Summary of spring entertainment for older children. Themed entertainment “Spring” (for children of the middle group). Game “And we sowed millet”

Entertainment script “Spring - Red has come to us!”

Progress of entertainment:
Children, accompanied by the song “Spring” (composer S. Randa), enter the hall and sit on chairs.
Hello, dear guests and parents.
We invite you to the spring holiday.
Spring has come again,
Again she brought a holiday,
Please accept our congratulations,
And watch the children's performance!
1 Child
Spring came! Spring is red!
With green grass by the window.
I hung earrings on a white-legged birch tree.
Spring is everywhere! Spring is everywhere!
In an animal hole and in a nest!
2 Child
Spring has come, clear
Red Spring has come,
With sticky buds
With the first leaves.
3 Child
Spring came
The drops are ringing
Bird trills can be heard everywhere
And the skies became higher
The beauty of snowdrops is visible.
4 Child
Red Spring has come to us
And brought fun
The grass is turning green,
Sing songs to the birds,
I let the gardens bloom in spring,
And we need to grow up quickly.
5 Child
The sky turned bright blue
The sun warmed the earth.
From beyond the mountains, from beyond the seas
Flocks of cranes are rushing.
Streams in the forest sing,
And the snowdrops are blooming.
Everyone woke up from sleep.
It came to us...
Children (together) Spring.
(To music: Strauss's waltz "Voices of Spring" Spring enters)
I know they're waiting for me everywhere,
Everyone in the world needs me.
I bring joy to people
And my name is Spring!
Hello guys,
Hello dear guests!
So let's all be together
Let's sing a song about spring. (Children perform “Song of Spring”).
A phonogram of forest noise sounds.
Grandfather Echo lives in the forest,
It's just fun to talk to him,
If we all shout “ay”,
Then we will hear in response
Echo (from behind the door):
Let's all say, "Come here"
Echo answers
Let’s shout to grandfather: “Where are you?”
Echo answers
Enough, grandfather, to be naughty,
If only you could joke.
Come here!
We are waiting for you!
(Echo enters with a basket in her hands)
I live in the forest
I scream all day.
I answer here and there
To a variety of voices.
I just want to say
That I love to play
Make a joke, pamper,
Songs to sing and dance.
Hello, Grandpa Echo! What's in your basket?
My forest animals
They sent us their toys. (Takes out a bag of pine cones from the basket)
Here the squirrels gave me cones,
So that we can play with them here.
Game – attraction “Who gets the most cones into the basket”
Children and parents are divided into 2-3 teams and collect cones into baskets while music plays. The team that completes the task faster wins.
Well done guys!
We played from the heart.
I have a picture
In the picture there is a forest all around,
And there are snowdrifts too.
Only through the snowdrift, kids,
Flowers of unprecedented beauty are springing up.
Shows children an unfinished painting
I don't understand anything. Where are the flowers - primroses?
I was in a hurry and didn’t have time to finish the picture. Maybe the guys can help me decorate the picture with snowdrops?
Of course, Grandpa Echo, children and adults will draw your favorite spring flowers.
The thawed patches were warmed by the sun from above,
And the first spring flowers bloomed.
To our delight, the most delicate snowdrops are showing off.
Just let people not tear them, but just admire them.
Against the background of the music “Snowdrop” by P. Tchaikovsky, all children and adults draw the collective work “Snowdrops in a Glade” in unconventional ways. Parents trace snowdrop flowers according to the template, and children color them.
Echo, get some rest
Sit on the stump.
Children won't let you get bored
They will sing and dance.
Who's looking gloomy here?
The music starts again!
Get ready, kids.
Now it's time to dance!
Dance with flowers (Collection “Ring Song”)
1. The flowers scattered,
Bright bouquets. Children with flowers run around the hall
Flashed here and there
And they bloom in the sun.
2. Spin, spin
Show yourself to the kids. Spinning
Spin around, spin around
Show yourself to the kids.
3. Dance, flowers,
Bright bouquets. Making a spring
Squat, squat
And amuse the kids.
4. Breeze, come
And shake the flowers. They shake their hands,
Yes - yes - yes, come in which flowers are kept
And shake the flowers.
And I also prepared a surprise. I have greetings from Summer - A lovely, complex flower.
When I touch lightly
To the bud of a sleeping flower,
With a wave of your hand
The flower will open its petals!
Spring touches a closed flower with a spring twig. The flower's petals open.
What tasks are hidden in the flower,
Do you kids want to know?
Then let's get started quickly!
Let's pick the petal and read the task!
A melody sounds. Spring picks a petal and reads the assignment.
Spring 1 task (blue petal)
Question: Do you know what birds come to us in the spring? What are their names?
Answer: Starlings, rooks, nightingales, swallows, and rooks fly to us. These are migratory birds.
Spring is upon us, spring is upon us
Spring has come to us,
The starlings have arrived,
They sat down to clean their feathers.
I'll go to the green garden
The nightingales are whistling there,
The cherries are blooming
The birds are waking up.
6 Child
Skvorushka, come,
Choose your own house
On a high tree
With a wide porch
Yes, fistulas more often,
Let the doody be louder
Bring out the songs loudly.
And here the squirrels are flying,
All guys are invited.
Who's smart here?
Let's play now.
An outdoor game with chairs and birdhouses “Who can occupy the birdhouse faster.”
To the composer’s “Song of the Lark,” “birds” fly and try to occupy “birdhouses.”

Spring Task 2 (red petal)
Game “Spring Words” (characteristic signs of spring)
All players (adults and children) stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. The person who catches the ball must name something spring, and immediately throw the ball to another child or adult.
Well done guys!
We played from the heart.
Spring Task 3 (green petal)
Now, my boys, guess the riddles.
She comes with affection
And with my fairy tale,
He waves his magic wand -
The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.
Blue handkerchief
Scarlet Ball
Rolls across the sky
Smiles at people.
(Sky, sun)
Palace on a tree
There is a singer in the palace.
What kind of palace is this?
Lying between the trees
Pillow with needles.
She lay quietly
Then suddenly she ran away.
In a white sundress
She stood in the clearing.
The tits were flying,
They sat on their braids.
And our guys know how to dance around a birch tree. And we have our own birch tree. Look how slim and beautiful she is. (Brings out the girl - “birch”).
Come on, play the music!
Invite us to dance!
The round dance “At the Birch Tree” is performed
We dance and sing
Let's clap our hands
We don’t get tired at all,
With good music.
Spring Task 4 (yellow petal)
Let's continue the holiday, let's play fun!
Relay race “Collect a flower”
2 teams are created from children and parents. 2 flowers made of blue and red, yellow and white cardboard, cut into petals and cores. The flower parts are in disarray. After the signal, the participants of both teams, using a petal of a certain color, collect a flower. The team that completes the task faster wins.
2 girls run in - “butterflies”. They fly towards the collected flowers, their wings are not colored.

Spring Task 5 (orange petal)
Color the wings of the butterflies
Teams of children and parents are created. You need to paint the wings of butterflies using an unconventional method (foam swab, “poke”, cotton swabs) as quickly and accurately as possible.

Butterfly (7 child)
We'll spread our wings
The pattern on them is beautiful.
We are spinning, fluttering,
What space all around!
We arrived at the meadow
And here we dance the waltz.
And it seems that with us
The whole meadow began to dance.
When the music starts playing
Gathers all the dancers.
Come on, everyone get up together
Let's start the happy dance.
Plastic sketch “The most beautiful butterfly”. Children and adults are invited to participate. To the music, all participants make smooth movements, similar to the flight of a butterfly. At the end of the music, they freeze in different positions. Spring chooses the most beautiful “butterfly”.
What great guys you all are: you sing, you dance, you know a lot about birds and plants.
Are you familiar with the rules of behavior in nature?
Children and adults name the rules:
- Don't break tree branches.
- Do not damage the bark of trees.
- Don't touch the birds' nests.
- Don't make noise in the forest.
- Don't destroy anthills.
- Never throw garbage into bodies of water.
How much fun you have in kindergarten!
Thank you for inviting me to visit,
I was amused.
But now it's time for me to go to the forest,
Goodbye, kids! But before I go, I will please you. A magical tree blossomed in the forest, and magical candies grew on it. Whoever eats the candy will hear the voices of the forest, and will never violate the rules of conduct in the forest.
A small tree is brought out on a stand with candies hanging on it. (Echo leaves)
You greeted me kindly
They greeted us with song and dance.
I will give everyone a gift,
I won't deprive anyone!
A tray of pie is brought out...
Now it's time for me to go to the fields and forests.
Come visit, my friends. (Spring is leaving).
We are ending our fairy tale,
What else can we say?
Let me say goodbye
We wish you good health!
Thank you for your attention! (to parents)
Thank you for your efforts, (children)
Our deepest bow to all of you!
The children leave the hall to the music.

Software tasks:

Introduce children to the ancient customs of welcoming spring.

Continue to learn how to solve riddles about spring, memorize chants about spring.

Invite children to learn how to bake buns traditional for this holiday - “larks”

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today we have an unusual activity. Today you and I will turn into chefs, but first we’ll talk to you a little.

Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you must guess it:

The beauty walks
Touches the ground lightly
Goes to the field to the river
And by the flower and by the snow. (spring)

That's right it's spring!

Let's learn a funny call and call for spring.

“Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, joy,
With great mercy.
With tall flax,
With deep roots
With rains, downpours,
With abundant bread."

According to popular beliefs, spring will not come on its own; it must be invited. So they called for spring, performing “chants” with a kind of recitative.

Since migratory birds began to return from warmer climes in March, it was believed that it was they who brought spring on their wings.

Wanting to hurry them up, the housewives baked dough figurines of birds with wings, eyes made of currants and bird cherry “larks”. They were distributed to all family members. You had to go out into the street and, throwing up a bird made of dough, say:

My mothers,
Fly to me
Bring it to me
Red spring...

Today we will learn how to bake such dough buns, which are called “larks”.

Now you and I will turn into chefs. Let's put on our aprons and start working with the dough. You need to work with the dough carefully, with great love, so that you get “larks”.

First, roll out the sausage from the dough (as you did from plasticine). Then tie it in a knot so that one end is longer (tail). Make a raisin eye on top. So we got birds, “larks”.

Now we will take the birds to the kitchen, and the cook will bake them in the oven.

While our birds are baking, guess another riddle:

The river roars furiously.
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up. (April)

Oh, guys, look, our larks are already ready. Who brought them?

Well, of course, spring. The "larks" brought spring with them. Let's say together in unison:

You see, we didn’t work in vain today. Our birds brought us Spring on their wings.

This concludes our lesson.


1. Zaretskaya N.V. “Holiday scenarios for kindergarten" – M.: Iris-Press, 2008.

2. Davydova M.A. “Scenarios of musical and folklore holidays.” – M.: “Vako” 2007.


    Sound recordings: P.I. Tchaikovsky’s play “Snowdrop”, the song “Blue Water” performed by Aida Vedishcheva, funny music on the exit of the boy Martha, recording of the bell ringing, Vivaldi “Spring part 2”.

    Primroses woven from beads (snowdrops, coltsfoot, crocuses, mimosa);

    Flower pinwheels for performing breathing exercises;

    “Snow blanket” made of white chiffon;


    Water Fairy Costume;

    Planar images of the spring months, screen;

    Martha boy costume;


    Rebus “Water”;

    “Pebbles” (flat leatherette pads filled with foam rubber);

    Subject pictures: willow, thawed patches, icicle, drops;

    2 easels (large and small 2-sided);

    Reproduction of a painting by A.K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived”;

    Mnemonic table for the story “March”;

    Martinichki (dolls) knitted from red and white threads.

    Organizing time.

Children enter the hall where P.I. Tchaikovsky’s play “Snowdrop” is playing. The speech therapist invites the children to sit on chairs. The music plays for several minutes, then the speech therapist turns off the player.

L o g o p e d . Guys, what is the name of the play that was performed just now?

Children . This is Tchaikovsky's play "Snowdrop".

    Selection of definitions for the word “snowdrop”.

L o g o p e d. That's right guys. He takes out a basket of beaded snowdrops. Let's look at snowdrops. Answer my question - “What kind of snowdrop?”

Children . The snowdrop is delicate.

The snowdrop is fragile.

Snowdrop angustifolia.

The snowdrop is elegant.

Snowdrop is snow-white.

Early snowdrop.

Spring snowdrop.

L o g o p e d. Let's draw a snowdrop.

    Finger gymnastics (on chairs)

Our white flowers

The petals open.
The breeze breathes a little,
The petals are swaying.

Our white flowers
The petals close

Quietly falling asleep
They shake their heads.

Palms folded.

We spread our fingers one at a time, starting with the little finger.

We close our fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb.

We swing our folded palms from side to side.

L o g o p e d. Well done guys, snowdrops are the most impatient flowers, they appear in the first thawed patches, without waiting for the snow to melt completely. What word can you use to describe the flowers that appear first?

Children. Primroses.

L o g o p e d. That's right, guys.Raises a “snow blanket”, from under which beaded primroses appear . So primroses appeared in our clearing. These flowers appear first in different parts of our vast Motherland - Russia. Snowdrops and coltsfoot are in our area, crocuses and mimosa are blooming in the Caucasus.

I have a basket full of primroses for you. Let's play with them.

    Breathing exercises “Primroses”

The speech therapist hands out pinwheel flowers to the children and invites them to go to the carpet. Exhale three short times (3 times). Exhale long without raising your shoulders.

Children go to the chairs.

L o g o p e d. Well done guys, tell me, what time of year is the appearance of snowdrops a sign?

Children. The appearance of snowdrops is a sign of early spring.

L o g o p e d. That's right, guys. We will talk about early spring today.

The snowstorm has died down, the winds have ceased,

The spruce needles are slightly shiny.

And Santa Claus sits in his sleigh,

It's time for him to say goodbye to us.

To replace him, majestically

The beauty is walking alone.

You know a lot about her

The name of the beauty... (Spring)

L o g o p e d. Guys, remember the poems about spring and tell them to our guests. But before we tell you, let's do spring exercises for the tongue.

    Articulation gymnastics

The icicle is melting.
Open your mouth, extend your “sharp” tongue, then lower your “wide” tongue onto your lower lip. Alternate the positions of the “sharp” and “wide” tongue.
Open your mouth, place your “wide” tongue on your lower lip, moving it slightly, first to the left, then to the right.
Droplets knock on the roof.
Raise the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth towards the alveoli and say: “Tdd-tdd-tdd.”
L o g o p e d . Well done guys, now we can start.

    Expressive reading of poems about early spring.

1st child. Stas

Alexey Pleshcheev

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,

There was a breath of spring through the window...

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be clothed with leaves.

Pure heavenly azure,

The sun became warmer and brighter.

It's time for evil blizzards and storms

It's gone for a long time again.

2nd child. Zhenya

Ivan Bunin

Spring, spring! And she's happy about everything.

It’s like you’re standing in oblivion

And you hear the fresh smell of the garden

And the warm smell of melted roofs.

All around the water gurgles and sparkles,

Sometimes roosters crow,

And the wind, soft and damp,

He quietly closes his eyes.

3rd child. Dima

Fedor Tyutchev

No wonder winter is angry,

Her time has passed -

Spring is knocking on the window

And he drives him out of the yard.

And everything started to fuss,

Everything is forcing winter out -

And larks in the sky

The ringing bell has already been raised.

L o g o p e d. Well done guys, you spoke very expressively, and now I invite you all to go to the carpet and play.

    Physical exercise.

"Caring Sun"

The sun sends from the sky
Ray, ray, ray.

And he boldly accelerates them
Clouds, clouds, clouds.
Gently warms children
Cheeks, cheeks, cheeks.
And in the spring he puts it on his nose
Dots, dots, dots.
Children's freckles turn golden.
They really like it!

Children rhythmically cross their arms above their heads.

Smoothly swing your arms at the top.

They rub their cheeks rhythmically.

Rhythmically tap your finger on your nose.

The speech therapist invites the children to take their seats.

    Selection of definitions, homogeneous predicates, words with opposite meanings.

L o g o p e d. Guys, now try to come up with as many words as possible about the spring sun, sky, streams, snow. We will add your words to our Dictionary.The speech therapist holds a “dictionary book” in front of the children; the children “put” their words in the “dictionary.”

L o g o p e d. What kind of sun?

Children . Spring, bright, warm.

L o g o p e d. What kind of sky?

Children . Blue, tall, clean.

The wind is fresh, spring, warm.

The streams are fast, transparent, loud.

Snow - dark, soft, melted, loose, wet, damp.

L o g o p e d. Amazing! Well done! Choose as many words as possible about what the sun, wind, snow, and streams do in spring.

Children. The sun shines, warms, caresses.

Snow melts, settles, darkens.

Streams are running, ringing, babbling.

L o g o p e d. Now let’s open our mouths to say the opposite!

In winter the snow is white, and in spring.....

In winter the days are short, and in spring...

In winter the sun is dim, and in spring...

In winter the wind is cold, and in spring...

“Dictionary” was easy, but it became….

L ogoped. Well done, guys. Now our dictionary is full of spring words.

    Development of logical thinking. Solving the rebus.

The speech therapist places an easel in front of the children with the rebus “water” (or determine the word by the first sounds).

L o g o p e d. Guys, guess the word hidden in this puzzle (water).

Children solve the puzzle.


I'm running down a flight of stairs,

Ringing over the pebbles,

From afar by song

You will recognize me.

    Selection of related words.

Water . Hello guys, I'm the Water Fairy.

The Story of the Water Fairy.

I recently had a birthday. I threw a big ball. I invited my relatives. Everyone has gathered. The water strider is playing on the pebbles, the water strider is jumping on the algae, even the water strider himself has come out. A diver is basking in the sun, a water carrier has come to visit, a stormy waterfall and the water driver are starting a conversation, and the driver comes with an accordion. I looked at the guests and immediately noticed a stranger, not from our family. I told him to go away. Have you guessed who is the odd one out?

Children. The extra one is the driver. The word is that the driver is from another family!

    Development of general motor skills, dexterity, attention.

Water Fairy . Well done! Now you will amuse me. Walk on the pebbles through our “lake” without getting your feet wet.

MUSIC . Children walk on the "pebbles".

Water . Well done, you made me laugh! Receive (gives the massage ball to the speech therapist) a magic drop for this!

It's a pity that it's time for me to go!

Water the forests and meadows

I have to make it by summer!


L o g o p e d. Guys, the Water Fairy left us a magic drop, it will help us remember words related to the word water.

The speech therapist invites the children to the carpet. Children stand in a circle.

Speech therapist conductsball game , during which children remember words that are related to the wordwater (water, water strider, algae, water, diver, submariner, water strider, water carrier, waterfall, water).

The speech therapist invites the children to take their seats.

    Clarification of knowledge about the spring months. Clarification of the meanings of the words protalnik, snowgon, grass.

L o g o p e d. Guys, let's remember the names of the spring months. List them.

Children. March April May.

L o g o p e d. That's right guys. As soon as one month ends, another begins immediately. And it has never happened before that March came before February left, and May overtook April. The months go one after another and never meet. We are visiting the spring months - the characters from S.Ya. Marshak’s fairy tale “12 Months”, listen to what they tell themselves about themselves.

Behind the screen, the spring months appear one after another.


Streams run faster
The sun is shining warmer.
The sparrow is happy about the weather -
The month of March came to see you.

May I be a month young,

But my question is not an easy one!

Why is it called March?piercer ?

Children. In March, the snow becomes loose and thawed patches appear. Thawed areas are where the snow melted and the first islands of land appeared.


The bear crawled out of the den,
Dirt and puddles on the road,
A lark trills in the sky -
April has come to visit you.

May I be a month young,

But my question is not an easy one!

What does April mean?snowman ?

Children. Snegogon is a complex word; two words are hidden in it (snow, drive). April brings snow, the sun warms up, the snow quickly melts, streams flow.


The garden tried on white,
The nightingale sings a sonnet,
Our land is dressed in greenery -
May welcomes you warmly.

May I be a month young,

But my question is not an easy one!

Why is it called May?let's poison ?

Children. In May, green grass appears, leaves bloom on the trees, everything around turns green.

L o g o p e d. That's right, guys. Tell me, what month is it now?

Children. March.

L o g o p e d.

In warm sunny boots,

With a light on the clasps,

A boy runs through the snow

The snow is scary, naughty girl:

As soon as he steps, the snow melts,

The ice along the rivers has broken.

He was overcome with excitement.

And this boy is...March!


Under music the boy Mart runs in with a twig in his hands.

    Game “Give me a word”. Updating the dictionary on the topic.

March. Hello my friends!

I came to you for the holiday!

Play with me

And guess the words!

Mart asks the children riddles, and the speech therapist puts pictures of the riddles on the easel.

    The very first day of spring,
    The very, very first.
    On the edge, near a pine tree
    Bloomed... (willow).

    Oh, trouble! Oh, trouble!
    The snow is melting, there is water all around.
    You won’t put on felt boots,
    In the snow... (thawed patches).

    Happy spring brother Sasha
    And the dog is happy Zhulka.
    In the heat, from our roof
    In the morning it hung... (icicle).

    Snow in the forest. There are a lot of snowdrifts.
    But you can hear the trill of tits.
    From the roof straight onto the road
    It is dripping loudly... (drops).

L o g o p e d. Month of March, tell me, is it true that you are already studying at a school for clever people?

March. Is it true! I'm in 2nd grade!

L o g o p e d. Great! And our children are also going to school and already know and can do a lot. Give them a more difficult task.

    Exercise “Divide into syllables.” Improving the skill of syllabic analysis of words.

March. Well, then let them share the words (points to pictures and says words ) willow, thawed patches, icicle and drops on syllables.

L o g o p e d. Guys, before completing the task, let's remember the rule about dividing words into syllables.

Children. The number of vowels in a word equals the number of syllables.

Children divide words into syllables and name the number of syllables in the words.

March. Well done guys, I had a lot of fun with you, but I have to hurry! I’ll run into the forest, it’s time to wake up the lazy bear!


The children and the speech therapist say goodbye to Mart. March runs away under music .

    Game “Which forest?” Improving the grammatical structure of speech.

L o g o p e d. Guys, let’s go for a walk in the spring forest and remember the name of a forest made up of different tree species.

Children stand in a circle. Speech therapist d leaves a chest .

I put the picture in a multi-colored chest,

Come on, Katya, open it, take out the picture, name it!

The following pairs of phrases are formed in the game: forest of aspens, aspen forest - aspen forest; birch forest, birch grove - birch forest; forest of oaks, oak grove - oak grove; forest of pine trees, pine forest - pine forest.

The children take their places on the chairs.


L o g o p e d. Guys, what did you hear just now?

Children. We heard the bell ringing.

L o g o p e d . That's right guys, this is a bell ringing, and it sounds from the painting of the outstanding Russian artist Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov “The Rooks have Arrived”.The speech therapist removes the cape from the easel with the painting.

MUSIC Saint-Saens SWAN

On the outskirts of a small village rises a small bell tower. Bare branches of birch trees stretch towards the blue sky with high clouds. A flock of rooks descends on them with noise and thunder. The ice on the pond has melted, and the snow has already lost its winter purity and splendor.The picture is painted in dark colors, spring comes slowly. It seems that this young beauty simply did not sleep well. She frowns a little and stretches in her downy bed. The great miracle of the awakening of spring is happening before your eyes.

L o g o p e d. Guys, look at the picture and choose words for the following concepts:

    Spring nature awakens (comes to life, wakes up)

    Opened spring ( brought) rooks

    On thawed patches their dark (black) flocks

    The rooks spent the winter in the south of our great (immense, enormous ) countries

    On the way to ( on the way ) they more than once fell into cruel (evil, strong ) snowstorms.

    Many birds were exhausted (tired) and died ( died) on my way.

    The strongest ones arrived first (strong, hardy ) rooks.

    Now they're walking aroundwander, walk) along the roads and pick their strong noses(beaks) land.

    Aside pacing lonely rook (walks, steps, walks, wanders)

    Snow wet(wet, raw)

    Air clean (transparent, crystal)

    Fields darkened(turned black)

    Rooks are building (build, build, erect, equip) nests for themselves

    Berezki curves (bent, clumsy)

    Rooks are in a hurry (hurry) to build nests

    Birches, as if alive, extend theirchilled (frozen, numb) branches.

    Physical exercise “The Coming of Spring”

The long-awaited spring has arrived

The gentle, warm sun came out

Fluffy clouds float across the sky

Trees come to life

The buds burst and green leaves appear

Delicate snowdrops appear on thawed patches

Streams are running

How beautiful it is in the forest in spring

We rise on tiptoes, spread our arms to the sides

Stroking hands

Depict swimming with hands

They make a house over their heads, spread their arms

We spread our closed palms, click our closed lips

Squatting, imitating the appearance of a snowdrop

Making a wave with both hands

They spread their hands in admiration. Oh!

    Retelling of the story “March” according to G. Skrebitsky using a mnemonic table. Development of coherent speech, speech hearing, memory.

L o g o p e d. Guys, in the last lesson we looked at Igor Grabar’s painting “March” and listened to G. Skrebitsky’s story “March”, as if specially written for this painting. Let's remember this story, and the table will help us with this.

1 - 2 children take turns retelling the text based on a mnemonic table.


March is the first month of spring. There is still snow on the ground, and sometimes frost will strike. But look how dazzlingly the sun shines. Its light is thick and golden. The sun's rays warm your face and hands. And the sky is blue, blue, and fluffy clouds are spread across it. The snow begins to melt. The first thawed patches appear on the hillocks. There are still very small streams babbling in the fields. Streams, thawed patches, the first curly clouds - this is the very beginning of spring.

L o g o p e d. Well done guys, at the next lesson we will definitely compare these two paintings, two early springs - Savrasov and Grabar.

You did a great job today. Let's see what the boy March left for you! Guys, these are Martinichki. The white color of these dolls symbolizes the passing winter, the red color symbolizes the coming spring. At the end of March, trees were decorated with martinica flowers - saying goodbye to winter and inviting spring.

L o g o p e d. Today we had fun, and played, and studied, and now it’s time for you kids to rest.

    Exercise "Snowmen". Relaxation.

Development of expressiveness of movements, imagination, stress relief.

The speech therapist invites the children to stand freely on the carpet.

L o g o p e d. Imagine that you are snowmen. You are standing in an open sunny clearing. Spring came. The sun is starting to warm up. You start to melt a little. The sun is getting hotter and hotter. You melt and sink lower and lower. Under the hot rays you fall onto a thawed patch.

Children perform movements at the command of the speech therapist.

L o g o p e d . Lie on your back, relax, put your hands behind your head, stretch your whole body. Sit down slowly.

The children stood up, stretched, and smiled at each other.

We say goodbye to the guests and head off to the group.

With. 1
MBDOU No. 5 “Stepnyachok”

" Spring came"

Fun for the middle group

Teacher N.N. Khakimova

" Spring came"

Fun for the middle group

Target: Introducing children to the images of spring, learning the beauty of the world around them, manifested through the means of musical expressiveness.

Development creative imagination, the ability to quickly respond to assigned tasks, to bring joy and satisfaction from actions to music.

Introduce children to folk traditions;

Activate creative expressions of children in the transmission of various game images;

Develop children have imagination and imagination.
Preliminary work:

  1. Learning songs, dances and performances;

  2. Individual work with leading characters;

  3. Selection and preparation of phonograms.
Materials and equipment:

  1. Decorating the hall in spring;

  2. Suits for Semyon and sundresses for girls, suit for Bereze

  3. Flowers - 2 for each girl.







The buds on the trees will burst

And leaves will appear

The snow will melt in the yard

And the streams will begin to run.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?

Leading: dawns early in the morning,
All the snow melted here and there,
The stream roars like a waterfall,
Starlings fly to birdhouses.
Drops are ringing under the roofs,
The bear got up from the spruce tree.
The sun caresses everyone with warmth,
Who knows this time of year? Spring.
After a cold winter, spring has come to us.
Today we have gathered here to welcome spring.

Oh, what a beauty

Nastya Ch.

Spring has come to the forest again:

The birds sing merrily

The nests are diligently made,

The streams are ringing merrily,

They rush to the river.

The sun is shining brightly, inviting everyone to the round dance.
Leading: Guys, name the definitions for the word “SPRING”. What is she like? (warm, kind, green, beautiful, early) Did you know that in spring all living things wake up from their winter sleep?! And who wakes up in a den? Tell me, show me!
-The bear crawled out of the den,
-Looked around at the threshold (turns left and right)
-He stretched out from his sleep: (stretching his arms up)
-Spring has come to us again.
-To quickly gain strength,
-The bear's head was spinning (head rotation)
-Leaned back, forward, (leaning)
-Here he is walking through the forest (we imitate the movement - walking)
-The bear is looking for roots,
-And rotten stumps.
-They contain edible larvae -
-For the bear - vitamins. (bending forward)
-Finally the bear has eaten,
-And he sat down on a log (they sat down on the carpet)


The icicles are melting icy,

And the skies are clear.

Washed and clean

We will celebrate Spring Day.

S. Runge

Song about spring


“Have you heard,” the drops rang, “

That there will be no more gray snowstorms

Circling over the field?


"We heard, we heard!" - the streams answered.


How well do you know the signs of spring? Let's check it out.

I invite you guys to guess spring riddles:
- What is blue, tall, clean in spring? (sky).
- what is light, white, fluffy in spring? (clouds).
- What runs and murmurs in the spring? (Creek).
- What drips and rings in the spring? (drops).
- What warms, shines, bakes in spring? (Sun).
A dissatisfied Semyon enters.

Leading. Hello, unknown guest!

Semyon. Hello!

Leading. What is your name? What are they called?

Semyon. Semyon - me!

Leading. Why are you so unhappy?

Semyon. You'll be angry here. Everyone teases me:

“Semyon pouted!”

Leading. Semyon, don't be offended, it's better to play with us!


Well let's play

Get up in a round dance!

The children stand around Semyon.

Game "Semyon"

Hey Semyon, Children walk in a circle, holding

Why did you pout? by the hands. In the center there is a

Hey Semyon, sulking Semyon.

Why did you pout?

Don't be angry, don't be angry The children stop and

And smile at the guys. They shake their finger at Semyon. He frowns.

You dance a little Children clap their hands. Semyon is dancing.

What should we do, tell us!

After the song, Semyon gives the children a task (eat porridge, sit down, jump, scratch their ear, etc.), which the children demonstrate with movements.

Semyon: Well, you made me laugh. Indeed, today is a warm, spring day.

1st child

They'll make noise again soon

Young leaves

They will buzz, they will talk

Golden bees.

2nd child

Will sprinkle the fields with rain


The first thunder will roar,

Flying around the earth.

3rd child

In the tender greenery, in the bushes

The brook will wake up

A ringing song in the sky

The bird will respond.

S. Vysheslavtseva

4 child

At the pensive birch tree

Earrings hang on the branches.
You, birch tree, don’t be sad,
Dissolve the buds into leaves
Spring round dance “There was a birch tree in the field”

Semyon: What a beautiful dance. Just great guys! And I know an outdoor game. Let's play together?!

Outdoor game “Sun, rain, breeze”(the sun - freezes, the rain - they jump, the breeze - they run in all directions.)
Semyon: Guys, what washes away the remains of dirty snow and various twigs from the ground in the spring? Helps young flowers and all living things grow?

Children - rain!

Rain, rain, more!

I'll give you the grounds

I'll go out onto the porch,

I'll give you a cucumber

I'll give you a loaf of bread too -

Water as much as you want.

Semyon: Do you know what is brighter and warmer in the spring, what warms the earth?

Children are the sun!

Game-exercise “SUN”
(For the development of general motor skills, carried out to music)

Little sun

I hold it in my palms (the children show the little sun with their hands)
And the big sun
I see from the window (they show the big sun with their hands)
I take the little sun with my hands (they show the little sun with their hands)
And the big sun
High above the clouds (raise your arms above your head and look up)
Little sun
It shines in my palms (shows a little sun with his hands)
And the big sun
Shines on the whole planet! (raise your arms above your head and spread them to the sides)

Semyon: Well done! And now I want to rest, I’m very tired.


You, Semyon, rest, and we will read you poems about spring

1 .Spring is coming towards us with quick steps,

And the snowdrifts melt under her feet,

Black thawed patches are visible in the fields,

You can see very warm feet in spring.

2 .The snow is no longer the same -

He darkened in the field,

The ice on the lakes is cracked,

It's like they split it.

The clouds are moving faster

The sky has become higher

The sparrow chirped

Have fun on the roof.
3. The evil blizzard has passed away.

The night became shorter than the day.

A warm wind blows from the south,

The drops fall, ringing.

The sun warms the earth,

Ice is driving off our hill.

The snow woman is melting

And tears flow in streams.

On the grass without boots

A breeze ran through.

Stuck his nose under the canopy

He climbed into Bug's booth.

And then outside the village

Spun it with a spindle...

The leaf moved

A flower has blossomed.

Leading: Our girls will perform a flower dance.

Dance of Flowers

Performed by girls.

Bottom line.
With. 1

Tasks: continue to introduce children to natural phenomena, seasons; improve walking and running skills, practice jumping; give children a feeling of joy.

Equipment: two inclined boards; three bars (height - 5 cm); models of ice floes made of paper; audio recording of music.

Leisure activities

Children enter the hall to the music and line up.

Instructor. Guys, tell me, what time of year is it now?

Children. Spring.

Instructor. That's right, spring. What happens in nature in spring?

Children. The snow is melting, the birds are flying in, the sun is starting to warm up, and it’s getting warm.

Instructor. Today we will go to meet Spring in the forest. Let's play animals and birds and find out what they do in spring forest.

An audio recording of music is playing. Children perform the following movements:

Spring is coming towards us with quick steps Walking one after another at a brisk pace.

And the snowdrifts melt under her feet. Walking with high knees.

Streams flowed through the forest. Snake running.

Apparently, spring has very warm feet.


1. “The streams woke up the bear. He crawled out of the den and began to wander through the spring forest.”

Walking on the outside of the foot.

2. “In order not to get our feet wet, we will walk across the streams on the bridge.”

Walking on boards laid on the floor.

3 . “They began to fly into the forest migratory birds. The rooks arrived first, followed by the starlings.”

Running in all directions.

4. “The birds chose trees for themselves where they would build nests, and sat on the branches. Feathers are being cleaned from the road.”

Turns the head down-right-left.

5. “They are spreading their wings.”

Raise the right one, then left hand up, look at her.

6. “They look around to see if there is any danger.”

Turns the body left and right.

7. “They began to pick up dry twigs and blades of grass and make nests.”


8. “They worked hard and started jumping on the branches having fun.”

Jumping sideways.

9. “Let the birds relax and have fun, and we will go further into the forest and see how the hares greet Spring.”

Walking one after another.

10. “Hares are happy about Spring. It became warmer, young grass appeared in the thawed patches - juicy and tasty. Hares are jumping merrily along forest paths.”

Jumping on two legs while moving forward.

11 . “They jump over stumps.”

Jumps successively over three bars (height - 5 cm).

12 . “The bunnies wanted to visit the neighboring forest, which grew on the other side of the river.

They began to jump on the ice floes. They push off well so as not to fall into the water.”

Jumping on “ice floes” (“ice floes” - at a distance of 50 cm from each other).

13 . “So we visited the spring forest. We saw that all its inhabitants were very happy about spring.

And now it's time for us to return home. Let’s rest in the clearing before the journey.”

Children sit on the carpet.

Instructor. Tell me, what did the ice floes on which the bunnies jumped look like?

Children. They looked like clouds, like a plate, like a table, etc.

Instructor. Guys, what do you think, is it possible to jump on real ice floes?

Children. No you can not.

Instructor. That's right, it's very dangerous. Even for adults it is dangerous to walk on the ice of a river or lake in the spring. The ice may crack and a person will fall into the icy water and drown.

You studied very well today and, I hope, you remembered everything we talked about today.

Children leave the hall to an audio recording of birdsong.