Presentation of thematic groups of words: polite words. Presentation "Polite words". presentation on the topic. The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf

Polite words in riddles

Completed by teacher primary classes Lebedeva Olga Valerievna

Having met a bunny, the hedgehog's neighbor says to him:

« Hello!"

And his big-eared neighbor answers: “Hedgehog, …”


The flounder swam to the Octopus on Monday, and on Tuesday she said goodbye to her:


The clumsy dog ​​Kostik stepped on Mouse's tail. They would have quarreled, but he said:


A wagtail from the shore dropped a worm, and for the treat the fish gurgled at her:

"Thank you!"


Fat cow Lula was eating hay and sneezed. To prevent her from sneezing again, we will tell her:

"Be healthy!"

Fox Matryona says: “Give me the cheese, crow! The cheese is big, and you are small! I’ll tell everyone that I didn’t!” You, Fox, don’t complain, but say:


The Hippopotamus and the Elephant, believe me, will not fit through the door together. The one who is more polite will now say: "Only … "

After you!

Fly Zhu, although she didn’t want to, flew into the fast train. The bugs Flo and Fti will say to her:

"Bon Voyage!"

Tsar Gundey gave Ivan five nails for his salvation, and Ivanushka said to the Tsar:

"Thank you!"

Mom and dad are sitting, eating cake with sweets. The polite daughter will say: “Allow me...”

can I help you!

The crocodile did not come out of the swamp for the longest time. Members of the toad council Gave him a prize for this - They awarded him a parrot And shouted:


The bull mowed down the daisies and invited the ram. He alone ate the treat, but said:


Having discovered at dawn that the dew was caught in the net, the spider Shudra-Vudra said to her:

"WITH Good morning

At two o'clock a fox came to visit the deer. The fawns and the deer told her:

"Good afternoon!"

At sunset, a moth flew to the light. We are, of course, glad to meet you. Let's tell the guest:

"Good evening!"

Katya baby Ignatka put him to bed in his crib - He doesn’t want to play anymore, Says:

"Good night!"

Children Dasha and Egorka grate cheese for pizza. The mice are asking from the hole: "Give! Be... »

so kind!

The monkeys saw an elephant under a palm tree eating bananas, and they shouted to him: “Is it delicious? At least give me a hint!” The elephant is polite, have no doubt, He will tell them:

"Help yourself!"

A boar met an unfamiliar fox in the forest. Says to the beauty: “Allow me...

introduce yourself!”

I'm a boar! The name is Oink-Oink! I really love acorns!” The stranger will answer "Nice … "


Girl Rita near the path sets the table for the dog and cat. Having arranged the bowls, Rita will tell them “Eat! Have a nice time..."



Olesya Emelyanova “Polite words”

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“Polite words” (riddles for children) Olesya Emelyanova The presentation was prepared by a primary school teacher classes MKOU“Secondary school No. 1”, Nikolaevsk, Volgograd region

Having met a bunny, the hedgehog's neighbor says to him: “....” Hello! And his big-eared neighbor answers: “Hedgehog,...” hello!

Flounder swam to the Octopus On Monday, And on Tuesday, as a farewell, she said to Her: “...” Goodbye!

The clumsy dog ​​Kostik stepped on Mouse's tail. They would have quarreled, But he said: “…” Sorry!

A wagtail from the shore dropped a worm, and for the treat the fish gurgled to her: “…” Thank you!

Fat cow Lula was eating hay and sneezed. So as not to sneeze again, We will tell her: “...” Be healthy!

The fox Matrona says, “Give me the cheese, crow! The cheese is big, and you are small! I’ll tell everyone that I didn’t!” You, fox, don’t complain, but say: “…” Please!

The Hippopotamus and the Elephant, believe me, will not fit through the door together. The one who is more polite will now say: “Only...” after you!

Fly Zhu, although she didn’t want to, flew into the fast train. The bugs Flo and Fti will say to her: “…” Bon voyage!

Tsar Gundey gave Ivan five nails for his salvation, And Ivanushka said to the Tsar: “...” Thank you!

The bull mowed down the daisies and invited the ram. He ate the treat alone, but said: “...” I beg your pardon!

The crocodile did not come out of the swamp for the longest time. Members of the toad council Gave him a prize for this - They awarded him a parrot And shouted: "..." Congratulations!

At two o'clock a fox came to visit the deer. The fawns and the deer told her... Good afternoon!

At sunset, a moth flew to the light. We are, of course, glad to meet you. Let's say to the guest... Good evening!

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Litvinenko Victoria
Presentation “Politeness is cultivated by politeness”

Parents are an example for a child in everything. And before you demand from him polite communication, follow yourself: Do you yourself use words like "Thank you", "Please", "Sorry", "Hello, "Goodbye", "Good morning", "Good night".

In order for a child to learn this while communicating in the family, he needs positive motivation.

He must be captivated, interested and definitely praised for action: “Look how happy grandma was that you said hello to her! She is pleased that you paid attention to her and wished her health! Well done!"

It is better not to impose rules of behavior, but to develop them during play or live communication with the child.

Be sure to tell us what they mean polite words. Learn magic words with your child politeness: good afternoon, hello, goodbye, good evening, good day, hello.

Repeated repetition will form the habit of saying hello and goodbye.

Publications on the topic:

Summary on the topic: Ethical conversations on the topic “Politeness.” Explanatory note. Moral education of preschool children is one of the most difficult.

Consultation “Speech etiquette and politeness” “Be polite”, “You must be polite” - our parents teach us from childhood. What does it mean to be polite? To answer this question first.

Consultation for parents “Raising girls, raising boys” In family education, an important place is occupied by caring for the child’s health, his physical training, hardening, development of strength and endurance.

We foster continuity... Every year in our municipal budget preschool educational institution municipality Krasnodar city “Development Center.

GCD “What is politeness?” Educator: " Good morning!" How are you guys doing? Children's answers Educator: Sloppy will come to visit us today, I invited him so that.

Relevance: On modern stage society is absorbed in the problems of market relations, economic instability, political difficulties.

INTRODUCTION Relevance We often hear rude, abusive speech around us. “Nothing costs us so little or is valued so dearly.

A fairy tale about politeness and polite words - teaching children to be polite and kind towards each other Once upon a time there was a Queen of Politeness: she lived well - everyone respected her, never offended her. Her court ladies-in-waiting lived next to her - polite words:.

A kind word can cheer a person up in difficult times and can help improve their mood. But not only our words should be kind, but our actions should also be such that we don’t have to blush and be ashamed for them. Understanding and fulfilling the desire of another is a pleasure, honestly.

It is always pleasant to communicate with polite people: they use magic words in their speech and perform polite actions. You need to speak on the phone in a polite tone. Use words of greeting, gratitude, apology, farewell. You shouldn't talk for too long.

Let's make scenes: 1. A boy calls a girl. He wants to find out what program the cartoons are shown on. 2. The girl calls her friend and wants to find out from her homework mathematics. 3. The girl calls her friend. She wants to invite her to ski. 4. The boy invites a friend to visit. They bought him new game Football.

Game Dictionary of polite words. Guess the riddles. Even a block of ice will melt From a warm word THANK YOU. The old stump will turn green when you hear: GOOD AFTERNOON. If you can’t eat anymore; We will tell mom: THANK YOU. The boy, polite and developed, says, when meeting, HELLO. When we are scolded for pranks, we say, SORRY, PLEASE. In both France and Denmark, we say goodbye, GOODBYE.