Selling helium balloons is an income business. Balloon business: pros and cons. Balloon business: materials for making compositions

Today no one considers the hot air balloon business to be a novelty in the leisure sector. The pioneers of the nineties had already made money. But there are also those who, instead of profit, received a “donut hole” and were left alone with a mountain of rubber products no one needed. And here there are specific points; the preliminary economic analysis and drawing up a business plan. Our article is dedicated to those who want to engage in this cheerful activity.

Important points are discussed and thought about “on shore”. This will protect you from the constant emergence of surprises that will pop up “like a jack-in-the-box” if you take this process and stage lightly.

Common problems characteristic of a novice businessman are also present in this matter:

  1. Starting capital, that is, those cash, which will have to be spent to get started. Its volume and expected payback period.
  2. Purchased or rented premises.
  3. The need (or absence) of hired labor and the qualifications of workers, if they are still needed.
  4. Analysis of the state of the competitive situation in a specific locality.
  5. Ways to promote a business, types of marketing and advertising moves.

The solution to most of the listed points will depend on the specific issues inherent in this type of occupation. It is clear that no one associates the concept of “balloon business” with the sale of ordinary ballons on the street to random passers-by. This means that in order to receive a tangible and permanent income, you will have to show creativity and imagination. After all, even simple one-color balls are perceived by most people as attributes of some kind of fun and celebration.

At this stage, the specifics of work related to balloons begin. What services, to whom and with what frequency the businessman decides to provide will depend on the decision common problems. It’s one thing to spin simple balloon figures yourself, and another to decorate rooms and buildings for special occasions. In the first case, a room in housing and the hands of a business organizer are enough, but in the second, a room is rented, an investment of money is required to purchase balloons and hire workers with a creative look and a sense of beauty. But the benefits in these cases will also vary in volume.

To summarize, the conclusion suggests itself that the balloon business has the following pros and cons:

  1. Pros: the need for minimal cash investments, the ability to do without rented premises and hired workers for the first time, monthly constant income, various options provision of services (they are limited only by the imagination and creative abilities of the businessman).
  2. Cons: possible unforeseen force majeure with the purchase of balloons and others Supplies, insufficient income (the main reason for closing a business), the need to invest money in advertising, it is advisable to have basic skills in aero design.

A distinctive feature of the balloon business is its excellent compatibility with other design services. This is the decoration of banquet halls for weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations, and gift bouquets together with flower arrangements, and the decoration of retail and other outlets dedicated to the start of activities. In large populated areas, in places where people gather (children of various age categories), they are popular entertainment programs featuring compositions made from balloons.

New this year is a “surprise box” with balloons inside. Such gifts are often given to children, counting on their immediate reaction, when instead of the expected contents (usually boring), when opened, a bunch of multi-colored balls or an intricate figurine of a fairy-tale hero flies out. A storm of delight and memories are guaranteed for a long time. As another option for congratulating a child, we offer a “turnkey holiday” service, which includes all aspects of creating a fun and cozy atmosphere for the customer.

There are 5-10 companies working on the market for similar services network companies, who have already secured a name for themselves and offer work under a franchise of brands of the same name, guaranteeing win-win best business ideas. This path is suitable for those who have a significant amount of money (150 - 650 thousand rubles), but have no experience working with balls.

We will not consider the option of illegal entrepreneurship; this desire to avoid taxation ends in the imposition of huge fines and the initiation of a criminal case.

This means you need to decide how to open a business:

  • register as individual entrepreneur(hereinafter referred to as IP);
  • open a limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as LLC).

I would immediately like to focus on the legal differences between these two types of activities: opening an LLC involves a larger number of documents and deadlines for registration, compared to an individual entrepreneur, but in the future it is safer for the founders in a situation of financial collapse. An individual entrepreneur is calculated based on debts to tax authorities, employees and suppliers with all their property, but the founders of an LLC only in the amount of authorized capital and fixed assets. Next, the procedure will begin - and that’s it. But the future businessman must decide in each specific case.

Paying taxes does not cause fear in any of the listed ways of doing business. Behind Lately Many more gentle types of reporting and taxation have appeared. This single tax on imputed income (UTII) and a simplified system. A professional accountant simultaneously keeps records of the work of 5-10 individual entrepreneurs or LLCs, and the price for their services is not as high as it seems at first glance.

Some subjects of the Federation provide for a patent that eases the problem of paying contributions and taxes. They are paid only once a year. The presence or absence of such an opportunity is determined independently.

Inspections from all kinds of regulatory authorities in the first three years of business are also prohibited by law. The exception is an inspection based on a complaint received. In our case, the only thing that comes to mind is a complaint about the deterioration of a person’s health after contact with the balls. To avoid such negative aspects, it is necessary not only to purchase balloons and components from suppliers, but also to stock up on certificates of conformity (safety) for all products. The same requirement applies to auxiliary equipment for inflating balloons.

As for hired workers, in addition to the mandatory registration of civil law or employment contract with them, they also stock up on health books for each employee involved in decorating the halls and preparing for special events.

At the final stage of registration of the case, a separate bank account is opened for settlements with suppliers and customers.

It's time to pay attention to what you need to open a store, and in general your business in this area.

Although a balloon selling business typically requires a small amount of cash to get started, it still needs to be available. Although risky individuals begin work in this direction at home, one can say from scratch, raising and developing the business. Money is needed to finance four components of this type of activity: renting premises or offices, purchasing materials and equipment, hiring staff and advertising campaign.

The cost item is renting the premises. As the already established practice of successful representatives of this type of entrepreneurship shows, the best option for renting an office is a room (separate place) in a shopping center with high traffic (traffic). This is explained by the fact that it is visual acquaintance with multi-colored balls of various shapes that will ensure the flow of buyers and recipients of services in the form of hall decoration. If space allows, then it makes sense to collect several options for compositions that can demonstrate the imagination and skill of the owner of the outlet. As a minimum option, this could simply be a retail point of sale.

The only disadvantage of this location is a possible ban on the owners of the shopping center from working with gas cylinders on their premises.

As for the actual volume of investments, they depend on the area (20-30 square meters is enough to start work), and on the average rental price in a particular locality.

There are no general figures; the difference between the price per 1 square meter in a small town and in the capital of our Motherland varies tenfold.

Equipment and materials

The purchase of equipment, balls and consumables will also require investment. Most of them will go towards the purchase of helium cylinders (one, designed for 450-500 balloons, costs approximately 6,000 rubles); you won’t be able to save money here, since when buying a smaller cylinder, there is a risk of being unable to fulfill the order at the most inopportune moment. It is up to the business owner to decide how to pump helium into the balloons: a hand pump or a compressor, everything will depend on the scope of the event and the time required to prepare it.

As for the main thing - the balls, the advice here will only be general, since everyone has their own vision of what they should be.

And there is plenty to choose from:

  • long-known rubber inflatable balls of various colors and shapes;
  • latex balloons;
  • foil figurines of cartoon and fairy tale characters;
  • illuminated balls;
  • on the holder.

The specific list of what will be needed depends on the focus: will it be decorating banquet halls or gifts for children's parties, or simply selling in the park and on the street.

Additionally, you will need such little things as fishing line, tape, tape, glue, the costs of which also need to be taken into account when drawing up the initial business plan.

Hired labor also constitutes one of the most impressive expense items. To begin with, you can hire one assistant who will inflate the balloons and keep order in point of sale. As the turnover increases, you will have to resort to the help of several more people who work on interacting with clients, assembling structures at the site of the celebration, and an accountant.

As for the employee on whom the prosperity of the business will largely depend, it is better to hire a person who already knows what aerodesign is and has skills in this field. Or you can send them to training courses at the expense of the organization. The main thing is that this particular employee should be a truly passionate and active person, gushing with ideas, an optimist by nature.

Advertising campaign

Advertising is the engine of trade, this has been known for a long time. And in conditions of fierce competition, it is the ability to interest customers, to make them want to contact a specific seller, which very often plays a decisive role.

  1. Creating your own website. This will require considerable investment, but if a professional gets down to business, the money will quickly return, and even with profit. It is clear that the site should be visually attractive and make it as easy as possible to find the information you need. Constant updating is also included in the concepts of “informative” and “working”.
  2. Groups in in social networks also help promote trade and services. The name should match the name of the company, so it will be easier to find the necessary information on the Internet. It is clear that a specific employee of the organization is responsible for interaction on all social networks.
  3. Do not underestimate the various printed forms advertising - business cards, leaflets, posters and others. They are convenient to hand out during outdoor performances or just to random passers-by in a shopping center. And even though the majority of those who are happy will throw them into the nearest trash can, the percentage of those interested is stable and can provide a profit.
  4. Cooperation with large trading enterprises, with local administration in organizing various kinds of celebrations, fairs, presentations, anniversaries will bring dividends in the form of recognition and good reputation, which is much more important than direct monetary profit.
  5. Periodic social events, that is, free ones, will also play a role long-term investment money. These are promotions for schools, kindergartens, museums, registry offices, parks and other crowded places.

A creatively thinking person also opens up other ways to advertise his services and products; this is not an exhaustive list of possible activities.

Don’t forget about such an expense item as a car for transportation as ready-made structures from balls and blanks for them. This also includes the cost of gasoline and driver wages.

The balloon business opens up many opportunities for the implementation of creative skills for people who are optimistic and ready to give joy to others. In order to, in addition to receiving positive emotions, be able to improve their financial situation, make money from sales and participation in holidays, they approach planning responsibly. Many specific points are taken into account, ranging from the dependence of sales volume on holidays and ending with the general level of purchasing power of the population in each specific locality.

Among the positive differences are the minimum amount of starting capital and a stable (albeit small) income. Strong competition is one of the most negative aspects associated with this line of activity.
A positive, creative approach to the common cause of employees, a well-executed advertising campaign, will allow you to reach an objectively different level of income in the shortest possible time.

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Your own business: how to make money on balloons

*The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated data

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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The balloon business is a profitable business. But not all entrepreneurs can stay afloat in this area due to high competition. At first glance, selling balloons does not require a lot of investment and effort, but this is not at all the case. By leaving things to chance, a novice businessman may be left with nothing.


Helium balloons are in great demand. They are bought for birthdays as an addition to a gift, for weddings and holidays to decorate the premises. Such balloons are good because they are filled with helium, which prevents them from falling to the ground, since it is lighter than air.

During the economic downturn, many balloon companies went out of business. This is due to the fact that there are fewer clients. But now the business is gaining new momentum. More and more people want start your own business in this direction. Some develop their own businesses and earn decent money. Not everyone succeeds in this, since leaving competitors behind and becoming a leader is not so easy.

Sales markets

Customers buy balloons in the following cases:

  • organize corporate parties, birthdays, weddings, presentations;
  • expected store opening or other establishment;
  • there is a need to decorate shop windows;
  • planning to decorate gifts.

It is customary for Russian people to celebrate on a grand scale, which is why decorations in the form of balloons are used in large quantities at any significant events. This is a definite plus for those who sell inflatable balloons.

Finding clients is a difficult task in the balloon selling business.. To interest potential clients, you need to offer them something original.

This niche has been occupied for a long time large networks for the sale of balls. Therefore, in order to break through among them, you need to search with great effort regular customers. It is worth taking care of the quality of the goods provided.

How to start your own business selling balloons

Before you start your own business selling balloons, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.


  • Small starting capital. To start a business, you don't need a large initial investment. This is convenient for new businessmen.
  • At first, it is not necessary to rent office and warehouse space. You can store goods at home and sell them from there. For example, a customer needs balloons to decorate a room. You can go to the place and inflate the balloons there, or bring ready-made (inflated) ones to your destination.
  • Profitability. Despite the high competition, businessmen make good money in this area. If an entrepreneur has brought his business to a good position in the market, then he will always have clients.
  • Exists a large number of educational materials on aerodecor, which will be needed if you plan to create any figures or panels from balloons.


  1. In small towns There is often a shortage of balloons to decorate rooms. For example, a customer is planning a large banquet in the next two days, where they need a lot of balloons, but they are not available. Then the businessman will have to go to get them regional center or order online, but this will take a lot of time (at least three days).
  2. Low level of revenue. At the initial stage, an entrepreneur is unlikely to receive a decent income. And if he does not develop the business and does not find potential regular customers, then bankruptcy awaits him.

What kind of room do you need?

To realize the idea of ​​a balloon business, you need to choose a room. As mentioned above, you can do without it at first, but this is not always convenient, especially when you first need to look for clients.

Therefore, a small place is suitable for these purposes. in the mall with high traffic. You can install a special rack with installation (helium cylinders).

Required Personnel

The idea of ​​selling helium balloons can generate income if you approach it with imagination and imagination. Although ordinary balloons are popular, it is unlikely that customers will be interested in them. Therefore, you need to come up with interesting shapes from balloons, which are created using a certain aero-decor technology.

For these purposes, you will need to hire a trained person or learn it yourself. In the second case, administrative matters may “slow down” while the entrepreneur goes into the basics of working with balloons.

But there is another option - find an employee and send him to aerodecor courses at the company’s expense. The price for these classes is approximately thirty thousand rubles.

The following specialists will also be needed:

  • accountant;
  • manager;
  • aero designer.

But their duties can be performed by the owner at first if he has the appropriate knowledge.

Equipment for selling balloons

The business plan must contain a line about the necessary equipment.

You can fill a helium cylinder for one and a half thousand rubles, depending on the volume. In total, equipment will require at least 50 thousand rubles. Most of the money will be spent on purchasing motor vehicle, with the help of which the entrepreneur will deliver helium cylinders and balloons to the celebration site. A normal car will cost about 300 thousand rubles.

What documents are needed to open a business selling balloons?

For this kind business, a form of management based on individual entrepreneurship . To make it easier to pay your tax obligations, it is better to use the patent system. It allows the owner to pay a specific amount once a year for the acquisition of a patent to conduct business. But not all areas allow such a taxation system. If patents are not issued in your region, then you can use UTII or a simplified taxation system. They will have to prepare accounting documents in accordance with reporting dates.

Registering a business will cost between 1-2 thousand rubles. (state duty) depending on the regional location of the enterprise. The entire process of preparing documents for legal activities will take no more than a week from the moment the documents are submitted to the tax authority.

The next step is to go to a banking institution, where you will have your own company account, where you can store funds, accept non-cash payments and pay tax obligations.

How much money do you need to start a business?

Initial expenses are something without which there can be no business plan. At the initial stage, funds will be spent on the purchase of:

  • equipment;
  • car;
  • consumables for finishing the premises;
  • furniture;
  • premises (rent).

Also for successful company availability is important own website, which will cost 30-40 thousand rubles. If you are going to study aerodecor, then you will need about 30 thousand rubles for the courses. Don’t forget about advertising, on which you will need to spend at least 10 thousand rubles. The rent will be no less than 30 thousand rubles. per month.

Starting capital – from 200 thousand rubles. Subject to room availability and regional location. On average, the amount in a metropolis will be 500 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn selling balloons?

Holidays take place throughout the year, but the main demand for aero design services appears before the New Year and summer.

One helium balloon (regular) costs an average of 8 rubles. Decorate the entire hall - from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. It turns out that if there are 15-18 orders per month, the company will be able to operate without a loss. Usually there are so many orders after one year of work.

The payback period is at least two years.


For a business to generate decent income, it is necessary to attract new customers. To do this you will need your own resource on the Internet. You can develop it yourself, but it will take a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is better to contact a specialist (web designer and programmer).

A large selection is provided inkwork freelance services store, where you can order content for the site, banners and others at reasonable prices necessary services to promote a website or group.

Experienced entrepreneurs who have been selling balloons for a long time note that for successful management business will require out-of-the-box thinking and creativity. Communication skills are also important, allowing you to find an approach to each client.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering the sale of balloons?

In accordance with All-Russian classifier codes when registering activities, the main OKVED is indicated 74.84, which regulates the provision of other services to the population. Additionally, you can specify OKVED 92.3, according to which you can decorate holidays with balloons.

Do I need a permit to operate?

IN Federal law"About licensing individual species activities" dated 05/04/2011 N 99-FZ provides a complete list of types of business, the conduct of which requires obtaining a special permit. Trading balloons is not on the list, which means getting a license for this type no activity required.

Balloon sales technology

To organize a business you will need to rent a small space. Balloons can be sold V shopping centers , in stores that are located near parks or playgrounds. A store selling balloons is decorated brightly and beautifully - the main buyers are children, and they like everything unusual and attractive. After the premises are equipped, they begin to register activities, which will take no more than 10 days. The next step in the business will be the purchase of equipment and consumables - balls. You will need helium cylinders, a large assortment balloons of different sizes, shapes and colors, pumps for inflating airy beauties.

This type of business is very dependent on holidays and city events. You should prepare for them in advance by purchasing a large batch of goods. Each entrepreneur determines the number of balls independently.

If you are considering other opportunities to earn money, we can offer youcourses on real estate and earnings, thanks to which you can significantly expand your ideas about generating income and learn how to make investments wisely.

How much profit can balloons bring as a business? This is very promising industry entrepreneurship in the field of decoration and organization of holidays. The number of balloon fans is constantly growing. We tell you what recommendations will help you create successful company and become a sought-after aerodesigner.

Fashion for decorating with helium balloons

Rarely is a holiday nowadays complete without balloons: they decorate children's and adult birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, graduations, and corporate events. Compositions and funny figures made from balloons are often used in children's photo shoots. Active advertising of balloons on the Internet has done its job: their popularity is growing at a frantic pace and promises entrepreneurs high profits.

On the other side competition in this area is also very high. As a new business owner, it can be difficult to get the attention of clients. In order not to get lost among similar companies, you need to immediately find competitive advantages and act in accordance with a competent marketing strategy.

Compositions and funny figures made from balloons are often used in children's photo shoots.

What do aero design studios do?

The hot air balloon business is a fairly young area for Russia, so not everyone fully understands what exactly aerodesign studios do. Their work mainly includes:

  1. Preparation of compositions from air and helium balloons in accordance with the wishes of retail customers (for holidays, anniversaries, celebrations, photo shoots), in some cases - their delivery to clients.
  2. Decoration of premises for weddings and celebrations with compositions, arches, balloon figures.
  3. Retail sale of balloons (inflated and uninflated) - in your own studio or through retail outlets.
  4. Printing on balloons (texts and images according to customer wishes).

Is it worth opening a business in the field of aerodesign?

Before making a decision to open your own business, you need to understand its prospects and risks, as well as assess the situation in a particular city and competitive environment. What are the pros and cons of a helium balloon decoration business?

Benefits of Entrepreneurship in Aerodesign

  1. To open your own business, you need a very small initial capital, about 20-30 thousand rubles (see the corresponding section for a detailed list of expenses). This business option is suitable for people who want to open their own business, but do not have the finances to do so. Trading balloons and aero design services will help a person understand whether he can engage in entrepreneurship.
  2. Trade markups on balloons usually exceed 200%, and within the composition - up to 500%. Buying a balloon wholesale for 4 rubles and inflating it with helium for an average of 1.5 rubles, the company sells it for 30-60 rubles. Such studios are very profitable. They have every chance to recoup the initial investment in full within 1 month.
  3. This is a business in the field of celebration and positive emotions, where the entrepreneur will communicate a lot every day, give people joy, and create beauty. Aero designers sell experiences. Conflicts and stress in this area are extremely rare.
  4. The demand for the services of aero designers is constantly increasing not only in large but also in small cities.
  5. There are no guarantees for balloons; in fact, they “live” for several hours (although helium balloons can retain their shape for several months).

The balloon business is a fairly young direction for Russia.

Disadvantages and main risks of working with balloons

  1. High competition. It is difficult for a novice entrepreneur to attract the attention of potential buyers and ensure a sufficient flow of clients for profitability.
  2. Drawing up aerodesign figures and compositions needs to be learned; this requires taste, a sense of color and a number of specific skills.
  3. To make high profits, you will have to actively advertise your services, promote on social networks and fight for customers.
  4. Balloon trade - seasonal business. Demand for such services during the holidays ( New Year, February 14, Defender of the Fatherland Day and March 8, September 1) increases very much, but the rest of the time remains quite low. Balloons also sell well in the summer - the season of weddings and graduations. But spring and autumn are almost a “deaf” season for aero designers, when they actually exist only through retail orders.

Business plan for an aerodesign studio

Where to start preparing to open your own business? First of all, a new entrepreneur needs to draw up a business plan., in which to plan expenses and income, marketing strategy and other important aspects of doing business.

  1. The purpose of creating the company is “work in the field of holidays”, “opening a business with minimal investment for subsequent expansion", " creative self-realization aero designer”, “quick profit generation due to very high trade margins”.
  2. A list of expenses for starting a business, as well as the total amount of investments.
  3. The amount that an entrepreneur has at the time of opening a business (is it possible to do without loans or credits).
  4. Payback prospects - the minimum and maximum terms for return of investments (usually from 1 to months).
  5. Competitive environment - how many aerodesign studios are already working in a given city, how successful they are (at least from the outside), is there a chance to compete with them and what will be required for this.
  6. The main sales channels are private buyers, holiday studios.
  7. Marketing strategy - who the target audience is, through what advertising and social networks the company will be promoted.

List of expenses: what is needed for a hot air balloon business

One of the advantages of the helium balloon business is the relatively small initial capital. The minimum list of costs includes:

  1. Purchase of “raw materials” - air balloons They are inexpensive, especially if you buy them in bulk. It is quite convenient to order whole batches via the Internet - even a large number of balls will weigh little, which means delivery will be inexpensive. To start work, you need to purchase as many batches as possible in order to immediately offer customers a variety of shades, compositions and shapes.
    • Many stores offer wholesale buyers various bonuses, including free shipping. On average, one regular ball costs 2-4 rubles. More advanced products (foil, numbers, cartoon characters, multi-colored, very large, “confetti”) are more expensive - from 15 to 200 rubles. The amount of costs in this area depends solely on the wishes of the entrepreneur, but on average it is 10-20 thousand rubles.
  2. Helium cylinders. The most common volume - 40 liters - costs about 1,200 rubles. It is enough for about 500-800 balls.
  3. A hand pump (about 200 rubles), scissors, as well as related materials (threads, tapes, glue).
  4. Renting premises. It is not a mandatory expense item - at first you can conduct business via the Internet. However, most entrepreneurs come to the conclusion that own premises necessary, as it allows you to sell balloons at retail, communicate with customers personally and store goods conveniently.
  5. Automobile. An important component of the aerodesign process will be the delivery of compositions to clients and the design of premises. It is more convenient to do this in your own car.
  6. Photography services and portfolio creation. High-quality photographs will attract the attention of potential customers, show them the level of professionalism and variety of assortment. The price for these services is negotiable. As a rule, the average amount required is within 5 thousand rubles.

Thus, all expenses can be divided into 2 areas: materials for work (balloons, helium, pump) and optional, but significantly simplifying the process resources (own premises and car). You can open a balloon business for only 20-30 thousand rubles, and as your income grows, you can gradually increase your investment.

Why are customers willing to pay dearly for helium balloons?

The most significant advantage of the balloon business is the combination small investment with the ability to recoup them very quickly. Aerodesign compositions and figures cost from 500 to 3000 thousand rubles, with a cost of 300-1000 rubles.

Why are buyers willing to pay such high prices? trade margin? There are several reasons. Firstly, buying balloons is most often associated with festive events, when people are in high spirits and are ready to spend a lot of money.

When decoration with helium balloons is an integral part of decorating the interior for a celebration, its high price is completely lost against the background of other expenses.

Secondly, beautiful compositions look expensive and convince customers that they are worth their price. That's why it's like that it is important to learn aero design, follow fashion trends and constantly improve. The skills of a specialist should allow him to compose compositions and figures that are beyond the power of an ordinary person.

The most significant advantage of a hot air balloon business is the combination of small investments with the ability to pay them back very quickly.

Where to learn aerodesign: paid and free options

Nowadays, it is not difficult to find many lessons on the Internet, the authors of which tell you how to make shapes from balls, how to correctly combine colors and shapes. Watch them regularly and find something useful for your own business.

If funds allow, you can take a paid training course online (about 3-4 thousand rubles). Knowledge about aerodesign will be more complete. In addition, teachers of such courses can answer individual questions from students, give them personal recommendations and tell them about professional nuances.

Also It’s worth subscribing to the accounts of Russian and foreign aerodesign studios. This way you will be in the know fashion trends, you will know what your “competitors” are doing, and you will get ideas and inspiration for your own work.

Marketing strategy: how to sell a lot of balloons

High-quality advertising of helium balloons will attract the attention of potential buyers and recoup the initial costs within a month of work. The most promising focus at present will be on online advertising.

  1. Contextual advertising in the browser and targeting in social networks. Both options fall almost 100% into target audience, since the display of ads is based either on the history of queries in the search engine, or on the personal data of users. Setting up these types of advertising requires a number of skills, so hiring a specialist would be a wise decision.
  2. Outdoor advertising - rental of banners, billboards, stands, light boxes. It attracts a lot of attention, but is quite expensive, at least 5 thousand rubles per month.
  3. Own pages on social networks. In fact, a free type of advertising that helps you constantly be in the field of view of potential customers. You need to be careful when filling out your accounts: post only high-quality photos, write funny and positive texts, post daily.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 17 minutes


A balloon decoration business will be a great start to your own business. However, despite the apparent simplicity of the idea, in this matter it is important to think through all the nuances of a startup - from the cost of materials to advertising. It will not be difficult to reveal these business secrets - financial investments turn out to be quite compatible with production costs.

Types of balls

Decorating with balloons for a holiday is called aerodesign. As time has shown, this art brings considerable income to the masters of their craft.

For any event you can offer your own design option, but each of them has its own specific type of balloons.

The characteristics of the material will determine the optimal feeding capabilities.

Table 1. What balls are used for business?

Type of material Specifications Job Opportunities
Round latex balloons Elastic, durable and environmentally friendly. Available in a range of shades:
  • pastel,
  • nacre,
  • crystal,
  • metallic

A variety of shapes - from round to curly.

A variety of sizes - from 5 cm to 2.5 meters.

Panel and arch.
Heart shaped latex balloons Various sizes, presented in the shape of a heart. Low strength. It is allowed to fill with helium. For a single gift and composition that will decorate the room.
Helium flying They are filled with helium gas, which allows the balloons to float under the ceiling. Balloons for the ceiling, fountains, clouds and other compositions.
Mylaraceae Durable, foil, inflatable. It is not prohibited to fill with helium. Various moving figures are created.
For modeling Durable and lightweight material that can withstand deformation. Inflatable compositions to the designer's taste.
Glowing Conventional materials using LED backlighting. They can be filled with both air and helium. Event lighting, creating beautiful solutions.

All presented types can be with or without a pattern. In this case, applying an image (text) to the ball can be timed to coincide with an ongoing event.

Decorating for the holidays

Are there any patterns by which this business exists?

Some trends stand out.

When is the best time to decorate your interior with balloons?

Clients try to time the order of such a service to coincide with a significant event in their lives - weddings and birthdays are a priority. Business activity during the warm season is directly proportional to the growing number of weddings at this time. In this case, the cost of the order can amount to a decent amount of several thousand dollars.

Each event must have its own idea.

  • For a wedding you can use a red heart composition (the personification of love and passion).
  • On public holidays a garland of the colors of the flag (Russian - white, blue, red) looks good.
  • Children's celebration cartoon characters will represent them perfectly.
  • For corporate events You can even use balloons to depict the organization’s logo.

There can be countless examples. But in order to quickly get your bearings, it is best to undergo special training.

Promoting business

The level of competition in this segment depends on the location of the organization, because in large cities the “opponents” are more serious. In order for a client to choose this particular agency from all offers, it is necessary to acquire a portfolio. It can be a catalog or booklet with photographs of works.

You can act in several directions.

Aerodesign training

The original decoration of a hall for a holiday with balloons is an entire art, and these skills are best acquired additionally. It is very difficult to initially find a self-taught creative specialist who will then pass on the knowledge to all other employees.

There are two options here.

  1. Learn from the owner himself (however, in this case there may be problems with administrative work).
  2. Spend money on training courses for the most talented employee (after which he will transfer all the knowledge to his assistants). Typically, such aerodecor courses cost about 30,000 rubles.

To justify these investments, you need to demonstrate the skill of the designer, promptly fulfill orders and communicate with customers at a decent level. Strong players in this market increase such positions to 30%.

Material and equipment

The startup in question necessarily requires an initial financial investment, which will affect the purchase of appropriate materials and equipment.

Table 4. Necessary equipment for decoration with balloons for the holidays

Name Price
Compressor helping to inflate balloons From 5,000 to 7,000 rubles
Pump (manual with two strokes) 200-300 rub.
Helium dispenser without pressure gauge (nozzle) will increase the inflation speed 3-4 thousand rubles.
Helium dispenser with pressure gauge (nozzle) will reduce the consumption of helium used 7-9 thousand rubles.
Helium cylinders (from 10 to 40 liters) From 3,000 to 7,000 rubles/1 piece.
Consumables (fishing line, tape, cable, wire) Approximately 3,000 rubles.
Filling a helium cylinder 1,500 rubles / 1 cylinder.
Purchase truck , containing cylinders ready for transportation (delivery to the venue) From 300,000 rubles for maintenance

*All figures are approximate. The exact price may depend on the geolocation of the company.

Do you need an office?

Renting premises is one of the most expensive items in a future business plan.

There are two opinions here...

  1. You don't need an office if you have a website — there customers can view all existing offers in the online catalogue.
  2. An office is needed as it is presentable for larger corporate clients who prefer to discuss issues in person. In addition, there are still people who, for various reasons, do not have access to the Internet.

Business plan

The planned business is relevant for cities with a population of 50,000 to 300,000 people.

Table 5. Business plan for a balloon decoration business startup*

General expenses
Naming of expenditures Calculation
Equipment acquisition costs Up to 150,000 rubles
Purchase of transport From 300,000 rubles
Alleged renovation work in room 90,000 rubles
for office and warehouse, purchase of office equipment 100 thousand rubles.
Creating your own page on the Internet + advertising costs 40 thousand rubles.
Airbrush training courses 25-30 thousand rubles.
Renting premises 30,000 rubles
Transport costs 3 thousand rubles.
Salary for employees 100 thousand rubles.
Spending on consumables 5 thousand rubles.
Eventually About 700,000 rubles.
Work calculation
Cost of one helium balloon 8 rubles
Marking for 1 ball:

- usual time

- summer season

100 %
Hall decoration at an average cost 20,000 rubles
Payback period 2-3 years (subject to 18 orders per month).

*Price is approximate

A good idea for such work would be a separate retail balloons and toys made of this material - this will be convenient for those clients who do not need to decorate a large room.