How to open a taxi service. Guide and useful tips for starting a taxi service from scratch How to open a taxi dispatch office

The rapidly developing field of Internet business contributes to the emergence of firms specializing in transportation. Although the competition in this business is quite high, the demand is so great that even a novice entrepreneur will be able to fill his niche and get a good income. In this business idea, we will tell you how to open a cargo transportation dispatch service from scratch, where to start and whether this activity is profitable.

Starting a business and planning features

The dispatcher's job is to find a load for a car that is heading in a certain direction. You do not need to buy the car itself and hire a driver. It is enough to find drivers with their own transport, provide them with orders and receive commissions.

To open a trucking business from scratch, an entrepreneur needs to immerse themselves in this area. There are two ways to do this. The first, most costly, is to hire experienced dispatchers with their own base who understand this business. They will be able to quickly get things up and running smoothly. The tasks of the entrepreneur will then include only managerial functions.

Another is based on the fact that the entrepreneur himself has experience in the dispatch service, has a base of drivers and a certain number of regular customers that will allow the business to hold out at the first stage. We recommend choosing the second option, because in the first you will be very dependent on employees. If they suddenly leave you along with the base, this will result in the collapse of the entire enterprise.

There are several areas of work. The most profitable are international and intercity transportation. You can earn more on them, but it will not be easy for a start-up company to break into this market. And work on foreign economic activity is generally associated with serious difficulties due to the need for customs clearance of each cargo and the high risk of its loss due to reasons beyond your control. Without experience, it is definitely not worth taking on this direction.

If you do not have connections and experience in "expensive" directions, it is better to start with transportation within the city. You can transport furniture around the city, Appliances And Construction Materials. All this is in great demand, and the demand will be. In addition, you can earn extra money by providing the services of loaders.

Dispatchers can earn about 10 percent of each specific order. This is the average rate, which can fluctuate from region to region. Before opening a dispatch service, you need to familiarize yourself with this market in your region and conduct an analysis of competitors. If there are many of them, then you need to come up with distinctive features that will make your company stand out.

How to apply

Registration of this type of activity has its own nuances. For many types of business, registration as an individual entrepreneur is quite suitable, but an LLC would be better for a dispatch company. The fact is that there are great risks associated with litigation in this case, and an individual entrepreneur as individual is responsible for his own property. An LLC can only be sued for what belongs to the company.

In addition, such a form of activity as a limited liability company allows you to work with the most big companies. Register entity costs a little more than IP. It will cost at least fifteen thousand rubles. You will have to bring to the tax office Required documents. In case of registration as an LLC, the dispatching service will take risks only with its authorized capital.

A license is issued only if you will work in foreign economic activity or plan to transport dangerous goods. In other cases, the work is carried out without a license.

What you need

The first thing to start with is finding and renting office space. A small room, about 10 square meters in size, will do. It will be beneficial to rent a room in a call center. Some believe that it is possible to organize this enterprise and at home, meet with clients on their territory if necessary, and conduct workflow via the Internet. But in this case, the business will most likely remain at the “home” level, and serious companies will not want to cooperate with such an organization.

It is better to choose an office where you can meet clients and store papers. This will speak of a good position in the service.

To open a business, you will need the following equipment:

  • well working cellular(it is important to choose a reliable operator).
  • Stationary telephone with fax function.
  • Personal or laptop computer with high-speed Internet access.
  • Forms, stamps.

The cost of all this is small, a businessman may well meet 50 thousand rubles.

The procedure for opening an enterprise

  • Business registration. We receive the status of an LLC, we become registered with the tax service according to the USN 6 system. If necessary, a license is issued.
  • Office rent. Placement is not important, only the presence of a platform for cars is important. Both customers in cars and drivers in trucks will come to you. The loading area does not need to be equipped. Drivers will be loaded at the location of the customer.
  • Office equipment. We buy furniture and office equipment.
  • Hiring employees. At the first stage, one person is enough, except for the leader, or you can even do without him.
  • Beginning of work. Search for companies to offer their services. Formation of a database of customers and drivers.

Advantages and disadvantages

This small business has its pros and cons. Among positive sides low initial investment, good demand for services and the need for a small office, almost anywhere in the city.

The negative side is the high risk of force majeure. If something happens to the cargo on the road, the dispatcher will have to deal with these issues, and in some cases even be held responsible.

The profitability of the dispatch service is quite high, since the costs are minimal. The threshold for entering this business is quite low from a financial point of view. Therefore, this line of business is often chosen by novice entrepreneurs. Perhaps, in the future, a home-based freight dispatcher will become the creator of a serious business with its own warehouses, a large vehicle fleet, international destinations and hundreds of loyal customers. But for this you need to show yourself as a responsible and qualified specialist in your field.

We hope that our business idea will help you do this interesting business on your own and give you inspiration! Good luck!

Thus, by expanding your own staff, creating even a full-fledged taxi fleet, you can significantly increase your income. How can a partner make money on drivers if the commission is only 5% and taxes are 7%? With such prices, a partner will not last long on the market, because by and large, he will be constantly in the red. The question is extremely incorrect and it is very difficult to assume that the intermediary will provide, by and large, preferential working conditions, which means that the matter is most likely something else. Rather, the partner will simply "throw" the naive driver and that's it. After all, think for yourself how a taxi fleet can function normally if it takes a “pathetic” 5% from the driver, and at the same time gives two percent more, that is, 7%, of tax. This is absurd, so we would strongly recommend that you carefully read the contract with this intermediary before signing it.

How to open a taxi fleet with Yandex Taxi?


You need to find software that will allow you to receive calls, calculate the cost of a trip, send a notification to drivers, show which driver took the order. It should also be able to store all information about the order in the database:

  • customer call time
  • the cost of travel
  • route
  • taxi driver arrival time
  • trip duration
  • trip end time
  • etc.

With this, you do not need to load your head much. Just rent the software for 10,000 rubles a month or buy it.

They have everything you might need and more. Communication with the driver software for taxi services assumes that the driver will have an Android tablet or smartphone. You have to decide for yourself whether you will force drivers to buy gadgets with their own money or give them away yourself.

How to become a Yandex Taxi partner: affiliate program


It will cost you another 15,000 rubles. Considering that you do not plan to purchase your own transport in the first two years of work, you also do not need to hire drivers. It is enough just to find ten drivers with their own vehicles, who have the appropriate permits and are registered as individual entrepreneurs, so that you have the opportunity to cooperate with them by signing the corresponding contract. A project oriented like a taxi dispatch service will not require the creation of many vacancies True, it is important to consider that in such a situation you can count on approximately 30% of the income from each car.


If you get a taxi license, your share may increase up to 70%. Marketing The information given in the article will certainly help you in such a difficult task as opening a taxi. Step-by-step instruction actions should make the task as easy as possible for you.

Connecting SP to Yandex. taxi in 2018

If we enlarge our business plan and discard all minor issues, it turns out that the taxi fleet consists of two parts: Car fleet - organization of work with cars and drivers Dispatch office - organization of work with advertising and customers A full-fledged taxi service cannot work without these components, but it is not necessary must create and maintain them independently. There are options when the taxi fleet has only a control room, but does not have its own drivers and cars at its disposal. Or vice versa, the fleet has drivers and cars, but it has no customers.

Then he can offer his cooperation to the taxi company with the control room and the flow of customers. Therefore, if you do not want to make big investments, but want to break into this market, you can start by opening your own fleet or control room. We open a car park in Yandex Taxi Investments Profitability Number of cars From 3 mln.

How to open a taxi depot, car park and taxi dispatch office

It is also worth noting separately that the number potential clients the rating of the taxi company with which you are cooperating fully affects. Therefore, choose your partner very carefully, having familiarized yourself with his current reputation, reviews, and the rating itself in Yandex Taxi. Requirements for drivers and cars Before becoming a Yandex-Taxi partner (Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities), a number of requirements must be met.
The most important condition for work is that the driver has a license to transport. Without it, connection to the portal is impossible. If you have any problems with obtaining a license, then as an option, you can contact ROSGOSTAXI for help, where employees (for a fee, of course) will help you complete all the necessary documents.

How to become a partner

When the investment has not yet paid off, you yourself must monitor how things are going for you and, if necessary, make adjustments. For your business to pay off faster, you must work around the clock. Therefore, you will have to hire 6 dispatchers who will work 2 people per shift.
Specialty ZP rub. per month 6 dispatchers 90.000 Accountant 15.000 System administrator 20.000 Cleaner 8.000 Total: 133.000 Advertising If you want to open a taxi service and earn at least some money, you must allocate a monthly budget for advertising and promotions. The key to the success of an advertising campaign will be a catchy name and logo. It is recommended to use the word "taxi" in the title, as it immediately indicates your type of activity.

How to become a Yandex Taxi partner? requirements for connecting "Yandex-taxi"

Your obligations to Yandex.Taxi First of all, your taxi fleet must be completely legal, and all drivers must have a special license. If you have any problems with the tax component of the company's work, or not all drivers are officially employed, then, for starters, you will have to solve all problems with your organization, only then turn to cooperation. In addition, a non-disclosure agreement with the service is concluded for the entire period of joint work, as well as five years after it.

Violation of signed clauses is prohibited. The number of cars in your fleet is determined by the size and population of the city. Not all cars will be included in the cooperation program. Questionnaire submission procedure If you are satisfied with the terms and nuances of working with this service, then you can submit the questionnaire on the Yandex.Taxi website.

How to become a Yandex Taxi partner and connect drivers

You can also use the all-inclusive service there - you pay and they will do everything themselves: a license, an individual entrepreneur, a connection to the Yandex Taxi service. Also, before becoming a Yandex Taxi partner, you should know that some conditions for cooperation with a driver also apply to the condition of his car. Car requirements:

  • a foreign car not older than three years;
  • the presence of any device on the Android, iOS or Windows platforms that support the Yandex Taxi application;
  • the right to drive a car category "B";
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • availability of at least five drivers online (for taxi companies);

After all the requirements are met, and the documents are properly executed, you can safely get to work.

How to open a taxi from scratch: what you need for this, step by step instructions

People are becoming more and more accustomed to technology and, accordingly, to this method of ordering a taxi.

  • Business efficiency can be improved, in which Yandex Taxi undertakes to help.

Support from Yandex Taxi A reputable company always provides training and support to partners. Such a package of Yandex Taxi obligations includes:

  • Organization of educational webinars.
  • Consultations of a personal manager not only before, but also after the launch of the taxi fleet.
  • Support in the selection and hiring of qualified drivers.
  • A business plan is developed individually for each partner, taking into account the characteristics of the region.

Possible risks are questionable. Let's analyze them.
Usually, all these points should be analyzed at the stage of writing a startup business plan. Let's bring good example. To organize a taxi in the format of a dispatch service, consider the following cost items:

  • solution bureaucratic issues- from 15,000;
  • purchase of equipment - 506,000;
  • advertising - 50,000;
  • other expenses - 129,000.

Without purchasing your own fleet, you will spend at least 700,000 rubles to launch your startup. Now let's look at the level of annual investments in the business. Here the list would be:

  • office rent - 120,000;
  • radio wave sublease - 216,000;
  • staff salary - 2,148,000;
  • taxes and deductions - 300,000;
  • other costs - 216,000.

So, approximately 3,000,000 will have to be spent on the operation of the service. Now let's calculate how profitable the business will be.

How to open a taxi fleet in Yandex Taxi from scratch

As mentioned above, all you need is to issue a certificate of sole proprietorship at the local tax office and obtain a license. If you are willing to invest in your future work, then it is better to shift all these troubles onto the shoulders of professionals (ROSGOSTAKSI, etc.) - quickly, efficiently, but expensively. This method eliminates the need to officially get a job in an existing taxi fleet, and cooperate with it under a concluded contract, giving the organization a negotiated percentage of profits.

As for the license, the standard form is issued for only one car and is valid for no more than five years. To issue a document, you must have a certificate of registration with the tax office and paid for at least one month of UTII ( single tax on imputed income). Summing up, the minimum intermediary rate in Yandex Taxi is 9%.

Passenger transportation is a very profitable business. Many drivers who have worked for a private taxi firm for several years decide to start their own business.
On the one hand, novice entrepreneurs got acquainted with the activities of a taxi from the inside, but on the other hand, this area has many "pitfalls".

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What is a taxi service?

Primary activity

The work of a taxi is the delivery of passengers and goods to a place specified by the customer. Taxis are classified as a means of public transport. Taxi services are paid by the customer in accordance with the tariffs of the company and the meter, as well as by agreement with the driver.

Taxi services have at their disposal various makes and models of cars, some companies provide representative models.

The activities of drivers are usually coordinated by dispatchers who transmit order information via radio or telephone. Many taxis use GPS navigation systems.

There is a separate category of taxis that interact with single centers distribution of orders. Such taxis do not have their own system for receiving and distributing orders. Applications from customers are received by the distribution center, and from there they are sent to taxi companies, depending on criteria such as the cost of the trip and the distance of the passenger.

Taxi services have a number of advantages over other types of public transport:

  • possibility of delivery to any point of the city;
  • round-the-clock operation;
  • comfortable travel conditions;
  • Fast shipping.

The negatives include the following:

  • high cost of services;
  • transportation of a limited number of passengers;
  • long waiting for the car or refusal due to heavy workload on holidays;
  • inaccurate waiting time;
  • a large percentage of illegal carriers, as a result - low quality of service.


Taxi activity is regulated federal law No. 69, referred to as the Taxi Law. The document entered into force on September 1, 2011. In accordance with this law, any individual entrepreneur - a taxi driver or a specialized company must have a permit for the transportation of passengers and goods -

To get it, you must first register as an individual entrepreneur or open an LLC (or other organizational form) in the tax office, and then contact the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport.

The received document is valid only within the territorial limits of the region, in other cases, an appropriate agreement must be concluded between the regions.

A transportation license is issued on the basis of an application by an entrepreneur or founder of an LLC for a period of at least five years. The permit is issued on the condition that the entrepreneur or taxi company owns (or leases) one or more vehicles designed to carry passengers and luggage.

Also, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Every six months, a light vehicle must undergo an inspection.
  2. On the body or side surfaces of the vehicle, color compositions denoting taxis (“checkers”) must be applied.
  3. In some cases, the legislation of the subjects establishes a single color scheme for the car.
  4. An orange lamp must be installed on the roof of the car, and a taximeter must be equipped in the cabin.
  5. The experience of a taxi driver is 3 years or the total driving experience is at least 5 years.
  6. Taxi operators are required to monitor technical condition the car and check its serviceability before leaving for orders, also drivers must undergo pre-trip medical examinations.

The license must always be in the car. The driver is obliged to present it at the request of a passenger or a traffic police officer.

Job options

As a private carrier with your own vehicle

Many drivers who have their own car at their disposal prefer to work "for themselves", that is, to engage in private transportation. The percentage of so-called "bombs" is gradually decreasing, more and more people are choosing the legal path.

If the car owner operates without registering as an individual entrepreneur and does not have a transportation license, he may be held administratively liable for illegal business activities.

The earnings of a "private trader" largely depend on the brand, age and condition of the car. The better the car looks, the more likely it is that the client will want to get to their destination in it. In unpresentable cars, and even with rusty spots and "crumpled" elements, people sit down extremely reluctantly. On average, if the car looks quite well-groomed, and provided that the taxi driver works 12 hours a day, the daily earnings are from 2500 to 3000 rubles and more.

Over time, frequent carriers develop their permanent customer base. Of the amount received per day, about a thousand goes to gasoline and a car wash. It should also be borne in mind that it is periodically necessary to visit a car service.

When choosing this option of work, you need to remember some nuances. The most profitable points, as a rule, are "divided" among themselves by illegal "bombs". Sometimes such "taxi drivers" deliberately pierce the wheels and perform other actions in relation to those who have taken their place.

With the help of the control room

You can also work on your car through dispatch services. Some drivers rent cars. Orders are usually received by phone or walkie-talkie. The dispatching company places advertisements for taxi services in newspapers, the Internet and other sources. Usually such organizations operate without a fleet of vehicles. The dispatcher receives calls by phone and transfers orders to drivers.

The company receives a reward of 15-25% from each order.

An agreement is concluded between the company and the driver. Most dispatch services require a certificate of registration of IP from drivers. Settlement with the firm occurs every few days - usually weekly.

This way of earning has a number of advantages:

  • the freedom of action;
  • the possibility of choosing applications;
  • lack of control;
  • the ability to work at any time of the day.

The driver himself must monitor the condition of the car and bear the cost of its maintenance. On average, you can earn from 3 to 4 thousand per day on weekdays, and even more on holidays. Minus gasoline and payments to the dispatcher, a pretty decent amount comes out per month.

All your own (with your own fleet, control room)

The most profitable way to make money on passenger transportation is to open your own dispatch service and create a fleet of vehicles. The staff hires drivers who will receive remuneration depending on the volume of completed orders. The format of the taxi service depends entirely on the available financial resources.

Having decided to open a taxi service with a dispatcher and a fleet, you need to consider the following points:

  1. Rent of premises. For the control room, an area of ​​​​up to 30 square meters will be enough.
  2. Purchase of equipment. It is necessary to provide dispatchers with high-quality telephone communications and software. All vehicles must be provided with a stable radio link.
  3. Hiring workers and wages. To carry out activities, you need to hire an accountant, dispatchers and drivers.
  4. Additional expenses. This includes advertising, telephone and Internet charges, fees for technical inspections and medical examinations of drivers, etc.

The payback time of a taxi company depends on the size of the fleet. If there are 50 cars, the payback period does not exceed six months.

How to open a taxi?

Market assessment, competitor analysis

Any business should be started after preliminary assessment market and competitive analysis. This will help determine pricing policy firms. The competition between private firms is simply enormous. It is also necessary to take into account the percentage of “illegal immigrants” in the analysis, but it is not possible to calculate their number.

It is considered normal if there are 1-3 taxi services for every hundred thousand of the population.

This is for medium-sized cities (300-600 thousand people). Small towns and one is enough. If there are already a dozen carriers in your city, not counting private traders, you need to think carefully about whether to start.

In connection with such a huge competition, each taxi service strives to stand out from the background of "colleagues". Some firms are active advertising campaigns in order to create their own brand.

Today, the social orientation of business turns into a significant profit. Transportation of the disabled is one such service.

Taxi for the disabled

When opening your business, you need to think over a few details that would distinguish the service from competitors:

  • If possible, you need to install terminals in the car that allow you to pay for the trip with a card.
  • It is possible to equip cars with Wi-Fi.
  • Some firms specialize in organizing "women's" taxis.
  • You can replenish the fleet with several exclusive car models.
  • Take care of transporting pets, etc.


The activity of a taxi falls under the "imputation" (UTII), so you can register with the tax as an individual entrepreneur. For each car, you must obtain a permit for the transport of passengers. Obtain permission from the transport committee.

Business registration in stages looks like this:

  • formation of a package of documents (application for state registration of IP, copy of TIN, copy of passport, receipt for payment of state duty for registration of IP);
  • submission of documents to the tax office at the place of residence;
  • obtaining a certificate of registration in 5 working days;
  • if necessary, submitting an application to the tax office for the transition to a special regime;
  • registration in the pension;
  • additionally - opening a bank account.

To register an LLC, follow these steps:

  1. Submission of an application for state registration of a legal entity.
  2. Drafting of the statute.
  3. The sole founder draws up a decision on the establishment of an LLC, for two founders a protocol on the creation of a legal entity is drawn up.
  4. Payment of state duty.
  5. Certification of the founders' passports by a notary.
  6. Drawing up an agreement on the establishment of a legal entity between two founders.
  7. A letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises, according to which the company is registered.
  8. Notarization of the certificate of registration of ownership of real estate.
  9. Application to the tax office for the transition to "simplification" (if necessary);
  10. Registration in pension.
  11. Opening a current account.

What is the price?

It is impossible to name a specific amount needed to open a taxi. Creating a control room will definitely come out cheaper than creating your own fleet.

Below is a table with items of expenditure and approximate costs for them:

Item of expenses Approximate costs, rub.
State duty for registration of IP 800
State duty for registration of LLC 4000
Transport Permit up to 1500
radio station From 15 to 40 thousand or more
Radio wave sublease 16-18 thousand
Software About 5 thousand
Phone number From 2.5 thousand
Equipping one machine From 3 thousand
The cost of cars for your own fleet Depends on brand and models
Trademark registration (for taxis with corporate logo and title) 6-7 thousand
monthly subscription fee for using the radio frequency 10 thousand
Communal payments From 2 thousand
The salary of one operator At least 15-20 thousand
Garage and office rental Prices vary depending on the city, area and area

The table above shows that opening your own taxi is a very costly type of business.

Calculation of profit and payback

One machine delivers per day from 2.5 to 4000 thousand rubles. Thus, the monthly income from the car can be up to 120 thousand rubles. If 40% remains with the driver, it turns out that the company will receive about 72 thousand per month.

Creating your own fleet with the purchase of cars can pay off in 1.5-2 years of activity.

And without a fleet, the payback period will be about six months.

Professionals share their experience

Professionals working in the field of taxi services recommend a simple way with which you can save a lot of money. It is concluded in cooperation with an operating company and the conclusion of a franchise agreement.

Taxi has long been not a luxury, but a means of transportation for residents of any city.

When you consider the cost of gasoline, everyone understands that it is much cheaper to travel on foot or by car. public transport, and as needed (when returning home late at night or having heavy luggage) call a taxi rather than buy your own transport.

Dispatch service can be a good business for individual entrepreneur(IP). It does not require large financial investments, special knowledge and skills, or the lease of gigantic areas.

The main advantages of opening a dispatch service are:

  • great demand for similar services among the population;
  • the opportunity to occupy your niche, because the competition in this sector is not too high yet;
  • relatively small expenses for launching your business project;
  • the ability to use competitive advantages to positively stand out among other taxi services in your city;
  • registration as an individual entrepreneur, which simplifies interaction with the tax service.

In today's business plan, you will learn what does it take to open a taxi, what is the price this project and about the main advantages of this type of business.

  • Capital investments - 750,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 8-12 months.

How to open a taxi company: planning


IP is the most popular form for small businesses, which, of course, includes owning a taxi service.

The increase in the price of gasoline led to the fact that many motorists put their iron horses in the garage and switched to public transport (trams, metro, trolleybuses, buses, taxis, etc.). The crisis of 2014 led to the fact that many people were out of work. Having your own car tells experienced drivers that you can earn money by taxiing.

The owner of the IP taxi will definitely not have a shortage of personnel. There is a lot of competition in this sector, but if you do things right, you can build successful business from scratch.

The amount of initial investment is 750 thousand rubles.

Pursued goals:

  • Provide the population of your city with a sufficient number of cars, qualified drivers and quality service from dispatchers.
  • Organize a profitable and well-functioning dispatch service from scratch.
  • Employ only professional drivers with at least 5 years of experience.
  • Avoid scandals between drivers due to the struggle for orders, which can negatively affect your business.
  • Reduce the initial cost of radio communication, the maintenance of the control room, etc., so that the taxi service pays off as quickly as possible.
  • Immediately establish your own competitive advantages so as not to be afraid of other taxi services.
  • Automate most business processes to make them easier to manage.

Marketing plan

Despite the fact that even small towns have their own taxi services, let alone large metropolitan areas, this type of business can be made profitable and successful.

The main task that you must set for yourself is not to how to open a taxi, but how to reduce the initial investment so that the investment pays off as quickly as possible and you start earning for yourself.

Of course, there are expenses on the amount of which you will not affect in any way, for example, registration of an individual entrepreneur, but for the most part you can try to get by with small investments. Then there is no need to fear competition from similar firms.

Competitive advantages

One of your main competitive advantage in opening a taxi dispatch service - reducing the cost of organizing a business, but in no case should you be limited to them, because other owners of taxi cars will take away customers from you.

To make a business started from scratch become competitive and profitable, use the following advantages:

  • Hire only experienced drivers who know the city well.
    Passengers are usually annoyed if they have to explain to the driver where to go.
  • All vehicles in your taxi service must be relatively new, beautiful and in good condition.
  • Control drivers so that they maintain perfect cleanliness in their car.
  • Your dispatchers not only have to deal with the flow of orders without confusing them, but also be polite at any time of the day. Rudeness towards the client during work should be punished with fines.
  • Don't be afraid to hire female drivers if they are qualified.
    Taxi with a lady behind the wheel are in demand among customers.
  • Develop a loyalty program for regular customers by giving them discount cards.
  • Equip taxi cars with portable terminals so that the client can pay not only in cash, but also with a bank card.
  • Build your IP honestly by punishing drivers for cheating customers.

The target audience

Taxi services are used by all people, regardless of their gender and age: men, women, children, youth, people of middle and old age.

If we talk about the financial situation of your potential customers, then you should focus on middle-class people, since the poor stratum of the population moves around the city on foot or by public transport, and the rich have their own cars.

You will be able to attract a children's audience if you earn the trust of your parents. Moms and dads should know that in your taxi the child will be safe and will not be shortchanged.

Taxi advertisement

If there are already taxi services in your city, then you should conduct a good advertising campaign for your individual entrepreneur in order to start making money quickly. You can do this with:

  • commercials on local radio and television;
  • social networks;
  • advertisements in newspapers;
  • distribution of flyers on the streets;
  • advertising banners, pedestals, shop windows, etc.

Once you quickly and inexpensively deliver the client to the address he needs, do not spoil his mood with a boorish attitude on the part of the dispatcher and driver, and he will again use your taxi, and even tell his friends about him.

Print more business cards that the driver can give to each client and you will only reap the financial rewards of good work.

Taxi service staff

If you have registered your company as an individual entrepreneur, then you will have to officially arrange an accountant (you can, however, get by with the services of an outsourcing company), a system administrator and dispatchers.

But with drivers, you can simply draw up cooperation agreements, giving them the opportunity to independently settle matters with the tax office.

Directors are also not worth hiring (especially in the first year of the company), you yourself can perform a controlling and guiding function. P.S. just imagine how much you will save on the salary of the director.

The costs for one month of work of the taxi service staff can be found from this table:

How to open a taxi service: implementation

“If you don’t roll up your sleeves and try at least once in your life to do everything with your own hands, then you will never know what actions are necessary to promote a new business, expand the circle of customers, increase the circle of sales and make a profit.”
Bill Bishop

Calendar plan

Before starting work, you need to draw up a business plan with accurate calculations. This will help you get off the ground and get your investment back as quickly as possible.
It will not be superfluous to draw up a work plan for the taxi dispatch service for each month (at least in the first year of operation).
Then you can limit yourself to annual plans.

Stages of starting a taxi company

It is not difficult to find a suitable room that will serve as your control room. Enough one room for 20-30 square meters. It is also not difficult to pick up dispatch service operators.
It is better to hire adequate young women with pleasant voices. Difficulties can arise only during the search for drivers with their cars.

The main stages of launching an IP look like this:

Registration of an enterprise (IP)+
Room rental and furniture purchase +
Purchase of a software and hardware complex,
for example "2T-taxi" or "Takha"
Control room operators set +
Signing contracts with drivers
(you need to have at least 30 cars to pay off your investment)
+ +
Advertising company +
Starting a Taxi Service +

That is, you can start making money on your taxi company within 5-6 months after drawing up a business plan.

Table of expenses for starting a business

One of the main advantages of opening a taxi dispatch service is the relatively low initial cost.

Average initial expenses can be found in the following table:

Item of expenses Amount (rub.)
Total:RUB 750,000
Registration of an enterprise and registration of a permit for road transport30 000
Premises for rent (20 sq.m.)10,000 (per month)
Purchase of necessary furniture for work150 000
Purchase of computer and other equipment
(computer, electric kettle, microwave oven)
40 000
Cost of equipment180 000
Software cost
(with annual technical support)
200 000
Employee salary93 000
Advertising10 000
Additional expenses7 000

In order to open a taxi company, you need to have at least 750-800 thousand rubles.

provided in this video.

We take note!

Calculation of revenue and profit

If you do not have your own fleet, but cooperate with drivers who taxi in their own cars, then you should conclude a contract with them, according to which the drivers will pay you a monthly fee, for example, 5 thousand rubles per month + a percentage of your own income for the maintenance of the control room services (for example, 15%).

In total, your taxi service will bring the following profit:

Source of profit May (rub) Jun. (rub) Jul. (rub) Aug. (rub) Sen. (rub) Oct. (rub)
Subscription fee
(30 drivers)
150 000 150 000 150 000 150 000 150 000 150 000
Dispatch service income30 000 60 000 100 000 130 000 160 000 200 000
Revenue180 000 210 000 250 000 280 000 310 000 350 000

If you promote your business correctly, you will return the initial expenses after 8-9 months of work. But you will start earning decently after a year of work in the city.

Now you know, how to open a taxi dispatch service, and don't miss the chance to build profitable business which does not require a large initial investment.

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Alexander, good afternoon.

I would like to add a little to the previously given answer and sum up a certain result of the consultation:

Most best option- the conclusion of an agency agreement with drivers (Article 1005 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), now all partners of the Yandex Taxi/Uber/Gett aggregators are already working according to this scheme, who have figured out the most optimal scheme for the partner of taxi aggregators.

With drivers you enter into an agreement as with physical. persons, to work with them under an agency agreement, they do not need to register an IP.

The most important thing for working with drivers is a well-written agency agreement that will allow you to:

1. Pay tax only on the amount of your agency fee and do not pay tax on the drivers' money that comes to your account and which you then transfer to the drivers.

2. Do not pay taxes and contributions for drivers when transferring them Money, that is, not to be a tax agent of drivers.

I note that there are 3 forms of concluding an agency agreement:

1. The driver comes to your office and signs an agency agreement there - I think everything is clear here. The contract states that you are an agent and your remuneration is prescribed.

2. An agreement can be concluded by exchanging scans if, for example, you connect drivers from other cities. That is, you send a scan of the contract you signed, the driver prints it out, signs it on his part and sends it back to you. In this case, the contract states that it is concluded by exchanging scans.

3. Agreement-offer. This method is now gaining the most popularity among Uber / Yandex taxi / Gett partners - you place an offer agreement on your website, it contains all the conditions for cooperation. Further, when the driver registers on your website, he puts a mark there indicating that he agrees with the terms of the offer, and from the moment of registration, the contract between you is considered concluded.

On my own behalf, I’ll add that all the partners of these aggregators, who have already figured out the most optimal and safe scheme of work, work under an agency agreement and no one pays taxes for drivers, while everyone calmly reports to the tax authorities and there are no questions from the tax authorities, the tax is all pay only from their salary.

I personally wrote several requests to various local tax authorities in different regions, and on this issue there was always the same answer - you pay taxes only on the amount of your agency fee, you do not pay taxes for drivers. (they themselves must file 3 personal income tax and pay a 13% tax on income, but this does not concern you).

Of course, there are also cases of additional taxes being charged to partners by the tax authorities, the most common cases of additional charges are transferring money to drivers not from a cash account, but by withdrawing first to your card, and only then transferring money from your card to drivers (the tax says once you have withdrawn yourself to card - this means all the income of an individual entrepreneur), as well as transferring money not to the driver himself, but to a third party (at the request of the driver - to his wife / relative, etc., for example, when the driver's accounts are blocked for debts) without a corresponding statement from the side the driver to transfer money at his request to a third party, however, in these cases, you can fight back if you correctly form a position and all transfers to drivers really took place.

That is, the main thing for you is that you have a well-organized workflow and transfer of money to drivers, all documents are in order and comply with the law, and then you will not have any problems in this part.

I also note that you will need the following OKVED codes:
1) 49.32
Taxi activity
This grouping also includes:
- rent cars with a driver
2) 62.09
Activities related to the use of computers and information technologies, other
This grouping includes:
- others information Technology related to working on a computer, not included in other groups, including: provision of services for restoring a computer after a failure, installation (configuration) personal computers, software installation
This grouping does not include:
- installation of specialized digital and analog computers, see 33.20
- development of computer software, see 62.01
- consulting in the field computer systems, see 62.02;
- computer management technical means, see 62.03;
- data processing and hosting, see 63.11


Vasiliev Dmitry.


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