Where are the rovers on the moon now. “Everything is like in a computer game. And at this time, our equipment is in place

Lunokhod-1 was the first successful planetary rover designed to explore other worlds. It was delivered to the lunar surface on November 17, 1970 aboard the Luna 17 lander. Operated by remote control operators in the Soviet Union, it traveled over 10 kilometers (6 miles) in nearly 10 months of operation. By comparison, Mars Opportunity took about six years to achieve the same results.

Participants in the space race

In the 1960s, the United States and the Soviet Union were engaged in a "space race" with each side seeking to be the first to put a man on the moon as a way of demonstrating their technological capabilities to the world. As a result, each of the parties managed to do something first - the first man was launched into space (the Soviet Union), the first launches of two and three people into space were made (United States), the first docking in orbit was carried out (United States) and, finally, , the landing of the first crew on the moon (United States).

The Soviet Union pinned its hopes on sending a man to the moon with Zond rockets. However, after a series of failed test launches, including a launch pad explosion in 1968 that killed people, the Soviet Union turned its attention to other lunar programs instead. Among them was the program of landing in automatic mode of the spacecraft on the surface of the Moon and the remote control of the planetary rover.

Here is a list of the successes of the lunar program of the Soviets: Luna-3 (with its help the image of the far side of the Moon was obtained for the first time), Luna-9 (this device made the first soft landing in 1966, that is, three years before the flight of Apollo 11 and the landing of astronauts to the Moon), as well as Luna-16 (this device returned to Earth with samples of lunar soil in 1970). And Luna-17 delivered a remotely controlled planetary rover to the Moon.

Landing and descent of the apparatus on the surface of the moon

The Luna-17 apparatus successfully launched on November 10, 1970, and five days later was in orbit of the Moon. After a soft landing in the region of the Sea of ​​Rains, the Lunokhod-1, which was on board, descended along the ramp to the lunar surface.

“Lunakhod-1 is a lunar planetary rover, in shape it resembles a barrel with a convex lid, and it moves with the help of eight independent wheels,” NASA said in a brief report about this flight. “The lunar rover is equipped with a conical antenna, a precisely directed cylindrical antenna, four television cameras, and a special device for influencing the lunar surface in order to study the density of the lunar soil and conduct mechanical tests.”

This planetary rover was powered by a solar battery, and during the cold night, its operation was provided by a heater that worked on the radioactive isotope polonium-210. At this point, the temperature dropped to minus 150 degrees Celsius (238 degrees Fahrenheit). The moon always faces the Earth with one of its sides, and therefore the daylight hours at most points on its surface last about two weeks. Night time also lasts two weeks. According to the plan, this planetary rover was supposed to work for three lunar days. It exceeded the original operating plans and worked for 11 lunar days - its work ended on October 4, 1971, that is, 14 years after the first satellite Soviet Union was launched into earth orbit.

By the end of its mission, Lunokhod 1 had traveled approximately 10.54 kilometers (6.5 miles) by the time it completed its mission, transmitting 20,000 television images and 200 television panoramas to Earth, according to NASA. In addition, more than 500 studies of lunar soil were carried out with its help.

Legacy of Lunokhod-1

The success of Lunokhod 1 was repeated by Lunokhod 2 in 1973, and the second vehicle had already traveled approximately 37 kilometers (22.9 miles) on the lunar surface. It took the Opportunity rover 10 years to show the same result on Mars. The image of the Lunokhod-1 landing site was obtained using the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter with a high-resolution camera on board. So, for example, in the pictures taken in 2012, the descent vehicle, the Lunokhod itself and its footprint on the surface of the Moon are clearly visible.

The rover's retroreflector made a rather surprising "jump" in 2010 when scientists fired a laser beam at it, indicating that it had not been damaged by lunar dust or other elements.

Lasers are used to measure the exact distance from the Earth to the Moon, and that's what lasers were used for in the Apollo program.

After Lunokhod-2, no other vehicle made a soft landing until the Chinese, as part of their space program, launched the Chang'e-3 vehicle with the Yutu lunar rover. Although the Yutu stopped moving after the second lunar night, it continued to be operational and stopped functioning only 31 months after the start of its mission, and thus it far surpassed the previous record.

American scientists hit the Soviet lunar rover with a laser beam - such news appeared in the media writing about science at the end of April. Lunokhod-1 stood motionless on the Moon for almost 40 years, and therefore the high intensity of the response beam caught by the researchers turned out to be all the more surprising. Now experts intend to use the "awakened" lunar rover to conduct various scientific experiments and even test the theory of relativity with its help.


Before telling how the machine created in 1970 with notorious radioactive isotope of polonium inside is connected with Albert Einstein, let us briefly recall what events preceded the appearance of the described news.

The remotely controlled self-propelled planetary rover "Lunokhod-1" was developed at the NPO named after Lavochkin as part of the Soviet space program. After the success of Sputnik and Gagarin's famous Let's Go! in the USSR they were seriously preparing for the next step - the exploration of the moon. In the Crimea, near Simferopol, a training ground was created, where the future inhabitants of the lunar base trained to operate special vehicles for moving on lunar soil, and test engineers learned to control the movement of "unmanned" lunar rovers - vehicles of the Lunokhod-1 class.

A total of four such machines were built. One of them was supposed to be the first terrestrial object to reach the surface of the satellite. On February 19, 1969, the Proton launch vehicle that carried the Lunokhod-1 launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome. However, at the 52nd second of the flight, the rocket exploded due to an emergency shutdown of the first stage engines. It was impossible to organize a new launch right away, and as a result, the Americans, who worked no less hard on the manned flight program, were the first to succeed. launch spaceship Apollo 11, carrying Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, took place on July 16 of that year.

The second attempt to launch Lunokhod-1 was made by Soviet engineers on November 10, 1970. This time the flight went as planned: on the 15th, the Luna-17 automatic interplanetary station entered the orbit of an earth satellite, and on the 17th it landed in the Sea of ​​Rains, a giant crater filled with dried lava. "Lunokhod-1" moved down to the surface of the Moon and set off.

The scientific program of the lunar rover was very extensive - the apparatus had to study the physical and mechanical properties of the lunar soil, photograph the surrounding landscape and its individual details, and transmit all data to Earth. The “body” of the lunar rover, similar to a loaf, was located on a platform equipped with eight wheels. The device was more than all-wheel drive - the operators could independently adjust the direction and speed of rotation of each of the wheels, changing the direction of the rover in almost any way.

The arrow indicates the spot, which is Lunokhod-1. Photo by NASA/GSFC/Arizona State U

True, it was very difficult to control the lunar rover - due to the almost five-second signal delay (the signal goes from the Earth to the Moon and back a little more than two seconds), the operators could not navigate the momentary situation and had to predict the location of the apparatus. Despite these difficulties, Lunokhod-1 traveled over 10.5 kilometers, and its mission lasted three times longer than the researchers expected.

On September 14, 1971, as usual, scientists received a radio signal from the rover, and soon after, as night fell on the moon, the temperature inside the rover began to drop. On September 30, the sun again illuminated Lunokhod-1, but it did not make contact with the Earth. Experts believe that the equipment could not stand the moonlit night with its frost of minus 150 degrees Celsius. The reason for the unexpected cooling of the lunar rover is simple: it ran out of the radioactive isotope polonium-210. It was the decay of this element that heated the rover's instruments at a time when it was in the shade. During the day, Lunokhod-1 was powered by solar panels.


The exact location of the lunar rover was unknown to scientists - in the 70s, navigation technology was developed worse than it is now, and in addition, the lunar relief itself largely remained terra incognita. And finding a device, the size of which is comparable to the Oka, at a distance of 384 thousand kilometers is a more difficult task than finding the notorious needle in a haystack.

Hopes for the discovery of the lunar rover were associated with orbiting lunar probes circling the earth's satellite. However, until recently, the resolution of their cameras was not enough to see Lunokhod-1. Everything changed in 2009, when the Americans launched the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), equipped with an LROC camera specifically designed to photograph objects up to several meters in size.

Specialists supervising the work of LROC noticed a suspicious light object in one of the images transmitted by the probe. To determine that the speck captured by the camera is the Luna-17 automatic station, the tracks leaving the object helped. Only "Lunokhod-1" could leave them, and, having traced where the tracks lead, the scientists discovered the device. More precisely, they found a spot, which with a high probability was nothing more than a frozen lunar rover.

Simultaneously with specialists from NASA (the LRO probe was created under the auspices of the American Space Agency), a team of physicists from the University of California at San Diego was engaged in the search for the lunar rover. As its leader, Tom Murphy, later said, scientists have been trying for several years to find the device in an area that is many kilometers away from the true stopping place of the lunar rover.

More recently, there was news in the press that scientists were using the LRO probe on the Moon and the second Soviet Lunokhod-2. Shortly after the appearance of these messages, scientists who took part in the development of the Soviet lunar program stated that they. The information given by Murphy and his team about their experiments can serve as confirmation of the words of domestic experts, and the data transmitted by LRO made it possible to see the second lunar rover with one's own eyes.

The reader may wonder why Californian physicists hunted so hard for the Soviet machine. The answer is not entirely obvious - researchers need a lunar rover to test the theory of relativity. At the same time, specialists are not interested in the lunar rover as such. The only detail for which they have been looking for the device for years is the corner reflector installed on it - a device that reflects the radiation that has fallen on it in the direction strictly opposite to the direction of incidence. With the help of corner reflectors mounted on the moon, scientists can determine the exact distance to it. To do this, a laser beam is sent to the reflector and then they wait until it is reflected and returned to Earth. Since the speed of the beam is constant and equal to the speed of light, by measuring the time from the beam's departure to its return, researchers can determine the distance to the reflector.

Lunokhod-1 is not the only vehicle on the Moon equipped with a corner reflector. Another one was installed on the second Soviet planetary rover Lunokhod-2, and three others were delivered to the satellite during the 11th, 14th and 15th Apollo missions. Murphy and his collaborators regularly used all of them in their research (although they used the rover reflector less often than others, since it did not work well when exposed to direct sunlight). But to conduct full-fledged experiments, scientists lacked the Lunokhod-1 reflector. As Murphy explained, it's all about the location of the apparatus, which is ideal for conducting experiments to study the characteristics of the liquid core of the moon and determine its center of mass.

The devil is in the details

At this point, the reader may be completely confused: how are corner reflectors connected with the lunar core, and what does the theory of relativity have to do with it? The connection is really not the most obvious. Let's start with general theory relativity (GR). She argues that due to gravitational effects and the curvature of space-time, the Moon will orbit the Earth not exactly in the orbit that is postulated in the framework of Newtonian mechanics. General relativity predicts the lunar orbit to within centimeters, so in order to verify it, it is necessary to measure the orbit with no less accuracy.

Corner reflectors are an excellent tool for orbit determination - with many measured distances from the Earth to the Moon, scientists can very accurately deduce the satellite's rotational trajectory. The liquid "insides" of the Moon influence the nature of the satellite's motion (try to rotate boiled and raw chicken eggs on the table, and you will immediately see how this influence manifests itself), and therefore, in order to get an accurate picture, it is necessary to find out exactly how the Moon deviates due to the characteristics of its kernels.

So, the fifth reflector was vital for Murphy and colleagues. After the scientists located the Lunokhod-1 parking lot, they "shot" a laser beam about a hundred meters in diameter into the area using an installation at the Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico. The researchers were lucky - they "hit" the lunar rover's reflector on the second attempt and thus narrowed the search range to 10 meters. To the surprise of Murphy and his team, the signal from Lunokhod 1 was very intense—more than 2.5 times stronger than the best signals from Lunokhod 2. In addition, scientists, in principle, were lucky that they were able to wait for the reflected beam - after all, the reflector could well be turned away from the Earth. In the near future, the researchers intend to clarify the location of the apparatus and begin full-fledged experiments to test the validity of Einstein's statements.

Thus, the history of Lunokhod-1, interrupted 40 years ago, received an unexpected continuation. It is possible that some of the readers will be indignant (and judging by the reaction to the news on the Web, they have already begun to be indignant) why American scientists are using our lunar rover and what a pity that Russian specialists were out of work in this experiment. In order to somehow reduce the degree of future discussions, I would like to note that science is an international matter, and therefore argue about national priorities scientific works– an occupation, at best, useless.

On November 17, 1970, the Luna-17 automatic station delivered the world's first planetary rover, Lunokhod-1, to the surface of the Moon. Soviet scientists successfully implemented this program and took another step not only in the race with the United States, but also in the study of the Universe.


Oddly enough, Lunokhod-1 is not the first lunar rover to launch from the Earth's surface. The path to the moon was long and difficult. By trial and error, Soviet scientists paved the way into space. Indeed, it is always difficult for pioneers! Tsiolkovsky also dreamed of a "moon carriage" that would move on the moon itself and make discoveries. The great scientist looked into the water! - On February 19, 1969, the Proton launch vehicle, which is still used to obtain the first space velocity necessary to enter orbit, launched in order to send the interplanetary station to space. But during acceleration, the head fairing that covered the lunar rover began to collapse under the influence of friction and high temperatures - the debris fell into the fuel tank, which led to an explosion and the complete destruction of the unique planetary rover. This project was called "Lunokhod-0".

"Royal" moon rover

But even Lunokhod-0 was not the first. The design of the apparatus, which was supposed to move on the Moon like a radio-controlled machine, began in the early 1960s. The space race with the United States, which started in 1957, spurred on Soviet scientists to work boldly on complex projects. The most authoritative design bureau, the design bureau of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, took up the program of the planetary rover. Then they still did not know what the surface of the moon is - is it solid or covered with a centuries-old layer of dust? That is, to begin with, it was necessary to design the method of movement itself, and only then go directly to the device. After a long search, they decided to focus on a solid surface and make the undercarriage of the lunar vehicle tracked. This was taken up by VNII-100 (later VNII TransMash), which specialized in the manufacture of tank undercarriages - the project was led by Alexander Leonovich Kemurdzhian. The “Royal” (as it was later called) lunar rover resembled in its appearance a shiny metal turtle on caterpillars - with a “shell” in the form of a hemisphere and straight metal fields below, like the rings of Saturn. Looking at this lunar rover, one becomes a little sorry that he was not destined to fulfill his destiny.

The world-famous Babakin's lunar rover

In 1965, due to the extreme workload on the manned lunar program, Sergei Pavlovich handed over the automatic lunar program to Georgy Nikolaevich Babakin to the design bureau of the Khimki Machine-Building Plant named after S.A. Lavochkin. Korolev made this decision with a heavy heart. He was used to being the first in his business, but even his genius could not cope with the colossal amount of work alone, so it was wise to divide the work. It should be noted that Babakin coped with the task with brilliance! In part, it played into his hands that in 1966 the automatic interplanetary station Luna-9 made a soft landing on Selena, and Soviet scientists finally got accurate ideas about the surface of the natural satellite of the Earth. After that, they made adjustments to the project of the lunar rover, changed the chassis, and the whole appearance has undergone significant changes. Lunokhod Babakin met with rave reviews from all over the world - both among scientists and among ordinary people. Hardly any means mass media The world ignored this ingenious invention. It seems that even now - a photograph from a Soviet magazine - the lunar rover is standing in front of your eyes, like a smart robot in the form of a large pan on wheels with many intricate antennas.

And yet, what is he?

The lunar rover is comparable in size to modern car But that's where the similarities end and the differences begin. The lunar rover has eight wheels, and each of them has its own drive, which provided the device with all-terrain qualities. Lunokhod could move forward and backward at two speeds and make turns in place and in motion. The instrument compartment (in the "pan") housed the equipment of the onboard systems. The solar panel leaned back like a piano lid during the day and closed at night. She provided recharging of all systems. A radioisotope heat source (using radioactive decay) heated the equipment at night, when the temperature dropped from +120 degrees to -170. By the way, 1 lunar day equals 24 Earth days. Lunokhod was intended to study chemical composition and properties of the lunar soil, as well as radioactive and X-ray cosmic radiation. The device was equipped with two television cameras (one backup), four telephotometers, X-ray and radiation measuring instruments, a highly directional antenna (we will talk about it later) and other tricky equipment.

"Lunokhod-1", or non-children's radio-controlled toy

We will not go into details - this is a topic for a separate article - but one way or another, Lunokhod-1 ended up on Selena. It was delivered there by an automatic station, that is, there were no people there, and the lunar machine had to be controlled from the Earth. Each crew consisted of five people: commander, driver, flight engineer, navigator and operator of a highly directional antenna. The latter needed to ensure that the antenna always "looked" at the Earth, providing radio communication with the lunar rover. There are approximately 400,000 km between the Earth and the Moon, and the radio signal, with which it was possible to correct the movement of the device, traveled this distance in 1.5 seconds, and the image from the Moon was formed - depending on the landscape - from 3 to 20 seconds. So it turned out that while the picture was being formed, the lunar rover continued to move, and after the image appeared, the crew could find their device already in the crater. Due to the high tension, the crews changed each other every two hours.
Thus, Lunokhod-1, designed for 3 Earth months of operation, worked on the Moon for 301 days. During this time, he traveled 10,540 meters, surveyed 80,000 square meters, transmitted many pictures and panoramas, and so on. As a result, the radioisotope heat source has exhausted its resource and the lunar rover "froze".


The successes of Lunokhod-1 inspired the implementation of the new space program Lunokhod-2. New project Outwardly, it almost did not differ from its predecessor, but it was improved, and on January 15, 1973, the Luna-21 AMS delivered it to Selena. Unfortunately, the lunar rover lasted only 4 Earth months, but during this time it managed to travel 42 km and conduct hundreds of measurements and experiments.
Let's give the floor to the crew driver Vyacheslav Georgievich Dovgan: “The second story turned out to be stupid. For four months he had already been on the Earth's satellite. May 9, I sat at the helm. We hit the crater, the navigation system was out of order. How to get out? We have been in similar situations many times before. Then they just closed. solar panels and were chosen. And then they ordered not to close and so get out. Like, close it, and there will be no pumping of heat from the lunar rover, the devices will overheat. We tried to leave and hooked on the lunar soil. And the lunar dust is so sticky... The Lunokhod stopped receiving solar energy recharging in the required volume and gradually became de-energized. On May 11, there was no longer a signal from the lunar rover.”


Unfortunately, after the triumph of Lunokhod-2 and another expedition, Luna-24, the Moon was forgotten for a long time. The problem was that her research, unfortunately, was dominated not by scientific, but by political aspirations. But the preparations for the launch of the new unique self-propelled vehicle "Lunokhod-3" were already being completed, and the crews who had gained invaluable experience in previous expeditions were preparing to fly it among the lunar craters. This machine, which has absorbed all the most best qualities predecessors, had on board the most perfect in those years Technical equipment and the latest scientific instruments. What was the cost of a rotary stereo camera, the likes of which are now fashionable to call 3D. Now "Lunokhod-3" is just an exhibit of the Museum of NPO named after S.A. Lavochkin. Unfair fate!

NASA specialists have opened access to a huge new array of photographs taken by the automatic probe Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) - it is now in orbit of the moon.
Do the pictures prove whether the Americans were on the moon or not? ..

There are more than a hundred thousand pictures. On the former, made from a height of only 50 kilometers, enthusiasts found the landing modules of almost all American expeditions. Starting with the first - Apollo 11, held in 1969, and ending with the last - Apollo 17.

Now, in the pictures from LRO, they are looking for equipment left by the USSR - lunar rovers and automatic stations of the Luna series. And they find.

The image clearly shows traces of "Lunokhod-2"

The other day, Canadian researcher Phil Knock from the University of Western Ontario announced that he had discovered the disappeared Soviet "Lunokhod". What looked like a real sensation.

Our "Lunokhod-1" really disappeared. In 1970, it was delivered by the Luna-17 automatic station. After a series of successful experiments on reflecting laser pulses sent from the Earth, the self-propelled vehicle seemed to have disappeared. That is, the place where he stopped in the area of ​​​​the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bRains is known for sure. And there are no answers.

For some reason, the Americans are trying to find Lunokhod-1 by persistently "searching" the surface of the Moon with a laser beam. And it is difficult for them to miss - the spot area reaches 25 square kilometers. They don't find anything.

And the Canadian, as it turned out, discovered not the first, but the second device - Lunokhod-2. But he was not lost anywhere, he stands in the Sea of ​​clarity. His reflectors are still functioning.

Apollo 17 landing site. The self-running crew is represented by exactly the same spot as Lunokhod-2

Unexpected Confirmation

Lunokhod-2 arrived together with the Luna-21 station in 1973. She landed about 150 kilometers from Apollo 17. And according to one of the legends, the device went to the site, where in 1972 the Americans were operating and driving their self-propelled carriage.

It seems that Lunokhod-2, equipped with a camera, was supposed to remove the equipment left by the astronauts. And confirm that they really were there. In the USSR, they still doubted, although they never officially admitted this.

Our self-propelled vehicle traveled 37 kilometers - this is a record for movement on other celestial bodies. He really could have made it to Apollo 17, but he caught loose soil from the rim of the crater and overheated.

Lunokhod 2 looks like a small dark spot in the picture. And if it were not for the traces of the wheels, then it would probably be impossible to find the device. Even knowing the coordinates.

The self-propelled vehicle of the Apollo 17 expedition looks just as vague. Although it is larger. The similarity - in the pictures - of both units, perhaps, indicates that both of them are on the moon. Ours is for sure. Nobody ever doubted this. But the Americans were suspected of falsification. Apparently, in vain. They were on the moon. At least in 1972.

Apollo 17 lunar crew

Soviet station "Luna-20"