How to take photos for instagram. How to take beautiful photos for Instagram: nine important tips. Idea #9 - "Open space and you"

Big Instagram fans often have trouble coming up with ideas for their posts. Especially if the bulk of their life consists of work and going to work. In this post, I will give 13 types of Instagram photos that you can take in everyday life.

Idea #1 - Selfie

Despite all the banality of the idea, it remains the most relevant, since you can take a selfie on your own, even when you are with a smartphone in a coffin. Do not neglect this type of publication. Find your selfie style and take it whenever you feel the need. 1 out of 10 photos will definitely turn out perfect and will be worthy of showing to the public.

Idea #2 - Selfies with family and friends

But a good selfie with other people is not so easy to take. Especially if you are doing it with someone from the older generation. However, such photographs often turn out to be very emotional and attract attention. Take selfies with your parents, grandparents, siblings, wife or husband, friends and other people you love.

Idea #3 - Small children or your pets

Many will be indignant - "why are children and pets in the same place?". Simply because small children and pets are funny and devoid of pretense. You can do a lot of live, sincere, interesting photos taking them off for a while. Use this opportunity to create good content.

Idea #4 - The book or magazine you are reading

Reading a book or magazine? Tell your followers about it. Share with them moments you like or don't like. Perhaps there are those who do not know what to read and you will become a good recommendation for them.

Idea #5 - What do you eat

We sit down at the table several times a day. Why not show everyone what we eat, unless of course the food looks appetizing and presentable.

Idea #6 - Your old photos

Do you have an album with old photos? Each of your photos in it is a memory for you. Show these photos to your followers and tell them about them. It's just interesting.

Idea #7 - Your outfit for today

Show your followers what you're wearing. You can take a photo of your outfit on yourself or take a photo of the clothes and accessories laid out against some background. I am sure that among the followers there are connoisseurs of your taste, well, or constructive criticism. Either way, it will spice up your feed.

Idea #8 - The place where you walked today

When walking through a city, park, seaside or anywhere else, don't forget to capture the place. Emphasize the photo on the environment, but do not forget - this is your walk and you should also be in the photo.

Idea #9 - "Open space and you"

Once in the open space, do not forget to take this photo.

Idea #10 - Quote or phrase you read

Idea #11 - Reflection

A good and eye-catching photo on your Instagram will be a photo with a reflection. Take a look around. Maybe next to you there are objects in which you and everything around you are reflected in a peculiar and interesting way.

Idea #12 - Interesting structures, buildings

Interesting and unusual buildings of your city can become content for your Instagram. At different times of the year, at different times of the day, in different weather conditions and from different angles, the same building can look completely different. Maybe you will be able to capture some architectural structure of your city in a more interesting and creative way than other photographers.

Try to photograph in good lighting, ideally it should be natural. Experiment with light, try to focus the camera on different parts of the frame: bright and dark.

Take several shots in a row, in which case you can choose the best one.

Use a horizontal format unless circumstances require otherwise. People often forget to turn their smartphone around and shoot in portrait mode, which makes photos look like cropped stripes. For the most forgetful, there is even a special Horizon Camera program that aligns the horizon.

Take photos with the volume key. The physical button is more convenient, it is easier to press it at the right moment. And thanks to the physical feedback, you will immediately understand that you have taken a picture.

Before shooting, always inspect the object or scene with the naked eye, only then look through the screen. It helps to choose the angle.

Subscribe to famous photographers. Let them inspire and serve you good example. Yes, look at the work. brahmino , thiswildidea , mikekus or natgeo.

Shoot a lot and diligently - this is the only way you can wake up the photographer in yourself. But do not fill your personal Instagram with all the frames in a row. Choose the best.

Get the most out of your phone

Crop pictures, cut off unnecessary details that spoil photos.

Stylize photos with built-in filters, but choose them.

Make sure that the maximum frame resolution is set in the camera settings. Sometimes users forget this detail and shoot with a camera set to medium or low quality.

Use additional ones that expand the possibilities of Instagram. For example, create original collages in Snapseed editor or edit finished photos.

Use the grid in your camera settings to follow the rule of thirds.

Don't forget extra accessories. For example, an attached lens or a tripod will bring your photos closer to professional ones. A waterproof case will allow you to take spectacular pictures underwater.

Try different ideas, angles, plots

Avoid clichés: cats, food, selfies of the same type... Too banal for you, isn't it? But if you decide to take a self-portrait, then use.

But try not to take pictures of yourself. Instead, try to shoot other people, unusual situations, interesting objects and places more often.

Constantly look for new stories. Try to fill the pictures with artistic value, creativity, humor, in the end.

Capture not only the picture, but also feelings, try to convey the mood.

Experiment with angles.

Pay attention to small details, look around. For example, watch out for silhouettes, highlights, and shadows.

If you are professional photographer or you can hire one for quality photos, then your task becomes much easier.

If you don’t have the time and money to spend on professional footage and processing it, then you will have to learn how to make beautiful publications in the “field conditions”.

Your home photo studio

The Photocube is a life saver for photos where good light is needed. And light is one of the autumn components of the picture.

A photocube (lightbox) is an empty cube with white fabric walls.
From the outside, light from the lamps is directed to the walls while the subject is placed inside the cube.

The photocube is convenient for an online store, as it allows you to take photos on a white background.
But if you're taking an Instagram profile photo, a white background is optional.

You can take a good picture even just on the floor!

If your photo spot has a beautiful floor and good lighting, you're in luck!
You can put your product (or the item you want to photograph) directly on the floor, add other beautiful details and photograph from above!

On the floor it is convenient to photograph such things as:
- clothes,
- polygraphy,
- dishes,
-other items.

The window sill is the second salvation of the photographer on Instagram. It can be used if you are unlucky with the floor or if there is little daylight in the room.

The third salvation that has texture is light boards.

It can be a laminate or just ordinary white-painted boards from a summer house or a construction market.

Most likes in the networks are collected by photos:

  • Photo in the style of minimalism
  • Photo with lots of details
We have already considered minimalism, let's move on to the details.

Details matter a lot

Scrolling through popular instagrams, one gets the impression that in order to be successful online, one must live somewhere near the sea or in the mountains, or at least in one's own country house. Of course you are lucky if you live somewhere there. But if not, this is not a reason to be upset. Because this is not the same factor to have a popular instagram.

In every home there is always something that will help revive the frame. You just need to carefully look around.

The Instagram frame is quite small, previously there was only a 1 by 1 format, now you can upload larger photos. Therefore, it is enough to use only a part of some large object to make the photo look good.

At the same time, much will remain behind the scenes and no one will see and few will guess that in fact everything happens on a small piece of the windowsill.

Photo processing

You still have to edit the photos. And success: Instagram has filters!

Editing photos directly in the Instagram application is not difficult at all, one might even say very easy.

In addition to the built-in filters, there are many additional applications, both free and paid, where there are various filters that you may like and you will delight us with your photos.

Olya Botulinskaya, Lena Sharlaimova, Jeannette Pravdyuk, Anya Lobanova are Ukrainian Instagram photographers on how to take beautiful and high-quality pictures.

Success on Instagram is more than half dependent on photos. Even if you love to write and promote yourself with text, it's worth adding eye-catching photos to draw users' attention to your post.


Photography has always been in my life. I took selfies for Vkontakte avatars before it became mainstream.

Probably, if Instagram was when I first took the camera in my hands, I would be a mega-famous blogger on this network.

I do not have a special education in photography, but I have an artistic education, which, probably, tells me how best to build a frame and set a composition.

Instagram photography is what my love of photography evolved into when my smartphone beat my old camera in the competition for image quality.

A good Instagram photo needs an idea. Then there is processing. A sense of composition is not the main thing on Instagram, because this network is made for creativity.

A photo that doesn't follow all the rules can be more engaging than a "correct" photo.

If you don't know how to take good pictures, I advise you to follow people who really know how to do it. Analyze their work and try to do it your own way. There is no limit to perfection. I myself am still learning how to photograph the subject.

Even if there is no time, but you want to take a quick photo, my advice is to take pictures. I always take photos, but I don't always post them on my profile. I'm too careful with details. But saves "stories". There you can publish without fear and worries.

There is no photo taboo on Instagram, but I have this rule: I never post a photo right away. I believe that a photo taken in a hurry will not give a good result and response.

For processing, I most often use Snapseed and VSCO (filters A6, A8, set E, S2). And also Photoshop, less often - Polarr and PicsArt.

At one time, perhaps Instagram was just for photos. But in Lately I increasingly notice that people lack just beautiful pictures.

You can just keep your personal blog with photos of a cat or your favorite coffee shop + write your thoughts. The main thing is to do it sincerely, people will feel it, and you will see feedback.

@ visual. lover

Instagram debates on the topic - a single style or diversity - will probably never stop. But I think that both uniform style and diversity have the right to life in your account. I still recommend that business adhere to a single style, but personal profiles can be maintained in a variety of ways.

General rules for both styles:

  • Photos must be of good quality.
  • Content must be engaging.
  • Unusual, which will interest.
  • Content must be associated with your account. Ideally, when a user sees a photo in the feed and without looking at the avatar, he recognizes your handwriting.

Here are some tips on how to make your profile catchy.

Take diverse photos and combine them with each other. Take pictures of landscapes, details, try new angles. When you are going to post a photo, look at the last and third photo and try not to repeat the plan. For example, the last photo is a selfie, and the third one is a flatley, so the next photo can be taken general plan- architecture, landscape.

To see how the profile will look, there are scheduler applications. I recommend Concept Office, Unum, Snug. Create a draft of your profile with them and your Instagram will be transformed!

Alternate uploaded photos with unuploaded ones. If your last photo shows a city with lots of detail, keep the next photo light and airy. Let your Instagram profile breathe.

Ideas for a photo. Add to your life profile. A gallery with perfect layouts is good, but live accounts are what attracts users' interest. Show your personality!

Watch out for lighting. This is the first rule of quality visual content. If you want your Instagram to become harmonious, take photos in the same lighting. A win-win option is daytime and diffused light.

Pay attention to the background. If you are making a flatley, choose a textured background instead of the standard white: a plaid, wood, concrete, a pile carpet, a silk blouse, a slightly wrinkled sheet, a coarse knit sweater. If you are taking a photo of your bow, choose a neutral background. So the attention of the followers will focus on you and your image.

Use processing apps. For photo editing: Snapseed, VSCO, Lightroom, PS Express, Afterlight, PicsArt, Priime, PicTapGo, Enlight, Facetune. To add text to a photo, try using: Over, Fontmania, Canve, PicsArt, AppForType, Font Studio.

Watch and be yourself. Look for your style, experiment, be inspired by the best!

@ jannet_ pravdyuk

I will show you how to shoot flatlay for Instagram. This stylish photo is also called the "subject".

The first and universal advice: to get a harmonious picture, you need to choose more light details, and this applies to any profile - gray, black, color.

Light. The main component and guarantee of a high-quality photo is the daylight coming from the window. Everything is very simple. We take our photophone and put it in front of the window - and shoot. Natural shadows, diffused light - this is very important for creating a beautiful flatlay!

Backgrounds. I advise you to take a regular white or beautiful neutral color sheet. Budget option - whatman paper. Now them great amount, different colors and shades. This is a great opportunity to practice.

The messier the sheet is laid out, the better and more textured the frame will be. After all, we remember our natural, soft shadows from the window.

In addition, you can buy ready-made concrete or wooden photophones. I took mine to @fotofon_box. The guys are great, listen to your wishes.

Angle. Flatlay is a frame from above, the angle of which is exactly 90 degrees. But of course, there are no restrictions.

Frame. In fact, all you need is inspiration. After all, all the items that I will list now are in any home.

For a harmonious shot, we need: a magazine, a cup of coffee or tea, photogenic cookies, sweets, sandwiches. For an excellent finish to the frame - bouquets, leaves or fresh flowers in flowerpots. Buy beautiful dishes, towels, magazines.

Do not rush to throw away beautiful jars, for example, this is an empty bottle of perfume. And for ideas and help “what to put” and “how to decompose”, I advise Pinterest.

But remember: there are no rules. The truth is, there are no rules. The main thing is fantasy and desire!

Details. For me, a harmonious shot is when there are details. Not just a cup on the background with a magazine, but, for example, rings, pendants, postcards, watches, glasses. There are just an impossible number of options, and if there is no mood or ideas at all, again, Pinterest helps.

Write just two words “flatlay ideas” and you will have a huge flow of information and ideas in front of you. It often happens to me that I forget about something, and when I go into the photos of other people and see, for example, the same spoon in the frame, I immediately run to the kitchen!

I love to shoot food flatlay, and when in the frame not everything is exactly on the plates, but a towel sloppily folded in the corner or scattered flour, sesame seeds, nuts, salad ingredients, tomatoes, lettuce and much more.

The main thing is inspiration and desire, and a beautiful shot can be made with ordinary scrambled eggs.

I advise you to adhere to the symmetry in the frame, then everything will be harmonious and pleasing to the eye. The main thing is to keep the theme, you should not add boats to the sports layout, and a jacket to the scrambled eggs.

Social networks in our time allow not only to communicate with close friends and acquaintances who are far from you, but also to share your creativity with other users, as well. However, everyone has periods when inspiration leaves him and there are simply no ideas for photos on Instagram. This happens both at the very beginning, when opening a new account, and over time, when you are tired of the content that you produce, but you can’t come up with anything new. Let's take a look at common and interesting photography practices for inspiration and where to get ideas from.

When Instagram is a creative platform for you in a crisis, with a lack of ideas for photos on Instagram, you should do the same thing as people who are just starting to master the art of photography - follow others. After all, if in the first case you lost the direction in which you would like to move, then in the second it was not acquired.

But what is this "Idea" and why is it so important when it comes to art? After all, there are times when we just take random pictures, inspired by the moment, and they turn out great, without any inherent meaning in them.

The idea of ​​any picture consists of the following:

  1. The meaning is in it. Pictures can carry some information if they are not just selfies with different filters. But even in this case, you can tell something to your subscribers. But the art of conveying a certain meaning with the help of a static frame is far from being as simple as one might think at first glance, and has been developed over the years. Understanding how to do this can only be done by studying the many works and tools of more experienced artists, applying analytical thinking to them and isolating the most important thing.
  2. Used tools. We are talking about the tools that you have applied, starting with the lens and ending with contour or profile light. Learning all the nuances of photography is not easy, it will take a lot of time, but the more various techniques you will learn about capturing and framing, the more your arsenal will expand. And this will already make it possible to convey the meaning that was mentioned earlier, much easier than it seemed at first glance. For example .
  3. Frame construction. What subjects you pushed into the background, which ones you left in focus, where you darkened, and where you overexposed - all this is extremely important when creating your work. Especially when it comes to portrait shooting, where there are already few tools for building a frame. So take the time to find the right place and the right time for the photo if it's not a "shot of the moment". And also learn the theory about frame construction and color combinations, all this will help create the right atmosphere in the photo, even without post-processing.

But all this is already from the category of photography, as a form of art, and when it comes to the usual, few people try to touch people with their picture. But even novice photographers lose their inspiration and stop posting new publications on Instagram, which is why their audience is gradually leaving. At this moment, panic sets in, and the person only makes things worse, forcing himself to photograph at least something, and then scolding him for the wrong and ugly picture that he doesn’t even want to upload.

If you suddenly find yourself in a creative crisis, then you should:

  • Relax. If Instagram and other social. networks are your main job, then take a vacation and literally get off the Internet for a few days. This will allow you to rest, and the longer the better. Even when you get back on track with new ideas, try not to overdo it and stretch the motivation that has appeared without spending everything in one day. Set aside time for yourself every day to relax, walk in the fresh air and try to spend time with friends. New hobbies, constant activity and good mood they will bring you ideas for a photo.
  • Try to get out of your comfort zone. Not everyone has the opportunity to travel, but even living within 4 walls, riding the subway to work and back home every day, you are unlikely to be able to come up with some interesting content for a picture. Even if you can't afford to just visit another city, try to at least go out and spend time with friends and find other hobbies besides photography. After all, blog content is your life, and it won't be fun if you live in a routine.

Everything is much easier if you are just starting out and have no idea how to make a profile with the first photos at all. In this case, the only thing worth doing for sure is to experiment.

Don't be afraid to add new posts, apply a lot of filters, and even add controversial photos that you delete after a day. While you have a small audience and you can develop your own style, take advantage of the moment. And in order to make it easier to do, let's figure out what content is suitable for different situations.

It so happened that it is always much easier for girls to get promoted in in social networks if they blog about their lives. After all, if nature has endowed you with beauty and charisma, then it will be enough for you to take a selfie, and if you also know how to paint, then a beauty blog.

But of course, the list of ideas for female Instagram photos is far from limited, and you can always add unisex themes, be it nature, psychology or thematic, as well as a business account.

But, in general, it will be much easier for a girl to gain an audience if she publishes:

For guys

Guys can also post selfies and blog if they have an expressive appearance, but more often than not, when maintaining an Instagram account, popular male bloggers focus on events and not on their own appearance.

Yes, for guys. good ideas for a photo, can become:

  • Fitness direction. If you play sports or just go to the gym and have already achieved good results, you can capture them and paint your training program. In this case, the photo will only serve as a basis for conveying the information that is written under the post.
  • Capturing moments. It just so happened that the male sex is much more likely to seek adventure and finds itself in interesting situations. If you are one of those people, then just try to capture moments from the next adventure or trip, and then post them. Such publications charge other people with motivation and energy to move, which often contributes to their popularization. Accordingly, the owners of such accounts are quickly gaining popularity, and their publications have good statistics.

At home

But there are also options when there is no opportunity to travel somewhere, and you are closed within four walls. Even then, you can capitalize on the situation if you create the right atmosphere. At home the best choice will be a subject photograph, for which it is enough to find a white background and a couple of things. Even if the cover becomes the background, and from the things you have morning coffee and the book you are reading, it does not matter, the main thing is not to clog such a frame with too much. Therefore, do not try to cram everything that is in the house into one shot, but rather harmoniously fold the objects into groups and take a few shots, and then choose the one you like.

The seasonal direction of photography is much simpler, since there is not much to think about there. Choose what you think represents each season in your life and just capture it. So, in winter you can make a nice landscape with a white surface or take a picture of a frozen river.

In autumn and spring, the basis of your shots will be nature, which is the focus of attention at this time of the year. But in the summer you can photograph almost everything that conveys the spirit of heat and joy, whether it is a beach that you decide to visit, or night club.

Original photo ideas

As original ideas for photos, you can consider a macro photo, which is extremely rare on Instagram. Although it is not nearly as expensive as everyone used to think, it is still better to invest in a special smartphone lens that will allow you to capture familiar things in an unusual size.

Selfie Ideas

In the absence of interesting finds, the flow of selfies on your account will turn into narcissism and alienate the audience. Try to diversify your posts, take a photo in a company, choose an impressive one or and play with lighting.

One of interesting ideas for a selfie will be a panorama, you can make it just against the backdrop of nature or the cityscape, or by lining up all your friends in a row. Most smartphones have this tool already in the standard application, but there are a lot of auxiliary software that allows you to make panoramas.