Designing a bird on a feeder for a kindergarten. Summary of a lesson on design and manual labor in the senior group: “Bird feeders. Didactic game “What’s in the bag?”

Purpose of the lesson:

Teach children to make feeders for wintering birds from various materials.

Develop creative imagination, artistic taste, accuracy in work.

To instill in children good feelings and a desire to take care of their feathered friends.

Material: plastic bottles, colored paper, cotton wool, tree branches, pictures of birds, scissors, glue, brushes.

Progress of classes in the senior group

The teacher suggests going to the window and admiring the beauty of the winter landscape.

The teacher reads poetry

See lesson appendix

Educator. — Why do birds ask for help in winter?

— It is very difficult for birds to survive in winter, when white snow falls and cold winds blow. You know that some birds fly away to warmer climes, while others, the bravest ones, remain to spend the winter. Now we will find out what kind of birds these are.

Making riddles about wintering birds (with images shown)

Small bird

Has legs

But he can’t walk.

Wants to take a step

- It turns out to be a jump.


It knocks all the time

The trees are being hollowed out.

But it doesn't hurt them

But it only heals.

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again.


This predator is talkative

Thieving, fussy,

White-sided chirping,

And her name is... (Magpie)

Kar-kar-kar! Kar-kar-kar!

That's the whole repertoire.

Announces the maple crown

With your singing...

Educator. - Well done, you guessed all the riddles!

— What birds did you see on our site, in the park in winter?

— How can we help birds in winter?

- What can we do about this?

— What can we make bird feeders from? (from plastic bottles, boxes, buckets, etc.)

— Feeders made from plastic bottles are lightweight, convenient, and unsuitable material is used for their manufacture. Please note that the feeder has holes cut out. What are they needed for? To make the feeder attractive, you can decorate it.

Examining a sample feeder from plastic bottle. Explanation of the work.

Independent work of children. The teacher helps the children as needed.

- What are our feeders made of? What shape do our feeders have? How can we feed birds in winter?

End of class

Poems read by teacher (Appendix)

Construction of the "Birdhouse" in middle group
Educator: Chebunina Tamara Vladimirovna
MBDOU children's general developmental garden No. 74

Goal: to develop the skills of folding a sheet of paper in half, to develop an eye and accuracy in working with this material.
Materials: For each child, a sheet of thick paper (a quarter of a sheet of writing paper), an equilateral colored triangle with sides 11x15 cm, a circle with a diameter of 4 cm, 2 colored rectangles 4x4.5 cm, 3.5x 10.5 cm. A prepared sample house.
Progress of classes:
The children are in the reception room, the teacher closes the window in the group after ventilation and brings two birds (a toy starling and a toy whistle bird) into the reception room.
“Guys, just now I was closing the window, and two birds flew towards us, they want to tell us something. Let’s quickly go to our places and find out what the birds wanted to tell us (the children go to the tables).
The teacher blows the whistle, nods his head, then says: “Do you know what the birds told me?
They flew home from warm regions, but they have no houses, they have no place to live. The birds flew over our site and saw that we had a feeder. So you are kind and caring guys, you love birds. And the birds ask you to make houses for them. Guys, are we going to make houses for the birds? (Yes). Of course we'll make birds!
Guys, look at my house. This type of birdhouse is called a birdhouse. Today we will construct a birdhouse out of paper.”
The teacher shows the finished house - a thick sheet of paper folded in half, and on it a roof made of a triangle folded in half. There is a circle drawn on the square. Using scissors, carefully cut a circle along the line and stick it on the house - this is the entrance to the birdhouse, and under it a small rectangle, folded in half, stick it inside the house - this is the birdhouse stick.
Physical education minute
Outside the window in the birdhouse
The squirrels are sitting
From the birdhouse window
The starlings are watching.
And below, and below
The sly cat is sitting
Our cat pretended
As if he was fast asleep.
Children take their seats and begin making a birdhouse. The teacher helps children individually if necessary.
At the end of the lesson, the birds fly and see what kind of birdhouses they turned out and thank the children.

1. N.E.Veraksa, A.N.Veraksa. Project activities preschoolers. A manual for teachers of preschool institutions. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2008 – 112 pp.
2. 5. L.A.Antipova, N.N.Korneeva. Projects as a way to organize children's lives. – Khanty-Mansiysk: GUIPP “Polygraphist”, 2002 – 97 pp.
3. 6. Khalikova V.V. The project method as a way to implement a subjective approach. Magazine “Preschool Educator” No. 8 (2008).
4. 7. V.Yu.Dyachenko, O.V.Guzenko and others. Speech development. Thematic planning classes.
5. 8. T.N.Tebeneva. Project culture as part of the professionalism of preschool teachers. Magazine "Preschool Education Management" No. 1 (2007).

Tatyana Shagaeva
Summary of the lesson on designing a “Bird Feeder”

Goals: encourage design, cultivate a desire to take care of birds; learn to distinguish objects by size, learn to form in a circle, follow the teacher’s movements.

Materials and equipment: different types grains (millet, seeds, etc.) in boxes, 5 liter bottle, empty milk cartons, pencil, scissors, awl, 2 bags, bird figurines (sparrow, tit, crow, magpie).

Progress of the lesson

Org. moment.

Children watch birds from the window.

The teacher talks about the life of birds in winter - It is necessary to take care of the birds in winter: feed them, do not offend them.

Main part. Construction.

Educator: We will make a feeder from a milk carton and a bottle. We will make windows in them so that birds can fly in and peck the grains.

The teacher and the children make a feeder.


Educator: Now we’ll play. You will be sparrows and I will be your sparrow mother.

Mother sparrow calls her children

Fly to me quickly

We start today

We learn to fly

Hurry up and stand in a circle

Let's start

Walking in a circle - children “flapping their wings”, mother shows movement and moves away. While mom is watching, the children walk in a circle. Mom fell asleep and the sparrows scattered in all directions. Mom wakes up:

Chick tweet what a noise what a scream

Get into the circle quickly

And learn to fly again

Children stand in a circle and the game is repeated. Then mom bursts out again:

Dozed off for a minute

The sparrows got really naughty

I will strictly monitor you from now on

So that you grow up obedient sparrows

Educator: So our feeders are ready. Now let's pour the grains there. Which ones? Big and small. Now you will need to hang the feeder on a tree so that the birds can have a tasty lunch.

Publications on the topic:

The coming winter cold not only delights children with snow and adults with a festive mood, but also makes life more difficult for those birds who...

Goal: formation of environmental culture; fostering a caring attitude and love for nature. Objectives: - Clarify and expand knowledge about winterers.

In our kindergarten “Kalinka” in the Khimki urban district, along with traditional forms of interaction with parents (meetings, conversations,...

Wherever birds live: in forests and gardens, in meadows and fields, near water - their amazing voices are heard everywhere. But when winter comes...

For work we need: 1 package of any juice, a pencil, a glue stick, colored paper, colored cardboard, a paper knife and of course.

So the summer has flown by, pleased with the bright colors of the “Indian Summer”, and the time has come for late autumn. The sun rarely appears, it is cold.

Lesson notes on paper construction.

Topic: "Feeder".

Target: Teach children to construct a paper feeder. Strengthen the ability to work with scissors and paper. Develop creativity.

Methodical techniques:Conversation on issues, examination of the album “Wintering Birds”.

Equipment: Album, paper, scissors, glue.

Progress of the lesson:

1.Organizational moment.

  1. Conversation with children on issues.
  • What time of year is it now?
  • That's right winter. With the onset of cold weather, many birds fly south.

Birds that remain for the winter are called winterers. What wintering birds do you know?

  • Tit, bullfinch, sparrow, rook, crow, woodpecker.

The teacher shows the album “Wintering Birds” in order to consolidate children’s knowledge of wintering birds. The teacher shows the children a series of plot paintings “Birds at the feeder”.

  • Right. It's hard for birds in winter. Although their dense feathers save them from severe cold, they are often very hungry. Therefore, birds need to be fed in winter. To do this, people hang feeders on trees and pour food into them.
  • Today you guys and I will make bird feeders.
  1. Explanation and demonstration by the teacher of making a feeder.

The teacher shows the finished feeder and explains to the children how it is used.

Children carefully examine the craft. The teacher helps determine the shape of the bottom (square) and the shape of the sides (rectangular). Then he draws the children’s attention to a square with cuts (made in advance). He folds it so that it forms a box - this will be our feeder. He asks the children to watch when he slowly unfolds the box, where the bottom is and where the sides are on the pattern. (The pattern is pinned to the board.) Ask the children to find the bottom of the feeder on the pattern. A child is called to the board and shows the bottom. The teacher then glues a colored square to the bottom. Another child shows the sides of the feeder, and the teacher follows him by sticking rectangles of a different color on them. He explains that the remaining white squares are needed to glue together a feeder from the pattern.

While demonstrating the actions, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the cuts must be made exactly along the line, explain and show how to apply glue - only the outer squares.

4. Physical exercise "BUNFINCHERS". Work on the tempo and rhythm of speech, coordination of speech with movement.

5.Completing the task by children.

6.Analysis of children's work.

New dining room

We made a feeder

We opened a canteen.

Sparrow, bullfinch neighbor,

There will be lunch for you in winter.

Visit on the first day of the week

The titmice flew to us.

And on Tuesday, look,

The bullfinches have arrived.

There were three crows on Wednesday

We weren't expecting them for lunch.

And on Thursday from all over the world -

A flock of greedy sparrows.

On Friday in our dining room

The pigeon was enjoying porridge.

And on Saturday for pie

Seven forty flew in.

On Sunday, on Sunday

A spring guest has arrived to us -

Starling traveler...

That's the end of the song.

7.Result of the lesson.

Elena Alexandrovna Bezmaternykh

Target classes:

Teach children to do feeders for wintering birds made of paper.

Develop creative imagination, artistic taste, accuracy in work.

To instill in children good feelings and a desire to take care of their feathered friends.

Material: colored paper, pictures of birds, stencils - templates feeders, glue, brushes, napkins.

Preliminary work: selection of educational material, poems, work with parents: designing feeders, workpiece bird feed, a selection of books for the exhibition, designing a feeder from a juice box with children in group.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator:Guys, it's time for us to feed make crafts and wait for our feathered friends to visit.

Conversation about birds.

Please tell me the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter (children's answers)

Well done, winterers. What wintering birds do you know? (Children's answers)


What do you guys think is worse for birds: cold or hunger? (Children's answers)

Of course, hunger. Who can help the birds in winter? (Children's answers)

That's right, man. You and I can help our little friends. How can we help them? (Children's answers)

We let's make feeders. And I have this one feeder.

(The teacher shows the children feeder, made from scrap material.)

And today we will learn how to do paper feeder. On your tables prepared paper templates feeders.

Educator: I will show you and tell you what to do, and you will repeat after me. If you are careful you will succeed feeders.

Educator: But to the birds didn't go hungry, what needs to be poured? (corn) That's right, you will make the grains from plasticine.

And here are the first ones the birds came to our dining room!


We made a feeder.

We the dining room was opened.

Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor,

This will be your winter lunch!

And now you and I will go for a walk and hang out feeders on our site which you made with parents. The children go to the site and hang feeders.

The game is being played:

Birds are jumping, fly. (Waving your arms, imitating the flight of birds)

Birds are jumping, sing.

Tick-tweet, chirp-tweet.

Birds collect crumbs, (Bends forward, fingers clasped)

The grains are pecking

Feathers cleaned (Turns the body left and right)

Feathers cleaned

The beaks were cleaned, (Turns head left and right)

They sat on the fence. (Sit down in your seats)

Educator: You did great today, did so many good deeds!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of GCD (classes) on sculpting “The birds flew to the feeding trough” Goal: To develop a sense of plastic form through plot modeling. Objectives: 1) Continue to teach how to create an expressive image of a bird. 2).

"Poultry". Summary of an open lesson on design in the middle group Abstract open class on design in the middle group Topic: “Poultry” Goals: 1. Continue teaching children how to create a building.

Summary of thematic lesson in the middle group “Spring has come to us” Summary of the thematic lesson in the middle group “Spring has come to us” Program content: 1. To consolidate knowledge about the change of seasons, to help.

Designing from paper “Painter's hat” Lesson notes on paper design in the middle group Lesson notes Topic: Design.

Summary of a lesson on paper construction in the middle group “Dog Kennel” SYNOPSIS of a lesson on paper construction Topic “Dog Kennel” in the middle group Compiled by: Anna Ivanovna Gayazova.

Summary of a design lesson in the middle group of a kindergarten for children with intellectual disabilities Topic: Designing a table and chair from geometric shapes. Goal: learn to listen to verbal instructions and build from geometric shapes. Tasks:.