What do you need to start making money on YouTube? How to make money on Youtube from scratch on subscribers and views - detailed instructions. How much can you earn on youtube

Do you like making videos, and maybe about how to make money on YouTube on your channel? Then pay attention to one of the world's most popular video hosting - YouTube.

The video posted on it can bring real income.

True, to get really tangible profits, you will have to make some efforts.

Since January 2018, new Youtube monetization rules have been in effect, which are published on the official website. Below is a quote from these rules:

A channel must now have 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months and 1,000 subscribers to qualify for the program.

On February 20, 2018, the new requirements will also take effect for existing YouTube channels. Thus, preferential rules will be valid for a month. However, after this time, channel owners with less than 4,000 watch hours or 1,000 subscribers will no longer be able to generate revenue from their videos. When the number of subscribers and hours watched on the channel reaches the threshold minimum, the application for participation in the affiliate program will be submitted automatically and subject to strict rules.

What makes money on YouTube

You should not immediately rush to shoot a video, hoping to conquer YouTube with the amount of material shot. It is very important to think about quality. So, first of all, you should understand what factors affect the amount of income.

Here are some of them:

1) Theme

In principle, the video can be of any topic. The main thing is that it should be interesting and / or useful. That is, the video should be able to attract the maximum attention of users.

2) Promotion

Even the most interesting video can remain “in the shadows” if the Youtube channel is not promoted. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to engage in its advertising, leaving links on thematic forums or social networks. Collaboration with other YouTube channels is also effective.

3) Language used on the channel

It has been noticed that content written in English is able to attract more users. This is due to the fact that there are much more English-speaking Internet users than Russian-speaking ones.

4) Number of rollers

Obviously, the more videos there are on the channel, the more profit you can get. The number of interesting videos affects the quality of the channel.

5) Monetization

There are several options for earning income from videos. If possible, it is better to use them all, below we will talk about one of these options.

On the way to earning

Now it's time to consider the necessary preliminary steps that you will have to go through before making money on YouTube on your channel.

1. Create a channel

All YouTube videos are posted by the user on his personal channel. Therefore, you should take care of creating your channel and its beautiful, competent design. Fortunately, YouTube provides a lot of opportunities for this. If you plan to go beyond the "amateur" level, you can hire professional designers.

But at the initial stage, for the “test of the pen”, the amateur level of your channel is quite suitable just to understand whether you like making videos and whether you will abandon it at the first difficulty.

2. Choosing a theme

The main thing here is to find a compromise. For example, commercials bring in more money but are less popular. And funny amateur “sketches” are very popular with users, but they “cost” less. Trying to find a "golden mean", some users shoot, for example, a review of technical innovations, presenting it in a playful comic form. But, again, it is important to be well versed in the topic that you want to present to the audience.

3. Create a video

You can create videos

  • using the camera
  • or simply "photographing" the image of the monitor.

For the second method, there are special programs, for example, Camtasia Studio Studio - a program for recording video from a computer (or laptop) screen. You will need to master the work with a similar program in order to record video lessons. Then you can create, for example, a manual for working in any service or program.

An example of a video recorded using Camtasia Studio:

If you plan to shoot video yourself (using a camera), be sure to pay attention to the background, lighting and design.

And only when you are 100% satisfied with your work, post the video on Youtube. In general, there is a lot of work to be done.

4. Promotion

The easiest and most effective way is to promote your videos for key queries. Let me remind you that the key query (key) of the video is the query that the user enters in the YouTube search box.

YouTube searches for a video by the specified key. Then an advertisement is placed on top (1 in Fig. 1), and after it, videos are displayed at the user's request (2 in Fig. 1):

Rice. 1 User's request in the search bar on youtube and the search results issued for this request

Before uploading your video to Youtube, it is worth picking up a key for it. To do this, you can use any statistical resource, for example, Yandex. True, you will need your account (your mail) in Yandex in order to use the Yandex service.

Let's go to the given link. If the video tells, for example, about the features of caring for an apple tree, you should enter the query "how to care for an apple tree." From the resulting variety of options, you can choose any key and use it in the title of the video on YouTube, in the video itself, in its description or comments to the video.

Another option for promoting your videos is to cooperate with the owners of other advanced YouTube channels.

And finally, for the sake of video promotion, you can do self-promotion.

5. Partner with Google

When the channel gains a sufficient number of subscribers and views, then you can apply for a partnership with the Google advertising network called Google Adsense. After its approval, enable monetization by selecting all types. Then for a large number of views of your videos, you will start to make a profit.

As you can see, it is difficult to make money on YouTube, you need to study and master a lot of new things, but it is quite possible.

The famous YouTube video hosting is owned by Google, created on February 15, 2005, and by the end of 2013 has more than one billion active users. The success is so great that more and more people are starting to create their own videos and blogs in video format.

For some, this is just a hobby, and for others - a way to earn money, because in addition to entertainment needs, YouTube can also satisfy financial needs.

Earnings on YouTube

A natural question arises: how to make money on YouTube? The answer is rather banal - the ubiquitous, unloved advertising. If you have used this service at least once, then you probably started watching a video with a 15-second commercial and encountered “pop-up” ads.

It is the placement of third-party advertising that allows video authors to make a profit. Another logical question arises: how much can you earn on YouTube in this way? The average earnings range from $5 to $20 per thousand video views, but it is rather difficult to determine the exact figure.

Naturally, the more videos you upload to your channel and the more people see them, the more money you will earn.

In order to start getting money from your video, you need to follow a few steps:

  1. Register on the YouTube service. Registration is completely free, so there can be no difficulties with this;
  2. Shooting copyright videos is the most difficult and important step. Earnings involve a large number of subscribers, views, positive or negative ratings. Video material should be interesting and original. You are only allowed to post your own video or those of people who provide permission to do so. Shooting can be done on a camera, video camera or monitor screen, telling and showing something. The quality of the image and sound should be at a high level, free of interference and noise, no matter what format your video blog is;
  3. Monetize your YouTube account. Without taking certain measures, it will be impossible to make money on YouTube video hosting. Without a large number of subscribers and views, you cannot join a special affiliate program, but this is not necessary. In order to monetize your YouTube channel, you need to go to the settings of the "Video Manager" section and enable the monetization option. If this option is not available in your country, you must change your country of residence to the United States.

    To monetize you need:

    • Complete a free registration in the Google AdSense advertising network, which will deal with advertising in videos and pay remuneration for a certain number of views;
    • Age Compliance: If you are under 18, parental consent will be required.
  4. Regular and systematic video shooting. Shooting and publishing at the initial stage 1-2 times a week, you can already attract thousands of subscribers to your channel. A channel on which new videos appear once a year is not of interest to people and this must be taken into account. All posted material must be optimized for key queries, which can be found in the Yandex.Wordstat service. It is for key queries that the search engine positions your video.
  5. Without following these basic rules, you will not be able to make money on YouTube.

How much can you earn with YouTube?

The billionth audience brings the creators of YouTube multimillion-dollar income. However, how much can you earn by watching author's videos? YouTube pays video creators 50% (0 or more) of their ad revenue.

For example, if out of 10,000 video viewers, 10 people clicked on an advertising link that costs $0.6 to click, the total revenue is $6. $3 is taken by the site, and $3 is given back to you. Thus, for 100,000 views you can get $330, and for a million - $3300.

However, not every click costs $0.6: the minimum bid is $0.01, and the maximum is unlimited. If you want to receive more than 75% of advertising revenue, you must join a special affiliate program.

Of course, the creators of videos with millions of views get the highest income. On average, it is about $500-1000 from just one video.

There are already quite a lot of such users, whose income tends to millions of dollars, on the site. A striking example is the notorious Ray William Johnson, which has 10,684,442 subscribers at the time of writing.

Thanks to the entertainment videos, the total number of views of the Ray William Johnson channel is 2,625,166,374.

With 854 videos on the channel, 1-2 more are added every week. The approximate earnings of the channel for the entire time of existence is $0.6 x 2,625,166,374: 1000 = $1,575,099, monthly income is $262,516. Thus, after 6 years of activity on YouTube, the author of the channel is a millionaire, doing what he loves.

In addition to the huge income, there are several additional advantages: firstly, posting Ray William Johnson commercials is an additional PR for his comedic talent, and secondly, the passivity of the income received. The videos are collecting more and more views, bringing new subscribers to the channel without much intervention from the author.

The most important advantage of making money on YouTube is that a business that started with an interesting innovative idea can grow and bring in a lot of income without your constant intervention.

Entertainment videos are in the greatest demand, but this is not a prerequisite for popularity. There is an audience for any topic: popular “letsplays”, video reviews, instructions, training videos, etc.

Focusing on the trends of the YouTube site, as well as analyzing their ideas and capabilities, any user can create a successful video channel for free.

Any person wants to earn a lot, only everyone has their own tricks. You can do hard work, and if you know a lot about Internet technologies, then making money on advertising or on the world-famous YouTube resource is a worthy replacement if you do your own PR correctly.

How to check the profitability of the channel?

When watching the next video on the YouTube channel, most observers ask how much this person or group earns, and how you can see how much income a blogger receives per month.

It is a mistake to assume that such information is strictly secret. There is a resource socialblade.com, revealing all the secrets of the most famous people of the resource. To find out how much a channel earns, you only need to enter its name in the search. If the name is entered correctly, information about the person of interest will appear on the page. Two numbers will be underlined: the first in red is the average static earnings from ads and views per month, and in yellow is the total revenue for the year.

There is another way to see all the analytics for a YouTube video. The YouTube extension "VidlQ Vision" makes it possible to see all the data on the views of the video and how much the blogger managed to earn for posting it. You just need to install a browser program.

How much do famous bloggers earn?

It may seem to many that making money on a YouTube channel is very simple, the most important thing is to be different from everyone else. However, it is not so easy to interest the audience, maintain and increase your own rating. After all, competition in such an extraordinary business is quite severe.

The income of any blogger depends on he is so in demand. That is, how many video views it has and what kind of “quality” its viewers have. Much depends on the visitors themselves, if they have a good income, then the blogger's income is higher than that of competitors.

It should be understood that no program or application will be able to give an exact answer to the question of how much exactly world-famous bloggers earn, unless they themselves name a specific figure. Or you can independently calculate the approximate amount of profit.

You can imagine a whole list of advanced bloggers who have a whole army of subscribers and imagine what kind of income they have per month from their videos.

Blogger Subject Earnings per month
Petukhov Valentin The videos are dedicated to technical devices and novelties in the field of gadgets. Reviews help you make your own choice and analyze the product. 3,000,000 rubles
Mister Max, Miss Katty. Children's channels dedicated to various games and review of new toys. "Mister Max" - 2,000,000 rubles,

"Miss Katty" - 5,000,000 rubles.

Katy Clap Popular among the female half of the population. Sphere of fashion and style. Unfortunately, there is no exact information about earnings, but it is known that she recently bought an apartment and is doing a chic renovation. Accordingly, this is several million rubles.
Spielberg Sasha Diverse activities, a large number of videos in English. Not less than 1,000,000 rubles
Ivangay Music videos, topics are interesting for the target teenage audience. 1,500,000 rubles
Jove (K. Ladanin) Passage of computer games, mainly "World of Tanks". 5,000,000 rubles
Academician Passing test drives with comments. 6,000,000 rubles (+ figure for)
Amiran Sardarov Popular blog "Khach's Diary". 1,000,000 rubles
Shariy Non-standard videos on the most popular topics. The so-called "spite of the day". 1,500,000 rubles
Cream show Life hack, bizarre home experiments with the participation of your beloved cat. 1,000,000 rubles
Athos Independent revelations of pranksters. There is no exact data, however, according to mathematical calculations by hand, this is an amount of at least 500,000 rubles
Oleg Brein Popular letsplayer. 9,000,000 rubles

Since not only searching for interesting videos on YouTube, but also watching online broadcasts from gaming arenas has become a popular pastime on gray days, the so-called streamers are also held in high esteem among gamers. Each broadcast is aimed not only at making money, but also helps avid players in completing dangerous missions.

Unfortunately, there is no exact data on how much even the most famous streamers earn per month, as statistics are constantly changing and developing dynamically. In this area, there are no such “crazy” numbers that were cited earlier. However, it can be said with certainty that earning 200,000 rubles a month through online broadcasts turns out to be quite real.

How much can you earn?

In fact, it is quite possible to make money on the Youtube channel only with contextual advertising. The opportunity is open only to those bloggers whose videos are gaining at least several thousand views per week. It should be understood that the platform itself receives all the income, and only a percentage is paid to the blogger.

At the initial stage, each person may think that there is no point in continuing such a business, since the income from the channel is simply ridiculous. However, the bottom line is the popularity of the video. The more views he collects, the greater the opportunity to attract a wealthy audience. Therefore, the most popular bloggers today receive a monthly salary that even people in the most prestigious professions cannot imagine. Thus, you can compile the following statistics on how much you can earn on the channel with different attendance.

Number of views Average statistics
1 view 0
from 10 to 100 views 0
from 100 to 1000 views For every thousand views, the channel receives about $2.
per million views From USD 2,000, however, the exact amount cannot be calculated.
per month From 20 000 rubles. The indicator depends on the number of published videos, quality and view rate.
in a year It is impossible to calculate a universal indicator, however, with a positive development of the channel and high attendance, on average, you can earn at least 2,000,000 rubles per year.

How much did you earn in 2016, forecasts for 2017

In many ways, earnings on the YouTube channel depend on the blogger himself and how successful and in demand the subject of video reports will be and whether they will be watched.

Speaking about the statistics for 2016, it turned out to be "gold" for the top popular bloggers. Those people who were able to keep more than 2,000,000 subscribers, on average, were able to earn at least 12,000,000 rubles per year.

Of course, it is impossible to provide exact figures in this case, since it is necessary to study all the analytics separately for each blogger.

Many experts believe that earnings from the affiliate program for 2016 have a low indicator, so it should not be taken into account as a serious adequate income. Speaking about forecasts for 2017, in this case, the opinions of experts are divided. In sum, YouTube will remain in demand both for advertising campaigns and for those who want to make money on it. But it is important to understand that in order to conduct complete data statistics and generate a forecast, it is necessary to analyze each channel individually.

Society always requires novelty, therefore, in many respects, the profit of each, even an advanced blogger, will depend on how it can meet the needs of users. For those who have already been able to earn their first million rubles in just a month, it may come both rapid growth and decline, if the content on their channel will contain repetitive material, or there will be an analog system used in video blogs.

If we talk about beginners, then earning 20,000 - 30,000 per month at the initial stage in 2017 is quite realistic. But you need to constantly monitor your own dynamics of development.

Youtube monetization market situation and dynamics for the coming years

The question of monetization of the market by such a popular video hosting as YouTube was also raised earlier, when market analytics were carried out, and it turned out that Russia cannot use it to the full extent, as residents of the United States or Europe do.

Today, many advertisers can run commercials without any restrictions, which can sometimes save even the most unprofitable enterprise from hard times. And although monetization is still at the primary stage of development According to many experts, this feature will enable the development of a completely new market.

According to the latest estimates, the transitions from resources to the YouTube channel amounted to only 1% of the Russian market. For such a huge hosting, these are too meager numbers, but the development dynamics for the coming years is quite positive.

Is it worth it?

Many people ask whether it is possible to earn money normally, is it worth taking such an activity seriously?

Making money on Youtube is quite real, as many say. But to this kind of earnings should be taken seriously and realistically, and not dream of getting your first million a week after the publication of your first videos. It is unlikely that you will be able to quit your main job and engage in the promotion of your own channel, since much will depend on how quickly views will increase and profit will form from this.

It is possible to earn an average salary, but the most important thing is the constant search for new ideas that will be to the taste of the audience. If a person has creative thinking and creative vision of the process, then YouTube is a great opportunity to realize your ideas and make money on them. Since such a resource is used by an audience of different ages, everyone will be able to find their own group.

Review on video

The figures are analyzed by Nikita Gavrilov. The author of the review quite rightly notes that only the specialists of the Youtube video hosting itself, as well as the Google search engine, have accurate statistics. However, Nikita made a good attempt to answer the question about possible earnings, based on his own experience.

Not so long ago, aspiring video bloggers are already becoming millionaires thanks to YouTube. One of the brightest examples is Ivangay, who created a channel in 2013, and a year later had 1 million subscribers, and now his number of subscribers exceeds 10 million.

So what is the secret to success? In fact, there are many secrets, so I decided to make an instruction for beginners - how to make money on youtube from scratch.

Let's not kid ourselves that great videos are easy to make. In reality, this is shooting dozens of takes, hours of long editing and video optimization for the needs of the audience.
Step-by-step instruction:

Many people think that it is enough to create a channel, upload a few videos with a beautiful picture, and you will already start getting a lot of views and new subscribers! This is partly true, but you need to perform 3 steps:

1. Proper channel creation and setup

The first thing to do is to decide on the subject of the future channel, both the speed of development and the profit per 1,000 views depend on it. The more solvent the audience watches the video, the higher the profit will be, respectively.

  • Automotive: $2 - $6;
  • Finance (forex, earnings, etc.): $1.5-5;
  • Humor: $0.5-2;
  • Games: $0.5-2;
  • Music: 0.3-1.5$;
  • Blogging: 0.15-1.25$.

After choosing a suitable topic, go to the name of the channel, it should be concise, unique and easy to remember. It is desirable that the viewer can always find your channel through a YouTube search.

Take a free tutorial from YouTube on channel setup - YouTube.

The next step is to select a beautiful avatar (user icon), it must be of high quality and unique in order to stand out from the rest. A separate word should be said about the design of the channel header.

The image in the header should be 2560×1440 pixels, where the visible area falls on the center of the image with a size of 1546×423. Don't forget to add social account profiles, in the future, viewers will start following, which will give a chance to start.

Here is a good header example:

The final part of the setup is adding a short and positive description of 300-400 characters, as well as adding keywords. Keywords are comma-separated phrases that are most often typed in searches on your subject. 5-15 phrases are enough that reflect the whole essence of your channel.

2. Creating quality videos

What is a quality video? — This is a video where there is a good picture resolution, there is a properly built plot and a tuned sound without wheezing and sudden changes in the voice.

3. Proper video optimization

Proper video optimization is one of the most important steps for the rapid growth of a YouTube channel. Thanks to the right approach, you can immediately get 10-100 thousand views per month without additional promotion.

If your browser is Chrome, then I recommend installing the extension - VidIQ(will help in identifying popular keywords and video optimization).

Selection of the topic and keywords for the video
Before you start recording a video, be sure to check the popularity of the topic. To do this, just check a few keywords using services such as KeyWord Planner and WordStat. Or just watch related videos – how many views do they get?

Attractive video title and preview
The name of the video must necessarily contain a key phrase, but the name must be interesting. For example, the key phrase "earnings on YouTube", then you can make an attractive video title "Create earnings on YouTube more than $ 1000 per month".

The second thing is to pay attention to the preview. A preview is a picture for a video that makes it clear to the viewer what he will see there. Therefore, the picture should be made spectacular and it is desirable to duplicate the name of the video in the preview (this is how they click more often).

Calls to Action

At the beginning of the video, it is recommended to make a call to action, for example, subscribe, like or recommend another one of your videos, for example, using an annotation. And at the end of the video, you should display related videos and a subscribe button.

After all the steps above, your number of views will gradually begin to grow, and with it the number of subscribers, and you are ready to learn how to make money on YouTube from scratch.

But do not rush to earn money, first you should promote your channel and video to more significant values ​​- this will significantly increase profits. For advertising, it is better to get at least 10,000 subscribers and 100,000 views per month.

But how quickly can this be achieved? There are a whole host of both free and paid ways that increase popularity, and as a result, increase earnings from future advertising and sponsors.

Promotion of the channel and video on YouTube

In fact, all the current popular video bloggers have used several ways to promote their channel and videos on YouTube, but few people admit this. Therefore, we also silently unwind on YouTube.

Free ways to promote on YouTube

1. Leave comments under popular videos
It is worth leaving comments under other people's videos, but your comment must be positive at the same time, so that the author of the video does not delete it for spam. Example: “Cool video! By the way, I also released a video on this topic not long ago. .

2. Advertising exchange with thematic channels
This method is used by many video bloggers and it brings good results. Look for video bloggers at your level and offer them mutual PR. Well, if you flashed at least once with a popular video blogger, then you have a chance to get tens of thousands of new subscribers (if the content is good)!

3. Social networks / Forums / Peekaboo
Share your video in various popular groups through comments on Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook. Find thematic forms that also allow you to upload videos and always in popular branches, leave the video in the comments.

Well, if you have an entertaining video, then we fill the rating on Peekaboo and publish your video. Sometimes publishing a video from there can bring up to 100 thousand views in a few days.

Paid and fast ways to promote on YouTube

1. Order advertising in groups of social networks
Sociate is an advertising exchange where there are practically all groups from contact and classmates. We select groups of 400-500 thousand subscribers and order advertising for your video for 300-350 rubles. You will get a lot of views and new subscribers!

2. Cheat in exchanges
In second place in terms of popularity is the cheating of views, likes and subscribers. Released a new video, but no views? We order 1,000 views and 100 likes, and then real people themselves will notice your video in the news. What exchange to use for this?

The truth is, the disadvantage of this method is that it is forbidden and if YouTube suspects cheating on you, it will remove a certain number of views.

3. Pre-rolls from other bloggers
Pre-roll is an advertising insert at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the video, where a channel or a certain product is recommended. This is a very effective type of advertising, although such inserts cost 5-10 thousand rubles for bloggers with 100,000 subscribers.

4. Contact the SocLike agency
There are special media agencies that deal with PR of the channel or individual videos. Unfortunately, many work only with large channels, or with large investments of money. But there is also an alternative service.

SocLike - they can separately recruit subscribers, make views, order likes and comments. In general, everything that a standard pr agency does is 10 times cheaper.

Service prices:

  • Subscriber price: 1.5 - 2 rubles;
  • Viewing price: 0.8-1.1 rubles;
  • Like price: 1.2 - 2 rubles;
  • Comment price: 4.8 – 7.8

1. Affiliate program
Advertising can be connected with only 300 subscribers and 5,000 views per month, but I hope you promote your channel to 10,000 subscribers. And you can connect advertising either directly from Adsense or use a partner media network, such as Vsp Group.

2. Selling goods through YouTube
I have already told you more than once how you can make good money selling goods from AliExpress. You can learn more about this -. It is quite easy to reach the level of 100,000 rubles per month, although the disadvantage of such a business is that you gain few subscribers and the views will be at the level of 30-50 thousand per month.

3. Direct sale of advertising
Various pre-rolls and integrations belong to this type. When they contact you directly and order a small advertisement for their channel or product. Where you just need to say a few words and leave a link at the very beginning of the description.

Such advertising can bring in 3-10 thousand rubles if your videos gain an average of about 80-100 thousand views. Imagine that we have 10 videos per month, then our income will be at the level of 30,000 - 100,000 rubles.

4. Hidden advertising
Hidden advertising is available only to the most popular video bloggers; they earn more than 1 million rubles a month on YouTube, thanks to the fact that they wear clothes of certain brands, ride a certain brand of car and eat in the right places. And they can also receive a good fee for the positive mention of the brand.

5. Selling ads on other social networks
When your popularity grows on YouTube, then Vkontakte, classmates and instagram begin to subscribe to you. And in these social networks, you can start advertising posts, for example, using the same Sociate exchange.

All income will come from advertising, so initially choose the right topic where there is a paying audience, or go to the topic where videos get millions of views per day.

Release videos 2-3 pieces a week, try to choose only the most interesting topics that may be of interest to a wide range of people.

Try to contact the viewer more often and ask questions that require answers in the comments, this helps to rank the video higher among others, which ultimately leads to more views.

Keep up with the times, see what trend is gaining momentum and shoot a video on this topic. Perhaps you will catch the popularity due to the infusion into the trend.

I think this instruction will help novice video bloggers understand how to make money on YouTube from scratch, and a lot of money. If you still have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments.

Not everyone knows that on the popular YouTube service, you can not only watch various videos and clips, but also earn good money. To do this, you need to create an interesting video that users will watch and connect an affiliate program to it. Each view will bring you a few cents - if your channel is popular, then you can get a good monthly income.

How to earn

So how to make money on Youtube And what are they even paid for? A YouTube channel is like a website. If you fill it with quality content (content), then you will quickly form a thematic audience. And for the target audience, you can always choose ads that will be shown while viewing.

Earning money on YouTube is easy to start from scratch - you only need a smartphone and the Internet

That is, the principle of making money on YouTube is as follows:

  1. You create your channel and add interesting videos to it.
  2. It is viewed by users, “liked”, it becomes popular and attracts new viewers.
  3. You connect contextual advertising to your profile.
  4. Advertising is shown to the user before watching the video or during it.
  5. You earn money for viewing or clicking on ads from Google.

Google acts as an intermediary - it receives money for ad impressions from advertisers, and then shares them with the authors. An advertisement can be either a banner with a certain text and a link (appears after viewing), or a filmed video that plays at the beginning of your clip.

In order to start earning, you do not need any investments - an interesting video can be shot even on a phone or digital camera. Upload it to your channel, confirm your copyright (YouTube bans for plagiarism), and connect the affiliate program in the settings. Advertising will be added to the video according to your location (that is, Chinese videos will not be played in Russia) and the subject of the channel. You can turn on the possibility of earning on the tabhttps://www.youtube.com/features parameter "Monetization".

Note:respecting copyright is very important. If you use someone else's video or music, then you may be blocked on the complaint of the copyright holder and all videos will be deleted.


The partner account is very different from the “basic” one. You can upload videos to it with unlimited duration and in maximum quality. You can also design your channel: set a cover, wallpaper, etc.

To make money on YouTube, upload the video to your channel and turn on "monetization"

To earn money on YouTube for views you need to verify your account. By clicking on the “Monetization” button, you will open the confirmation panel for your profile. Here you will need to enter your phone number, receive an SMS or a call to it, and enter the code in the appropriate field. You will then need to fill out a form with some information. After that, you will receive the title of “partner” and will be able to start your own business.

How much can you earn?

How much can you earn on Youtube with 1000 views? If you have a thematic channel and a lot of subscribers, then 5-6 dollars from 1000 is collected quite easily. Moreover, high-quality video will be watched not once, but constantly.

How to earn more?

The basic rule of business is that the intermediary, not the manufacturer, is more stable and earns the most. What does this mean? The fact that you cannot physically produce high-quality thematic content all the time. Therefore, you can simply collect it or create general-thematic videos. A simple example is a channel dedicated to a game. It uploads a video with a frequency of once a month, which collects views of only 40% of the audience of this game. In parallel, there is a blogger who reviews all the new games that come out. Even if he posts a review once a month, he will have more views due to the popularity of the topic.

You can view all statistics on views, video popularity and income in your personal account

This principle works everywhere: a film studio cannot be compared with the audience of a channel about movies and celebrities, an artist cannot be compared with a music channel. Therefore, it is more profitable to produce secondary information than to produce original content.

Note:There are a lot of people who make money on YouTube. This means you will have some serious competition right from the start. Therefore, you need to choose the right niche - it should be interesting for both you and the audience.

Subject selection

It is best to make videos on a topic that you understand. If you are a fisherman, make videos about tackle, bait, fishing techniques, camping equipment, etc. If you sell phones, then do reviews of new products, tests, comparisons with other popular phones. Be sure to look at how your competitors do it: think about where they make mistakes, what would you like to add to the video or remove.

The most popular themes on YouTube are:

  1. Humor. This includes various popular bloggers and programs +100500, KVN, This is Good, etc.
  2. Music and clips. Here, earning is more difficult, since the authors can complain about the video and demand its removal.
  3. News and surveys of the situation. There is a lot of room for creativity here, but you always need to keep your finger on the pulse of events and have your own style.
  4. Blogging. This is a description of various games, films, events, etc. Partially echoes the third point, but if analytical thinking and understanding of the situation are needed to review news and politics, then blogging can be done by almost anyone. This is the easiest way make money on YouTube from scratch.