Why isopropyl alcohol is dangerous: isopropanol poisoning. What is isopropyl alcohol used for Isopropyl alcohol in the food industry

Isopropyl alcohol is a colorless, flammable liquid with a strong alcoholic odor. Isopropyl alcohol is widely used in various fields of human activity. Main characteristics: simple chemical formula, affordable price and properties that are of paramount importance for various industries.

There are several qualifications (types) of isopropyl alcohol, the main ones are absolute and technical. In absolute isopropyl alcohol, there is more of the main substance, less water and impurities. From the point of view of an ordinary consumer, both qualifications are technical isopropyl alcohol, which you can buy by contacting through an application or by phone.

We have been selling petrochemicals of the highest quality for over 20 years and guarantee the absolute physical and chemical compliance of isopropanol with the requirements of Russian and European standards. Leading among our regular customers industrial enterprises countries.

The company's work is focused on the sale of isopropyl alcohol to consumers by optimal price from the manufacturer. Competitive advantages our products - high quality, low odor, no impurities and economical cost. Cooperating with a direct supplier of chemical raw materials in Moscow, you insure yourself against the risk of acquiring counterfeit!

Chemical properties of isopropyl alcohol

Chemically, isopropanol is the simplest monohydric secondary alcohol, which has the properties of fatty alcohols and forms ethers and esters. Alkaloids are highly soluble in isopropyl alcohol. essential oils, chloroform, water, various chemical compounds, natural and synthetic resins.

Isopropanol does not interact with saline solutions. Unlike methanol and ethanol, this alcohol can be isolated from an aqueous solution to which table salt or any salt of an inorganic substance is added. Isopropanol reacts with powerful oxidizing agents. Aggressively reacts to some types of rubber and plastic.

Isopropanol production

There are two ways industrial production isopropyl alcohol from petrochemical raw materials - sulfuric acid hydration of propylene and hydrogenation of acetone. As a feedstock for the first method, a propane-propylene fraction obtained from catalytic or thermal cracking gases and free of hydrocarbons is used.

In the second method, acetone containing less than 1% water acts as a raw material. In both cases, the end product is isopropyl alcohol with a wide range of applications. The formation of by-products is virtually eliminated and costly separations are not required. Both the first and second methods are used for the production of isopropanol on a large technical scale.

Application of isopropanol

Isopropyl alcohol is an excellent solvent and therefore is in demand in the oil, metallurgical, chemical, furniture, medical, food, perfume, paint and wood industries. chemical industry. The antiseptic effect of isopropanol is much higher than that of ethanol. Because of this, isopropyl alcohol is used as:

  • dehydrating agent;
  • solvent during recrystallization;
  • extractant of pure impurities;
  • preservative agent;
  • stabilizer;
  • defroster.

Most of the isopropyl alcohol, both in our country and in the world, is used to make acetone. IN last years a significant consumer of isopropyl alcohol was the production of low-density polyethylene and polypropylene. Isopropyl alcohol is widely demanded in the field of ester synthesis.

Isopropyl alcohol is a liquid that has no color, but has a specific unpleasant and pungent odor and bitter taste, which is an organic compound. It has many doublet names, but most often this compound is called isopropanol. The scope of its use is wide: cosmetic, perfume industry, household and automotive chemicals, as well as medicine. This type of alcohol replaces ethyl alcohol. Knowing this, alcohol lovers use it for their own purposes, not knowing that it poses a serious danger to their health and life.

Industrial production of isopropanol is carried out in accordance with GOST. But in case of errors in technological process it turns into a low-grade technical product that cannot be used. This secondary simplest alcohol, like others belonging to the aliphatic series, has a number of characteristics. Its distinctive features are the smell and composition, as well as a certain density, boiling point and melting point.

What are the properties of isopropanol?

This chemical product is used for:

  • production of solvents for paints, nitro-varnishes;
  • extraction of wood resin;
  • dissolution of wax in the chemical and perfume industries;
  • production of antifreezes;
  • obtaining acetone;
  • stabilization of aviation gasoline;
  • production of hydrogen peroxide;
  • humidification during printing in the printing industry;
  • impregnation of medical wipes as a substitute for ethanol.

Isopropyl alcohol has the widest application in the chemical industry, it is a solvent and extractant for many chemical compounds.

Medicine uses the properties of isopropanol for disinfection and antiseptics. In this function, the use of isopropyl alcohol replaces the use of ethyl alcohol.

Swabs for disinfection are moistened with an aqueous solution of this type of alcohol and they treat otitis externa.

Since isopropanol is able to replace ethyl alcohol, it is used in medicine. In some cases, this is a justified option for its use. To all the listed properties of this chemical compound, one more thing is added: favorable cost, but no less efficiency compared to ethanol.

At the same time, it is important not to forget that when using alcohol for its intended purpose, you need to be careful, wear a mask and ventilate the room more often.

Isopropyl propionate chemical formula - C3H8O. To obtain it, either the method of hydrogenation of acetone or the oxidation of paraffins is used. In both cases, a complex composition of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen molecules is obtained. This formula is taken into account by specialists in order to calculate the proportions of its dilution with other chemical compounds.

The use of isopropanol has limitations due to its properties: due to the fact that alcohol is toxic and has a strong odor, it can only be handled in well-ventilated areas. And in no case should it be allowed to get inside.

This may lead to:

  • severe poisoning;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • lethal outcome.

The reason is in the composition and properties of the product. Since it has been assigned a third toxicity class (which means it is moderately poisonous), it cannot be intended for ingestion. This is quite understandable, because it is most actively used in the chemical industry.

Due to toxicity, it cannot be open form leave in the room: its concentration in the amount of 10 mg or more per 1 m3 of air is dangerous to human health.

If any of the two types of alcohol (ethyl or isopropyl) enters the human body, the signs of poisoning will be similar. But isopropanol acts more harshly on a person, as it can lead to a coma, sometimes lasting more than 12 hours. Of the total amount of isopropanol that got inside, 15% goes into acetone, leading to acetonuria.

Signs of this pathology:

  • the smell of acetone, released during breathing;
  • the smell of acetone in the urine;
  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • vomiting with the smell of acetone;
  • pallor of the face;
  • heat.

Isopropyl alcohol intoxication can occur due to a number of objective and subjective reasons.

Fans of drinking alcohol often and in large quantities do not stop at nothing to find the coveted liquid. Since isopropyl alcohol is not sold in a pharmacy, people who abuse alcohol try to find it at enterprises associated with its production. It costs much less than vodka, so there is money saving. But how this will affect health, these people do not think.

By using this liquid instead of vodka, they risk their lives, because they are guaranteed pain, burns of the mucous membranes and, possibly, disability. In the worst case, death.

This substance as a replacement for ethanol is a component of body care cosmetics, it is part of detergents for dishes, cars, etc. Thinking that ethanol analogues have the same properties as the original, drinkers do not think about its use and safely use it inside. As a result, they are waiting for the strongest intoxication.

Another reason for poisoning with this product is its destructive combination with antidepressants. It is also impossible to exclude the possibility of a dangerous liquid getting into the body, for example, a child due to careless handling. The parents will be to blame for this, because they did not follow the rules for storing such substances. And they say that such liquids have no place in the playroom or children's room, they must be stored in a place inaccessible to children, which is well ventilated.

And for other family members who, in a fit of thirst to drink something containing alcohol, take a bottle of technical alcohol, you need to stick a label on the bottle: “Beware of poison!”. Perhaps this will save someone's life or turn away from rash acts.

In order not to damage the respiratory organs, you should use a gas mask. For the safety of the room in which work with alcohol takes place, it is regularly ventilated. An automatic signaling device is placed in the room, notifying about the excess of the concentration of alcohol vapor in the air.

Containers with alcohol should be kept away from fire or sources that can spark. It is a flammable liquid.

If isopropyl alcohol for some reason got inside, it quickly begins its destructive effect.

It can enter the human body:

  1. Through the skin.
  2. Through the mouth.
  3. As a result of inhalation of vapours.

In any of these three cases, the body suffers. Due to the high absorption of alcohol, even through the skin quickly penetrates into the blood, a person becomes ill.

What are the symptoms of isopropyl alcohol poisoning?

In case of poisoning, a person experiences:

  1. Severe headache.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Weakness.

Vomiting occurs due to the ingestion (accidental or special) of a poisonous liquid. The walls of the stomach are literally corroded by the action of alcohol components, and this provokes aspiration of vomit.

If a person inhaled vapors or ingested this liquid, then, in addition to nausea and vomiting, he will suffer from:

  • headache;
  • pain in the eyes due to damage to the mucous membrane (if a person inhaled vapors);
  • pain in the stomach;
  • disorders in the work of the intestines;
  • intoxication;
  • depression of the nervous system.

Such a negligent attitude to one's health spoils the life of not only the drinker, but also his family members, friends and loved ones.

If a person who has taken isopropanol has lost consciousness, then an urgent need to call ambulance. In this case, you can’t hesitate, because the count goes on for minutes. Loss of consciousness may be due to a sharp drop in pressure, which creates the possibility of coma.

Seeing a drunk person in the house, you need to find out what he drank, because the use of isopropyl alcohol can lead to such a state. The intoxicating effect occurs after taking a small dose (30-40 ml of liquid is enough). This is another reason why people who are weak to alcohol buy this particular type of alcohol. Its intoxicating effect is 10 times greater than that of ethanol. And it lasts longer.

If you take this substance little by little, then death may not occur, but this is a matter of time.

With the penetration of fluid into the body, pathological changes begin to occur in it:

  1. Decomposition of alcohol constituents, resulting in acetone.
  2. Destruction of the liver (cirrhosis).
  3. Breathing problems (difficulty).
  4. Problems with the kidneys (they work in an enhanced mode, removing acetone from the body), kidney failure develops.
  5. Allergy to isopropylene.
  6. Chemical burns of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach.
  7. Gastritis in the acute stage.
  8. Violation of the function of the heart muscle (arrhythmia).
  9. Low blood pressure.

These serious consequences should alert everyone who has at least once tried to ingest this poison.

In case of poisoning, the victim should receive medical assistance in the first minutes.

What you can do at home while waiting for an ambulance:

  1. It is necessary to give the patient to drink in large quantities.
  2. Add activated charcoal to the water (it helps to eliminate toxins).
  3. If a person is tormented by severe vomiting, and he is so weak that he cannot stand, he should be laid on his side. This will prevent choking with vomit.
  4. Nothing should interfere with breathing, so the collar or tight clothing should be unbuttoned.
  5. In the room, open all windows or vents for ventilation.

Treatment of intoxication due to the use of isopropanol should take place in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor and with his help.

Pharmacies sell several types of alcohols used for medical purposes, but none of them is intended for ingestion. Each of them has instructions for use, which should be a guide to action in case of health problems.

Isopropyl alcohol(Also isopropanol, propan-2-ol, 2-propanol, medical alcohol or abbreviated IPA) is the general name for a chemical compound having the molecular formula C 3 H 8 O. It is a colorless, flammable chemical compound with a strong odor. The simplest example is secondary alcohol, where the alcohol carbon is attached to two other carbons, which is sometimes written as (CH 3) 2 CHOH. Secondary alcohol is a structural isomer of propanol.

Properties of isopropyl alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol is soluble in water, alcohol, ether and chloroform. It is able to dissolve ethyl cellulose, polyvinyl butyral, many oils, alkaloids, rubbers and natural resins. Isopropyl alcohol does not react with salt solutions. Unlike ethanol or methanol, it can be separated from an aqueous solution by adding common salt, sodium sulfate, or any other salt of an inorganic substance, since alcohol is poorly soluble in physiological solutions, and highly soluble in salt-free water. This process is colloquially referred to as salting, and it is produced with the aim of separating isopropyl alcohol into various layers.

This alcohol forms an azeotropic mixture with water, which boils at 80.37 o C and 87.7% of its weight is (91%) isopropyl alcohol. A mixture of water and isopropyl alcohol has a reduced melting point. It has a slightly bitter taste and should not be drunk.

As the temperature decreases, isopropyl alcohol becomes more and more viscous. At temperatures below -70 °C, it has a viscosity similar to maple syrup.

Isopropyl alcohol has a maximum absorbance of 204 nm in the ultraviolet spectrum.

Reactions of isopropyl alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol is able to oxidize to acetone, which corresponds to a ketone. A similar effect can be achieved using oxidizing agents such as chromic acid, or by dehydrogenation with a heated copper catalyst:

(CH 3) 2 CHOH → (CH 3) 2 CO + H 2

Isopropyl alcohol is often used as a solvent and hydride source in Merwein-Ponndorff-Werley reduction and other hydrogenation transfer reactions; it oxidizes to acetone. This alcohol can be converted to 2-bromopropane using phosphorus tribromide, or dehydrogenated to propylene by heating with sulfuric acid.

Like most alcohols, isopropyl alcohol reacts with active metals such as potassium to form alkoxides, which can also be called isopropoxides. A small amount of mercury is used to catalyze aluminum isopropoxide.

Alcohol production

In 1994, the United States, Europe, and Japan produced 1.5 million tons of isopropyl alcohol. Production is carried out primarily by combining water and propylene by a hydration reaction. Secondary in this process is the hydrogenation of acetone.

There are two types of hydration process: indirect hydration with sulfuric acid, and direct hydration. The first method, using lower quality propylene, is predominant in the US; more modern way, requiring the use of high-purity propylene, is widespread in Europe. These methods make it possible to obtain predominantly isopropyl alcohol, and not 1-propanol, since, according to Markovnikov's rule, they are carried out with the participation of water or sulfuric acid.

indirect hydration

The indirect hydration process is the reaction of propylene with sulfuric acid to produce a mixture of sulfate esters. Subsequent hydrolysis of such esters with steam yields distilled isopropyl alcohol. Diisopropyl ether is an important by-product of this process: it is recycled and hydrolyzed to obtain the desired substance.

Direct hydration

Direct hydration is the reaction of propylene and water in gas or liquid phases, at high pressure, and in the presence of solid or acid catalysts. This results in higher purity propylene (>90%).

Both processes involve the separation of isopropyl alcohol from water and other by-products by distillation. This alcohol and water form an azeotrope, as a result of simple distillation, a substance is obtained that is 87.9% isopropyl alcohol and 12.1% water. Pure (anhydrous) alcohol is produced by azeotropic distillation from wet isopropyl alcohol, using either diisopropyl ether or cyclohexane as the azeotrope.

Hydrogenation of acetone

The crude acetone used to make isopropyl alcohol is hydrogenated in the liquid phase with Raney nickel or a mixture of copper and chromium oxides. This process is advantageous because, for example, cumene can be obtained from excess acetone.

Application of isopropyl alcohol

In 1990, 45,000 tons of isopropyl alcohol were used in the US. Most of the alcohol was used as a solvent for coatings or in production processes. Isopropyl alcohol is especially popular in pharmaceuticals, apparently due to the low toxicity of residues. A small part of this alcohol is used as an intermediate in chemistry. Acetone can be obtained from isopropyl alcohol, but the production of cumene (isopropylbenzene) has become more widespread. Last year, a significant part (5.4 tons) was used in everyday life, as well as in cosmetic products. This product also used as an additive for gasoline.


Isopropyl alcohol dissolves many non-polar mixtures. It also evaporates quickly and is relatively non-toxic compared to alternative solvents. Thus, this product has been widely used as a solvent and cleaner, especially for soluble oils.

Examples of such applications are cleaning electronic devices, pin connectors (as on ROM cartridges), magnetic tapes and disk heads (used in audio and video recorders, and in drive motors), laser lenses in optical drives (for example, CD, DVD); it can also be used to remove thermal paste from heatsinks and IC cases (such as CPUs.) Isopropyl alcohol is used to clean keyboards, LCDs, and laptops, is sold as a whiteboard cleaner, and is a safer alternative to common household cleaners. It is used to clean LCD monitors and glass screens (on some screens there is a risk of damage to the anti-glare coating). Also, this alcohol is used to give shine to used or worn non-vinyl records. Isopropyl alcohol should not be used to clean vinyl as the alkaline reaction can remove the plasticizer and cause the vinyl to harden. It is effective in removing adhesive residue from some sticky stickers, although some paper stickers may be immune to it. This alcohol can be used to remove stains from fabrics, wood, cotton, etc. In addition, it can be used to remove stains from oils and other petroleum products, and to prepare surfaces for repainting. Isopropyl alcohol is also used as a source humectant in lithographic printing, and has often been used as a solvent for French shellac polishing in furniture making.


Isopropyl alcohol is esterified to produce isopropyl acetate, another solvent. Reacting with carbon disulfide and sodium hydroxide, it produces sodium isopropyl xanthate, a herbicide and an ore flotation reagent. Isopropyl alcohol reacts with titanium tetrachloride and aluminum to give titanium and aluminum isopropoxide, respectively, initially as a catalyst and subsequently as a chemical reagent. This composition itself is a chemical reagent, acting as a dehydrogenation donor in the transfer of hydrogenation.


Disinfectant swabs typically contain 60-70% isopropyl alcohol in water. A 75% solution by volume to water can be used as a hand sanitizer. Isopropyl alcohol is used as a drying agent to prevent otitis externa, more commonly known as swimmer's ear.

Automotive industry

Isopropyl alcohol is the main ingredient in fuel additives for removing water from gasoline. Water in large quantities in fuel tanks is a problem because it separates from the gasoline and can freeze in the fuel line at cold temperatures. Alcohol does not remove water from gasoline; rather, it allows it to be dissolved in it. Once dissolved, water poses no such threat as it no longer accumulates in fuel lines and freezes. Isopropyl alcohol is often sold in aerosol cans as a windshield defroster. It is also used to remove traces of brake fluid from hydraulic brake systems, as brake fluid (typically DOT 3, DOT 4 or mineral oil) can contaminate brake pads, which can lead to poor brake performance.

In laboratories

Isopropyl alcohol is used as a biological organic preservative and is a relatively non-toxic alternative to formaldehyde and other synthetic preservatives. 90-99% isopropyl alcohol solutions are used to preserve the assays.

Isopropyl alcohol is often used in DNA sampling. It is added to the finished DNA to precipitate the DNA into a "bead" after centrifugal processing. This is possible due to the fact that DNA is insoluble in isopropyl alcohol.

Alcohol safety

Vapors of isopropyl alcohol are denser than air, and are flammable when their content in air is in the range from 2 to 12.7%. It must be kept away from heat and open flames. Isopropyl alcohol, as mentioned above, forms peroxides that can explode when a certain concentration is reached. It is also a skin irritant.


Isopropyl alcohol and its metabolite acetone act as CNS (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM) depressants. Symptoms of poisoning include diarrhea, headache, dizziness, CNS depression, nausea, vomiting, complete loss of sensation, and coma. Poisoning may result from ingestion, inhalation, or absorption; therefore, it is recommended to work in well ventilated areas and wear protective gloves. About 15 grams of isopropyl alcohol per 70 kilograms of a person's body weight is toxic if left untreated. However, it is not as toxic as methanol or ethylene glycol. Isopropyl alcohol does not lead to anion gap acidosis (in which a decreased blood clotting pH causes bicarbonate to deplete the anion), unlike ethanol and methanol. This alcohol, however, creates an osmolar gap between the calculated and measured parts of the serum, like any other alcohol. An overdose can cause a fruity breath flavor as a result of its metabolism to acetone, which is then absorbed by the body and converted into acetate and glucose. In the liver, isopropyl alcohol is oxidized by alcohol dehydrogenase to form acetone.

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Absolute isopropyl alcohol is widely used in many areas of life. It is used in the production of various substances (acetone, hydrogen peroxide and other organic compounds), as a solvent for oils and paints, it is part of antifreeze and glass cleaner.

Isopropyl alcohol is used in industry for metal processing, in the production of optical fiber technology, in pharmaceuticals for the analysis of drugs, is part of the household chemicals- cleaners, repellents.

Due to its great similarity with ethanol, isopropanol is used in medicine as an antiseptic for the treatment of skin, hands, and instruments. The same property allows it to be used in the manufacture of perfumes and cosmetics. Such a wide distribution creates a high probability of poisoning.

Properties of isopropyl alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol refers to simple monohydric alcohols, its other names are isopropanol, dimethylcarbinol. It is an organic substance that is a clear, colorless liquid. The smell of isopropyl alcohol is similar to ethyl alcohol, but more pronounced.

The composition of isopropyl alcohol is the atoms: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen. Chemical formula CH3CH(OH)CH3. The density of isopropyl alcohol as a liquid is 785 kg/m3.

This property of similarity with alcohol is captivating for those who are not indifferent to alcohol, it provokes its use, especially in production conditions, where it is the most accessible in its pure form.

Isopropyl alcohol differs from ethyl alcohol in that this substance is less volatile than ethanol, but when stored in unsealed containers creates a high vapor concentration. When it reaches 10 mg per 1 cubic meter of air in industrial premises, isopropanol fumes pose a risk of intoxication.

The maximum allowable content in the atmosphere is 0.6/m 3 . Intoxication also occurs as a result of ingestion, however, due to the rapid decomposition and excretion of isopropanol from the body, serious consequences are extremely rare. The main toxic agent for the body is acetone, which is formed during the decomposition of isopropanol.

How is isopropanol harmful to human health?

Once in the body, regardless of the method, Isopropanol has a triple effect: intoxicating, like alcohol, toxic, narcotic. Intoxication occurs faster and stronger than during alcohol intake: 10 ml of the drunk substance is equivalent to 100 ml of pure ethanol.

If the amount drunk reaches 40-50 ml in an adult,there is a threat to health, and a dose of about 300 ml can be fatal. For children, this number is two to three times less, depending on age.

Intoxication develops as follows. Having entered the liver with blood flow, isopropanol is decomposed by the liver cell enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, turning into acetone. It has a toxic effect on the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as an intoxicating effect.

The narcotic effect of isopropanol is 2 times stronger than ethyl, it sharply depresses the central nervous system, depressing the sensitive, motor spheres, leads to a state of stupor, coma, and in large doses can cause death.

You can also get poisoned by the vapors of the substance. This can happen if the substance was spilled inside enclosed space, and a person inhaled vapors of a toxic substance for a long time. Vapors of isopropanol cause eye damage and respiratory tract.

What happens if you drink a substance

When taken internally, isopropanol has harmful effect almost all organs and systems.

In the first hours, the gastrointestinal tract takes over the blow, its mucous membrane is irritated - its edema, burn areas and even defects occur. Moving through the intestines, isopropanol inactivates digestive enzymes and inhibits beneficial microflora.

Absorbed into the blood, through the portal vein enters the liver and increases the load on the liver cells that neutralize it. Toxic hepatitis, liver failure may develop. 20% of unchanged alcohol enters the kidneys, affecting the renal tubules. In addition, acetone, absorbed into the blood from the liver, is also eventually excreted by the kidneys, exerting a toxic effect on them.


The whole organism is affected as a whole, because acetone disrupts the acid-base balance to the acid side, acidosis develops and, as a result, metabolic disorders in all tissues and organs.

When vapors are inhaled, the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, bronchi, and then the pulmonary alveoli are affected.

There is their edema, impaired respiratory function. From the alveoli of the lungs, dissolving in water, the vapors penetrate into the bloodstream, exerting a general toxic effect.

The harm and danger of isopronol for the nervous system that has entered the human body in any way is that it first affects the cerebral cortex, intoxication occurs, and at a high dose and parts of the base of the brain, vital centers - blood circulation, respiration are inhibited.

Can you drink isopropyl alcohol?

Some believe that this alcohol can be drunk, believing that only its amount, equivalent to alcohol in intoxicating effect, should be observed. This is a deep and dangerous delusion.

You will be interested... Ethanol, as is well known, does not add health to anyone, and its "brother" - even more so. What happens if you drink isopropanol? It will cause intoxication much faster and loss of control over the drink, which leads to poisoning. The decomposition of ethanol in the liver releases acetaldehyde, it is also toxic to the body, but acetone, which is formed during the metabolism of isopropanol, is many times more toxic. Its narcotic effect is much stronger, and the likelihood of developing addiction is very high.

And regular use of this substance will inevitably lead to serious health disorders. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to drink it instead of alcohol is rhetorical, because the answer is clear and unequivocal - it is impossible.

Symptoms of poisoning and first aid for intoxication

When used internally, the following symptoms develop:

  • Alcohol intoxication syndrome - a violation of orientation, balance, emotional sphere;
  • Increased drowsiness and depression, replacing intoxication;
  • headache, tinnitus, dizziness;
  • Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain;
  • Pain behind the sternum, lowering blood pressure, increased heart rate;
  • Decreased vision: fog before the eyes, double vision.

Manifestations when inhaling vapors:

  • Feeling of sore throat;
  • lacrimation;
  • Runny nose, cough;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Blueness of the skin;
  • With a massive impact, respiratory arrest is possible.

First aid

The victim must immediately call an ambulance.

Steps to take to help:

  • If a person is conscious, gastric lavage routine drinking water room temperature;
  • induce vomiting;
  • Give a laxative and any sorbent (activated carbon, phosphalugel, enterosgel, polysorb);
  • You can give a warm drink or a rehydrating solution (glucosolan, rehydron and other analogues);
  • When inhaling vapors it is necessary to provide an influx of fresh air and, if possible, inhale oxygen through a moistened cloth.

Body Detox Treatment Methods

Isopropyl alcohol does not have an antidote, therefore, in a hospital setting, the goal of treatment is:

  • Rapid removal of intoxication;
  • Elimination of acidosis;
  • Restoration of organ function.

For detoxification, special intravenous infusions are used; in severe cases, the patient is connected to an extracorporeal hemosorption apparatus to purify the blood.

Acidosis is eliminated by intravenous drip of a solution of sodium bicarbonate (soda). Introduce cardiac and vasodilators that improve blood circulation, respiratory stimulants.

To reduce the damaging effect, antihistamines, steroid hormones are administered, vitamin preparations are prescribed, oxygen inhalations are carried out.

Consequences of misuse and safety measures

Preventive measures include proper storage of household chemicals - in places inaccessible to children, sanitary control of production facilities using isopropanol, as well as not using it as a substitute for alcoholic beverages.

Careless use of isopropanol - accidental or deliberate use can lead to severe disorders:

  • Insufficiency of the function of organs - the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys;
  • The development of coma with a high risk of death;
  • Development of pulmonary edema, respiratory arrest;
  • Severe damage to the central nervous system with the development of paralysis.

More distant consequences may manifest themselves in the formation of:

  • gastroduodenitis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • Chronic spastic bronchitis and asthma;
  • Fatty hepatosis;
  • Toxic nephrosis of the kidneys;
  • Violation of the function of the endocrine and reproductive systems;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Psychoneurological disorders.

Isopropanol - isopropyl alcohol (absolute or technical) - is traditionally used in the cleaning of optical fibers. This is due to the fact that this product is better than other compounds (including ethanol), is able to eliminate pollution, while not leaving streaks. The tool is available in different packages. Aerosol cans, for example, contain highly purified isopropyl alcohol. It is used to remove contaminants from the end surface of the connectors.


The compound is a colorless, transparent liquid. Isopropyl alcohol belongs to the third class of hazardous substances and is considered "moderately hazardous". In the air of the working area, the maximum allowable concentration is 10 mg/m 2 . When penetrated into the human body, even in small doses, it causes poisoning. Isopropanol is a flammable compound with a flash point of 12 degrees. Evaporates quickly.


The substance has the properties of a universal mild cleaner, is able to bind water (better than other alcohols), eliminates not only dirt dissolved in water, but also grease, oil stains from different type surfaces.

Most often, isopropyl alcohol is used in the preparation of optical fibers. With the help of lint-free wipes impregnated with the substance, the acrylate buffer is completely removed from the surfaces, the remains of which are present after the use of the stripper. In addition, the compound is used when cleaning optics from contamination. In particular, isopropanol is used when working with the end surfaces of optical connectors. During their operation, various contaminants accumulate, especially dust. Because of this, difficulties may arise during the transmission of optical signals, for example, an increase in the operating attenuation of the line. As a result, errors may occur during the transmission of the digital stream. Particularly sensitive to such problems are systems with high compaction and high speeds(10 Gb/s).

Benefits of using

Isopropyl alcohol of the highest purity does not leave streaks, which are usually noted with other substances and worsen the result. When working with optical fiber, the use of other compounds, as a rule, is not possible. This is primarily due to the low quality of funds. In addition, isopropanol quickly erodes from the surface, which makes it more convenient to use compared to other compounds.

Where to buy isopropyl alcohol

The product is sold specialized companies, having permissive documentation for it. Isopropanol goes through a standardization process before entering the firms. Depending on the degree of purification of the compound, packaging and manufacturer, the price is set for it. The most popular and convenient containers are plastic bottles with a capacity of 1 liter. This packaging allows you to accurately pour isopropanol without loss and fill dispensers that are used by specialists when working with optical fiber and other surfaces.