What does remote work schedule mean? Remote work: breaking it down into sections. Withdrawal when no one distracts

Remote access to a computer or “remote”.

Remote access or “remote work” (Not to be confused with Remote work.) allows you to sit at one computer via the Internet, see the screen of another computer and even work on it. Move the mouse across the screen, open folders, install and configure programs. Keyboard presses will also be transmitted via the Internet to this computer. Thus, while being far from the computer, you can perform on it various works – .

This way of working at a computer is especially loved by accountants who sit at home and work 😉

Now let's look at the technical details using Windows computers as an example. To organize remote access to your computer, you can use:

  • standard Windows tools called RDP
  • third party software VNC, r, and others.

The standard remote access tool for Windows involves a direct connection to the computer. That is, if the remote computer is in the internal local network(i.e. the Internet comes to it through a router), then you can organize access to this computer from the Internet by setting up the router. ……

How to make remote access via RDP?

For remote access to a computer via RDP to work, you need to:

  • so that this computer can be directly accessed from the computer from which the connection is supposed to be made. Those. both computers must be on the same local network or the router must be specially configured for this (see port forwarding)
  • enable remote access on your computer. Right-click “My Computer” and select “Properties”. Next is the “Remote Sessions” tab. Check the box “Allow remote access to this computer.” The user under whom the RDP connection will be made must have a password!

After completing these two steps on the computer, open the client for remote connection via RDP, enter the name of the remote computer (or IP address) and connect. How to open the RPD client? The client opens like this - click “start”, “run” and enter the command: mstsc and press Enter. Or look for the “Remote Desktop” item in the Windows menu.

Remote employee is an employee working remotely.

Remote workers are considered to be persons who have entered into a contract to work remotely.

Such workers are subject to labor legislation and other acts containing standards labor law, naturally, taking into account remote features.

Working method for remote employees

When working remotely, employees work (Article 312.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

1) outside the location of the employer;

2) outside stationary workplaces under the control of the employer;

3) using to perform labor function and for interaction with the employer of public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet.

Documents for hiring

The list of documents that must be presented when concluding an employment contract is established by Art. 65 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. These include:

    passport or other identity document;

    work book (except for cases when employment contract is concluded for the first time or the employee starts working on a part-time basis);

    insurance certificate of state pension insurance;

    documentation military registration(for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service);

    a document on education, qualifications or special knowledge - when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training.

Hiring procedure

To hire a remote worker, the employer must complete the following steps.

1. Receive the required documents from the employee.

2. Familiarize the employee with local regulations organizations related to his direct work.

3. Draw up an employment contract.

5. Fill out your personal card. For more information about the procedure for filling it out, see the section “How to fill out Form N T-2” of this material.

6. Checkout work book(except for the case where the parties have agreed not to draw it up and not to make entries in it about remote work).

Remote workers are included in the organization's staff on the same basis as regular workers. The legislation of the Russian Federation has not established any exceptions in this matter.

Electronic document management

When working remotely, it is installed in principle new form- exchange of electronic documents.

Each party must send confirmation of receipt of the electronic document from the other party within the period specified in the employment contract for remote work.

For such an exchange, the parties to the employment contract need to obtain an enhanced qualified electronic signature. Information in in electronic format, signed by a qualified electronic signature, is recognized as an electronic document, which is equivalent to a document on paper, signed with a handwritten signature and containing a seal.

By exchanging electronic documents, an employer can:

1) conclude an employment contract on remote work with the employee;

2) before signing the employment contract, familiarize the employee with local regulations, which are provided for in Art. 68 Labor Code:

    internal rules labor regulations;

    collective agreement and wage regulations;

    other local regulations directly related to the work of a remote employee;

3) make changes to the employment contract by drawing up an additional agreement;

4) familiarize the employee with orders (instructions), notifications, requirements or other documents that the employee must be familiarized with in writing against signature.

The employee can, in the form electronic documents send the employer various statements, explanations, appeals and other information that he has the right or must provide to him.

Features of concluding an employment contract

The location of the employer is indicated as the place of concluding an employment contract for remote work.

The place of work of the remote employee must also be indicated in the employment contract.

From the definition of remote work given in Art. 312.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it follows that for an employee the place permanent job is its location.

An employment contract on remote work may provide for additional condition on the obligation of a remote worker to use, when performing his duties under an employment contract for remote work, equipment, software and hardware, information security tools and other means provided or recommended by the employer.

Taxation of income of a remote worker

Income individual received as a remote worker Russian company, are subject to personal income tax in the generally established manner and are withheld by the employer.

In that teleworker no different from an ordinary employee of the organization.

Compensation and guarantees

Remote workers benefit from the guarantees and compensation provided by labor legislation to all employees working under an employment contract:

    annual paid leave of at least 28 calendar days;

    additional holidays and study leaves;

  • benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, child care benefits up to 1.5 years.

Still have questions about accounting and taxes? Ask them on the "Salaries and Personnel" forum.

Remote employee: details for an accountant

  • New type of homeless people: how companies without offices operate

    Agencies. According to SuperJob, every fifth employee already has remote employees... like Google, Facebook and Apple, remote employees have long become the norm. And some... groups. According to Popova, 20% of remote employees in her database are...

Remote work is becoming increasingly popular among both employees and employers. This approach allows you to realize your potential to the fullest, I am sure Valeria Timofeeva, project and operations manager with expertise in building remote teams.

10 years ago, when I started working remotely, it was unpopular. Those around me looked at me more with pity than with approval. The main argument against was isolation. Below in the article I will tell you how to easily get rid of this shortcoming.

“If you are an employer and are looking for people only in your region, you risk not finding the best. If you are an employee and choose only those companies that are closest to you, you will miss out on the best job.”

This is a quote from the book “Remote” by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson. An office is not required." Jason and David are the founders of the company 37 signals (they released the Basecamp task scheduler). The company's staff works remotely.

What is remote work?

This is work for a company, but without being tied to an office. A specialist works on staff, receives a salary, but does not go to the office. And the work is done from a convenient location.

Remote work is different from freelancing. The last one is one-time projects with a fixed or hourly rate. The person completes the project, receives a fee, and the collaboration ends. Even if there are 2-3 such projects in one company, this is called freelancing.

Freelancer is a specialist who works on demand. When collaborating remotely, the employee works on the company’s staff. This is a permanent employee.

What is the reason for the rise in popularity?

With the development of technology. We no longer gather together in the same office to hold a meeting. For this we use Webex, Go To Meeting, join.me, Zoom, Skype. Company documentation at your fingertips in Dropbox. We create and edit current materials in real time in Google Drive. We discuss issues that need to be resolved within a couple of minutes in thematic channels on Slack.

It is impossible to work fully in the office. Office in work time- last place,where to be if you want to work. This is the interruption area.

An office, even with 10 employees, is like a food processor - staying here chops the day into pieces. 15 minutes here, 10 minutes there, 20 here, 5 there. And each such segment is filled with teleconferences, meetings, conferences and other standard, but unnecessary interruptions from a work point of view.

Meaningful, creative, hard work requires long periodsconcentration, when there are no distractions and you can immerse yourself in the task. In today's office, being able to avoid distractions is unthinkable. On the contrary, they are constantly distracted.

Where do you work when you really want to get results?It is unlikely that the answer will be “in the office during working hours.”

Excuses and myths

Miracles happen when we are together

When employees gather around the same table in person, only then does effective brainstorming occur. Yes it is. But how many such brilliant ideas are needed to bring the matter to fruition? 2-3. The solution is to meet in person 3 times a year.

How do I know if they work if I can't see them?

If you don't allow employees to work from home out of fear that they will be lazy without supervision, then you are a nanny, not a leader. Strengthen your management skills.

People at home are constantly distracted

The first reason is the low value of the work. Admit there is a problem and change jobs. Or organize your workspace correctly (cafe, library, park).

The second reason is burnout. The solution is to do nothing for a couple of weeks. That's exactly how long you'll spend lying on the beach or exploring Paris. But then even this will get boring. Most people want to work because it is energizing and satisfying.

Only in the office can digital security be ensured

There are simple and reliable methods for this (and you don’t need an office for this):

Safe mode on websites;
disabling automatic login;
Exit from sleep mode only with a password;
blocking after 10 minutes of inactivity;
long and complex passwords (1password to help);
lock code in smartphones and tablets;
2-factor authentication.

Who will answer the calls?

The willingness to occasionally answer the phone at 11 pm or 5 am is a small price to pay for the freedom that comes from distant work. The solution is to distribute employees across different time zones.

Big companies don't do this, why should we?

Do you think these companies* are large enough?

Deloitte – 86% of employees (min 20% of the time)
Intel – 82%
NASA – 57%
Accenture – 81%
Office for Registration of Patents and Trademarks - 85%
Protection Agency environment - 67%

*Source: “Remote. Office is optional" by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson.

Other employees will be jealous

The best way to fight off arguments like “everyone is connected by onepolitics" - remind your boss, yourself and those who doubt that you are aloneteam. Yes, you are playing on the same field and are looking for ways to make the bestget the job done, and create the most effective and favorableworking conditions can help with this.

What about company culture?

Corporate culture is not a football tournament or new Year party, and the attitude towards quality, the concept of workload, communication with clients. The stronger the culture, the less control employees need.

We need the answer now!

Not every question requires an immediate answer, and in this case, expecting a colleague to immediately waste time is the height of arrogance. If the matter persists, it is better to ask the question e-mail. For questions that require an answer within a few minutes, ask using instant messaging systems (Slack). In the event of a crisis that deserves the definition of “everything falls apart,” use an ancient invention called the “telephone.”

But I'll lose control!

For many, being a leader means having control over people. It's part of their personality. These alpha males (and females) need to literally see their direct subordinates. They think: if I see them, it means I can control them. The question for you is whether you want to work under such people.

We paid a lot of money for this office.

The most stupid argument. Does the office allow you to get work done more efficiently? If yes, then it makes sense.

Real disadvantages: what to do about them?

Above we looked at a number of excuses that have nothing to do with reality. But remote work does have its downsides. Here's how to solve them.

Fear of isolation

A logical state when you constantly work alone. Just put in more effort if you don't feel comfortable working like this. Go to a coworking space, for example.

Lost schedule

The lines between work and life are blurring. You work around the clock and there is a danger of burnout. To set up correct schedule, at the end of the day ask yourself: “Did I do a good job today?” and draw appropriate conclusions.


Being outside the office walls, it is easy to become a hostage to a situation where you have to work in inappropriate conditions - on a bench in the park, at a high table in a cafe, etc. So make sure you buy the right desk chair, desk, and screen.

Physical inactivity

The problem is global for the 21st century. In the office, a person moves around and also walks along the road from the car to the building. When working remotely, this problem becomes more acute. Use a fitness tracker and remember the minimum 10,000 steps per day.

Withdrawal when no one distracts

It will pass, don't focus on it.

How to organize?

Negotiate on the shore

Discuss job responsibilities, growth prospects, size and salary revision before concluding a contract and starting work.

Show results regularly

The only measure of employee evaluation here is the result. Only this means something. The employer does not care when and in what way you work. What matters is what you produce.

Be available for communication

Set aside time slots during the day when you are on call to discuss current issues. Stick to this schedule.

How to structure a working day?

Create a daily routine

Set aside clear and consistent periods of time for work. Separate work and home even when you are at home :)

Morning at home, afternoon at the office

If the office is in your city, try alternating. Work from home in the morning, go to the office in the afternoon. Or take 1-2 days off.

Get a couple of computers

One computer for work, another for other purposes. This way there will be no temptation to get distracted while working.

Loneliness in the crowd

To avoid feeling isolated, work in a library or coworking space or a cafe.

How to stay motivated

“Encourage people to work on what they like, and only with those people who do not leave them indifferent” (c) from the book Remote. It sounds corny and simple, but it's true.

Nomadic freedom

“When I retire, I’ll travel.” Don't put off life until later.

Change of scenery

Work from different locations not only when you feel isolated.

Time for loved ones

Make time for your family and friends. Keep track of recycling.

How to get settled?

Cover letter

How well the cover letter is written depends oncooperation depends. This is a pass.


Complete the test task efficiently. Don't agree to do the test for free.Trial is paid.

Personal acquaintance

Before signing a contract, it is important to meet in person, if not the team, thenat least with the responsible manager and owner of the company.

Freelancing is the best school

2-3 short-term one-time projects will give you the opportunity to experienceprinciple of remote work.

If you feel that remote work is what you have dreamed of, feel free to download
list of sites with remote work vacancies. Please note that knowledge of English is required.

Excuses won’t work, but you already know how to get settled and organize your workday.

If you're tired of commuting to work every day during rush hour, and communicating with colleagues doesn't bring you the same joy, you might want to think about looking for remote work or try yourself as a freelancer. It’s tempting: you don’t need to go to the office, the bosses are far away. However, for all its advantages, remote work also has a number of disadvantages. Why is remote work dangerous for your career? Superjob will help you evaluate all the pros and cons.

Advantages of remote work
First, let's stop confusing the concepts of “remote work” and “freelancing”. The fact is that remote work does not always mean freelancing: you may well be a full-time employee of an organization, but still work from home. A freelancer is a person who is not bound by a permanent employment contract with any company, but carries out individual projects under a service agreement. At the same time, a “freelance artist”, as a rule, also works remotely.

According to the Superjob Research Center, today every fifth company (22%) has remote employees on staff. Another 10% of organizations use the services of remote workers through outsourcing.

Who is most likely to seek benefits from working outside the office? Young mothers trying not to lose their qualifications during maternity leave, students looking for a part-time job without compromising their grades, as well as retirees who are not satisfied with the state of their wallet.

Most often, specialists are attracted to remote work by a flexible schedule. However, remote work does not always mean the ability to independently plan your day. Often, a specialist is required to remotely support some work process during certain hours (for example, answer calls). In this case, there is no question of a free schedule, but it is quite possible to combine such work with something else (with another job or with child care).

The undoubted advantage of remote work is the fact that the employee does not spend 2-3 hours a day traveling to and from the office, which means he has the opportunity to devote more time to his family or other matters. Saves money on travel. In addition, you don’t need an office suit to work from home, which means you can easily save on office-style clothes.

And if we are talking not just about remote work, but about freelancing, then we can talk not only about freedom from office conventions, but also about the freedom to choose work, because a freelancer can choose projects and clients in accordance with his interests and capabilities . For example, if a freelance journalist is not interested in writing about politics, he may well work on other topics.

For some, it is also important that you decorate your home workplace you can according to your own taste, regardless of corporate rules. Yes, houses and walls help: creative work often requires inspiration and calm.

A few fly in the ointment
A specialist who works outside the office, in most cases, sees his boss infrequently - some once a week, and some once every six months. Many see this as a plus: as they say, away from management, closer to the kitchen, in other words, less stress. However, this advantage in reality most often turns into a disadvantage of remote work - a lack of feedback with the leader. A remote employee does not always receive timely assessment of his work, and this slows down professional growth and makes it difficult to master new competencies.

A specialist working outside the office, as a rule, rarely sees his colleagues. The lack of professional communication is another disadvantage of remote work: the employee often lacks operational information, both official (for example, about dismissals and appointments) and unofficial (about the reasons for the same dismissals). However, in some companies this is partly overcome with the help of an internal corporate portal.

The lack of feedback and professional communication inevitably affects a specialist’s career. Professional, and therefore job growth, is slowing down. Of course, there are many exceptions to this rule, but the general trend is clear: it is impossible to become a vice president of a company while working from home.

There are other disadvantages too. You will have to spend on setting up your workplace own funds(purchase a modern computer, provide constant Internet access, etc.). In addition, in some regions the Internet is quite expensive with a low signal quality.

For some, such a disadvantage of remote work as the lack of need to put oneself in order every morning is relevant. If before going to the office you definitely did your hair and makeup, put on clean, ironed clothes, then at home you can sit at the computer right in your pajamas. As a result, a well-groomed woman risks gradually turning into a domestic workhorse.

In any case, remote work requires high self-discipline and personal responsibility, and therefore is not suitable for everyone. So before you decide to leave the office, carefully weigh the pros and cons.

How to look for remote work?
Where to start looking for freelancing or remote work? First, stay connected to your professional community. Yesterday's colleagues can help you not only with advice, but also with recommendations, and offer to complete a project for the company they currently work for.

Secondly, regularly browse online resources specifically created for searching for freelance projects and remote work. Accompany your responses with examples of work, complete test tasks, participate in competitions, in a word, show off your product.

Thirdly, look through regular job advertisements - there are also good offers that involve remote or one-time work.

When looking for freelancing and remote work, you most likely cannot avoid an interview. This is not surprising, because before entrusting you, for example, with the design of a store window, the employer will want to make sure in a personal meeting that you are an adequate person and a professional in your field. It is also possible that face-to-face communication will be replaced by telephone conversations or correspondence on the Internet. These options may seem more convenient, but the applicant should be as careful as possible so as not to fall for the bait of an unscrupulous employer. It is better to insist on a personal meeting and make sure that the company you are going to work for is trustworthy.

Don't forget about the legal side of the matter. Cooperation with any organization must be documented. For example, if you are a copywriter and write materials for a company as a freelancer, you must sign a civil contract for the provision of services and technical task, and after completion of cooperation - an act of completed work. If you are employed by a company, then a full-fledged employment contract must be concluded with you, which stipulates the remote nature of the work.

Superjob wishes you success in your search and the right career and life decisions!

15.03.19 9091 0

Remote work is when you don't have to go to the office every day to carry out your duties.

A remote employee works for the company under an employment contract. He holds a certain position, receives a salary and is subordinate to the employer - all this is called labor relations.

If there is no permanent employer, you are a freelancer, and your type of employment is called freelancing. There are no such concepts in the law, but they are common among remote workers.

Remote work and freelancing are not the same thing.

Organization of remote work. To work remotely in a company, special services and programs are used. Some record working hours, others - completed tasks.

Employees can work via a remote desktop: connect from a personal computer to a shared server and work in unified system with all documents and access.

The remote team communicates via instant messengers, email or Skype. If the job requires special equipment or software, the employer provides it or helps install it.

Main types of remote work. Almost any specialist whose work is related to intellectual activity can work remotely: from a website developer, illustrator and social media manager to a consultant for online sales of goods and services.

Traditional office professionals can also work remotely: lawyers, accountants, HR officers and personal assistants to managers.

Who can work remotely

You can work as anyone, as long as you need the Internet for work and communication. Popular remote professions:

  • Maker-up designer;
  • illustrator, artist;
  • copywriter, editor, proofreader;
  • developer, programmer;
  • support specialist;
  • English teacher, translator;
  • call center operator, online consultant, sales manager.

Previously, mothers on maternity leave, disabled people or students worked remotely, but now not only they choose such work.

Features of remote work

Schedule. You agree on it with your employer and work full time or set a convenient time during the day.

With piecework payment, the schedule is usually free: you work as much and whenever you want. With a time-based job, you sit at your desk from nine to six and receive a salary for the time you work, regardless of the amount of work. If your job requires you to communicate with clients or partners during the workday, you will most likely have to adapt to their schedule and time zone.

Typically, the standard workload for remote work is 40 hours a week, 8 hours a day. But there are options for working 30 hours a week or less.

The remote worker may have to come to the office once a week or month for a meeting if he is in the same region as the company.

Tools. To work, everyone needs a laptop or computer and high-speed and stable Internet. A call center operator or sales manager will need a headset, while an illustrator or designer will need a drawing tablet.

Agree with the employer who is buying necessary tools: you or him. If you need special software, your employer will help you install it and provide access.

Workplace. Remote workers mostly work from home and set up their workspace themselves. A separate room, part of the living room, bedroom or balcony is suitable for this. It’s better if it’s a classic workplace with everything you need: a table, a comfortable chair, a lamp, an office.

The table in the kitchen is not suitable for work: this is where you eat, spend time with family, friends and relax.

Sometimes remote workers go to a cafe, library or coworking space and work there.

Freedom of movement. The advantage of remote work is that you can work anywhere: at home, in a cafe or in another country.

If your schedule is free, you can do personal business even during the day, and reschedule work to a convenient time. If you work remotely according to the company's schedule, you won't be able to do anything else during the day, but you're still not tied to an office desk.

Plus remote work for the company. There is no need to spend money on renting and cleaning an office, equipping workplaces and office supplies, buying furniture, equipment, cookies and coffee for employees. The company can hire remote specialists from the regions and thus save on salaries.

Productivity. At home you want to relax, which means there may be problems with productivity and discipline. Everyone gives the same advice against laziness and procrastination, the main thing is to develop a habit:

  1. Organize a place where you want to work: turn on music or put on headphones for silence.
  2. Do not work in pajamas or loungewear. Better change into something for work.
  3. Turn off notifications wherever they might distract you from your work.
  4. Ask your household not to disturb you during working hours. If pets are a nuisance, do not allow them into the room.
  5. Find your ideal productive time. Some people manage to do everything in the morning, while others work well in the evening.
  6. Write a plan with tasks for the day: this makes it easier to distribute the workload and time. Break large tasks into small ones: this makes them easier to complete.
  7. Rest as often as you think necessary. Some remote workers use the Pomodoro method: they take a five-minute break after every 25 minutes of continuous work. Others rest every hour or two or after completing a task.
  8. Create personal motivation and reward yourself for completing a task or project.

But the most important thing is to work in a specialty that you like.

Beginning remote workers usually earn less than beginning office colleagues. It's easier to trust from a distance simple work and, accordingly, pay less for it.

Remote IT specialists earn more than colleagues from the regions, but less than colleagues from St. Petersburg and Moscow. IN foreign companies Remote salaries are usually higher.

Professional growth. Professional growth remotely is not as rapid as it can be in the office. Management may underestimate the remote worker and think that he is lacking in some way.

To grow professionally, you will have to work and study a lot.

Ask your boss what you need to do to earn more. If he doesn’t know, offer your plan for why you should increase your salary, or think about how to get more from work not only in the form of money. The company can rent you housing or give you a car or work laptop for use with the right to purchase, pay for fitness, insurance or kindergarten for a child.

Emotional component. When working remotely, there is not enough live communication with colleagues: you can feel lonely and depressed. It’s also difficult to switch from “work” mode to “rest” mode: you don’t notice that you’re working too much. To take a break from your work routine, get out of the house more often and communicate with family and friends in person.

Benefits of remote work

When working remotely, you don’t need to wake up to an alarm clock and jostle in crowded public transport. You can save money on travel and business lunches, business clothes and shoes, and if you have a mild cold, you can not take sick leave and work calmly without sneezing on your colleagues.

Remote work saves at least two hours a day that you would otherwise spend commuting to and from the office. This time can be spent at the gym, with family or friends, sleeping longer, or doing your favorite hobby.

If you don't like intrusive colleagues, remote work will help you avoid meetings with them and empty chatter.

Disadvantages of remote work

The disadvantages of remote work are the lack of live communication and the need to get yourself ready for work every time you want to lie on the couch. The atmosphere in the office is by default conducive to work. In addition, you can get all the information faster: ask a colleague directly or arrange a meeting in a meeting room.

Another drawback is the need to organize a workplace yourself and buy furniture, equipment and office supplies, most likely at your own expense. Bills will increase public utilities, because you will use them more. If your computer breaks down, you will have to fix it yourself and at your own expense.

Where and how to find remote work

Where to start looking for remote work from home. Review your work experience and see if you can perform the same duties from home.

Look for vacancies on job search sites, in thematic public pages on social networks and instant messengers, on freelance exchanges, or through friends and acquaintances.

If you have no experience or are not suitable for remote work, learn new profession, which is suitable for non-office work.

Russian-speaking freelance exchanges. A freelance exchange is a special platform where customers and performers are registered. Customers post tasks and vacancies, performers respond, complete tasks and thus earn money.

Both experienced and novice specialists work on the exchanges, and both temporary projects and permanent vacancies are published.

There are general and specialized exchanges. The first ones post tasks and vacancies for various specialists: translators, copywriters, designers. Secondly, there are projects for certain specialists: only for programmers or developers, copywriters or designers, etc.

How to find a job in another country. Write a resume for potential employers: tell about your work experience, career achievements and interests.

Register in LinkedIn, a social network for searching and establishing business contacts. Be active in in social networks and the Internet, keep a blog on your professional topics - this will help you become noticeable and find your dream job.

Scams in remote work

If an employer asks you to transfer money, never transfer it. The scammer may ask you to pay for registration in the service, contacts direct employer or whatever.

You may be offered to do some work and promised to pay after. You end up getting nothing and doing the job for free. To prevent this from happening, enter into an agreement and require advance payment.

Always check with the employer in advance about the working conditions: whether he draws up a contract, whether he is ready for an advance payment, and what kind of work needs to be done.

How to protect yourself while working remotely

Pay attention to the requirements and working conditions in the job description, and if they apply, apply. Call the employer by phone or video and discuss the conditions again: responsibilities, registration, wages.

Carefully read and conclude an employment contract on remote work. If an employer asks you to include a minimum salary, do not agree - this way he wants to save on taxes, and not in your favor.

If you are a freelancer, enter into an offer or a civil contract for each order or project. Indicate the results of the work and the procedure for interaction with the customer: how many edits you will make and how much time you will spend on it. Take an advance payment from new and non-regular clients or agree on stage-by-stage payment for the project - write this down in the GPC agreement.

On a freelance exchange, work through a “safe transaction” - this is when the exchange freezes money in the customer’s account and sends it to the contractor as soon as he completes the task.