What is a carousel in contact. VKontakte carousel is a new advertising format. Why you need an advertising carousel

Hello, friends! Scrolling through the Vkontakte news feed, you probably noticed advertising entries among the photos and notes of other users. They usually take the form of a note with an image, a small description, and a button. So in 2017 this social network introduced a new advertising format - Carousel.

Vkontakte carousel is an opportunity to beautifully present your product. Here you do not have to limit yourself to one picture, you can add a description to the product name and it is possible to place links to several sources at once. It is scrolled using the right / left buttons located on it, and has the form of a slider, like on sites.

Before we deal with its creation, let's consider the main features of the Carousel:

  1. You can add 3 to 10 images to a post.
  2. The image on the card must be static, that is, GIF animations cannot be used, the minimum photo size is 400x400 pixels.
  3. For detailed description product, you can add the text of the entry. Here the number of characters is limited to 220.
  4. Each card has a title. It must contain from 3 to 25 characters.
  5. The ability to add a link to: a third-party site, any community or Vkontakte application. You can also enter a phone number.
  6. The maximum price you specify is 10 billion rubles. Moreover, if you added a price and a button to one card, then they should be present on others.
  7. The placed image can also contain text, but it should occupy no more than 50% of the entire image.
  8. Added cards can be rearranged using simple drag and drop.
  9. If you choose a carousel as an advertising post, you cannot attach other attachments (photo, video, survey, etc.) to it.
  10. You can see the number of clicks on a record in the "Statistics" section. But transitions for specific cards will not be shown here.

How to make an advertisement

To do this, open the page for creating advertisements, or you can simply follow the link: https://vk.com/adcreate. Next, we mark the desired advertising format with a bird and click "Create Post".

At the top, select the group under whose name it will be published. Then write the text of the post. Remember that the number of characters is 220 and spaces are counted. Then we proceed to adding the first card - click on the plus sign.

If you do not have your own group, but you want to offer users a certain service or product, then you can. At the same time, please note that it should not be empty: place at least 10 posts in it.

After that, our card will look like this. To add an image or photo, click the "Upload" button.

Of course, it is better to prepare all the necessary images in advance. First, with the help of an editor (which you like), make the appropriate size, and then you just add them.

Add a caption below the picture. You can specify the old and current price for the product and add a button. The old price will be crossed out - so you can emphasize that there are discounts in the store. What will be written on the button must be chosen based on the topic of the entry itself. If you are going to conduct some kind of training or seminar, then the inscription “Sign up” will do; if registration and entering personal information is implied, then “Fill in”; if you offer hot vacation tours, select the "Book" button and so on.

To delete a card, click on the cross in the upper right corner on it.

Add all the pictures and click the "Create" button.

At this step, you can change the order of the blocks, hold down the desired one with the mouse and drag it to a new location.

It should also be noted that in the example I inserted the same link for all cards. But here they can be used differently. For example, the first link will lead to the store's website on the Internet, the second - to the Vkontakte group, the third to a specific section of the site, and the like.

To see how the created Carousel ad unit will look in news feed after approval by its moderators, click "Open".

This is what happened to me. You can see which product is on sale and go to the store by clicking on the button (this will be the transition to the link specified for a particular card).

Examples of using

Now let's figure out what information to place in the Carousel? But there are no restrictions here. The main thing is that everything looks organic and is clear to the user at a glance.

Let's give some examples:

  1. If you want to advertise certain commodity- post some photos, add captions and a button.
  1. If something can be bought at a super bargain price, then indicate the old price and the new one. The size of the discount written in the picture will attract even more attention.
  2. Add your most popular items.
  3. Products manufactured by a particular manufacturer and their features.
  4. Products that complement each other. For example, sneakers, sports top, dumbbells, training mat, tank top and t-shirt, cap.
  5. Offer something of your own, explain the essence and add buttons so that the user can either subscribe or contact you at the specified phone number.
  1. A conference is planned, place it on the cards of its participants, and add a short description to each.
  2. You can make a small story out of the images, and for the last card, specify a link that will lead to some Internet magazine, a group discussion.

While the Vkontakte Carousel has not had time to become very boring to users and this type of advertising in the news feed does not come across so often, it must be used. Think carefully about how it will look in order to attract people's attention, and the result will not be long in coming.

Yesterday, the VK team presented a new ad format - a carousel. Now it will be possible to meet in the feed up to 10 product cards with a price (and you can set the old and new ones), a photo in the format of 200x200 pixels and a title from 3 to 40 characters.

Each of the cards can lead to a different page, including a website, a VK community, a personal page, a dialogue with the community, and even a phone number.

1. We go to the advertising account.

2. We see the first update of VK - design, select 1 item - carousel.

3. Add product cards for this, select a link to the community, site or number. When switching to advertising, a potential client gets there. Click "continue".

4. We draw up product cards, upload a photo with a format of 200x200 pixels and a title from 3 to 40 characters, indicate the price (old / new if necessary).

5. We select the button, here the VK team tried and gave us a great choice. We press “save”.

6. The ad is ready, click the preview. Now you need to work with the CA settings.

6. We select the target audience we want to target (This can be your base, retargeting base or VK advertising account settings). In my case, this is the base that I collected using the parser. Be sure to put down the "Subject of the ad" and "Age marking", without this ad will not pass moderation.

What is an advertising carousel?

A carousel is a promotional post with cards. In each card, you can specify a name and a short description, attach an image, a button. You can also set two prices - old and new - for example, to show a discount. Or not price at all.

Why do you need an advertising carousel?

Promotions, discounts, special offers

In addition, through carousel cards, you can:

  • close the objections of their customers,
  • describe the benefits of your product,
  • explain how to use your product or service.

  • virtual tour of the site;
  • instructions for ordering goods/services;
  • the history of the creation of a product / service / business.

In order to engage users in interactions, you can show all your creativity. For example:

  • create a single picture from the Carousel cards;
  • use color fade effects;
  • come up with a short comic.
How to create a VKontakte carousel?

Select the community on behalf of which the promotional post will be created.

There can be from 3 to 10 cards. For each card, you specify a link that will be followed by a transition, or a phone number. Links in different cards can lead to the same page or to different ones.

You must upload an image to the card (at least 400 pixels wide) and specify a title (from 3 to 25 characters).

You can also add a price - current and old, and select one of the available buttons. These parameters are optional, but note that the button or price must either be filled in on all cards, or not filled in anywhere.

Technical requirements:

  • Cards should be from 3 to 10.
  • Links to any sites, communities and applications of VKontakte, as well as phone numbers are accepted as links.
  • Card title length - from 3 to 25 characters.
  • The card image must be at least 400 pixels wide. Animated images are not supported.
  • You can specify a price up to 10 billion rubles. In this case, the price must either be indicated for all cards, or not indicated in any of them.
  • The text of the advertising entry itself should be no more than 220 characters.
  • You can add one of the following buttons to each card: Go", "Open", "Details", "Call", "Book", "Register", "Register", "Buy", "Buy ticket", "Install", "Contact", "Fill out", "Order » . In this case, the buttons must either be enabled for all cards, or disabled for all.
  • You can pay for ad posts with a carousel both for impressions and for clicks.
  • If a carousel is attached to a post, then other attachments (photos, videos, music, maps, snippet, poll) cannot be added.
  • The carousel statistics will display the total clicks for all cards. To track the performance of a particular card, use UTM tags.

At the moment, the VKontakte Carousel advertising format is the newest and, accordingly, the most not hackneyed. In addition, you yourself have seen how many opportunities it opens up for us. I highly recommend testing the ad carousel if you haven't done so already.