Presentation on the topic of labor market and professions. Presentation on technology "labor market and professions". management consultant) is a professional

Goals: Objectives: familiarization with the principle of informed choice of profession, reasonable planning of a professional career, taking into account the needs of personal self-determination in the conditions of the real labor market. provide information about opportunities vocational education V modern conditions, continue to prepare schoolchildren for an informed choice of profession and ways to continue their education.

Based on data from the INTERNET, we will consider the professions and specialties that will be most in demand in 10 years. And if any of you still doubts your choice future profession, doesn’t know which university to go to study at, we hope our meeting today will help you.

The top ten most in-demand professions in the near future will include: 1. Engineering specialties. 2. IT and computer developers hardware. 3. Professions related to nanotechnology. 4. Specialties at the intersection of electronics and biotechnology. 5. Marketers and sales managers. 6. Specialties related to service. 7. Profession - Logistician. 8. Environmentalists. 9. Medical specialties related to the search for means of prolonging life. 10. Chemists.

Design engineer The most creative representative of the engineering tribe. He develops the designs of new devices and equipment, their elements and parts. Conducts research in the field of design and technology using new physical phenomena and effects, achievements in various fields of science, technology, and microelectronics. Calculates economic efficiency implemented projects, design and technological solutions.

Process engineer The work of a design engineer is closely related to the activities of a process engineer. The process engineer determines the use of this or that production process, selects the equipment on which the part should be processed, optimal operating modes, basic methods of quality control, conducts technological documentation. He participates in experimental work to develop new technological processes and introducing them into production. Monitoring the quality of the manufactured product at all stages of production is also the responsibility of the process engineer.

2. IT and computer hardware developers. A programmer is a specialist who creates and debug software and maintaining its performance. In other words, programs computer games, as well as computer viruses, are the result of work.

Profession of a system administrator The main task of a system administrator is to maintain the performance of local network. Web designer Invents and implements the interface of websites or individual pages on the Internet. One of the highest paid “computer” professions.

4. Specialties at the intersection of electronics and biotechnology. Biotechnologies are technologies that use biological systems and their elements. Currently, biotechnology is widely used in agriculture, where genetically modified products are produced using genetic engineering and microbiological methods.

5. Marketers and sales managers. A marketer is, first of all, a company strategist. The job of a marketer is to manage a system focused on the production of various goods and satisfying the interests of producers and consumers. He conducts market research, plans the range and volume of products, determines prices, and stimulates sales. A highly qualified marketing specialist develops business plans and offers the most profitable options for investing the company's money. A marketer is an active, restless person who knows how to obtain information in order to keep up with the times.

Sales Manager. A sales manager is not just a seller, not just an intermediary between the manufacturer and the consumer of a product. His task is not just to sell a product, but to be able to anticipate the development of demand for it and facilitate successful promotion in the market. Depending on the company the sales manager works for, his responsibilities may include forming an assortment, negotiating with suppliers, creating a sales network, drawing up contracts, determining the amount of discounts, preparing payment documents, monitoring compliance with delivery conditions, analyzing claims made buyers to products, etc.

6. Specialties related to service. Population incomes are growing, and the size of the middle class is growing. One indicator of this trend is the increasing need for quality service. This is a dry cleaner and a hairdresser next to the house, and a good kindergarten and much more.

7. Profession - Logistician. The work of a logistician involves many different nuances. Firstly, a logistician organizes the movement of goods. Then the responsibilities of the logistician include a set of various types activities in order to obtain the required amount of cargo in the right place in right time With minimal costs. Also included in the activities of a logistics manager is the process of planning costs for the movement and storage of goods from production to consumption. Logisticians also organize efficient movement finished products from the place of production to the place of consumption.

9. Medical specialties related to the search for means of prolonging life. Specialties related to the search for means of prolonging human life. Research in genetic engineering suggests that in 10 years humanity will be closer to creating technologies that will significantly extend human life.

You can acquire almost all of these professions by completing training in secondary specialized and higher education. educational institutions. We showed you guys what you will become one day, But this is not the limit, there is so much to do on Earth! We all need to study better, everything in life will be useful to you. All work is good, just work from the heart!

Class: 11

Lesson type: lesson on applying knowledge, skills and abilities.

Organizational form of conducting a lesson: a teacher’s story with elements of conversation and solving situational problems.

Teaching methods: story; conversation; methods of critical thinking; solving situational problems; demonstration of posters or slides, demonstration of videos.

Didactic teaching aids: technology textbook, excerpts from regulatory documents, extracts from printed sources, statistical data, educational computer presentations, videos.

After studying the material on this topic, students should

  • definitions of the concepts “labor market”, “labor market conditions”, “demand for labor market”, “supply on the labor market”, “unemployment”;
  • ways to study the labor market and professions;
  • ways to obtain information about the labor market;
  • features of the regional labor market;
  • functions of Employment Centers and Professional Consulting Assistance Centers;
  • the most in-demand professions in the regional labor market.
  • explain the reasons for the demand for certain professions in the regional labor market in certain periods;
  • find and analyze information about vacancies in the regional labor market.

Teacher Goals:

  1. Update and summarize students’ existing knowledge on the topic of this lesson.
  2. Lead students to define the concepts of “labor market”, “labor market conditions”, “demand in the labor market”, “supply in the labor market”, “unemployment”.
  3. Introduce students to ways of studying the labor market and professions.
  4. Teach students to analyze information about vacancies on the regional labor market.
  5. To familiarize students with the functions of Employment Centers and Career Consulting Assistance Centers.
  6. Organize research activities students to study the regional labor market.
  7. Discuss with students the reasons why it is preferable to choose a profession.
  8. Create conditions for students to determine their value orientations in choosing a future profession.

Basic concepts;

  • labor market;
  • labor market conditions;
  • demand in the labor market;
  • supply on the labor market;
  • unemployment;
  • regional labor market;
  • Employment center;
  • Center for professional consulting assistance.

1. The labor market and its main components.

An important feature of this lesson is that students, of course, have some (perhaps even very extensive) ideas about the topic of study. This includes information obtained at the everyday level, and knowledge acquired in social studies, economics, and economic geography classes. That is, the content of the lesson provides many opportunities for updating the knowledge existing in high school students. Therefore, it is appropriate to resort to the technique of critical thinking.

One of the options for actively involving students in the work could be an offer to answer the questions given in the textbook at the beginning of paragraph 4 “Preparation for professional activity” (p. 180).

Another one of possible options– updating personal experience students. They are asked the question:

– Where would you advise your friend to go if he lost his job in a given period of time, taking into account the level of his qualifications and the nature of his claims?

Summarizing the students' answers, the teacher concludes that when choosing a profession, along with other factors, it is necessary to take into account the needs of the labor market, its state, both current and predicted. Naturally, in order to be able to analyze information about the state of the labor market, you must first of all know the definition of this concept and its main components. The teacher invites students to define the concepts of “labor market”, “labor market conditions”, “demand in the labor market”, “supply in the labor market”, “unemployment”.

Summarizing the discussion on the definition of each concept, the teacher can present these definitions, prepared in advance on paper (poster) or electronic media (slide of an educational computer presentation).

The labor market is the sphere of formation of demand and supply for labor. Through the labor market, labor power is sold for a certain period.

The main components of the labor market:
– labor demand and labor supply;
– cost of labor;
– labor price;
– competition between employers and employees, employers and employees.

The subjects of the labor market are:
– employers and their representatives (unions);
– employees and their representatives (trade unions);
– the state and its bodies: the Ministry of Labor and social protection population, departments, committees and departments for labor and employment, etc.

Demand in the labor market is determined by the need of employers to hire people to produce goods and services in accordance with the demand in the economy.

The supply of labor is built by workers based on a comparison of the attractiveness of the income they receive per hour of labor and the satisfaction they receive from an hour of leisure. Leisure only brings satisfaction when there is something to consume. The demand for leisure determines the supply of labor. The higher the real wage, the higher the losses associated with refusal to work.

Labor market conditions are the economic situation that has developed in the labor market, characterized by the relationship between labor supply and demand, the price level for labor, the professional and qualification structure of the labor force, etc. economic indicators. It is determined by a set of conditions (technical, economic, social, legal), under the influence of which the demand for labor and its supply, as well as its price, is formed.

Unemployment is a socio-economic situation in which part of the active, working population cannot find work that these people are capable of doing. Unemployment is caused by an excess of the number of people wanting to find work over the number of available jobs that match the profile and qualifications of applicants for these jobs.

2. Obtaining and analyzing information about the labor market.

The central place at this stage of the lesson should be given to the organization of independent work of students. One option in this case could be to organize research work in groups. Each group of students receives information sources:
– with published advertisements about job vacancies;
– with statistics from the Federal Service for Labor and Employment of the Russian Federation;
– with statistics from the regional Employment Center;
– with various forecasts for the state of the labor market for the coming period.

A feature of the content of the material being studied is that the situation on the labor market is constantly changing and the information offered in the textbook must be supplemented, and in some cases even critically rethought. The teacher must draw the students’ attention to this.

To summarize the research of individual groups of students, it is advisable to refer to the “Market of Professions” diagram given in the textbook on p. 182. Questions may be as follows:
– Do the conclusions obtained as a result of your micro-research coincide with the content of this diagram? Why?
– What professions would you like to transfer from one part of the scheme to another? Give reasons for your actions.
– What professions do you consider necessary to add as examples to all parts of the diagram? Give reasons.
– Could the “alignment of forces” change in the future? With what it can be connected?

3. Employment problems.

Analysis of the information offered to students at the previous stage of the lesson also allows them to independently try to formulate typical employment problems. After this, you can turn to the text of the textbook (p. 181) and propose the following questions:
– Which of the problems listed in the textbook are especially relevant for young people for the first time? job seekers?
– What do you consider necessary to add to these problems, guided by your own experience or the experience of your relatives and friends?
– Where can you get help in solving employment problems?

4. Career counseling centers.

If students, answering the last question, do not name career counseling centers among possible intermediaries in solving employment problems, the teacher informs them about the existence of such a service and introduces it to its functions. You can again turn to the text of the textbook (p. 184), and if you have time, introduce schoolchildren to the documents regulating the activities of Employment Centers and Career Consulting Assistance Centers (see. Additional material for the teacher). It is very important to give students information about regional Employment Centers, their district branches, show on slides (if possible) the structure of the Employment Service website, and provide information about the location of the nearest branches of Employment Centers and Career Consulting Assistance Centers. It’s even better if the teacher has videos about the activities of the Employment Service at his disposal.

For securing the material Students could be asked to create a plan for a young person looking for a job for the first time.


To successfully study the next topic of the section, it is advisable to give students advanced homework:

– Collect as much information as possible about the vocational education institution where you would like to get a profession after graduating from school. Use various sources (media, websites educational institutions, booklets, reference books, surveys, etc.).

Description of the presentation individual slides:

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Labor market. The most in-demand professions. World of professions Senior teacher of the 4th company of Suvorov soldiers MALANIN S.A. Ulyanovsk, 2013

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10. Medicine. Pharmaceuticals. 11. Junior service staff. 12. Real estate, construction and architecture. 13. Education and culture. 14. Security, safety, police. 15. Production, technology. 16. Restaurants, food. 17. Retail and wholesale trade. 18. Secretariat, office work, administration.

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19. Media, publishing, printing. 20. Insurance. 21. Service sector. 22. Telecommunications and communications. 23. Transport, auto business. 24. Tourism, hotel business, service sector. 25. Finance, accounting, bank. 26. Fitness and sports. 27. Show business. 28. Jurisprudence.

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Modern business makes high demands and therefore for successful development career you will almost certainly need knowledge foreign language and confident computer skills at the user level.

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IT specialists Computers have firmly conquered our business sphere and therefore everyone who knows how to program has a real chance of finding a stable, highly paid job. Office workers Professions such as secretary, customer service manager, and clerical workers are in great demand.

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Trade There are a lot of vacancies for sales representatives here. Accounting and jurisprudence The professions of accountant and lawyer are in great demand. The only problem is that the employer’s expectations often do not coincide with the requests of job applicants.

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Construction Very good prospects for those who have a specialty related to construction. New housing is being built very actively now, and the construction of sports facilities in Sochi promises stable work and great experience for everyone who starts working in this industry. Management The streamlined word “manager” hides a lot of vacancies. All these specialties require specialized secondary, or better yet, higher education.

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Medicine The medical profession is always in demand, but good pay is difficult to find. The most profitable medical specialty is dentistry. Pharmacists are constantly in demand. Banking sector Specialists in the banking sector are in demand: credit experts, financial analysts and other specialties related to finance.

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Tourism Specialty « Hotel service and tourism" can be called one of the most promising and therefore in demand today.

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10 most in-demand professions of the future At first glance, everything in the labor market is changing rapidly and unpredictably, but meanwhile the labor market is a predictable area.

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1. Engineering specialties According to experts’ forecasts, engineering specialties related to industrial production. A combination of technical and economic or legal education, knowledge of English or any other European language will be especially valued.

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2. IT and computer hardware developers A programmer is a specialist who creates and debug software and maintains its functionality. A web designer is one of the highest paid “computer” professions. Many companies are willing to pay a lot of money to get the attention of Internet users.

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3. Nanotechnologies Nanotechnologies are technologies based on working with molecules and atoms; these are technologies that use the most hidden and valuable properties of a substance. Nanotechnology is a huge field that can be divided into three parts: the production of microcircuits, robots in nanoscale dimensions, and engineering at the atomic level. Nanotechnology will cover all areas: mechanical engineering, space technology, food industry, medicine, etc.

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4. Specialties at the intersection of electronics and biotechnologies Biotechnologies are technologies that use biological systems and their elements. Biotechnology is quite widely used in agriculture, where genetically modified products are produced using genetic engineering and microbiological methods. Biotechnologies are used in molecular medicine, biopharmaceutical production and other industries.

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5. Marketing and sales A marketer is, first of all, a company’s strategic tag. The job of a marketer is to manage a system focused on the production of various goods and satisfying the interests of producers and consumers. He conducts market research, plans the range and volume of products, determines prices, and stimulates sales.

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6. Specialties related to service The demand for service sector professions will increase annually, while the growth rate of demand for service sector professions will outpace the growth rate of needs for other in-demand professions.

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7. Logistics “Logistics is the theory and practice of managing material and information flows in the process of goods distribution.” The profession of a logistician is suitable for those who are burdened by rigid boundaries in their work and do not like templates and given restrictions. A logistician will need an analytical mind and systems thinking, intuition, the ability to quickly find a way out difficult situations, communication skills with people, communication skills.

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The 21st century is the century of high technology. In this regard, the need for IT specialists is very high. And at the same time, it is worth noting that such work is decently paid. Experienced programmers, according to recent statistics, have the highest average wages around the country. And surveys have shown that, according to employers, the best specialists in the field of IT are trained by the Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman. In addition to a good education, Baumanka provides its students with internships, and therefore the prospect of further employment in leading companies in Russia and Europe. If you have long decided on your specialty, have been intensively preparing for admission, attend preparatory courses, competition in the capital's universities - on average 9 people per place - is unlikely to confuse you. In some universities this figure is lower, for example in the already mentioned MSTU there is a competition of six people per place. Education for a future IT specialist will cost: RSUH - from 91,000 rubles. in year; RGSU - from 91,000 rub. in year; MSTU - from 90,000 rubles. in year; MPEI - from 69,000 rub. in year.

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Top 10 professions of the future
Professions in demand today in the labor market in the next 10 years.

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The concept of “profession” comes from the Latin professio, meaning “public speaking.”
In modern society, a profession is understood as an occupation of a person that: - requires special training and education. practiced by a person regularly. serves as a source of livelihood. But not every one work activity is professional. It will be such if a person has a level of qualification - this is knowledge, skills that are confirmed by documents (certificates, diplomas)

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10 professions in demand in the 21st century

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1. Engineering specialties.
According to experts, engineering specialties related to industrial production will take leading positions. There is already an acute shortage of professional engineers, technical specialists and mid-level managers in production.
The demand for marketing engineers and managers is growing in all industries.
A combination of technical and economic or legal education, knowledge of English or any other European language will be especially valued.

Slide 5

2. IT and computer hardware developers.
A programmer is a specialist who creates and debug software and maintains its functionality. In the modern world, the image of a company is becoming increasingly important, and a website is nothing more than an indicator of the level and reliability of an organization.
As a result, a web designer is one of the highest paid “computer” professions. Many companies are willing to pay a lot of money to get the attention of Internet users.

Slide 6

3. Nanotechnology
Nanotechnologies are technologies based on working with molecules and atoms; they are technologies that use the most hidden and valuable properties of matter. Nanotechnology is a huge field that can be divided into three parts: the production of microcircuits, robots in the nanoscale, and engineering at the atomic level.
According to forecasts, all specialties related to nanotechnology will be in demand. It is already clear that nanotechnology will cover all areas: mechanical engineering, space technology, food industry, medicine, etc. It is believed that a country that has achieved a breakthrough in the development of nanotechnology will become a world leader.

Slide 7

4. Specialties at the intersection of electronics and biotechnology.
Biotechnologies are technologies that use biological systems and their elements. Currently, biotechnology is quite widely used in agriculture, where genetically modified products are produced using genetic engineering and microbiological methods. Biotechnology is used in molecular
Biotechnologies are used in molecular medicine, biopharmaceutical production and other industries.
Specialties at the intersection of electronics and biotechnology require a specialist to have in-depth knowledge of both electronics and bioengineering. It is likely that working biochips are a matter of the very near future.

Slide 8

5. Marketing and sales.
Experts predict that in 9-10 years Russian market There will be a glut of goods and services. A marketer is, first of all, a company strategist. The job of a marketer is to manage a system focused on the production of various goods and satisfying the interests of producers and consumers.
He conducts market research, plans the range and volume of products, determines prices, and stimulates sales.
A highly qualified marketing specialist develops business plans and offers the most profitable options for investing the company's money.

Slide 9

6. Specialties related to service.
Population incomes are growing, and the size of the middle class is growing. One indicator of this trend is the increasing need for quality service. This includes a dry cleaner and a hairdresser next to the house, a good kindergarten and much more.
Moreover, the demand for service sector professions, as experience shows, will increase annually, while the growth rate of demand for service sector professions will outpace the growth rate of needs for other in-demand professions.

Slide 10

7. Logistics.
“Logistics - the theory and practice of managing material and information flows in the process of goods distribution.” The profession of a logistician is suitable for those who are burdened by rigid boundaries in their work and do not like templates and given restrictions.
Can't do without practical experience, as well as without deep knowledge of mathematics, technology, current legislation, and, of course, without understanding business principles.
To do successful career, a logistician will need an analytical mind and systems thinking, intuition, the ability to quickly find a way out of difficult situations, communication skills with people, and communication skills.

Slide 11

8. Ecology.
The term “ecology” arose a long time ago, back in 1866. And in the future, problems of conservation will occupy an increasing place environment. The growth of harmful emissions into the atmosphere puts environmental problems at one of the first places in the future global world
The growth of harmful emissions into the atmosphere puts environmental problems at one of the first places in the future global world.
On the one hand, the demand for professional ecologists will begin to increase, and on the other, the range of requirements for environmentalists will expand.
The specialty of an ecologist will require knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology, computer modeling skills of processes occurring in nature. The profession of an ecologist will become one of the most important and most in demand professions.

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9. Medical specialties related to the search for means of prolonging life.
Medicine successfully uses advances in the field of electronics and biotechnologies, which today are just being created and researched, and in 10 years, they will most likely enter into practice and become a common practice in medicine.
It is clear that even in a decade these will still be very expensive technologies. Active work will begin to make them accessible to many. And here we will need appropriate specialists.

Top 10 highest paid and most in-demand professions of the future:
Bild Your New Live
*Engineers (especially construction - smart houses, smart roads, smart and clean environment, 3D printing designer) *IT specialists and computer hardware developers (robotics) *Nanotechnology specialists. *Ecologists (cosmobiology and cosmogeology) *Doctors (consultants on IT genetics, cyber implants and cyber prosthetics in surgery, pharmacology, molecular nutrition) *Chemists and engineers in the field of energy (alternative energy sources) *Biologists (biotechnology-genetic engineering) *Marketers -* Service-related specialists *Logisticians

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Let's draw conclusions:
6 out of 10 presented professions with an environmental focus And this future is coming in 8-10 years and will become our present... New professions will appear and old professions will disappear.