When is social worker day? World Social Work Day. Daily task

Each country must take care of the social protection of its citizens if it considers itself to be a developed country. Assistance should be provided to the disabled, the poor and other segments of the population who experience various kinds of difficulties and cannot ensure their rights and freedoms themselves.

Russia is one of the developed countries, therefore, on its territory there are special programs for such categories of citizens, and their implementation is carried out by social workers.

The merits and help of these people are invaluable for those who, for one reason or another, cannot independently cope with everyday and other affairs. Therefore, it is quite justified that once a year such specialists celebrate their professional holiday.

history of the holiday

In 2000, in accordance with a presidential decree, the Day was established social worker. At the same time, the date set for it - June 8 - had its reasons. It was on this day, but in 1701 in Russian Empire appeared new position by decree of Peter I. Then workers had to care for and help the sick, elderly and poor who were in special institutions, called almshouses at that time.

IN modern Russia social workers help all segments of the population that need support. These are not only people living below the poverty line, but also limited in their physical capabilities.

Every day, these specialists provide assistance to many people in overcoming various kinds of difficulties, making their lives easier and thus ensuring respect for their rights.

However, not everyone can become a social worker, especially if we are talking about medical, legal, psychological or other professional help. This requires education (secondary specialized, higher), which subsequently gives the right to engage in research activities in this area, to work in public institution or provide social assistance directly.

What are the traditions of Social Worker's Day?

Some professional holidays receive attention at what is called the highest level, and the social sphere is no exception. On this day, the country's top officials give congratulatory speeches and talk about the achievements and importance of the industry for the development of society.

Celebrations also take place in professional circles. Social workers and management gather at tables to congratulate each other on their professional holiday, discuss prospects and exchange news. TV channels and radio stations also take part in the celebration of this calendar event.

During the day, programs, interviews and other programs dedicated to the social sphere and people who have connected their lives with it are broadcast. The merits of the best employees are celebrated with thanks, certificates, various awards and gifts.

When is Social Worker Day celebrated in Russia in 2018?

Despite the 17-year history of the holiday, not everyone knows about its existence, and this also applies to social workers themselves. This young and important calendar event is celebrated annually on one day - June 8th. But this date is determined only in Russia; in other countries it is celebrated on other days.

The fact is that there is also a World Day social work, which is celebrated in different parts of the world. Its creation was initiated by various international organizations and it is celebrated on the third Tuesday of March.

The initiative was supported by social institutions and organizations from more than 90 countries, including the Russian Federation. Therefore, Russian workers social sphere have every right to celebrate their professional holiday twice a year.

If the celebration falls on a weekday, an additional day off is not provided for Labor Code, but the merits of social workers will certainly be noted at official events. Conferences, round tables and ceremonial events with awards will be held best representatives professions.

How to congratulate each other on this day

It should be noted that on this day, not only social workers directly occupying the position of the same name are congratulated. Everyone who provides social assistance, regardless of the specifics of their work, experience and position, is directly related to this celebration.

These include employees of rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, shelters and other institutions. Psychologists, medical workers and lawyers are also honored on this day.

Students, teachers of educational institutions (where the social sphere is specialized), researchers, and so on should also be congratulated on Social Worker's Day. In the text of congratulations, it is recommended to note the importance of this profession and the invaluable services of its representatives to society.

Social Worker Day is an annual holiday celebrated in honor of people who take on the problems of others and try to solve them to the best of their ability. This day is for those who are not indifferent to other people's troubles and are ready to help others.

This holiday is quite young, and therefore it is not surprising that the question of what date is social worker’s day arises every year.

The holiday is classified as a professional holiday, but unlike most special days in this category, it has a specific, fixed date in the calendar. This means that in both 2019 and 2020, Social Worker’s Day will be celebrated on the same day – June 8th. The holiday is not a public holiday, that is, it is not an official non-working day (of course, unless it falls on a weekend - Saturday or Sunday).

How the holiday is celebrated

The social sphere is one of the pillars on which the state rests. It affects the interests of everyone living in Russia, and the higher the level social protection population, the more prosperous and prosperous the society as a whole becomes. Social Worker Day is a holiday for everyone who works in this industry: social workers and nurses themselves, lawyers, sociologists, public figures. In addition, employees of social departments, including those under the Ministry of Labor, consider this their professional holiday.

As a rule, the solemn part of the holiday is celebrated approximately the same in all regions: high-ranking officials address social workers with congratulations, then managers congratulate their employees. On this day, it is customary to present diplomas and certificates of honor to the most active, honored employees; Traditionally, the ceremonial part ends with a concert. However, as social workers themselves admit, the best reward for them is the warm words of congratulations said by their wards - lonely elderly people, disabled people, low-income residents of cities and towns.

A little history

As mentioned above, the holiday for everyone who works in the field of social protection is quite young - in 2019 it will be celebrated only for the nineteenth time. It appeared in 2000, when the President of the country signed a document regulating the establishment of a new day.

The date of the new professional holiday was chosen in honor of the first social institution in Russia - an almshouse for the poor and sick, founded by Peter I. On this day (in terms of the new style, i.e. modern calendar) at the beginning of the 18th century, a charitable institution was founded in which people who were unable to feed themselves with their own labor lived .

The first social institutions

Almshouses - places where the poor, the disabled, the sick, in a word, all those people who were not able to work even for their own food, were kept - appeared in Rus' quite a long time ago. Along with the penetration of Christianity, similar huts began to be built at monasteries. Such houses in the monastery economy received their name from the Old Slavonic combination “God for”, that is, “for the sake of God,” by the Lord’s grace. Initially, almshouses were maintained at the expense of the treasury and donations.

In 1701, Peter I, who was struggling with beggary, decided to establish the first almshouse in St. Petersburg, which would be maintained with public funds. The institution became a home not only for the poor, but also for disabled people who suffered during various wars, as well as for the elderly and elderly people who had no relatives. The charter of the new almshouse differed significantly from previous institutions at monasteries.

The experience of the first state social institution was positive, although it was not without mistakes. It was decided to take these mistakes into account in the further transformation of almshouses - in 1712, similar “charitable institutions”, by order of the first emperor, appeared in all the provinces of Russia. By order of Peter, it was decided to transfer the almshouses built at the monasteries from state to local provision - now candle fees and taxes on the sale of church candles were supposed to be spent on the maintenance of the sick and poor. Up to mid-19th For centuries, almshouses existed exclusively at the expense of the treasury. However, with the development of industry, many wealthy people began to open charity homes with their own money. Until the beginning of the 20th century, almshouses remained virtually the only social institutions of this kind.

Look video Congratulations on Social Worker's Day:

A civilized state that works within the legal framework always prioritizes the protection of the population. The Russian Federation also recognizes the need for employees in this area by adding to the holiday calendar: June 8 is Social Worker Day in 2018.

Details about Social Worker Day

Social Worker Day

  1. The almshouses that came to Rus' with Christianity were the first public formations;
  2. Priests and monks, caring for the suffering, who were residents of almshouses at churches or monasteries, performed the functions of public workers;
  3. Beginning of the 18th century - Peter the Great introduced reforms regarding the almshouse system, for this purpose he introduced a new “healthy” worker who would look after the sick, the poor, and the elderly;
  4. The Russian Empire, on the initiative of the royal family, built charity houses, almshouses, shelters, and charitable societies;
  5. Under Soviet rule, there was the People's Commissariat for Social Security, which was later renamed the Ministry of Social Security;
  6. The Ministry of Social Protection, which has undergone several reorganizations, is now called the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Russian Federation, is engaged in ensuring the welfare of the population;
  7. Russians began to celebrate Social Worker Day June 8, 2000.;
  8. If the date falls on a weekday, there is no day off.

See also:

The aging of a nation economic crises, political circumstances have led to the relevance of the profession of public servant.

Medical higher education institutions provide diplomas to social work specialists. For specialized education The Russian State Social University was created.

There is an urgent question about the need to expand the chain of organizations that provide socially significant services. Employees of such institutions provide patronage to disabled citizens and the elderly.

Such departments carry out accruals and then pay monetary compensation, such as:

  • Benefits;
  • Privileges;
  • Pensions for certain segments of the population.

The staff of the entire system is 630 thousand employees

A great deal of effort and display of peacefulness towards other people is required from a social worker. Thanks to the fact that the calendar has been expanded to include another professional day, there is an opportunity to meet, exchange experiences, and relax.

Social Worker Day in other countries

Countries celebrating Social Worker's Day

Belarusians This day has been celebrated since 1998. The date is constant - January 5. The Republic is taking measures to improve the sphere public services, expanding the points of provision of such services. Steps are being taken to improve the well-being of citizens.

Schemes of benefits, payments, and benefits are being developed for vulnerable segments of the population. The field of home-based assistance and services for people such as the elderly and people with special needs is developing.

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An important point of activity public organizations and in particular social workers, this is the provision of psychological assistance.

Armenia relatively recently, only in 2009, it included the Social Worker’s Day holiday in the national calendar. The celebratory day is November 4th. By the beginning of the 20th century, Armenia was overtaken by a humanitarian catastrophe.

During Soviet times the situation improved slightly. Only since the beginning of the 90s public policy Armenia has oriented itself to improve the protection of its citizens.

Last Sunday in October since 2011 - Kazakhstan celebrates the professional holiday of workers of public bodies - Social Worker's Day. The tasks of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, as well as its departments, are various functions.

For example, material, psychological support, medical examination. In a solemn atmosphere, government officials present gifts and certificates to outstanding workers.

Ukraine also introduced a holiday for public sector specialists. Each year this event falls on a different date because it is celebrated on the first Sunday of November. Organizations performing public protection duties have a staff of 150 thousand employees. The initiator of the holiday is the representatives themselves.

See also:

Chinese New Year 2018: date of celebration, traditions and customs of the Chinese New Year

For Latvia Day of public specialists - November 9. So far, only Daugavpils celebrates the day of these professionals.

Since 2004 Lithuania celebrates Social Worker's Day on September 27. Institutions in this area are responsible for compensating expenses for individual species utilities, make payments to vulnerable segments of the population, and also accept applications on the basis of which they receive products from the Red Cross.

Social Worker Day - concert

In addition to the states of the post-Soviet space, similar events exist for other countries.

Initiators world day social work (March 20) were presented by the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Federation of Social Workers. More than ninety states supported the idea of ​​this event.

A little history

The end of the 19th century - America and Europe began to form new social institutions. As a result, it was necessary to develop legislative acts and a theoretical framework. There was a need to open special educational institutions for such professions.

There have been many wars over the past century. Therefore, the question of the qualifications of social workers has become more acute. Their activities were divided into different areas: work in medicine, in particular psychiatry, at school, supporting the lives of disadvantaged citizens.

Among the many different types In labor activity, a special niche is occupied by those that require a person to demonstrate and apply in practice not so much professional qualities, how many personality traits, actions at the call of the soul. A striking example is the profession of social worker. It has become widespread both in our country and abroad. That is why today there is a calendar of professional holidays. In 2019, it is celebrated on March 19.

Holiday information

This professional holiday, World Social Work Day, of an international nature, appeared on the initiative of two world-famous organizations. We are talking about the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Federation of Social Workers. Particular credit for establishing the date goes to the International Social Security Council, which approved the idea put forward by the communities mentioned above.

In addition, the spring holiday, World Social Work Day, received active support from various social organizations with national status, operating in almost a hundred states. Our country was among them. In particular, big role The activities of a domestic organization called the “Union of Social Educators and Social Workers of Russia” play a role in the implementation of international programs in this area.

Holiday objectives

The World Social Work Day holiday is intended to solve several important problems. The most significant of them are:

  • exchange of experience between representatives of the states celebrating the date in the field of social work;
  • monitoring the compliance of the activities carried out by social workers in different countries available international standards;
  • compliance legal norms in the process of implementation social programs, developed by the organizers of the holiday and the institutions that supported their idea.

World Social Work Day is a holiday not only for representatives of the social worker profession. The date is also dedicated to people in need and actively seeking the services of government and commercial social services. The holiday falls on a different day each time, as it is usually celebrated on the third Tuesday of the first month of spring. Russian social workers and their wards also have their own national celebration, which is listed on the calendar.

Features of social work

On this important spring holiday for many - World Social Work Day - it is worth paying attention to Special attention profession of social worker.

This kind professional activity, as social work, is distinguished by its versatility. The fact is that social workers, on duty, deal with representatives of a wide variety of categories of citizens. Most Russians this profession associated primarily with the elderly, pensioners and disabled people.

However, a social service employee also works with children from low-income large families, with low-income families and individuals, with war veterans; persons without shelter and those who, due to circumstances, find themselves in a difficult life situation.

We can safely say that the main goal of social work is to provide a person in need of outside help with the necessary support, primarily moral, so that he does not feel acutely his loneliness, his limited capabilities. The existence of the profession of social worker and social services in which such specialists work gives each of us hope for a bright future for the country and the world, for humanity as a whole, as well as for a dignified old age.

In addition to its versatility, social work is characterized by such features as the difficulty of performing job responsibilities. A social worker must be a psychologist, a good listener, a sensitive interlocutor, and an efficient housekeeper. People served by social services are, as a rule, individuals with a difficult character, their own problems, unpredictable, and capable of inadvertently offending. This is due either to age, if the person is elderly; or a difficult life and bitter experience behind them, which is typical for those who have gone through the war, people without a permanent place of residence and street children, as well as difficult teenagers. The calling of a social worker is to make the existence of such citizens easier, solve their problems, improve their psychological state and well-being, and this, you see, is not possible for everyone.

Job responsibilities

So, what specific actions does it involve? work activity social service worker?

  • Arrangement of the ward's home. The social worker brings cleanliness and order to the house/apartment of the person he serves (wet and dry cleaning, including washing floors, windows, dishes, dusting); produces what he can renovation work(wallpapering, painting, whitewashing, etc.).
  • Responsibilities of the courier. A social service employee buys food, household goods, and medicines with the client’s money and delivers them with the obligatory provision of a report on the money spent. This also includes handing over clothes and other items to laundry and dry cleaning, followed by receiving them and returning them to the ward.
  • Providing basic medical care. The duties of a social worker may include measuring the body temperature of a sick ward and measuring blood pressure. He will also give the person pills at the latter's request and a glass of water to wash down the medicine; he will put mustard plasters on, bring a basin of hot water so that he can steam his feet; prepare herbal tea or decoction.
  • Payment for housing and communal services. This means filling out receipts and bills for the client’s use of electricity, gas heating, water supply, and apartment. Naturally, the money is provided by the person being served.
  • Carrying out gardening work. If a social service client has a personal plot, he can ask the social worker to weed and water the beds, pick berries or fruits during the warm season of the year. In our country, these services are provided by state social assistance centers for an additional fee.
  • Cooking food. The social worker also performs the duties of a cook. True, he is not obliged to prepare pickles - the client has the right to demand the preparation of only the simplest, most basic dishes: mashed potatoes, vegetable salad, soup, boiled meat.
  • Conversations with the mentee. As noted above, a social worker, first of all, provides the person he serves with moral and psychological support. This is very valuable for the ward, since many clients of social services are lonely, withdrawn people, and therefore lack communication.

A social worker must be a responsive, attentive, and very patient person. Also among the necessary personal qualities A social service employee is characterized by sociability, goodwill, ability to behave, conscientiousness, responsibility, decency, and sensitivity.

Special education in order to work in a social assistance center as service personnel, not required.

We congratulate all social workers on the kind, selfless spring holiday, World Social Work Day, and wish you good health, family well-being and a bright future.

Social Worker Day is a professional holiday for employees providing social assistance. Among them are workers of rehabilitation centers, shelters, nursing homes, social services, as well as doctors, psychologists, and lawyers. Their acquaintances, friends, relatives and close people also take part in the events. Teachers, students of educational institutions, and researchers whose profile is the social sphere consider the holiday.

In Russia in 2019, Social Worker Day is celebrated on June 8 and is celebrated at the official level 19 times.

Meaning: the holiday is dedicated to the creation of almshouses (the prototype of modern institutions providing social assistance) on June 8, 1701.

On this day, ceremonial events are held in professional circles. Distinguished employees are awarded certificates, medals, and diplomas.

history of the holiday

The history of honoring social workers began with the issuance of a corresponding decree by the President in 2000. The document prescribed on June 8 to hold events dedicated to social assistance specialists.

The date has symbolic meaning. It is dedicated to creating a prototype of modern institutions that provide assistance to those in need. In 1701, Peter the Great ordered the formation of almshouses (charitable institutions for sick and incapable people). These institutions cared for the sick and elderly and provided shelter and food for the poor.

Holiday traditions

Social Worker Day 2019 is marked by celebrations in the professional circle. Colleagues gather at festive tables. They exchange news, share plans, discuss prospects. Congratulations, wishes for health and success are heard, toasts end with the clink of glasses. Top officials of the Russian Federation make speeches and statements. They mention the achievements and difficulties of the industry and its importance for the development of society.

Television and radio stations broadcast programs dedicated to social workers, telling stories about their lives and workdays. The best employees awarded with medals certificates of honor, present them with valuable gifts and diplomas for outstanding achievements.

Russia is not the only country where such holidays have been established. International Social Worker's Day is a worldwide event. It has become international and is celebrated on March 20.

Daily task

Think about the importance of helping people in need. Think about what good deed you could do for families in need. Help me collect Money for sick people on charity sites. Review your wardrobe, your children's clothes and toys. Select unnecessary items and take them to an orphanage or shelter.

  • In 1951, the UN adopted a resolution establishing social work as a professional activity.
  • According to statistics, 70% of social workers are women.
  • There is an International Association of Schools of Social Work around the world. It includes representatives from more than six dozen countries. The association holds conferences and publishes manuals for social workers.
  • In the global charity rankings, Australia is the most generous country. It is followed by Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, and the USA. Russia is in 127th place in this ranking.
  • In 1930, scientist Albert Einstein traveled to the USA. During the trip, he charged for autographs: a simple autograph cost one dollar, and a painting on a memorabilia cost $5. He spent the money he received on charity.
  • In the United States, children begin to be taught to help those in need from kindergarten and junior high school. They collect clothes and toys, which they donate to low-income families. Schools organize paid concerts and performances, and the money collected from ticket sales is transferred to charitable foundations.


“Today is a professional holiday for the owners of the noblest profession - social workers who help and support people in our society! I would like to sincerely thank you for your work, and wish you more justice, which is now lacking in our world, decisiveness in complicated situations, peace of mind and hope for a better future!

“Today social workers celebrate their professional holiday. These are people of the kindest soul, for whom mercy and kindness come first. I congratulate all the workers and wish them great patience, endurance and willpower. Let them meet only on your way good people. May people always need your help. I wish you good health, great happiness and great pure love.”

“Dear social workers, we congratulate you on your professional holiday. Your work gives people hope for a happy and prosperous life. We wish you patience in your difficult task. Receive double the amount of heat!


Bouquet of flowers. A bouquet of flowers will serve as a wonderful way to express gratitude to an employee on a professional holiday for his work and patience. Such a gift will bring joy and bring a smile to your face.

Gift Certificate. Gift certificate to a household goods store, appliances, professional cosmetics or equipment for outdoor activities will allow you to independently choose a gift that you will like.

Photo collage. A photo collage of photographs of your beloved clients will be a touching and unexpected surprise that will not leave the social worker indifferent and will remind you of the best moments of work in the future.

Sweets. Kit chocolates, ginger cookies, cakes - will be an excellent gift option for those with a sweet tooth.


I love - I don’t love
The competition can be held both at the table and on playground. Participants are asked to name a body part they like about their neighbor on the right and a body part they don't like about that person. After everyone has announced their choice, each participant must kiss the part of the body that he loves and bite the part that he does not like.

Slow motion
Before the competition begins, you need to prepare cards on which some action will be written: pour tea into a cup, put on socks, insert the key into the ignition, cut an onion, change a light bulb, etc. Participants in the competition take turns taking out cards and must demonstrate the action they come across in slow motion. Guests of the holiday must guess what the contestant is showing.

Most valuable
Participants of the competition are given a sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen. Everyone should draw the most valuable thing they have in life. After this, the participants must present the drawing to the audience and explain their choice. The winner is the one whose drawing and story are the most original.

About the profession

Specialists are engaged in providing assistance to various segments of the population. Their efforts and efforts overcome difficulties in the lives of many people who have physical limitations, serious illnesses, and live below the poverty line.

The path to the profession begins with receiving education in a specialized higher or secondary specialized educational institution. It covers basic and specialized subjects. Students take courses in theoretical and practical classes. Graduates receive a specialty and can begin work in the relevant public institution or conduct research activities.

The range of tasks of social workers is varied. This could be the provision of legal, psychological, medical assistance, care and educational mission.

This holiday in other countries

In Ukraine, on the first Sunday of November, Social Worker Day is celebrated.

In Kazakhstan, on the last Sunday of October, the Day of Social Security Workers is celebrated.

In Latvia this holiday falls on the second Tuesday of November.

The third Sunday in June is Medical Worker's Day.


    We congratulate you warmly!
    You are a social worker, you are a hero!
    We are eternally grateful
    Your work is very difficult.

    We wish you more happiness,
    Love, good luck and warmth.
    May God protect you from bad weather
    And it will give you a lot of goodness.

    Your profession is one of the noblest in the world.
    Both old people and children thank you from the bottom of their hearts.
    And therefore I am with a feeling of pride and admiration
    I send you congratulations on Social Worker's Day.
    I wish you all the best and earthly blessings,
    So that life is perceived in bright and colorful colors.

What date is Social Worker Day in 2020, 2021, 2022

2020 2021 2022
8 June Mon8 June Tue8 June Wed