Leisure activities in the 2nd junior group in the spring. Scenario of spring entertainment in the second junior group "In search of spring". Song "Merry Builders"

Entertainment in the second junior group

“Spring, spring, what have you brought us?”

Children enter the hall and stand scattered.

Leading: A brook murmured in a ravine,

Birds flew in from the south

The sun is shining in the morning.

Came to visit us...

Children: Spring!

Child: 1) Bright, cheerful spring sun,

After all, Spring is celebrating a birthday today.

2) Gives a sonorous friendly drop song.

For Spring, a brook plays a flute.

The song "Winter has passed" music. N. Metlova

Children sit on chairs.

Music sounds, the clown Bim runs into the hall.

Clown: I am Bim, glorious clown, cheerful and funny!

Host: Hello clown Bim. Glad to see you.

Now say hello to the boys and girls.

Clown: Oh! This is me now! (He approaches and begins to greet each child individually).

Hello! My name is Clown Beam! How about you? Very nice!

Host: Bim, what are you doing?

(Takes the clown by the hand and takes it away from the children).

Clown: Like what? You said yourself that you should say hello to everyone.

guys. Here I say hello!

Moderator: No, it's not necessary! Get up here and say hello to everyone from here!

Clown: I can't get out of here!

He leans forward, holds out his hand, the other waves, as if to keep his balance.

Clown: Oh wow! Nearly fell!

Leading. Listen, Beam, you just tell all the guys:

"Hello!" And they will greet you!

Clown: Now I'll try!

Prepares, preens, then loudly greets.

Hello guys!

Children: Hello, Bim!

Clown: Wow! How great we did! Loud! Funny!

Host: Of course, Clown! Because today holiday, and everyone is good


Clown: Holiday! Which one then? Something I don't remember...

Host: Spring Festival!

Clown: Yes! I got it, and the treat is on your holiday will be?

Host: Of course it will, but you still need to earn it! You sing to us or

dance, then we'll see whether to treat you or not!

Clown: Well, what are you, I'm shy!

Host: We'll have to help you out!

Guys, well, we will not be bored,

I suggest you dance!

And you, clown, learn from the kids!

Pair dance "Once, palm!"

Clown: Well danced, you are so cool here!

The girls and boys are so cute!

Guys, I also prepared a surprise!

I invited Spring to visit us!

Let's call her a spell, she will hear us and come.

Call with movements "Come, spring

Come spring! Children raise their hands up.

We are all waiting for you! They press their hands to their chest.

Brighter, sun, shine! They rotate with their hands ("flashlights").

Let the streams run! Make undulating movements with the hands.

Let the birds fly They flap their hands like wings.

ABOUT spring scream!

Melodious music sounds. Spring enters.

Spring: Hello! I am full of sunshine, my name is Spring.

I open my buds, I wake flowers in the fields.

I dress the trees, I water the crops!

Winter conjured for a long time, poured a lot of snow. But

the time has come for her to give way to me, Spring. I hurried to you

holiday - to congratulate you on this spring holiday!

Leading: We, too, have been waiting for you for a long time, preparing, and the guys for you

will show a dance with the sun's rays.

Dance with sunshine

Spring: What a beautiful dance. Thanks guys!

Clown: Oh, children, look, the sun has disappeared behind the clouds, it has begun to rain!

The children stand up.

Song "Rain" music. V.Cherchik

Spring: What is it! The rain never ends...

Clown, do you know how the little cloud got lost?
Clown: The grandmother-cloud is crying bitterly, tears cannot be appeased:
My granddaughter is lost, where can I find her?

Maybe the north wind attacked her?
Maybe the thunder of the spring frightened the cloud?

The grandmother-cloud cried, and her tears-droplets fell down!

Dance with clouds

Clown: After the rain, it's so clean, so nice and fresh,

The sun will dry the puddles, we'll go for a walk!

A girl comes out with a bucket

Girl: I will now take a scoop, molds, a bucket,

And I will go to play in the sandbox with Yegorka!

Dance "Sandbox"

Spring: Sparrows on the branches - dad, mom and chick.

He has already learned to fly like an adult, finally.

Clown: Somewhere a cat is sitting here, he doesn’t order to indulge,

We will fun to play, and fly away from the cat.

Dance - the game "Birds and a cat."

Clown: Guys, I'll tell you a secret, I also prepared a gift

for you! Here he is (opens box) Ah-ah-ah!

Host: What happened to you?

Clown: Woe! I hurried to you, carrying sweets.

Host: Where are they now?

Clown: There are none! Slowly, little by little, I ate sweets on the way.

Here, only candy wrappers remain.

Scatters candy wrappers on the floor.

Host: That's it! What are we to do now?

Spring: I don't know what to do.

Where can we get candy?

I suggest you guys

I'm a little conjure! Do you agree?

Just before you conjure

Gotta get it all around!

Clown: Guys, don't sit, kids, help:

Wrappers quickly carry and put in a box!

Sounds like funny music, the children help the clown collect all the scattered candy wrappers back into the box.

Spring: Once! Two! Three! Four! Five! Let's start tinkering!

Let's slam our hands together, let's stomp our feet,

Now I'll knock, what's in the box? I'll take a look!

Opens the box from the side where the sweets lie.

Oh! Take a look, kids

Instead of wrappers - sweets!

Vesna and the Clown help the children sort out the candies. The children thank them for the treat.

Spring: Once again, I congratulate everyone, I wish you happiness, joy!

Clown: But it's time to say goodbye to us, goodbye, kids!

Host: Goodbye, goodbye! Looking forward to more holiday you!

Children enter the hall and become a semicircle

Sing "Spring Song"

Leading: If the snow in the fields has melted,

The day is getting longer

If everything is green

And in the fields the stream is ringing,

If the sun shines bright

The birds couldn't sleep

If the wind gets warmer

So, she came to us

Children: Spring!

Child. Thunder struck 12 times and stood aside,

Nature gave the order to salute the spring,

Child. Order - bird cherry to bloom, nettles to be not evil,

Sweep the path with a silver broom for the rain.

Child. So that every bush is melodious, all birds sing louder,

And the sun will come out from behind the clouds and it’s more fun to warm!

Child. Each dance has its turn, we dance as best we can,

Come out bolder to our cheerful dance!


Leading. Someone threw me a letter through the window, look.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine that tickles my face?

Maybe this sparrow, flying, dropped it?

Maybe the cat is a letter, like a mouse lured to the window?

Child. The postman brings letters and newspapers to the house,

Well, this letter must have been thrown by the wind.

Leading. Let's open the letter and read it, I wonder what is in it?

(reads) "Dear children: girls and boys!

I’m rolling into the forest to look for spring, but I’m afraid of forest animals:

Hare, wolf, fox, bear can quickly eat me,

You help the kolobok, take it to the green forest "

This is how miracles are: the gingerbread man asks us for help! Gotta help him

In order to get to the forest faster, I suggest not to push to get on the bus

Hurry up and go with the song more fun!

(children get into a makeshift bus, sing a song)

Song "BUS" music. E. Zheleznova

Leading. We drove, we drove, and everyone came to the forest.

Here is a flower meadow, come out quickly,

Dance more cheerfully in the flower meadow!


(Old man comes out - Lesovichok)

Lesovichok: Hello, kids, kids - naughty! Although I became old and slept soundly, I heard your song! What are you doing in my forest?

Leading. We, the Old Man - Lesovichok, are in a hurry to help Kolobok. The forest inhabitants offend him.

Lesovichok: Ah ah ah! Disorder! Well, nothing, I have a magic flower. Whoever smells it immediately becomes happier and kinder. So be it, I'll give it to you! Here, take it and keep it safe! (gives a flower to the presenter)

Leading:(sniffs) : Oh - oh - oh, let's move on!

Oh - oh - oh, let's dance together!

All the people are having fun - the forest man is calling to play!


Leading: Thank you, Old Man - Lesovichok, for a magic flower, goodbye! Well, we'll move on!

Lesovichok: Goodbye! Well, I'll go about my forest business!

(leaves, a wolf appears on the screen)

Wolf: I, Gray wolf- teeth click, now I'll eat everyone!

Leading: Don't eat us, Gray Wolf, better smell our flower!

Wolf: What happened to me? Teeth do not click and anger is gone!

No, I will not eat you, I will ask you to read poetry!

Child. Streams all around and puddles: here - wider, there - narrower,

I jump, look - once, into a puddle, clap - and the whole story!

Child: In a puddle, the sun washed and did not get dirty at all,

I swam in a puddle - the whole family got scared!

(the wolf claps his hands, the bunny runs out and "hides")

Leading: Don't hide, bunny, show yourself!

Bunny: How can I show you if I'm afraid of the wolf?

Leading: And you smell our flower!

Hare: ( sniffing, jumping) I'm not afraid of anyone, I'm not afraid,

I'll even show myself to the wolf, I'll show myself!

Wolf: I became kind and I don’t get angry, I’ll make friends with children and with a hare!

Leading: Bunny, Spinning top - Gray barrel, play with the children!

GAME WITH BELLS“I walk on toes ... (Babes p. 34)

(the fox appears)

Fox. I am a beauty fox, oh how cunning I am!

I will deceive whom I want, therefore I am laughing: ha-ha-ha!

I will deceive all the children: I will lure them into the thicket of the forest!

Leading. You first smell our flower, little fox!

Fox. My sock is very gentle: your flower smells sweet!

Now I will not be cunning, I will only speak the truth!

Leading. Oh, here comes the bear, he roars very menacingly!

Bear. Who is in my forest? I'll crush, I'll crush, I'll crush!

Leading. Wait, bear to roar and stomp on us, do not rush, first smell our flower.

Bear.(sniffs) What suddenly happened to me: I became light, even big! I will not crush anyone, I will not trample anyone!

Leading. That's great! That's good! All the animals have become kinder and now Kolobok will not be eaten, but will make friends with him! Hey, Kolobok, come out soon, my friend, the forest animals will not offend you!

(Kolobok runs out)

Kolobok. Hello, friends! I am a cheerful Kolobok!

Gingerbread man - rosy side! I'm scraped in a box,

Swept in the bottom of the barrel, mixed with sour cream,

It's cold on the window, I left my grandfather,

I left my grandmother!

I came to the green forest, here, in the forest, I found friends!

I am grateful to you, kids, for friends like a bear,

Like a top, a fox, a hare!

We will be strong friends, we will not have to grieve!

Leading. Louder, music, play, children can't sit still

Come out to dance: let's have fun.


Leading. It's time for us to say goodbye to the forest and its inhabitants,

IN kindergarten ik to come back.

You all get on the bus

Hold on tight to the handrails.

And to make it more fun, let's sing a song!

SONG "Bul-bul brook" music. I am Zhabko

Leading. So we came to kindergarten.

To please the guys, we will show the flower to the guests,

We will tell about his magic: the wolf did not bite,

The hare has ceased to be afraid, the fox has ceased to be cunning,

Bear - crush everyone around!

Children, smell our flower too and be kind,

Be affectionate, smart, everyone is healthy and beautiful and, of course, cheerful! The holiday is over, everyone - goodbye and always remember the magic flower!

Entertainment-travel for children of the second younger group. Scenario "How we were looking for spring"

Goals: to continue the formation of children's ideas about natural phenomena and their relationships; develop respect for nature.

Decoration, props: paintings depicting a plowed field, a fan, models of trees with blossoming buds, leaves.

Characters: Sun, Earth, Wind, birds, Snowdrop; children are also guests and participants of entertainment preparatory group who read poems, they are entrusted with the performance of certain roles.

Entertainment progress


Today on entertainment game -

The kids will travel.

Let's go look for spring

Recognize her by signs.

Ready to go, kids?

Children. Yes!

presenter. The train has arrived - take your seats!

The game "Train" is being played. Children follow each other to the song "Train" (words by I. Planida, music by N. Metlov).

Here is our train

The wheels are rattling

And in our train

The guys are sitting.

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo!

The steam locomotive is running.

far, far away

He took the guys.

But here's the stop.

Who wants to get down?

Get up guys

Let's go look for spring!


We went out for a walk

Look for red spring.

It's kind of weird:

Where to look for it and how? -

Completely incomprehensible.

presenter. How how? Yes, very simple. We will ask everyone we meet about her. And above all... Guess who we'll see first?

What is higher than the forest

What is more beautiful than the world?

Children. Sun.

Child 1.

The little boy opened his eyes

The sunbeam woke him up.

Sunny Bunny said as he ran away:

“Get up, look, what a beauty!”

A. Chepurov

child 2.

The blizzard does not jump across the field,

The gate does not curl.

Under the window, the icicle is crying -

The sun laughs.

A. Chepurov

It turns out, smiling, the Sun (girl). Children, meeting the Sun, sing a song (music by M. Rauchverger).

The sun looks out the window

Shines into our room.

We clap our hands

Very happy with the sun.


I make thawed patches.

I am the Sun of Spring.

Coats, scarves and felt boots

Now you don't need.

Children. Sunshine, have you seen spring?

Sun. Saw! I helped her melt the ice on the river.

Children perform the song "The Sun" (words and music by E. D. Makshantseva) with movements.

Children squat in a circle. A song sounds, everyone slowly gets up, simultaneously raising both hands higher and higher (look at their hands).


This is how the sun rises

Higher, higher, higher!

Children stand up, rise on their toes, arms extended up.


By night the sun will go down -

Down, down, down!

Slowly lower your arms along the body and stand on a full foot.


Well, well, the sun is laughing.

And under the sun we all sing fun!

Clapping their hands, the children dance freely in place. Performed "Dance of the Sunbeams", music by Y. Slonov. The dance involves the Sun and eight sunbeams (girls with bunches of thin yellow and red ribbons 80 cm long, fixed on sticks).

The sun comes up to the model of the tree, gently touches it with his hands, strokes each bud.

Leading. What is the gentle Sun doing, guys?

Children. It warms the kidney so that the leaf appears faster.


The sun whispers to a leaf:

Don't be shy, dove! -

And takes it from the kidney

For a green forelock.

presenter(fan waving).

Who curls around the nose

Isn't it in hand?

Children. Wind.

It turns out (“flies”) with an easy run Wind (boy).


Now let's ask the Wind

About spring - he wears it everywhere.

Children. Wind, wind, have you seen spring?

Wind. Met! I saw it in the field and in the forest.


She left her braid on the birch trees.

That the wind blows, the river of powder,

That again shines a solar miracle,

And the soul is full of expectation

Something and someone from nowhere.

In the fields more definite and clearer,

Spring in the regions is clearer and simpler.

The earth opened, suffocates, Together with it

And the river rose, the groves woke up.

The flood is such that the islands are sinking.

Yes, the river came right to the heart.

Grass breaks through the stones

Don't be surprised by this neighborhood.

Spring. Spring. It's time to swim down the river

It's time for everything to be updated.

Spring! how good it is to live in the world,

And breathe life, and laugh merrily!

M. Lukonin

Children perform dance-rhythmic exercise "Wind and Wind", music by L. Beethoven.

Description. Children are freely located around the room, turning their faces to one side.

“The wind weakly sways the branches of the trees” - the children smoothly raise both hands forward, up, to the right, to the left. The movements are soft.

“The wind has risen” - the children put one leg to the side and for each beat they bend the body to the right, then to the left. Raised hands fall in the same direction. While tilting in any direction, the hands and fingers also move - “twigs” and “blooming leaves sway”. (Composition by S. Rudneva)

presenter. Let's ask about Spring those who have no hands, but know how to build. Guess what we're talking about?

Children. Oh birds!

Birds “fly out” (run on toes) (children in bird hats).

Children. Birds, have you seen Spring?

Birds. Seen, seen. It was she who called us home from the south.

Child 1.

Teremok on the birch,

There is no lock on it

The door is open for the tenant -

Talking starling.

child 2.

What's happened?

What's happened?

What is that noise in the night?

Here's what happened last night -

The rooks have arrived!

A. Chenurov

Children of the preparatory group (guests) read poems.

This morning, this joy

This power of both day and light,

This blue vault

This cry and strings

These flocks, these birds,

This voice of the waters

These willows and birches

These drops are these tears

This fluff is not a leaf,

These mountains, these valleys.

These midges, these bees,

This tongue and whistle.

These dawns without eclipse,

This sigh of the night village,

This night without sleep.

This haze and the heat of the bed,

This fraction and these trills -

It's all spring!

A. A. Fet

Sparrow wanted to swing

Sparrow wanted to swing

I flew to visit a thin blade of grass,

Sat on the very top - tsvin-tsvirin,

Shake me, bylinochka, throw me! ..

A blade of grass sways in the wind.

Oh, how the sun shines brightly in the morning!

Oh, how fun it is when May is in the world! ..

You, sparrow, blade of grass, shake!

M. A. Poznanskaya

Two tits flew to the pine tree,

Two tits whistled about spring:

How much light! How much light!

The height has become blue!

Summer is coming soon! Summer is coming soon!

Beauty! Beauty!

V. A. Suslov

Jing la la

“Ding-ding-ding,” the drops sing.

“La-la-la,” the starling sings.

Jing la la! In fact

Winter has come to an end!

V. Stepanov

The game "Who flew first" is held. Children name the birds that first appeared in the spring, either by riddles or by the task of the game "Field of Wonders" with the audience.

blue scarf,

Dark back.

Small bird,

Call the bird ... (titmouse).

On the sixth palace

Singer in the palace

And his name is ... (starling).

To Kononova

Blacker than all migratory birds,

Cleans arable land from worms. (Rook)

B. Shirshov

In the cold of naked, transparent alleys

He tries to clatter, cracks ... (nightingale).

I. Bunin

Everyone knows this bird:

On the pole is her palace,

Chervyakov carries chicks

Yes, it crackles all day ... (starling).


How nice spring

We are visiting you.

And your heart is gladdened by hospitality.

The forest awakens the bird choir from sleep,

Flowering, what green space!

In the spring, they say, it happens, -

On one bank the nightingales sing,

On the other side they respond.


Look, spring is coming

Cranes fly in a caravan

The day is drowning in bright gold,

And streams on ravines rustle.

Soon you will have guests

How many nests will be built - look!

What kind of sounds, for songs will pour

Day-to-day, from dawn to dusk!

I. Nikitin

You know, guys, feathered friends.

Now get ready to play quickly.

The game "Cuckoos flew".

Description. A leader and three or four cuckoos (children) are selected. The cuckoos stand in the center of the circle, and the rest of the children, walking in a circle, say:

The cuckoos were flying

Through three huts.

So fussed

So in a hurry

turned their heads,

Waving wings -

And where did they fly

They didn't say so!

Cuckoo children perform movements according to the text.

Children read poems about birds prepared for the evening with a teacher or parents.

Dispute in the birdhouse

This case was in April:

Birds have flown from the south

The snow was melting, and the sparrow

Kicked out of housing.

Get out, badass! -

A starling whistled at him.

Never! My apartment!

I'm not a temporary resident!

I'm here blizzards and frost

endured patiently,

And now under this roof

I'm preparing a nest for the family

And I won’t touch, even kill me! -

The sparrow chirped.

Don't be stubborn! I inherit

This house has remained since childhood ...

Fly out! My beak is sharp

But not that ... But here in the yard

Misha went out with the birdhouse,

Quickly climbed onto the roof with her,

Below the old tied

And kindly said:

I am heartily happy with my friends!

Protect the garden together!

G. Ladonshchikov

The singers are back

From invisible rays

A stream ran down from the mountain

And a small snowdrop

Grew up on a thaw.

The starlings return

Our old residents

Sparrows at the puddle

They circle in a noisy flock.

And the robin and the thrush

Engaged in nesting:

Wear, wear in houses

Birds at straws.

G. Ladonshchikov

Children perform the Polish folk song "Birdsong".


1. Only the dawn in the yard,

The duck plays the pipe

And the ducklings sing along:

Quack, quack, quack! Quack, quack, quack!

2. A motley siskin flew in,

He sang softer than a flute,

And the guys calmed down:

Hush, hush, hush, hush, hush.

3. Sparrow-naughty

At dawn everything talks

Prevents small children from sleeping

Chick-chirp, chick-chirp!

N. Krasilnikov


So that the birds do not become orphans,

We will plant more trees in April.

What will the Earth tell us?

Mother Earth (girl) appears to the melody of the Russian folk song "Zemelyushka-chernozem", joyful, dances.


Spring woke me up

Awakened to new life.

Now the last snow in the field is melting,

Warm steam rises from the earth

And the blue jar is blooming,

And the cranes call each other.

Young forest, dressed in green smoke,

Warm thunderstorms impatiently waiting;

All springs are warmed by breath,

All around and loves and sings ...

A. K. Tolstoy

presenter. Let's go to the plowman. What will he tell us about spring? Are people looking forward to spring? How does he meet?

Peasant(boy) performs a stonefly (song-call-request).

Come to us, spring, with joy!

With great mercy to us!

With grainy rye

With golden wheat

With curly oats

With mustachioed barley

With millet, with buckwheat,

With viburnum-raspberry,

With black currant

With pears, with apples,

With every garden

With azure flowers

With grass-ant!

Leading. Everything in this vesnyanka is listed that the peasant needs, nothing is forgotten. It is very important for people that the land gives birth to a good harvest of bread, vegetables, fruits, the prosperity of each family depends on it. That is why spring work in the fields, vegetable gardens and orchards occupy a large place in people's lives.

The child reads a poem.

The coming of spring

Green fields, groves babble,

There is a tremor in the sky of a lark,

Warm rain, sparkling waters -

Having named you, what to add?

How else to glorify you

Soul life, spring coming?

V. A. Zhukovsky

Children sing the song "Spring has come" (music by E. Tilicheeva).

It's good that spring has come to us.

The sun is shining late now.

The rain will pour, warm, good,

Just put on and take off your galoshes.

Immediately swollen in front of everyone

The buds are green in our garden.

Soon from the kidneys, sticky, green,

Light leaves on maples will come out.

Earth. A little more - and they will plow me, then they will sow. And bread, vegetables, fruits will grow.


The snow is melting

The meadow came to life

The day is coming

When does it happen?

Children. Spring.

presenter. Who else can we meet in early spring in the forest thaw? Who can we ask about spring? Guess!

At snow-covered bumps,

Under the white snow cap

We found a small flower

Half frozen, slightly alive.

Children. Snowdrop.


I'm walking along the path.

At the very pine

Blue snowdrop -

Spring lantern.

signaling that soon

In green dress

The forest will dress

And the fields will rustle.

A. Chepurov

Leading. I wonder if the snowdrop met spring?

A snowdrop appears (a boy in a hat).

Snowdrop. Spring has just decided to come to us, and I already felt it and blossomed for the evil of winter, for your joy.

Children sing a song and dance "Spring Waltz" (music and lyrics by E. Tilicheeva).

Child 1.

Spring is coming, spring is coming

And everyone dances and sings.

child 2.

Balloons are flying, gardens are blooming,

And the sun shines from above.

Child 3.

Sun, gray, sun, gray,

Don't feel sorry for your rays!

Child 4.

Let it be warmer and stronger

There will be friendship of all people!

Child 5.

From end to end across the country -

Hello spring, hello spring!

Child 6.

How good is the arrival of spring

Everyone was waiting - me, and you, and we!

The child of the preparatory group (guest) reads a poem.

spring feeling

Light, light breeze

What is so sweet, quietly blowing?

What are you playing, what are you shining,

Enchanted stream?

What is the soul full of again?

What awakened in her again?

What with you returned to her,

Migratory spring?

I look to heaven...

Clouds, flying, shine.

And, shining, fly away

For distant forests.

V. A. Zhukovsky

Child 7.

I had such a dream:

The forest is dense on all sides,

Among the branches - a hut,

In front of her is a river.

Child 8.

From dawn to dusk

Games don't stop

Bear cubs like guys

Ships are allowed.

Child 9.

Hares lead a round dance,

Larks curl up

Everyone sings:

Spring is coming! -

Don't let me wake up!

Spring appears (a teacher or parent in a long dress of the color of young greenery, in a wreath of paper snowdrops. A fragment from N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “The Snow Maiden” sounds in the recording - the scene of the appearance of Spring, the choir of birds “Birds gathered, singers gathered in flocks, flocks, birds sat down, singers sat down in rows, rows.

Children together with Vesna sing stoneflies-calls (recorded by G. Naumenko).


Oh, mother spring, what did you bring us?

Oh, yes, lu-li, what did you bring us?


Spring, what are you up to?

Spring. I drove up, I came up

On the plow, on the harrow,

On a black horse.

Came with joy

With great mercy:

With tall flax,

With a deep root

With great bread

Big and plentiful!

It became clear the sun was baking, baking.

The earth, like gold, pour, fill.

Pigeons began to coo louder, coo.

The cranes came back to us again, to us again.

And in the forest the snowdrops blossomed, blossomed.

There is a lot of spring light near the earth, near the earth.


How good, the end of winter!

We say: "Salute to spring!"

Children. Salute to spring!


Thunder struck twelve times

And stood aside.

Nature has given orders

Salute the spring.

Order - bird cherry blossom,

Nettles should not be evil

Sweep the paths for the rain

Silver broom.

So that every bush is melodious,

All birds sing louder

And the sun come out from behind the clouds

And more fun to warm up!

Z. Alexandrova

All the children and acting heroes of the themed evening-entertainment form a large circle and perform a round dance song “Oh, water runs in a stream” (Ukrainian folk song, Russian text by N. Frenkel).

1. Oh, water runs in a stream -

No snow, no ice.

2. Cranes have arrived

And nightingales are small.


Oh water! Oh water!

No snow, no ice! - 2 times.

3. We sing the stonefly,

We call red spring.


Oh let's eat! Oh let's eat!

We call red spring!


We met with spring

We all knew about her.

I want about beautiful spring

You told your family at home.

Children leave the hall to the music of the song “Oh, water runs like a stream”.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
Kindergarten No. 26, Uglegorsk, Sakhalin Region

Scenario spring fun in the second junior group
“The forest has changed a lot, many miracles have become in it”

Uglegorsk, 2016

Children enter the hall to cheerful music.
If the sun is shining
The blue distance is clear
All the guys know it
So she came to us
Children: Spring!

If the birds sing
The grass has turned green
All the guys know it
So she came to us
Children: Spring!

Buds on the trees,
Bear cubs can't sleep
Here are the first leaves
So she came to us.
Children: Spring!

1 reb:
The sun laughs softly
Shines brighter, hot!
And from the hillock it pours loudly
Talking Brook!

2 reb:
Brooks sing everywhere
And the snowdrops are blooming
Everything woke up from sleep
This spring has come to us.

3 reb:
Spring has come to us again
We want to dance
Everyone rejoices in the warmth
Rejoice in the sun.

The brooks are ringing: "Ding-dong!"
And the sound is heard everywhere
Flowers are blooming,
We rejoice you and me!

The sun is shining brightly!
The birds clean their feathers.
Bugs wake up
Butterflies and spiders.

Spring sunshine
Gently shine
spring song
Sound fun!
Children start a round dance.

Song - dance: "Spring dance"

Children sit on chairs

Presenter: takes a letter, reads

Dear guys, forest animals: bunnies, chanterelles, cubs, hedgehogs, birds, invite you to visit the forest! Come visit us soon, we are waiting for you!

Children, let's go to the spring forest?
Children: yes

Presenter: only the forest is very far away, how will we get there with you?

Children: by train
Presenter: Well, then get on our spring train, take your seats (they have become a train)
Song "Train"
Children sing, go around the circle with a train. We arrived and stopped.
Host: Oh, guys!
The forest has changed a lot
There were many miracles in it.
Why is it bright and clear
Is the sun shining from heaven?
Why green leaf
Up tends here and there?
Why are there animals in the forest
Is it not up to sleep now?
Because to us guys
Spring has arrived again!

Children, look what a beautiful birch. Let's congratulate the birch with the onset of spring.
Child: Happy spring to you, birch
Guys congratulate
And a cheerful round dance
Rather start.
Child: We took handkerchiefs,
They danced under the birch!
They take handkerchiefs from the teacher and sing, dance "Birch"
If the sun shines
You can take a walk
Have fun clap
It's fun to walk
If the cloud frowns
And it threatens to rain
Let's hide under an umbrella
We'll wait out the rain
Let's play a game of sunshine and rain?
The game "Sun and rain"
The hedgehog comes out.
Hedgehog: Fu-fu-fu! Who woke me up, ruined my sleep?
Presenter: Our children were playing a game. Hedgehog do not be angry, we will play with you. Really guys? Shall we play with the hedgehog?
Children: Yes!
Hedgehog: You made me angry. Okay, I'll play with you a little. Get up quickly in a circle around me. Let's play Traps with you.

Hedgehog: Oh, what good fellows, kids! I'm not angry with you anymore!
Presenter: Hedgehog, you played very well with us, we liked it so much. Here's an apple for you - and what will you give our children?
Hedgehog: I will give you toys,
These are children, rattles
The rattle rattles
Makes all guests happy
Just don't be loud
Don't wake up the bear.
"Rattle Dance"
Bear: What kind of rascals
Did you wake up the bear?
Now I will catch you
I will play with you!
"Game with a bear"
Bear: I really like to meet guests
Sing, play, dance with them!
And I also love very much
Feed our kids!
Thanks everyone for the fun
Get a treat.

Presenter: Guys, how good we spent time in the spring forest. How well you were welcomed here!
I congratulate everyone on spring
Well now it's time to go home
Become friend for each other
Sit in our steam locomotive
He will take us home
To kindergarten, dear!
They get up like a train and go to the group.

Spring entertainment for children 3-4 years old "WE WILL GO TO THE SPRING FOREST"

Scenario of spring entertainment for children 3-4 years old preschool educational institution.

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, music director, MDOU Kindergarten No. 127 "Northern Fairy Tale", Petrozavodsk

Purpose: I bring to your attention the scenario of spring entertainment in the 2nd junior group. Material may be of interest music directors and educators.

Target: creating a joyful mood in children

- consolidate children's ideas about spring natural phenomena
- learn to recognize the signs of spring
- give children the joy of entertainment
- develop musical abilities through games, dances
(the hall is decorated on a spring theme, the trees are decorated with garlands of green leaves, birds can be planted on branches. Artificial islands can be laid out near the trees - an imitation of green grass ...)

Children enter the hall to the song "Drip-drip-drip, the drops are ringing"

Leading: Today we will go to the spring forest by train.

Children sit on chairs designed in the form of a train

mimic train wheels

If the snow melts everywhere
The day is getting longer
If everything is green
And in the fields the stream is ringing,
If the sun shines brighter
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the wind gets warmer
So spring has come to us.

And how loudly the birds sing in spring!
Chik - chirp, chik - chirp, sparrow - mischievous!
He is happy with the warm sun and welcomes the guys.
Oh, what is he singing about? Invites you to play with yourself!


Children (sparrows) sit on chairs. A cat is sitting at a distance - the tutor.
1st part of the music - Sparrows, spreading their wings - arms to the sides, "fly" (run) loosely around the hall. "The cat is sleeping."
2-part music - Wakes up, says “meow - meow!”, Runs to catch up with the sparrows, who are hiding, having taken their places. The cat takes the caught sparrows to her house.

(for a cat character, you can take a doll from puppet theater)

All the birds hid, the cat did not catch anyone.
The cat will run home, and we will walk through the forest.

(the presenter reads the text to the music

-One two three four five - follow the leader
We go for a walk in the forest with you
- Along the winding path
let's go between the trees
Along the path, like a snake,
We will come to the meadow.

On the trees -
You look -
Where the kidneys were
Like green lights
Leaves flared up.

Look, and small green leaves have already appeared on the birch.

(hand out green handkerchiefs to children)


Guys, listen...
Oops, it looks like it's going to rain!


A drop - one, a drop - two, - tap slowly with the finger of the right hand
Drops slowly at first. on the palm of the left hand
And then, then, then - hit the palm of your hand quickly with your finger
Everyone run, run, run!
We all opened our umbrellas, - raise your arms up to the sides
Sheltered from the rain. - put your hands together over your head

Good thing I took a big umbrella with me. Let's play with mischievous rain!

(to the music of the rain, the presenter opens the umbrella, the children hide under it)

Leading: So the rain ended, the sun came out and gave all the guys their warm rays.


Hello guys!
I am Mishka, I missed you!

Leading: Hello Mishka. Have you woken up from your winter sleep yet?

In winter, he sucked his paw in the den, did not wake up his mother or father.
And from the fact that I did not eat, I seem to have lost a little weight.
To work up my appetite, I invite everyone to dance!


You, Mishutka, don't yawn!
Better play with us!


So, I'll play...
Now I will beckon you to me,
And then I'll catch up with you.

Bear clubfoot - children approach the bear and sing.
Beckons children with a paw,
Invites everyone to walk.
Play catch-up.

(At the end of the song, the Bear catches up with the children, the children run away to the chairs)

Leading: Ah, what a good day! It's good to go out with friends, but it's time to go back to kindergarten. Our train is already calling us.

Thank you, Mishka, for playing with us and making us laugh.

Bear: and thank you, you amused me too ... Come to the forest more often! Goodbye guys (leaves)

(children get on the train and ride to the music "Train" T.Suvrova )

Leading: Here we are with you and came to kindergarten. Did you like our walk in the spring forest?

Warm summer will soon come and we will again go to the forest, where it is full - full of miracles.
(children leave the hall to the music)