litigation.

How to select candidates when searching for business partners and investors

Is there a formula for a successful partnership? Special attention It is worth paying attention to the point of view of one of the most successful investors and businessmen in America, R. Kiyosaki. In recounting an example of his effective partnership, he identified three main factors that made his level of success so high:

First, partners need to have a common investment philosophy. Thoughts about how and where to invest your funds should be identical. Otherwise, you are doomed to constant disagreements and disputes.

Secondly, it would be ideal if your experience and practical knowledge complement each other. The more information you have about your chosen industry, the more effective your business project will be.

Thirdly, partners should not deviate from the course of the intended strategy in their business. It must be formulated at the very beginning in order to clearly understand in which direction your team will move. So you can work in a single direction, without wasting time on unnecessary actions.

Relationships between business partners can be compared to those between husband and wife. In order to find the right companion, you will have to meet different people.

You have a few people in mind that are suitable as business partners. By what criteria to choose the most reliable and worthy? You need to think about the following points:

The partner must not be a relative or friend. We have already talked about this above, but this is actually one of the most common and destructive mistakes of many novice businessmen. There is an opinion that it is on such people that you can completely rely on and entrust everything to them. But you also need to remember the following nuances:

An effective business partnership takes place only when there is some distance in the relationship between those who work together, which cannot be between close people.

Partners in business are persons who have signed an agreement between themselves. Everyone assumed the obligation to perform certain functions and be responsible for their area of ​​work. It is the fact that there is no close personal relationship between business partners that contributes to their increased sense of responsibility for doing their part.

It will be difficult for a loved one to pull up at work if he starts to neglect the terms of the agreement. At the same time, it is somehow not very convenient to conclude an agreement on conducting a joint business project - after all, this person is your relative (friend, good acquaintance), which means that you trust him just like that, and no agreements are needed. Simply put, close people have problems in conducting a joint business due to the constant neglect of the key principles of entrepreneurship. All these difficulties will also affect the effectiveness of the project - slow down its development and bring the financial crisis closer.

It must be the leader. Partners are the leaders of the future business project. Thus, the question that they should be leaders is not even discussed. Each of them will move the business project forward and develop it. The leader must be the locomotive, the driving force behind his work. If your partner does not have leadership qualities, then in reality you will have to carry the entire business on your shoulders, and partnership in such a situation cannot be called equal.

The presence of entrepreneurial qualities. The future companion must unconditionally be a businessman by nature and have a full set of relevant features. This point is of key importance, since the lack of entrepreneurial acumen among business owners is the main reason for its sluggish development and rapid failure.

Closeness in mentality and philosophy. Partners need to understand each other at a glance. They should have a lot in common, something that will contribute to uniting them into a single team. The significance in this is the similarity in mentality, in life position and principles, in philosophy, etc. But again, all these qualities should not be confused with friendly relations.

It is also necessary to realize that in this situation the partners united in one team for the lesson. common business. This means that they plan to make money together. And it is quite obvious that friendly relations have nothing to do with entrepreneurial ones. In this regard, business partners must be similar in mentality and philosophy of life, but at the same time they must keep a certain distance between themselves. Distance in relationships is a guarantee of discipline and a responsible approach to the work process on the part of partners.

Availability good connections, as well as the ability to adjust them. In entrepreneurial activity, without connections, nowhere. Imperfection of legislative documentation and corruption of civil servants provoke the emergence of legal lawlessness on the ground. Thanks to connections, a businessman can resolve issues with state regulatory authorities and other persons.

When organizing a joint business, it is necessary to realize the importance of having the necessary acquaintances with partners, as well as their ability to start and establish contacts.

Financial stability. Each business project is unsafe to some extent, for example, partners risk their financial capital. During the workflow, unplanned moments may appear, as a result of which the case will suffer losses. Also, the presence of credit loans and debts from a partner can destroy a business project already at the initial stage of its movement. Always remember that exactly where you invest your first earned cash, depends on the entire future fate of the enterprise. A partner with financial problems is a stick in the wheels of your business.

Willingness not only to take, but also to give. This is a very subtle psychological nuance that speaks volumes. Analyze the actions of your potential companion. Pay special attention to his desire, not only verbally, but also in practice, to provide you with some kind of help or support, as well as the partner’s willingness to fulfill not the most for him nice job. This moment can say a lot. Joint management business is a constant finding of a compromise between personal interests and the desires of your companion.

If your partner is not ready to give, then you will never get satisfactory decisions from him. He will constantly pull the blanket in his direction.

How to evaluate a future business partner

Let's analyze one of the most common situations. Before you is an interesting project from all sides, which promises quite a serious financial profit. It involves partnering with a firm that has something enticing: a customer base, a launching pad for you to launch your branch, a brand name, a profitable technology link, or already ready business in which you can invest your funds. But at the same time, you will be required to make financial investments, personal time, attention, and you may need to make some adjustments to your company's development strategy. Until now, you have not cooperated with this organization.

How to take correct solution in such situation? We advise you to analyze a potential partnership on three points:

  1. It is necessary to evaluate the attractiveness of the project in terms of business indicators. The criteria for analyzing the profitability of the proposal can be as follows: making a profit, the possibility of winning a niche in your field, implementing a new idea, organizing distribution network increase in market share.
  2. You need to evaluate your partner. Is it possible to have a common business project with this companion? Does it make sense to start negotiating with such a person? Usually they spend several days with a potential companion, just talking in an informal setting. Sometimes an operational certificate is sought, which, in addition to information from the biography of a possible business partner, also contains information about whether this person had conflict situations with his previous companions, whether it came to court hearings, the initiation of a criminal case or a showdown with fists, what was the nature of all these incidents, if any. If the partner candidate was involved in any criminal case, then the enterprise security service starts checking it.
  3. Evaluate what a potential partner firm really is. They get acquainted directly on the spot with the company, office, talk with leading experts. At the same time, as a rule, they evaluate not only the work process at the enterprise, but also how the employees look and whether the description of the plant according to its owner corresponds to the first impressions of what they saw. The process of comparison, whether more or less conscious, must always be.

How to arrange cooperation

What do potential business partners, newcomers at the initial stage of cooperation, think about to a lesser extent? Of course, over the conclusion of an agreement on joint activities. They rely on the integrity of their partner, do not formalize their relationship legally, which as a result can lead to disastrous consequences for each of them.

We will not delve into the legal nuances of concluding an agreement on joint activities. All this data can be found on specialized resources on the Internet, where professional lawyers give recommendations on the forms of such contracts and offer the most suitable one for you.

Let us also remind you that by creating a joint business project, you want to carry out activities that will bring you and your partner financial profit. In this regard, you should definitely register yourself as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity(The form of a limited liability company is popular).

Otherwise, your agreement with the business partner will have no legal effect. In addition, if you start entrepreneurial activity without registering as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, then state regulatory authorities may have questions about your actions.

The main points that should be written in the contract:

Amount of starting capital, invested in the project by each business partner. By organizing a joint business, partners make initial financial contributions. In some situations, equal amounts are invested, but in practice there are also cases when one of the parties invests more, and someone less. All these points must be written in the documents without fail.

Share of the value of the company (as a percentage), owned by each partner. Everyone knows the saying that it is not customary to share the skin of an unkilled bear. But since we are dealing with a business project, it makes sense to share this very “skin” in advance than to resolve conflicts later. Pay special attention to the fact that in the agreement between the partners, the share of each was expressed exactly as a percentage of the real price of your business project on the market.

Functional responsibilities of each partner. It is necessary to realize that the process of partnership in entrepreneurship implies a certain equality of status of business owners. In this regard, together you will need to draw up a document in which you write down information about which of you, in which area, and what functions and responsibilities will be assigned.

Responsibility for non-performance or poor performance of duties. It is logical that it is necessary to describe in detail the role of each of the business partners, but it is also necessary to discuss the punishment for inaction or the performance of their functions improperly. These can be penalties, deprivation of profits, etc. That is, we are talking about the fact that it is required to have a specific document, the conditions of which are indispensable for implementation. Such an agreement will serve as a good incentive for business partners to conscientiously treat their duties.

Profit distribution. In some situations, business partners "beat the pots" immediately after the first income appeared. One believes that he should get his hands on half of all the money earned, and the other believes that all funds must be invested back in a business project. In order to avoid such situations, clearly describe in advance in the agreement the entire procedure and conditions for the distribution of profits.

Decision-making mechanism. In the case when the company is managed by one person, he acts independently. In a partnership project, decisions are made by all its owners. This is where conflicts and misunderstandings arise. For example, one of the business partners wants to take out a loan to purchase products, and the other is against this venture, as he thinks that such a decision will jeopardize the success of their organization. How to find a way out of such a situation? We believe that it is best to add one more clause to the agreement, in which it is necessary to indicate that all decisions in the organization are made only if all owners approve it.

Or you can formulate conditions of a more democratic nature. For example, the decision is made by the majority of the co-founders of the company. If it receives fifty percent of the votes, then such a proposal is rejected.

Right to sign. This point is a rather subtle point. We are all different people. You start a joint business project with one person, and in three years it will be a completely different person. And if at the time of the start of your business you trusted it 100%, then after a while you already have thoughts about how decent your partner is. Who knows, it is also possible that when you leave the company for a certain period, he will quickly sell all the assets of the company, and you will be left with nothing.

In order to feel more calm and confident, it is necessary to certify with a lawyer the right to sign each partner. Specify that all co-founders must sign on responsible documentation related to the sale of the company's assets, revaluation of products, additional issue of company shares, inclusion of new business partners in the project, etc.

Search for partners - difficult topic for Russia, where they are accustomed to negotiate "in a friendly way", and not with the help of legal terms. Russian businessmen are just learning how to draw up multi-page contracts, meticulously write down obligations and penalties for their non-fulfillment. Sometimes an agreement is concluded informally, based on the fact that in Russia it is still impossible to foresee all the nuances.

Before choosing the type of cooperation with a business partner, you first have to find it. To this end:

  • search among relatives, acquaintances, work colleagues;
  • attend events where you can meet potential investors and people ready for cooperation;
  • resort to searching for offers on the Internet;
  • look at the employees of others commercial structures- someone is invited to the business as a full co-owner.

Business partnership: the most important nuances

Both formal and informal joint commerce agreements will fail if certain rules are not followed. First of all, determine for yourself the main motives for cooperation with another person. It is important to answer 3 questions:

  1. what exactly is meant by partnership (investment, free premises, land plot, fresh ideas, working hands);
  2. what I will offer to another person as a partner;
  3. how to document a future agreement, protect yourself from risk and dishonorable behavior on the part of a partner.

Partnership means different types cooperation. Partners in Russia are called investors, suppliers, marketers, sales representatives. Therefore, before you advertise on a site with offers of cooperation, decide who exactly is needed and for what. What kind of "baggage" should a potential co-owner have: money, knowledge, experience, information, ability to sell. Is the territory important or will cooperation be remote. Think about what you offer in return. This side of the deal is often forgotten, but a partnership "works" if it benefits both parties. Otherwise, serious people are unlikely to be interested in the announcement.

It is important to know! Partnership involves joint participation in the affairs of the company, investment of capital and joint decision-making. It imposes restrictions and obligations. Sometimes it is easier to hire a person as an employee or to borrow money from him at interest. Relationships are formalized if equal injections into the business are expected from both sides (both in money and some amount of joint work).

How and where to find a business partner in Russia

Before you advertise on the Internet site, it is useful to look around. As a rule, future partners work in related industries, revolve in the same areas, are interested in similar topics and find each other “in step-by-step proximity” - within the sphere of their interests: at the institute, at courses, at work, in the sports section. Business partnership on the Internet is also possible, but practice shows that it is better to keep the company under control directly. It's also easier to check on a person who lives in the same geographic location if you've already met and have mutual acquaintances.

Good day! Today I am writing an article for one of the subscribers of my VKontakte group " Business secrets for a beginner”, but I am sure this topic will be useful to many who are engaged in business or are just planning to do it. The topic of the article is partnership in business and how to find a business partner.

Before writing the article, of course, I briefly looked through the articles on this topic that the Internet search offers. The articles turned out to be the so-called rewrite (that is, they rewrote each other's expressions and words so that the uniqueness of the article was more than 90%), as I understand it, these webmasters simply have nothing personal to say on this topic business partner search experience almost none of them had.

I strongly disagree with more than half of the information. And now I will dispel these misinforming materials.

And so, we begin to analyze the topic of partnership in business:

Business partnership

I'll start by refuting some points that are recommended for those who are looking for business partners:

  1. Doing business alone is difficult and undesirable. On the contrary, I would recommend running your business without involving partners, if you have enough of your own resources, then you do not need a partner. If it will be difficult for you to run a business alone, you can simply hire a director or boss who will be responsible for a certain direction (possibly several). All the money earned by the business will be yours and there will be no need to share it with anyone;
  2. Consider relatives or friends as partners. In no case!!! Whoever wrote this is out of business. If you do not want to spoil family ties and lose friends, you should not even offer them to become partners. You can borrow money from them for business, but in no case should you take it as a partner. I have been in business since 2003 and during this time I have seen enough of how friends stop communicating precisely because of business, just like relatives actually do. The business partner must be a complete stranger;
  3. Community of entrepreneurs in the city. Until you become a full-fledged businessman firmly standing on your feet, no one will even talk to you and you will not find any partners here;
  4. Participation in exhibitions, conferences and business meetings. What can be discussed here? You are still nobody and there is no way to call you. Only representatives of real companies can find business partners in this environment. existing business and that partnership will be of a completely different nature, for example, the purchase of some product;
  5. Search for business partners on the forums. Another misconception, despite the fact that there are potential business partners on these forums, it is unlikely that anyone will enter into a partnership with you. Do not forget that on the forums people from all over our vast Russia and being in Vladivostok, a person obviously will not enter into partnerships with future partners from, for example, Voronezh.

These are the main proposals for finding business partners that are not feasible and highly undesirable.

Let's now consider what a business partner should be and the terms of partnership:

  • The business partner must understand the topic. The person to whom you propose to become a partner must definitely understand the topic of the business that you have or that you are just about to open. It is desirable that he even had experience in this business;
  • for a full and honest partnership in business. Required condition for a full-fledged partnership and protection from the so-called “scam”, business partners must be legally protected. This is possible in the opening of a limited liability company, the Charter will spell out the rights of both business partners as founders with an equal part of the business;
  • CEO OOO. The head of the organization should be one of the partners of the business that you open;
  • Distribution of functions of partners in business. Usually, people who have ideas, and possibly a future business are looking for partners for their business ( in simple words need a partner investor). In such cases, the partner who is looking for an investor takes on all the other functions of opening and running a business. That is, one simply invests his money, and the second is already creating a fully functioning business, which is quite honest.

Where to find a business partner

It is best to look for a business partner in your city - this is an ideal option.

You can also consider nearby cities, preferably no further than 60 km. from your city.

How to find a business partner:

  1. City newspapers. Look through newspapers of your city in which there are private announcements. Usually after the heading “Job” comes the heading “Business partnership”, perhaps you will immediately find a business partner there. If none of the offers from this section suits you, then place your ad in it with brief requirements for a business partner, the cost of the ad is 80 rubles per issue;
  2. Online classifieds sites. Place the information that you are looking for a business partner on the city Internet bulletin boards + city forums should not be forgotten. You can also use the all-Russian platform for online ads AVITO, just place it for your city. The good news is that the ads here are free;
  3. TV ticker. Each cable television has channels on which there is a running line, often there are several of these channels. It can also be cable not one but 3-4 for an average city. Give a running line on all channels that you can. The ad should be capacious like “I am looking for a partner for a manufacturing business toilet paper tel. 66-66-66".

These options are the best for finding a business partner. It is difficult to say how long it will take to find a partner for your business - it can happen the next day or a month later.

In any case, the information should go until it is found, I understand that you will have to invest money (especially in the running line), but you have a business at stake, so it's not such a big cost to find a business partner .

And in the end, I want to give advice, you should not immediately start a business with the first person who is interested. You should have a choice, so you can meet to talk, discuss possible nuances, but not immediately give an answer. It's almost like when applying for a job, only with more serious criteria and conditions.

And ideally, if opportunities allow, of course, it is better to work on your own, without business partners, but this is purely my personal opinion.

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That's all! If you still have questions, you can ask them to my group - the link at the beginning of the article or in the comments.

Good luck finding a partner for your business! Bye!