“Maximum benefit”: affordable Internet with Rostelecom. Description of the Rostelecom “Maximum Benefit” promotion

The operator Rostelecom has always been interested in attracting new customers. That is why he creates new promotions and tariffs. They are very beneficial for all users and are designed for different categories of subscribers. The company has already made it possible for its clients to use them. And now special sets of services are provided at competitive prices for residents of many regions of Russia

The “Maximum Benefit” promotion is Home Internet and Interactive TV in one package of services, which are provided at very low prices. Another profitable proposition- “Equipment 2016”. With it you can rent a “Standard” TV set-top box for only 1 rub./month.

You can activate “Multiscreen” in any service package. It allows you to combine up to 5 screens. And 124 high quality TV channels and various Internet packages are provided. The Internet will not always work at the speed specified in the package.

Because the speed of Internet traffic depends not only on the features of the connected service, but also on technical characteristics connection, route and installed subscriber equipment. Do not forget that you can connect to this promotion only if you have the necessary subscriber equipment, as well as the technical ability to connect.

Description of the Rostelecom “Maximum Benefit” promotion

If you are interested in this service, you can safely participate. To become a member, you must follow the link http://hanty.rt.ru/radyzhnyi/packages/tariffs to the website. Go to the “Packages” section and select the promotion you want to activate in the tariffs. In the “Maximum Benefit” promotion you are provided with two tariffs:

  1. "MAXIMUM BENEFITS 100"+ Television
  2. "MAXIMUM BENEFITS 200"+ Television

Connection is completely free. You only need to pay subscription fee. In the first tariff it is 570 rubles/month. For the second tariff package you need to pay 670 rubles. for a month of service.


Do you want to take part in the promotion? There are two ways to connect it. You can apply for participation in the promotion at the customer service office. Find the address of your nearest office on the official Rostelecom website. You can also submit electronic application. On the official website you can select the tariff that interests you and click the button "To plug".

When you go below, you will see an order form that needs to be filled out. Enter your personal data and contact information there.

You will be asked to check the connection address, as well as indicate a time convenient for the call. After filling, click the button "Order". Wait for the company employees to call you or your email a letter will arrive.

Promotion dates

In the fall, it's time to activate this promotion from Rostelecom. It will become an assistant for your child during school, help you with household chores, and of course, a variety of high-quality HD channels will not let you get bored for a minute. The terms and conditions apply from 09/01/2016.

Applications for participation are accepted until November 30, 2016. If a subscriber for any reason refuses to use this service within one year after connecting it, then the cost of the services used is recalculated to the base cost of payment that was present before the activation of the promotion. So be careful. Carefully study all the conditions for connecting and disconnecting services.

Switch to tariff

This promotion can be activated in both Moscow and St. Petersburg. The tariff plan is valid for permanent basis. Any subscriber who has already been connected to the “Home Internet” and “Digital Interactive Television” services can connect it to themselves. Call the 24-hour number 8-800-100-0-800 and activate these special services, which make it possible to use services at high-speed rates.

Discounts apply differently for individual home regions. You can get a discount by checking the box next to the line “I want to receive a discount every month for a whole year.” In the Moscow region you can get a 30% discount on the promotion, and for St. Petersburg it will be 25%.

A very convenient service for married couples is that there is “Parental Control”, which can ensure safe viewing of TV programs for children in accordance with their age.

Many Rostelecom users are interested in information about the “Cheaper Wholesale” tariff, since they are not always able to find it. Today we want to pay attention to this issue.

Let us immediately note that the very name of this offer “tariff” is fundamentally incorrect, since this is not a package offer, but a promotion from the provider, extending to connecting several services at once at more favorable prices.

What does the “Cheaper Wholesale” promotion apply to?

As a certain constant in the conditions of the “Cheaper by the Wholesale” promotion, the provider has taken the service of connecting a package of TV channels. We are talking about the following three tariff plans:

  1. “Your Starter.”
  2. “Your Optimal.”
  3. “Your advanced.”

In case of connection exclusively tariff packages to gain access to viewing interactive TV channels, prices for packages are 3264, 4284 and 5304 rubles per year of use, respectively. However, if you combine these offers with other services of an all-Russian telecommunications provider, you can save a lot of money. And below we will consider the conditions of promotional offers, and also calculate what savings will be for users in each of the available cases.

Connecting television together with a telephone or the Internet

In case you like potential subscriber Rostelecom, decide to simultaneously connect a package of TV channels, as well as any of the tariff plans for home Internet or telephony, then you will receive additional discount on the cost of television packages. In such a situation, the cost of interactive TV tariffs will be as follows:

  • “Your Starter” package – 2652 rubles;
  • “Your Optimal” package – RUB 3,672;
  • Package “Your advanced” – 4692 rub.

All prices are based on service activation for a year. As you can see, a discount of 612 rubles is offered for each of the packages, which, in principle, is not so much, based on the fact that it is only a little over 50 rubles per month, but also quite nice.

If you want to have access to both high-quality uninterrupted Internet and an extensive package of television channels in high quality, This perfect option.

Connecting a full package of services

If we are talking about a one-time connection to all available telecommunications services from the Rostelecom provider, the conditions will be even more favorable. We are talking about services that include:

  • Interactive television;
  • Home phone;
  • Access to the Internet.

With a one-time activation of all services, the cost for activating packages will be 2346, 3366 and 4386 rubles per year, respectively, for the “Starter”, “Optimal” and “Advanced” tariffs. And this is already 918 rubles in savings annually.

Tariff terms for interactive television

Having examined the terms of the “Cheaper by the Wholesale” promotion from Rostelecom, let’s pay a little attention directly to those interactive television packages that are included in this offer:

  1. “Your Starter” is a package that contains the main television channels that are suitable for the whole family. The offer includes 120 TV channels.
  2. “Your optimal” - tariff plan, which includes the same channels from the first offer, and in addition - additional offers of content on the following topics: music, children's, sports. In general, the tariff included 146 available channels.
  3. “Your Advanced” is an offer of 177 channels, which includes not only the full “Starter” package, but also additional offers of sports, educational, children’s, music topics, as well as a unique package “Your Cinema” for movie fans.

These are all the offers that you can activate at a reasonable price using the “Cheaper by the Wholesale” discount from Rostelecom.

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XDSL technology from Rostelecom and a number of other providers has long replaced analog modems, whose maximum speed was limited to 56K. The ability to transmit data over the same lines as the telephone not only saved operators the cost of laying new wires, but also provided good quality Internet communications for users.

XDSL from Rostelecom: what is it?

Interested in the question of what XDSL is and how to connect the Internet from Rostelecom using this technology? The abbreviation XDSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line or, translated into Russian, Digital Subscriber Line. The maximum speed of incoming traffic using this technology can reach 8 Mbit/s. The main role in the development of DSL was played by low price equipment, as well as no need to lay additional communication lines.

Analog modems, which also operated via a telephone cord, have long been a thing of the past for two reasons:

  • low communication speed;
  • inability to use the Internet simultaneously with the phone.

This option was especially inconvenient at a time when the communication line was divided into two apartments. Thus, if one of the subscribers was talking on the phone or using the Internet, the other did not have any access to telecommunications services.

XDSL technology has completely solved this problem. Thanks to it, the signal no longer needed to be converted from analog to digital on a computer, but was transmitted directly. In addition, the problem with simultaneous use of the Internet and telephone was also taken into account. Now the user could enjoy two services at the same time.

Of course, when talking about XDSL technology, one cannot fail to mention that there are many branches of its development: ADSL, IDSL, HDSL, SDSL, VDSL.

ADSL technology, which has earned the maximum number among all types of XDSL connections from Rostelecom and other providers positive feedback both among experts and among users, it has gained the greatest popularity. This is easily justified by its speed characteristics. The data transfer technology in this case is asynchronous. In practice, this means that the incoming and outgoing speeds have different values. The maximum throughput “to the user” is limited to 8 Mbit/s. The outgoing connection speed does not exceed 768Kbps. Nevertheless, for use as a home or work network, such characteristics are quite sufficient. An ADSL connection can provide a comfortable experience not only when surfing the Internet, but also when playing high-definition online content and participating in multiplayer games.

One of the interesting Internet connection technologies is VDSL. This is the fastest way to transfer data over a telephone line. But due to the fact that this technology is also asymmetric, the data reception speed had to be sacrificed, which is no more than 2.3 Mbit/s. But the outgoing throughput here has grown to a huge value for DSL communication of 52 Mbit/s.

The remaining technologies did not gain much popularity, since they could not boast of their speed characteristics.

Pros and cons of XDSL connection

Despite the fact that there are faster methods of accessing the Internet on the telecommunications services market, the number of Rostelecom clients using XDSL communication lines represents a fairly large audience. This is easily explained by the main advantage of the technology – cost minimization. Unlike a fiber optic connection, which requires additional cabling, XDSL operates over the telephone line found in almost every home.

However, such a connection may not always work correctly. For example, if the provider's substation is located remotely, the Internet speed will drop noticeably. Weather conditions that directly affect the telephone line can also lead to a deterioration in the quality of communication.

Compared to a fiber optic connection, a telephone line is not capable of providing stable speeds of up to 100 Mb/s.

For Rostelecom users who want to activate the promotional package of “Non Stop” services, it is worth noting that the declared speed of 50 Mbit/s cannot be achieved when using XDSL equipment.

Attention: If you are already using a tariff with a speed of 8 Mbit/s, increase throughput the line will not reach a higher value. Nevertheless, the tariffs for XDSL services from Rostelecom themselves are less expensive.

The XDSL connection from Rostelecom, which made a breakthrough in data transfer speed in the past, still represents a good option for accessing the Internet. Download speeds of up to 8 Mbit/s and low connection costs without the need for additional cables become decisive factors when choosing a telecommunications service.