Dmitry Solovyov: "The Olympic season is not the time to change something." Changes in life. Quotes. Change. Changes. How to change life? Statuses about changes in life I expected more from last season

Weeks fly by after weeks so you don't even notice them? Is it getting harder to work and live? Eight advice from Enterpreneur can help.

1. Change your wake up time

Start the morning with things. If you usually get up at 7, set your alarm for 6:30 and put those extra minutes to good use.

You'd be surprised how much you can get done with an extra thirty minutes. During this time, you can meditate, do exercises, read, write something. And just start the day calmly. If you want, you can start planning your day in the morning.

2. Do not grab onto one thing after another during the day.

To improve concentration, scientists advise reducing the number of distractions. Everything around you is fighting for your attention, but you should spend precious time on only one task. Most often, people are distracted by checking notifications. It's better to turn them off and check your mail once a day.

3. Get rid of email addiction

You won't believe how much extra time you get if you wean yourself from constantly checking your email. Email addiction is a real disease of our time that destroys your time. Surely every day you receive a lot of letters - you do not need to answer each of them, especially instantly.

Author Jocelyn Gley writes in her book Email Cleanup that whenever you check your email, you think you're productive, but you're really not. Set aside a specific time for yourself to check your email and respond to emails. For example, three times a day - in the morning, at lunchtime and at the end of the working day.

4. Limit the amount of social interactions online

IN in social networks someone always needs something from you. Because of this, you can spend a whole day trying to answer everyone. Make a rule for yourself: check social networks only at certain times. You can even turn off all notifications on your mobile while you work.

Whenever you take out your phone to check your social media feed, your brain will start to want to do it again and again, causing you to constantly be distracted from your work.

5. Focus on one task

If you need to focus on a specific task, limit your time to complete it. Set a clear deadline on your to-do list and do each one in order. Running multiple tasks at the same time will not increase efficiency.

Writer Gary Keller in his book Start with the Basics! 1 Surprisingly Simple Law of Phenomenal Success" said that one must pursue one goal in order to be successful.

It's better to do fewer tasks more efficiently than multi-tasking with side effects, he wrote.

6. Get Proactive

Don't let other people interfere with your work schedule, and let outside events dictate your schedule. Otherwise, it will turn out that you are doing someone else's list of tasks, and not your own.

A proactive person manages his own time and plans his own schedule.

7. Divide your time into chunks

You'll be surprised how much time you're wasting if you don't set deadlines for completing tasks. If you divide your work schedule into time periods, you will stop getting distracted, procrastinating and doing useless multi-tasking at the same time.

8. Plan the day ahead

Take a few minutes at the end of the work day to make a plan for tomorrow. Write down the three to five most important tasks you need to complete. The best way to stop being distracted by unnecessary things is to set rules for yourself.

Do you know people in whose lives nothing has changed for many years? Nothing at all. Or maybe it's even about you? How are you with change? Do they happen or everything has been going on for a long time, and life is more like a "Groundhog Day"?

Change goes hand in hand with development, and when nothing changes in your life, this may indicate that you have no development, no forward movement. But life is movement.

There are many interesting laws in our world that work whether we know about them or not. One of these laws concerns development. Life diligently pushes us to development. When a person stays at a certain level for too long, certain events begin to occur that hint to him that it is time to move on, it is time to change something in life.

And if a person notices these signals and begins to act, then soon he switches to new level, his life is getting better. But if he ignores these signals, then they gradually begin to intensify, as a result, a person may find himself in such conditions under which he will simply be forced to leave his comfort zone and start changing something.

Believe me, it’s better not to bring this up and respond to the first signals in a timely manner. In addition, they are not a secret behind seven seals, and any person who knows how to analyze the events in his life at least a little can notice them.

In this article, I'll give you 5 of the most common signs that you can tell that it's time for a change in your life.

1. You started putting off a lot of things for later.

This applies to current affairs, and desires, and goals. If you are procrastinating on completing tasks, constantly putting them off until later and constantly adding more and more to this list of unfinished tasks, then this is one of the signs that not everything is going smoothly in your life. There may be dissatisfaction with work, and a lack of energy to perform current affairs (including household chores), and much more. The same reasons can lead to a lack of goals, when a person simply goes with the flow, without thinking ahead, without dreaming, without striving. All this is a signal that the time has come to change something in life.

2. Thinking about work ruins your mood.

All week you are waiting for the weekend, and when they come to an end, the thought that you have to work tomorrow makes you feel oppressive, your mood deteriorates. The same sensations arise on weekdays when you wake up and start getting ready for work. If this is about you, then you can be sure that it is time to change something.

3. You are not developing or degrading

In general, the lack of development is almost synonymous with degradation, since everything around us is developing so rapidly that as soon as we stop in our development, we will soon begin to degrade. But sometimes degradation is very noticeable on its own: for example, a person begins to do something that he previously did not allow himself in accordance with his moral standards.

Let's say that you used to always throw garbage into the bin, but now you often began to throw papers right on the road, or you used to not allow yourself to swear in front of women and children, and now he calmly uses obscene words in any company, etc.

These are all signs that something is going completely wrong in your life, and degradation is a very alarming call. If you suddenly notice this in yourself, urgently start analyzing your own life and correcting it, unless, of course, your plans include sinking to the very bottom (and the lack of development, too, as I said, will also gradually lead to degradation, so don’t wait ).

4. You reminisce about the past or daydream about the future too often.

If you spend much more time in dreams or memories than in real life, then this is a clear sign that you are trying to escape from the existing reality. That is, the current reality does not suit you, but in order not to have to do anything, you prefer not to notice it and run away into dreams or memories. I have already talked about this in detail in two articles: - about living in the past, and - about constant dreams. It is quite logical to conclude that if the present does not suit you, then something needs to be changed in this life.

5. You are jealous and/or gossip

Envy and gossip are not about those people whom you envy and whose life you discuss with rapture. It's all about you. Do you know why? Because we envy the success of other people when we ourselves are stuck in the swamp of everyday life and do not want to get out of it. Envy your friend because she has a caring husband? What have you done to have a caring husband?

And do not now say that your husband is different, he does not know how to take care of. It was you who chose him. And every day you make this choice again and again, continuing to live with it. Perhaps you didn’t even try to talk to him about caring, just deciding for him that he doesn’t know how, but in reality everything can be completely different. So what can you do to have a caring husband?

But back to envy. What is she talking about in this case? This is probably what he is talking about. It reminds you that it is your choice and you have the power to change everything. So get on with your life instead of being jealous of the success of others.

But what about gossip? Gossip is a way to get away from your problems. Agree, it’s much easier to discuss the details of other people’s lives and condemn them than to look at all the imperfections of your own life and start improving it. Simply put, if you actively gossip, then this is a clear sign that it is time for a change in your life, but you are scared, so with the help of gossip you are trying to hide your head in the sand.

Yes, it will help for the time being, and then the period that I wrote about at the beginning of this article will come: you will find yourself in a situation where it is no longer possible not to notice. Only then will the changes cost a lot of nerves and not only.

Do not bring it to this, listen to the signals of life, it always warns you in advance. Change your life and be happy!

Don't be afraid to change anything in your life if your heart and soul desire it. Otherwise, you will have to live, changing both the soul and the heart ....

Don't be afraid of change. Most often, they happen exactly at the moment when they are needed.

Max Fry

If it seems to you that something needs to be changed in this life, then it doesn’t seem to you.

Try not to resist the changes that come into your life. Instead, let life live through you. And don't worry about it turning upside down. How do you know that the life you are used to is better than the one that will come?

All the changes that are needed are happening.
What is happening must happen.
The only thing to "do" is to stop doubting.

Ramesh Balsekar

There is no such thing as “change for the worse”.
Change is the process of life itself, which can be called "evolution". And it moves only in one direction: only forward, towards improvement.
Thus, when changes appear in your life, you can be sure that they are only for the better. Of course, it may not look like this at the time of the changes themselves, but if you wait a while and keep trust in this process, you will see that this is true.

Neil Donald Walsh

Most The best way to change your life is to change your thoughts, feelings, words and actions every day.

In every moment of life, something begins anew)

Nutrition for the brain. An Effective Step-by-Step Technique for Improving Brain Efficiency and Strengthening Memory by Neil Barnard

Time to change something

Time to change something

Millions of people are worried about their future. During my neurology and psychiatry studies at the George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, DC, I first encountered patients suffering from the fact that their minds were no longer theirs. Some have fallen victim to severe memory loss caused by Alzheimer's. Others had a stroke. Still others had progressive disorders of the nervous system, the cause of which was multiple sclerosis or other diseases. At that time, we could do little to help them and knew practically nothing about ways to prevent and treat such disorders.

Even now, most people - including many doctors - have no idea about the methods proposed in this book. While almost all current memory medications fail to address these problems, few physicians or patients are aware of the latest advances in nutritional impact on brain health. Most people don't even realize what a decisive role their diet and meal schedule can play.

This book aims to reverse this trend. The fact is that it is in our power to prevent memory loss in old age, not to mention the increase in the efficiency of brain activity in everyday life.

The simplest actions on your part will help you strengthen and protect your brain, provide you with the energy you need, and improve your overall health. I will teach you everything you need.

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