Radislav gandapas personnel management. A business coach is a surprisingly free profession. A new group

Radislav Gandapas– the most famous leadership specialist in Russia. Author of seven books and ten films on leadership and public speaking. The only one in Russia twice recognized as the best in the profession based on the results of the year. Radislav is a regular expert on federal TV channels and on the pages of leading business publications.

All adults know what “gravity” is. But how many people have thought about the scale of this concept, about its impact on all living things? Unlikely. People are simply accustomed to knowing the meaning of the word “gravity” - a simple and understandable phenomenon in the life of every person. Nobody thinks how to use it, and what to do if it disappears. And this happens with many things. For example, with leadership. This will be discussed in these videos - about important details, which are worth remembering and using to be a leader!

What do you need to do to be a leader? What do you do every day to improve? What simple rules do you not follow (forgot about them, considering it unnecessary), and thus do not reach the status of a leader? Now, of course, these are rhetorical questions. But you might want to think about them after you read five leadership lessons from Radislav Gandapas. These are simple rules that many people know about. They just know without using them.

Total viewing time (5 videos) 15 min

Rule one. Never put anything off

When successful man meets his friends after a long time, they are surprised how he managed to do so much and achieve so much. The secret is simple - every time they encountered a problem or a difficult, unpleasant task, they tried to put it off as long as possible and managed to do little. A successful person tries to solve the problem instantly. Ideally, when it hasn’t even made itself known yet, proactively. That's why he always manages to do more. Here we have to admit that life largely consists of solving problems and doing difficult and uninteresting things. This doesn't make our life any less interesting. Moreover, solving problems is a much more fun activity, as opposed to carefree entertainment. But this can only be understood by a person who does not avoid difficult tasks, but takes on them with enthusiasm. Make it a rule to never put anything off. However, I would like to make a reservation that immediate action leads to positive results only if the decision is made with a cool head. If emotions speak to you, it is better to wait until you can weigh everything and take action without adjusting for anger, irritation or euphoria.

Assignment: right now write down three important things or problems that you have been meaning to deal with for a long time, but just can’t get around to. Indicate their level of priority with numbers from one to three. Take action immediately. Without delay.

Rule two. Be lenient with others, demanding with yourself

We often get irritated when we have to wait for someone who is late. But we can be lenient with ourselves, leaving the office at a time when we should have arrived at a meeting. We often get angry when someone on the road rudely changes lanes, forcing us to slow down. But we forgive ourselves when we do the same. We cannot forgive when someone deceives us, but we ourselves do not feel guilty when we lie. This gives rise to a feeling of imperfection of the world, disrupts the comfort of existence in it, and puts us in the position of victim of imperfect people around us. It's time to take control of this situation.

First, you need to understand that every person’s behavior has some reasons, without knowing which, we cannot evaluate his behavior objectively. A latecomer, already leaving the office, received an illness message on his mobile phone. loved one and spent a critical fifteen minutes asking for details and deciding how he could help. It was not a rude person who rudely changed lanes, but a driver who did not have time to pick up his child from kindergarten on time and he cries in the empty room. The one who deceived us simply did not want to upset us and therefore embellished the situation.

And your wife is chatting on the phone because she needs psychological relief, and you don’t want to listen to what’s bothering her. The child watches TV series incessantly because you have not offered him a more interesting and joint activity. Mom is in a bad mood because something hurts her and she is embarrassed to say about it. And you should have thought of taking her to the doctors yourself.

Assignment: first - from today and from this minute, lower the bar of expectations from other people and realize that they behave in the best possible way in the current situation. If they could behave better, they would behave better. Secondly, be more demanding of yourself. Become your own policeman and dad. Demand from yourself and do not give yourself concessions. Control your own behavior on the road, relationships with other people and manage your time. Perhaps nothing fundamentally will change in life. But you will feel more love for other people, more respect for yourself, and more comfort in life and in this imperfect but beautiful world.

Rule three. Take responsibility for what happens to you

“Oh, the tablet fell!” - No, you dropped it. “Somehow today didn’t go well” - no, you’re inattentive and lazy. “Come in, but my room is not tidy” - no, it’s you who didn’t tidy it. What's the difference? The only difference is that in the first case everything happens as if by itself, without your participation. In the second case, you yourself are the reason for what happens to you. And I’m not saying this to make you feel guilty. And so that you can influence the situation. After all, you can only influence a situation if you yourself are the cause of it. It is easier to influence your behavior than to influence circumstances with which you are not connected.

If the traffic jams are not to blame for your lateness, but the fact that you left the house too late. If it is not the virus that is to blame for your illness, but the fact that you neglected your health and allowed your immune system to weaken. If you don't get a raise, it's not because the boss is greedy, but because you're not improving. That! Only then will you be able to arrive on time next time, stay healthy and take a step in your career. As long as you and your whole life are the result of the actions of other people, circumstances and accidents, nothing will change for the better. Of course, this does not negate the influence of traffic jams, the insidiousness of the virus and the greed of the boss. But you gain more power over yourself and what happens to you.

Assignment: right now, start controlling your speech and formulate everything that happens from the position of the owner of the situation. Then, begin to treat what you have to do responsibly, understanding what the consequences will be. Praise yourself whenever, by acting as the master of a situation, you get a positive result that other people and circumstances could not influence.

Rule four. Stop dreaming, start planning

I want to be an ice cream seller. Why? To eat ice cream for free. I want a supermodel wife. Why? To make all my friends jealous of me. I want a snow-white yacht. Why? I don't know, I just want to.

How old do you think a person is who formulates his desires this way? We do not know. But we know that no matter how old he is according to his passport, he is a child. It is the child who formulates his desires in the form of dreams. They bring pleasure and do not require any effort. They don't take into account the sacrifices that will have to be made. And most importantly, they do not take into account side effects. The ice cream seller will eventually stop loving ice cream and will remain in a job he doesn’t like. The supermodel will lose her former attractiveness, and her husband will have to live with an eccentric, narrow-minded woman. The owner of a snow-white yacht may experience seasickness, and every trip to sea can become torture.

It's time to stop dreaming and leave it to the children. Start creating a vision, making plans, setting goals.

Task: right now, determine the goal you want to achieve in a year. It may or may not be work related. But it should be such that it can be easily determined whether it has been achieved or not. Write what you will get from its implementation. Now write down what you will have to do to achieve this. Ready? Then make up step by step plan her achievements since specific deadlines. When this work is done (and it will be done), you will receive an extraordinary surge of strength. Get started right away while your enthusiasm is at its peak.

Rule five. Love yourself as your neighbor

Not far from Tel Aviv there is an interesting mosque on a tiny artificial island. This island is connected to the land by a narrow bridge. According to legend, sailors returning from a difficult and dangerous voyage did not land without offering a prayer of gratitude to the Almighty for their safe return. When I looked at this temple, I thought that after completing a difficult and dangerous task, we do not forget to criticize ourselves if something went wrong. But we forget to thank and praise ourselves. And this is so important for motivation to act further. At the same time, we sincerely admire other people, thank them, and attribute our successes to their influence.

Assignment: Right now, write down what accomplishments in your life you are proud of. For all the years. Remember small and large. Don't stop until you have ten items on your list. Now write down three character traits that help you in life. And then - one talent or one exceptional ability that distinguishes you from many others. Check back at this list from time to time and add to it. And don’t forget about saying a prayer of gratitude to yourself at the end of a difficult and dangerous task.

Radislav Gandapas -the most famous leadership specialist in Russia.
Author of 8 books and 14 films on leadership and public speaking.
The most titled business coach in Russia, the only one in the country who was recognized as the best in the profession three times based on the results of the year. Winner of the Runet Book Prize 2013.

Radislav founded sixteen companies, nine of which still exist today. They all work to help people overcome limitations and achieve success and independence. Radislav conducts at least 100 trainings and seminars a year throughout Russia, the CIS countries, Central Asia and the Baltics. The only one in Russia, he was recognized three times as the best in the profession based on the results of the year.

Radislav is a certified tutor in emotional intelligence, who studied with one of the authors of the EQ concept, David Caruso (Yale University).

Radislav is a regular expert on federal television channels and on the pages of leading business publications. His clients include MTS, Sberbank, Alfa Bank, Russian Railways, Sibur, Russian Aluminum, Norilsk Nickel, Russian representatives of IBM, BP and MTV, and the Sochi 2014 Olympic Committee.


Odessa State University, Faculty of Philology;

Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Faculty of Economics.

Professional experience:

  • Experience as a trainer 19 years
  • Speaker-motivator, spoke at mass events of Mirax Group, URALSIB,
    Alfa-Bank, VimpelCom, MegaFon, DHL, Ericsson, Cadbury Russia & CIS, etc.
  • Top managers consultant largest companies Russia and the CIS, as well as deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
  • As an expert, he took part in television programs on Channel One, RTR, NTV, REN TV, TNT, RBC-TV, etc.
  • A professional speaker, Radislav himself often speaks at conferences, round tables, and on television programs. Gives interviews to newspapers and magazines.
  • Clients include top officials of major companies, leaders of political parties, and ministers. Prepared dozens of unique corporate conferences and Road-Shows.

Author's articles:


Video report on the program of Radislav Gandapas in Irkutsk 2015

Training by Radislav Gandapas SelfMadeMan self-management and self-motivation

Radislav Gandapas Change in 1 day

Rules of life of Radislav Gandapas