A sauna on wheels is a working business idea. Original business - how to organize a sauna on wheels Sauna on wheels payback discussion

If you are thinking about starting your own business, then only original idea. An unusual business idea that will attract attention and bring you joy from work is a bathhouse on wheels. Why? Let's talk further.

How to start a business with sauna services on wheels?

If you have unusual idea for how to organize , then the first thing you need to take care of is those very wheels. You can build a bathhouse either on the basis of a car or a trailer, but it is best to build a spacious and comfortable bathhouse on a platform from a truck.

What do you need to know before opening a sauna on wheels?

To place a bathhouse on wheels, do not choose cars whose body is very high, but whose platform itself is narrow - for example, GAZ 66. After all, in this case, you can only build a bathhouse for a small company of 2-3 people. Despite the fact that you will be able to organize a room with high ceilings, there will still not be enough space in it. For example, for 5-6 people your option most likely will not work. Such a company will most likely go looking for a more spacious bathhouse.

When choosing a body that is too narrow and high, you should also not forget about safety, because the structure must be stable. And in order to make it like this, thick floors will be needed, which will take up a lot of space.

Where is the best place to place a mobile sauna?

The best option for placing a bathhouse on wheels is a platform from a truck. You can install a wooden structure on it, which is stylishly lined with wood and has the same finish inside. It would seem that everything is simple and beautiful, but in reality you cannot do without some difficulties. To make it easier for you to cope with all this, below we will try to understand each nuance more precisely.

When thinking about creating a sauna on wheels, you can change the format of your business a little. In this case, you will be interested to know about , doing everything with minimal effort and time.

What documents are needed to register your business?

For your idea to develop into successful business, it must be implemented according to all the rules. And the first rule is to register the activities of an individual entrepreneur. The bathhouse business does not require licensing, so all documents are reduced to obtaining a Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs (USRIP) entry sheet from the tax office.

To legalize your bathhouse on wheels, you will need to notify Rospotrebnadzor about the start of your activities and work in good faith in compliance with sanitary standards.

Contrary to popular belief that an individual entrepreneur is required to obtain permission from the fire inspectorate, this is not the case. All that is needed is compliance with the requirements against fire safety at all stages of the implementation of a business idea, starting from the choice of finishing materials for the bathhouse and ending with the installation of a ventilation system and APS (automatic fire alarm).

It is useful to keep at hand the law, which sets out the basic requirements for the organization of premises.

Of course vehicle, on the basis of which the bathhouse is being built, must be registered with the traffic police, have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy and undergo annual maintenance.

How to open your own sauna on wheels with minimal investment?

If you are interested in doing business with minimal investment, then for this you must pre-plan all costs. When you have a detailed estimate in front of you, you will see what costs can be reduced. For example, you can save on materials for finishing a bath if you choose pine rather than linden or oak. Also keep in mind that solid wood will cost much more. In other words, if you choose lumber, you will have to pay more, but if you choose recycled and compressed wood, you can reduce costs.

Determining the list of services

A sauna on wheels is, first of all, an opportunity to swim and steam in a pleasant environment. Visiting a steam room will not only be a way to have a good time with friends, but will also help improve your health. A wood-burning bathhouse has always perfectly strengthened the immune system, improved mood, chased away depression, and added vigor.

But think about how you can diversify your services. Of course, people will be happy to come to you if in your bathhouse on wheels they can relax both body and soul. For example, it makes sense to equip a bathhouse with a bar counter and sell cold drinks like beer or kvass. Or you can install a real Russian samovar so that your customers can enjoy hot aromatic tea.

How do you like the idea of ​​organizing a relaxation room where you can relax or watch TV? We are sure that massage services directly in the bathhouse will be in demand.

Consider the traditions and habits of the Russian soul. What's a vacation without barbecue? Offer your customers a comprehensive “kebab service” - marinating meat and bringing it to an appetizing readiness over the coals. Or provide a grill, coals and skewers for rent. So, if your finances allow, you simply must take care of the additional service.

By the way, in addition to a bathhouse on wheels, there are many other business options with small investments. Read our tips on how to in 2018. Who knows, maybe in this article you will find exactly the idea that will inspire you the most.

Read also: Business idea: production of liquid stone

What equipment to choose: let’s start equipping the bathhouse

When choosing equipment for a bath, purchase the most durable one, and when it comes to furniture, give preference to natural materials - fir, linden, pine. This wood is ideal for the interior lining of the steam room.

Yes, first you will have to spend money: expect that it will cost you at least 250,000 rubles to equip the bathhouse. But you will be sure that in a year you will not buy new furniture.

Moreover, people who go to the bathhouse want to relax in a good atmosphere. Therefore, if everything in your bathhouse is beautiful and soulful, then visitors, having seen it all once, will come back again and again.

What you will need to equip a bathhouse on wheels:

  • Wood-burning stove (boiler)
  • Firewood storage racks
  • Water container 250 l
  • Shower cabin
  • Separate washbasin
  • Shelves-loungers
  • Sofa and armchairs for the lounge
  • TV
  • Refrigerator display
  • Bar counter
  • Table and chairs

Additional options will be required for sauna equipment more investment, so start from your budget. But no one will judge you if you start your own bath business with a classic set of services. The main thing is to add more heat!

Advertising and marketing: how to promote a bathhouse business on wheels?

The best investment in a sauna on wheels is your imagination. Thanks to this, your business will be original and will not leave people indifferent.

Let's compare: how many classic baths have you seen in your city, and how many original ones? Of course, standard baths will be presented in larger quantities. But if something new appears on the market, different from the usual in its form and concept, then already at the initial stages visitors will come to you to look at such know-how.

It's no secret that the best advertising for any business is word of mouth. This is the kind of marketing that works flawlessly. The higher the comfort and quality of services of your bathhouse on wheels, the more likely it is that people will advertise your business themselves.

Word of mouth is, of course, effective, but you need to take care of other types of promoting your idea. For example, run an ad on local radio. A person may hear about such an opportunity several times and become interested in it. Don't forget about visual advertising, posters and invitations. If you add some kind of promotional offer for visitors to your advertising, this will only increase public interest in your business idea.

Use different types advertising, because anyone can work. For example, a person may receive a flyer and immediately throw it away. But at the same time, standing at the bus stop, he will see your ad and think about coming to visit your bathhouse. With a little effort, you can stick them up in the most crowded places in the city.

Bath business financial plan

The financial plan depends on what you will equip your sauna on wheels with. Remember that in any case you will be able to save money in the initial stages and find places where you can buy furniture at an affordable price.

If you use your imagination instead of ordering a ready-made bathhouse, then there is a chance to avoid unnecessary expenses and get the structure exactly the way you would like it to be.

Don't forget also that in financial plan you need to add the services of a welder, mechanic, woodworker and installer. If you can handle any of these tasks yourself, great, but it’s still better not to take risks and not start important tasks, if you have no experience. After all, you need to do everything not only beautifully, but also safely.

Compared to how much it costs open your own spa salon with the opening of a bathhouse on wheels, you will see that the second option will be more affordable and, no less important, more original and vibrant.

How much money do you need to start a sauna on wheels?

One of the main issues is financial. Below we will look at approximate figures, because the exact amount will depend on the specific area and price level. In our example, we will consider investments in organizing a standard auto-bath.

Platform (ZIL 131, PAZ, GAZ 3308, etc.) Depending on the parameters of the bath 300,000 rub.
Materials for interior body lining Depends on the type of material 50,000 rub.
FurnitureDepending on body parameters and availability of additional services 50,000 rub.
Window2-4 pieces16,000 rub.
Interior lighting, ventilation, fire alarm 28,000 rub.
Cash machine Depending on type 18,000 rub.
Optional equipment Mini-fridge or microwave 17,000 rub.
Basic equipment Stove, chimney + shower 40,000 rub.
Bath accessories Brooms, hats, rugs, towels, sheets, ladles, wooden buckets and ladles 4,000-6,000 rub.
Organizational expenses: Registration of individual entrepreneur and vehicle, compulsory motor liability insurance, maintenance, etc. 10,800 rub.
Installation and cladding costs. Payment for the services of an electrician, installer and woodworker, etc. 50,000 rub.
TOTAL RUB 585,800

Now let's look at the calculation of the approximate costs of maintaining a bathhouse on wheels per month:

You can take on the functions of an administrator, saving on both salary and insurance premiums. However, in the future, a developing business will require hiring additional employees: a massage therapist, a bathhouse attendant, a bartender, a kebab cook, etc.

Bathhouse on wheels: specifics of the activity + 5 necessary elements for starting a business + promotion methods + calculations + 6 tips on how to succeed.

While some are trying to come up with completely unique business ideas, others are implementing existing ones and quite successfully. For example, such an option as a bathhouse on wheels is no longer new, but it still appeared relatively recently. It is characterized by little competition, which only plays into the hands of its future owner.

So that a private mobile bathhouse becomes profitable business, you need to correctly draw up a business plan and apply effective marketing methods. How to do this is described in this article.

Specifics of commercial activities, such as a “sauna on wheels”

Many people prefer to improve their health and simply relax in the bathhouse. However, not everyone has the opportunity to visit it. In this case, a sauna on wheels will be an excellent solution.

You should think carefully about the area. Villages and urban settlements immediately “disappear”, since most of their residents have their own baths. For this reason, it is more expedient to introduce a mobile bathhouse in a big city. The service will be in demand among the local population.

Some people like to take a steam bath on wheels after fishing. It turned out that the universal steam room is also in great demand among hunters who want to relax and unwind after their favorite activity.

But this is just one example. In general, for this type entrepreneurial activity It is not necessary to be geographically attached. You can drive a banya around the region and even go beyond its borders, as long as it brings material benefit and not loss.

Since your activities need to be legalized, you will have to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You must also have permission to operate a mobile bathhouse from various authorities exercising control: the fire service, SES, State Traffic Inspectorate.

Individual regions have their own requirements. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the package of documents will expand.

But the main ones are:

Before spending money on implementing a bathhouse on wheels, consult with an employee of a consulting company. He will tell you exactly what papers are required, moreover, he will help you put together a package of documents.

You will receive detailed instructions or LLC from the tax office: https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/ip/interest/reg_ip/petition/ And https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/yul/interest/reg_yl/register

During the process of registering a state of emergency, you will need to select the appropriate business activity code. Will do 96.04 .

After filling out all the paperwork and paying the state fee, all that remains is to notarize the documents and submit an application to the inspectorate, and then wait for an answer. When approval is received, you will have a OGRN number. But this is not the end of the procedure.

It is also necessary to draw up an agreement with the medical fund and register the car that will serve as a bathhouse.

For this purpose, contact the territorial division of the traffic police (look for what you need here - https://www.fcp-pbdd.ru/links/GAI.php) and present the required documents:

  • a sales contract or other certificate that gives you the right to own the vehicle;
  • passport;
  • OSAGO;
  • statement.

If you purchase a used car for a bathhouse on wheels, you will be asked for the “Transit” license plates that were previously issued.

What do you need to organize a sauna on wheels?

To open a sauna on wheels, of course, you will need to pay for the purchase Supplies, equipment, etc. We will analyze all the necessary steps in detail.

No. 1. Design.

This is the first and important stage. Try to first draw a sketch of the future sauna on wheels. You can design it using special computer programs. This way you can assess the proportionality of the structure and be able to understand the size and quantity of building materials.

When creating a bathhouse project, the following are taken into account:

  • required boiler/furnace power.
  • See an example of a sauna on wheels project below:

    No. 2. Suitable transport.

    There may be your own options, the main thing is that the car has good cross-country ability.

    Experienced entrepreneurs advise: GAZ 66, GAZ 3308, ZIL 131. These vehicles are the easiest and most successful to convert into a bathhouse on wheels. Their capacity allows you to serve a group of 4-6 people at the same time. The mobile establishment itself is relatively cheap and very comfortable.

    Of course, to create a sauna, you can choose a van. But you will have to buy a self-propelled tractor separately for it, since without it the van will not be able to move. It all depends on your desires and budget.

    But the supporting factors when choosing are:

    • dimensions,
    • capacity,
    • strength,
    • price policy.

    No. 3. Converting a car into a bathhouse.

    It is advisable to entrust responsible work to professionals. You shouldn't do this yourself. It is better to contact large auto repair shops where professionals can help you. After all, a bathhouse on wheels should be designed in accordance with sanitary rules and fire safety standards.

    Make sure that your steam room on wheels has a dressing room. It is better to put a sofa or benches, a TV, a small table, and a minibar in it. Don't forget to install the stove. Instead of a heater, you can use a gas heater. It will be more convenient this way.

    A shower cabin should be installed in the bathhouse on wheels so that clients can take a shower before and/or after water procedures. A water tank (400-700 l) is also required. Double-glazed windows are installed as windows because they do not freeze and retain heat longer.

    A chimney is needed on the roof of the bathhouse. The layout of the steam room on wheels itself may vary.

    No. 4. Bathhouse finishing material.

    It is important to choose good wood with which you will sheathe your future bathhouse. Everyone here has their own recommendations. Some advise linden, because boards made from it have properties beneficial to human health, have a good aesthetic appearance, and an acceptable cost.

    Others prefer bathhouses on wheels for cladding fir. She doesn't highlight environment harmful substances and, in contact with the skin, has a beneficial effect.

    No. 5. Corresponding attributes.

    These are birch and oak brooms, ladles, wooden buckets, hats, towels and other accessories needed in a steam room on wheels.

    It is so customary that in the bathhouse they not only take a steam bath, but also have a meal. Therefore, you need dishes and cutlery. If you decide to provide additional services, buy skewers and barbecue, you can then rent them out. When going out into nature, vacationers will be able to relax in a bathhouse on wheels and barbecue in nature.

    Massages can be provided upon request. To do this, you must have oils in your arsenal. And there will be a music center necessary thing in a mobile sauna. After all, almost everyone loves to listen to music.

    No. 6. Recruitment for the bathhouse.

    You won't be able to perform several tasks at once, will you? Therefore, to operate a bathhouse, you need to recruit staff: a bathhouse attendant, a driver, maybe even two. If there are a lot of orders, one will need to replace the other.

    In this case, we will not provide salary calculations, because... you can set both the rate and hourly pay. The amount of remuneration will vary significantly depending on the region of work, volume of employment, and level of specialists.

    You hire the rest of the people according to your desires and needs. Some owners of bathhouses on wheels have a security guard, a mechanic, a massage therapist, and a drinks seller on their staff.

    How to effectively advertise a sauna on wheels?

    You can run "word of mouth", reporting own business friends and acquaintances. They will do the rest for you. If people like the service in your bathhouse on wheels, they will recommend you to their family and colleagues. And this can be achieved by creating comfort, cleanliness and affordable prices.

    A good method for promoting a sauna on wheels is placing advertisements in print media, contacting reliable advertising agencies. If you don't want to spend money on placing advertisements in newspapers, worry about posting them at bus stops.

    It is possible to attract clients to a bathhouse on wheels with the help of handing out leaflets. They just have to be bright and attractive enough. Your contact information is printed on them, as well as a brief list of services. Leaflets are not only distributed in crowded places, but also placed in mailboxes and on shelves in stores.

    On the bathhouse itself from the outside post colorful posters with a catchy slogan and your contacts.

    How to open a sauna on wheels: detailed calculations

    1) Costs of organizing a business.

    Bathhouse on wheels. Depending on what vehicle you choose, the cost of purchasing it will vary between 3.5-6 thousand dollars. And this is the price of a used car, not a new one!

    To convert it into a bathhouse on wheels you will have to allocate about 4.5 thousand dollars, maybe more. One bathhouse finishing will cost $850. When purchasing the necessary attributes, furniture, etc. count on an amount of at least $3 thousand.

    In addition, there will be minor costs for registering an emergency and a car. In general, bureaucratic procedures will cost $50.

    Also, when organizing a sauna on wheels, keep in mind:

    • wages (from 1 thousand dollars);
    • advertising expenses (up to $100);
    • monthly taxes ($150);
    • transportation costs ($200).

    If you add up all the expenses, you get 12.5-15 thousand dollars. or 750-900 thousand rubles. However, despite this, a bathhouse on wheels is still a promising and profitable business.

    2) Payback for a bathhouse on wheels.

    In the first months of operation of the bathhouse, you can earn 50-85 thousand rubles. (with the deduction of funds for fuel, staff salaries, etc.).

    For one hour in a bathhouse on wheels you can charge from 600 rubles. But do not set prices above 850 rubles, so as not to scare away the clientele. Usually they do not stay in the bathhouse for less than 2 hours, i.e. it turns out 1.2 thousand rubles. + income from additional services.

    Thus, from one bathhouse on wheels you can go to monthly profit of 100 thousand rubles. and higher. What if we expand and create several such steam rooms?!

    The payback period for the bath will be 1 year.

    A sauna on wheels as a business idea.

    How to open a sauna on wheels? The main advantages of this
    new business ideas.

    6 notes for future owners of a sauna on wheels

    The tips below will help you avoid common mistakes and achieve success faster:

      Don't waste your time and money on new design baths

      A wooden log house is a proven standard option, which most people associate with a steam room. As a material for lining a bathhouse on wheels, choose coniferous trees that were cut down in winter.

      They will last longer. However, you need to be picky in this matter. After all, there are rocks that secrete resin.

      Such coniferous trees should absolutely not be used for bathhouses. As already mentioned, it is better to take linden. It is, of course, more expensive, but its wood contains healing microelements.

      An alternative for finishing a bathhouse on wheels is alder. It does not deteriorate from high temperatures, it is porous, due to which it does not heat up.

      A bathhouse on wheels must be kept clean

      Even one remark about sanitation can turn you away from visitors.

      The surroundings of the bathhouse play an important role in creating a pleasant environment.

      There is no point in skimping on purchasing various herbal bunches - they will create “delicious” incense in a bathhouse on wheels. And the pillows on the trestle beds can be replaced with cushions made of chamomile, mint, etc.

      If you install a heater, under no circumstances use granite as a filler.

      When exposed to water, it can harm people! The optimal stones for a mobile sauna are crimson porphyry, rock from talc and chlorite.
    1. Hire a smart specialist.

      An amateur bath attendant, even with a good atmosphere and pleasant interior, will not help win over clients.

      An employee serving visitors in a bathhouse on wheels must not only cope well with his direct responsibilities. It would not hurt him to have knowledge in the field of herbal and physiotherapy, and medical care;

      Run promotions, make discounts.

      To beat your competitors, offer special services to your visitors. In addition to massage, which is an integral part of many bathhouses on wheels, you can perform a soap-birch wash and a milk bath.

      It is advisable to incentivize regular customers of your bathhouse with bonuses: gift certificates, an additional hour for free.

    This steam room format, like a bathhouse on wheels, is a growing business that can make you a financially secure person. The main thing is to put your heart into the business, develop it and provide good service so that the needs of clients are more than satisfied.

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    While some come up with business ideas, practitioners implement them. This type of business, like a bathhouse on wheels, is not entirely new, and it appeared a relatively long time ago. Some entrepreneurs have already tried to implement this idea, but incorrect marketing moves and the wrong action plan did not give the desired result, while some have remained in this business to this day and are successfully making money. It should be noted that such a business has little competition. Why was someone lucky and his ideas worked, while others couldn’t even implement their plan and open such a bathhouse?

    A sauna on wheels is not an ordinary business. It has its own specifics, and most likely those who tried to do this and failed did not quite see it correctly. The trick of this business is the principle, similar to the well-known proverb “if the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed himself will come to the mountain.” It’s the same here: if a person cannot go to the bathhouse, then she herself will come to him.

    And here you can already ask the question, where people do not have the opportunity to go to the bathhouse and where it is better for her to come on her own wheels. Countryside disappears, since many people have their own places to take a steam bath there, and many have bathhouses built at their dachas. This means that such a service needs to be provided to the population where it will be most in demand, and here it is necessary to find an original solution - this is one of the most important issues if there is a plan to open such an institution.

    Considering that for many people fishing is even more than a hobby, an entrepreneur who has a plan on wheels can find in this the answer to the question of where a mobile steam room will be most needed. The decision to combine such types of recreation as fishing and a sauna on wheels should definitely work, because no one will refuse to combine business with pleasure. Of course, this is just an example, since everyone can have their own ideas. An important advantage of such a business is that services can be provided anywhere and there are practically no territorial restrictions. So, if there is a plan to open such an establishment, what will it take?

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    Business organization

    To open a bathhouse on wheels, you will need to purchase transport, since such a business implies mobility, and without it nothing will work. Experts in this field looked at various brands of cars, and they had different ideas on this matter, but the best and most affordable option turned out to be a GAZ or a converted van. As practice has shown, a bathhouse made on their basis turned out to be comfortable and inexpensive, with good traffic. As a rule, such steam rooms accommodate about 4-5 people. The van has a minus: it will also need to be purchased with a tractor vehicle, since it will not be able to move on its own. Again, each businessman may have his own ideas when choosing transport, but in any case, in the selection process it is recommended to rely on three important factors: capacity, cost and strength.

    After the car is purchased, it will need to be converted. For this there are various companies who will do it for a reasonable price professional level- such a bathhouse must meet all SES standards and fire safety requirements. You will definitely need to take care of the presence of a dressing room in which you can place a TV and armchairs. The best material for finishing the room is universal linden boards. They are good for health, cost
    They are small and they look great.

    A bathhouse, equipped in a traditional Russian style, will definitely find its audience, especially in winter. After all, our people love to plunge into the snow after the steam room. In the summer, of course, things may slow down, but in any case there will be those who will use this service at this time of year, if, of course, the bathhouse is in the right place. Ideas will come to mind as the business develops, and it will not be difficult to change the action plan depending on the circumstances.

    You will also need to purchase various attributes that must be present in the steam room. And you can earn extra money by selling, for example, brooms. Advertising can be either word of mouth or placing ads in newspapers or the Internet. A sauna on wheels can be advertised on any resource, and all methods will be good.

    When everything is prepared to serve customers, you need to legalize your activities. Due to the fact that such a business can be expanded and in the future there will be a need to increase staffing levels, it is recommended to immediately register an LLC. But this is not critical, and you can choose a form such as individual entrepreneur. Everything will depend on plans for the future.

    The total initial costs for the implementation of the project are 600 thousand rubles ( own funds founder).

    Annual profit – 720 thousand rubles.

    Net profit taking into account taxation is 676,800 rubles.

    The payback period is no later than 9-10 months from the date of opening of the enterprise.

    Organizational and legal form of activity – individual entrepreneur operating under a simplified taxation system (6% of profit).

    This business plan for a bathhouse on wheels with calculations aims to substantiate the technical and economic conditions for creating a mobile facility - an enterprise for providing bathhouses and other types of services.

    The social significance of the project is the creation of new jobs, an increase in tax revenues and insurance contributions to the municipal budget.

    Description of the object

    The sauna on wheels is being created as a small family business. The main source of investment is the founder’s own funds.

    The main means of production of services of the enterprise is a vehicle, appropriately converted into a bathhouse. To do this, the founder purchases a used KamAZ-53212 car. All-metal van with a capacity of 35 cu. m allows you to place in it all the necessary premises to provide bathing services to six visitors at the same time. The 6x4 drive provides increased cross-country ability of the vehicle, including over rough terrain, and guarantees reliable access to places where services are provided. The load capacity of 10 tons allows you to place all the necessary sauna attributes, equipment and bath accessories in the van. The vehicle does not require significant maintenance and fuel costs.

    The main criteria for choosing a car are:

    • Cost of the vehicle.
    • Technical condition.
    • Mileage.
    • Availability of all registration documents.
    • Availability of converting a van into a bathhouse.

    The bathhouse is located in a van and consists of two compartments: a bathhouse with a steam room and a dressing room with a changing room, shower and guest area.

    To equip a mobile bathhouse, the following equipment is purchased:

    • Furniture: table and six chairs.
    • Cabinets for personal belongings of visitors (6 pcs.).
    • Cabinet for bath accessories (1 pc.).
    • Hangers.
    • Rack for storing brooms (1 pc.).
    • TV (1 pc.).

    The interior decoration of the premises is carried out on our own using natural wood (linden boards). Preference is given to this material because of its excellent aesthetic qualities and health-improving properties.

    The design of the mobile bathhouse provides for the installation of a heater, water drains and placement of tanks directly in the vehicle van. These works are being carried out professional specialists under a contract.

    Market analysis

    Organizing a mobile sauna is not something unique in the field of business activity. Such projects have already been implemented, but due to various circumstances they have not received proper distribution. That is why the market niche is practically unoccupied today, and competition in this segment of activity is low.

    The services of bathhouses on wheels are practically not in demand by residents of rural settlements, who for the most part have such facilities in their own households or use the services of stationary bathhouses of their fellow villagers.

    The proposed business plan for a bathhouse on wheels is designed for a city with a population of 400-500 thousand people. Main the target audience service consumers - male groups of up to six people (in accordance with the maximum capacity of the facility).

    The bathhouse can serve companies of fishermen and hunters, country holiday camps, and vacationers in holiday destinations without the appropriate infrastructure.

    main feature of this enterprise is that the service itself travels to the consumer at his location at a specific point in time.

    By expanding the range of services provided, a mobile bathhouse can act as a leisure center in places of public recreation. This significantly increases the profitability of the project.

    Individual entrepreneur registration

    Starting a project to organize a bathhouse on wheels will require registering a business and obtaining the necessary permits. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents for submission to the competent authorities.

    Upon registration of an individual entrepreneur:

    • Receipt for payment of the state fee for registration of an individual entrepreneur.
    • Notarized application for registration of individual entrepreneurs (form P21001).
    • Statement of intention to work according to the simplified tax system (form No. 26.2-1).
    • Copies of individual entrepreneur passport pages.

    Upon registration of the object:

    • Permits from SES.
    • Conclusion of the State Fire Inspectorate.
    • Permission from the traffic police to re-equip a car and place a heater in it.

    To ensure the normal functioning of the enterprise, agreements are concluded:

    • From the laundry to washing bath accessories.
    • With the municipal service for waste removal.
    • With SES for deratization, disinfection and disinfestation.

    Registration of this business requires opening a bank account.


    The mobile bathhouse provides a standard list of services provided for establishments of this type: hourly orders, advance reservations, steam service, provision of brooms, etc. From the moment the enterprise reaches break-even operation, the following will be available in the bathhouse:

    • Relaxing and wellness treatments.
    • Various types of massage.
    • Aromatherapy.
    • Medicinal herbal teas.
    • Inhalations.

    A free Wi-Fi network access point will be organized at the facility. Prices for services are determined based on the size of the average bill for this species activities in the region. The cost of the minimum order (session - 2 hours) is 2 thousand rubles on weekdays, on weekends and holidays– 3 thousand rubles.

    When setting prices for services, the influence of seasonal factors is taken into account.


    At the initial stage, investments in this expense item will be minimal. A bathhouse on wheels is organized as a small business enterprise, in which all the main functions at the initial stage of the project are performed by the founder and adult members of his family. General management of the work of the bathhouse is carried out directly by the individual entrepreneur. He also performs the functions of a driver and, if necessary, a steamer. Reception of visitors, their service, provision of necessary bath accessories and payments are entrusted to adult family members of the project owner. As an analysis of the activities of such establishments shows, the most common is the opening of bathhouses on wheels by young married couples aged 30-35 years.

    This form of organizing the activities of an enterprise and distributing responsibilities allows, at the first stage of project implementation, to save significant funds on attracting third-party employees and thereby significantly increase the profitability of the services provided.

    Promotion of services on the market

    The main factor in promoting mobile sauna services in the market is its reputation, based on quality of service, convenience, cleanliness, staff responsibility and flexibility. pricing policy. For of this project A very attractive move is the presence of advertising on the car itself. The van is designed as a mobile advertising object in the appropriate style. A professional company is involved in the design.

    • Distribution of printed advertising products (flyers, booklets, business cards, invitations) directly at the site itself, as well as in high-traffic areas in the city.
    • Bulk SMS sending.
    • Creation of audio and video about the company with systematic broadcast on local television and public transport.
    • Advertising and promotional campaigns with discounts on bathhouse services.

    After reaching the break-even point, the company is considering concluding cooperation agreements with shopping and entertainment establishments, clubs and communities of interest, and company administrations for servicing corporate events in countryside recreation areas.

    The introduction of a loyalty program is considered an important way to promote business. As part of this activity, the business plan for a bathhouse on wheels involves the publication and distribution of special cards:

    • Cumulative.
    • Discounts.
    • Club ones.

    Several types of loyalty cards will allow you to differentiate the cost of services by target groups consumers and thus compensate for potential losses in other areas of business.

    As part of the loyalty program, the founder regularly conducts surveys of visitors about the quality of service. This will allow not only to form a permanent client audience, but also to develop a bank of positive reviews about the work of the enterprise for subsequent dissemination through social media and other information resources.

    Financial plan

    Calculation of initial expenses

    Production plan

    Number of departures per day Number of trips per day/month Service price for 1 hour (minimum order – 2 hours) Revenue per day/month
    Weekdays 1/30 1 000 2 000 / 60 000
    Weekends and holidays 3/20 1 500 9 000 / 60 000
    In just a month 120 000

    Current expenses

    Current business expenses will be associated with:

    • WITH technical maintenance car.
    • Its refueling.
    • With the purchase of firewood for the stove and brooms for the steam room.
    • Includes payment for laundry services for washing towels and sheets.
    • With the costs of advertising and marketing activities.
    • Payment of taxes and insurance premiums.

    Distribution of current expenses


    This type of activity is associated with an average level of potential risks. The main ones are:

    • Increasing competition in the market for services in this type of activity.
    • Seasonal factors influencing the demand for mobile sauna services.
    • Unfavorable weather and climatic conditions.
    • Failure of vehicles and bathhouse equipment.
    • Flawed marketing strategy.
    • General decline in the purchasing potential of the population.

    Seasonal fluctuations in demand have the most significant impact on the progress of the project. However, these risks are predictable and can be offset by revenue from additional services, which are also seasonal. For example, if there is a drop in demand for bathhouse services in summer period, then at this time it is possible to concentrate the activities of the enterprise in servicing places of public recreation in suburban areas. In such cases, rental of sun loungers, mattresses, sports equipment and much more is organized, which can easily be placed in a car, delivered to the service point and generate additional income.


    The example of the presented calculations for a business plan for a bathhouse on wheels shows that this area can become a highly profitable enterprise with a competent approach to organizing the entire process of its creation. With a total initial investment of 600 thousand rubles, the costs will pay off no later than 9-10 months from the moment the mobile sauna is opened. The implementation of the project does not require personnel costs at the initial stage of implementation, since all functions are performed by the founder and members of his family.

    The most difficult component of business is calculating compensation for the decline in sales of services caused by seasonal factors. The main resource for compensation of losses is competent marketing policy and the introduction of additional services provided by bathhouses on wheels.

    The project is promising from the point of view of liquidity (the vehicle remains the property of the founder) and reorientation of the business to a different direction, as well as based on the prospects for expanding activities (creating several more mobile bathhouses or concluding mutually beneficial agreements for joint customer service with other similar business entities).

    How to open your own business, offering to spend your free time in an autobahn on wheels, how to equip an autobahn with your own hands, and what you will need for this, we will tell you in this article.

    Can you continue the phrase: “What Russian doesn’t like...”? The most popular answer is, of course, “drive fast.” Then, I heard everything: vodka, winter, women, and only about the fifth answer was about the bathhouse. By the way, Yandex search shows this only in ninth position. But I would put it in second place. Russian bathhouse, with oak, birch, linden brooms, after the steam room - into the snow, an ice hole, or a cold lake, and finally - cold, teeth-aching kvass. Beauty! You can not only go to the bathhouse yourself, but also send others there (would you rather not go... to the bathhouse) - a universal place!

    There is only one problem: it is difficult to find a real Russian bathhouse in the city. And if you do find it, then you need to go there, spend time on the road, and then, feeling refreshed and relaxed, set off on the way back. But, as they say: if the problem were identified, a Russian person will always find a way out of the situation. Now you don’t need to travel somewhere (by the way, you don’t have to send it), the bathhouse can come to you itself. This is not a Russian motif folk tale“At the behest of a pike,” but a real bathhouse on wheels.

    Autobath on wheels: fiction or real business?

    The idea, it would seem, at first glance, is somewhat ridiculous, however, it quickly found a response among our compatriots, and now autobahns on wheels have begun to appear more and more often in Russian cities, and are in great demand. Who wouldn’t want to take a steam bath in good company when going out to relax in nature?

    Often the services of such a bathhouse are used by fishermen, hunters - all those who prefer a real Russian holiday. And for those who work far from the city, this is just a godsend. And ordinary city residents are not averse to using the services of such a bathhouse. After all, such a vacation will be remembered for a long time. There is also a car bath on wheels in Lately began to be in demand during corporate events and parties. What else can bring you closer to your colleagues than a joint bathhouse followed by a “traditional” libation?

    What is it like?

    The platform for an autobahn on wheels is an ordinary truck, better off-road: Ural, KAMAZ, GAZ-66, ZIL-131, or almost any bus. Cross-country ability is needed precisely so that the autobahn can travel to the most remote natural corners. Most best option- an old army car with a kung, a kind of metal booth, many of you have probably seen these more than once on federal highways. Alternatively, the autobath can be equipped in a trailer, which is carried by the same truck.

    How to do it

    The main thing is to plan the room correctly. Usually the room of a booth, kung, or other building on a car platform is divided into two halves. In the first, a steam room is set up directly with an iron stove, heater, and other necessary attributes of a real bath. There is also a water boiler here. This area is equipped with shelves and is completely lined with wood on the inside. In general, everything is like in a real stationary bathhouse. To ensure safety, the stove is usually located outside, “overboard”.

    In the second room there is a kind of dressing room where vacationers change clothes; here you can also install a small table with benches, a mini-fridge for drinks and snacks, and a shower to rinse off after the steam room. In this regard, it is good to use the interior of a bus, which is suitable in size for the arrangement of spacious rooms. Although practice shows that on the autobahn at the base truck can comfortably accommodate up to five people without experiencing any inconvenience.

    And the autobath, made on the basis of Ikarus, contains a steam room that can accommodate four to five people, a small shower room, a dry closet, a bar, and a relaxation room with sofas, TVs, and other items without which a vacation would not be a vacation. By the way, the idea of ​​“diners on wheels” arose a long time ago, maybe after the release of the old film with Jackie Chan “Diner on Wheels”? Earlier, by the way, I wrote about the business idea of ​​a drive-thru cafe.

    Services offered at the Autobahn

    In addition to the steam room, washing, intimate conversation over a glass of beer, the autobahn can offer other entertainment services. For example, massage services; board games: checkers, chess, backgammon; hookah; cooking barbecue; steamer services; for lovers of gambling and sports recreation - shooting from pneumatic weapons at targets (originally, if these are imitation animal targets). Of course, all of the above comes at an additional cost.

    What you need to organize a car bath on wheels

    Now, after you already have an idea of ​​what a car bath is and are excited about the idea of ​​organizing such a business for yourself, let’s try to summarize what is needed to implement this idea.

    • Freight car. Perhaps the most expensive part of this plan. You don’t need a new car; it’s better to buy one that was decommissioned from an army unit (as I already said – with a kung car), or purchase it from some company.

    • Interior decoration of the bathhouse. The second largest expense item. The casing, bath shelves, stove, water boiler, all this must be installed by specialists, so you can also include an expense item here - wages for workers.
    • Furniture, interior items, etc. Table, benches, or sofas, refrigerator, TV, shower, bar, hookah, entertaining games, air rifle, air pistol, barbecue, skewers, sheets - it seems that he has not forgotten anything that is needed for relaxation. If you missed something, get your bearings, and add something of your own.
    • Consumables. These include brooms, detergents, gels, foams, shampoos, soaps, etc., stuffing for hookahs, targets and bullets for pneumatic weapons, and most importantly - firewood that will be used to heat the bathhouse and grill shish kebab (see this link for a business idea for shish kebab delivery) .


    In order not to lose possible income, and I am sure that such an autobahn will be (and already is!) in demand, organize its operation around the clock. To do this, you will need three car drivers (eight-hour shifts), each of whom will perform the duties of a bathhouse attendant, a stoker, a barbecue maker, and, in general, a recreation organizer. Of course, there is a lot of work, but such a “jack-of-all-trades” specialist should have an appropriate salary. If a massage service is in demand among vacationers, you can enter into an agreement with a massage parlor to hire their employee.


    It is best to organize payment hourly (with a mandatory minimum, the most optimal is two hours), the use of consumables or the use of any of the services is for a separate cost.


    The most important advertisement for an autobahn is the autobahn itself. Colorful thematic drawings, enticing inscriptions, indicated telephone numbers on the bathhouse itself will do their job - there will definitely be customers. Provide discounts, give out bonuses until your establishment gains regional fame. Try writing on the bathhouse: “Fish with beer for free,” you will see how much the influx of people interested will increase. Give everything generously to those who visit the autobahn.