Who founded Google? Who created Google? Who is the founder of Google?

11.11.14 10.4K

Even 20 years ago it was still difficult to imagine that computers would become so firmly entrenched in the everyday life of every person.

Work, relax, communicate - all this can be done using a device with Internet access. And being on the World Wide Web and not knowing what Google is is the same as living in Paris and missing the Eiffel Tower.

Advanced search technologies and a huge number of useful services have made this company the true king of the Internet.

Who do you need to be to conquer the world? For some, this will require an army of well-trained soldiers, and for others, beauty. But nowadays more and more people are gaining recognition and respect for their intelligence.

Many biographies of famous personalities contain descriptions of ordinary guys who started creating in their own garage. All they had initially were brains with bright ideas.

The history of Google began with precisely these young people who were ready to work hard to bring their plans to life:

The path from zero to billions

There is a deep domestic trace in the formation and development of Google. The talented mathematician Sergei Brin, who emigrated to the United States at the age of five, was at the very beginning of the company and still manages it today:

To understand the amazing transformation from “nothing” to a giant at the forefront of modern technology, it is necessary to note the most important stages in the development of Google.
  • 1995 Sergey Brin volunteered to give a tour of Stanford University to students, one of whom was Larry Page. The student and the “tour guide” immediately began to argue about everything in the world, which became the basis for further strong friendship and the same cooperation;
  • 1996 Development of a search system, the operation of which was based on PageRank technology, the essence of which is the ranking of sites depending on the link juice obtained using backlinks. This technology was a real revolution, since previously the main criterion for search engines was the number of keywords on a resource page;
  • 1997 Google has found its name. It’s simply impossible to imagine how much information there is on the World Wide Web, so Sergey and Larry decided to choose as the name the number that is closest to “ it's impossible to imagine how much" A googol is a hundred zeros added to one. The spelling of the word was slightly corrected for euphony;
  • August 1998. The only question Andy Bechtolsteim (one of the founders of Sun) was: " In whose name should the check be written??. One hundred thousand dollars went to the account of the not yet born Google Inc;
  • September 1998. The company moves to its first office - a garage. There are already 3 employees on staff.
  • February 1999. The company already has 8 people and rents an office in Palo Alto.
  • September 1999. Moving to our own building located in Mountain View.
  • year 2000. Google signs an agreement with Yahoo, becoming the main provider of information search services and the largest search engine in the world.
  • year 2001. The company expanded its influence in South America. The search engine's index includes 3 billion documents.
  • 2002 A new office opens in Sydney.
  • 2003 Google buys Pyra Labs, whose best-known technology was Blogger.
  • 2004 The main office is moving to a new building, the number of employees has increased to 800 people. Google goes public for the first time, offering its shares on NASDAQ. Larry Page and Sergey Brin become billionaires.

Subsequently, things went better and better for Google, and today it is no longer possible to imagine using the Internet without the popular services that the company has developed.

Services we can't live without

Throughout its existence, Google wasted no time. The company has developed a huge number of useful services, the most popular of which should at least be listed:

  • Google+ is a social network launched in 2011. A distinctive feature is the Google Circles system:
  • Google Docs is a service that allows you to create text documents, tables and presentations. Data can be saved in cloud storage;
  • Google Drive is a virtual drive on which you can store up to 15 GB of your own information and access it from anywhere in the world:
  • AdSense – contextual advertising that is automatically placed according to the topic of the page;
  • Analytics is a tool for developers and SEO optimizers. Provides detailed statistics on the operation of a web resource:
  • Gmail – email;
  • Maps – geographic maps with which you can easily calculate the route to your destination:
  • News – news generated from the headlines of the most popular publications in the world. The composition of categories is displayed according to user preferences;
  • Play – game application store;
  • Picasa is a service that allows you to work with images.

Your personal browser

One of the company's outstanding achievements was the creation of the Google Chrome browser, which immediately proved to be competitive in a market where, it would seem, there could be no competition.

The mobile version of Google Docs has received a text editing function.

Company Google Inc. founded in 1998 (date of registration - September 4, 1998) by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Brin and Page met at Stanford University and began working together on a project that later became Google. According to the company's founders, "Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it accessible and useful to everyone."

Today the company has more than ten thousand employees worldwide. Brin is President of Technology and Page is President of Products.

Eric Schmidt, chairman and chief executive officer, joined Google from Novell in 2001. Under his leadership, Google significantly expanded its infrastructure and product portfolio. His extensive work experience has prepared him well to lead the development of user-centric technology solutions. Together with the company's founders and other members of the management team, Schmidt is responsible for the company's technical and business strategies.

Google's headquarters are located at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043.

One of the most important areas of the company’s activities is the delivery of search results (and other information) in real time.

In addition to the search engine, Google provides users with various online services. Among the most popular are Gmail, Google Docs, Google Maps and others.

The company owns a popular video hosting service YouTube and the online photo editor Picasa, which allows you to process photos and create web albums from them.

Google's email service with virtually unlimited message storage, internal search, and smart anti-spam protection. It has a standard mode and a basic HTML version, which switches to automatically when logging into Gmail using a browser that is not fully supported.

Google Docs

Online application for remote collaboration on documents. Google Docs allows you to add Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF, HTML or plain text files, create documents from scratch, and upload your own Internet documents; edit documents online simultaneously with any users you choose and invite other people to view those documents; publish documents on the Internet; Send documents via email as attachments.

Google Docs also allows you to work with tables, presentations and illustrations.

Google Maps

A Google service that offers user-friendly map search technology and local business information including address, contact information and driving directions. You can work with maps in three display options: satellite photographs, schematic maps, and a hybrid of the first two maps. Searching for a point by latitude and longitude is supported.

The service also includes the Google Traffic service, Google Places, mobile versions of maps, a custom map designer, etc. Using Google Street View, you can explore 3D panoramic images of various locations around the world.

Google Earth

Google Earth is a client installed on the user's computer. It lets you travel the world using a virtual globe and view satellite photos, maps, landscapes, 3D buildings and more. Google Earth also allows you to virtually explore the sky, dive into the ocean, walk on the Moon and fly to Mars.

What is Google?

A googol is a mathematical term for one followed by 100 zeros. The term was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of the American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was first described in the book Mathematics and the Imagination by Kasner and James Newman.

The material was prepared based on information from the official website

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

Google is a search engine with additional tools and services.

We can say that Google.com is Sherlock Holmes with his card index, in which data on all the figures of the criminal world is laid out by first and last name, and he easily knows where and how to find any information. In addition, the detective will play the violin for you or entertain you with an interesting conversation. Naturally, the search engine finds not only information about criminals. Everything and about everything is available to him exclusively.

When did Google appear and who founded it?

The history of Google begins in 1998, when the search engine began to be used at Stanford University, where its founders, Larry Page (USA) and Sergey Brin (emigrant, born in the USSR), studied.

Both students were working on solving the problem of searching large data warehouses. At that time, search engines were already working, but the results of their work were unsatisfactory. The search was carried out using keywords, and spam was included in the results. The new system took into account backlinks. If there were a lot of them on the resource, this meant that the portal was relevant to the request and authoritative.

As an example, the developers took references in scientific circles. The more scientists refer to the person in question, the higher their status, the more authoritative the person himself becomes. This is how PR (PageRank) appeared - one of the indicators of ranking and weight of a page and the site as a whole, which raised the quality of search and generally made a fundamental turn in its algorithm.

Mathematicians asked the first users of Stanford to express their impressions and comments, according to which they modified the search engine.

What does the name mean

The initial word was the concept of Googol - 1 and 100 zeros after it. Initially, the new search engine was supposed to be called GooglePlex (10 to the power of googol), but the creators found it unmemorable and awkward to write. Therefore, we settled on the shortened version.

In 1998, the developers registered the company Google-Inc., which received a significant amount for development from one sponsor. With this money, they purchased servers that began to process the growing number of requests to Google.com.

How Google works and how it works

Google uses two important principles: document text analysis and incoming link counting.

Based on the text, link weight and all keys, the search engine determines the position of the resource in the search results. The search is carried out using a previously indexed database of reverse indexes. It also contains saved copies of pages, on the basis of which snippets are generated.

The PS will add the site to its index if the webmaster sends a link to it to the addurilka, or finds your web project via an incoming link from another resource. Backlinks are collected as each page is indexed.

Related Google services

  • AdSense, AdWords – contextual advertising systems.
  • YouTube is the most popular video hosting site.
  • Chrome is a popular web browser.
  • Analytics – a counter for analyzing web resource traffic.
  • Google+ is a social network.
  • Play – applications for mobile gadgets.
  • Disk – data storage in the cloud.
  • Mail – exchange of electronic letters.
  • Photo – storage of photo albums, exchange of photos.
  • Docs – working with documents, text editors, viewing and editing documents from anywhere in the world.
  • Maps is a cartography system around the world with point objects.
  • Calendar – event planner.
  • Hangouts – online chat.
  • Talk – messenger, messaging.

This is not a complete list. There is also a Translator, News, Notes, Website Hosting, Virtual Printer, Questions and Answers and much more.

Features of promotion on Google

Promotion in this search engine is different from Yandex. In general, both PS have their own characteristics and their sites are ranked differently.

  • Google works a little faster (indexing, issuing, crawling by robot).
  • Google takes into account the anchors of all links from the same text leading to the receiving page.
  • Structured unique texts are necessary for any search engine.
  • In Google, regions are countries, and in Yandex - cities and regions.
  • Google highlights the weight of each page, while the Russian PS gives importance to the weight of the site as a whole.
  • Google prefers the exact occurrence of the key query in the incoming link.
  • Google stores all pages in its database. And Yandex filters out duplicate content and other low-quality documents.
  • The Google database consists of a main and supplemental index. Documents included in supplemental are almost not included in the search.

Reasons for getting into supplemental

  • Non-unique content.
  • A small amount of text on the page.
  • Meta tags are not specified, or they are not unique, or they consist of only one word.

Google's share in Russia is constantly growing. In recent years, a growth trend has emerged due to the release of mobile gadgets with a built-in OS, which by default links the user’s Google account for the correct functioning of the mobile device. Therefore, every optimizer should know about this system and the features of promotion in it.

Sergey Brin is an American entrepreneur, specialist in the field of computer technology, information technology and economics. Together with Larry Page, he became the founder of the Google search engine.

Sergei was born in Moscow into a family of graduates of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, Mikhail Brin and Evgenia Krasnokutskaya, Jews by nationality. Sergei's family belonged to hereditary scientists. His paternal grandfather also studied mathematics, and his grandmother studied philology.

When the boy was five years old, the family immigrated to the United States under the resettlement program. Brin's father becomes an honorary professor at the University of Maryland, and his mother collaborates with serious companies NASA and HIAS.

Young Seryozha, like his parents, turned out to be a promising mathematician. In elementary school, the boy studied under the Montessori program. Sergei went to a school for gifted children and even at this level stood out for his abilities. On a computer donated by his father, the boy created his first programs and printed out his completed homework, surprising his teachers. The grandmother of the future genius lamented that Sergei had only computers in his head.

In high school, Brin visited the Soviet Union as part of an experience exchange program. After the young man saw life in his former homeland, Sergei thanked his father for taking him away from Russia.

Later, the young man will once again express an anti-Russian position, calling the development of this country “Nigeria in the snow,” and the government “a gang of bandits.” Seeing the resonance of such words, Sergey Brin abandoned these phrases and began to insist that he meant something else, and these sayings were twisted by journalists.

Business and technology

After school, the young man enters the University of Maryland and receives a bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Computer Systems. Brin completed his master's degree at the prestigious Stanford University in California. There, Sergei became seriously interested in Internet technologies and began developing a new search engine system.

At the university, Sergey Brin met graduate student Larry Page, which became a decisive moment in the biography of both computer geniuses.

At first, the young people were constant opponents in discussions, but gradually became friends and even wrote a joint scientific work, “Anatomy of a large-scale hypertext Internet search system,” in which they proposed a new principle of data processing for searching information on the global Web. This work eventually became the 10th most popular of all Stanford scientific papers.

In 1994, a young experimenter created a program that automatically searched for new images on the Playboy website and uploaded photographs to Brin’s computer memory.

But gifted mathematicians decided not to leave scientific work solely on paper. On its basis, programmers created the student search engine Back Rub, which proved the validity of this idea. Sergey and Larry came up with the idea of ​​not just displaying the result of processing a search request, but ranking the received data according to demand among other users. Now this is the norm for all systems.

In 1998, as graduate students at the university, young people decided to sell their own idea, but no one dared to make such an acquisition. Then, after creating a business plan, which showed that an amount of $1 million was needed for initial capital, the young people decided to open a business themselves. Money had to be borrowed from relatives, friends and colleagues. Both Brin and Page left graduate school.

Having improved some aspects of their brainchild, the programmers turned university development into a large-scale business. The new system was named “Googol”, which means “one with one hundred zeros”.

Well, the name known throughout the world today was due to a mistake. When young people were looking for investors, only the head of Sun Microsystems, Andy Bechtolsheim, responded to their call. The businessman believed the young geniuses and wrote a check for a tidy sum, but not in the name of the registered “Googol”, but in the name of the non-existent “Google Inc”.

Soon the media started talking about the new search engine. Google raised its head even further when it survived the “dot-com crash” of the early 2000s, when hundreds of Internet companies went bankrupt one after another.

In 2007, David Wise and Mark Malseed created a book about the unique search engine Google. A Breakthrough in the Zeitgeist,” which described the success story of each of the co-founders of the search engine and their achievements.

Sergey Brin believes that the Apple and Facebook organizations undermine the main idea of ​​the Internet as a free Network and free access to any information. The businessman also categorically disagrees with the idea of ​​fighting against Internet piracy and closing free access to books, music, and films.

Personal life

For a long time, Sergei Brin’s personal life was in the background. Already famous and incredibly wealthy, Sergey Brin started a family. The programmer’s wife was Anna Wojcicki, a graduate of Yale University in Biology and the founder of her own company 23andMe. The wedding took place in 2007 in the Bahamas, and a year later the couple had a son, Benji. In 2011, the family expanded again: they now had a daughter.

Unfortunately, the birth of a girl did not strengthen the marital relationship. Two years later, because of Sergei’s affair with corporate employee Amanda Rosenberg, Brin and Wojcicki separated, and in 2015 they officially filed for divorce.

Sergey Brin is engaged in gigantic charitable investments. In particular, the entrepreneur donated $500 thousand to support the Wikipedia project, which, according to the American entrepreneur, exactly meets the principles of free access to information.

Together with Larry Page, Sergei is involved in the fight against aging and finances a number of projects in this area. After Brin's mother fell ill with Parkinson's disease, and a genetic analysis showed that he himself had a predisposition to this disease, the businessman ordered a biological corporation to calculate how the gene changes in this disease. The mathematician is confident that correcting an error in genetics is no more difficult than in computer code. It is only important to know what to fix.

Since Brin and Page launched the development of interactive glasses-video camera “Google Glass”, Sergey has not parted with them either at home, or on the street, or at work. And in all photographs since 2013 he appears with this “wearable computer” on his face.

Sergey Brin is far from kitsch and luxury in everyday life. But the creator of Google eventually decided to change his home to a more comfortable one. In New Jersey, a programmer purchased a house worth $49 million. The mansion consists of 42 rooms, most of which are bedrooms and bathrooms. In addition to living quarters, the house has a swimming pool, fitness center, basketball court, wine cellars and bars.

Sergey Brin is interested in innovation and technological projects, as can be seen from the photo from his official Instagram. A young man maintains a healthy lifestyle and sports. Sergei's hobbies include piloting an aircraft.

The extreme hobby began with the purchase of a Boeing 767-200 aircraft, which was called the “Google Jet,” together with Page. Its cost was $25 million. But, of course, the programmer trusts the flights to professionals, being content with rare flights on a training ship.

Sergey Brin now

The company of Sergey Brin and Larry Page continues to develop. The main office is located in the center of Silicon Valley. The democratic attitude towards employees amazes even seasoned observers.

Employees are allowed to do personal business 20% of the time, come to work with their four-legged pets, and play sports games on Saturdays. The corporation's canteen is served only by chefs with the highest category. Both co-founders of Google never completed graduate school, so Eric Schmidt, a doctor of technical sciences, was invited to replace the CEO, and they themselves limited themselves to the positions of presidents.

Condition assessment

In 2016, the popular Forbes magazine ranked Brin 13th in its ranking of the richest people in the world. The financial growth of Google Inc began in 2004, and soon both Google co-founders began calling themselves billionaires. In 2018, according to financier estimates, Sergey Brin’s fortune was $47.2 billion. Larry Page is ahead of his colleague by $1.3 billion.

The mobile version of Google Docs has received a text editing function.

Company Google Inc. founded in 1998 (date of registration - September 4, 1998) by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Brin and Page met at Stanford University and began working together on a project that later became Google. According to the company's founders, "Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it accessible and useful to everyone."

Today the company has more than ten thousand employees worldwide. Brin is President of Technology and Page is President of Products.

Eric Schmidt, chairman and chief executive officer, joined Google from Novell in 2001. Under his leadership, Google significantly expanded its infrastructure and product portfolio. His extensive work experience has prepared him well to lead the development of user-centric technology solutions. Together with the company's founders and other members of the management team, Schmidt is responsible for the company's technical and business strategies.

Google's headquarters are located at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043.

One of the most important areas of the company’s activities is the delivery of search results (and other information) in real time.

In addition to the search engine, Google provides users with various online services. Among the most popular are Gmail, Google Docs, Google Maps and others.

The company owns a popular video hosting service YouTube and the online photo editor Picasa, which allows you to process photos and create web albums from them.

Google's email service with virtually unlimited message storage, internal search, and smart anti-spam protection. It has a standard mode and a basic HTML version, which switches to automatically when logging into Gmail using a browser that is not fully supported.

Google Docs

Online application for remote collaboration on documents. Google Docs allows you to add Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF, HTML or plain text files, create documents from scratch, and upload your own Internet documents; edit documents online simultaneously with any users you choose and invite other people to view those documents; publish documents on the Internet; Send documents via email as attachments.

Google Docs also allows you to work with tables, presentations and illustrations.

Google Maps

A Google service that offers user-friendly map search technology and local business information including address, contact information and driving directions. You can work with maps in three display options: satellite photographs, schematic maps, and a hybrid of the first two maps. Searching for a point by latitude and longitude is supported.

The service also includes the Google Traffic service, Google Places, mobile versions of maps, a custom map designer, etc. Using Google Street View, you can explore 3D panoramic images of various locations around the world.

Google Earth

Google Earth is a client installed on the user's computer. It lets you travel the world using a virtual globe and view satellite photos, maps, landscapes, 3D buildings and more. Google Earth also allows you to virtually explore the sky, dive into the ocean, walk on the Moon and fly to Mars.

What is Google?

A googol is a mathematical term for one followed by 100 zeros. The term was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of the American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was first described in the book Mathematics and the Imagination by Kasner and James Newman.

The material was prepared based on information from the official website