Carpentry as a business. How to open a carpentry workshop How to properly organize carpentry production

The need for a small carpentry shop for people who are closely involved in housework almost always exists. And if you don’t know how to build or choose a room for this object, how to plan it, and what to place inside it first, read this article to the end.

How to choose a room for carpentry

When creating a carpentry workshop within your own suburban area, it is a good idea to make sure that it is as far away from living quarters as possible. This will preserve the peace of the rest of your family and will not prevent your guests from enjoying a relaxing holiday.

The ideal location for setting up a carpentry workshop would be a separate barn, garage or specially built room. You can consider an option in which the carpentry workshop will be located in a building block container (a used product is quite suitable for the workshop, since new block containers are quite expensive). The area of ​​the block container is a little more than 14 m². Therefore, its useful space can easily accommodate not only a workbench and a shelf with tools, but even several small carpentry machines. There will be enough space for storing wood and organizing a small painting area.

The option with a block container can be considered if you take a fairly serious approach to the arrangement of the workshop and if you have serious intentions related to the volume of work performed here. If your carpentry work is on a modest scale, then an alternative in the form of an empty garage or shed is quite capable of meeting your needs.

In order for a home workshop to meet the minimum requirements for comfort and safety, its area must be at least 6...10 m² (it all depends on the amount of equipment you plan to place in the workshop). This should be taken into account if you are going to build a special room for a workshop. If you plan to adapt an existing building of suitable size for a workshop, then use it. M a scarlet carpentry workshop can be quite convenient. N and six squares can accommodate not only the carpenter’s main tool – a carpenter’s workbench, but also a couple of the most popular machines: a sharpening machine for tools, as well as a drilling machine for wood processing, etc. And 40-50 sq.m. - this is practically a workshop.

This is what a regular FORUMHOUSE user writes about the size of the carpentry workshop.

AlekX member of FORUMHOUSE,

10 squares is enough... To arrange and work comfortably - from 25 squares, comfortably and impressively move with a cigar from machine to machine - from 40-50 sq.m.

And here is a photograph of the interior of his workshop, which measures 11 m².

Basic requirements for a carpenter's workshop

It is not enough to understand how to build a carpentry workshop or how to choose a suitable premises. When setting up a carpentry workshop, you need to remember five important factors, the presence of which guarantees convenience and safety while working inside the future premises:

  • fire safety;
  • effective sound insulation;
  • high-quality lighting;
  • proper ventilation;
  • ​efficient and safe heating.

Let's talk about all this in more detail.

Fire safety

To ensure fire safety, the workshop premises must have grounding. All machines and equipment should be connected to a common grounding circuit. A powder fire extinguisher, which is an essential element of a carpentry workshop, must be installed in a well-accessible place. The fire extinguisher must be rated ABC (for all flammable materials and electrical equipment) and have a capacity of 4.5 kg (10 lb). A container of sand, equipped with fire extinguishing equipment and installed near the entrance to the workshop, will give you an additional guarantee of safety.


If the carpentry workshop is located near a living space, sound insulation in it is of great importance. To ensure this, you can use standard means, which include the use of special finishing materials, double-glazed windows and door structures.


Good lighting is half the success of your carpentry workshop! This is not only comfort for your eyes, but also a necessary condition for work safety. Indeed, in conditions of insufficient visibility, injuries when working with electric and other woodworking tools occur much more often. And in order to avoid them, in addition to general lighting in the workshop, it is necessary to use additional lighting for the workplace (machine, workbench, etc.).

When working away from natural light, it is better to use a combination of lighting fixtures of different spectrums. Neon fluorescent lamps - for general lighting and incandescent lamps - for additional illumination of the workplace. According to doctors, the use of the same type of lighting devices does not always have a good effect on the condition of the visual organs.

Do-it-yourself carpentry in the garage.

The electrical cable that you run into the workshop to connect electrical equipment and lighting fixtures must have a suitable cross-section to withstand heavy loads. Wiring should be placed in metal conduits or pipes to help prevent fire in the event of a short circuit.


Even the simplest forced ventilation installed in a carpentry workshop will make your work much more comfortable and safer. Thanks to ventilation, you will not have to inhale wood dust, which can cause irritation of the respiratory tract and even diseases.

If you plan to install woodworking machines in the workshop, then installing a suitable chip ejector is an issue that requires a mandatory solution. Otherwise, the room will always be a mess, and all efforts aimed at ensuring fire safety will not have the desired effect. After all, wood dust, scattered in large quantities in the air, can ignite like gunpowder from the slightest spark.


If you plan to work in your future workshop all year round, then heating the room is an issue that should be taken very seriously. The warm air in the workshop will have a beneficial effect on your well-being, performance and the condition of the power tool. And only in such conditions is wood able to retain its best qualities.

It makes no sense to connect such a room to centralized heating (with rare exceptions). Therefore, installing an oil heater will be considered a completely worthy way out. Alternatively, you can use fan heaters or more modern infrared heaters. These devices will quickly heat a small room and, if the room is well insulated, will create a cozy microclimate inside the workshop.

Carpentry workshop layout

If, before creating a room for a carpentry workshop, you took into account the minimum requirements regarding the internal area of ​​the facility, then you will definitely have enough space to organize its main zones:

    space for machines;

    space for a workbench and assembly table;

    racks (shelves) for tools;

    space (corner) where equipment for cleaning the workshop is stored;

    container for waste and garbage (wooden box, etc.);

    attachments for storing hacksaws, tape measures and other tools;

    hanger (wardrobe) for workwear;

    wall cabinets for small tools, fasteners and other parts;

    storage space for wood and finished products.

An assembly table, like a workbench, is an essential element when planning a carpentry workshop. Here's what one of our forum participants thinks about it.

Yuzef member of FORUMHOUSE

An assembly table is a must. The simplest one is to cut one sheet of chipboard in half (according to the layout - lengthwise or crosswise) and fold two thicknesses (fasten with screws).

It is advisable to mount large items and equipment on walls or install them near them. This will free up some of the internal space for freer movement. In order to calculate the minimum area of ​​free space near a machine or workbench, it is necessary to multiply the area occupied by this device by 2. Tools and equipment used together must be located next to each other.

In order to save free space in workshops, some of their owners resort to little tricks: they build convenient folding workbenches. The working surface of such a device is mounted on the wall, and its unscrewing legs are stored in any convenient place. On the bottom surface of the workbench you can easily make mounts for storing a wide variety of tools.

This is the workshop layout suggested by user Sitnikoff.

I figured out the live arrangement in Visio, without the exact dimensions of the machines and equipment for the 5.6*6.2m option. Everything fits in and even more.

The room shown in the diagram has impressive dimensions, and not everyone can afford such dimensions. The general concept of arrangement of equipment and accessories shown in the figure will be clear to all interested.

Here is more detailed information about the proposed project. Everyone can find something useful in it. You will learn what to make a floor from in a carpentry workshop, what to build walls from, what the foundation will be like, etc.

Sitnikoff member FORUMHOUSE

For now, I’ll write about the design of the building for the carpentry workshop:

    The structure is a frame made of boards 150x50 mm. HSD 2.8m x 5.6 x 6.2. The height of the attic is 1.2 m.

    Build on a shallow strip foundation.

    Insulation - mineral wool or basalt 150 mm thick.

    Cover the outside and inside with OSB board.

    The outside of the slab is covered with clapboard.

    Floors - concrete, then EPS (50mm), warm water floor in a concrete screed.

    Floors – ceramic tiles.

    Heating is from a stove (I don’t know whether to buy a metal one or install a small Dutch oven), it is possible to connect a heated floor to the route running from the house to the bathhouse.

    The roof of the attic will be insulated in the same way as the walls, since there will be no ceiling (in case something will have to be hung or placed within reach), i.e. I am planning a dome in the workshop.

    The roof covering is metal tiles (especially since there is some reserve left after the house and bathhouse).

    The door is a metal double-leaf insulated door with a width of 120 cm (80 + 40).

    Windows – plastic double-glazed windows measuring 150 x 60 cm under the ceiling – 6 pcs.

    Window opposite the door 100x150 cm – 1 pc.

    I do not rule out the presence of skylights in the ceiling (I want light) - 4 pcs.

    Electrical equipment - 220 V in plastic boxes.

    Dust removal and ventilation system (you will probably have to place several boxes around the room to connect the tool to the dust removal system).

Basic rules for organizing space in the workshop

    Each machine, workbench and other equipment must have free access from three sides.

    The free space of the workshop should prevail in quantitative ratio over the space occupied by machines, cabinets and other items.

    The floor in the workshop must be smooth and dry, and under no circumstances should slippery materials be laid on its surface.

    The waste container must have 2 compartments (the first is for storing wood waste, the second is for storing other waste).

    A small supply of drinking water, as well as a fully stocked first aid kit, should be kept in a visible place.

Remember, when working in the workshop, you should not neglect personal protective equipment - overalls, safety glasses, respirators, and so on.

Those who want to watch a video on how to combine an ordinary garage with a carpentry workshop can familiarize themselves with the material prepared by a professional carpenter and a regular participant in our forum. A video about how to properly equip a cabinetmaker’s workplace is advisable for everyone who is planning to make a comfortable and multifunctional workbench with their own hands. You can get fresh ideas regarding arranging a carpenter’s home workshop in the “…” section. And you can participate in the discussion of issues related to the manufacture of wood products by visiting the forum section "".

In this material:

The carpentry business will not lose its popularity anytime soon. The thing is that natural wood has a special, unique energy and an unusually attractive appearance.

Just like many centuries ago, people who make high-quality products from natural wood not only enjoy respect in society, but also have a good income. In addition, having a carpentry workshop, it is not necessary to produce exclusively furniture. These can be other interior items, for example: picture frames, wooden decorative dishes, table and floor vases and much more. If you know how to carve wood or can hire someone who can do it, then this will be a huge plus. After all, carved elements can decorate not only frames and decorative boards, but also the furniture itself. Then the price will increase several times. But first you need to draw up a business plan for a carpentry workshop.

How to start a business producing natural wood products

The question arises, how to open a carpentry workshop and start making money from it. First you need to solve the following questions:

  • find premises for rent where your carpentry shop or, at worst, a small carpentry workshop will be located;
  • register as an individual entrepreneur (IP);
  • find suppliers of raw materials;
  • find and install machines, without which it is simply impossible to produce carpentry products in large quantities;
  • conduct a marketing campaign.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs is a standard procedure with local administration authorities. There is no difference whether you are registering a large workshop or a tiny workshop. If you want to produce something, you must have the appropriate documents and you must pay taxes. Individual entrepreneurs have a fixed tax.

It should be taken into account that firefighters show increased interest in workshops of this type (which is quite natural). Try to make sure that all documents are in order. In the room where your workshop will be located, you need to install a fire shield.

As for the premises itself, in order not to spend money on rent, at the initial stage, your own garage will do, if it does not have a car and its size is large enough. But this is only for a very small workshop. Ideally, you should look for a room with an area of ​​at least 50 m² and a ceiling height of 4 m. It is recommended that your workshop (or workshop) have a rectangular shape if you have to process long boards. This is where you will install all the necessary equipment.

It’s a truism: your potential suppliers must sell you a quality product at a low price. But your entire business will rest on this truth. Look for cheap and good quality. The inexpensive price of raw materials will subsequently allow you to set a low price for your products, which customers will certainly like.

And good quality will allow the production of appropriate products. Carpentry manufacturing as a business will primarily rely on well-organized supplies.

Machine tools play an important role. Which machines must be installed, and which ones can be completely dispensed with to avoid unnecessary costs?

The minimum required for a carpentry workshop to operate successfully:

  • Circular Saw;
  • miter saw;
  • jointer;
  • surface planer

For power tools, you will need a drill with a router, and for hand tools, you will need planes, jointers, chisels, hacksaws, and mallets. Production is unthinkable without all this.

Studying the market

So, you have a workshop equipped with all the necessary machines. You have the necessary documents in your hands, which you can safely present to representatives of the tax inspectorate, fire safety officials, and even the local police officer. Now you need to decide what exactly you will produce.

If you do not plan to sell your products yourself, but will sell them for sale, then you need to produce only what sellers order. Be prepared to fulfill all their whims and not ask unnecessary questions. But you don’t have to look for buyers yourself. You can find sellers by visiting furniture stores and markets. If the product is good, then many people will want to sell it.

If you yourself start looking for buyers, the product will be sold much faster (you will come up with discounts and various promotions). In addition, it will be more interesting to produce goods. The line can be expanded indefinitely. So, for example, if there are a lot of summer cottages under construction in the vicinity of your city, produce garden furniture, you can’t go wrong. Add here a swing that can be hung from a tree or mounted on racks.

If the location of your workshop is near new buildings, then produce furniture for apartments. Find out the price of new buildings and produce furniture in the appropriate price category. You can also specialize in the manufacture of frames and doors.

Don’t forget about the various little things that new residents will buy to furnish their home. Here is an example that may help you find the right direction in souvenirs. There is a talisman called “Knock on Wood.” It is a birch log sawn lengthwise. A stylized figurine of a spirit is carved at the bottom of the log. People believe in such things and willingly buy them to install in the hallway or living room. The cost of such an improvised amulet is pennies. And the selling price is several times higher.

Instead of a conclusion

These are, perhaps, the main points that a person who decides to start producing carpentry should pay attention to.

And, of course, the craftsmen working for you must have fairly high qualifications.

Order a business plan

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*** The material presented here aims only to outline this type of business in general terms. It should be borne in mind that this is one of the possible options for opening a carpentry workshop; in practice, everything is individual. This guide is intended to help a novice entrepreneur with the basic calculation methodology and provide guidance on the cost and configuration of specialized woodworking equipment (new).

Recently, the demand for window and door units made from natural wood has increased significantly, and according to experts, it will continue to grow.

This is due to the fact that interest in metal-plastic structures is gradually decreasing, and consumers with above-average incomes increasingly prefer environmentally friendly products made from natural wood.

Assortment and main sales channels

In a small carpentry shop you can produce simple window and door blocks, and later master the direction of molded products. At the initial stage of business development, preference should be given to the simplest and most inexpensive technologies. It is recommended to choose standard window and door units as the main assortment, as the demand for these products is constant.

The products of a small carpentry shop will be of interest to individuals carrying out construction on their own, as well as specialized retail stores.

Technology and necessary equipment

The technology for producing window and door blocks can be divided into stages:

  1. cutting of lumber, quality control;
  2. processing of workpieces;
  3. assembly of the structure;
  4. product sanding and coating.

For each of the above stages, you can purchase a separate machine or choose a woodworking center that can perform all of the above steps. When purchasing a multifunctional installation, a significantly smaller workshop area will be required than if the machines are installed separately.

An example of one such woodworking center is the D 300 unit, manufactured by the domestic enterprise TECHSNAB LLC. It is capable of replacing the main production capacity of a small carpentry shop ( Thicknesser, milling, grinding, jointing machines).

You can also consider purchasing a multifunctional machine K5-260 (Bulgaria).

Additional tools

To fully operate the carpentry shop, you must purchase the following tools:

  • moisture meter;
  • roulette;
  • calipers;
  • electric plane;
  • minimal plumbing tools;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • Sander;
  • corded circular saws;
  • tool for applying coloring and antiseptic substances;
  • fan with bags for organizing sawdust removal.

Information on area and number of personnel

A small carpentry workshop can be organized on an area of ​​60 m2. Space savings are achieved by combining all equipment in a compact woodworking center.

Feasibility study

Capital investments (in rubles):

  • purchase of equipment - 184,000
  • Tool costs - 85,000
  • transportation costs - 50,000 rubles
  • purchase of raw materials - 400,000 rubles
  • business registration in the form of individual entrepreneur - 21,000;
  • other expenses (premises rental) - 15,000.

Total investment in business: 755,000 rubles

Revenue calculation

Subject to 50% equipment load and work 24 shifts per month (8 hour shift)

For the calculation, standard sizes of door and window blocks GOST 6620-88, GOST 23166-78 were used.

Total revenue for 1 calendar month 668,468 rubles

Cost price products taking into account the standards for the production of joinery products will be:

  • Window units - 4413 rubles/m2
  • Door blocks - 3298 rubles/m2
  • The cost of the monthly production volume will be 458,692 rubles

General expenses:

  • salary (2 people and an entrepreneur 5 days a week for 8 hours) - 25620x3=76860 rubles
  • workshop rent - 15000
  • social contributions to funds - 10,686 rubles;
  • administrative expenses - 10,000 rubles
  • other expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Total fixed costs of the carpentry shop will be 127,546 rubles.

Profit calculation

Profit of the carpentry shop = 668468 - 127546 - 458692 = 82,230 rubles

The return on investment, provided that volumes are maintained and wages are paid not only to the employee, but also to the entrepreneur, will be 9 months.

New business idea: Production of fences and enclosures for private households under the FenceLego franchise (new product, lack of competition, high demand even in current market conditions).

  • Description of products and services
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Marketing plan
  • Financial plan
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for organizing a carpentry shop for the production of interior door blocks.

How much money do you need to invest to open a carpentry shop for the production of door blocks?

According to preliminary estimates, opening a small carpentry shop will require about 2,020,000 rubles:

  • Deposit for renting premises (2 months) - 120 thousand rubles.
  • Arrangement of production, office and warehouse premises (tables, chairs, shelving, lighting, etc.) - RUB 500,000.
  • Basic equipment (milling machine, drilling and grooving machine, cross-cutting machine, etc.) - RUB 1,100,000.
  • Hand tools (chisels, tape measure, jigsaw, hacksaws, mallets, drill, screwdriver, etc.) - RUB 80,000.
  • Creation of a stock of raw materials and materials - 70 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising (including website creation) - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration and other org. expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

Sources of financing for the project are own funds (30%) and funds from a private investor (70%).

Description of products and services

The carpentry workshop will specialize in the production of wooden interior doors (door blocks). The products will be distinguished by their quality, environmental friendliness and relatively low price. The price range will be from 3,500 to 6,000 rubles. The main range of products: eco-veneer doors, PVC doors, laminated doors. The total production volume will be about 200 door units per month or 2,400 products per year.

Production plan

A 150 sq.m. premises will be rented to house the carpentry workshop. meters with all communications: electricity (380 V), water supply, heating, sewerage, ventilation system. A room with such conditions will allow you to create the optimal temperature and air humidity necessary for high-quality door production (humidity 40-60%, temperature 18-24 degrees). In addition to the production workshop itself (70 sq. m.), the premises will house a warehouse for raw materials, a warehouse for finished products, a staff room, and a shower room. The rent will be 60 thousand rubles. per month.

How to choose equipment for a carpentry workshop

The carpentry shop will include the following equipment: milling machine, drilling and mortising machine, cross-cutting machine, tenoning machine, longitudinal planing machine, sizing and grinding machine, hydraulic press, edge banding machine, corner center, glue application machine. This kit will be enough to produce 150 - 250 door blocks per month. The estimated cost of a set of machines is 1.1 million rubles. MDF, laminated veneer lumber, laminated timber, and honeycomb filling will be used as raw materials for the production of doors. Wood materials - pine, alder, beech, oak. The issue with suppliers of other materials necessary for the production of doors has already been resolved: fittings, double-glazed windows, varnishes, paints, etc. A large number of woodworking industries within a radius of 100 km make it possible to arrange the supply of raw materials and materials in the shortest possible time.


Special attention will be paid to personnel search. The workshop will employ an experienced technologist (at least 3 years of experience), a carpenter (2 people) and carpenter assistants (2 people), general workers (2 people), and a sales manager. The accountant will be hired on a part-time basis. Remuneration will be predominantly piecework and, depending on the volume of output, the total wage fund will range from 130 to 170 thousand rubles per month.

Which tax system to choose for a workshop

A limited liability company with two founders will be registered as an organizational form. The status of a legal entity will allow you to easily attract additional investments into your business and will significantly increase the status of the organization in the eyes of potential customers. The simplified tax system (STS) will be used as a taxation system, 15% of the profit of the carpentry shop.

Marketing plan

At first, it is planned to sell the doors to local retail stores, of which there are many in our city (400 thousand inhabitants). With an increase in production volumes, it is possible to enter the market of neighboring regions. Also, in the near future it is planned to open our own retail sales points. For this purpose, several square meters will be rented in popular shopping centers of the city, with samples of doors and a catalog of works displayed. For such a point, only one sales consultant will be required. The cost of organizing such a retail outlet will be no more than 100 thousand rubles. Advertising will be primarily carried out in the media (newspapers, magazines), meetings with potential buyers (owners of retail outlets), as well as Internet resources (website and Yandex-Direct advertising).

Financial plan

Fixed monthly expenses

  • Rent - 60 thousand rubles. (300 rubles per unit of production)
  • Utility costs - 40 thousand rubles. (RUB 200 per unit)
  • Advertising - 30 thousand rubles. (RUB 150 per unit)
  • Salary + insurance (technologist, manager, general workers) - 80 thousand rubles. (400 rubles per unit)
  • Services of third-party organizations (accounting, cleaning) - 15 thousand rubles. (RUB 75 per unit)
  • Transport costs - 25 thousand rubles. (RUB 125 per unit)
  • Other unforeseen expenses - 30 thousand rubles. (RUB 150 per unit)

Total - 280 thousand rubles Variable costs per unit (door)

  • Salary - 800 rubles.
  • Raw materials and materials - 600 rub.

Thus, the cost of manufacturing one door will be 2800 rubles.

How much can you earn from carpentry shop products?

  • Production volume - 200 doors
  • The average selling price of one door is 3,500 rubles.
  • Profit per unit of production: 3500 - 2800 = 700 rubles.
  • Total profit per month - 140,000 rubles.
  • Net profit per month (minus simplified tax system, 15%) - 119,000 rubles.

The profitability of the carpentry shop is 25%. With such indicators, investments in business pay off in 17 - 20 months of operation of the enterprise.

The carpentry business always remains in demand even during an economic downturn. For those who have perfect knowledge of these skills or are planning to organize their own business, we offer you a ready-made business plan for a carpentry shop with step-by-step opening and calculations.

When calculating the necessary funds to open a carpentry workshop, we will need 2,020,000 rubles:

  1. For renting space for a workshop (in the first 2 months) – 130,000 rubles.
  2. To ensure the operation of an office, warehouse and production (furniture, shelves, lamps, etc.) – 400,000 rubles
  3. Stationary equipment (milling machine, machine for drilling and making grooves, miter saw, surface planer, clamp, etc.) – 1,200,000 rubles
  4. Conventional tools (square, ruler, level, screwdriver, hammers, clamps, etc.) – 70,000 rubles
  5. Creation of a reserve of materials and raw materials – 70,000 rubles.
  6. Payment for advertising (for the creation of a website, printed materials, etc.) – 100,000 rubles.
  7. Registration and registration in the state. structures – 50,000 rubles.

To implement a carpentry shop, we will need funds to finance the planned project - our own resources (40%), as well as funds from an attracted investor (60%).

Our carpentry shop will produce competitive and popular carpentry products, namely wooden door blocks. Difference from main competitors: environmentally friendly raw materials, and price-quality ratio. Prices will also be balanced within the framework of the main market demand and range from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles.

Our production will primarily focus on the following products:

  • PVC-based doors;
  • doors coated with eco-veneer;
  • as well as doors with lamination to resemble valuable wood species.

Production plan

In accordance with the business plan of a carpentry shop for the production of door blocks, it is necessary to rent a room whose area does not exceed 200 square meters, which has basic communications:

  • equipped ventilation;
  • lighting system;
  • sewerage water supply;
  • supplied voltage is 380 VT.

Creating conditions for this requires maintaining both temperature and humidity conditions. For example, air temperature ranges from 18 to 24 degrees Celsius and humidity from 40 to 60 percent).

In addition to the main production premises (approximately 70 square meters), it is necessary to have space for warehouses for raw materials and finished products, a room for workers and a bathroom with a shower.

The cost of renting premises will be approximately 60,000 rubles per month.

First of all, you must purchase special equipment and tools. For example, a ready-made business plan for opening a carpentry shop includes:

  • weima press for gluing wood panels (blanks);
  • sawing machine with carriage;
  • thicknesser;
  • planing and tenoning machines;
  • stationary milling cutter;
  • pendulum miter saw;
  • edging machine;
  • belt grinding machine;
  • equipment for applying paint and varnish coatings compressor;
  • hoses;
  • filters;
  • sprayers and more.

With this carpentry equipment you can reach a volume of 200-300 products monthly. In the estimate, this will be approximately 1,100,000 rubles.

The main raw materials for the manufacture of products will consist of MDF, timber, edged boards, and PVC film. Mainly, environmentally friendly wood of the following species will be used: pine, beech, ash, oak. In addition, the supply of related components has been established: door fittings (hinges, handles, locks, bolts, screws, glue, etc.).

Specialized enterprises in the region, for example, are ready to cooperate and provide all the necessary products quickly and with high quality.

Personnel issue

The sample carpentry shop business plan includes a staff of qualified employees.

For the workshop it will be enough:

  • technologist (with at least 3 years of experience);
  • two experienced carpenters with assistants;
  • general workers (2 people);
  • Sales Manager.

The accountant will be involved sporadically or remotely, using outsourcing.

The monthly salary of employees will be, on average, 150,000 rubles. Remuneration for key working personnel will be piecework.

Choosing a tax system

There will be an LLC (limited liability company). 2 founders are enough. An enterprise with this form will allow it to attract investors and be more competitive and viable in the eyes of potential customers. For taxation, the most suitable option would be the simplified tax system (simplified system), which provides for a tax of 15 percent of the profit received.