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Bioenergy is a therapeutic practice based on the process of energy transformation that flows in all living organisms and is the source of their existence.

At the moment, the study of bioenergetics in medicine is of particular importance, since most people get sick just because of an imbalance in energy metabolism. Bioenergetic exchange plays big role for diagnosis, it allows you to make an accurate diagnosis and successfully treat the disease.

The very word bioenergetics was formed from the Greek words - activity and life. Therefore, these words mean energy processes that occur in a person and create conditions for biochemical reactions, which in turn ensure the vital activity of a living organism.

The lack of biological energy leads to many diseases and rapid old age. To prevent this, you need to strengthen your energy field.

For example, when physical work muscles should be slowly relaxed. With the help of energy exercises that normalize the energy of metabolism, one becomes aware of one's own internal state and improves body control skills in general, which in turn improves health.

Bioenergetics was substantiated by a follower of Freud, an Australian doctor W. Reich. And for therapeutic purposes, energy began to be used A. Lowen. He founded a methodology consisting of certain exercises, which are currently successfully used in bioenergetics.

Exercise "Arch of Lowen"

The most common posture used in bioenergetics is called lowen arch- it looks like a bridge or a deflection back.

Correct exercise: first you need to draw an imaginary line that connects the point located between the shoulder blades and the point located between the legs in the middle.

When performing the exercise, proper breathing plays an important role. If you breathe deeply during the exercise, then you can feel the circulation of energy flows. To stimulate breathing, the patient is asked to bend over a chair or stool. Non-contact massage is also very effective, thanks to which the muscles also relax.

Bioenergy experts believe that each person has a close connection between body and soul. And therefore, through the psychological state of the soul, everything negative is reflected in the physical well-being of a person and vice versa.

There are some channels between the soul and the body through which the exchange takes place. With the help of bioenergetic exercises, a person can learn to harmonize his body and soul.

Bioenergy has made a great contribution to the treatment of people from various diseases. The main goal of this treatment is the return of stuffy and physical harmony.

Today, bioenergetic therapy is used for psychosomatic and neurological diseases. Also, healthy people can use it to find a way out in crisis situations.

In general, all bioenergetics is based on the fact that human life arises at two levels: metaphysical and physical. Under the metaphysical is meant the subconscious, where certain processes are carried out that pass into the physical level.

And the physical level is what we see, feel, hear, understand. Meditation turns off the physical level and enables smooth transition to the metaphysical level, where it is possible to change your reality in the direction of the positive.

The big advantage of the bioenergetic technique is that these exercises can be performed at home and there are no side effects from them.

A person can extract energy from various sources. The first source of energy is given to him by inheritance. The second produces energy by burning oxygen. And the third source is taken from the food we eat.

Potential energy is closely connected in the process of formation with an external energy generator, which determines the standard of living and human development.

Each person produces energy with the help of 8 systems: immune, cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, excretory and sexual.

Bioenergetics treatment

Since time immemorial, bioenergetic treatment of various diseases has been known. And to this day, some tribes use only bioenergetic treatment and do not recognize any other. This type of energy therapy is successfully used in yoga, tantra and other energy practices Oh.

Every healthy person from birth has three types of biofield. Each of them is significantly transformed depending on which human organ is ill or affected. It is with the help of a change in the biofield that one can understand what a person is ill with and which organ needs treatment.

People involved in bioenergy treatment have a high sensitivity to the human biofield and can easily feel it with their hands at a short distance.

They feel the biofield in the form of tactile sensations of tingling, heat, cold, some even see the biofield.

When a human disease is detected, bioenergetics contact the human biofield and distinguish their own sensations.

For treatment, the healer's own energy is directed to the problematic organ. As a result of such treatment, his energy decreases for some time, and the patient's energy rises sharply.

Also, each person can heal himself on his own if you perform certain exercises that are specially designed to increase the energy of the body.

Now it is possible to learn bioenergetics on your own with the help of various literature and regular practice. People waste their energy without any benefit, although with this energy they are able to heal themselves and others.

The very essence of bioenergy is characterized by the fact that everyone can accumulate their own energy and transmit it to a diseased organ. Thanks to bioenergetics, it is possible to cure sciatica, migraine, endocrine diseases, inflammation, tumors, strokes, paralysis and many other diseases and ailments.

The method of bioenergetic treatment is based on the close relationship between the physical and energetic structure of the human body.

Practitioners of bioenergetics can feel the energy states of people, the uneven integrity of the biofield, color palettes.

Thus, treatment with an energy impact on an area of ​​the body with a weak energy density leads to an increase in the body's defenses. And the dissipation of energy directed to an area with a high energy density contributes to the cleaning of the chakras, which thereby helps to normalize the functioning of the problem organ.

To summarize, bioenergetics is a treatment by human hands, which has a healing effect with an amazing effect.

Bioenergy training

To date, very a large number of of people is in poor health and has many bad symptoms. Now even children come into this world already with some kind of illness.

The most common symptom in the modern rhythm of life is rapid fatigue from environmental influences, a breakdown, which can be caused by exposure to certain stress factors. And this trend is becoming stronger over the years. And bioenergetic therapy is designed to eliminate this threat, as well as its certain consequences.

And at present, many textbooks and electronic manuals on bioenergy have been developed. There are also bioenergy institutes that teach the possibilities of bioenergy.

The study of bioenergetics leads to the achievement of one's own goals and teaches self-healing. Bioenergy training means a comprehensive study of human bioenergetics, as well as energy flow management, cleaning of energy channels, auro-therapy, theta-healing treatment, Reiki training, and so on.

A person with clean energy channels, who knows how to control his energy flows, accumulate and gain energy with ease, and heal himself, opens up many "supernatural" abilities - such as clairvoyance, telepathy and control over his own destiny.

Bioenergy Secrets

In the past, the secrets of bioenergetic healing were passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation.

Also today, bioenergetics is a protection against many diseases and ailments. Each person has a protective energy shield that prevents the penetration of diseases into the human body. And although the strength of the shield is different for each person, since everyone has a different energy, but with regular exercises this shield can be significantly strengthened.

Bioenergetics is a powerful defense against adverse external influences. This energy creates a dense biofield around a person, and the denser it is, the more difficult environment affect a person.

Sergey Ratner, bioenergy, healer, psychic

The most famous in the CIS bioenergetic Sergey Ratner in his works he spoke about all the secrets of bioenergy and created a unique system-guide to success and prosperity.

Ratner claims that energy has no form, no color, and no other parameters. Energy is absolutely colorless and manifests itself both in motion and in a calm state.

His system is based on the unification of the physical and spiritual in man with the aim of his further effective development. Sergey Ratner has developed a unique set of effective meditations that help a person achieve internal energy balance and heal himself.

Meditation is available to everyone. There is nothing difficult for practicing meditation. You just need to collect your thoughts, sit down, close your eyes and sit in a quiet room for a few minutes to start. But at the same time, one should not allow thoughts to master the inner space.

Meditation is a person's personal space, which he can use to his advantage.

Sergey Ratner

Ratner also used in his practice not so much meditation as such, but a method of controlled imagination. He said that for meditation, only the desire of the inner Self to communicate with oneself is necessary.

Meditation, according to Ratner, can take place in several different states of his consciousness, or periods. In the initial period, a person is in full consciousness, and this does not allow him to go deep into himself. The second period is like a lucid dream. At this moment, the consciousness is disconnected from the body, and thus the person is freed from the control of his mind, and his subconscious mind takes over. With such a dream, a person can fully recover in just a few minutes. Ratner recommends meditation before bed, when the body is already tired and needs rest. The main thing is to give your subconscious mind an installation or task before going to bed, and only then you can sleep, thereby meditation will be much more effective.

Sergei Ratner claims that the chief the secret of bioenergy lies in the fact that the more clearly and vividly a person imagines his images in meditation, the faster this is realized. Therefore, in a controlled imagination, the main thing is to go in the direction of the positive, then the consequences will be only positive.

Clean and bright energy for you!

Artur Golovin


Man in the old days was a spiritual being who sought to know the meaning of his existence through invisible forces and energy. Knowledge has been transformed, and today there are many practices that work with human bioenergetics. There is a positive effect of bioenergy treatment, which should be learned and the secrets to learn.

So far, the invisible side of human life has not been fully studied. However, the connection between the soul and the body and their influence on each other is gradually being confirmed.

What is bioenergy?

Medicine is only last years begins to take on the spiritual side of human life. What is bioenergy? This is a complex of processes for the transformation of energy, which is located inside the body and is responsible for the functionality of each of its cells. There are many practices that offer different ways of transforming energy and influencing it.

People have different understandings of what bioenergetics is. Some perceive it as an aura that surrounds a person and performs a protective function. Others see it as an energy that is responsible for human activity. Still others compare it with the internal sensations that a person causes with his energy from those around him. So far, there is no unambiguous concept of what bioenergetics is, since it performs many functions, which include all of the above.

In scientific circles, bioenergetics is understood as an invisible part of the body, which is responsible for the balance and harmony of all its functions. Looking at the aura of a person, you can see areas that do not glow in the right way. In this case, they speak of a gap, which becomes a window for the penetration of various demons, demons and other energy beings. Also, gaps in the aura and a change in its color indicate the state of the body.

Man himself is an energy being. So far, this area is little studied and incomprehensible. The harmonious functioning of the body is regulated by the energy processes that occur in it. In case of a shortage of some component, it is possible to replace it with another type of energy. For example, there is a practice sunlight. If a person does not eat food, then he dies over time. However, there are people who have learned to convert sunlight into the very energy that the body receives from food.

It should be remembered here about energy vampires, with the concept of which many people are familiar. After communicating with certain people, a person may feel tired, drooping, exhausted. If this state occurs every time after communicating with the same people, then we are talking about energy vampires. These are people who can subconsciously feed on the energy of others when certain situations are created. Usually energy vampires consume someone else's energy in moments, scandals and other stressful situations.

Human bioenergetics

Practices for regulating human bioenergetics are aimed primarily at restoring internal balance. At the same time, a person learns to feel his own body, understand it, regulate it and even help it in certain situations.

Human bioenergetics is understood as processes of an energetic nature that are involved in the life of the whole organism. If energy is not enough, it leads to various disorders and diseases. That is why it is recommended to study practices to restore your energy field.

Body and soul are one in this science. Just as a state of mind can affect a person’s health, so physical well-being can affect mental mood. That is why there are many techniques that help to influence a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200ba person in order to restore balance.

The most remarkable science can be called psychosomatics, which examines the influence of a mental state on the development of a particular disease. This issue was actively dealt with by Louise Hay and Valery Sinelnikov, who wrote books that examined in detail the internal experiences, beliefs of people and the diseases that develop against their background.

Today's medicine actively uses various spiritual techniques that are aimed at restoring peace of mind and physical health. Of course, the complete elimination of diseases is not complete without medicines. However, spiritual practices speed up the healing process.

In achieving balance and gaining energy, practices such as:

  1. Work with the aura, where a person can individually concentrate on points or allow a specialist to influence him.
  2. Meditation, where what a person imagines affects what he perceives from the outside world.
  3. Yoga is a system of postures that regulate the flow of energy within the body.
  4. Acupuncture.
  5. Reflexology.

Massages are also used here, essential oils, imaging and other therapies.

Bioenergy training

Human life is completely subordinate to the bioenergetic processes that take place in it. When a person falls ill, other areas of life also fall into decay. Loss of energy leads to loss of interest and activity. That is why every person must undergo at least an elementary training in bioenergetics, which can be done on the site of psychotherapeutic help.

The modern world is full of various situations that constantly pierce the human biofield and disturb its balance. These are hereditary diseases, postpartum injuries, problems in relationships with loved ones, stressful situations, disasters and other factors. A person is constantly under stress, which depletes his energy field. It is necessary to study practices that help in its restoration.

Bioenergy training was previously considered secret. Knowledge was transmitted only by race or there were certain institutions into which the chosen ones were admitted. To date, there are many literature, schools and practices in the public domain that talk about how to achieve harmony in your body.

The main directions are:

  • Controlling the course of your thoughts.
  • Mental influence on one's own body.
  • Working with inner feelings, sensations, thoughts.
  • Focus on the goal.
  • Self-healing.
  • Cleaning of energy channels.
  • Energy boost.
  • Restoration of energy protection, etc.

A person who knows how to manage personal energy flows is able to help other people. Knowledge comes only with practice. If a person can help himself, then he becomes able to help others. This avoids surgical operations and the use of medical methods that, in parallel with treatment, still harm the body. A person who knows how to influence the work of his body is able to get rid of diseases in the early stages of their development.

Bioenergetics treatment

Since in ancient times people believed more in the existence of otherworldly and invisible forces, they actively used various bioenergetic treatment practices. The most common is yoga, when a person performs breathing exercises and takes certain postures that help in regulating the circulation of energy.

People who are highly sensitive can diagnose others by penetrating their biofield with their hands or seeing the color of their aura. In healthy people, the biofield is whole and the color of the aura has certain warm colors. When a person falls ill, then he feels a gap or the aura changes color to a colder one. All this can be felt by healers who have high bioenergetics.

In addition to diagnosis, the healer deals with the treatment of diseased organs. This happens through the transfer of energy from the healer to the patient, which is expressed in the filling of the patient's energy and the loss of it by the healer. Accordingly, after each procedure, the healer needs a special rest to replenish the expended energy.

By and large, each person can heal himself, only for this you need to know how to do it. All people have energy. Special exercises that can be learned from the literature available on the Internet help in focusing energy on the diseased organ. Healing from the disease leads to the restoration of bioenergetics as a whole.

Additional practices will be exercises to restore energy and gain inspiration. Fatigue comes when a person struggles with problems, thinks about troubles, remembers the past. But energy appears right after you set the end result that you want to achieve after solving problems, set goals, think about the future.

How to get rid of fatigue and gain energy? You need to stop fighting. Accept the fact that trouble exists. Stop thinking about the past, especially if it doesn't make you happy. You feel tired because you want to cope with all your problems. But how can you deal with them if you think about the causes of them, and not about the end result that you want to have when you solve them?

A person often gets stuck at the stage of searching for the causes of problems: “Why did this happen to me?”, “Who is to blame for this?”. In other words, a person seems to be trying to find some kind of “magic wand” in the causes of the problem in order to use it and eliminate the trouble. He does not want to have a problem, but he does not set a goal, what end result he wants to achieve. That is, you think about the problem itself, and not about what you want to come to when you solve the current situation. It takes strength.

Inspiration comes when you think about what you want to achieve. You do not get stuck in the causes of the problem, although you analyze them, your attention is focused on what you want to receive as a result of your actions and decisions. Your thoughts are directed to the future that you want to achieve using the experience of the past. In other words, you do not “load” yourself with past mistakes, but remember them so that you don’t make them again.

"Running away from what I don't want" causes fatigue. You don't want to have problems or bad memories of the past, so you want to run away from them. But that's just tiring. You don't know exactly where you want to run. What you are running from, you already know. What do you want to run to? If you don't know it, it causes fatigue. “I want to come to…” evokes energy because your attention is focused on the direction of movement, on what pleases you, and not on what you are running from (which upsets).

Bioenergy Secrets

Bioenergy has many secrets. A person has not yet fully explored his own capabilities, which allows everyone to take care of themselves and discover new secrets.

Bioenergy is considered a protective shield that protects a person from the influence of the outside world. Often it is considered in topics about energy vampires or the influence of evil spirits, creatures. As long as the energy shield is intact, a person is protected from any negative impact.

The most important secret of bioenergy is that it can be influenced. Sergey Ratner has developed a whole methodology that allows you to learn how to manage internal energies. This happens due to meditation, which may consist in simply calming the breath, thoughts, sensations. The most effective exercise is doing meditation before bedtime, when the body is a little tired. Right before entering a dream, a person must give himself a command that will be sent to the subconscious. Thus, it is possible to influence the work of the body.

Treatment with bioenergetics is possible through imagination, which helps to direct the energy of the desired nature to the diseased organ. A person who knows how to control his imagination is able to master these practices.

Man is a body and his soul. An amazing thing happens with flowers that are given to a person. It was noticed that the life span of flowers in a vase depends on the internal attitude of the giver to the one to whom the flowers are given. If the bouquet does not cost more than a day after it was presented, then the attitude of the giving person is not serious or even negative. This is clearly demonstrated by wilting flowers. But if the bouquet costs two or three days or more, it means that the person treats with warm and bright feelings.

Similar patterns can be seen in many things. For example, there is a belief that everything breaks in the hands of a person with negative energy. And food prepared with bad thoughts spoils quickly.

Communication with the soul can occur in various ways: through a dream, during a meal (when a person eats, his subconscious opens up) or through prescribing phrases and text with his left hand.

Previously, there were dolmens - small structures of a closed type. People were put there who saw the world around them only through a small window. Why the dolmens were built is not known. However, they are terrible to people because a person remained in them in complete silence, alone with himself and his soul. After spending some time there, one could hear one's own thoughts and the voice of the soul. That is why a person so diligently surrounds himself with various noises (TV, music, friends, etc.) so as not to hear his soul, bad thoughts and conscience. However, only after spending a few days in complete solitude, one can hear not only the soul, but also the whisper of the Universe.

The soul always speaks to its human master. But not everyone can hear it. Knowing this, you can avoid many problems and troubles. If, after the appearance of an event, situation, news, you have a negative attitude not immediately, but over time, this does not come from the heart, but from the mind. Remember that the soul reacts immediately to the situation that has arisen. The mind reacts late, after some analysis of the situation. Therefore, if a negative attitude appeared some time after the incident, then it is far-fetched. This is the "woe from wit" effect.


Man is a far unknown being whose body gradually reveals its secrets. Multiple spiritual practices allow you to influence yourself, becoming more conscious and purposeful. It is given to a person to influence himself, even on the development and condition of his own body, which happens not only through food or clothing, but also through thoughts, emotions, sensations. The result of the ability to manage your bioenergetics is the health of the body and balance in the soul.

Many factors can disrupt the harmony of body and soul. Firstly, there are people who do not believe in the existence of a soul, limiting their knowledge to only exact knowledge. This only prevents a full understanding of your body and how it can be influenced.

Secondly, there are many situations that provoke mental and physical imbalance. A person often uses only those methods that are familiar to him, forgetting to ask about what he is not yet familiar with.

Thirdly, the inability to cope with their own experiences. Emotions arise in all people. If a person does not know how to consciously transform the energy that has arisen into something useful for himself, then it negatively affects him.

It should be remembered that a person affects not only himself, but also those around him. Also, the environment affects one person. You must have the skills to restore your own energy protection, which is constantly broken through by other people and invisible energy. This will save you from many problems, diseases and bad mood.

Nobody wants to get sick. And when ill, people sometimes think not about what needs to be done to cure the disease, but about how to get rid of pain or signs of the disease.

Where does pain come from

In recent years, more and more people get sick because of nervousness, and a nervous breakdown occurs against the backdrop of a stressful situation.
Moreover, stress happens not only because of nervous tension, but also as a result of any impact that is unusual for the body: anger, fear, insecurity, hatred, envy, joy, love, infection, medication. Prolonged stress is especially harmful to the body. First, an alarm reaction occurs in the body, and at the next stage, protective means and forces are developed to deal with it. And if the internal resources of the body cannot cope with stress, illness comes.

Did you like it? Share with friends! At a time when pain warns us about an imbalance in the body, about illness or impending danger, it is useful and necessary. It is the first sign of the disease. When we eliminate the cause of the pain, the pain will gradually disappear by itself.

How to be treated with a biofield of hands

What is the connection between our diseases and our way of life, our attitude towards people and the world around us?
Each person has a reserve of bioenergy, which he needs for a normal existence. This life reserve of bioenergy is also called prana. The cells of the human body radiate energy, this is the human biofield. The relationship of the biofield with the outside world is carried out through seven chakras - energy centers.
Each such energy center is responsible for certain vital organs, feeding them with energy. If a person has a stressful situation, then in one of the energy centers part of the energy is spent on fighting it. The result is a bioenergetic imbalance. Pain is a signal of energy imbalance. Everyone can eliminate the lack of energy in the chakra, restore the biofield and replenish the energy reserve necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
Here are recommendations for the most common cases:
  • For indigestion put the palm of your right hand on your stomach, wait for the feeling of warmth in the hand and hold it for 10-15 minutes. At this time, the left hand should be in the crown of the head and under it there should be a feeling of cold. This will transfer energy from chakra to chakra.
  • Biofield treatment of angina, chronic laryngitis and tonsillitis. As a rule, chronic tonsillitis occurs in those people who are constantly dissatisfied with themselves and engage in self-flagellation, self-blame. To restore energy in this case, put your right hand on your throat, feel its warmth. The left hand should be on the top of the head, and under it you should feel cold.
  • Biofield treatment of the common cold: the right hand is placed in the crown area on the head, and the left hand should cover the forehead and nose.
  • Biofield treatment of cardiac neuroses. When we are anxious, agitated, or angry, we often remain outwardly calm, while inside everything is in full swing. All these unspoken experiences and words weigh heavily on the heart, turn into energy that accumulates all the time, and which we do not give an outlet. To remove heart pain, you need to unload the heart from this excess of energy. To do this, put your left hand on your heart for 10-15 minutes, and your right hand in the stomach area. Cold should be felt under the left palm.

  • Once upon a time, people confessed in church, thereby unloading and cleansing their bodies. They told the priest in confession about their troubles and experiences, and this made their souls feel better. Therefore, it is very important that every person has a friend to whom he can tell everything and whom he completely trusts.
  • For headache relief left hand should lie on the back of the head, and the right one - on the solar plexus. Treatment time - 10 minutes.
  • For pain in the liver put the left hand on the liver for 10-15 minutes, and the right hand on the forehead.
  • From tingling in the pancreas: within 10-15 minutes, the left hand should be on the back of the head, and the right hand on the left side in the region of the gland.
  • Treatment with the biofield of the kidneys: left hand in the kidney area, right hand in the crown area (20 minutes).
  • Biofield treatment of ear inflammation: right hand on the ear, left - in the crown area (20 minutes).
  • Biofield treatment of toothache : right hand on the cheek, left - in the crown area (20 minutes).
  • Biofield treatment for dizziness and fainting: right hand on the solar plexus, left hand on the forehead (15-20 minutes).
  • Biofield treatment of bladder inflammation: right hand in the bladder area, left hand in the crown area (20 minutes).
  • inflammation of the ovaries, appendages and prostatitis: right hand on the painful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen, left hand on the crown of the head (20 minutes).
  • Treatment of bruises: the right hand at the site of the bruise, the left - in the area of ​​​​the crown (15-20 minutes).
  • Save your energy

    In order for the energy reserve to return to normal, all these procedures should be done at night for several days in a row. And be sure to think about the reason for your illness.
    It may be worth changing your character or your attitude towards life and others. Almost every team has a mournful, sad, dissatisfied or even angry face. Such people are dissatisfied with everything: the weather, colleagues, boss, shop assistant. They find flaws always and in everything, considering themselves principled and wasting their energy on trifles.
    Sometimes, to solve your problem, it is enough just to be a benevolent person. Let's start by cultivating this quality in ourselves, and our body will become stronger and healthier.

    See entire section

    Bioenergetics is a combination of the theoretical base and practical methods of one of the sections of alternative medicine. It is based on the concept of biofield and bioenergy. Despite the fact that it is considered pseudoscientific knowledge, it has many followers and reviews confirming the effectiveness of the methods.

    Human bioenergetics belongs to the field of esoteric knowledge. This concept is inextricably linked with such definitions as extrasensory perception, aura, prana. Official medicine does not recognize the methods of bioenergy treatment, but this does not stop them from being effective.

    The key points of the bioenergy teaching are as follows:

    • Includes the concept of the human biofield. This is a kind of energy radiation, invisible to the eye, a part of the information field of the Universe. It is believed that two factors most strongly influence the biofield: a person’s own mental and emotional radiation, as well as the impact of the surrounding world.
    • Each person has their own energy potential. Depending on the influence of various factors, it can both fade away and be filled from the Source. Almost all bioenergy methods are aimed at replenishing energy losses and increasing energy potential.
    • Thoughts and emotions of a person have a huge impact not only on his psycho-emotional state, but also on the health of the human body. Any negative first damages, and then resonates with the physical, provoking the occurrence of diseases.
    • Man and nature are inextricably linked. It is from the world around you that you can draw energy and vitality, which is necessary for successful self-realization in all spheres of life.
    • A person is a part of the Universe, with the help of an egregor, he can connect to the source of the Higher Mind and draw from there any necessary information. Not everyone is capable of this - a lot of experience in spiritual practices is required
    • Bioenergy is aimed at the liberation of the human self, personal freedom. To find it, a lot of work is required with the subconscious, which has been influenced by society and upbringing since childhood, many negative attitudes are formed.

    It is necessary to start studying bioenergy with an understanding of just two basics:

    1. All processes, things and phenomena occurring in the world are closely connected with the Universe
    2. Thoughts and emotions are the cause of success or problems. Always. What a person broadcasts - negative or positive, then he receives. Therefore, the responsibility for everything that happens in your life lies only with you.

    Having mastered at least the basic part of bioenergetic knowledge, you will be able to qualitatively improve your life, thanks to an understanding of what is happening with your body and consciousness at three levels: physical, mental and astral.

    Bioenergetics treatment

    Bioenergetic practices have been used since time immemorial to treat the sick. Ancient techniques came to us from oriental energy practices: tantra, yoga and others.

    In bioenergetics, it is believed that at birth a person is given three types of biofield. In case of illness, one of the fields is damaged, because of this, the overall picture of the aura changes. The specialist evaluates the changes and diagnoses the cause of the disease, determining which organ needs treatment.

    To heal people with the help of bioenergetics, it is necessary to have a developed sensitivity to human biofields. Only a few specialists are able to feel with the help of their fingers where the disease's legs grow from.

    What methods are used in the process of diagnosing and treating diseases with the help of bioenergetics:

    • Determination of changes in the aura with the help of tactile sensations. If a person is sick, the diagnostician will feel tingling, chill or, conversely, heat during work
    • Treatment of the disease: the healer directs his own energy to the treatment of the patient. Because of this, the sick person begins to feel better, and the healer’s energy potential decreases for a while.

    If you are trained in bioenergetics, you can heal yourself with the help of special exercises. They were created in antiquity by Eastern thinkers and clerics.

    Watch a video about the human energy structure from the point of view of bioenergetics:

    The value of bioenergetics in human life

    The role of bioenergy is as follows:

    • Helps protect against disease by creating an energy shield
    • Protects a person from negative impact of the surrounding world, establishes a barrier to any negativity
    • Determines the quality of your life. The more energy you have, the healthier, more attractive and successful you are, the more able you are to achieve your goals.
    • Provides the necessary level of vital energy, if desired - even one at which you can develop paranormal and extrasensory abilities in yourself

    To achieve any meaningful results, special practices and exercises are needed.

    How to develop bioenergetic skills in yourself?

    Theory is useless without practice. Therefore, it is worth trying some exercises to understand the meaning of bioenergetics.

    List of effective exercises:

    1. Exercise one - do it for seven days. You need to relax and disengage from extraneous thoughts. Then turn your mind's eye to your right hand and imagine how heat radiates from it. Repeat for the left hand. When it is possible to cause tingling sensations in the palms, the exercise is considered completed.
    2. During the second exercise, you will also concentrate on the feet. Imagine how heat, originating in the foot, moves from the ankles to the calves, then to the knees, thighs, stomach, chest, and reaches the brain

    The effectiveness of the exercises depends on the strength of your imagination and ability to visualize. Not everyone is well-developed in these skills, so it may take time for you to master the practices.