How advertising works in Odnoklassniki. How much does it cost and where to order advertising on Odnoklassniki. Advertising promotion in the news feed

How and where can you place an ad so that it gets recruited? greatest number views, if not on Odnoklassniki (especially if you want to do it for free)? After all, as you know, this site simply has a colossal audience - its daily traffic reaches up to seventy million people a day! So, if you want to sell something profitably or maybe. To report something important missing, this online community is exactly what you need!

You can add an ad on Odnoklassniki in the following ways:

  • in a group (your own or someone else’s);
  • on your page.

We will tell you in detail about each method and provide the necessary instructions, thanks to which you can easily cope with the task.

How to post an ad in Odnoklassniki in a group?

If you want to write an ad so that everyone can see it, then it’s best to do it in some popular community. The main thing is that what you want to communicate corresponds to the topic of this group and is interesting and understandable to its audience. There are special communities where you can sell and buy things, and there are also those where you can find owners for found puppies and kittens. So, if you have found a community for which your topic would be suitable, then go ahead!

You can easily find out if you read our other article, also located on this site.

How should it go so that she has as many subscribers as possible, you will understand by reading another article on our website.

How to advertise in Odnoklassniki on your page?

The most in a simple way How to place an ad on Odnoklassniki in the feed of your friends and acquaintances will be exactly this. No need to search for anything, just log into your account and follow the instructions.

Now you are familiar with all the ways to advertise and, hopefully, in the future it will not be difficult for you. If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments and you will definitely find out the answer.

How to submit an ad for free?

Today, January 23, a mini-revolution took place in the world advertising on social networks . Community advertising service associate now allows you to advertise in groups social network Classmates(you can try convenient interface, more flexible settings). Many users who advertised in VKontakte groups asked whether it would be possible to do the same on Odnoklassniki, the answer was “there is an opportunity.”

From this article you will learn:

  • Features of advertising in Odnoklassniki groups;
  • How to select advertising sites;
  • How to safely and effectively place advertising posts;
  • How and why they create groups in OK.

Odnoklassniki, features of advertising in groups

Odnoklassniki has its own characteristics. Eg “Class!” button has built-in virality- this is both a like and a repost. This means that any good ad can get free additional reach. (I already wrote how to do this, but much is true for Odnoklassniki. I recommend reading it.

In the search for sites, a switch has appeared (at the moment it is not very informative, you may not even notice it) - in which network you want to post the recording (also in

Key points when working with advertising in Odnoklassniki groups

  • Platforms with 1000 participants or more are accepted for advertising on Odnoklassniki.
  • Choose. If you have a very narrow topic, then look more broadly and choose groups where your target audience may also be.
  • Images, video, audio. Definitely a must use. This is more than 80% of attention and information in the news feed. It is advisable to choose one that they will want to share with friends. This could result in a “viral effect” (advertising in Odnoklassniki groups is great for this). And as you know surrounded by people most often with similar interests. This means your target audience may be among them.
  • Maximum for each group adapt your advertising post. Look at the group's feed, study the writing style. For example, you advertise services foreign languages . At good approach and adaptations of content can be advertised to a local school group or other educational institution.
  • Experiment. Different headings, graphics, groups. Make sure there is activity on the site where you advertise (comments, “Cool!”)

You can’t miss such a moment as getting subscribers. And understand what types there are and what they are used for.

How to get subscribers on Odnoklassniki and what is it for?

People sometimes ask me how to get subscribers on Odnoklassniki. Personally, I didn’t do this at OK. First of all, you need to understand what it is for.

Why do you usually choose cheating? This is justified only in cases where if you think for example, that an account with 1000 members is easier to promote than one with 50 ( and only then publish advertisements and attract clients). More groups with more participants, on average, are displayed higher for queries in the search OK.

Based on the reviews and experiences of friends, I can recommend the automatic online cheating service

If you use the basic tariff, users will not be targeted (only for quantity). If you need more interested in your service, product, or group, it is better to use the Vip tariff.

More about advertising

When posting on Odnoklassniki, users immediately see the number of participants and the full cost of placement. It is likely that other indicators will be available soon. Stay tuned for updates here. By the way, about working with the associate service here.

As far as I know, at the moment (January 23, 2014) service associate one of the first to provide the opportunity for their users to advertise in Odnoklassniki groups( still works more stable and the commission is lower). By official information The sociate service is currently actively working to obtain detailed statistics for each placement. Which is a very necessary opportunity to analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

We're trying to tear yours away potential clients from their farms and try to sell them something through advertising. By the way, I solved this article illustrate with the most masterpiece photos from Odnoklassniki.

Who is suitable for advertising on Odnoklassniki?

Goji berries, green coffee and other dubious TV store products :) Just kidding.

I recently attended an SMM seminar (don’t ask why). And there in the presentation there were statistics on communities. Like, my classmates include those who are from 40 to 60. And children from 8 to 12 years old, but “You can’t sell them” (quote).

And I don't agree.

Firstly, young people also sit in OK. But only a certain type. They don’t need fancy photo editing apps, they don’t need books on marketing, they don’t need delivery of conceptual designer tofu dumplings, and so on. But why not promote simple consumer goods/services?

They need promotions on plastic windows, sushi delivery, loans, your ad about discounts on fur coats, advertising for new housing with a mortgage, pet food and manicure courses.

In other words: if your services are clear and simple, if you want to talk about discounts and promotions, then why not? Beautiful, and in some cases even more grateful than in VK.

As they said at the same seminar: the whole point is that the residents of Odnoklassniki are not given enough attention. Therefore, they simply take any advertising with a bang. They put “class” and share it with lightning speed. And try someone on VK, force them to do it.

As for the statement “You can’t sell it to children,” it’s not true. I am generally in favor of using children in our marketing purposes. Joke. Or not.

Advertising formats in the Odnoklassniki feed

Widescreen block 1080×607 in the Odnoklassniki event feed

Rules of the game:

  • title - 25 characters (hereinafter including spaces);
  • text - 90 characters;
  • image 256×256, format - static GIF, JPG, PNG;
  • large image 1080×607, weight - no more than 60 KB, format - static GIF, JPG, PNG;
  • link format - external resource or group, event, video channel in Odnoklassniki.

Mobile widescreen block 1080×607 in the Odnoklassniki event feed

Shown in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki in the user’s event feed.

Rules of the game: everything is the same as in the format described above, but the file weight is no more than 150 KB.

Group notes in Odnoklassniki

An advertising post of this format can be seen in the user’s event feed.When creating an advertising post, select “Note” and use links like this: 277 437 190 469

Monitoring an advertising campaign in Odnoklassniki

You have the following metrics at your disposal:

  • Basic statistics: impressions, ad clicks, CTR, reach, and so on.
  • Feedback: shares, comments, ratings.
  • Interaction with the publication: a person opened a post, went to a group or via an external link, voted, and so on.
  • Interaction with a video publication: turned off the sound, watched 3 seconds, watched the entire video, resumed watching after a pause, turned on the video in full screen and a variety of other conditions.

How to add advertising to Odnoklassniki

I searched for a long time (I even had to register on the social network itself). Then she freaked out and, having cheated, went to ask the advertising department. As it turned out, setting up advertising in Odnoklassniki does not take place on the site itself (as in VK), but using a special service. We use in the studio My target.

Let's go!

The first step is very simple (as well as the subsequent ones) - you need to select the object that we will advertise. I chose the site. Then you need to choose the format that you like best.

Then you need to come up with a cool title, write a clear inviting text and upload a juicy image within the requirements.

Now give your campaign a name (the name will be visible only to you) and click on the blue button.

Just like that we went through the whole stage advertising on Odnoklassniki. I hope you found the article useful. Good luck!

icon by Artem Kovyazin

Last year, we set out to transform our website into a real encyclopedia of marketing for small businesses and private projects. What haven’t we already talked about! And then we realized that we don’t have materials about Odnoklassniki. Let's fix it urgently! Today our expert is Svetlana Balakhnina, an entrepreneur, practitioner, and targeted advertising specialist. Svetlana prepared detailed instructions on launching advertising in Odnoklassniki for beginners.

If you have a website, then there is a need to find sources of traffic for your project. I want to talk about the interface of the MyTarget service, through which advertising is placed on the Odnoklassniki social network.

According to statistics from 2016, the monthly audience of Odnoklassniki is 73 million people, of which 60.6% are women, 39.4% are men. The audience of mobile device users is 64%. Moreover, the active audience is located not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the former CIS, Europe and the USA. Income level: 10% - below average, 40% - average, 50% - above average.

Odnoklassniki is a big source of traffic for sales physical goods, information products and services.

MyTarget makes it possible to place mobile advertising on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. That is, anywhere other than this system you will not be able to set up advertising for users of the mobile versions of these social networks.

Getting started at MuTarget


In the dashboard interface we see sections, we go to them to obtain the necessary information as we work with the advertising campaign.

MuTarget account interface

Before you start setting up an advertising campaign, I recommend that you think about collecting data about your website visitors, which you will need to launch retargeting campaigns. After all, we need to “catch up” with visitors with a reminder about our product or service.

Installing the MyTarget counter

We register a mail counter on using the link: and install its data on the website.

Installing counter data on the site

The counter is added in the “Audiences” section. There, data will be collected about your website visitors, and then you can set up a retargeting campaign for them. VKontakte and Facebook use social network pixels for these purposes.

This is how we add a new counter

MyTarget basic settings

Information collection settings

Analytics is our everything! You need to collect it through UTM tags; in MyTarget, I recommend using the automatic option, this will save your time, and the data received will be enough for effective optimization.

Selecting automatic tagging for analytics

We set down the criteria target audience

The “age limit” item must be filled out if your project has any according to the law.

In the Audiences section, you can target the segments you created using the counter [email protected] , data from games, applications and groups.

You can also set up audiences based on existing data about your clients: id of users of social networks: Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, My World, as well as phone numbers and their email.

If you have any other audience data, use it

This data is loaded in *txt format as a list, which can contain from 5,000 to 5,000,000 rows and is no more than 128 MB in size. If you do not have the required number of representatives of your target audience, then you can set up advertising directly to the group you are interested in.

Also analyze other existing settings, if they are applicable to your target audience, then use them.

Consider additional settings

Information about user interests is collected through thematic portals, which, like, are part of the Mail.Ru Group of companies.

Geography of display

Here we set up the display geography

MyTarget has the ability to set up local advertising; this function is recommended for shops, beauty salons, fitness centers, that is, for those for whom it is important to reach an audience in the surrounding area.

Time settings

In the “When” block, we set the time intervals and days for the campaign to be displayed, as well as the start and end of the broadcast.

Set the display time

Price settings

IN next block We need to choose what we will pay for - clicks or impressions?

In my practice, the most effective strategy for multi-format placement is payment for impressions, but this cannot be stated with a 100% guarantee. When launching test advertising campaigns, I recommend trying both options, and then choosing the one with a lower cost per lead and better sales results.

Social networks today play an important role in the socio-political life of society. Leading world politicians and celebrities communicate directly with people who are far from the international arena, and businessmen increase profits significantly by distributing advertising on the Internet. The World Wide Web makes it possible to earn money remotely, and useful tools for webmasters allow you to almost completely automate the work process.

History of the creation of a social network

One of the most popular Russian social networks is Odnoklassniki. The site was created in March 2006. The social network was developed by Albert Mikhailovich Popkov, who lives in London and works in the field of communications, and the owner of the site is Mail.RuGroup. The direct author of Odnoklassniki, by the way, participated in several European projects to create social networks.

Features of the social network, audience

Odnoklassniki is one of the top five most popular Russian web resources. Within a year after the start of the project, the social network doubled the number of registered users. But in 2008, to join the number of users on free of charge became impossible, so the growth rate of the social network’s popularity decreased significantly. In 2010 it was again possible to register for free.

The Odnoklassniki audience includes 51 million users from all regions of the Russian Federation and CIS countries. About 64% of people use the resource’s functionality through the mobile version every month.

The average age of a social network user is much higher than on other platforms. The main returning audience is people from 18 to 54 years old. The site has a widely represented segment of solvent potential clients, which has a positive effect on business on Odnoklassniki.

The only inconvenience in using the network is the blocking of links leading to other sites. To solve the problem, you need to contact technical support.

The functionality of Odnoklassniki also determines its positive features. So, a big plus for those who are wondering how to advertise on Odnoklassniki is that the user who put “Class” not only “likes”, but also reposts the post or photo.

Free advertising campaign in Odnoklassniki

A large solvent audience and user activity, various methods of publishing ads and several types of promotion could not go unnoticed by advertisers. So the information on how to advertise on Odnoklassniki is very relevant. But, like any other online business, using a social network has its own characteristics.

  • your social network profile should be filled with interesting content;
  • you need to welcome and encourage users, put “Class” to share information with your friends;
  • You can motivate people with gifts and discounts for subscription or other actions, competitions;
  • There is no need to discount simply visiting other people’s pages; the user will become interested in the new guest and go to the advertising profile;
  • active participation in comments will allow the brand to appear in the news more often, which will attract the attention of users.

But successful promotion without investment takes time.

Targeted advertising on social networks

Targeted advertising is unobtrusive, but at the same time it is aimed at a specific target audience. The ad is located on the screen under the photo or active keys, does not interfere with web surfing and does not irritate the user. The customer independently configures the audience parameters - place of residence, age, gender, so the advertisement is seen only by those people who will be interested in the advertisement. In addition, the seller can specify the time and days of advertising on the social network.

How to create targeted advertising in Odnoklassniki? An advertisement can be submitted through the Target website - the official advertising platform on sites. First (for unregistered users) you need to create a request with general data about the advertising company. After confirming the application, the webmaster will need to select keywords, upload high-quality product photos and select audience parameters (age, gender, region).

Advertising banners in Odnoklassniki

Banners are presented in the form of a large picture or video to attract the attention of buyers. Such an advertisement can be seen not only by users who are registered directly in Odnoklassniki, but also by visitors to VKontakte and other sites.

Contextual advertising on a social network

When creating contextual advertising, as in the case of targeted advertising, you can set the “your users” parameter, i.e. determine the target audience. Paid advertising campaign by the number of ad views, so it is important to indicate the exact parameters of the target audience. If the filter is configured incorrectly, advertising will be shown to users who are not interested in this offer, so you should not expect an increase in profits. The contextual advertising block is located in the right corner of the page.

How to advertise on the Odnoklassniki website correctly if contextual ads are considered? contextual advertising, like other types of promotion (except, perhaps, for placing paid posts in other people’s groups and advertisements in one’s own community) is configured through the Target website on

Advertising in other people's groups

On the social network, it is also possible to place paid advertising in “promoted” groups where there are already a large number of active subscribers. You need to create an interesting post so that when viewing the news feed, the user wants to put “Class” and with this action attracts the attention of friends.