Work in Avon - the doors are open to everyone. Avon job Avon job

    There is no initial investment required to start your business with Avon. Convenient service, free shipping products. In addition, the opportunity to receive training and continue to move up the career ladder, all this is an indisputable advantage of cooperation with an international company.

    And the best part is the gifts that the company gives for regular orders for a certain amount. Such stimulation helps you develop quickly and save on cosmetics at the same time.

    Working as an Avon Coordinator

    The next step in developing one's own potential is the work of a coordinator. What does she mean by herself?

    First of all, this is the process of registering representatives in the company. For the coordinator, in the process of moving up the career ladder, representatives play an important role. Since the total income largely depends on their number.

    It is important not only to register in your group a large number of new distributors, but also competently organize their activities. The income of the coordinator depends on the sales volume of his group. All this requires certain skills, concentration and leadership inclinations. However, with a minimum of effort, you will be able to move forward, as AVON has a career ladder.

    In addition, the duties include assistance in placing an order, an active presentation of the new catalog, a demonstration of the company's new products.

    It is worth noting that in Avon you can get free training. There is a three-stage training for coordinators. At first, this is an acquaintance with the system of the company's activities, then training in working with buyers (representatives) and the final stage is training in planning your business.

    After completing all three stages of training, the AVON Coordinator receives a certificate. The activity of the Coordinator is a logical continuation of the career growth of Representatives interested in developing their own business.

    Company vacancies

    There is also a third category of work at AVON, which is regular hired work. You can get a job as an accountant or manager. Production activities include all stages of the manufacturing process of cosmetics from Avon. Here you will have a standard working day and an official salary.

Hello! In this article we will talk about how to make money in Avon.

  • How much can you earn: percentage of sales.
  • Minimum Requirements: the ability to sell.
  • Is it worth doing: there are better alternatives.

General information on making money at Avon

Avon emerged in the late 1880s and began selling perfume. By the early 20th century, it began to expand until it became the large global corporation we know it today.

The company has chosen its way of development. With this choice, Avon's task is to create a network of independent distributors who sell products and have the right to attract new employees.

That is, the task of the employee will be:

  • Sale of goods.
  • Attracting new employees for a percentage of their spending.

With this option of work, both the company wins, because it distributes its goods, and the employee, because he gets the opportunity to earn money on his own.

Now let's figure out what conditions Avon offers, how much money you can earn, what skills will be required and whether it is worth starting work in this company at all.

How much can you earn with Avon

Representative— base level in the company. Here you simply get a discount on products and can earn by selling products without a discount or with a minimal price reduction. The promised earnings are from 15 to 30 thousand rubles.

The next step is coordinator. It is necessary to order the first supply, and then apply. Coordinators - people who attract new members, tell them what to do, etc. The company provides free training for coordinators.

The salary of coordinators directly depends on the orders of the group that he supervises. Usually it is 5 - 12% of their spending. Coordinators rarely receive less than 20,000 rubles.

The reality turns out to be much more prosaic than fake reviews. Most of the reviews say that. What average income for girls who are engaged in the distribution of cosmetics - from 8 to 15 thousand rubles. Those who started this business earlier are divided into two camps: those who really earn from 40 to 200 thousand rubles every month on their affiliate network, and those who only talk about it.

That is, a beginner will have to focus on an approximate income of 5-6 thousand rubles for the first couple of months. You will have to gain experience, test sales channels and look for opportunities to sell products.

How to sell products online

This is the biggest pain for beginners. Those who come to the MLM business try to drag all their acquaintances there to sell cosmetics, courses, useless goods, etc. In fact, this is an extremely unsuccessful undertaking, simply because after a while you will be shunned, and no one won't buy it all.

There are several options for sale. The first and most obvious one is . Attracting visitors to a website about cosmetics is quite simple. This is not the most competitive niche, where you can always add something to the materials already available on other sites. The main attraction is good content. The reader will look at the article, if it is useful, they can click on and, thus, buy the goods.

This is a complete online store. Difficult for beginners: it can take up to several weeks to set up, and if you order a store, then a normal assembly will cost from 50,000 rubles.

The main thing is not to be a spammer. No need to shove ads everywhere and everywhere that you can earn money in Avon. Carefully, unobtrusively, communicate with people, help them and tell them where you work and how much you earn. So much more efficient.

And you can also copy the strategy of mediocre infobusinessmen. Take some high quality photos, fly to an expensive country for a vacation and post the photos, and then tell people where you earn so much that you can afford it. But this is a rather stupid option, because you will be quickly figured out.

Despite the fact that the opportunity to earn money with the company has existed for a very long time, many do not realize even half of the opportunities. Representatives of MLM companies are perceived as spammers, the word “side job” and the like is taboo in groups with open comments, fearing an influx of bots, etc.

If you use sales methods effectively, pump into network marketing and learn to sell, analyze the psychology of your customers, you can even make something really profitable from such an old niche as Avon.

Benefits of working with Avon

There are several pluses:

  1. Product prices are moderate. Some MLM companies sell products at exorbitant prices because they see no point in setting a low price at all. Partners will sell, the company does not care about that. At Avon, everything is more or less democratic. Prices are average, sometimes even lower than those set in retail stores.
  2. Free shipping. Not a bad plus, especially for those who live in small towns.
  3. Opportunities and bonuses for company employees. Of course, it is difficult to move up the career ladder, but nevertheless, a car, an apartment, pension contributions - all this is in the company, it is enough to reach a certain level.
  4. Adequate products. It's not that it's extremely high quality, but still good quality cosmetics for the money.

A little about prices and products. Prices in MLM companies are indeed higher, Avon is no exception. It's just that the company often sells its products in promotions like "2 for the price of 1", and therefore, in the end, the products sell acceptable.

Quality is debatable. Many complain that cosmetics are of poor quality. Cheap lines are better than expensive ones. But this is a separate conversation. For the money, most of the goods are really good.

Who is eligible to work at Avon?

Now a few words about the work itself. I would like to slightly dispel the popular myths that the company itself imposed.

You must be able to either sell goods or sell work. If you don't know how to do either, either study or refuse this job.

This is an MLM business. Affiliate never gives you the opportunity to earn while sitting at home and doing practically nothing. This is good at the beginning, when an interesting product entered the market, few people know about it, and if they do, they want to work there. For Avon, this situation has already passed. If you start working now, you will not just have to sell goods. You need to prove to the client that the product is still worth it.

The secret of big earnings is simple: you need to plow for 10 - 12 hours every day, for several years.

Speaking frankly: few fit job with Avon right now. Because of the many ads, most people think it's easy: offer products, earn money. In fact, everything is different. Demand has fallen, there are many competitors, perhaps the niche is even completely occupied. Therefore, each new player will have to put in much more effort than those who started working a long time ago.

Is Avon Worth It?

From the foregoing, we can draw a simple conclusion: it is now worth working with Avon in two cases:

  • Gain sales experience in a tough business.
  • If you want to work hard.

The first case is pretty simple. Sales people can make a lot of money working in almost any field. Professionals, in essence, do not care what to sell. Cosmetics, metal, or toys. They will find an opportunity, persuade the client and earn money. To become an expert, you will either have to study theory for a very long time, or immediately go into practice. Avon gives you the opportunity to practice and take full responsibility for the work.

The second option is also quite logical. If there is a real struggle for customers, then you will have to put in a lot more effort to sell something. And to scale the business and reach the whole trading network As it turned out before, now it is definitely more difficult. That is why you will have to work exclusively for wear and tear: about 10 - 12 hours every day, in order to subsequently be able to earn good money.

But in the second case, there are many more interesting alternatives. This , distant work, real office work. All this gives more opportunities for the development and application of talent. And everything will be the same there: the more you work, the faster you develop and the more money you get. That is why in the second case, I consider it inappropriate to choose Avon. Distribution of products can be done in other companies that are not well known.


Speaking soberly and without prejudice, you can really make money in Avon. But this is not the income that is promised to many. In order to be successful, you have to work very hard. And not just work - plow. , sell products, sell your help, etc. This is already valid hard work, which, with due luck, can bring income, but, most likely, will be a waste of time and another “experience gained” column.

Almost everyone knows about Avon. What is the work in Avon, many can only guess. The approximate picture is clear, but only those who already work in the company know how and what is organized in the company.

All work in AVON can be divided into three conditional possibilities:

  • Working as an Avon Representative
  • Working as a Coordinator at Avon
  • Work in the AVON office

The very first step is the work of an Avon representative. In order to become an Avon representative, it is enough to conclude a cooperation agreement with the company. Today - it's easy to do - just fill out a representative form. In the near future after filling out the questionnaire, you will be assigned a personal computer number, by which you will go to your office, where you will confirm your intention to cooperate with the company. After that, you can get to work.

Working conditions at Avon

Working conditions in Avon are extremely simple. Any person residing on the territory of the Russian Federation, at the age of 16 years, can become a representative. If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, then you can receive orders on credit (according to the company's rules, you must pay for the order within 5 days from the date of delivery of your order). If you are not a citizen of the Russian Federation, but live in the territory of the Russian Federation and would like to become a representative, then you can do it, the only difference is that you will only be able to order prepaid orders (the order is sent only after it has been paid in full).

The representative of the Avon company, as in other companies, represents the company's products on the market. The tool for the job is the Avon catalog. Do not worry that you will come to the company and will not know what to do and where to start. The company has vast experience, and as it accumulated, all wishes for comfortable cooperation were taken into account. After registration, you will definitely have a mentor, your coordinator, who will answer all your questions and help you in your work. An Avon representative receives payment for his work from sales due to the difference in the price that customers see in the catalog and the invoice by which the company sells the goods to you. That is, the representative's income = price in the catalog - price in the invoice. The discount given by the company can be from 15 to 31%. You can read more about the discount system in the article Avon discount system.

Each representative has access to free training that takes place via the Internet. Working in Avon via the Internet is a great opportunity, and it is very convenient. There is an AVON Business and Beauty Academy where all representatives can study. Topics for training are very different - trainings about products, trainings on self-development, trainings on how to communicate with customers and increase your customer base, and many others. Training is available immediately after receiving a computer number.

In addition to training, each representative can arrange for himself an Avon online store. Working with AVON via the Internet is not only very convenient, but also profitable, and most importantly, accessible to everyone! This is how your workplace". You design your own account and submit the information that you want to give to your clients.

This is how your customers will see you. Here is a little more. After setting up your account, and entering all the information, you will indicate the address where you can be found and the phone number where you can be reached. When a person wants to place an order for Avon, he will go to the AVON website and press the button - Find a representative, you can find it by 3 parameters:

  1. Avon representative phone number
  2. Email
  3. City where representative works

The new client does not have the first two items, so he will enter the city in which he lives. The system will provide information about all the representatives that are in this city and have registered themselves in the online store.

Your customers will be able to find you via the Internet, leave you an order, and after receiving their order, leave feedback about your work in AVON.

Work in AVON as a coordinator

The second opportunity to earn income in the Avon company through the Internet is to work as an Avon coordinator. Here the work is already connected not with direct sales, but with the organization of trade, with the involvement of new representatives, with information. A successful Avon coordinator has more income than a representative, since he receives a percentage of the sales of his entire group plus the same income as the representative. Any representative can become a coordinator after making the first order. Especially for new coordinators, the Start Bonus program has been developed, which helps novice coordinators grow and receive bonuses for their work in Avon.

Working at Avon via the Internet is a guarantee of a decent income

- means to get the opportunity to fulfill your dreams without the risk of losing anything! Do not be afraid that nothing will work! opens wide prospects without requiring any cash investments!

A wonderful opportunity to earn your own income for new mothers, students and even high school students! You will have to spend only 2 - 4 hours a day. How to master the magic secrets of makeup, and at the same time get a stable income, almost without leaving home? How to open the path to lightning career growth? These miracles are sure to happen if on our site.

What should a representative do?

After online registration, collect orders from friends and relatives using the AVON catalog. And you can do this on a walk with a child, in a store, clinic, as well as on the Internet.

Yes Yes! The Avon website will become your online store! You will only have to place an ad, and then receive orders for your email and send them to Avon through your online office!

Pay for the order, minus the discount, no later than 5 working days after receiving it at home or at the post office near the house and distribute products to customers at catalog prices. does not require special skills and brings great pleasure.

Working conditions at Avon

  • When registering, you fill out a representative form with personal information.
  • Get it on the Avon website Personal Area, in which all becomes available to you new information. Orders are sent from your Internet office.
  • For those under 18, don't despair. is also available to you. Instead of yourself, you can register as a representative of the company of one of your parents.
  • Pleasant surprises, significant discounts on products and various gifts await the coordinators.
  • Free schedule.
  • Decent income from

A decent income without leaving home! If you become an Avon representative or coordinator, you have nothing to lose if it doesn't work out! No consequences! Give yourself a chance to make your dreams come true! What exactly are you dreaming about?

Avon Jobs!

Representative vacancy:

>> collect orders via >>send them directly to AVON >> receive them at home/post office near home/post office>>distribute orders to customers >>pay for the order minus the discount within 5 working days from the date of receipt.

Conditions for working from home:

  • each representative on the Avon website has its own online store. You rest, and customers themselves find you and place orders with you;
  • , exclusive internet-only offers and applications that you can send to social media to private messages In contact with , Odnoklassniki) and e-mail to friends and colleagues;
  • opportunity to create your own Avon group VKontakte , Odnoklassniki, and a representative in your city;
  • Internet office;
  • online training in quick sales and customer search (webinars, etc.)
  • decent income! The more orders, the more income! No income ceiling!;
  • free schedule;
  • work without any cash investments for business;
  • no age limit (if you are under 18, you can register as a parent and send and receive orders as a proxy). Good pocket money for a schoolboy or student!;
  • permanent incentive programs, gifts, AVON CLUB program
  • easily and quickly, now you do not need to look for a coordinator in your city and spend time meeting with him.

To be the head of your team and earn a decent income from the comfort of your home? This is indeed possible!

Position for coordinator:

As soon as you are, immediately you can - Recruit and develop your team of representatives and coordinators, and receive from the sales of your group from 6 to 12% commission on bank card+ per year under the program to support new coordinators and simultaneously receive valuable prizes ( household appliances) and cash bonuses by participating in permanent incentive programs!

Conditions for working from home:

  • internet office;
  • the ability to search for representatives via the Internet, which has tremendous efficiency (creating