Thanks a lot for the information provided. We say 'Thank you' beautifully! For sponsorship

7 original and non-standard examples of texts of a thank you letter for cooperation. Choose the best option and edit for yourself, all texts can be downloaded in word. What should be the perfect thank you letter - simple tips that will help you write the best thank you letter for your cooperation.

Thank You Letter recognized by many experts as one of the varieties business letters. Usually, this species letters are used in collective organizations associated on the basis of profession or study. The closest, by definition, to a letter of thanks can be considered a well-known letter, which is usually awarded in schools and sports circles for achievements.

A letter of thanks can be addressed to both a specific person and the organization as a whole, for example, for fruitful cooperation. In this article, we offer several options for writing a thank you letter for cooperation. The texts of the letters are given below.

The order of writing such letters is discussed in the article:.

1. The text of a letter of thanks for cooperation addressed to an employee.

Dear Zinaida Valerievna!

You probably know that our young company cannot yet boast of significant work experience and rich pedigree. But our company has something much more significant: it is employees like you!

Let me express warm words of recognition and gratitude to you for the fact that you have been honestly working for the benefit of our company almost from the very first day! Our team remembers how you, together with everyone, steadfastly overcame all the difficulties of the initial stage of development of our common brainchild; how they helped less experienced colleagues with good advice and supported with a warm word at the right moment.

Largely thanks to you, our company is now rapidly developing and opens up tempting horizons for all of us. Your mind, your experience, your kindness have played an extremely important role for the common good!

Sincerely interested in continuing cooperation, we wish you warmth, health and love!

2. An example of the text of a thank you letter for cooperation addressed to the staff

Dear colleagues, employees of our wonderful Hypermarket LLC!

On behalf of the Board of Directors, we congratulate you on your successful achievement commercial purpose this year! Our common success is great!

Throughout the whole year, you courageously, selflessly worked in order to fulfill the tasks assigned to you. And you did it! Thanks to your common efforts, your collective spirit, our company will enter into New Year one of the most prosperous in the city.

We appreciate you and sincerely wish you warmth, love, family comfort and high salaries!

Sincerely, CEO.

3. An example of the text of a letter of gratitude for cooperation addressed to partners

Dear partners!

I express my sincere gratitude to you for our fruitful cooperation! Our joint efforts have led us to a natural business victory! I believe that in the future we will be able to maintain and continue our partnership.

I wish you health, personal prosperity, new mutually beneficial projects and the conquest of even more impregnable heights in our difficult business.

4. An example of a thank you letter about cooperation to a partner

Dear …!

We really appreciate the cooperation with your company over the past 5 years.

We are well aware that the success we have achieved in last years is the result of painstaking collaboration, constant daily interaction with your specialists. Thanks to your openness, the desire to understand and satisfy the needs of a partner, and the focus on improving performance, our relationship is growing stronger every year, and we are conquering new heights in mastering the attention of consumers.

We express our gratitude to you for the joint work and look forward to further strengthening existing relations and increasing the indicators achieved in the course of joint activities.

We wish your company prosperity and success!


5. An example of a text of gratitude for cooperation to the partner team


On behalf of our company, we express our deep gratitude to the _________ team for mutually beneficial cooperation and support provided during promotional activities aimed at developing new client channels. The selfless work and integrity of the employees of _______ made it possible to achieve amazing results. Our company has entered new market sales thanks to professional approach team of ________ organization to conduct an advertising campaign for our product.

We sincerely hope that this interaction of our companies was not the last, and we look forward to strengthening and expanding partnerships in the future!


6. An example of an official thank you letter for cooperation to a partner


LLC "___" represented by the General Director _______ expresses its gratitude to the team and management of LLC ___ for the successful long-term cooperation. Over the years of cooperation, relations between our companies have strengthened, thanks to the common interests, the best results have been achieved in our work. We express hope for the further development of our relations and access to new level cooperation with closer relationships.


7. The text of the thank you letter to the supplier for cooperation

SP ___ expresses its gratitude to ___ LLC for long-term cooperation and uninterrupted supply of products to the warehouses of our company. The professionalism of your specialists, attention and understanding of our needs ensured the most positive history of the relationship between our companies.

We hope that partnership relations will only grow stronger over the years, and no obstacles will stand in the way of strengthening the relationship between our companies.


Video - how to write the best thank you letter

This article is the result of my observations on what aspects make a good impression from a business letter.

It happens like this, you get an answer to your letter and immediately make an internal decision: I want to and will continue to communicate with these guys, but I want to say goodbye to these guys right away. Have you ever experienced this? I have - yes. The last such practice happened to me quite recently: I corresponded with different companies for the selection of language courses.

Below are my summarized conclusions about what you should keep in mind if it is important for you that yours makes a good impression on the addressee and makes him want to continue business interaction with you.

1. Email response time.

  1. Positive letter ending

- the last thing that remains in the field of attention of the addressee when reading your letter. Fix the emotionally positive atmosphere of business communication in the last phrases. Create at the recipient good mood to make him want to talk to you again!


Answer option 1 Answer option 2
Hello Masha! First of all, thank you for choosing our institute! We are sure that you will be satisfied with our cooperation. In order to send you an invoice, we need to get the details of your employer company from you. Please send them as a reply to this letter.….. Hello Masha! First of all, thank you for choosing our institute! We are sure that you will be satisfied with our cooperation. In order to send you an invoice, we need to get the details of your employer company from you. Please send them as a reply to this letter. If you have any questions - please contact us!

Tip #4: Set the addressee to continue the dialogue. Show respect! Create and strengthen the mood of comfortable cooperation! Share your positive mood and sincere desire to continue business interaction with the addressee!

Options for final phrases:

I will be glad to cooperate!

I will gladly answer your questions.

If you have any questions - please contact us!

Looking forward to fruitful cooperation,

Always ready to help and answer your questions.



Yours sincerely,

With respect and hope for fruitful cooperation,

5. Signature and block of contact information.

The person leading business correspondence, it is important to understand who is "on the other side of the monitor": the name and surname of the addressee, position, contact details.

What is it for?

Name and surname - allows you to conduct personal communication.

Position - gives the addressee an understanding of the boundaries of authority and professional competence in resolving issues.

Coordinates - provide the possibility of additional operational communication if necessary.

Compare: which of the answers looks more professional and inspires more confidence in the information.

Hello! I passed the pre-test when enrolling in a Spanish course at your institute. According to the results of testing, I was recorded in the PS-A2.1 group. My tuition will be paid for by my employer. Please send me an invoice for tuition fees. Thank you. Sincerely, Masha Petrova
Answer option 1 Answer option 2
Hello Masha! First of all, thank you for choosing our institute! We are sure that you will be satisfied with our cooperation. In order to send you an invoice, we need to get the details of your employer company from you. Please send them as a reply to this letter. If you have any questions - please contact us!

Letters of thanks for the assistance provided are one of the types of service letters. Their name speaks for itself, there is no need to explain what is meant by it. But what should be the text for the assistance rendered? After all, after all, this is an official paper, and not just a message in social network or a nod in person. In this article, we will tell you for the help provided, and give examples to make it easier to understand the compilation.

Courtesy Code

Business communication has its own characteristics. It does not tolerate familiarity and excessive emotionality. At the same time, special forms are intended to express certain feelings in it. for the assistance provided (a sample will be presented below) - a common practice for establishing partnerships, as well as a guarantee of pleasant cooperation.

When is it appropriate to express gratitude in the form of a letter?

Of course, it’s not worth compiling a whole paper for some minor trifles. In this case, the text of the letter of thanks for the assistance provided will not exceed a line. But still, it is also not necessary to wait for something completely large-scale - the usual cooperation is more than suitable.

Why give thanks?

Practice shows that in the post-Soviet space, letters of thanks for the assistance provided have not yet been popular. Perhaps due to the fact that the mentality does not favor such a form of expressing one's feelings. And for good reason: it has many advantages.

First of all, this great way stand out, be remembered. Secondly, it is a guarantee of further successful cooperation. And thirdly, it is simply polite and pleasant. It will also be nice to receive in the form of a letter and the one to whom it is directed.

How and what to write?

Letters of thanks for the assistance provided are written almost in free form. The most important thing in them is to express their gratitude, and not to make demands.

Depending on the scale of assistance provided and other nuances responsible for how official the letter will be, the following rules will need to be followed:

  • Always write an appeal first. In a strict, solemn letter of thanks, this may be the characteristic "respected", but in a simpler, friendly note, you can completely use a personal address by name and patronymic without any epithets.
  • As for the personal character, there are two pieces of advice: on the one hand, do not complicate the text of a letter of thanks to the sponsors for the assistance provided (or to anyone else) with turnovers and pretentiousness, on the other hand, arrange everything almost pompously. Which one to follow? The second option is more suitable for a letter from the organization, while a letter of thanks from the organization for the assistance provided personally from the specified citizen will be much better perceived if it is drawn up according to the first advice.
  • Typing on a computer is optional. It is quite possible to write for the rendered or other kind of support by hand. Even if you decide to print the text on a PC, it is recommended that you set italic or calligraphic font that sets the tone for a friendly "thank you" rather than a stern notice.
  • In any case, do not be afraid to use epithets and write really beautiful words. Although letters of thanks for the assistance provided are classified as a business style of communication, they have no place for dry officialdom, but more importantly sincerity, otherwise they will seem like a necessary measure.
  • Tell us what you are grateful for and how important it is to you. It's not as difficult as it seems.


After the theoretical introduction, we come to much more illustrative examples.

Some people advise you to prepare letterheads for thank you letters in advance. Not a bad idea, but you need to remember that a letterhead means a prepared font, background, frame. You should not make a form similar to the model for the contract, in which you need to fill in only the name and surname of the recipient, this gives the unfavorable impression that the sender stamps such "thank you" without really caring about them. The purpose of the correct form is to think over which letter would be most pleasant to read and perceive.


An example of a letter of thanks to sponsors for their assistance is presented below.

"Dear Nikita Petrovich!The administration of the Yekaterinburg Theater of Young Talents sincerely thanks you for providing sponsorship in organizing the city competition for young directors.

The success of the project would not have been possible without your contribution, and we thank you very much for helping us to implement such a large-scale event, which, without a doubt, raised the cultural level of our society and allowed many children and adolescents to express themselves.

We wish you and your team continued success, successful projects, well-being in all activities and assistance from partners.We hope that you will realize all your ideas.

Sincerely,Mikhail Sorokin and the staff of the Yekaterinburg Theater of Young Talents.

Sample #2

"Alexander Igorevich!The public program "Prosperity - in every home" expresses its sincere gratitude to you for your support. We guarantee that all financial assistance provided by you will be used to clean up the buildings of nursing homes and, in addition, to purchase the required medicines in order to improve the condition of people of retirement age.

We admire your mercy, as a result of which the lives of those who need our help will become a little better.

We wish you not only prosperity in business, financial well-being and career development, but also so that all the goodness and happiness that you helped bring to the world of the disadvantaged will return to you and your family in a multiple amount.

Respectfully,Ivan Surikov.


A letter of thanks to a deputy for the assistance provided can be sent to the chairman of the State Duma in the name of the relevant official or be a personal appeal to the person who provided support. Its content is also different: from gratitude for a specifically indicated resolved issue to generalized gratitude.


"To the Chairman of the State Duma Koreshkov A.S.

Thank you letter for your help.

I would like to express my gratitude to Andrey Sergeevich Mashkov, a deputy of the State Duma, who always responds to the requests of citizens, resolves issues in a timely manner and generally contributes in every possible way to the improvement of our city.From myself I want to wish him all the best and success.

Sincerely,Vyacheslav Mironov, resident of Yekaterinburg.

Personal appeal

"Dear Eduard Semenovich!Many thanks to you from our entire family for solving our housing problem. We thank you for your responsiveness and wish that your kindness does not go unnoticed, and that you and your loved ones are always happy!

Mironchuk family.


A letter of thanks from the organization for the assistance provided can be sent as to CEO companies and individual employees. It can also contain an appeal to the entire team that has shown special assistance in a particular case.

In addition, letters of thanks for the assistance provided from one organization to another have their own characteristics: often, after expressing gratitude for the support, the clarification of agreements, a proposal for further cooperation, advertising, etc. are often written at the end. Papers of this kind are more related to business communication, since the business benefit of each side is mixed with gratitude.

Below is an example of such a thank you letter.

"Comrades!Let me express my gratitude to you for the reception given in your company to the representative of our company. We hope that all the agreements reached at this meeting will be fulfilled.Also look forward to a pleasant cooperation with you!

Sincerely,the staff of the organization "Cosmotour".

From an individual

"To the General Director of Darena LLC.

Thank you letter.

Many thanks to your employee, Mikhail Sergeevich Aravtsov, who quickly and efficiently resolved my issue.I hope you appreciate his accomplishments.

Sincerely, Nikita Skvortsov."

Frequent turns

As you can see, some turns are repeated in all samples. They are typical for all papers of the type in question.

  • "I express my gratitude";
  • "I want to express my gratitude";
  • "thank you for your assistance/help/support";
  • "want to say thank you", etc.


It would seem, where does the interview and the preparation of letters of thanks? But the West is already instilling new traditions in us. Increasingly, a thank-you note is received after an interview.

The fact that in the post-Soviet space many have not even heard of such a thing is even a plus - you can stand out among competitors in workplace, to be remembered in the eyes of the employer, to show oneself with better side, which means, most likely, to get a vacant position.


In addition to these properties, a thank you letter after an interview can fulfill another purpose, namely, to help correct mistakes made during the interview. Of course, gross blunders cannot be smoothed out, but it is very possible to say something, to send the file that was mentioned during the meeting.

Three times to write a thank you note after an interview:

  • if you are truly grateful;
  • if you really want to get a position;
  • if you do not want to get a position, to explain the reason for the refusal.

Differences between Western practice and the usual thank you letters

For a Russian person, at the mention of a letter of thanks, something similar to a solemn letter appears in his head. Perhaps that is why there are problems with writing it - it seems that there are so many requirements and if you make at least one slip, everything will go awry.

But it's not. In most cases, it is enough to actually express your gratitude, write to whom, from whom and why the paper was drawn up. good example are not framed sheets of A4, but simple notes written by our Western colleagues, they briefly and clearly express the essence and there are no unnecessary elements.


In this article, we tried to tell you in as much detail as possible about how to write a thank you letter. It also has enough examples to help you figure it out. They clearly illustrate what this paper should be. There is no need to write according to samples - sincerity in such a matter speaks for itself.

One important advice: if you don’t want to thank, you don’t see the need for it and don’t feel gratitude, it’s better not to really thank.

Thank You Letter is an excellent tool for building strong and loyal relationships. Consider - what are the thank-you forms, how they are compiled and why they are written.

What is a thank you letter

A thank you slip refers to a business document that includes an expression of gratitude to a particular person or firm for some reason. Gratitude can be expressed for the professional performance of the task, for the quality of the services performed, etc. Gratitude can turn out to be an independent letter or turn out to be a response to some initiative (for an invitation, congratulations, etc.).

How to write a thank you letter

There are no special requirements for the design of a thank-you form - it is allowed to draw up such a document in a free style. However, a letter is considered a business document, so certain guidelines have been established for its structure:

  1. Blank Header located at the top right. It is filled in only when necessary. It displays data about the person or company that is addressed with gratitude:
    • Name
    • job title
    • FULL NAME. person.
    • specific appeal.
  1. Main section of the document displays an expression of gratitude. As a rule, the appeal begins with formulaic words (“Let me express my gratitude ...”, “We are grateful to you for ...”, “We express our gratitude ...”, etc.).
  2. Signature. At the bottom left, the full name and the position of the person who expressed gratitude are written, and the document is signed.

Instructions for writing a thank you letter

The format for writing a thank you letter has a clear sequence. By doing it, you will be able to ensure the preservation of the structure and logic of the appeal, and clearly display your gratitude to the addressee. The volume of the document should be on half an A4 sheet.

  1. If the document is addressed to an employee of the enterprise, then it is advisable to use the phrases “Dear (s) ...”, which emphasizes a respectful attitude towards the interlocutor. It is advisable not to use official phrases "Mr...." or "Dear (s)...". They look unnatural and destroy official style document. The use of the phrase “Dear (s) ...” is possible only when you have a personal relationship with the addressee.
  2. When expressing gratitude to your team, you can turn to the phrase "Dear colleagues!" In the content of the document, it is necessary to clarify to whom specifically gratitude is expressed.
  3. It is necessary to indicate the person who became the initiator, that is, who thanks and to whom gratitude is expressed. A thank you note can be sent from a company, a group of people, or an individual. For example:
    • "Svetly Put" LLC expresses its gratitude"
    • "Management of the company" Horns and Hooves "..."
    • "On behalf of the employees of Stroygidravlika and on my own behalf, please accept gratitude"
  1. If you are writing a letter to partners or employees, then you can use phrases indicating to whom the document was sent: “We want to express our sincere gratitude to the employees of your plant”, “Stroygidravlika Company thanks your team”. When addressing employees, it is advisable to mention several persons (no more than 5-7 people). For example, “Dear colleagues! I, as a leader, want to express my sincere gratitude to the employees…”. With a large team of the department, you can simply mark the head of the department.
  2. You should always indicate what you are grateful for. It is necessary to avoid vague phrases like: “Dear ...! The organization thanks you for everything, for your kind attitude…”. This wording is incorrect. A properly written appreciation will look like this: “Dear ...! The staff of the enterprise expresses its gratitude to you for your assistance in establishing partnerships, etc….”
  3. Gratitude should be specified and detailed, noting the moments that the recipient of the form successfully turned out. It is this wording that makes this letter individual.
  4. At the same time, one should not resort to frank flattery such as: “He has no equal ...”, “incomparable ...”, etc. As mentioned earlier, it should be noted specifically what the recipient received gratitude for.
  5. It would be nice if you wish the recipient success in the future.
  6. The last step in compiling the form should include checking for errors and correcting the written content of the document.

The acknowledgment form is awarded for a job well done, assistance, support, financial sponsorship, etc.

for work

A letter of thanks for the work must be expressed by the immediate supervisor of the employee or team. The message is written in the text, both to one employee and to the general team of the company. Appreciation, usually displayed if the task was completed on time or ahead of schedule. If the employees of the enterprise have been working on a project for a long time, as a result of which the enterprise has earned a solid profit, then gratitude will be a good moral help.

Indicative content:

“Dear (name by name, patronymic or company name)! Using the moment, I would like to express my gratitude to the employees of the company (name) for their assistance, excellent quality, operational work and assistance in troubleshooting. I look forward to continued long-term collaboration. Sincerely, (full name)”.

Sample form

  • For their contributions:

It is not uncommon for enterprises to thank their sponsors for their assistance, support, and contribution. Filling out the form is similar to the previous samples:

Dear (I.O.)! The management of [company name] thanks for the contribution to the organization of the song and dance competition. Successful implementation this project would not have been possible without your active support. We wish you health, promising projects and further development firms. Sincerely, (full name).

sample letter

This type of thank you document is very common. It is sent to both company employees and business partners. Such a letter is given at the official level.

The indicative content is as follows:

Dear (name, patronymic)! We deeply appreciate the joint cooperation with your enterprise. We perfectly recognize that high achievements are due to the successful operation of your enterprise. We wish you and your company success and prosperity! Sincerely, (full name of the head).

sample letter

Gratitude of the organization

The letter of thanks to the organization, as a rule, is an official document containing kind words to the organization for the completed project, for assistance in the event, for other work. IN this section some examples of filling out such a document are offered.

Such letters of gratitude have the following structure:

  • The addressee is filled in at the top right of the form.
  • Then an appeal is written from an organization wishing to express gratitude.
  • The text you fill in must not be official. The text of the appeal is written in a free style with an expression of gratitude.
  • The form is signed by an official expressing gratitude indicating the position.

Thanks to an employee - How to write

Any work must be rewarded - this is an axiom. Therefore, the various achievements of employees must be rewarded, stimulating them to even greater achievements in the process of their joint work. labor law RF spelled out different types rewards. So, article No. 191 states that the manager's gratitude to individual employees can be expressed in the form of rewarding with valuable gifts, bonuses, or in the form of moral encouragement. A form of gratitude can be attributed to moral encouragement.

In this section, we will try to describe the subtleties of filling out such a form.

As a rule, a thank-you note is given to a leader in honor of some famous event. Gratitude to the employee for the timely completion of work is issued on behalf of the management. More often, the awarding of such a letter is carried out at a solemn meeting in front of all employees.

  1. The document is drawn up on the letterhead of the enterprise. You can draw up a document on a specialized form purchased at a store or printing establishment.
  2. The letter is written in a business style. When applying, please do the following:
    • Apply the official business style design
    • An employee is addressed by name and patronymic: “Dear (s) ...”
    • Do not use familiar, colloquial phrases
    • The text must reflect the reason for the award.
  3. The content of the text should reflect the merits of the employee, his positive characteristics that are significant for the company.
  4. At the end of the text, you need to wish successful career and hope to continue working together.

thank you employee sample

Gratitude to the client

When doing business, an important point is to strengthen the relationship with the client so that they use your services again and again. And here big role plays a thank you note. This document must have individuality and adhere to the following rules:

  • When issuing a document, in the greeting you need to correctly write the name of the client.
  • Specify the reason for the thank you note.
  • The appeal must be sincere. You can cite excerpts from a conversation with a client so that he understands that he has not been forgotten.
  • Attach related questions to improve the service.
  • Express the hope that the client is satisfied with the service, and note the willingness to respond to his questions and recommendations.
  • Ask if additional services are needed to increase his satisfaction.
  • Write down your company name, logo and brand marks. It is better to fill out on letterhead, where these symbols exist.
  • When sending a thank-you form by E-mail, the name and logo of the company must be placed under the signature of the sender.
  • In conclusion, it is necessary to express the hope for continued cooperation with the client.
  • The letter must be certified by hand in person.

It is possible to feel grateful to friends, family, health and circumstances, but it is not always possible to express it. To truly express gratitude, you must be kind, open, and helpful in making people feel better. Take your time and let people know that you really appreciate them. Just remember that being grateful means being happy.


How to express gratitude to loved ones

    Sign a thank you card. Thank you cards aren't just for thanking teachers; you can give them to everyone who has positively influenced your life. You can sign this card to your favorite barista or best friend, and you don't have to wait for a special occasion to give it. A thank you card to a loved one is an easy way to express how grateful you are for having them in your life.

    • You can also write a thank you note if you think a thank you note won't fit on a postcard.
    • You can send postcards to friends, even if they live near you, for a special effect.
  1. Do things for your friends just because they are your friends. If you want to show gratitude, you don't have to do something for your friends because they helped you or because you want to do something in return. Instead, help them simply because you care about them and want to make life easier for them. You can bring them coffee or food when they're busy, offer to babysit or walk the dog, or find another way to help a friend.

    • Be observant. Think about how you can really help your friend. If your friend is tired, tell him you will walk his dog and your friend can sleep for now. If your friend's room is a mess, help put everything in its place. Your friend may not even suspect what he needs until you offer it.
    • Of course, your friends should also do something in return. You don't want people to take advantage of your kindness.
  2. Tell your family that you appreciate them very much. You may be taking family for granted without even realizing it. If you want to express how much you appreciate your family, then every day you must tell your loved ones that you love them. In this way, you will express your gratitude for everything they give you.

    • Tell them in person or over the phone. Do this as often as possible. Your family is the people you accept for who they are, and it's important to express your feelings for them.
    • Show how much they mean to you by giving them your time. Watch movies together, play board games or cook together. This is one way to express your gratitude.
    • Help the family around the house. Don't wait for your mom to make you do your laundry; Do it yourself.
  3. Give meaningful gifts. Expressing gratitude does not mean buying expensive gifts; instead, you can find a way to express how much you appreciate the person through support and care. If your friend has been dreaming about a book for a long time, go with him to a meeting with the author of the book and buy it for him; If your friend is into yoga, but it's too expensive for him, give him a subscription for one month.

    • Pay attention to what your friends and family members tell you. If one of your friends mentions his favorite band, buy concert tickets.
    • If your mom mentions that she would like to learn how to cook Italian food, buy her a cookbook.
    • It is not necessary to wait for a birthday or a holiday to give a gift. Sometimes the best gifts are the ones that are given from the heart.
  4. Send flowers. Flowers can be sent not only for birthdays or special occasions. You can send flowers to a friend or family just to show that you care about them and that you care about them. The next time you feel grateful or want to do something nice for a distant friend, call the flower shop and order a bouquet of flowers to please a friend.

    • If you find a way to recognize your friend's favorite flowers, make a bouquet and send it in person.
  5. Bake something. You can bake banana bread, chocolate chip cookies, or one of your friend's favorite desserts to give him a treat. You can deliver cookies to your friend's house or mail them if they live far away. This is a great way to express gratitude, because everyone knows how difficult it is to bake something. your friend or close person will immediately understand how much you appreciate it, and will be grateful to you.

    • Baking is especially good at showing your gratitude if you know the person needs to be cheered up. Chocolate or sweets will make anyone feel better and can be a great way to show you care.
  6. Respect elders. Another way to express gratitude is to show respect for elders. Whether you're close with your grandparents or just hanging out with older people, it's important to show how much you appreciate them. This is a great way to express gratitude.

    • Listen to what they have to say and don't ignore them. They can teach you a lot.
  7. Help the person clean up. Another way to express gratitude to friends or family is to help around the house or some other kind of help. Helping a person clean up will clear your mind and save that person a nasty task. See if your parents or friends need help and just surprise them by cleaning up.

    • If you're cleaning as a surprise, make sure the person doesn't mind you touching their stuff and that they don't think you're invading their privacy.
    • If you are a guest in someone's house for a few days, then cleaning is a wonderful way of saying thank you.
  8. Give the person a list of everything they have done for you. Another way to express gratitude to a loved one is to provide a list of all the amazing things they have done for you, such as teaching you how to make an excellent vermicelli salad. You can make such a list for your boss, family member, or friend; it will make the person feel better that you appreciate them.

    • You can even decorate the list with something for your loved one to hang it up somewhere. If you really want to bring joy to a person, you can frame the list.
  9. Listen. You can also express your gratitude by listening to the person. Just be close to the person close to you, take time for him and let him feel that you love and appreciate him. Just sit next to the person, turn off your phone, maintain eye contact, and listen instead of interrupting or making up an answer in your head. Some people just love to be listened to, and you can express your concern for a person by simply listening to them.

    • Do not give advice unless asked for it. Sometimes it's better not to.
    • Don't compare the person's experience with your own unless you think it might help. Instead, evaluate what you are being told from the perspective of your interlocutor.
  10. Express gratitude publicly. Another way to express gratitude is to express gratitude in a public place. But you shouldn't make the person feel uncomfortable. You just have to show that he is dear to you, and that you are grateful to him for his help. Say a few sentences during dinner or a small get-together with friends to express gratitude for the role the person has played in your life.

    • You just have to speak sincerely and from the heart. You must give examples of what the person has done for you.
    • You will help a person feel proud if you express your gratitude to him publicly.

    Expressing gratitude to strangers

    1. Do a good deed. If you do a good deed, it will help you express gratitude to the world around you. You can send flowers to a stranger, put change in an expired parking meter, or do some other good deed. The best thing about this is that you do everything anonymously. Here's what you can do:

      • transfer money or send clothes to charity;
      • teach someone something new;
      • listen to a person who feels lonely;
      • help a person find a way;
      • pay for coffee for the next person behind you in line at the coffee shop.
    2. Offer help. You can express your gratitude to a stranger by offering the help you need. While you don't have to overstep the bounds, you can help the woman carry food packages to the car, help the man carry heavy packages to the door, or help the waiter clean up if he's busy. Put in the effort and you will be able to express gratitude in this way.

      • Look for opportunities to help other people. While you don't have to be pushy, many people are simply afraid to ask for help.
    3. Smile. Just smile at people to make them feel better. You can smile at the person passing by, sitting next to you on the bus, or serving you coffee. Just smile to make the person feel good. You don't know what your smile can mean to a stranger. Your smile can cheer up a person and improve his mood.

      • If you smile at people who work in the service industry, you will express your gratitude in this way. These people work all day and feel the ingratitude of such work, so your smile can make the difference.
    4. Let's tip. Tips for a job well done are another way to express gratitude. Tipping should be good, and in this way you thank the waiter or anyone who provided you with any service. This is a small gesture that can help improve the financial situation of people who help you in something.

      • Leave a note for the waiter to express your gratitude. Many people spend the whole day at work without receiving any kind of gratitude for their work.
    5. Respect the people around you. Another way to express gratitude is to respect the people around you. Respect other people's space and don't talk too loudly on the phone in quiet public places. Be kind and polite to strangers in the same room. Just put in the effort and treat people with the respect and kindness they deserve.

      • Treat people the way you would like to be treated. Do not violate other people's personal space. Give up your seat on the bus. Smile at people who look sad.
      • Good manners are a great way to show respect. Don't swear, don't chew with your mouth open, and don't interrupt other people.
      • Give people your full attention, show interest in what they have to say, and listen to them to the end.
    6. Be a good citizen. You can also show gratitude to the world by being a good citizen. This means parking your car in only one place, picking up your trash, letting pedestrians through, or doing whatever it takes to show your respect for the community. If you litter the world around you or leave a supermarket cart in the middle of a parking lot, you will be an ungrateful citizen.

      • Remember that the world does not belong to you. Always remember to put things in their place and not wait for someone else to do it.
      • Fulfill your civic obligations. Vote for the president in local elections as well as pay taxes.
    7. Give compliments. You can also show gratitude by complimenting the people around you. Since we're talking about strangers, you shouldn't make people feel uncomfortable. Just say, "Great shirt!" or "I like your flowers!" It will make the person feel special. You can compliment regularly.

      • Think of unique, strange and original aspects. If someone is walking in a great shirt, compliment them and the person will be pleased with their own appearance.
      • If someone has a charming smile, say so. But you must do it in such a way that the person does not think that you are hinting at something.

    How to live a more grateful life

    1. Keep a gratitude journal. If you want to make gratitude a habit, you should start with a gratitude journal and write down every week what you feel grateful for. Simply choose a day, say Sunday, and make a list of 10-20 things you are grateful for. You may feel that this is nothing special, but if you think carefully, you will feel that there are a lot of things in life for which you can be grateful.

      • If you read the diary once a month, you can feel how grateful you are for this or that event.
      • You can even stick the list next to your computer for inspiration during your work day.


      Dr. Adam Dorsey is a licensed psychologist in private practice in San Jose, California. He specializes in working with successful adult clients, helping them resolve relationship problems, cope with stress and anxiety, and make their lives happier. In 2016, he gave a TEDx talk about men and emotions that became very popular. He is one of the founders of Project Reciprocity, an international program at Facebook. Currently consults for Digital Ocean, assisting its security team. He received his degree in clinical psychology in 2008.

      Licensed psychologist and TEDx speaker

      Pro tip: sincerity is everything. Adam Dorsey, a licensed psychologist, says: “There is solid scientific evidence that certain parts of the brain are energized when we practice gratitude daily. It is important not just to thank and roll your eyes. If you are able to give sincere thanks, you can enjoy the healing effects of gratitude, which may include surge of happiness and reduction in symptoms associated with anxiety and depression.”

    2. Take up yoga. Yoga is the practice of gratitude. If you want to make gratitude a part of your lifestyle, practice yoga 2-3 times a week and say "namaste" to express gratitude for every breath you take. You can also practice yoga at home if that's more convenient for you.

      • Practicing yoga means letting go of judgment and expressing gratitude for the healthy body you have been given. This means that you welcome the world and feel good about yourself.
      • Yoga should be practiced at your own pace and not judge other people's incompetence. This helps us become more grateful towards the world around us. - Case in a million