How to work remotely. Personal experience as a freelancer. Free guide for beginners and advanced students. Remote work and Freelancing: features and benefits

Today we will talk about remote work on the Internet, its types and vacancies that are relevant in 2019, as well as how to find a job on the Internet without investment or deception and receive above the average salary in your city.

Greetings, dear reader! With you are the founders of the business magazine Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Tsyganok.

For more than 7 years we have been making money online, now we have our own team, we have a free schedule and work from home.

But it was not always so.

We didn’t have rich parents, at the very beginning we barely made ends meet and more than once faced deception.

From the article you will learn:

  • How Find a real job at home and not run into scammers?
  • What vacancies Are online jobs relevant in 2019?
  • Where to start your way on the Internet as a newbie?

Sit back and close all additional windows on your screen! You will not regret reading the article to the end!

1. Working on the Internet at home - what beginners need to know

Working on the Internet from home gives a person the opportunity to forget about schedules, waking up at 7 am and scheduled vacations. Starting to earn income through worldwide network, you will gain financial stability, and most importantly, you will work only for yourself.

IN last years The remote work and freelance market is growing by an average of 30% per year.

According to leading Russian analytical agencies, in 2015 the total amount of funds earned by freelancers and remote employees amounted to about 1 billion dollars!

Even if your profits are low at first, you will gradually improve your skills and soon you will definitely achieve a level of income that satisfies you.

However, many people have concerns when it comes to working on the Internet, because for most it is fiction. It seems to them that working from home is impossible to earn money without their own investments and deception on the part of employers. People who have encountered scammers more than once are wary of new opportunities.

We assert that Internet activity is a real prospect, accessible to almost everyone.

To earn income using a computer, you don’t have to be a cool IT specialist or programmer. It is enough to have constant access to the network, free time, an electronic wallet, for example, WebMoney or Yandex.Money and a desire to work.

Benefits of working online

Let's look at the main advantages that working on the Internet gives us:

  • No formal (special) education required. No matter how many classes you have completed, what kind of social status and whoever you are, there is work on the Internet that you can do and get paid for it;
  • Unlimited income. There is no upper limit to your earnings. If you're enough talented person and are able to quickly learn new things, you will succeed in this matter without any problems;
  • Ability to manage your time. Working online, you set your own schedule. You can take breaks whenever you want, start your workday after lunch, and schedule a day off any day of the week. People who work in an office or workshop “from bell to bell” can only dream of such a schedule.

Beginners should be immediately warned that high profits in the first weeks and even months of working online are unlikely to be expected, especially if you are looking for income without investment or risk. Working on the Internet for beginners is usually a painstaking and monotonous activity: making money by performing various kinds of cheap tasks.

This type of work is more suitable for those who want to earn some money during the holidays or in their free time from studying.

This also includes earnings from games, paid surveys in the Internet. There is even such a type of earnings as typing: it is proposed to simply translate audio or video content into a text file. Such work is paid, it must be said, meagerly.

The main thing is not to stop at this level for a long time, otherwise stagnation awaits you financially and personally. When starting to work in the electronic space, always think about the prospects: if your income is constantly increasing, and the time spent on work, on the contrary, is decreasing, then you are on the right path.

What is the difference between working on the Internet and standard office work - 10 main differences

We invite you to visually compare the advantages and disadvantages of remote work on the Internet with standard office work in production.

Please study the table below carefully:

Comparison criterion Standard office and industrial work Distant work
and freelancing
1 Flexible schedule No

(almost always)

2 Income amount Limited

(In most cases)



3 Income growth dynamicsLow High
4 Official employment Yes

(when official registration By labor code)


(if officially registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC)

5 Dependence on the customer (boss) Eat

(to a greater extent)



6 Nature of income Projected



(unstable at the beginning)

7 Degree of responsibilityAverage High
8 Form of remuneration For the process

(in most cases salary)

For the result


9 Labor costs before the first moneyHigh High
10 Geographical reference to the placeEat No

So we figured out the concept of “Working on the Internet” and clearly saw its advantages and disadvantages.

Before moving on to the next information block, I would like to note that working on the Internet in most cases is impossible without your own website, on which you can, for example, place your portfolio, or at least without knowledge of how websites are created and function in general, therefore It’s a good idea to undergo special training before switching to freelancing. A resource where you can learn all these subtleties for free and online and which we personally trust -

2. Remote work and Freelancing: features and advantages

Freelancing and remote work are almost similar concepts.

"Freelancer" means, translated from English, “freelance employee,” that is, a person who works remotely without a strict schedule.

If you choose this path, then you will have to look for clients yourself. Having found a customer, you do the work and receive a fee for it. Freelancing can be considered as ).

Distant work- this is practically the same work in its classical sense, only in this case you are not geographically located in the same office or premises with the employer. For example, you are an accountant who works from home and keeps records of finances and document flow for a certain company.

Remote work can be found online for representatives of hundreds of professions - journalists, designers, programmers, teachers, translators, managers, engineers. Any skills and abilities that do not require your direct presence at the place of work can be implemented via the Internet.

Today, through the Internet, you can write articles, teach people English and yoga, draw pictures, create business projects and bet on football matches taking place in New Zealand. Any type of activity that you master perfectly can, with a reasonable approach, bring you a stable profit.

Working from home on the Internet is a chance to express yourself and turn your talent into money.

Representatives are also becoming freelancers today creative professions, and narrow technical specialists.

According to statistics, people who work remotely earn 1.5-2 times more than their office colleagues, while spending less time on work (this also includes the time spent commuting to work).

The average salary of a specialist working online is approximately from 30 to 100 thousand rubles monthly.

With classic remote work, the customer and the contractor do not meet each other in person, but communicate exclusively through means of communication - the Internet, telephone, Skype or via email.

However, some freelancers can find clients in their hometown and communicate with them personally, in which case the work will not be remote.

For remote work it doesn’t matter where you live – in a village with a population of 2,000 people or in a metropolis. The Internet will give you the opportunity to instantly connect with anywhere in the world.

Working as a copywriter, translator, IT specialist, you can communicate with clients from different countries: the main condition for successful cooperation is mutual understanding and fair wages.

5 main advantages (+) of remote work and freelancing

Let's now consider the main advantages of remote work and freelancing:

  1. Saving time and money resources. You don’t spend money on travel, a car, office clothes and travel time to work;
  2. Stability and prospects. When working in an office or factory, you have only one employer, on whom your salary depends. If you work online, the number of customers is potentially unlimited: you can choose the most generous and adequate partners yourself. The loss of one of the customers is not a dismissal;
  3. Flexible schedule. For example, you have children who cannot be left unattended, or it is physically difficult for you to get up at 6 am: all these problems are easily solved if you choose to work from home;
  4. Feeling of inner freedom. A freelancer does not have a direct boss and is not tied to a place of work: he is a free person who lives where he wants.

    Some types of freelancing require payment for work every day: this is more convenient than receiving a salary once a month or once every 2 weeks;

  5. Opportunity to combine work and travel. You can live in warm countries, continuing to work according to your own schedule: the customer does not care where you send the work done from, the main thing is meeting deadlines and quality.

But don’t think that becoming a freelancer means getting money for next to nothing. This type of work also has certain disadvantages. The main one is the lack of a social package. If you have not registered your activity as, or not, you do not have the benefits that officially employed people have.

For example, you will have to pay for hospital services yourself if you get sick. Vacations will also have to be paid for out of your own pocket.

On forums, blogs and special websites for freelancers you can find reviews about working on the Internet from those who have actually tried this type activity or is still practicing it. Below, you will also find our reviews and reviews of our friends about working on the Internet.

There are also those who are categorically not satisfied with “complete freedom”: no one tells you how and what to do, you have to figure everything out with your own mind. But, if you joined this business very successfully, then most likely you will no longer wish for any other job other than freelancing.

3. Work on the Internet from home without investment - TOP 10 vacancies

If you are interested in the prospect of working on the Internet without investment, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the most in-demand and popular vacancies.

We would like to warn you right away that working online is work that requires discipline, responsibility and time investment. If you are a lazy, dispensable and irresponsible person, then you are unlikely to have many customers.

However, if you love what you do, have a goal, know exactly what you are worth and what you are capable of, then the Internet will provide you with many opportunities to realize your potential in the best possible way.

Vacancy 1. Designer

Designer is a very popular profession online, but competition in this area is quite high. To join this industry, you will need a lot of time and effort: at first you will have to work for pennies, but gradually your pay will increase.

For any designer the most important condition successful work presence of a portfolio. If your folder (or website) contains examples of successful author’s projects, the likelihood of receiving an order increases many times over.

It must be said that there are many different areas in this specialty, and for each of them there is its own audience of customers. The most popular specialty in this category is web designer. Essentially, this is the person who will make your website beautiful, recognizable and functional.

A designer for an Internet resource needs to be a specialist in several areas at once, but the payment can be very decent. Price per project varies from $100 to $3000 and above.

Popular design trends:

  • printing design (creating layouts for packaging, magazines, booklets);
  • 3D design;
  • video game design;
  • creation of flash graphics;
  • creating illustrations;
  • technical design;
  • graphic design (creation of logos, corporate identity etc.).

As you can see, the field of activity is more than vast, and for a person with creative abilities there are thousands of options for self-realization.

Vacancy 2. Copywriter

, - in fact, these are different areas of the same profession.

The essence of a copywriter’s work is the creation of unique text content for Internet resources. This is the most classic remote work via the Internet: writers almost never meet their clients in person.

The specialty of a copywriter requires patience, perseverance and, most importantly, masterful command of words. A text content creator must be able to write technical instructions repairing a refrigerator, making a working advertisement for a spa salon, or rewriting any article so that even the author himself would not recognize it.

The profession is not an easy one: not everyone becomes a successful text creator. Experience as a journalist, literature teacher, and philological education helps in this. If you learn to sell goods and services using words or create unique content that is interesting to readers, your services will become in demand and expensive.

A good copywriter can earn a month from 45 to 100 thousand rubles ($500 - $1500).

For talented authors with a name and fame in the network space, there is no upper ceiling. If the owner of the resource understands that the site’s income directly depends on the text content, he is ready to pay a good copywriter the price that he sets himself.

The work of a copywriter is similar to the work of a creative and talented seller - his level of income directly depends on his ability to sell a product.

Vacancy 3. Internet project manager

A specialist in this area is engaged in creating the concept, strategy, and structure of an Internet project (site). Such a person develops technical problems, conducts marketing research, is engaged in website optimization, promotion and promotion in search engines.

Internet management specialists are not yet trained in universities, but the field of activity itself is already quite in demand.

Owners of websites, online stores and other online commercial resources are willing to pay their project managers from 30 thousand rubles ($500) per month and above.

Vacancy 4. Personal assistant to an entrepreneur

The functions of an entrepreneur’s personal assistant on the Internet are the same as those of an assistant in real life– organizing current affairs, optimizing the “boss’” schedule, working with documentation.

The difference is that the work is carried out via the Internet. This specialty requires attentiveness, creativity, flexibility of thinking, and the ability to make non-standard decisions.

Often, a high level of communication skills is required from an entrepreneur's assistant. After all, he often interacts with his manager’s clients and partners.

A remote assistant for a businessman should:

  • good command of IT technologies and computers;
  • be able to enter reports;
  • draw up business plans;
  • work with freelancers and set technical tasks for them;
  • have flexible thinking and a high level of business communication.

The monthly earnings of a good specialist in this business are unlimited: it all depends on the generosity of the entrepreneur.

Vacancy 5. Call center specialist

A call center operator is a person who helps to obtain information, talks about services, and advises on a particular issue via the Internet.

Basically, these specialists work in two areas:

  1. Processing incoming requests;
  2. Sales or customer information (outgoing messages).

One of the functions of such remote workers is communication via online chat.

The specialist is in live and answers text messages, audio calls, and sometimes video calls.

Work in this area requires deep knowledge of the subject matter with which the operator works, plus the ability to communicate with people.

Vacancy 6. Programmer

Everyone knows who a programmer is.

Programmer is a developer and creator of unique computer programs.

Real work on the Internet for a good specialist digital technologies there will always be. If you own English language, you can work with foreign customers, where the pay is much higher. To become a programmer for remote work, you must either have a college degree technical education, or be a talented self-taught person.

Nowadays, application development is a particularly popular area for programmers. Specialists in this field earn up to $10,000.

Vacancy 7. Private consultant

A specialist in any field can advise other people online - via email, chat, Skype and others electronic means communications.

Such activities do not require renting a special room, a strict work schedule or other attributes of working in the “real world”.

All that is required of you is your knowledge and ability to communicate with people.

Vacancy 8. Foreign language teacher

Hundreds of thousands of people want to learn a foreign language. This is necessary for students, schoolchildren and everyone who wants full access, for example, to the English-speaking segment of the Internet space.

If you are an expert in the field, you can teach languages ​​to others via Skype and other video or audio communication tools.

Distances are no longer a hindrance: theoretically, while living in Voronezh, you can teach Russian to a resident of Alaska, if, of course, you have the appropriate knowledge.

Vacancy 9. Internet marketer

Marketer– a specialist whose goal is to increase the company’s sales volume.

An Internet marketer promotes products, services and events of companies and private clients on the Internet.

The salary of such a specialist in the market ranges from 50 000 before 150 000 rubles or more if he works as a full-time employee. Data on wages are provided by the authoritative portals and

If you master this profession, you can easily work remotely from anywhere in the world, even full-time specialist. That is, being, for example, in the city of Voronezh or even in another country, you can easily do work for a client from Moscow or New York.

I wrote that 50-150 t.r.- this is the income of a STAFF employee, that is, if you work for some company, this will be your salary, possibly with a bonus part.

But there is another way to make money in this profession - to provide marketing services for companies and entrepreneurs on the Internet for a percentage of sales.

For example, you know how to find clients for events (concerts, trainings) via the Internet and then you can ask the organizers for your percentage of each ticket sold.

If the volume of ticket sales through you was 1500 000 rubles, then you can negotiate from 25% of your commission. What in this case will be 375 000 rubles from one project.

How to learn this profession?

To do this, I recommend that you take a training course from Skillbox. The training is conducted by marketing agency specialists with a guarantee of future employment.

Vacancy 10. Administrator of websites and groups on social networks

The work of a network administrator is similar to the work of a website content manager. Groups in social networks are a potential consumer audience: the administrator’s task is to create advertising posts, texts, conduct competitions and other organizational work.

The site (group) administrator is also responsible for moderating comments and maintaining the proper level of work of the administered project.

4. Our own Internet experience

We have also been engaged in Internet activities for the purpose of generating income for several years. We started with “offline” and freelancing, where we gradually reached our own online business. Now we have experience of both permanent remote employees of the company and employers. Below we will briefly talk about each direction separately.

1) As remote employees

Since this all started. Only after several years of hard work did we really understand Internet technologies, marketing, and Internet promotion.

Vitaly Tsyganok, co-founder of the business magazine

We earned about 500,000 rubles ($7,000). At first, orders were accepted exclusively in their city, later they connected Internet channels for searching for customers. Played a significant role word of mouth- satisfied clients recommended us to their friends and it was no longer we who were looking for orders, but the customers who wanted to work with us as quality performers.

I would like to say a special thank you to our work with Alexander at the School of Business and Personal development Alex Yanovsky, there we dealt with promotion, marketing and positioning of the Business School brand.

At the same time, we created our own online business, and so we left our work on the Internet, and the Internet business began to bring us much more and we decided not to scatter ourselves, but to develop only our business.

In my opinion, everything happened as it should have. We went from simple to complex: training, then the first projects, then work and standing orders, and only then our Internet business, now it brings us several thousand dollars a month.

Therefore, I was convinced from my own experience that working on the Internet is not only possible, but also necessary, if you have the desire, the money will come.

2) As employers

Now we no longer take orders, although we can recommend our friends who will carry them out efficiently.

We are currently developing our business of creating and monetizing information sites on the Internet. You are now reading this article on one of these sites.

Now we ourselves regularly use the services of remote employees, primarily copywriters (text authors), and also occasionally collaborate with designers and programmers.

Having been in the shoes of remote workers, we have learned to correctly select specialists whose price and quality of services best meet the needs of our projects.

And if you work on the Internet, doing freelancing, then know that if you wish, it will be much easier for you to open own business than a classic office employee.

After all, a freelancer is an entrepreneur!

5. Reviews from real people about working on the Internet

Evgeniy Bobyshev

I'm growing my online business and getting ready to quit my day job.

While working as a deputy director at a design institute and being involved in government procurement for several years, at the same time I opened my own website, which gradually became my home business. Now I’m already thinking about leaving my job, as I see more prospects in Internet activities.

Hi all! Today we’ll look at the topic: Remote work on the Internet for beginners, who freelancers are and what they do, popular freelance exchanges. I'll tell you in this thread. Who are freelancers and what do they do?
Let's look at the types of freelancing. Where can a novice Internet user start earning normal money?
Let’s finish the topic with popular freelance exchanges.

Who are freelancers and what do they do?

Who is a freelancer? Freelancer, who is this anyway?
A freelancer, in short, is a person who does not have a boss.
This person chooses what kind of work he will do and how this work will be paid.
Such a person does not know who the boss is and why you need to dance in front of him.
Freelancing does not know what payment for work on the 5th is.
Why is Monday such a bad day and how is it different from others?
Many remote workers on the Internet generally ask.
What day of the week is it today?
Monday right?
How is it different from Saturday?
This category also includes people who do not work on the Internet, but simply work for themselves, so to speak.
For example, a door installer, but still freelancing is identified specifically with working on the Internet.
An Internet worker is also a freelancer.

At first glance especially beginner, work on the Internet may seem like a fairy tale, but if you look at it from a different angle.
All of the above mentioned advantages can easily turn into disadvantages.

What does a freelancer do, what do freelancers do?
Let's look at everything in order.
Let's start with the most popular Internet professions.
I'll start with the simplest thing.
The lower, the more knowledge you need in that area to make money on the Internet.

Workers with texts.
Copywriters, rewriters - workers with texts.
These people are engaged in writing or reworking texts.
Customers are mainly website owners.
A profession that is quite in demand on the Internet. It’s true that the competition is huge.
Earnings from 50 to 500 rubles per 1000 characters.
This is the view Internet work for beginners I would recommend it.
Briefly about the work. Go to the stock exchange, list popular freelance exchanges see below.
We fill out the portfolio. Choose any topic, write an article on this topic.
Set a minimum price for the article.
10-30 rubles per thousand characters. For every 5-10 article sales, increase the price by 1 ruble.
Believe me - this is the best remote work on the Internet for beginners
Have you tried to make money by writing text?

Designers. Basically, only two specialties are in demand - graphic designers and web designers.
Graphic design already requires certain skills in work, unlike a worker with texts.
Here you should not talk to some editor, for example gimp or fotoshop.
Web designers. You need broad knowledge in the field of programming + mastery of a graphics editor.

Website promoter or SEO specialist.
A SEO specialist is a specialist in the field of website promotion.
An employee who, using various methods brings the site to the top of search results for the desired search query.
This major must have extensive knowledge of search engine algorithms.
Search engine algorithms change very often; you need to constantly be aware of innovations, mainly from Yandex and Google. This type of work is unlikely to suit a beginner.
It doesn’t take at least a year to become good specialists right away, usually longer.
A freelance SEO specialist has his own techniques and best practices in the field of SEO, which he gains through experience, trial and error.

Freelancer - programmer - the work of these workers is valued above all other specialists who earn money on the Internet. They develop programs and engines for the website.
Working as a programmer requires extensive knowledge of programming languages ​​as well as fluent markup languages.

These workers do not accept working for someone else.
I would say such freelancers earn whatever they want on the Internet.
In general, a person who has a website or blog can be called a maniac.
Such an employee can promote his or someone else’s website or blog, write articles, make websites, work as a traffic arbitrator, etc.
The earnings of such a freelancer vary greatly depending on the skills and desire to earn money.

Or coaches. A person with extensive knowledge in any of the above-described specialties.
They make money by teaching people who want to learn any specialty on the Internet.
They mostly teach online on the Internet.
They are more often engaged in information business. They sell their video courses.
Often these freelancers have already reached certain heights. Not to be confused with information business and charlatans.
They have good capital behind them.
They teach not for money, but because they like what they do and want to teach others.

However, not all people who make money on the Internet can be classified as freelancers.
For example, it is easier and cheaper for many companies to provide work from home.
Various counts, working with letters, clients, receiving phone calls, etc.
Firms do not need to rent or buy premises for employees.
An employee does not need to spend time and money to get to work.
Of course, such a worker has more freedom, but still he is not a free artist.
This worker, so to speak, works for his uncle and he pays him.

For those who are just starting to make money on the Internet and cannot figure out whether you need it or not, I have prepared a selection of the pros and cons of remote work.

Let's start with the advantages of working as a freelancer.

    • There is no boss standing over you and not telling you what to do. Do one thing, another, a third. The result is the same salary.
    • Work on the Internet whenever you want. In the morning, the alarm clock doesn’t rattle and you want to throw it out the window.
    • No Monday. You get up on Monday morning and think why didn’t I die yesterday).
    • You don't have to spend money on expensive commuting to work. You can get up at any time and even sit and work at the computer in your shorts
    • You are not tied to a specific place of residence. Some of our compatriots live and earn money on the Internet while living in other countries. You can work remotely, even in Bali or in Thailand. If you live in some outback, in the village of syaki-masyaki, with the help of remote work on the Internet, you can earn money in big cities, for example in Moscow or St. Petersburg.
    • Any Internet specialty will be open to you.
      Today you can write texts, tomorrow you can make animated pictures, after tomorrow you can start designing websites, etc. If you are truly a specialist, then even a crisis in the country is not scary for you.
    • You will be constantly close to your family and will be able to devote more time to them.

>However, as you know, any + can become -

Disadvantages of working as a freelancer.

  • You need to advertise your services.
    Make a portfolio, advertise, do PR wherever possible. In addition, van needs to be on alert. There are many scammers on the Internet who take advantage of the naivety of some freelancers; this is especially dangerous for those who are just starting to work on the Internet.
  • Many people don't have discipline. They can only work under pressure.
    Some people just need a boss to stand over them, shout at them, and constantly control them.
    Besides, when no one is forcing you, you can accidentally get distracted, watch a movie, play a game, or look at an interesting website.
  • I got what I earned.
    You will not have a social package in the form of: paid sick leave, paid vacation.
    Things don't always go smoothly. Sometimes the demand for your services in freelancing is extensive, and sometimes you sit completely without work.
    You still need to get used to this routine.
  • There are no deductions from you Pension Fund.
    Unless, of course, you register an emergency.
  • It is difficult to get a loan from a bank.

Let's now summarize.
If you want to make money online and become a freelancer.
What qualities are needed to work on the Internet?

how to start working as a freelancer?

Of course you need to love what you do.
I consider this criterion to be the most important.
As the great Steve Jobs (creator of Apple) said.
If you don't enjoy what you do.
When things get hard for you, you will leave.
If you don't like what you do and it doesn't work out, why do it?
Many people give up and leave.
If you like what you do.
You will never leave.
You will look for a solution and fight and ultimately you will become a winner.
Well, something like this.
By the way, Steve Jobs is one of my idols.
Yes, maybe in human relations For many, he will be remembered as a despot, but what he left behind covers up all his shortcomings. Steve Jobs is a genius with an iron will.

Do you have any idols?

Assess your capabilities soberly.
Never take on something you cannot complete.

Don’t charge too much for your services, especially for beginners.
Start small and make a reputation for yourself.
Regular customers will appear if you do your work quickly, efficiently and on time.
Don't charge too much for your services, but never work for free!
Often, scammers offer, especially to beginning freelancers: competitions, to do something for free, supposedly as a test, to write a text for a review, etc. Never do this kind of work.
Respect yourself.

It's hard to start. Do not be afraid.
Believe me, when I was trying to make money online, some things seemed very difficult.
You’ll do it once or twice and then you can do it with your eyes closed)
A week later you think another week, what’s really hard about this?
Remember, it is better to do something bad than to do nothing.

Always learn something.
Even if you already have a method of making money on the Internet.
Make money from this. Learn something else.

How to work as a freelancer on the Internet, what exchanges are there for making money on the Internet? is a popular freelance exchange among beginners. There are a lot of fairly easy tasks. is a very young exchange. This remote work on the Internet is perfect for beginners. - for professionals. - for buying and selling articles. - writing articles. Convenient and intuitive server interface. Many customers live on this exchange. - One of the oldest and most popular exchanges. Here you will also earn money by writing articles.

Here I have listed only those exchanges that may interest you.

That's all.
Good luck in your work!

Greetings! The popularity of freelancing is growing, interest in remote work is increasing, but questions about finding a job remain open. Since you and I have managed to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this type of employment, we have gone through detailed training course“”, I think it’s time to start selecting an appropriate vacancy or looking for several interesting projects. Taking into account the fact that freelance will be a real novelty for many of you, I decided to act as a guide who will give you a tour of the online labor market. Finding a job online is easy. The main thing in this matter is to know where to look and what to look for. When opening certain websites, we constantly see colorful banners: “Working as a freelancer on the Internet - vacancies for beginners.” But we’ll try to find out which of these proposals are really suitable for beginner remote workers, and which ones are better left for professionals.

Main activities for freelancers

Well, let’s not waste time and start looking for the most suitable vacancy for ourselves. Among the most popular job options on the Internet are:

Remote work according to your profession

Many still “green” and inexperienced freelancers do not know where to start as a beginner and in which direction to move. In general, it is for this reason that many novice remote workers try to find orders via the Internet in their immediate specialty.

Most often, journalists, social media managers, internet marketers, programmers and translators are looking for work outside the office. However, if you have some other specialty, you can safely change stationary work to remote work. However, in this case, the degree of remoteness will directly depend on the specifics of the work and how necessary your regular presence in the office is.

Website content

One of the simplest types of remote work, which is also full-fledged employment option. Sites can be filled either copy-paste, or rewrite. In the first case, the freelancer will need to compose texts, copying information on a given topic from several sources. As for rewriting, here you will have to retell the previously read text in your own words. To start working in this field, you just need to post your resume on several popular job search sites or look for a corresponding vacancy on a specialized freelance exchange. In addition, offers for such remote work are often published on news and trading sites. Some may find this strange, but this the best option remote work for beginners, since they pay quite decent money for filling the site, and there are no specific requirements for the skills of freelancers in such positions. All you need is skill competently and express your thoughts concisely.

Creation of SEO texts

Somewhat more hard work, rather than the already mentioned rewrite and copy-paste. In this case, you will need to create unique texts, organically using “ keywords » for search engines. This type of income is more difficult, and therefore they pay better for it. To make it clearer to you what your remote work from home job as an SEO copywriter will involve, I’ll give you an example. Most of the tasks that you have to complete will look something like this: you will need to create a description for the phone model according to pre-specified “ keys"(words that need to be organically inserted into the text of the article). Specialists in this industry earn from 20 to 50 thousand rubles per month in Russia.

Start making money on the Weblancer exchange

Moderator vacancy

A completely different type of earning money online, fundamentally different from all previous options. The moderator's responsibilities include checking published comments and announcements for compliance with the rules established by the site. Let's say that some random user posted an offensive comment containing obscene language and not the most favorable wishes. In this case, you, as a moderator, are simply obliged to correct this comment or delete it altogether. By the way, deleting and correcting comments does not apply to all reviews. Healthy criticism is always welcome. However, it must be objective and reliable.

On average, such work requires about three hours a day, which makes this type of income an ideal part-time job for many categories of citizens - schoolchildren, students, working people looking for additional part-time work. Quite a lot of people are looking for work on the Internet as a moderator, as this allows them not to give up offline work.

Filling Internet sites with content

Another type of work that you can do without leaving your home. To make money by filling sites with content, you will need to look for descriptions on the Internet for specific product categories, copy them and transfer them to the site for the benefit of which you are working. On average, every day you will need to fill about 200 product items, which takes about 3-4 hours. If you perform your duties properly, you can earn about 10-15 thousand rubles a month. Agree, very good part-time job?

Promotion on social networks

An ideal job for those who cannot imagine life without social networks and “hang out” on them for several hours every day. Promotion implies systematic increase in the number of subscribers in groups and activity in communities in general. VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter - all these platforms consist of a huge number of public pages, groups, communities and blogs, the owners of which rarely have enough time to promote them themselves. As a rule, such people are willing to pay other users to promote their own creations.

Online consultant on the site

A specialist who answers questions from site visitors. This person helps with selecting goods, making payments, talking about the store’s promotional offers, and the like. It is best to look for such vacancies from direct employers, who are the direct owners of the sites. Since today you can install the appropriate application on your mobile phone and receive messages that customers on the site require your help, you won’t have to sit at the computer all day waiting for visitors.

Personal assistant to an Internet entrepreneur

Another group of specialists working remotely. Since all Internet entrepreneurs and information businessmen earn money online without leaving home, it is completely logical that they need assistants remote. The list of functions that you will perform as a personal assistant includes sending letters to subscribers, searching for potential partners, interacting with other freelancers, and performing other tasks. You can find the appropriate vacancy on social networks, on the websites of information businessmen, in their groups and communities.

Specialist in targeted advertising on social networks

A highly sought after position today. Since social media has become real a springboard for promoting business projects, it is not at all surprising that a huge number of new professions have grown in this field. Targeting specialists prepare, set up and place advertisements, monitor ad statistics and adjust them. Since there are not many aces in this field, the high earnings of these specialists are quite understandable.

Contextual advertising specialist

In the same way as his targeting colleague, he is involved in the preparation, placement and further optimization of the advertisement. The only difference between these two professions is that the field of activity of a specialist in contextual advertising it is not a social network that acts, but all kinds of search engines.

Designer, web designer

I decided to combine these two vacancies into one item, since today professionals in the field of design in any form are in demand online - from landscape projects, computer games and ending with the development of templates for websites and applications. Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of designers on the Internet, the profession is still quite in demand, and freelancing sites in Russia are full of advertisements offering work to specialists in this industry.

Programming and website creation

All business today is actively moving online, so large and small businessmen are acquiring their own websites so as not to lose clientele. For programmers it’s now easy golden time– there is a demand for their labor in all industries – from restaurants to retail. Freelancers in this industry can easily earn several thousand dollars a month.

Working with translations from foreign languages

Well, I guess everyone knows how to work as a freelancer in this industry. Specialists with knowledge of several languages ​​are always held in high esteem. If you know foreign languages, you can translate technical or literary texts and do it without errors - welcome to the world of remote work!

The easiest professions to earn money

Have you ever thought about writing reviews for money on the Internet? But such work is a dime a dozen. Deciphering captchas, writing comments, recommendations, reviews - all this is not fiction, but real reality. They may not pay that much for it, but 2-3 thousand rubles a month is always nice bonus to salary. Especially when you consider that such work will not take you more than 2 hours a day.

Try the work-zilla exchange with simple tasks

Who is the most in demand in the Internet professions market?

Most of you are at a crossroads right now. This is not surprising, because when deciding to change your usual life and become a freelancer, it is very important Don't make a mistake with your choice of profession. I am sure that many of you are now thinking about which specialists are the most in demand and highly paid today. To answer this question, it is enough to step away from the online sphere. Think about who makes good money in your world offline, what do these people do?

Most likely, you will all come to a common denominator in this matter and say that someone who is a professional in his field, who loves his job and does it perfectly. In general, this rule also applies to online work. To become a sought-after and, as a result, highly paid specialist, you need to think not about who gets paid more - a programmer, a copywriter or a video editing specialist. You need to choose a profession that you will enjoy doing and that will bring you pleasure. Betting on money won't make you happy or help you fall in love with her. And, believe me, lack of desire, inspiration and motivation will not lead you to success and wealth.

Popular freelance exchanges for beginners and more

Well, now a few words about where to go in search of work. On the Internet you will find many platforms offering work for freelancers. To protect you from scammers and scammers, I strongly recommend working only with time-tested and other freelance exchanges. I have sketched out a small list of sites where you Necessarily you will find your first orders and be able to start your career as a remote worker. So, the list includes:

Registering an account on the FL.RU exchange

  • Weblancer . One of the best, in my opinion, freelance exchanges for beginners who are just starting their journey as remote workers. Convenient classification of projects, strict screening of unscrupulous customers, the opportunity to get to know a potential employer better through personal correspondence - all this contributes to the search for truly high-quality and interesting projects.
  • Advego - a specialized exchange that works exclusively with specialists text directions. Copywriters, rewriters and article authors will find work here.

Registering an account on the Advego exchange

  • . Another option for a copywriting exchange where you can make money by writing texts based on ready-made technical specifications or sell ready-made texts.
  • Etxt - one of the most convenient and lively exchanges, which not only provides novice copywriters with work, but also holds promotions with cash prizes. Just recently there was an event here. Million completed orders", during which the contractor who completed the millionth order and the customer who paid for this work received monetary rewards.

Registering an account on the Etxt exchange

Where else to go in search of remote work?

On freelance exchanges alone, the world did not converge like a wedge. You can safely use to search for remote work and other sources. For example:

  • All kinds of job search sites. Often there are vacancies for remote workers.
  • In groups and communities in in social networks . Public page owners periodically recruit moderators, administrators, or simply assistants to run the group. See the posts, read the news, don’t hesitate to “knock” in a personal message and inquire about the availability of vacancies.
  • Young entrepreneurs, just starting to form a team of specialists, are actively looking for talented freelancers to implement their own projects.
  • Online stores. Please note that on the websites of any stores there is always a tab “ Vacancies" Periodically review what your favorite sites offer, and it is quite possible that the vacancy you need will be found very quickly.

You will find a more detailed overview of platforms for finding jobs for remote workers in my separate article “The highest quality exchanges for remote workers.”

Salary: how much can you really earn on the stock exchange?

There is no clear answer to this question. In freelancing, as in any other field of activity, you will receive as much as your customers value your work. To help you get your bearings, I’ll say that good designer On average, they pay 30,000 rubles for developing a website template. Considering that an experienced professional can complete this kind of work in 2 weeks, it turns out that earning $1,000 in a month is commonplace.

As for writing texts, then copywriters who choose this industry as their main activity can earn around 10,000 rubles a week. That is, the amount per month is around 600 dollars.

Well, now a few words about “ pitfalls"and how to avoid bumping into them:


Well, with this, it seems to me, today’s review can be completed. I hope that the most pressing issues bothering most newbies in the world of freelancing, we decided. In conclusion, I just want to add that the more skills you have, the more job options you can choose for yourself. Develop yourself improve your knowledge and skills, grow professionally, and then success and financial independence will be just around the corner. And that's all for me, friends. See you soon!

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We are the new generation of homeless people and there are many of us. It is obvious. Apartments in Russia cost half your life. It is clear that people without noodles in their ears will not give up half their lives for the opportunity to live the remaining half in the same place as the first. Renting housing in other cities and countries can be even cheaper than where we have a mortgage, so it makes no sense for us to live in one place. And we go on our travels! We work where we want right now and look for new places to live when our soul asks for it. We don’t have permanent residence and don’t feel shackled to one place, we are homeless and it’s so gratifying to realize this.. And whether to wash your hair or not always depends on the height to which you manage to climb the career ladder.

⇒Interactive post, I recommend: /bookmarks/re-read, ask questions↓ I published this text in 2014, since then 2-3 times a year I supplement or change what is written here, because life does not stand still, freelancing and its resources are developing very strongly, me and you too.

I lived abroad for many years and when I began to return to Russia more often, it was as if I had fallen from the moon out of surprise. The perception of the word FREELANCE in Russia, to put it mildly, is different from what it is in the world. And I'm going to debunk this weird attitude.

Let's remember what is freelancing.

Firstly, this is the tendency of modern society to move everything online. This is NOT EARNING EARNINGS ON THE INTERNET, this is any work or business that is done USING THE INTERNET.

And accordingly, this is a way to do work not in a specific office, but anywhere in the world. This is the absence of a permanent boss, or when your boss and you are the same person.

EXAMPLES. Freelancers IT specialists have turned their hobby of sitting at the computer into work and today they run the world's largest websites or production facilities. Freelance photographers and journalists are published in the world's largest publications: Geo, Vogue, Id, etc. These are also the best artists, economists, teachers, designers, writers, translators... it's an endless list.

Any businessman who has built a business without being tied to a specific office is a freelancer.

And here is the main cherry on this cake: all these people were not looking for vacancies for five rubles at freelancing trainings. They turned their hobby into their career. Which can only be developed by yourself, TURNING ON YOUR BRAIN and at the same time being in any country/village/ass/top of the world.

What does it mean. What is successful freelancing?(and we are not considering the other one here) - this is initially:

  • having a goal,
  • independence,
  • ability to google and develop.
  • And there is only one question left to start with:

We have one life. Do we choose what to do in it: build an income on vacancies that someone palms off, or develop all your life and do cool things that you love?

Further actions depend on the answer. In the second case, there can be no failure, because doing what you love all your life cannot be called that word. And “if you are passionate about what you love (for example, sucking on a piece of driftwood), you can even miss the apocalypse.”

Enjoy what you do.

To leave a room you do not need to take courses on how to leave a room. We need a goal beyond it.

Pros of remote work: freedom from schedule and choice of place of residence. All responsibility is yours alone. You can increase your salary indefinitely.

Disadvantages of remote work: It takes time and real effort to transition from regular work to remote work. All responsibility is yours. You can live in poverty indefinitely.

Who can work remotely

In fact, anyone. Popular remote professions, which only the laziest don’t know about: programmer, designer (any), artist, SEO specialist (website promotion), seller (online stores), writer, editor, translator, advertiser, PR man, manager.

  • journalist, photojournalist (normal publications, especially English-language ones, have long switched to freelancers, it was as a freelancer that I was published in Geo and Russian Reporter, for example, this is the only way to cooperate with cool publications now, especially foreign ones,
  • video editor,
  • musician (composer),
  • photographer,
  • teacher (a lot of schools are online now),
  • psychologist, accountant (this profession has long been outsourced - remote hiring),
  • lawyer,
  • manufacturer of hand-made clothing, jewelry, etc.
  • administrator, manager, project manager, etc.
  • Trading, playing poker, on the stock exchange. Blogging: Instagram, YouTube…

And, of course, you can invent own projects, produce your own products and sell it online (through your website or local forums and online flea markets like, etsy for example).

If your mind is completely empty, you can look at lists of in-demand remote professions at freelancer exchanges.

Freelancer exchanges- These are sites where freelancers and clients register. Freelancers post their portfolio and look for suitable orders placed by clients. I provide links to freelance exchanges in the following paragraphs↓

Remote work - where to start

And here is the important point in viewing all these vacancies.

YOU DON'T NEED THESE LISTS AT ALL. Once you have read it, tear out this piece of paper and throw it away. Because this is an approach from the other side.

It’s like you need to go to the store, and you are studying the types of doors in your entrance.

Freelancing is not about looking for vacancies in order to at least earn a pretty penny and live on a tropical island.

You can go through vacancies as much as you like, motivate yourself with needle injections in the butt and kicks there, but until you understand why you need all this, nothing will start to work.

To move towards a goal, you NEED A PURPOSE. Then there will be a path and motivation will no longer be needed - you will run towards it every day, waking up at 6 in the morning and regretting every lost minute.

And to start working remotely, you need to find your own business, which you are really passionate about, start developing in it and transfer it to freelancing.

When I was just starting to develop what I basically found boring to live without - blogging and photography, I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to make money from it. It was 2007-8 and there was no talk about blogs at all, and to develop photography you had to sit in one city and advertise for a wedding photographer.

But something in me decided: to hell public opinion, I want to develop my own, I want to live where I want and shoot there.

And it worked. It was difficult at first, but I persistently hammered mine and unexpectedly it flooded.

About how to feel this goal if it doesn’t exist yet. How to find “your purpose.” This seems like a topic for another post, I’ll add it to my plan. In short:

  • try everything you haven’t tried before,
  • - empty your head of habitual thoughts,
  • Don’t think that there can only be one thing you love, test different ones. It's like a relationship - maybe one for life, but most likely not.

End of lyrical digression-

Let's start practicing?

©Olga Salii. Copying material.

Step 1. Stop watching TV

Let's clear our lack of apartments from zombie boxes forever! For self-development we have YouTube, Google, books and communication with like-minded people, meditation, yoga, sports, everything that empties your head of garbage..

update - in 2020, it seems like hardly anyone watches Zombie Box, huh?

Step 1.0 Find your favorite thing

For example, make your own list: what you really love to do, what you are obsessed with. Sometimes, in order to understand this, you need to clear your head, think, meditate, go fishing, go to the mountains, do vipasana, or just think for 15 minutes at home in silence.

A person who does what he loves is doomed to success in any case. After all, then he puts all his energy and inspiration into the business. And even if he cannot make money from this, he will do what he loves all his life. If you choose a profession based on what others are successful in, then this is a deliberate loss - after all, this is another unconscious step. All we need is awareness.

By the way, before you make all these lists of your favorite professions, think: is it really necessary to be where you are with your current specialty? Maybe it's just a habit of going to work, but you can do it anywhere?

Sometimes an important criterion that this business is really “yours”: when you see how others do it (or try to do it yourself for the first time), you internally feel that you can potentially do it better than anyone else.

Step 2. Study and professional growth. The most important first step

Even if you don’t understand anything at all about your favorite business, but you feel that you can do it better than others - that’s already cool. Any profession needs to be learned and it’s never too late.

It’s better to spend a couple of years studying and growing in your business, which will already bring you pleasure, than to do something incomprehensible all your life for the sake of money. Get started right now! You can search for various courses or free video lessons for YOUR purpose on the Internet (or in your city).

We simply must invest time in our development., study and health, because these are our main resources.

Switching to freelancing is the beginning of caring for yourself as your best employee and boss, this is the most valuable thing you have, on which all bets are made.

It is also VERY useful for studying to meet people who are engaged in the same business and communicate with them.

For freelancers, vacation is when you can finally sit at home and do some good work while taking a break from traveling.

Step 3. Getting started

So, you have identified your desired and favorite activity and have begun to master it (or have already mastered it). The most important thing remains: start working (and don’t stop) and along the way create and develop your portfolio, your style and your own image. Because now you won’t go to the office for interviews, and others can see what a great specialist you are only through the Internet.

For maximum effect, you need to clearly demonstrate your advantages: on your personal Facebook page, VKontakte, register on freelance exchanges, forums, make your own website, etc.

In order to start working in your chosen specialty right now, you need to conduct a small but painstaking research on the topic “How to work in my specialty on the Internet.”

For example, you know 2 or more languages. Now you just need to open a search engine - Google for example - and enter the phrase: “How to start working as a translator remotely.” Or are you a photographer: “How to sell your photos on the Internet.” Or an artist: “How to work as an artist remotely,” etc. The Internet is already full of information with detailed instructions or ready-made vacancies in your favorite specialty.

Take your time - collect information painstakingly and do not stop with what you have learned, get to know those who are already working in your specialty remotely. It is this exploration and new connections that will connect you to your work.

If you want to work remotely, this means you become completely independent now. Act on your own and find your own solutions in any situation. And now the pitfall of remote work, or rather the transition to it: you are unlikely to be able to make a full profit for the first six months. But all you need to start getting it is your perseverance, constant professional development (Google to the rescue), self-discipline and confidence even in the face of temporary setbacks. If you like the chosen business, then you will have confidence.

Those who work remotely usually have irregular working hours, can work seven days a week, with a break for 7 hours of sleep and food. This often happens - after all, we are so passionate about work that does not bother us at all that we can forget about everything else.

Freelancing is not relaxation at all. This is maximum dedication - both in work and in rest. It's just a nice dedication.

Scams in remote work

Unfortunately, this is enough, but if you turn on your brain in time and evaluate the vacancy (or better yet, don’t turn it off at all), then everything is obvious.

The main sign of a non-existent vacancy and fraud: an offer to make a monetary contribution (for registration on the site or whatever).

Popular scam vacancies: typesetters, packaging anything, assembling beads, envelopes, etc.

That is, you don’t need a lot of intelligence, which is apparently what scammers are counting on when creating such vacancies.

If you are not looking for vacancies, but rather developing your own direction, then you are not afraid of scams.

Where and how to look for remote work. Freelancer exchanges

This point is very useful if you have already decided on an activity and it belongs to the service sector. There are special sites - exchanges for freelancers and employers. Russian-speaking and English-speaking. For programmers, designers and translators, for example, it will be much more profitable to look for employers directly on an English-language exchange - working there may be more difficult, but much more profitable. In addition, this is your independence from the ruble exchange rate.

On freelance exchanges, freelancers can first find small orders (for example: draw a kitten, or write a text about fireproof safes, or make a toolbar for a website, etc.).

Important from the very beginning, gradually (working through freelance exchanges and in other places) accumulate for yourself portfolio and reviews from employers - put it in a folder, publish texts (if you are a copywriter or translator), IT projects (if you are a programmer), drawings (if you are an artist), etc. on your freelance exchange pages.

Over time, working through freelance exchanges, freelancers usually find one or more regular customers. By this time, having already reached good level salaries and stability.

All freelance exchanges have their own forums where people share the secrets of successful work through this exchange. Be sure to study them and communicate on these forums with colleagues.

English-language freelance exchanges for different specialties

If you know English, you can start right away with high level, Congratulations. English-language freelance exchanges are much cooler than Russian ones, and it’s not just about the dollar salary. Programmers, translators and everyone else are needed here. This is the normal global level of freelancing. There are no freebies here, you need to work at full capacity, but the salary is in dollars.

  • is the No. 1 site among English-language freelance exchanges. It alone may be enough for full-fledged work.

It is enough to register and work on 1-2 freelance exchanges. Choose the one that suits you best.

Russian-speaking freelance exchanges

✔Universal largest exchanges for freelancers of various professions:

  • - I once started on this site and worked only on it (as a copywriter and editor). A very large resource (once it was No. 1), but for full-fledged work you will have to buy a paid Pro account.
  • is another large exchange site for freelancers of various specialties.
  • - I also once found customers here. Large freelance exchange.

✔Exchanges for copywriters:

The above plus for example these ↓


✔Exchanges for programmers:


✔For lawyers and accountants:


✔For artists and designers:


✔For architects and interior designers:


And much more appears on Google all the time - Google exchanges in your specialty and find new ones that are suitable for you.

How to find a job in another country

Method number one for today: This is a Facebook group. There are groups specifically for job searching, but you can also join all the active groups of the place you are traveling to (English-speaking, Russian-speaking), hang out there, introduce yourself, communicate and learn about job opportunities.

Second way. To find a job in the country where you are going to go, you just need to Google this topic on the Internet. Just write a query in the search engine, for example: “Chef needed in Pattaya” (if you are a cook) or “Work as a DJ in China”, etc.

On my Instagram I started talking about different freelancers in stories, check it out :) Instagram annatamila

For example, you can view work in Thailand here:

It will be a big plus if you speak English - you can ask questions to the search engine in English and interesting options there will certainly be more. By the way, Russian DJs and soloists are in demand in China - a friend of mine successfully worked there under contracts for some time. The search engine will definitely give you several forums and sites where there will be advertisements on your topic.

China in general is a crazy country, I know many Russians who work there as English teachers (without higher education), actors, models.

The ability to Google (use a search engine) in our era is invaluable, believe me, always search for everything yourself - the Internet already has answers to all your questions.

How to work as a hairdresser, photographer, instructor and anyone else in different countries

This is more difficult, even if you take care of it in advance:

✔ make and promote your website (Instagram, Facebook) about services,

✔ show up on all possible forums as a great hairdresser or yoga instructor, etc. - anyway, immediately upon arrival you will not have enough clients to secure accommodation in a new place.

In such cases, the more you live in one place, the more your income will be. And you won’t be able to travel and move from place to place often. But if this is what you are planning – to live in another country for several years, then you just need to choose your locality in advance in order to settle down immediately and for a long time.

In any case, if you sell any services and do it well, you will gradually be able to earn sufficient income. What is worth considering in this case is that working on a tourist or student visa is prohibited for foreigners in any country. And to work legally, you need to get a work visa and a work permit.

For Thailand, for example, this is now very important - they check everyone, everywhere. And a hairdresser, for example, is generally a prohibited profession in Thailand. Although my favorite hairdressers work here illegally, having their own clientele. I don’t even know what we would do in Thailand without Russian hairdressers and makeup artists).

Portfolio. Don't throw anything away

Create and improve your portfolio. Never delete the fruits of your labor: photographs, texts, codes, drawings, etc. - all this can be useful in your portfolio or find a second life after a while.

Constant learning and growth

Don't stop study, improve your skills (and increase the value of your labor) - this can be done every day or all your free time - after all, your well-being, and no one else’s, now depends on the level of your skill.

Guys, this is the most important thing - take care of yourself only, everything is only for your own development!

The most important things are learned along the way. Don't miss the obvious and important!

To go towards a goal you need a goal. To reach the goal you need to walk. And if you have a goal and you actively pursue it, then you will probably come across many ideas, inspirations and opportunities.

This inevitably happens when traveling, for example - in a new place there is more openness to everything, more open attention, more acquaintances and more inspiring stories. But you can also just look around - in fact, we are surrounded by an infinite number of ideas and opportunities, we just need to look closely and use them before someone else starts doing it.

This may not be a very clear point, but it is very important for me. All my best ideas came to me on the way.

Constantly increasing the cost of your work

Increasing the value of your time is something that needs to be done constantly, of course, while developing and learning and without regret parting with those employers who will pay you less than your growing standard. Without improving the quality of your work, without studying and without increasing your earnings, freelancing is useless.

Take on the new and unknown

Don't be afraid to take on new topics. For example, if you are an IT specialist and you receive a task to do something that you have never done before, or a copywriter and you receive an offer to write a text on a topic that you have never heard of, like “Technique for performing parivritta prasarita padottanasana”, then you can simply honestly warn the employer that completing this new task for you may take a little more time, but you can do it. As I already wrote, the Internet has answers to all questions, it’s full of textbooks and information on any topic.

Deadlines and communication with employers and team

Speaking of deadlines- it’s better to discuss them in advance with a little reserve, because it’s better to do the work sooner rather than later.

About communication with the employer— it’s better to always be in touch and speak honestly about everything right away. If you don’t have time to complete the work on time, don’t hide, but write about it first, always staying in touch.

Don't work with people you don't like, look at employer reviews before you start working with them. Without regret, leave those with whom it is difficult and uninteresting to work or who pay less than you would like.

About the team. As you grow, you will inevitably recruit a team to delegate tasks or work with other professionals on your projects. The main thing is not to take weak people into your team; it is better to grow among the strong yourself.

Sports and travel - you can’t live without them

Exercise sports and don’t forget to walk - this is actually very important! Sometimes, while working on interesting projects, we forget to leave the house for days; if it weren’t for morning yoga and constant travel, I would have completely withered away.

As the saying goes: “If you are passionate about what you love (for example, sucking on a piece of driftwood), you can even miss the apocalypse.”

Personally, yoga saves me (I love surfing, snowboarding, mountain trekking...). Periodic visits to yoga detoxes, which I wrote about, especially help to reboot your health.

Travel! After all, now you are a free person in space and can live anywhere. No matter how romantic it may sound, it is true. Most likely you will find my constantly expanding page with life hacks for independent travelers useful (bookmarked:):

Freelancing 5.0 or the most important thing

After several years of freelance life, you begin to clearly realize that you need to structure your work in such a way that you don’t have to work, and the money would miraculously trickle into your wallet on its own. This is something to think about, this is the best thing a freelancer can do for himself and what he should strive for from the very beginning. Besides, you yourself know pensions in Russia). Think about it - everyone can come up with their own business that generates income even without constant labor support (stock photography, Internet projects, selling video tutorials, selling anything through online stores, nothing else comes to mind right now, but it is).

List of useful books for motivation

Books that help me. If you have favorites, I would appreciate your comments↓

Autobiographies: Schwarzenegger (!), Tinkof, Richard Branson, Ford, Pavel Durov.

"Willpower" Kelly McGonigal
"Flow" by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi,
"Drive: What Really Motivates Us" Daniel Pink
"The Power of Habit" Charles Duhigg
"Golden Rules" successful people» Gina Pincott

YouTube channels: Oscar Hartmann, Radislav Gandapas and those channels where they competently talk about your field of activity.

List of useful services for freelancers

  • Speller— spell checking in the text.
  •— an online editor for working with images, without Photoshop you can quickly create graphics for a post on social networks, a postcard, a business card, a poster, a flyer, a placard, a book cover.
  •— creation of infographics.
  • Pinterest— if anyone doesn’t already know, there is endless inspiration in pictures. I'm looking here for ideas for filming and photos for posting in a thematic group.
  •— basic HTML markup generator.
  • the ability to plan and conduct business alone or as a team.

I will add and edit the list, I would be grateful if you share your bookmarks in the comments.

The real everyday life of freelancers

About real everyday life.

First of all, welcome to the real world on my Instagram - in stories you can see every day the real everyday life of a freelancer (yoyo) and the stories of other freelancers I meet. And in posts I often write thoughts and observations, which, judging by feedback turn out to be useful to those who read this (which I am very happy about), my blog on instagram: @annatamila

And finally, so that the life of a freelancer does not seem cloudless and the same as in the first photo for this post, the real everyday life of a freelancer from my life is in this video (a day in 2 minutes). Well, if you haven’t run off to Google about your specialty yet, you can read my other post

A quick guide for beginners: “Get Started!”

Information that is usually paid for in trainings is provided here completely free of charge. If you find this page really useful, and you become inflamed with a thirst for compensation for karmic advantages (nobility), I suggest you place an active link to this or any other page of my blog on the Internet or repost on social networks using the button below ↓ - for this I will be very grateful to you :)

— favorite lifehacks to bookmarks(!)