Bird feeder with dispenser. How to make a bird feeder with your own hands: original and unusual ideas Bird feeder of 5

How often have you thought about automating the process of feeding chickens? You could save a lot of time and effort, and at the same time the chickens were full and happy. If you have everything you need and desire, done automatic feeder for chickens with their own hands will pay off very quickly. What is needed for this - you will find out further.

What is an automatic feeder?

Automatic feeders are different, but they all have the same principle of operation. They help automate the supply of pet food. Feed is replenished exactly as much as was eaten, while the rest of the feed is stored in the closed part of the feeder. This will protect your pets from overeating or scattering food, from feathered thieves and the vagaries of the weather (rainfall, snow and wind). The benefits are visible to the naked eye - automatic feeders not only help to save and dose feed, but also allow you to leave for a long time without fear that the animals will suffer from hunger.

The automatic feeder for chickens is designed only for dry type of karma, such as compound feed or grain.
Auto feeders can be made with your own hands from different materials: wood, plastic, plywood, steel, etc. There are designs that are more complex and with additional features e.g. a dispenser.

We make an automatic feeder with a dispenser

This model was invented by Australian farmer John Riddell. It is designed for a small number of chickens, up to 20. You can design several with your own hands, it will be more convenient for your pet birds, especially if there are several more. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that access to the feed is opened only when the chicken approaches the feeder and steps on the pedal. Only then, under its weight, the lid of the compartment with food opens.

Tools and materials

You will need:

  • plywood sheet;
  • wooden bars;
  • furniture bolts;
  • 2 loops;
  • saw;
  • drill.

Step-by-step instruction

The main instruction will be contained in the video. There are no strict parameters as such. You can make it narrower, wider, taller, or whatever you like. The main thing is to first draw all the details so that all sizes fit together (all walls of the same height, length, and so on).

  • First, draw 10 parts on a plywood sheet: a feed cover, 2 side walls, a bottom, a back wall that should be mounted at an angle, 3 front bars, a cover over the grain, a wide pedal.
  • From the bars you need to make 6 parts. 2 should be the longest for attaching to the pedal, 2 should be a little shorter for the cover above the feed and the last 2 are the shortest for fastening the 2 previous ones together.
  • All walls of the feeder must be fastened together with screws. Make sure that the back panel is angled into the structure by about 15 degrees. For greater density, it is desirable to use a clamp, if available.
  • To secure the top cover, use 2 loops, so that later you can always fold it back and conveniently refill the food.
  • The most intricate part with the bars - the photo above shows approximately in what form everything should be mounted. The first bars must first be attached from the sides to the lid of the compartment with food, and at their opposite end, make 2 holes with your own hands. One of them should be somewhat wider than the bolt itself and located closer to the end of the bar. It should correspond to the same hole in each side wall of the feeder. Then we screw the bolt so that it not only fixes the bar on the wall, but also allows it to turn.
  • We attach the longest bar according to the same principle with our own hands to the pedal of the automatic feeder, and the hole for fastening to the wall and turnover must be made approximately at a distance of 1/5 of the entire length at the free end of the part. At the very end, we will make a second hole.
  • We use the remaining free holes in order to combine the structure with the third, smallest bar. The connection must be strong and static. Make sure that when you press the pedal of the automatic feeder, the lid of the feed compartment rises. If this does not happen, adjust the tension of the bolts.
  • If you wish, you can process finished structure with your own hands, first with sandpaper, for smoothness, and then with antiseptics. You should not cover with varnish and paint, as they can harm the birds, and the feeder will last for many years anyway.

Birds living in the wild need protection and care. It is especially difficult for them during the winter: when it is cold outside, it is so hard to find shelter and food.

That is why caring people try to feed our younger "brothers" as much as possible. One of the ways that will not only help the birds, but also decorate your garden, is a feeder made from improvised materials.

In this article, we have collected some of the most affordable options - focusing on descriptions and photographs, using already unnecessary items (plastic bottles or old dishes), you can easily equip a place where flocks of birds will gather.

Material selection

After evaluating the resources you have to create a feeder, you can choose an idea to your liking. However, it is worth remembering that not only it depends on the configuration appearance, but practical characteristics such as sustainability.

That is why a good feeder must meet the following requirements:

Wear resistance and durability. Preference should be given to wood or plastic that can withstand weather conditions without getting wet from rain and snow, without collapsing under gusts of wind.

In addition, the birds themselves are often the cause of damage to the feeder - in search of crumbs, their beaks and claws scratch and tear fragile materials.

Proper size. Remember that if you cut small feeder, for example, from a tetrapak, then large birds will not be able to feast on it, and small ones will start fights for a place and shake out food on the ground.

No sharp edges, "pulling out" carnations, etc. Birds are very delicate creatures, their feather protection and skin on their legs cannot prevent cuts from sharp objects, so make sure that your feeder is not dangerous for them, especially if it is made of glass, plastic or knocked together from planks!

Location and installation

Choosing the right place is extremely important!

Having chosen the most suitable position in terms of landscape design, evaluate:

Accessibility for birds. Perhaps the feeder will be closed from them by thick branches, or, conversely, too open, and then, with a strong wind, the birds simply will not be able to get close to it.

Difficulty for cats. These animals are excellent hunters, especially those who live in villages and holiday villages. They are stronger, faster and more agile than their domestic counterparts, and therefore, sneaking up to the feeder, they can cause great damage to the bird community.

Ideas for creating a do-it-yourself feeder

Exists great amount different types of feeders - it all depends on your imagination and the materials available.

We will try to consider both the simplest and the most original ideas.

House made of wood or plywood

Despite the apparent complexity, such a design can well be assembled with unnecessary boards, pieces of wood, glazing bead, plywood and, of course, special glue or nails.


The base should be a heavy flat plank. For the manufacture of walls and roofs, you may need a drawing, however, it is quite possible to get by with an eye.

A wooden feeder, depending on how much attention you pay to it, can become not only a place for feeding birds, but also an elegant decoration of your garden.

Plastic bottle feeder

This type of feeder is very easy to make and is great if you decide to involve children in the process of creating. You need to cut one or two holes in the bottle in such a way that it is possible not only to pour the food, but also access to it is not difficult.

Of course, you should try to make the cut edges come out neat and not too sharp (in addition, it is advisable to glue them with tape).

If you are using a small bottle (1.5-2 liters), then you can do it in two ways: cut a square or rectangular hole in the bottle, or prefer a U-shape so that you can bend a piece of plastic and make a visor.

In the event that you decide to use a large bottle (5-6 liters, in which drinking water), you can make a large side cut. So it will be possible not only to fill up more food, but also give the birds room to maneuver.


In order to prevent the wind from ruffling a light bottle, it is worth putting a stone or a brick fragment on the bottom. This also applies to the next type of feeder.

Tetrapack bird feeder

In order to make a bird feeder, you can also use juice or wine boxes.

To do this, follow the same technology as in the previous case: mark the place of the cut, cut it out in shape, glue tape (or adhesive tape) on the underside of the opening, then make holes for a strong rope in the upper part of the tetra pak. It remains to hang the feeder in the place of your choice.

Shoe box feeder

The cardboard from which the shoe box is made cannot be considered a durable material, but it is sufficiently resistant to moisture, and if it is cold outside, such a feeder can hang until spring.

The manufacturing technology of the feeder, as in previous cases, is also very simple: make four to six holes for the rope, cut on the sides and put a weight on the bottom - for stability.


Other options

The above options are extremely popular - such feeders can be found in any country house. If you want to make a unique feeder with your own hands, you should take unusual materials, for example, old tableware: a cup and a saucer.

In the autumn, you can cut a product from a pumpkin or zucchini; in winter, halves of an orange peeled from the pulp are suitable for this. Such feeders will surprise your neighbors and will undoubtedly decorate the garden!

DIY bird feeder photo

A bird feeder has long become something more than just a device for feeding them. We admit that we want not only to make life easier for birds, but also to observe the behavior of wonderful birds, decorate our yard, realize ourselves in front of others and teach our children to love this world. If at the same time our wards help in protecting the garden from pests, it will turn out very well.

Bird feeders: what should they be?

When starting to make a feeder, it is useful to recall Exupery's remark: we are responsible for those we have tamed.

In other words, having accustomed the birds to easy prey, we must think about them all winter.

Otherwise, they will experience great problems, having lost food overnight, and may even die. Now we list a number of characteristics that a bird's dining room should correspond to:

  • the bird table should have sides that will not allow the wind to carry away the food;
  • the craft should not have sharp edges that birds can injure their legs on;
  • a roof over the table will protect food from rain and snow;
  • the feeder should be, if possible, inaccessible to cats;
  • the holes in the walls of the craft should be of sufficient size so that the birds are not afraid of closed spaces;
  • the product must be moisture resistant in order to last at least one season;
  • the craft should not sway much in the wind, that is, it is better to weight it with a piece of linoleum or pebbles.

Birds won't like this feeder

Bird feeders: what are they?

There are so many people who want to make an exclusive table for the birds that they have composed an innumerable number of handwritten works. Obviously, everyone's preferences and abilities are different. We intend to offer you a range of different products with a description of their features and designs. Of course, we will also discuss the wishes of the birds themselves. Putting it all together, you will be able to compose your own "symphony" called "bird feeder".

From wood - the most options

The picture shows feeders made from planks. Depending on the preferences and the availability of material, one or another execution can be chosen. The very first option has a twist: a gap on the side bar for water to drain. Any product will last longer if it is treated with impregnation, painted and varnished.

These products are a little more complicated - they are all made of bars and slats. Such material allows you to make quite interesting and exclusive options. Pieces of roofing material on the roof will significantly increase the durability of the craft. Bars and slats can be fixed with small nails or glue.

Using tree branches will bring your craft closer to nature. The product can be quite simple and unusual. The use of impregnation and varnish is also advisable in this case.

Feeders made of birch branches look very interesting. Given the availability of such material, I would choose this option. There are various ways of making a roof. Birch bark already has protective functions, but varnish will not hurt.

The photo shows several feeders for mounting on a wall or on a tree trunk. They all have a back plate with a hole for fasteners. You can independently make options of various complexity. Very simple and easy to use feeder with glass jar.

The photo shows surprisingly simple and original designs made of wood. It is quite possible to make such feeders yourself. Treatment with protective impregnation benefited them.

Carved products are fraught with considerable possibilities. However, it is difficult to do without a jigsaw in this case. A piece of galvanizing on the roof is right. Blowtorch processing will give a special color to the product. It is simply necessary to protect a product from moisture, on which a lot of time has been spent.

The image above is a selection of products made by professionals. All parts of the feeders were first processed and painted, and then assembled into a single structure. As a result, we have an impeccable appearance and durability. Nothing stops you from repeating the same!

The photo shows feeders that will decorate a mansion of any level with their presence. Probably, such products are made by specialists in a workshop. I am sure, if you set a goal, it is quite possible to repeat the elite version yourself.

In the photo above, we have selected the most interesting ideas wood feeders. They differ in materials and execution. At the same time, it is quite possible to make such products on your own.

From plywood - its features and capabilities

Before you are several designs of plywood feeders. There are a lot of products made using this technology. Details of such feeders are cut out on a machine and sold in stores in the form of sets. Crafts are assembled quickly and easily. A set from the store is interesting and useful to process and color to your taste.

These products are made in a workshop from thick plywood. The designs are assembled from simple parts and it is really possible to repeat them yourself with a jigsaw. Pure plywood obviously needs coating and decoration.

A plywood feeder is much easier to make using bars and slats. In this case, you can do without a jigsaw. The designs shown in the picture are different, but simple.

Plywood feeders using wood are quite popular. Showcasing a few more options. Ease of execution cannot create barriers to exclusive options if creative people get down to business.

The picture above shows evidence of the effectiveness of the use of paints in the manufacture of the feeder. Enough in the hands of craftsmen simple products easily turn into fabulous attributes. In this case, the desire is more important than the inclinations of the artist.

Especially for those who wish to make a feeder out of plywood and bars, we have prepared product drawings. All details are numbered for convenience. To assemble the feeder, you will need 4mm plywood, a bar with a section of 20x20mm and wood screws.

Here is a drawing of the details of the feeder. The number of the latter is given in the table. The cross section of the bar 20X20 is not shown in the drawing.

From bottles - simply and reliably

Very often bird feeders are made from plastic bottles. This is due to the availability and durability of improvised means, ease of manufacture. Transparent plastic bottles allow you to freely observe the behavior of birds.

The sharp edges of the plastic must be treated with electrical tape or a tube cut along the PVC. Then the birds will not hurt their paws and plumage. Light bottle feeders should be weighted with pieces of linoleum or pebbles so that they do not sway in the wind. The image above shows the simplest options.

Containers from under automotive fluids allow you to get more reliable and voluminous designs. Unfortunately, they are not transparent. In feeders from any plastic containers, small holes should be made in the bottom for water to drain.

Five-liter eggplants can be decorated beyond recognition. Suitable burlap, twine, bast and small twigs. So that beauty does not fade quickly, it is necessary to use moisture-resistant improvised means and glue.

As you can see, there are plenty of options for decorating feeders from five-liter bottles. Show your imagination and make your own and unique. Do not forget about the reliability of the design.

In the photo above, there are a few more characteristic methods of using plastic bottles:

  1. In the first picture, two holes were made in the bottle opposite each other closer to the neck. A stick was inserted into the holes - a nast. Just below the perch, they made a hole for food. It should have optimal dimensions: the seeds do not wake up, but the bird is available. Then they poured the food, turned the container upside down and fixed it to the tree.
  2. In the next image, the role of dispensers and poles is played by the two upper parts of the bottles, tightly inserted with their necks into the holes on the sides of the main bottle. The lower edges of the specified parts are bent and wrapped inward so that the birds do not hurt their paws.
  3. The picture on the left below shows the possibilities of using paints. A simple, tasteful design brings the technical transparency of plastic to life.
  4. The presence of wooden spoons helps to call the birds for dinner. They are simply threaded through the holes in the bottle. It is better to place the spoons at an angle so that two birds can eat at once. Holes for food above the spoon should not be unnecessarily large so that the latter does not get enough sleep all at once.

From cardboard and packages - cheap and cheerful

Cardboard bird feeders cardboard boxes the most unreliable. But you can make a large feeder and decorate as you wish. You can increase the lifespan of a cardboard bird canteen by covering it with tape or film.

Dairy and juice bags are a good way to make feeders. They cost nothing and have good moisture resistance. Of course, bottles are more durable, but bags are easier to work with. You have several options in front of you.

We decided to make a fun and simple feeder out of a two liter juice bag. There was an idea to feed the birds in a makeshift bus. The master class for assembling crafts is quite simple:

Unusual - bunker, transparent, designer, with a joke

Of particular interest to us are silo feeders, which provide automatic feed supply as it is used up. Thus, bird food is not carried away by the wind, and we do not have to constantly monitor the availability of grain. The design of such a feeder can be very different, but the essence is the same everywhere: through a hole of a certain size, food pours from above and replenishes the bird's table.

In the examples given, the dispenser is:

  • a gap between two glasses;
  • narrow neck of a glass bottle;
  • holes at the bottom plastic bottle.

We have already considered similar options in the description of plastic bottle feeders. Based on these principles, for sure, you can come up with something new.

Plexiglas feeders look elegant. The birds and food are amazing. The design approach makes you want to repeat a successful experiment.

The rest of the tea service does not want to be thrown away. Here are four options for using dishes as a feeder. Moisture resistance and appearance of the material are not in doubt. Fixing a cup or teapot in the garden is not difficult.

Particularly stubborn and talented do-it-yourselfers compose funny feeders - jokes. You have to be determined to do it again best examples. It is especially nice to write something of your own.

For starters, you can try a simpler option from plastic bottles. Much depends on the materials you have at hand. The above examples are quite subject to female hands.

Here are four options for a “male” cool wooden feeder. The design of the crafts is quite obvious. Repetition of the proposed ideas is a very real task.

Here are images of several more options for unusual bird feeders. The main idea is obvious: don't be afraid to experiment. It's easier - not to torture yourself with the search for exactly the same materials, but to use the available ones.

Making a feeder together - a snowman from a plastic bottle

Of course, I want to make the bird feeder simpler and more interesting. It seems to us that a snowman with gifts from Santa Claus for birds is a suitable option. The master class for making crafts is as follows:

  1. On one side of the bottle, mark the snowman's mouth with a marker. Now this wall will be the face. We cut the outlines of the mouth according to the markup. Bend the resulting tongue down 90 degrees.
  2. On the side, we mark the ear in the form of an inclined oval, narrowed at the bottom. Cut out a hole imitating an ear.

  3. We apply the resulting piece of plastic on the other side and circle it with a marker. Cut out the second ear.
  4. We mark a large rectangular hole on the back of the head and cut it out.

  5. The result was a blank, as in the photo above.
  6. Paint the snowman's hat the same blue as the bottle cap. Paint the bottom of the eggplant with white paint.

  7. We paint the tongue with red paint.

  8. We put a plastic corrugated tube with a diameter of 16 mm on the edges of all holes. In an electrical store, 2m of such a pipe will cost nothing at all. We pre-cut the tube along the entire length.
  9. To make the container heavier, we use linoleum. We put the container on it and circle it with a marker. It is better to cut two such details.

  10. We prepare corks, self-tapping screws, a sealant cover and a stick in accordance with the picture. We make holes for the screws in the plugs. In the red cork we make a hole for the stick.

  11. We make two holes for installing the nose stick. We pierce one at the site of the nose, the other at the back of the head. We insert a stick into them. We first put a red cork on it, and then a cover from the sealant. It turned out the nose of a snowman.

  12. We collect the eyes from small white and large blue caps. Screw them into place with screws. From the inside, we screw two more covers onto the protruding screws to securely fasten the eyes and protect against sharp self-tapping screws. All is ready!

Master class for making a classic feeder

At school, the youngest son was encouraged to make a bird feeder. The materials found were:

  • painted galvanized corner 50x50mm;
  • wooden lath with a section of 20x40mm;
  • a piece of plywood 4mm thick.

From which it was decided to compose his work. The sequence of the master class is as follows:

Cereal biscuits for birds

Sometimes you can do without creating a feeder to help the birds. You can hang special bird cookies on the branches of trees. Note that the grain birdie looks so tempting that I would have eaten it myself.

The first way to make a delicacy is as follows:

  • prepare molds for making cookies;
  • we place pieces of twine in molds that will serve as pendants;
  • dissolve a packet of gelatin in warm water;
  • we fall asleep in the prepared solution of grain feed;
  • pour the mixture into prepared forms;
  • put the food in the fridge to chill.
  • we hang ready-made cookies on tree branches: accessible to our eyes and inaccessible to cats.

In the absence of forms, beautiful food for birds can be made in a different way:

  • cut out figures of various shapes from cardboard;
  • we make holes in cardboard blanks, thread twine into them and tie rings for fastening on a tree;
  • to attach the food to the cardboard, we prepare a special glue, which consists of an egg, a spoonful of honey, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and flour;
  • mix the mixture and leave to ripen for half an hour;
  • as the glue is ready, we grease the cartons with it and roll the latter in bird feed;
  • we send the semi-finished product to the refrigerator for solidification;
  • as soon as the cookies are ready, we hang them on a tree, and we ourselves go to the window to observe.

Bird food: "what is good and what is bad"?

Look closely at the birds that have stayed over the winter in our area. Hope froze in their eyes that we would not slip them an “expired product” or unhealthy food for them, from which the birds would suffer. Let's remember what it is impossible to treat our wards, what should never be included in their diet:

  • salted, as well as fried seeds;
  • cream cakes and cake;
  • fresh white bread;
  • Rye bread;
  • nuts;
  • chips;
  • cereals;
  • the remains of bananas and other citrus fruits;
  • fresh fruits.

Fortunately, the range of possible is noticeably wider. Feathers can be offered:

  • bread crumbs;
  • sunflower seeds, pumpkin and watermelon;
  • cereals: oats, wheat, millet, barley;
  • rice, buckwheat;
  • unsalted lard especially for titmouse;
  • viburnum and mountain ash, maple and ash seeds especially for bullfinches.

Egg shells, coarse sand, crushed chalk will serve as a seasoning for a bird's dinner, especially during the nest building period. Thus, we know almost everything about bird feeders and food. By the way, in spring and summer, observing the behavior of birds is no less exciting than in winter. We wish you good luck and offer a video to help.

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Winter is a hard time for birds. They can find shelter from snowfall and frost, but finding food is more difficult, especially if the snowdrifts are high. Therefore, you need to help the birds! And the easiest way is to hang feeders. Children in kindergartens and schools always take care of the birds, and the feeders that educators and teachers make are simply amazing.
Today you will learn how to turn an ordinary plastic bottle into a fun bird canteen.
Option 1.
The easiest option. It is necessary to take a large container and cut off the opposite walls. It turns out the bottom with a roof. Decorate the top of the bottle with spruce branches and a cone.

Option 2.
Prepare the base as for the first feeder: just cut holes on opposite sides of the container. Then glue a linen rope around the entire perimeter using liquid nails. Decorate the roof of the house with disposable plastic spoons. Rowan berries are an additional highlight of this feeder.

Option 3.
We need again a five-liter plastic bottle. This time, cut a hole on only one wall. Stretch a small wooden stick through the entire bottle so that the birds can sit on the perch. Then glue all the remaining plastic with a gray cloth. Decorate the roof with a whitewash brush made of natural pile. Decoration is artificial figurines.

Option 4.
For this feeder, a two-liter container is used. You make one hole, glue the plastic with linen thread and form the roof in the same way as in the previous version, from a whitewash brush. Decorate the feeder with artificial leaves and flowers.

Option 5.
This feeder needs a large bottle. Make one hole, insert a wooden stick into the middle. Decorate the surface of the plastic with a thin brown cloth. Glue natural material: spruce branches, acorns, cones. Such a feeder will look great on any coniferous tree.

Option 6.
Again, cut one hole at the five-liter bottle. Paste the rest of the space with a wide tourniquet, select the window area. The roof is simply a work of art. It also contains dry panicles of lake grass, decorative berries and flowers, ribbons with beautiful ornaments, oak leaves and thuja twigs. This feeder is a real masterpiece of needlework.

Look, choose, use your imagination and make the same original bird feeders.

With this hack you will learn how to make a feeder from a 5 liter plastic bottle, 4, and 1.5-2.

Often children in older groups kindergarten or in primary school schools ask to make a birdhouse for the winter and the easiest and cheapest way to do it do-it-yourself plastic bottle feeder for titmouse, but there are also important nuances in this case, which we will discuss later.

Bottle bird feeder

To begin with, we will analyze the most common options step by step, and then we will get to the automatic versions. Our main goal is not just to create a beautiful craft, but also a functional, comfortable make a bird feeder from a bottle which is needed wisely.

Bottle feeder 5 liters for birds

For this we need:

Plastic five-liter bottle for the feeder, rectangular, preferably with a cork, and if you're really lucky, then with a handle on the neck.

Tape or duct tape

First we take a bottle, cut out windows on four sides. Their height can be about 15 cm, their width is about 10 cm, or simply retreat 2-3 cm from the edges of the bottle so that several birds can fly into one entrance at once and the windows should be located 1.5-2 cm from the bottom of the bottle, otherwise the birds will be uncomfortable flying. An example window is below:

We make such holes on two or all four sides. Next, you need to glue the cut edges of the bottle with insulating tape to prevent injury to birds.

The next step is to create a mount with which 5 liter plastic bottle feeder can be hung on a branch, for example. If you have a bottle with a handle, then simply tie a string to it in the form of a loop. If there is no handle, then first with a hot awl or nail, in the center of the lid, so that the double rope passes without problems, we make a loop from the lace and tie the two ends into a knot. We thread the loop into the hole in the cork, and the knot does not allow the skin to fly off.

You can decorate our bottle feeder 5L but it's all up to you. Approximately the same can be done from a four-liter, just the scale will be slightly different.

Do-it-yourself bird feeder from a 1.5-2 l bottle

For this we need:

One and a half or two ( plastic bottle for bird feeder)

Household cord 5-7 mm - 0.5 meter

Tape or duct tape

Stick, Chinese type 1 pc.

Matches or toothpick


We start with a bottle, or rather cut out windows on both sides, opposite each other, 5-7 cm wide and 10-12 cm high, then we retreat 2-3 cm from the bottom. It is important that we will not cut the window completely, but only from three sides, so we will form a visor. It looks something like this:

After we make through holes under the windows for the stick, which will pass through the bottle. This is a kind of perch. Holes can be made with a hot awl or nail. Then just stick the wand in.

Now we create a visor, for this we make holes with needles, as indicated in the picture, and then we bend the cut-out windows up. We take a thread and tie one side to a match, thread it through a hole on the bottle, and thread the other end into a hole on the visor and set up our improvised visor, then we also tie it to the match. With the second window we carry out the same procedure.

Now we make a hole in the lid with a hot nail or awl and thread a loop of lace through it.

All of us Made a feeder out of a plastic bottle 1.5 liters. Let's move on to the last scheme, in which we combine a two-bottle feeder.

Automatic feeder from a plastic bottle

We have already learned how to make a feeder from a 5 liter bottle, but here we will need not only it:

One 5 liter bottle, make a feeder, or rather its basis, we can from it.

One bottle and a half liters (this is our dispenser)

Household cord 5-7 mm - 0.5-1 meter

Tape or duct tape

We take our five-liter bottle and make two windows opposite, as shown in the figure, and also make small cuts on the sides of the window. The unusual form will be explained below.

Now we take one and a half. We will have it inside a five-liter bottle, with the neck down, and with the bottom firmly resting on the neck of the flask, but for this, the bottom 1.5 must be cut to size (it is better not to rush with this matter and measure as carefully as possible).

When we have measured everything perfectly and cut it off, in the neck of a tortoise, right at the place of the thread, we cut two small windows opposite each other (it is better to do this with a hot knife). Food will seep through them.

Now, with the help of a cord and a cap from 5 l, we make a mount, which we described in the first diagram.

Don't forget to seal the edges of the windows with tape or insulation.

We assemble our design: through the window in the pyatina we insert one and a half with the neck down, bend the window and insert it into the side slots, so we get a visor, then we fill it with 1.5 grain, and through the holes in its neck it fills the bottom of the feeder, twist the lid and hang it on a branch (just choose stronger).

Now you know how to do handmade bottle feeder. We tried to include as many variations as possible in the schemes and you can not just follow the instructions, but choose the most suitable, the best of all and create your ideal feeder. In fact, there are many more ways and materials for bird feeders and we will definitely tell you about them on the pages of our website, so subscribe to our Vkontakte group and follow the news.

Finally, a few video instructions for the production of feeders from plastic bottles.