How to open a children's hairdresser. How to open a children's hair salon from scratch Interiors of hair salons for children

To expand the audience, the service industry is finding new methods and directions in long-known activities. For example, how to open a children's hairdresser? A business plan with profitability calculations and step-by-step instructions for starting a project will help beginning entrepreneurs.

Children's playgrounds, cafes, entertainment centers - a specialized salon for young clients would fit perfectly into this range. It is difficult for children to sit still while the master is working. Therefore, a distracting, interesting environment is created, and the hairdressing salon staff knows how to find a common language with any restless person.

Step-by-step instruction

To open your own children's hair salon from scratch, you need to adhere to the following plan:

  1. Find a room.
  2. Create a range of services.
  3. Register a business.
  4. Develop a design.
  5. Purchase equipment and materials.
  6. Hire employees.
  7. Conduct an advertising campaign.
  8. Calculate start-up costs and plan income.

If this approach seems too complicated, there is an alternative - buy a franchise from a well-known brand. Then it will be enough to follow the recommendations of the senior partner, and the opening will take less time. You will have to invest more money in this business option than in the original project.


The first thing you need to open a salon is to find a good location. For a children's hairdresser, a building that already houses a salon or other service establishment is ideal. In this case, the room complies with sanitary and fire safety standards, which greatly simplifies the arrangement of the interior.

It is best to locate a hairdresser near a large gathering of children:

  • schools;
  • kindergartens;
  • entertainment centers;
  • large residential areas;
  • recreation parks.

On the central streets of a big city, rent will be expensive and you will have to focus exclusively on people with above-average income.

The minimum square footage of the room is 20 square meters. m:

  1. One workplace occupies 7 square meters. m.
  2. Wash basin.
  3. Administrator's desk.
  4. The waiting area.

If the hairdresser is located in a separate building, then a toilet equipped with children's plumbing and a play corner are required. A salon with a wide range of services will be much more spacious than a haircut establishment with only 2 chairs.

Basic requirements for a children's hairdresser in a separate room:

  • first floor, if located in an apartment building;
  • good lighting;
  • ventilation;
  • fire alarm;
  • hot and cold water.

You need to allocate a lot of time to search for a suitable territory in order to then minimize the costs of repairs, rent and approvals.


The usual target audience of children's hairdressing salons is children from 2 to 10 years old. Based on the needs of this age category, the following services are provided:

No. Name price, rub.
1 Haircut with a machine with attachments 200-300
2 Everyday haircut 300-400
3 Holiday haircut 500-1000
4 Trimming bangs 50-100
5 Trimming the ends 150-200
6 Braiding 100-500
7 Cutting patterns 50-200
8 Temporary tattoo 150-200
9 Makeup 200-300
10 Manicure 300-500
11 Face painting 100-200
12 Earlobe piercing 1000
13 Hair washing 70-100

The cost of services varies depending on the region, market conditions and purchasing power of the population.


To open a children's hairdresser, you must have permits from the tax office, sanitation department, and fire inspection. First of all, you need to undergo state registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If several partners are involved in the project, then you will have to create a legal entity; for a sole businessman, an individual entrepreneur is the optimal solution.

Beauty salons most often keep records and pay taxes using a simplified system, where income is taxed at a rate of 6%. In addition, mandatory contributions for pension and health insurance are transferred to the budget.

Hairdressing services are not subject to licensing. To open a salon, you need to go through the approval procedure with the SES and the fire inspectorate.

Room decoration

One of the distinctive features of a children's hairdresser is a themed interior:

  1. Bright positive colors on the walls and ceiling.
  2. Toys.
  3. Special equipment.

All this creates a familiar atmosphere for a small child and distracts from the haircut.

For repairs, it is necessary to use only high-quality environmentally friendly building materials. You can design it in a fairy-tale style or based on the plot of popular cartoons. If financial resources allow, it is better to entrust the design development to a specialist.

Children love animals, so an indoor aquarium, terrarium or cage with parrots will perfectly distract attention and lift their spirits. It is useful to set up a table or easel for drawing with coloring books, pencils and markers. And also allocate an area for toys, construction sets, and puzzles.

Instead of a mirror in front of the hairdresser's chair, it is better to hang a flat-screen TV so that the child can calmly watch cartoons and not spin. Parents need more haircuts for children, so there will be much fewer mirrors in a children's salon than in a hair salon.

In a children's hairdressing salon, it is appropriate to order animated uniforms for the staff - aprons with frames from cartoons, princess capes and crowns.


An expensive item in the business plan is equipping the salon with specialized equipment, tools and materials. Since the hairdresser is aimed at children of different ages, it is necessary to provide chairs for kindergarten and school audiences.

The list of essential supplies includes:

  • hairdressing equipment;
  • furniture;
  • tools;
  • office equipment;
  • Consumables.

Specialized children's chairs are more expensive than regular ones, as they combine 2 functions - work and entertainment. Completely non-standard ones come in the form of cars and motorcycles. For older children, regular armchairs are made in a reduced size, and the backs are made with curved or printed designs. All high-quality units are equipped with a pneumatic system and can be raised and lowered.

To store tools and materials, stationary and mobile racks, trays, and containers are needed. In one of the corners where you can connect the water supply, install a small sink.

For furniture you will need:

  1. Administrator's desk.
  2. Hanger or wardrobe.
  3. Shelves, cabinets, racks for toys.
  4. Children's easel or table.
  5. Chairs or armchairs for visitors.

The furniture is selected in accordance with the overall design of the room; a couple of mirrors on the walls are enough.

Salon tools can be ordinary or adapted to children's themes:

  • hair clipper with attachments;
  • regular scissors;
  • thinning scissors;
  • combs, hairpins, brushes;
  • set for manicure and pedicure;
  • lamp for drying manicure;

Television screens are purchased according to the number of seats and installed opposite child seats. To maintain a schedule of visits, record income and expenses of a hairdressing salon, you need a computer, a printer and an Internet connection.

Care products are purchased of high quality, hypoallergenic and designed specifically for children. Do not use toxic or uncertified products. There are cosmetics and nail polishes on sale with minimal inclusion of harmful substances. The hairdresser should have a sufficient supply of napkins, capes, and towels.


It is important to recruit people who get along well with children and are familiar with the specifics of children's hairstyles to staff the salon. Masters must be psychologists, animators, and hairdressers - this is a responsible and difficult job.

To keep the salon open every day, you need to hire several specialists and develop a shift schedule. In addition to haircut, makeup and manicure specialists, an administrator-cashier will be required to accept orders and cash.

The functions of an accountant and purchasing manager can be performed by the business owner. This will save money and allow you to directly control financial flows.

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To reduce the time it takes to promote a children's hair salon and return the investment faster, you need to launch an advertising campaign in advance. There are many means to attract customers:

  1. The Internet is a popular and effective method. The hairdresser will need its own website with thematic content, useful information for parents and contact information for the establishment. Separately, you need to allocate funds for website promotion in search engines. At the same time, pages on social networks are being created.
  2. External advertising - the sign and exterior design of the hairdressing salon should attract the attention of customers. If you come up with an interesting, memorable name for the salon, this will be an additional plus.
  3. Announcements about the imminent opening are placed in the media, in transport, and in elevators of multi-story buildings. Business cards and flyers that should be distributed near schools, kindergartens, shops, and playgrounds give good results.
  4. Promotions, discounts and bonuses are a powerful marketing tool that can attract even not very interested people. Everyone likes to receive original services at a low price.

Special offers are made for certain dates - birthdays, graduations, matinees, as well as for complex orders. For example, a haircut + manicure + makeup will cost 30% less.

The development of a regular customer base is facilitated by the issuance of cumulative bonus cards. The main thing is to make preliminary calculations so that the discounts bring benefits.

The opening of a children's hairdressing salon is decorated with festive balloons, competitions, master classes, and discounts for first clients are held. In the future, teaching children hairdressing skills can be turned into an additional source of income for business.

Video: how to open a children's hairdresser.

Financial calculations

To determine how much it costs to launch a business idea for a children's beauty salon from scratch, you need to create a table of initial costs:

To calculate the payback period of investments, monthly expenses and income are planned.

Based on statistics from ordinary hairdressing salons, in the first months after opening, the number of clients directly depends on the advertising campaign carried out. Then a permanent base is formed, and the influx of visitors is ensured by the reputation of the establishment.

The salon's revenue increases on the eve of the New Year, September 1 and matinees in kindergartens. In the summer, people braid more hair and make temporary tattoos. On average, 20 people visit the hairdresser per day with an order for 500 rubles. When working seven days a week, the monthly income is 300,000 rubles.

Receiving a net profit of 67,000 rubles, the project will recoup the funds invested in it after 15 months of stable operation. Business profitability of 22% is a good indicator in the service sector.

To generate additional income, master classes on braiding and face painting are organized. If the establishment is successful, the proceeds are used to develop a network of children's beauty salons.

The business idea of ​​opening a children's hairdressing salon corresponds to the situation in large cities. The successful development of the business is facilitated by an individual approach to small clients, the establishment of adequate prices and massive advertising at the initial stage.

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Hair salon services are always in demand

If we consider this market segment, it immediately becomes clear that it is quite saturated. However, there are niches that are still practically unoccupied. These include the provision of hairdressing services to children. Having studied the needs of the market, analysts concluded that investments in this business and its proper organization can bring good income.

Over the past 10 years, the middle class has grown in Moscow, which prefers to give their children beautiful, fashionable hairstyles in hairdressers, rather than standard haircuts by their mother at home.

Over the past few years, our government has tried its best to stimulate the birth rate. As a result, population growth has become much higher compared to previous years. And as a result, there are more and more young visitors. The area of ​​providing hairdressing services to children is a very promising and dynamically developing business.

Opening a children's hair salon in Moscow will cost more than for adults with the same space. This is due to the fact that the success of this institution among children will largely depend on the originality of its interior and equipment. For example, it will be much more interesting for a child to get a haircut not in an ordinary barber chair, but in a clipper chair. In order for a child to want to go get a haircut, he needs to be interested in something. A good idea for the interior could be, for example, an aquarium with colorful or gold fish, cages with birds or hamsters, walls decorated with images of cartoon characters, a plasma TV with a DVD player in front of each chair that will show popular cartoons, and so on. And all this will cost quite a large amount of money.

The location of a hairdressing salon for children is important in the success of a business. It is good to open these salons in shopping centers. There is a large flow of people there, and most of the visitors come with children. The location near a kindergarten, school, children's clinics, playgrounds or shops for children will also be quite advantageous. The higher the salon’s attendance, the more stable its income will be. You can organize a hairdressing salon for children as an independent business or as an addition to a beauty salon for adults. In addition to haircuts, you can organize such services as children's sports styling (for dance groups and athletes), children's manicure and pedicure, etc. If you open a salon in a shopping center building, the rented area can be about 15-17 sq.m. A hairdressing salon located in a separate building will need at least 30 sq. m. to organize two or three workplaces. m. According to sanitary and epidemiological standards, one working hairdressing chair should have 7 sq. m. area.

The target audience of most children's hairdressers in Moscow are children from 3 months to 15 years. 60-65% are preschool children. 30-35% are schoolchildren. 5% are children from 3 months to 2 years.

A package of documents for opening a children's hairdressing salon

Hairdressers working in a hairdressing salon aimed at children must not only cut hair well, but also be able to find the right approach to each child. There are very few good children's masters. After all, in this profession it is not enough to just be a specialist; you also need to be a good psychologist. In order to come to an agreement with your baby, you will need to use more than one distracting maneuver. These include toys, cartoons, candies, etc.

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Business plan for a children's hair salon

The costs for equipment and opening a hairdressing salon with 4 seats will be:

The total is 1,598,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses will include:

  • rent - from 40 thousand rubles;
  • telephone costs - from 2 thousand rubles;
  • staff salaries: hairdresser - 30% of the cost of services, administrator - 20 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 3 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 5 thousand rubles.

The total is about 100 thousand rubles.

Income will be approximately 500 rubles of net profit per day from each master. A month turns out to be 60 thousand rubles. Self-sufficiency will be about two years. For productive work of a children's hairdressing salon, advertising is needed at the initial stage. For services provided to children, the best advertising is “word of mouth from moms.” If one mother is satisfied, then she will certainly recommend this place to her friends. Plus, you can use the distribution of leaflets, place an advertisement in the district newspaper, on information boards installed at each entrance of the area in which the salon will be located, etc.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

1.Project summary

The goal of this project is to open a children's hairdressing salon in a city with a population of more than 1 million people to meet the needs of small townspeople for hairdressing services. The clients of the hairdresser will be children aged from 1 to 14 years, as well as their parents who want to get a haircut with their child. The main services of a children's hairdresser will include:

Standard haircuts for girls and boys;

Model haircuts;

Creative haircuts;

Baby haircuts;

Curly haircut;

Face painting;

Children's manicure;

Children's makeup;

Ear piercing.

The advantage of the project compared to traditional hairdressing salons is its narrow specialization, which implies a higher level of service for children, trained staff who can work with capricious clients, an adapted format and design that allows children to associate going to the hairdresser with an exciting and fun pastime.

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Investments in the Children's Hairdressing Salon project will amount to RUB 1,103,000. Own funds will be raised to implement the project. Payback period - 20 months. Reaching the planned sales volume is planned for the 3rd month of operation.

2.Description of the industry and company

Children's hairdressers represent one of the new niches in the market for hairdressing and beauty salons. Unlike traditional salons, they specialize in providing services to children. The emergence of a new format is largely due to changes in consumer behavior. With the growing prosperity of the population, many Russians living in large cities have a need for specialists who can work efficiently with children. Due to their busy schedules, such parents have less and less time to raise their children, so a trip to the hairdresser is often accompanied by “tragedy” and stress for the child. At the same time, the hairdresser himself is nervous. Working normally when a child constantly twitches, screams or cries is not only difficult, but also dangerous for the baby himself.

The format of the children's hair salon appeared as if in response to requests from parents. Its main differences are the atmosphere adapted for children and specialists trained to work with young clients. The process of providing services in such salons takes on the format of a game. During the haircut process, the child's attention is focused on anything except scissors and clippers. Colorful design, fabulous chairs, toys, TVs with cartoons, kind hairdressers and nannies in funny aprons - everything in such salons is aimed at making the child have fun and not be scared. Moreover, the range of services for children here is much wider than in regular salons. As a rule, it includes face painting, washable tattoos, all kinds of haircuts for matinees and much more. Due to the format, the markup in children's hairdressing salons is slightly higher than in ordinary salons or is comparable to them. In order not to limit their audience exclusively to children, hairdressing salons also provide services for parents. The latter often agree to get a haircut while they are expecting a child.

It is quite difficult to accurately determine the number of specialized children's hairdressing salons in Russia, since separate statistics are not kept in this area. We can only say that there are no players with an overwhelming market share in their hands. There are only two large chains in the country, which include more than 100 children's hairdressers. As for the market for hairdressing services and beauty salons in general, according to BusinesStat, in 2014 its volume in physical terms was estimated at 160 million services. According to forecasts for 2015-2016. this figure will be reduced to 144 million services due to a decrease in the number of consumers of services, a reduction in beauty salons and hairdressers due to rising taxes and rising rents. At the same time, due to rising prices, the market value will continue to grow and in 2016 will amount to 103.1 billion rubles. (in 2014, market turnover was estimated at 92.5 billion rubles).

The goal of this project is to open a children's hairdressing salon in a city with a population of more than 1 million people to meet the needs of small townspeople for hairdressing services. The clients of the hairdresser will be children aged from 1 to 14 years, as well as their parents who want to get a haircut with their child. Compared to traditional hairdressing salons, the project is distinguished by a narrower specialization, which implies a higher level of service for children, specially trained and trained staff who can work with young clients, an adapted format and design that allows children to associate going to the hairdresser with an exciting and fun pastime.

The children's hairdressing salon will be located in the central part of a large city district with a population of 115 thousand residents. The establishment will be located in rented premises, on the first line of houses, close to public transport stops, retail outlets and large pedestrian flows. The area of ​​the room will be 40 square meters. meters.

The new company will be organized as a sole proprietorship. The simplified system (USN 15%) will be chosen as the form of taxation. The project will be managed by the owner. The company's staff will include children's hairdressers and a makeup and manicure specialist. Accounting and security services will be transferred to third-party specialized organizations. OKVED classifier code – 93.02 Provision of services by hairdressing and beauty salons.

3.Description of services

The children's hairdresser will provide services for children aged 1 to 14 years. The list will include both standard and model haircuts for girls and boys. In addition, clients of the hair salon will be able to use services for children (“First haircut in life”), order a children’s manicure, pedicure, and prepare the child for the holiday (face painting, tattoo). The list of services will be complemented by the possibility of serving parents. For more information about the services provided, see Table. 1.

Table 1. List of services



Cost, rub.

Simple children's haircut

Simple children's haircut

Children's haircut model for short and medium hair

Children's haircut model (hair up to 30 cm)

Children's haircut model for long hair

Children's haircut model (hair from 30 cm)

Festive children's haircut

Children's haircut is festive using varnish, jewelry, colored mascara

First haircut in life

First haircut in life

Adult haircut simple

Adult haircut simple

Adult model haircut for short and medium hair

Adult model haircut (hair up to 30 cm)

Adult model haircut for long hair

Adult model haircut (hair from 30 cm)

Clipper haircut

Clipper haircut

Cutting the ends

Cutting the ends

Bangs design

Bangs design

Simple hairstyle with braids

Simple hairstyle with braids

Hairstyle with curly braids

Hairstyle with curly braids. Price depending on the complexity of the haircut

Simple curly haircut

The curly haircut is simple. Price included in haircut or separately.

Complex curly haircut

Complex curly haircut Price as part of a haircut or separately.

Washing head

Washing head

Glitter tattoo

Applying a temporary tattoo (glitter tattoo)

Children's makeup

Children's makeup

Children's manicure

Children's manicure (hygienic, with coating, application of children's varnish)

Face painting

Creating a festive look using face painting

Ear piercing

Ear piercing system 75

Licensing is not required to provide the services described; it is enough to go through the certification procedure. The hairdresser needs to register with the tax authority, and the activity will also need to be coordinated with the fire service and the SES to conclude an agreement for garbage removal.

4.Sales and marketing

The target audience of the children's hairdressing salon will be children aged 1 to 9 years and teenagers under 14 years old living in a city district with a population of 115 thousand people. Taking into account the data of a recent survey conducted by the Levada Center, according to which 12% of Russians never visit hairdressers, the total number of clients interested in hairdressing services will be about 101 thousand people. Taking into account the average Russian indicators for the age composition, the children's audience aged from 1 to 14 years will account for about 13-15%, that is, approximately 14 thousand people. If we take into account the fact that about 65% visit the hairdresser once every 2-3 months, and 35% - 1-3 times a month and spend an average of 350 rubles for each visit, then the market capacity will be about 80 million . rub. in year. Considering that there are no specialized hairdressing salons for children in the area, the development of the area under consideration in this area seems promising.

Information about the opening of a children's hairdresser will be conveyed to local residents even before work begins. For this purpose, colorful handouts and invitations to the opening will be used. On the opening day of the hairdressing salon, a children's party will be held with the participation of animators. Young clients will be able to take part in competitions, get a fashionable haircut at a discount, get face painting or glitter tattoos for free, or take a braiding master class. Parents will learn more about the services and establish personal contact with the hairdressing salon specialists.

A logo and name will be developed for the hairdressing salon, which will be placed on the external sign, displayed in the interior and used in the employee uniform. In addition, a bright and positive website will be developed, with the help of which everyone will be able to find out the necessary information about services and prices.

5.Production plan

To open a children's hairdressing salon, the premises of a former beauty salon with an area of ​​40 square meters will be rented. meters. The room will require the creation of a new interior design, adapted for children. The cost of repair work will be 400 thousand rubles. based on 10 thousand rubles. per sq. m. Equipment for a hairdressing salon will cost 323 thousand rubles. A detailed list of what is required is given in Table. 2

Table 2. Equipment costs


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

Plasma TV with built-in DVD player

Game corner

Set of hairdressing tools

Children's hairdressing chair (“Car”) with lifting mechanism

Employee uniform

Signboard on the facade

Interior items, toys

Children's hairdressing chair (“Motorcycle”) with lifting mechanism

Hairdressing trolley

Hairdresser workplace with mirror

Manicure stand

Children's hairdressing chair (“Hare”) with lifting mechanism

Sofa for visitors

Barber chair

Wall shelf


323 000

In addition to the list above, you will need some consumables, for example, children's cosmetics.

The staff of the children's hairdresser will include 5 employees: 4 hairdressers working in shifts and a manicurist who accepts appointments 5 days a week. The staffing table and employee payroll are shown in Table. 3. Before opening the salon, all employees will undergo a training course, including classes in hairdressing and the specifics of working with children.

Table 3. Staffing and wage fund

The expenses of the main period of operation of the hairdressing salon will include rent (30 thousand rubles), wages to employees along with deductions, utilities, electricity, accounting, advertising, security services, garbage removal services, etc.

Ready ideas for your business

With an 11-hour working day, one hairdresser can serve up to 15-20 clients. Considering the average bill of a hairdresser in the amount of 400 rubles, the maximum monthly revenue with 2 employees working daily will be 480 thousand rubles. However, such indicators are only achievable in well-known hairdressing salons with a regular customer base. In our case, the planned load rate, which is planned to be achieved in the first three months of work, will be 20 people per day (for all employees), during the year - 30 people per day. To increase the profit of the hairdressing salon, clients will be offered services of children's makeup, manicure, face painting, glitter tattoo, etc.

6.Organizational plan

The organizational and legal form of the business will be individual entrepreneur. The period for launching a children's hairdressing salon, taking into account registration and registration, repairs, purchase and delivery of equipment, hiring staff and completing a training course, will be 3 months. The hairdresser will be managed by an entrepreneur, acting as the main person of the company and manager. He organizes the work of key personnel, hires and fires employees, controls labor discipline, maintains internal documentation, determines marketing promotion policies, negotiates with the landlord and resolves controversial issues when working with clients. Hairdressers and manicurists sign up for services, fulfill orders, and make payments to clients. Other responsibilities not related to profit-making (accounting, security) were transferred to third parties.

7.Financial plan

Investments in opening a children's hairdresser will amount to 1,103,000 rubles. The source of investment will be own funds. In Table. 4 shows the starting cost items. Data on projected revenue and profit, as well as variable and fixed costs are provided in Appendix 1.

Table 4. Investment costs

Cost item

Amount, rub.

Investments in real estate

Room renovation

Room equipment

Equipment purchase

Intangible assets

Website creation

Registration and clearance procedures

Working capital

Working capital


1 103 000

8.Evaluation of project effectiveness

The payback period for the hairdresser will be 20 months. When the indicators are achieved, the hairdressing salon is able to generate a profit of up to 100-120 thousand rubles. In Table. 5 presents the key performance indicators of the project.

Table 5. Project performance indicators

9.Risks and guarantees

The Children's Hairdressing Salon project is characterized by a low level of start-up investment and relative simplicity of organization. However, due to the novelty of the format, there are certain risks associated with low business profitability, associated both with narrow specialization and with other reasons. For more information about the risks, see Table. 6.

Table 6. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences


Probability of occurrence

Severity of consequences

Prevention measures

Low profitability

Carrying out active work to attract clients and form a base, a high level of service, an individual approach to the client, a wide range of additional services

The emergence of competitors of a similar format

Increasing customer loyalty, expanding the range of services, changing prices for some services without negative consequences for demand

Formation of a negative image about the hairdresser

Hiring professional hairdressers, undergoing training, working on studying consumer preferences, using marketing tools, image advertising

Get current calculations for your business plan

Every successful business idea has been successful because its author saw a need for a certain group of people and filled that need.

In the vastness of the modern market there is plenty of room for new business ideas.

And one of the promising activities for aspiring entrepreneurs is a children's hairdresser.

Children's hairdresser is an important link in this business

What does a hairdresser need first? Not all children's hairdressers are able to cut children's hair stylishly, and even in such a way that they feel comfortable doing it. Many children are afraid of getting a haircut or are simply too active, which complicates the process.

Therefore, children's hairdressers should be, first of all, psychologists, and only then haircutting professionals. But if the hairdressers manage to cope with the child, and the parent really likes the result, then the success of such a salon is guaranteed.

Important nuance

However, it is worth considering the fact that parents most often take their children to get their hair cut on weekends, since on weekdays there are too many worries for a separate trip. Therefore, there is a risk that the hairdresser may not be busy every day, and this will inevitably affect the level of income.

To eliminate this potential problem, you can set up a hairdresser that will cut hair not only for children, but also for teenagers. Such a maneuver can significantly increase the level of attendance. A kind of children's beauty salon, which may turn out in the future from a small children's hairdresser, can also bring satisfaction to the owner and significant profit.

Where to begin?

So, how to open a children's hair salon from scratch? The first thing you need to do is register as an individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company (LLC). It makes sense to consider the option with an LLC only if you plan to cooperate with legal entities, otherwise there is no need for it.

Especially considering the fact that opening an LLC requires the presence of an authorized capital and entails higher tax payments and strict reporting. To make it easier for a future businessman to understand all aspects of a new business, and not to miss the slightest detail, it is recommended to draw up a business plan for a children's hairdressing salon.

Selecting a room

When the issue with the documents has been resolved, it’s time to think about a room suitable for a children’s salon. There are several good options: open a salon on the territory of a large children's store, in a shopping and entertainment complex, or find a separate room.

In a shopping and entertainment complex, you should choose a place where there will be a minimum of noise and conspicuous movement, which can upset and frighten a child.
It makes sense to open a separate premises not in the central areas of the city only if the level of craftsmen in the salon is quite high.

In fact, the goal of this business (children's hairdressing salons) is to be on the path of parents and offer them a decent level of service. The area of ​​the room should be calculated based on 5 square meters. m. per workplace, of which it is advisable to organize at least 3.

It is worth considering that you also need to allocate space for the bathroom and organize a waiting area for children. On average, the salon room should be at least 25 sq.m.

Decoration and creation of a suitable atmosphere

The premises of a children's hairdresser, first of all, should be interesting for children. Based on this principle, it is worth making repairs and decorating the hall. Children are known to dislike sitting still, so toys and other distractions should be available to them while waiting. Some children's salons even have parrots that immediately attract the attention of children. Young clients begin to become familiar with the colorful bird, and it captures their attention.

You can also use calming tools such as candy or showing cartoons, and all this should happen with the active participation of staff.

It is not enough to put candy, you need to approach the child, smile, talk to him and offer him a sweet that he should want to take.

Children are children, and without a special, positive approach, you cannot cope with them. Therefore, staff must be selected taking into account not only their professional qualities as hairdressers, but also their love for children.

It is also important to talk with children, explain to them what and how the hairdresser will do. In this case, a warm, trusting atmosphere is created in which it is easier for the child’s mind to relax.

Thus, you won’t be able to save on the interior, and you shouldn’t do this, since the interior is the key to success in this business. In fact, the design of the premises and the purchase of the necessary equipment constitute the main expense item.

Calculation of required costs

A business plan for a children's hair salon will also be useful for calculating expenses. To understand how much money you will have to invest in opening a children's hairdresser, you need to make a list of expenses. You should start by renting or purchasing space for a salon. It is difficult to provide exact figures at this point, since real estate prices may differ significantly in different regions and cities.

The situation is also the same with advertising: prices in different parts of the country are very different, so this expense item will have to be set without specific figures.
The only place where prices are the same for everyone is the Internet. By the way, therefore, if you are wondering, for example, how much it costs to open a hairdresser in Moscow, then it is worth noting that advertising on the Internet is more than affordable and at the same time shows good results.

Advertising resources of Yandex, Google, as well as various social networks will allow you to run a campaign for little money aimed exclusively at the target audience, that is, young parents living in the desired city.