Occupancy of groups in dhow according to sanpin. SanPin norms in kindergartens. What is SanPin

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations

I. General provisions and scope

1.1. These sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as the sanitary rules) are aimed at protecting the health of children when carrying out activities for education, training, development and health, care and supervision in preschool educational organizations, regardless of the type, organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership, as well as when carrying out care and supervision activities in preschool groups located in built-in, built-in buildings (premises) attached to residential buildings and administrative public buildings (except for administrative buildings industrial enterprises), regardless of type, organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

1.6. The functioning of preschool educational organizations implementing the main educational program is carried out in the presence of a conclusion confirming its compliance with sanitary legislation and these sanitary rules, issued by the body authorized to carry out federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision and federal state supervision in the field of consumer protection for the purpose of licensing educational activities .

1.7. Monitoring the implementation of these sanitary rules is carried out in accordance with the law Russian Federation, authorized by the federal body executive power, carrying out the functions of organizing and implementing federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision and federal state supervision in the field of consumer rights protection.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 N 322 “On approval of the Regulations on the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare” .

1.8. The preschool organization accepts children aged from 2 months until the termination of educational relations. The selection of a multi-age (mixed) group should take into account the possibility of organizing a daily routine in it that corresponds to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of each age group.

1.9. The number of children in groups of a preschool educational organization with a general developmental focus is determined based on the calculation of the area of ​​the group (playing) room - for early age groups (up to 3 years old) at least 2.5 square meters per child and for preschool age(from 3 to 7 years) - at least 2.0 square meters per child.
(Clause as amended, entered into force on August 16, 2015Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2015 N 28 , applies to legal relations that arose (May 9, 2014) from the date of entry into force.

Clause 1.9 of the sanitary rules is declared invalid from the date of entry into forcedecision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of April 4, 2014 N AKPI14-281 in the part that determines the standards established in this paragraph based on the area of ​​the (group) playroom per child actually in the group -decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of April 4, 2014 N AKPI14-281 .

1.10. Quantity and ratio age groups in a compensatory preschool educational organization that carries out qualified correction of physical and (or) deficiencies mental development, is determined taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development and capabilities of the pupils.

II. Requirements for the placement of preschool educational organizations

2.1. Buildings of preschool educational organizations are located on intra-block territories of residential microdistricts, outside the sanitary protection zones of enterprises, structures and other objects and at distances that ensure standard levels of noise and air pollution for residential areas and standard levels of insolation and natural light premises and playgrounds.

2.2. In the regions of the Far North, wind and snow protection of the territories of preschool educational organizations is provided.

III. Requirements for equipment and maintenance of territories of preschool educational organizations

3.1. It is recommended to fence the perimeter of the territory of a preschool educational organization with a fence and a strip of green space, if the preschool educational organization has its own territory. Landscaping with trees and shrubs is carried out taking into account climatic conditions.
Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 .

It is recommended that the territory be landscaped at the rate of 50% of the area free from development. For regions of the Far North, as well as in cities in the conditions of existing (dense) urban development, it is allowed to reduce landscaping to 20% of the area of ​​the territory free from development.

Green spaces are used to separate group sites from each other and separate group sites from the economic zone.

When landscaping the area, fruit-bearing trees and shrubs, poisonous and thorny plants are not planted.

When designing preschool educational organizations, a place is allocated on the territory for strollers and sleds, protected from precipitation by a canopy.

3.2. Flood and storm waters are diverted from the territory of the preschool educational organization to prevent flooding and contamination of playgrounds for children.

3.3. The territory of a preschool educational organization must have external electric lighting. The level of artificial illumination during children’s stay on the territory must be at least 10 lux at ground level in the dark.

3.4. Levels of noise and air pollution on the territory of preschool educational organizations should not exceed the permissible levels established for residential areas.

3.5. On the territory of the preschool educational organization there are play areas and utility areas.

3.6. The play area includes group playgrounds - individual for each group (recommended area at the rate of at least 7.0 sq.m per 1 child for infants and young children (up to 3 years) and at least 9.0 sq.m per 1 preschool child (from 3 to 7 years old)) and a physical education playground (one or more).

For regions of the Far North, as well as in cities in the context of existing (dense) urban development, it is allowed to reduce the area of ​​playgrounds by up to 20%, subject to the principle of group isolation and ensuring that children’s needs for movement and appropriate development are met.

In the conditions of the current (dense) urban development, taking into account the regime for organizing walks, the use of combined group sites is allowed.

For preschool educational organizations providing childcare and supervision services, it is allowed to use equipped places for children to walk and do physical education, located in public gardens, parks and other areas that are suitable for children to walk and do physical education.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on September 20, 2015 Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 .

The paragraph has been deleted since September 20, 2015 - ..

3.7. The duration of insolation of group and physical education areas of preschool educational organizations is determined in accordance with the hygienic requirements for insolation and sun protection of residential and public buildings and territories.

3.8. The surface of group playgrounds and physical education areas should be grass, with compacted soil, dust-free, or made of materials that do not have a harmful effect on humans.

3.9. To protect children from the sun and precipitation, a shady canopy with an area of ​​at least 1 sq.m per child is installed on the territory of each group playground. For groups of less than 15 people, the area of ​​the shade canopy must be at least 20 sq.m.

It is allowed to install prefabricated canopies and gazebos on the walking area for use in the hot season.

3.10.1. Shade canopies for infants, young children and preschool age in climatic regions I, II, III are fenced on three sides, the height of the fence must be at least 1.5 m.

3.10.2. It is recommended that in IA, IB, IG climatic subdistricts, instead of shady canopies, equip heated walking verandas at a rate of at least 2 sq.m per child, ensuring ventilation of the verandas.

3.10.3. Sheds or walking verandas for infants and young children under 2 years of age may be attached to the building of a preschool educational organization and used as verandas for walking or sleeping. Shade canopies (walking verandas) attached to buildings should not shade the premises of group cells and reduce natural light.

3.11. A special place is allocated for storing toys used on the territory of preschool educational organizations, strollers, sleds, bicycles, and skis.

3.12. Playgrounds and sports grounds for children are equipped taking into account their height and age characteristics.

Play equipment must be appropriate for the age of children and be made from materials that do not have a harmful effect on humans.

3.13. In newly built preschool educational organizations, it is recommended to equip physical education grounds (one or more) for children, depending on the capacity of preschool educational organizations and the program of sports activities.

3.14. For climatic region III, it is allowed to arrange outdoor swimming pools for children near the physical training ground.

3.16. The utility area should be located on the side of the entrance to the production premises of the canteen and have its own entrance.

In the conditions of existing (dense) urban development, the absence of independent entry from the street is allowed.

If it is impossible to establish independent entry into the territory of the economic zone, vehicle access to the economic site is carried out during the absence of children in the preschool educational organization.

Places for drying bedding and cleaning carpets must be provided in the utility area.

3.17. It is possible to place a vegetable storage facility on the territory of the economic zone.

3.18. In the economic zone, a waste collection area is equipped at a distance of at least 15 m from the building. Containers with lids are installed on a hard surface area. The dimensions of the site must exceed the base area of ​​the containers. It is allowed to use other special closed structures for collecting garbage and food waste, including placing them on container sites in residential buildings adjacent to the territory of the preschool educational organization.

3.19. The area is cleaned daily: in the morning 1-2 hours before the children arrive or in the evening after the children leave.

In dry and hot weather, it is recommended to water the area at least 2 times a day.

In winter, snow is cleared from the area (approaches to the building, traffic routes, paths, recreation and play areas) as needed; the use of chemical reagents is not allowed.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on September 20, 2015 Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 .

3.20. Solid household waste and other garbage should be placed in garbage containers. Cleaning of waste bins is carried out by specialized organizations.

It is not allowed to burn waste on the territory of a preschool educational organization or in its immediate vicinity.

3.21. Entrances and entrances to the territory of a preschool educational organization, driveways, paths to outbuildings, and to a container site for waste collection are covered with asphalt, concrete or other hard surface.

IV. Requirements for the building, premises, equipment and their contents

4.1. It is recommended that newly constructed facilities of preschool educational organizations be located in a separate building.

Buildings of preschool educational organizations can be free-standing, attached to residential buildings, administrative and public buildings (except for administrative buildings of industrial enterprises), as well as built into residential buildings and built-attached to residential buildings, administrative and public buildings (except for administrative buildings of industrial enterprises).

It is allowed to place preschool educational organizations in premises built into residential buildings, in built-in and attached premises (or attached). If there is a separate fenced area, there will be a separate entrance for children and an exit (entry) for vehicles.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on September 20, 2015 Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 .

4.2. The capacity of preschool educational organizations is determined by the design assignment.

4.3. The building of a preschool educational organization must have no more than three storeys.

It is recommended to place groups for children of senior preschool age, as well as additional rooms for working with children, on the third floors of buildings of preschool educational organizations.

Group cells for children under 3 years old are located on the 1st floor.

On land plots with complex terrain, it is permissible to increase the number of floors to three floors, provided that exits from the first and second floors are installed at the level of the planning mark.

4.4. When designing preschool educational organizations, the following set of premises is provided: group cells (isolated premises for each children's group); additional premises for activities with children (music room, gym, speech therapist’s office and others); accompanying premises (medical unit, catering unit, laundry room); office and household purposes for personnel.

In existing buildings of preschool educational organizations, it is allowed to re-equip physical education or music halls for group cells, provided that one of them is available for music and physical education classes.

4.5. Placing premises for children and medical purposes in the basement and ground floors of buildings is not permitted.

4.6. Buildings of preschool educational organizations can have different configurations, including: a compact, block or pavilion structure, consisting of several pavilion buildings, free-standing or interconnected by heated passages. Unheated passages and galleries are allowed only in climatic subregion IIIB.

4.7. When designing preschool educational organizations, the height of the premises and the ventilation system must ensure hygienically sound air exchange rates.

4.8. In order to maintain the air-thermal regime in the premises of preschool educational organizations, depending on the climatic regions, the entrances to the buildings must be equipped with vestibules.

4.9. Space-planning solutions for the premises of preschool educational organizations must provide conditions for observing the principle of group isolation. Group cells for infants and young children must have their own entrance to the playground.

4.10. The building of a preschool educational organization is allowed to have a single entrance with a common staircase for groups for infants, toddlers and preschool children - no more than 4 groups, regardless of their location in the building.

When placing preschool educational organizations in educational organizations, in buildings for social and cultural purposes, attached to residential buildings, administrative and public buildings, it is allowed to equip a single entrance to the preschool organization without dividing into groups.

4.11. The group cell includes: a dressing room (reception) (for receiving children and storing outerwear), a group room (for games, activities and meals), a bedroom, a pantry (for preparing ready meals for distributing and washing tableware), toilet (combined with washroom).

It is allowed to use a group room for organizing sleep using pull-out beds or folding beds with a hard bed.

Bedrooms during the waking period of children can be used for organizing play activities and educational activities for mastering the basic general education program of preschool education. In this case, the ventilation and wet cleaning regime must be strictly observed: the bedroom must be wet cleaned at least 30 minutes before the children go to bed, with constant ventilation for 30 minutes.

In the dressing room (reception room) for infants and young children up to one year old, a place is allocated for parents to undress and for mothers to feed infants. The bedroom for infants and young children up to one year old should be divided by a glazed partition into 2 zones: for infants and young children up to one year old.

4.12. The areas of the premises included in the group cell are taken in accordance with the recommended areas of the premises of the group cell (Table 1 of Appendix No. 1 ).

For newly constructed buildings of preschool educational organizations, it is recommended to take the optimal area of ​​group rooms and bedrooms based on the standard area per child (taking into account furniture and its arrangement) and on the basis of the air exchange rate.

4.13. In preschool educational organizations for group cells located on the second and third floors, changing rooms for children are allowed to be located on the first floor.

In preschool educational organizations (groups), conditions must be provided for drying outerwear and shoes.

4.14. To limit excessive insolation and overheating of premises, it is necessary to provide sun protection when designing buildings and installing windows in group rooms, bedrooms, music and physical education halls, catering facilities facing azimuths of 200-275 degrees for areas south of 60-45 degrees north latitude. and at azimuths 91-230 degrees for areas south of 45 degrees north latitude.

4.15. The design of windows must provide for the possibility of organizing ventilation of rooms intended for children.

4.16. Window glazing must be made of solid glass. When replacing window units, the glazing area must be maintained or increased. Broken glass must be replaced immediately.

4.17. In newly constructed and reconstructed buildings of preschool educational organizations with a number of pupils of more than 120, it is recommended to provide two halls: one for music classes, the other for physical education classes. Halls should not be walk-through.

In newly constructed and reconstructed buildings of preschool educational organizations with up to 120 students and existing buildings, one common room for music and physical education is allowed.

If a preschool educational organization has one hall, it is recommended to have an equipped physical education area for physical education in the fresh air.

4.18. To conduct physical education classes in the buildings of preschool educational organizations of IA, IB and IG climatic subdistricts, it is allowed to use heated walking verandas.

4.19. During the construction, arrangement and operation of a swimming pool for children in preschool educational organizations, sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design of swimming pools, their operation, the quality of swimming pool water and quality control must be observed.

4.20. When conducting classes for children using computer technology, the organization and mode of classes must comply with the requirements for personal electronic computers and work organization.

4.21. In existing preschool educational organizations, the presence of medical premises (medical block) is allowed in accordance with the projects for which they were built.

4.22. For newly constructed buildings of preschool educational organizations, regardless of their capacity, a medical block is provided, consisting of medical and treatment rooms, and a toilet. The recommended area of ​​the medical unit premises is given inTable 1 of Appendix No. 1 .

The toilet provides a place for preparing disinfection solutions.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on September 20, 2015 Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 .

The medical unit (medical office) must have a separate entrance from the corridor.

For temporary isolation of sick people, it is allowed to use the premises of the medical unit (medical or treatment room).

When placing a preschool educational organization (or groups) on the basis of an educational organization, it is possible to use the medical block (or medical office) of this educational institution.

4.23. In the buildings of preschool educational organizations, it is recommended to provide a minimum set of service and amenity premises in accordance with the recommended composition and area of ​​service and amenity premises in accordance withTable 2 of Appendix No. 1 .

It is not allowed to place group cells above the catering and laundry rooms.

4.24. In newly built and reconstructed facilities of preschool educational organizations, it is necessary to provide a catering unit that operates on raw materials or semi-finished products, or a dispensing buffet designed to receive ready-made meals and culinary products coming from organizations Catering, and their distribution into groups.

It is allowed to equip a sanitary facility for staff in the children's toilet in the form of a separate closed toilet cubicle.

The children's toilet should be provided with personal potties for each child actually in the group, preschool educational organization, and for children aged 5-7 years with personal toilet seats made from materials that are harmless to the health of children, allowing them to be treated with detergents and disinfectants , or disposable toilet seats.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on September 20, 2015 Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 .

V. Requirements for the interior decoration of premises of preschool educational organizations

5.1. The walls of the premises must be smooth, without signs of fungus, and have a finish that allows wet cleaning and disinfection.

All construction and Decoration Materials must be harmless to human health and have documents confirming their origin, quality and safety. It is possible to use wallpaper for interior decoration that allows for wet cleaning and disinfection.

5.2. The walls of the catering unit, pantry, vegetable pantry, refrigerated chambers, washing, laundry, ironing and toilet rooms should be lined with glazed tiles or other moisture-resistant material that is harmless to human health, to a height of at least 1.5 m; in the food preparation area, rooms with swimming pool bathtubs and showers - to a height of at least 1.8 m for wet processing using detergents and disinfectants.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on September 20, 2015Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 .

The decoration of the premises of the medical block must comply with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for medical organizations.

5.3. In rooms oriented to the southern side of the horizon, finishing materials and paints of soft, cold tones are used; to the north side, warm colors are used. Individual elements can be painted in brighter colors, but not more than 25% of the total area of ​​the room.

5.4. Ceilings in rooms with high air humidity (food production workshops, showers, laundry rooms, washrooms, toilets and others) are painted with moisture-resistant materials.

5.5. For the floor, materials are used that can be processed wet, using washing and disinfection solutions.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on September 20, 2015Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 .

VI. Requirements for the placement of equipment in the premises of preschool educational organizations

6.1. The equipment of the main premises must correspond to the height and age of children. The functional dimensions of purchased and used children's furniture for sitting and tables must comply with the mandatory requirements established technical regulations and/or national standards.

Children's furniture and indoor equipment supplied to preschool educational organizations must be made from materials that are harmless to the health of children and have documents confirming their origin and safety.

The premises of preschool educational organizations (groups) of a compensatory type are equipped depending on the implementation of qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils.

6.2. The changing rooms are equipped with wardrobes for children's and staff's outerwear.

Wardrobes for clothes and shoes are equipped with individual compartments - shelves for hats and hooks for outerwear. Each individual cell is labeled.

In changing rooms (or in separate rooms) conditions must be provided for drying children's outerwear and shoes.

In the vestibules of newly constructed facilities of preschool educational organizations, it is allowed to install racks for toys used during walks.

6.3. For examining and changing clothes (changing clothes) of infants and young children, the dressing room (reception room) is equipped with changing tables, chairs, a sink for washing hands, and a closet for mothers’ clothes. The place for breastfeeding children is equipped with a table and chair.

6.4. In group playpens for young children, it is recommended to install a group playpen measuring 6.0 x 5.0 m in the bright part of the room with a fence height of 0.4 m, the long side parallel to the windows and at a distance of at least 1.0 m from them. For crawling Children are allocated a place on the floor limited by a barrier. It is recommended to install slides with a ladder no more than 0.8 m high and a ramp length of 0.9 m, bridges 1.5 m long and 0.4 m wide with railings 0.45 m high.

6.5. In group groups for children 1.5 years and older, tables and chairs are installed according to the number of children in the groups. For older and older children preparatory groups It is recommended to use tables with a variable tilt of the lid up to 30 degrees.

6.6. Chairs and tables must be from the same furniture group and labeled. The selection of furniture for children is carried out taking into account the growth of children according totable 1 .

Table 1. Main sizes of tables and chairs for young children and preschool age

Table 1

Children's height group (mm)

Furniture group

Table height (mm)

Chair height (mm)

up to 850

over 850 to 1000

from 1000-1150

from 1150-1300

from 1300-1450

from 1450-1600

6.7. Working surfaces of tables should have a light-colored matte finish. Materials used to cover tables and chairs must have low thermal conductivity and be resistant to moisture, detergents and disinfectants.
(Clause as amended, entered into force on September 20, 2015Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 .

6.8. Chalk boards must be made of materials that have high adhesion to materials used for writing, can be easily cleaned with a damp sponge, be wear-resistant, have a dark green or brown color and an anti-reflective or matte finish.

6.9. When using a marker board, the color of the marker should be contrasting (black, red, brown, dark tones of blue and green).

Blackboards that do not have their own glow should be provided with uniform artificial lighting.

6.10. Preschool educational organizations use toys that are harmless to the health of children, meet sanitary and epidemiological requirements and have documents confirming safety, which can be subjected to wet processing (washing) and disinfection. Soft-fill and foam latex brushed toys for preschool children should be used only as teaching aids.

6.11. Placing aquariums, animals, and birds in group rooms is not permitted.

6.12. In newly built preschool educational organizations, group ones should have separate sleeping quarters. Bedrooms are equipped with fixed beds.

When designing a group room, it is allowed to provide for the presence of a sliding (transformable) partition to allocate sleeping places (bedrooms), which are equipped with folding beds with a hard bed or on transformable (pull-out, roll-out) one-to-three-level beds.

6.13. In existing preschool educational organizations, if there are no bedrooms according to the project or there is insufficient area of ​​available sleeping quarters, it is allowed to organize daytime sleep for children of preschool groups in groups on folding beds with a hard bed or on transformable (pull-out, roll-out) one-to-three-level beds.

When using folding beds, each group bed must have space for storing them, as well as for individual storage of bedding and linen.

Beds must be appropriate for the height of children. The arrangement of beds should ensure free passage of children between beds, beds and external walls, beds and heating devices.

The number of beds must correspond to the number of children in the group.
(Paragraph additionally included as of September 20, 2015 Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 )

6.14. In existing preschool educational organizations, it is allowed to use the sleeping quarters provided for by the project as group rooms or classrooms for additional education.

6.15. The clause has been deleted since September 20, 2015 -Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 ..

6.16. Toilet rooms are divided into a washroom area and a sanitary area. The washroom area contains children's washbasins and a shower tray. Toilets are located in the sanitary facilities area.

In previously constructed buildings of preschool educational organizations, it is allowed to use the toilet room in accordance with the project.

6.16.1. A toilet for young children is equipped in one room, where there are 3 washbasins with hot and cold water supply for children, 1 washbasin for staff, a cabinet (rack) with cells for storing individual pots and a drain for their treatment, a children's bath, a utility room closet. Pots must be labeled.

In the toilets, hot and cold water supply is provided to the washbasins; water is supplied through a mixer.

6.16.2. In the toilet area of ​​the junior preschool and secondary groups, 4 washbasins for children and 1 washbasin for adults, and 4 children’s toilets are installed in the washroom area.

6.16.3. In the toilets of the senior and preparatory groups, washbasins with hot and cold water supply for children are installed in the washroom area at the rate of 1 sink for 5 children, 1 washbasin for adults, children’s toilets or at the rate of 1 toilet for 5 children. It is recommended to install children's toilets in lockable cabins, the height of the cabin fence is 1.2 m (from the floor), not reaching the floor level by 0.15 m.

When designing and reconstructing preschool educational organizations in rural areas the equipment of the toilet and washroom areas may be determined by the design assignment.

6.16.4. When designing and reconstructing preschool educational organizations in senior and preparatory groups, separate toilet rooms (cabins) are provided for boys and girls.

6.17. When children stay around the clock, it is recommended to equip bathrooms for washing children, equipped with showers (bathtubs, trays with hot and cold water supply with a mixer).

The height from the floor to the side of the device is 0.4 m for children of primary preschool age;

The height from the floor to the side is 0.5 m for children of middle and senior preschool age.

6.19. Toilets are equipped with child seats or hygienic pads made from materials that are harmless to the health of children and can be treated with detergents and disinfectants.
(Clause as amended, entered into force on September 20, 2015Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 .

6.20. For preschool staff, it is recommended to organize a separate sanitary room on each floor of the building of a preschool educational organization with a toilet and washbasin.

6.21. In the toilet rooms (next to the washbasins or opposite them) there are hangers for children's towels (separately for hands and feet) according to the children's list, a utility closet and a closet for cleaning equipment. Disposable hand towels are permitted in children's restrooms.

It is allowed to install cabinets for cleaning equipment outside the toilet rooms.

VII. Requirements for natural and artificial lighting of premises

7.1. Levels of natural and artificial lighting in preschool educational organizations must comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings.

7.2. The unevenness of natural lighting in main rooms with overhead or combined natural lighting should not exceed 3:1.

7.3. Light openings in group rooms, playrooms and bedrooms are equipped with adjustable sun-shading devices. Internal, interglazed and external vertically directed curtains or blinds are used as sun protection devices. The material used for blinds must be resistant to moisture, cleaning and disinfection solutions.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on September 20, 2015Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 .

It is allowed to use light-colored curtains (or blinds) with light-diffusing and light-transmitting properties as sun protection devices.

The design of adjustable sun shading devices in their initial position should not reduce the light-active area of ​​the window opening. Curtains to windows in sleeping areas are allowed only when children are sleeping; at other times, the curtains should be drawn back to ensure insolation of the room.

7.4. When lighting group rooms on one side, tables for teaching children should be placed at a distance of no more than 6 meters from the light-carrying wall.
(Clause as amended, entered into force on September 20, 2015Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 .

7.6. When conducting classes in conditions of insufficient natural light, additional artificial lighting is necessary.

7.7. Sources of artificial lighting must provide sufficient uniform illumination of all rooms. The placement of lamps is carried out in accordance with the requirements for the placement of sources of artificial lighting in the premises of preschool educational organizations (Appendix No. 2 ).

7.8. All sources of artificial lighting must be kept in good condition. Faulty and burnt-out lamps are stored in a separate room and disposed of in the order established by law Russian Federation.

7.9. Cleaning of window glass and lamps is carried out as they become dirty.

7.10. Lighting in rooms for children must have protective light-diffusing fittings. In the catering and laundry rooms there are dust- and moisture-proof protective fittings.

VIII. Heating and ventilation requirements

8.1. Buildings of preschool educational organizations are equipped with heating and ventilation systems in accordance with the requirements for heating, ventilation and air conditioning in public buildings and buildings.

Inspection, cleaning and monitoring of the efficiency of ventilation systems is carried out at least once a year.

8.2. The use of portable heating devices, as well as heaters with infrared radiation, is not allowed.

8.3. Enclosing devices of heating devices must be made of materials that do not have a harmful effect on humans.

Fences made of particle boards are not used.

8.4. Relative air humidity in rooms with children should be in the range of 40-60%, in production premises catering and laundry facilities - no more than 70%.

8.5. All premises of a preschool organization must be ventilated daily.

Ventilation is carried out for at least 10 minutes every 1.5 hours. In group rooms and bedrooms in all climatic regions, except for IA, IB, IG climatic subdistricts, natural cross or corner ventilation is provided. There is no through ventilation in the presence of children. Ventilation through toilet rooms is not allowed.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on September 20, 2015 Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 .

In the presence of children, wide one-sided aeration of all rooms is allowed in the warm season.

8.6. The duration of ventilation depends on the outside temperature, wind direction, and the efficiency of the heating system. Airing is carried out in the absence of children and ends 30 minutes before they arrive from a walk or activity.

When ventilating, a short-term decrease in the air temperature in the room is allowed, but not more than 2-4°C.

In the bedrooms, cross-ventilation is carried out before daytime sleep.

When ventilating the transoms and vents while sleeping, they open on one side and close 30 minutes before rising.

In the cold season, transoms and vents are closed 10 minutes before children go to bed.

In the warm season, sleep (day and night) is organized with open windows (avoiding drafts).

8.7. The values ​​of air temperature and indoor air exchange rate per hour must be taken in accordance with the requirements for air temperature and air exchange rate in the main premises of preschool educational organizations in different climatic regions (Appendix No. 3 ).

8.8. Concentration harmful substances air in rooms with the constant presence of children (group rooms, playrooms, bedrooms, halls for music and physical education classes, and others) should not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) for the atmospheric air of populated areas.

8.9. Air temperature control in all main rooms where children stay is carried out using household thermometers.

XI. Requirements for the admission of children to preschool educational organizations, daily routine and organization of the educational process

11.1. Admission of children entering preschool educational organizations for the first time is carried out on the basis of a medical report.

11.2. Daily morning reception of children is carried out by teachers and (or) medical workers who interview parents about their children’s health status. According to indications (in the presence of catarrhal phenomena, signs of intoxication), the child is subjected to thermometry.

Identified sick children or children with suspected illness are not accepted into preschool educational organizations; Children who fall ill during the day are isolated from healthy children (temporarily placed in the premises of the medical unit) until the parents arrive or are hospitalized in a treatment and prevention organization with the parents informed.

11.3. After an illness, as well as absence for more than 5 days (excluding weekends and holidays) children are admitted to preschool educational organizations only if they have a certificate indicating the diagnosis, duration of the disease, and information about the lack of contact with infectious patients.

11.4. The daily routine should correspond to the age characteristics of children and contribute to their harmonious development. The maximum duration of continuous wakefulness for children 3-7 years old is 5.5-6 hours, up to 3 years old - in accordance with medical recommendations.

11.5. The recommended duration of daily walks is 3-4 hours. The duration of the walk is determined by the preschool educational organization depending on climatic conditions. When the air temperature is below minus 15°C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, it is recommended to reduce the duration of the walk.

11.7. When organizing the stay of children in preschool educational organizations (groups) for more than 5 hours, meals are organized at intervals of 3-4 hours and naps during the day; When organizing a stay for children up to 5 hours, a single meal is organized.

The total duration of daily sleep for preschool children is 12-12.5 hours, of which 2-2.5 hours are allocated for daytime sleep. For children from 1 year to 1.5 years, daytime sleep is organized twice in the first and second half of the day for a total duration of up to 3.5 hours. It is optimal to organize daytime sleep outdoors (veranda). For children from 1.5 to 3 years old, daytime sleep is organized once for at least 3 hours. Before going to bed, it is not recommended to conduct active emotional games or hardening procedures. When children sleep, the presence of a teacher (or his assistant) in the bedroom is mandatory.

11.8. At least 3-4 hours should be allocated during the daily routine for independent activities of children aged 3-7 years (games, preparation for educational activities, personal hygiene).

11.9. For young children from 1.5 to 3 years old, the duration of continuous educational activities should not exceed 10 minutes. It is allowed to carry out educational activities in the first and second half of the day (8-10 minutes each). It is allowed to carry out educational activities on playground while walking.
(Clause as amended, entered into force on September 20, 2015Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 .

11.10. The duration of continuous educational activity for children from 3 to 4 years old is no more than 15 minutes, for children from 4 to 5 years old - no more than 20 minutes, for children from 5 to 6 years old - no more than 25 minutes, and for children from 6 to 7 years old. years - no more than 30 minutes.
(Clause as amended, entered into force on September 20, 2015Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 .

11.11. The maximum permissible amount of educational load in the first half of the day in the junior and middle groups does not exceed 30 and 40 minutes, respectively, and in senior and preparatory classes - 45 minutes and 1.5 hours, respectively. In the middle of the time allotted for continuous educational activities, physical education minutes are spent. Breaks between periods of continuous educational activity are at least 10 minutes.

11.12. Educational activities with children of senior preschool age can be carried out in the afternoon after naps. Its duration should be no more than 25-30 minutes a day. In the middle of continuous educational activities of a static nature, physical education minutes are held.
(Clause as amended, entered into force on September 20, 2015Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 .

11.13. Educational activities, which requires increased cognitive activity and mental stress for children, should be organized in the first half of the day. To prevent children from becoming tired, it is recommended to conduct physical education, music, rhythm classes, etc.

XII. Requirements for the organization of physical education

12.1. Physical education of children should be aimed at improving health and physical development, expanding the functional capabilities of the child’s body, and developing motor skills and motor qualities.

12.2. The motor regimen, physical exercises and hardening activities should be carried out taking into account the health, age of the children and the time of year.

It is recommended to use forms of physical activity: morning exercises, exercises physical culture indoors and outdoors, physical education minutes, outdoor games, sports exercises, rhythmic gymnastics, training on exercise machines, swimming and others.

The volume of physical activity of pupils aged 5-7 years should be provided in organized forms of health-improving and educational activities of 6-8 hours per week, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children, the time of year and the operating hours of preschool educational organizations.

To implement the physical activity of children, the equipment and inventory of the gym are used and sports grounds in accordance with the age and growth of the child.

12.3. The physical development of children in the first year of life is organized in the form of individual classes, including massage and gymnastics complexes as prescribed by a doctor.

The implementation of the basic educational program for children in the first year of life is carried out with each child individually in a group room every day no earlier than 45 minutes after meals.

The duration of the lesson with each child is 6-10 minutes.

Starting from 9 months, in addition to gymnastics and massage complexes, children are given a variety of outdoor games on an individual basis. It is allowed to unite children in small groups (2-3 children).

To implement the basic educational program on physical development in an individual form, it is recommended to use a table 72-75 cm high, 80 cm wide, 90-100 cm long, with a soft covering made of materials that allow wet processing and disinfection; The table is covered with a diaper on top, which is changed after each child.

12.4. For children of the second and third year of life, classes on physical development of the main educational program are carried out in subgroups 2-3 times a week. With children of the second year of life, classes on physical development of the main educational program are carried out in a group room, with children of the third year of life - in a group room or in a gym.

The recommended number of children in a group for physical development classes and its duration depending on the age of the children is presented in table 2 .

table 2

Children's age

from 1 year to 1 year 6 m.

from 1 year 7 months to 2 years

from 2 years 1 m. to 3 years

over 3 years old

Number of children


Whole group

Lesson duration



12.5. Classes on physical development of the main educational program for children aged 3 to 7 years are organized at least 3 times a week. The duration of physical development classes depends on the age of the children and is:

IN younger group- 15 minutes.,

In the middle group - 20 minutes,

IN senior group- 25 min.,

In the preparatory group - 30 minutes.

Once a week for children 5-7 years old, classes on the physical development of children in the open air should be organized all year round. They are carried out only in the absence of children medical contraindications and whether children have sportswear appropriate for weather conditions.

In the warm season, under favorable meteorological conditions, educational activities on physical development are recommended to be organized in the open air.

12.6. Hardening children includes a set of activities: wide aeration of the premises, properly organized walks, physical exercises carried out in light sportswear indoors and outdoors, washing with cool water and other water, air and solar procedures.

To harden children, the main natural factors (sun, air and water) are used differentially depending on the age of the children, health, taking into account the preparedness of the staff and the material base of the preschool educational organization. When organizing hardening, the basic hygienic principles must be implemented - gradualism, systematicity, complexity and taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

12.7. When organizing children's swimming, swimming pools are used that meet the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for swimming pools.

The duration of stay in the pool, depending on the age of the children, should be: in the younger group - 15-20 minutes, in the middle group - 20-25 minutes, in the older group - 25-30 minutes, in the preparatory group - 25-30 minutes . To prevent hypothermia in children, swimming in the pool should not end with a cold load.

A walk for children after swimming in the pool is organized no less than 50 minutes later, in order to prevent children from hypothermia.

12.8. When using a sauna for the purpose of hardening and improving the health of children, the following requirements must be observed:

During procedures, it is necessary to avoid direct exposure of children to the heat flow from the air heater;

In the heat chamber, the air temperature should be maintained within 60-70°C with a relative humidity of 15-10%;

The duration of a child’s first visit to the sauna should not exceed 3 minutes;

After staying in the sauna, the child should be provided with rest in a special room and organized drinking regime (tea, juices, mineral water).

12.9. Children can visit the pool and sauna only with permission from a pediatrician. The presence of medical personnel is mandatory when children are swimming in the pool or in the sauna.

12.10. To achieve a sufficient volume of physical activity in children, it is necessary to use all organized forms of physical exercise with a wide inclusion of outdoor games and sports exercises.

Work on physical development is carried out taking into account the health of children with constant monitoring by medical workers.

Maria Isaeva
Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN–13

I. General provisions and scope

1.4. Real sanitary rules are mandatory for all citizens whose activities are related to the design, construction, reconstruction, operation of facilities of preschool educational organizations carrying out educational activities, as well as preschool educational organizations providing child development services

1.9. Number of children in general development preschool groups focus determined based on the calculation of the group area (game) rooms - for early age groups (up to 3 years) at least 2.5 square meters per child and for preschool age (from 3 to 7 years)- at least 2.0 square meters per child actually in the group.

III. Requirements for equipment and maintenance of territories of preschool educational organizations

3.12. Playgrounds and sports grounds for children are equipped taking into account their height and age characteristics.

IV. Requirements for the building, premises, equipment and their contents

4.11. As part of a group cell included: dressing room (reception)(for receiving children and storing outerwear, group (for games, activities and meals, bedroom, pantry (for preparing ready-made dishes for distribution and washing tableware, toilet (combined with washroom).

It is allowed to use a group room for organizing sleep using pull-out beds or folding beds with a hard bed.

Bedrooms during the waking period of children can be used for organizing play activities and educational activities for mastering the basic general education program of preschool education. In this case, the ventilation and wet cleaning regime must be strictly observed.

VI. Requirements for the placement of equipment in the premises of preschool educational organizations

6.1. The equipment of the main premises must correspond to the height and age of children. The functional dimensions of children's furniture for sitting and tables must comply with the mandatory requirements established by technical regulations or (And) national standards.

6.5. In group groups for children 1.5 years and older, tables and chairs are installed according to the number of children in the groups. For children in the senior and preparatory groups, it is recommended to use tables with a variable tilt of the lid up to 30 degrees.

6.6. Chairs and tables must be from the same furniture group and labeled.

6.10. In preschool educational institutions, toys are used that meet sanitary-epidemiological requirements and having documents confirming safety that can be subjected to wet processing (washing) and disinfection. Soft-fill and foam latex brushed toys should only be used as teaching aids.

6.11. Placing aquariums, animals, and birds in group rooms is not permitted.

6.15. Children are provided with individual bedding, towels, and personal hygiene items. Bed linen is marked individually for each child.

VII. Requirements for natural and artificial lighting of premises

7.6. When conducting classes in conditions of insufficient natural light, additional artificial lighting is necessary.

7.7. Sources of artificial lighting must provide sufficient uniform illumination of all rooms.

7.8. All sources of artificial lighting must be contained in in good condition.

VIII. Heating and ventilation requirements

8.2. The use of portable heating devices, as well as heaters with infrared radiation, is not allowed.

8.5. All premises of a preschool organization must be ventilated daily.

Through ventilation for at least 10 minutes every 1.5 hours. Ventilation through toilet rooms is not allowed. In the presence of children, wide one-sided aeration of all rooms is allowed in the warm season.

8.6. The duration of ventilation depends on the outside temperature, wind direction, heating system efficiency. Airing is carried out in the absence of children and ends 30 minutes before they arrive from a walk or activity.

When ventilating, a short-term decrease in the air temperature in the room is allowed, but not more than 2-4°C.

In the bedrooms, cross-ventilation is carried out before daytime sleep.

When ventilating the transoms and vents while sleeping, they open on one side and close 30 minutes before rising.

In the cold season, transoms and vents are closed 10 minutes before children go to bed.

In the warm season, sleep (day and night) organized with open windows (avoiding draft).

XI. Requirements for the admission of children to preschool educational institutions, daily routine and organization of the educational process

11.2. Daily morning reception of children is carried out by teachers and (or) medical workers who interview parents about the health status of their children. According to indications (in the presence of catarrhal phenomena, intoxication phenomena) The child is subjected to thermometry.

Identified sick children or children with suspected illness are not admitted to preschool educational institutions; Children who fall ill during the day are isolated from healthy children until their parents arrive or are hospitalized in a treatment and prevention organization, with the parents being informed.

11.3. After illness or absence for more than 5 days (except weekends and holidays) children are admitted to preschool educational institutions only if there is certificates

11.5. The recommended duration of daily walks is 3-4 hours. The duration of the walk is determined by the preschool educational institution depending on climatic conditions. When the air temperature is below minus 15°C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, it is recommended to reduce the duration of the walk.

11.8. For independent activities of children 3-7 years old (games, preparation for educational activities, personal hygiene) The daily routine should include at least 3-4 hours.

11.9. For young children from 1.5 to 3 years old, the duration of continuous NOD should not exceed 10 minutes. It is allowed to carry out educational activities in the first and second half of the day (8-10 minutes each). It is allowed to carry out educational activities on the playground during a walk.

11.10. Duration of continuous NOD for children from 3 to 4 years old - no more than 15 minutes, for children from 4 to 5 years old - no more than 20 minutes, for children from 5 to 6 years old - no more than 25 minutes, and for children from 6 to 7 years old - no more than 30 minutes.

11.11. The maximum permissible amount of educational load in the first half of the day in the junior and middle groups does not exceed 30 and 40 minutes, respectively, and in the senior and preparatory groups - 45 minutes and 1.5 hours, respectively. In the middle of the time allotted for continuous educational activities, physical education minutes are spent. Breaks between periods of continuous educational activity are at least 10 minutes.

11.12. Educational activities with children of senior preschool age can be carried out in the afternoon after naps. Its duration should be no more than 25-30 minutes a day. In the middle of direct educational activities of a static nature, physical education minutes are held.

11.13. Educational activities that require increased cognitive activity and mental stress of children should be organized in the first half of the day. To prevent children from becoming tired, it is recommended to conduct physical education, music, and rhythm classes.

XII. Requirements for the organization of physical education

12.1. Physical education of children should be sent to improve health and physical development, expand the functional capabilities of the child’s body, develop motor skills and motor qualities.

12.2. The motor regimen, physical exercises and hardening activities should be carried out taking into account the health, age of the children and the time of year.

12.3. The physical development of children in the first year of life is organized in the form of individual classes, including massage and gymnastics complexes as prescribed by a doctor.

12.4. For children of the second and third year of life, classes on physical development of the main educational program are carried out in subgroups 2-3 times a week.

12.6. Hardening of children includes a complex events: wide aeration of rooms, Right an organized walk, physical exercises carried out in light sportswear indoors and outdoors, washing with cool water and other water, air and solar procedures.

12.10. To achieve a sufficient volume of physical activity in children, it is necessary to use all organized forms of physical exercise with a wide inclusion of outdoor games and sports exercises.

Work on physical development is carried out taking into account the health of children with constant monitoring by medical workers.

XIX. Requirements for undergoing preventive

medical examinations, hygienic education and training,

personal hygiene of personnel

19.1. Personnel of preschool educational organizations undergo preliminary, upon entry to work, and periodic medical examinations, V in the prescribed manner <1>; certification for knowledge of real sanitary standards and regulations at least once every 2 years, for catering staff, as well as persons involved in distributing food to children - at least once a year.

19.2. Each employee of preschool educational organizations must have a personal medical record, which must contain the results of medical examinations and laboratory tests, information about vaccinations, previous infectious diseases, information about undergoing professional hygienic training and certification, and permission to work.

In the absence of information on preventive vaccinations, workers entering preschool educational organizations must be vaccinated in accordance with the national calendar of preventive vaccinations.

19.4. Personnel of preschool educational organizations must comply with personal hygiene rules: come to work in clean clothes and shoes; leave outerwear, hats and personal belongings in an individual wardrobe, cut your nails short.

19.6. Teachers and teaching assistants are provided with special clothing (robes in light colors).

19.7. Before entering the toilet room, staff must take off their robe and wash their hands thoroughly with soap after exiting; employees are not allowed to use the children's toilet.

The upbringing and maintenance of minors in kindergartens cannot be left to chance. Taking this into account, the legislator has developed a set of detailed rules that are mandatory for all preschool organizations. The document includes requirements for the premises, regime of pupils and staff.

SanPin 2.4.1. 3049-13 are sanitary and epidemiological requirements for preschool educational institutions.

Sanpin for kindergartens includes a complete list of requirements for preschool education organizations:

  • requirements for the placement of preschool educational institutions;
  • conditions of maintenance and equipment of the territory;
  • maintenance and equipment of internal premises;
  • room lighting (natural and artificial);
  • rules for the provision, equipment and repair of ventilation, heating, water supply and sewerage;
  • conditions for preparing and serving food;
  • admission of minors to the group;
  • sleep and wakefulness patterns;
  • physical education;
  • employee hygiene rules.

Most of the rules regulated by SanPiN are mandatory. However, some of them are recommended for use or apply to kindergartens built or reconstructed after 2013.

In Moscow, SanPiN must be posted on the official websites of each organization.

Full text of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations” (as amended on August 27, 2015):

Latest innovations in SanPiN for preschool educational institutions

The new SanPiN came into force in 2013. It contains a list of requirements and recommendations for kindergartens. In 2015, additions were made:

  • Exemption from the rules of SanPiN of preschool educational institutions located in apartments of citizens or other premises of the housing stock.
  • Extension of the rules to organizations and groups for children under 3 years of age.
  • The age of kindergarten students may exceed 7 years, if when the minor reaches the specified age, he has not completed his studies in the required program.
  • Correspondence of the number of beds to the number of pupils in the group.
  • Reinforcing the need for regular ventilation of groups.
  • Establishing a diet.
  • Establishing requirements for temperature, air inflow and outflow depending on the purpose of the room.
  • Consolidation of the nutritional plan for minors up to 2 months to 1 year.

SanPiN norms have been changed and expanded. Currently, SanPiN for kindergartens contains comprehensive information on the maintenance and upbringing of children from 2 months to the end of preschool education.

Daily regime

Before admitting a minor to kindergarten, it is necessary to obtain a medical report, which will become the basis for assigning the child to the group. The absence of a document gives the head of the organization the right to refuse to enroll a minor in the list of pupils.

Employees of the organization (educators) are responsible for the daily admission of children to the group. They examine minors independently or with the participation of a medical professional.

Admission to the group of children with suspected disease is not allowed. If health problems are identified after the appointment, the minor is subject to isolation in the health worker’s office until the parents arrive.

In case of suspected illness, the temperature of a minor is measured. Thermometers must be cleaned after each use. Treated thermometers are stored separately from used ones. The equipment being processed must be out of reach of children.

If a child has been absent from the group for more than 5 days, his/her admission is possible only with a certificate from a pediatrician with a stamp confirming the absence of infectious contacts. The number of days does not include holidays and weekends.

Sleep patterns are determined according to age. For minors from 0 to 3 years old, this question is determined by the doctor, from 3 to 7 years old - daytime sleep should be 2 - 2.5 hours, 5.5 - 6 hours after arrival at the preschool institution.

Sleeping mode

Duration of walk in kindergarten is at least 3 – 4 hours a day. Time may vary depending on weather conditions or is divided into 2 walks.

Meals in kindergarten are organized depending on the time spent in the group. If the child is in the garden full day (10 - 12 hours), he needs to be fed every 3 - 4 hours. For pupils of short-stay groups (no more than 5 hours), one meal is provided.

Preschool teachers should conduct developmental activities with children. SanPiN fixes their duration. The duration of classes depends on the age of the children.

Children (age) Continuous lesson time (min) From 8.00 to 12.00 (min) From 15.00 to 19.00 (min)
1 From 6 to 7 30 90 30
2 From 5 to 6 25 45 25
3 From 4 to 5 20 40
4 From 3 to 4 15 30
5 From 1.5 to 3 10 10 10

To improve the health of minors, physical education lessons should be conducted during the day in kindergarten. They include a massage and a list of exercises. The duration of morning exercises depends on the age of the child.

Physical education lessons are held 3 – 4 times a week. For minors from 5 to 7 years old, one lesson must be held outside.

The duration of gymnastics depends on the age of the children and coincides with the time of continuous classes. Additionally, as part of the recovery, it is possible to organize hardening lessons.


Cleanliness is one of the main conditions of maintenance preschool educational institutions groups. To ensure this, the following methods are used:

  • treatment;
  • quartzing;
  • ventilation;
  • wash;
  • cleaning.

All surfaces, furniture, blinds, pots, and toilets are treated with a disinfectant solution. It is stored in the staff room. Children should not have access to the solution.

Quartzing in kindergarten is carried out in groups for minors and other premises every morning and evening. When using safety lamps, the absence of pupils is not necessary.

Ventilation is an important stage in treating rooms from germs. SanPiN establishes a ventilation schedule in kindergarten. The premises are ventilated according to the table.

A prerequisite is to ventilate bedrooms before napping. In winter, ventilation of bedrooms stops 10 minutes before bedtime. In summer it is possible to sleep with the windows open.

New rules for ventilation in preschool educational institutions include a ban on ventilation through toilet rooms. Wet cleaning is carried out in all rooms 2 times a day. General cleaning should be carried out in spring and autumn.

Food department

The food unit in a kindergarten should be located in a separate room. All equipment is subject to mandatory labeling.

Washing dishes in kindergarten is a process that, according to SanPiN, is regulated in as much detail as possible. After cleaning the dishes from food residues, the items are washed in two sinks, without using detergents, dried and stored on special racks at a height of 35 cm from the floor. Metal utensils must be additionally calcined in the oven.

Dishes for children and for staff are stored separately.

Particular attention is paid to the drinking regime in preschool educational institutions. Water must meet safety requirements and be bottled. Must be observed fixed time storage In extreme cases, it can be boiled. But its shelf life is no more than 3 hours.

Standards for premises and equipment

Sanitary norms and rules provide for regular treatment of premises against mold. For this purpose, all walls in rooms with high humidity are covered with tiles.

SanPiN even stipulate the color of the walls in preschool educational institutions. On the north side there are warm colors, on the south side there are cold colors.

Each group is equipped with individual compartments for children’s outerwear and a place for parents’ clothing. The nursery has an additional space for breastfeeding and a changing table.

SanPiN sets standards for the size of high chairs for children depending on their age category. Furniture is subject to mandatory marking.

Each child is provided with a separate sleeping place. It can be a fixed bed, a sliding bed or a folding bed. The main condition is a rigid bed.

Bed linen must be changed weekly. Bed linen is washed in a special room or in a specialized organization under a service agreement, immediately after it is changed. Bed linen is marked in the lower right corner. Pillows and mattresses should be ventilated annually during general cleaning.

The washroom is combined with a toilet. Each group is equipped with sinks and toilets in accordance with the age of the pupils.

Plumbing installation standards

Age category Number of shells Number of toilets
1 6 – 7 1 per 5 children 1 per 5 children
2 5 – 6 1 per 5 children 1 per 5 children
3 4 – 5 4 4
4 3 – 4 4 4
5 1,5 – 3 3 Pots are used

One adult sink is installed in each group.

SanPiN for personnel

Hygiene requirements for personnel include strict conditions that must be followed:

  • Each employee must have at least 3 sets of spare clothes.
  • Personal clothing must be clean, nails must be cut short, outerwear and shoes must be stored in the staff room.
  • Smoking, wearing earrings and rings is prohibited.
  • Teachers and nannies must wear light-colored coats.
  • Each employee is required to undergo a medical examination in a timely manner.
  • Kitchen workers are inspected daily.

Each employee must have a health certificate.

Current SanPiN establish the requirements for kindergartens in as much detail as possible. Compliance with most conditions is mandatory for all employees of the organization. The changes made tighten the rules for the administration of preschool educational institutions. Home family groups are exempt from their execution.

When placing their child in the hands of a kindergarten teacher in 2019, all parents, and especially mothers, are very worried. How will they take care of their beloved baby? Is there ventilation in the rooms? Does the kindergarten premises meet sanitary and hygienic requirements? At what time intervals are quartzing and general cleaning done? What is the condition of the kindergarten's catering unit, toys, how is the food organized, what is the temperature in the room, table setting (what if the children eat with forks), who is responsible for washing the dishes, etc. I would like to immediately reassure worried parents. The operation of kindergartens in 2019 is impossible without compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

The environment in the kindergarten must comply with the current standards of SanPiN of the preschool educational institution. You can download them from our website in order to study them carefully. However, this document is quite voluminous in terms of the amount of information. And not every person will be able to understand the nuances of this legislative act.

It is for such situations that experienced online lawyers work on the site. Consultations are absolutely free.

To contact competent specialists, you need to ask your question through the contact form or the pop-up window at the bottom of the site. In addition, in this article we will briefly examine the basic instructions and requirements regarding the maintenance of children in a preschool institution in 2019. Including food, ventilation schedule, cleaning, washing dishes, quarantine standards, processing of vegetables and fruits (eggs, apples, etc.), order.

What is SanPiN DOU? This is a document that is adopted at the state (federal) level. It contains mandatory sanitary, epidemiological and hygienic standards, rules and requirements. What requirements for kindergartens must be met so that parents can safely leave their children there:

  • placement rules;
  • technical arrangement of the land plot;
  • lighting standards;
  • norms for the arrangement of catering facilities;
  • sanitary minimum for teachers;
  • organization of children's meals;
  • compliance of premises with SanPiN 2013 standards for keeping children;
  • availability of running water;
  • availability of sewerage;
  • room temperature and heating standards;
  • daily and general cleaning schedule;
  • processing of toys;
  • quartzing in kindergarten according to SanPiN DOU;
  • ventilation and airing standards;
  • table setting rules;
  • daily regime;
  • cleaning and washing dishes;
  • number of children in one group;
  • the maximum number of children in one group with disabilities;
  • standards for hiring employees to work in kindergartens;
  • compliance with sanitary requirements, etc.

Kindergartens are different. Both in terms of age and mode of operation. Most often, kindergartens combine several areas of work. So, what types of preschool institutions are there:

  • for small children;
  • for preschoolers of middle and older ages;
  • health-improving children's institutions;
  • specialized kindergartens;
  • narrowly focused preschool institutions for children (for example, with a mathematical bias);
  • kindergartens for children with disabilities or mental disabilities, etc.

Preschool institutions for children that combine several areas are called combined. Regardless of the profile of the kindergarten, all necessary sanitary, epidemiological and hygienic standards and rules must be complied with.

Requirements for catering

Very often we hear about cases of poisoning of children in kindergartens. In such cases, an investigation is carried out and the perpetrators of the incident are identified. Often they become catering department employees who do not fully comply with the sanitary minimum requirements according to SanPiN. With regard to products for feeding children, it is imperative to comply with all the requirements of SanPiN 2013.

We will now list some of them:

  • all products must be fresh, in compliance with storage rules, and have supporting documents from the supplier;
  • storage of perishable food products must be organized in accordance with the instructions;
  • food products must be stored in original or consumer containers, covered with a lid if necessary;
  • bakery products are stored on dry shelves or racks no lower than 35 centimeters from the floor;
  • pasta must be kept in a dry, ventilated area in compliance with the requirements of SanPiN for preschool educational institutions;
  • There are also rules for storing and processing potatoes and root vegetables that must be followed exactly before they reach the children’s table, etc.

IN general list The requirements are quite large. It can be found in more detail in Chapter 14 of the 2013 SanPiN standards for kindergartens. As an example, we can consider the procedure for processing eggs for feeding children. Before cooking eggs, they must be soaked in a special container in a disinfectant solution. Then rinse under warm running water and transfer to another container. Where they will be stored until cooking. Cooking the eggs continues for ten to fifteen minutes.

Food department

Also, each group for children should be equipped with a dishwasher with not only cold water, but also hot water. Children need to wash dishes correctly, following the processing order:

  • cleaning up food debris;
  • washing with soda and mustard;
  • washing with bleach;
  • rinsing dishes;
  • daily treatment in boiling water;
  • drying on special racks.

The catering unit, including the common kitchen and rooms in groups, must be kept perfectly clean. It should be cleaned on a schedule and if necessary. Vitamins are added to food only with parental consent and under the supervision of a health professional, not a teacher. All utensils must be labeled. A separate container is provided for each dish. If you have any questions, you can contact the specialists on the site.

Children's quarantine

Quarantine in kindergarten is a separate issue. Each parent is concerned about the health of their child. The duration of quarantine in kindergarten depends on the type of disease. The announcement of quarantine also depends on what illness the students have. For example, to close a kindergarten due to the flu, twenty percent of the children need to get sick. In other situations, one case of illness is enough. The duration of quarantine ranges from seven to twenty-one days. Parents are required to be notified on the day of diagnosis. And also about the possibility of illness (that is, suspicion of illness). It is not necessary that a preschool institution be closed during quarantine. It is possible to simply limit the contacts of sick children with groups where there are no sick people. That is, healthy students are not allowed to go for walks in the common yard or are not taken to the gym where sick children may be present. And the kids eat in their group, which should have its own catering unit.

You cannot take your children to a preschool during quarantine if you are firmly convinced that your child has not had contact with sick people. In other cases there are no restrictions, everything is at the discretion of the parents.

For example, some mothers and fathers believe that the sooner a child gets chickenpox, the better. At the same time, it is necessary to limit your child’s communication, if he is sick, with healthy children. The teacher’s guilt in the spread of diseases in groups of preschool institutions is usually minimal if he has fulfilled all the sanitary and hygienic requirements established in such situations. Namely, the sanitary minimum for a teacher.

Useful little things

Let's look at a few more points from sanitary and hygienic standards that may be of interest to parents:

  • sanitary and hygienic rules also regulate the child’s behavior during breakfast, lunch or dinner. This includes communication during meals, rules for serving and behavior at the table, the ability to use cutlery... Serving and clearing dishes from the table, of course, falls on the shoulders of the teacher or nanny, in general, on adults;
  • Toy processing according to the instructions should be carried out every day, after all the children have been picked up by their parents. New toys from the store must also be treated before they reach children. Soft toys are usually processed using the quartz method;
  • The room in which children study must be ventilated several times a day, at a time when kindergarten students are outside or in another room. In summer, ventilation is allowed in the presence of children, if a draft is excluded;
  • the linen on which the pupils sleep must be changed according to the degree of soiling, but no less than once a week;
  • It is imperative to keep a quartz log;
  • the optimal temperature for the room in which children play and study is no less than 21 degrees and no more than 24;
  • The optimal temperature for the room in which children sleep is no less than 18 degrees and no more than 21.

If you have any questions regarding sanitary and hygienic standards in a kindergarten, you can independently study the new SanPiN for preschool educational institutions 2013 with changes for 2019.

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