New business ideas of America and Europe. The most promising business ideas from America. Business with America: we take it there - we sell it here

In America, they have been doing business for a long time, and many people there know how to make it profitable. In this country, non-standard ways of making money that bring good incomes have been flourishing for a long time. Many American entrepreneurs have been earning a lot of money for a long time from fast food stalls, organic products, and even paper utensils for home delivery.

These, of course, are not all ideas developed in America. This country is simply teeming with creative ideas that can be implemented in Russia.

Consider the most popular ideas in the USA.

American business ideas are mainly focused on factors:

  • providing the population with work, that is, employment;
  • replenishment of the treasury of the state budget;
  • development of the social sphere;
  • positive growth dynamics of economic sectors.

Despite the fact that America's national debt is growing, it remains a prosperous country. And this is mainly due to the good development of the country's business structure.

Many entrepreneurs develop new and profitable ideas, which we will now consider.

Children's mobile toys

Everyone has mobile phones - both children and adults. And there are practically no mobile applications designed for the children's audience.

What is required for the organization:

  1. Availability of specialized software.
  2. Experience and skills in child psychology can be used as an assistant to one of the children or nephews.
  3. Great desire to work.

As ideas, you can use ready-made children's applications, they can simply be optimized and supplemented with creative nuances. For example, you can use an application that selects cartoons of a certain topic from YouTube.

Creation of a rope park

It should be noted that the number of tourists is increasing every year. Therefore, it is worth taking advantage of this fact and organizing a successful business.

The organization of the rope park is a good option for parents and children. The rope park can be opened in two forms - open and closed.

In order to organize an open-type park, less capital investment will be required than in a closed one. The disadvantage is that it can only work in the summer.

If you want to get more profit from it, then organize it at some popular resort. But the activities of the closed park will be carried out all year round.

You need to understand that artificial conditions can quickly get bored by visitors. Therefore, it needs to be periodically upgraded and supplemented with new products.

The idea will be able to pay off in about two years.


Few people have heard of such a business as catering, but it's not scary. You can make good money on it, and this is the main thing.

Its whole point is to deliver home-made food and drinks to those who are tired of fast food. Responsibilities are to mediate between the client and the restaurant, which is responsible for preparing the food.

You will develop menus and deliver food to customers' homes. For the prosperity of the business, you need to constantly come up with new and unusual dishes that will be in great demand among customers.

If things go uphill, then in the future it will be possible to hire cooks and couriers who will be responsible for delivering delicious meals to hungry customers.

car wash

Opening a car wash is a very profitable business that brings good profits. There are more and more cars on Russian roads, and in this regard, the demand for car washing is increasing.

To open a car wash, you do not need to purchase special certificates, the main thing is desire.


  1. Increased demand.
  2. High profitability.
  3. Minimum competition.

Negative sides:

  1. High initial investment that not everyone can afford.
  2. Often getting into loans.
  3. Car wash - work with water, there will be high humidity in the room, because of which you will often have to carry out repair work.

And now it is worth considering the example of the level of income. As an example, we use a dry wash in a large shopping center next to a parking lot designed for 150 cars.

Maintenance will require an administrator and two car washers.

Approximate calculation:

  1. The average cost of washing a car is 300 rubles.
  2. The daily average number of clients is 30 people.
  3. The level of income per day is 9,000 rubles.
  4. The average income of employees, 40% of the proceeds - 3,600 rubles.
  5. The amount of expenses for one car (detergent + washing towels) - 35 rubles.
  6. The cost level for each day is 30 * 35 = 1,050 rubles.
  7. Profit per day \u003d 9,000 - 3,600 - 1,050 \u003d 4,350 rubles.
  8. Profit per month \u003d 4,350 * 30 \u003d 130,500 rubles.
  9. Room rental per month - 15,000 rubles.
  10. Taxes per month - 5,300 rubles.
  11. The level of net profit for the month will be 130,500 - 15,000 - 5,300 = 110,200 rubles.

The period for which the car wash will pay off will be 2 years.

Luggage storage

This service is not new and many have heard about it for a long time, but it is rarely used anywhere. Therefore, competition will be minimal.

Especially relevant business will be on the beaches. After all, many people come there with things or purchases that they bought on the way to the beach, but few people dare to attach anywhere and leave them unattended.

What is the essence of this business? Cities have rivers, seas and beaches.

Quite often there are several beaches. You can negotiate with the administration to rent a small place to install luggage storage.

What is required to open the service, cost:

  1. Buy a section, several sections with cells for storing things - $ 400.
  2. Renting a place for installing sections - $ 100.

What income will be as a result of activity?

The profitability of the service will directly depend on the cell rental price. If the cost of renting a cell is $1, then the income level from 24 cells is $24. For a month, the level of income will be 720 dollars.

Business will pay off in a month.

Ideas for business from the USA can be taken from the video.

Production of bricks from waste

One creative idea is to make bricks out of industrial waste. The main advantage of these bricks is that they do not need to be fired.

For the production of bricks materials are used:

  1. The main component, 70% is ash.
  2. Clay.
  3. Lime.
  4. Sodium hydroxide.

Eco BLAC production is a profitable service, because many energy companies are ready to pay money for the disposal of boiler ash. As a result, a businessman can earn money in the production of bricks and in the removal of waste.

The production of this material is not based on firing, but on alkaline activation. Bricks are formed from waste at ambient temperature using alkaline activation.

For production, it is not required to purchase expensive equipment, which means that the costs will be minimal.

Taxi and hotel for animals

In the US, pet taxis are in high demand. It is desirable to open this activity in large cities.

This service is mainly designed for rich people. The whole point of this service is to accompany the pet to the veterinarian and back.

You will need a large car and roomy animal cages. Earnings directly depend on the tariff that you will set yourself.

Pet hotels are popular in America. The whole point of the service is to care for and accommodate the animals.

It is not necessary to rent a separate room, if possible, the animals can be left in your home. Recently, this service has been in great demand, because many owners cannot take the animal with them on vacation or on business trips.

But a hotel for pets is a profitable solution. It is better to open a business in a big city, in a small city it will be unprofitable.

employment agency

Unemployment is a pressing problem in the world, so finding a job has become quite difficult. But you can make money on this, just open an office in which you will offer employment services.

So what is the benefit of this service? You will be able to earn money with the help of employers interested in finding specialists.

What is required for this service?

To rent premises and purchase computers on which clients will perform tests for knowledge and the level of compliance with the desired position. As a result, the client will be able to get a long-awaited job, and you will be able to get a percentage of the number of contracts concluded between clients and employers.

Opening a thrift store

The essence of this business is based on the fact that you buy used and old things from people at a reduced price. You give it a marketable appearance and sell it already at an inflated cost.

As a result, you get the difference between cost and sale. And customers are happy that they got rid of unnecessary trash and received money.

This business requires only two conditions:

  • rent a room for a warehouse and a shop;
  • develop an advertising concept.

Opening the market for used cars and auto parts

This service in America has been profitable for many entrepreneurs for a long time. The purpose of this service is to gather the right people with common interests in one place.

What is required to open a business? Rent a small plot of land, preferably outside the city.

Then you need to build a small mini-market for the sale of cars and spare parts.

This event is held only once a week. And the profit consists in collecting money for entering the territory of the mini-market.

As a result, you get money, and sellers get their target audience. The buyer remains in the black, he will be able to see everything he needs in one place.

Vending machines

This is quite a convenient service. In these machines, you can sell drinks, food and various small goods almost around the clock.

To carry out business, it is enough to purchase this machine and rent a small piece of space to install the machine. Rest assured, the activity will pay off in the first month.

Restoration of feather pillows

Oddly enough, but this idea also came from the USA. Pillows are an essential item for a healthy sleep.

Over time, the down filler deteriorates, breaks, picks up moisture and dust, as a result, linen mites and other harmful microorganisms may appear there. Therefore, periodically the filler must be pulled out, dried, shaken.

Many people face this problem, so this business will be in high demand.

To open, you will need to rent a room, purchase a pillow restoration machine, a vacuum cleaner and a sewing machine. In general, the opening will require from 100,000 rubles to 250,000.

The most famous American sites for fresh business ideas

If you suddenly decide to open your own business and don’t know where to start, then American sites with a detailed description of fresh business ideas can help.

  • .
    It is in great demand.

    Here you can find more than 100 creative ideas of American business.
    There is also an eBay consultant service.

    Its main functions are to search for the necessary information and to help in the purchase of any goods.

  • Of course, starting a business is a responsible business and requires a careful approach.

    If you decide to open a business and want it to generate income, be sure to familiarize yourself with the initial basics and study what will be in demand in your city.

    You can also explore creative ideas from the USA and choose the most suitable one.

    Promising business ideas that are in demand in the US are presented in the video.

    In contact with

    Europe is a recognized leader in the number of creative ideas for new business. The specificity of life, mentality contribute to the emergence and subsequent implementation of non-standard projects. They are quickly becoming widespread and earning impressive returns. Startups that are successful in the West may well become a profitable business, both in Russia and in other countries. The novelties of 2017 discussed below can be a source of inspiration for finding a successful investment of money and effort.

    1. The perfect jeans store for men

    A rare man loves long trips to shopping centers in search of the necessary things. The problem with the visual selection of the model and the appropriate size. A real find for the males was the Hointer jeans store. The simple and functional layout of the product, modern technology and the absence of intrusive service attract men like a magnet. Jeans are not folded into neat piles, but are hung face down to the customer, each in a single copy. Using the QR code on the labels, it is easy to find out which of the fitting rooms already has the right model of the right size. Jeans that you like after trying on are taken to the checkout, those that do not fit are sent to a special hole. The advantage of such a store is significant savings on square meters and employees.

    2. Purchases with delivery to the place of arrival

    An actual service for cities where there is an airport will be the delivery of products after an online order to the place of arrival. Tired passengers will be grateful for the opportunity to go home, bypassing the queues at supermarkets. The idea was implemented by the Woolworths chain of stores in Melbourne (Australia).

    3. Goods without packaging

    The Bulk Barn company offers bulk, and most importantly, cheap goods: cereals, nuts, teas, pastries, dried fruits and much more in large vending machines with transparent walls. The lack of packaging greatly affects the price. Since its inception, the company has expanded to 200 branches and increased its product line to 4,000 items.

    4. Restaurant with weight control

    The fashion trend for a beautiful athletic body has made the idea of ​​​​opening a restaurant where you can calculate your dinner according to the number of calories truly "golden". This service is successfully offered by the Hitzberger restaurant (Switzerland).

    5. Restaurant with the opportunity to earn money for visitors

    The Logbar in Japan gives its customers the opportunity to create their own recipe for the desired cocktail on the iPad. The bartender will mix the ingredients, and the visitor will enjoy the taste of his invention. You can come up with a name for the drink and save it in the bar map. If another visitor chooses the invented cocktail, the author will be credited with 50 yen for each new order.

    6. Cafe for cyclists

    A healthy lifestyle, the desire to help the environment annually increase the number of bicycles in cities. People began to often change from a car to two-wheeled transport, while the infrastructure of cities is well developed for the first, but ignores the second. In Zurich, cafes are very popular, where you can have a bite to eat without getting off the saddle. There are special tables for parking, where meals take place. Convenience and accessibility attract not only cyclists, but also motorists and pedestrians.

    7. Automated bike rental

    As with the idea of ​​a bike cafe, the offer is influenced by modern lifestyle. For those who do not have the opportunity to buy a bicycle, instead of a taxi and public transport, a rental service will be in demand. The points of issue are automated and brought to perfection. Anyone can take a transport in a few seconds, pay for it in cash or by card, and rent it out in a similar rental without bothering to go back.

    8. Free gym

    Expensive subscriptions become an obstacle to visiting the gym for everyone. What are the benefits of opening a free gym? A huge flow of customers and the opportunity to receive large incomes from the sale of related products and advertising space.

    9. Pizza in a cone

    Pizza in its usual form is a costly meal in terms of cooking time and inconvenient as a "snack on the go." The Italians came up with a way out of the situation. The dough is pre-made and folded into a horn, which, when ordered, is filled with stuffing and brought to readiness in the oven. Compact in size, convenient for a quick snack, crispy and endlessly delicious, PizzaCono is gaining popularity in all cities of the world. The idea will be a great start-up in a city where it has not yet appeared.

    10 Tourist Vending Machine

    Towels, umbrellas, sunglasses, toothpaste and other indispensable things on any trip are often forgotten at home. In Germany, they came up with the idea to install the Berlinomat Design Automat, which supplies travelers with everything they need at train stations and airports.

    11. Hotel for children

    A great way out for parents who have no one to leave the child with for the duration of an event or trip. The hotel is a camp accessible at any time of the year, where experienced educators will look after the baby, animators will take care of it, doctors will look after it and cooks will feed it deliciously. Given the busyness of modern parents, the idea has become widespread in the West.

    12. Sausages with drawings

    An amazing invention for children came from Feldhues (Germany). It was proposed to make sausage in such a way that when cut, pieces with drawings were obtained: bear cubs, hares, dolphins and other cute pictures. Over time, an assortment for adults and a service for the production of individual designs appeared. The result of a successful commercial offer was the expansion of a small store to three plants with a wide range of products.

    13. Tours for tourists with vision problems

    There is a growing demand for services for people with disabilities. In the process of preparing trips for visually impaired or visually impaired people, groups are recruited, half consisting of well-seeing tourists, who help the first to enjoy the trip and feel the beauty of the surrounding places.

    14. Vending to relieve stress

    The European fashion for psychotherapists, trainings and other things that help restore emotional health has moved to a new level. The business idea began to gain popularity in the form of placing vending machines on the street to release negative emotions. For example, the machine will give out dishes that can and should be broken. After that, a special employee will clean everything neatly and quickly. The service is in demand among young people and teenagers who splash out energy and have fun with the help of force.

    15. Recipe Kit Store

    The idea is suitable for both gourmets and busy people who do not want to look for the right products on store shelves for a long time. An example of successful implementation was the Kochhaus chain of stores. All goods inside are on separate tables, on which there are photos of dishes with descriptions and the necessary ingredients are selected in the right proportion. Perishable products are placed in refrigerators next to the tables.

    16. Printing short messages

    Important, valuable information for many remains forever in our computers and smartphones. offered a unique opportunity to print and save all valuable correspondence as a keepsake. The service makes it possible to archive correspondence from any messengers (viber, whatssapp, and others).

    17. Barzahlen service for online stores

    For those who do not accept credit cards and are not friends with Internet banking, a system has been developed that allows you to print a receipt with a barcode when buying on the Internet and pay for it in any convenient store (which is a partner of Barzahlen) at the checkout, after which the seller online The store will immediately send the goods.

    18. Narrow professional advice

    A successful satrap was the idea of ​​Michael Franke, an insurer from Germany. The entrepreneur helps colleagues deal with the nuances of insurance offers, identify pitfalls, compiles and publishes company ratings.

    19. Paying for travel with a smartphone

    Every second European from developed countries has an application installed on their phones that allows you to pay for travel directly on your phone. The idea is suitable for enterprising entrepreneurs who are able to take on complex organizational issues.

    20. Smart technologies

    Babolat Play (France) offered a tennis racket that can monitor the game online and analyze its performance, which makes it possible to correct the tennis player's game in time. The idea is relevant to other areas of life as well. The introduction of such technologies makes life easier for people and makes the level higher.

    21. Service for renting windows for advertising

    A novelty from Holland is advertising on the windows of buildings. The owners of the premises are registered in the "Add My Window" project, the system evaluates the location and their business. After the assessment, the company's managers send advertising perforated stickers that transmit light well and do not affect the interior lighting of the premises. Monthly rent to landlords - 150 euros.

    22. Mobile hotel

    Whitbread's Scandic To Go hotel stops wherever the guest wishes. Fields, meadows, roadside areas: any place available for the trailer. The service is becoming more and more in demand due to the growing desire among tourists for a secluded vacation with comfort. For a night spent in a mobile hotel, you will have to pay 328 dollars.

    23. Twitter hotel

    A hotel called "SolWave" offers sociable tourists a vacation with the services of "Twitter". Guests can chat in a general chat, get to know each other, participate in contests and sweepstakes, and talk in private rooms for four. To order drinks, just leave a message with the hashtag #FillMyFridge. In the context of the popularity of social networks, a relevant idea in any country.

    24. Rent the same cars

    Silvercar can be considered a successful startup that has gained quick popularity and good income. The peculiarity is that the company rents out a car of only one make and model - Audi A4. Customers do not have to get used to new cars every time, and it is beneficial for the company to service similar models. All the necessary data on city navigation is integrated into the car control panel, and you can order a car from your smartphone through the application.

    25. Chocolate Constructor

    The idea was realized in France by designer Elsa Lambina. The buyer is offered a choice of milk, white and dark chocolate in the form of squares, into which a chocolate bar is usually divided. You can choose any filling and insert it yourself into special holes. On top there are recesses for decorative elements. Such handmade chocolate is in unprecedented demand as gifts for dear people.

    26. Coworking center

    Free space for communication or work. A modern alternative to cafes, restaurants, libraries and other places where it is customary to spend free time. Payment is made only for the hours spent inside such a center.

    27. Hotel for flowers

    For travelers going on a long journey, those who are planning to make repairs or have other reasons to leave flowers without care for a long time, the idea of ​​a plant hotel appeared and proved to be successful.

    28. Virtual Presence

    LiveLike VR is a project that, using virtual reality, allows fans to “be present” at the stadium where the match of their favorite team takes place in real time.

    29. Scented lacquers

    Nail polishes usually have a strong, unpleasant odor. The solution to the problem, which made fashionistas very happy, was offered by Revlon. The brand has released a series of coatings Parfumerie. The whole line has pleasant gentle smells that last for 3 days.

    Business in the USA can be successfully conducted in almost any field - related to services or production, in the format of an independent business or on a franchise model. Let's consider 10 promising ideological and conceptual approaches of American entrepreneurs to doing business in various segments.


    Some of the most noteworthy, innovative and worth considering as promising business ideas in 2017 from the USA, real businesses and franchises include:

    1. In the field of consulting:

      advice on technological upgrades (idea);

      consultations on promotion in social media (idea);

      environmental consulting (idea).

    2. In the "real sector":

      "healthy" fast food (idea);

      production of cleaning sponges without detergent (Scrub Daddy's real business);

      production of board games to order (the real business of The Game Crafter);

      production of personalized tea (the real business of Design A Tea).

    3. Franchises (real business):

      "speaking roses" Speaking Rose;

      ice cream Kona Ice;

      mobile beacons and BeaconEdge geofences.

    Let's study them in more detail.

    Technology upgrade consulting

    The US market is among the most technologically dynamic: one technology or another can be considered innovative today, but begin to rapidly become obsolete tomorrow. If the company does not acquire its current alternative, it may lag behind in its segment. The company's internal IT competencies in determining the order of implementation (prior to that choice) of technological updates may not be enough - and external qualified consulting on the relevant updates can come to the rescue. At the same time, the market for this consulting, even in the United States, is still being formed - a novice entrepreneur may well have time to become a significant player in it.

    Social media promotion consulting

    The high intensity of technological dynamics can characterize, according to American experts, the online promotion market. Among its most effective tools is social media. Despite the widespread use of social media (social networks, blogs, photo and video hosting), it is very difficult to get competent consulting in this area. It is in the power of an aspiring entrepreneur to learn the necessary social media promotion skills and start providing relevant services to interested customers.

    Environmental consulting

    Environmental legislation in the US is becoming increasingly stringent, as are corporate standards governing the impact of businesses on the environment. Compliance with relevant legal norms and local requirements requires certain legal and technological competencies, which, according to American experts, many companies lack. It is in the power of an entrepreneur who has studied the necessary provisions of environmental law and standards to assist interested firms in bringing their activities in line with established requirements.

    "Healthy" fast food

    An ordinary layman who hears "fast food" will almost certainly have associations with unhealthy eating. American experts are calling on entrepreneurs to revolutionize the interpretation of "fast food" - as a type of catering where you can eat quickly, tasty, inexpensively, but also without compromising health (quite the opposite - properly fortifying the body with various useful substances).

    Sponges for washing dishes without detergent: Scrub Daddy

    Title: Scrub Daddy

    The process of washing dishes for a simple layman is strongly associated with the use of sometimes not the most convenient sponge (sometimes too hard, sometimes too soft) and a special product that does not always have a pleasant smell and consistency. Scrub Daddy from Pennsylvania produces innovative sponges that, firstly, in many cases can be used without the use of detergent, and secondly, they can be used comfortably regardless of the water temperature (they become harder in cold water, softer in hot water). ).

    The Scrub Daddy product is an example of a non-high-tech invention that has become extremely successful in the US and around the world. From this point of view, this business concept certainly deserves attention from any budding entrepreneur who is confident that only Hi-Tech is the most competitive today.

    Custom board games: The Game Crafter

    Manufacturers of board games, as a rule, supply the market with a finished author's product, to some extent imposing the "rules of the game" on the consumer. The Game Crafter of Wisconsin, releasing such games, invites its customers to personally participate in the development of board game concepts. To do this, use the web interface on the company's website.

    This business is another successful example of the commercialization of the traditional segment (but, at the same time, not losing popularity even taking into account the ubiquity of online games).

    Personalized tea: Design A Tea

    Title: Design A Tea

    Visitors to modern tea shops, of course, have the opportunity to order a personalized composition of leaves of various varieties. But their total number usually does not exceed a dozen. New York-based Design A Tea offers tea connoisseurs a choice of over 10,000 possible flavor combinations. For this, by far, the best samples of leaves are used without any additives like gluten.

    Thus, another familiar product, tea, can, with the right approach, be used in an innovative business concept that will be successful.

    Franchises: Speaking Roses

    Roses are a great gift just because or for any occasion. Of course, they are good without any additions, however, Florabella International, which owns the Speaking Roses brand and sells its product according to a franchise model, offers to make flowers “speaking”: of course, not with a voice (for now), but with eloquent inscriptions or drawings neatly applied to flower petals. Any girl will be pleased to receive not just a rose, but, for example, a rose with poems from a loved one. An entrepreneur who has issued a franchise for the use of Speaking Rose technology will have a good reason to help this young man impress a girl, and at the same time make money on it.

    Franchises: Kona Ice

    When buying ice cream, a person usually immediately indicates what it should be filled with. The Kona Ice company from Kentucky offers fans of this product to do otherwise - by buying "empty" ice cream, on their own - using very simple devices, fill it with any of the proposed flavorings in a variety of combinations at any time.

    It is assumed that the business in the Kona Ice format will be conducted in a mobile format - using a branded truck, kiosk or cart with licensed equipment. This makes it possible to sell ice cream in any place where it can be expected to be in demand - in the park, at a corporate event, on the territory of educational institutions.

    Franchises: BeaconEdge

    One of the most promising, and at the same time not mastered even in the dynamic American market, types of marketing is the introduction of the concepts of business interaction with the consumer using mobile beacons (beacons) and geo-fences (geo-fences). These technological elements make it possible to maximally localize and personalize the communication of a seller or service provider with a consumer: a company can quite accurately determine the needs of a client, analyze his behavior, and send him the most relevant offers. Wyoming-based BeaconEdge is offering entrepreneurs the franchised infrastructure to implement this innovative and forward-thinking marketing model.

    America is a leading country not only in ultra-modern technologies, but also in business development. There are many worthy examples and ideas that can help many inhabitants of the planet find an opportunity to earn money on their own in today's economic conditions. This article is about a few small business ideas.

    Housekeeping Business Ideas

    America is a country where, other things being equal, the majority prefers to live in their homes. No wonder the symbol of America is a one-story house. There are many business ideas, both large and small, associated with housekeeping and helping with it.

    1. Pet care

    These can be activities related to walking dogs and cats, as well as temporary keeping of pets while the owners are on vacation or on a business trip. Even a half-hour walk with a dog will be an invaluable service to owners who do not have enough time for this. She will be richly rewarded.

    2.Cleaning business

    Often, housewives do not have time to take care of the maintenance of the house, and business ideas related to cleaning, cleaning both the whole house and individual sections may be suitable options. Window cleaning, snow removal or lawn mowing: this type of business assumes that the main goal is to free the client from routine household chores.

    3. Installation and maintenance of solar panels

    Another type of entrepreneurship is connected with the life support systems of houses. More and more houses and cottages are supplied with autonomous power supply systems. There is a wide field for the installation, maintenance of solar panels and wind generators, as well as control systems for this complex economy.

    4. Smart houses

    The fashion for smart homes is gaining momentum in the world. Some of the functions of protection, life support and solving everyday problems are taken over by automated systems. You can profitably organize the maintenance of the software of devices related to the internal systems of the house - air conditioning and heating.

    5. Small services

    Helping or caring for the inhabitants of a house or cottage is a profitable business. Delivery of products ordered by customers through the online store, lunches and drinks from restaurants. Day care ideas for small children can also be cost-effective. You can build a scheme of work through network technologies: on the principle of the activities of companies such as Uber or Airbnb.

    new farming

    Traditional farming is also changing rapidly. In addition, residents of developed countries prefer natural products, and farms offer food and some recreational items.

    6. Fish farm

    This is not just a pond where carp and trout are caught for serving at the restaurant table, but also a place of rest. For example, the fish caught by the client is baked before his eyes and served with a glass of good white wine.

    7. Organic food farms

    Here enterprising Americans also went further. Customers may not come to the farm and pick ripe cucumbers, tomatoes or Chinese cabbage themselves and try to make a salad according to a new recipe. This option is especially attractive for tourists: they will definitely like to come to the vineyard and see the process of making wine with their own eyes, and at the same time taste it.

    8. Livestock farms

    Often, residents of big cities, especially children, are deprived of such a simple joy as communicating with animals. It is all the more pleasant to come to a farm where rabbits or piglets are raised, to look, stroke and feed them.

    Car business

    9. Washing cars at the customer

    Despite the fact that the automotive business and market have long-established models and forms of service delivery, there are opportunities for small businesses. In particular, you can organize a small business for washing cars at the customer's. The equipment is a trailer (trailer) with an autonomous system for washing and collecting dirty water. A distinctive feature of this format is that the owner of the car does not need to go somewhere to wash the car. Right in the courtyard of the house, you can make a full cycle of car washing.

    10. Car sharing

    Another form of small business associated with the operation of cars is the creation of a car sharing company. The car is rented not to one person, but to several, depending on the individual schedule of each of them. Payment is made in the form of a subscription. Each participant has his own window of time when he can go about his business. The company assumes the responsibility for servicing and providing the car by the appointed time.

    Trade related businesses

    There are still many niches here that supermarkets have not yet managed to occupy, and where there is an opportunity to develop your own small business.

    11. Organization of an online store warehouse

    The fact that the network of online stores is expanding exponentially is a fact, but not every owner of such an online store has its own logistics center and delivery capabilities. It is profitable to organize your own small warehouse with elements of delivery, logistics and work with several online stores.

    12. Delivery of goods

    Delivery of goods both with the help of our own courier service and using modern technologies, for example, delivery of pizza or ice cream to the beach by drones or quadrocopters.

    13. Servicing corporate events, family celebrations and parties

    This type of business can be targeted both at a specific group of clients, and at holding children's parties and school celebrations. This includes not only the delivery of products, but also, for example, delivering guests to their homes.

    14. Thrift store

    No wonder there is a saying that everything new is a well-forgotten old. More and more in America, as in other developed countries, there are commission or second-hand shops. Moreover, often such stores have the format of online auctions.

    15. Internet platform for the exchange of services

    This business combines two main models. The first is the creation of a platform where everyone can offer their services in exchange for others. The second is the organization of offsetting by such services. For example, a person has the opportunity to paint a fence, and in return wants to have a tiled roof repaired. With the help of such a platform, two clients can find each other, and, without losing extra money, get what they need.

    16. Self-service stores

    Opening a store with vegetables or fruits, everyday little things. The client, having come to such a store, independently chooses the goods, pays himself through the payment terminal. In fact, this store has no staff.

    17. Delivery of fresh drinking water

    This business occupies a leading position in American homes and offices, and this includes a special water treatment plant.

    Real estate

    As mentioned at the beginning of the article, many types of traditional businesses will either disappear or change dramatically. The real estate market will be no exception. What is in demand now in the American market?

    18. Online real estate agency

    The Internet platform combines orders and offers for renting out real estate without the direct participation of an agent. The client himself chooses the object, determines the conditions, the price, and the landlord, in turn, sets his own conditions. The function of an Internet agent is to make mutual settlements between counterparties and to ensure that the services provided meet a certain quality standard.

    19. Real estate sharing companies

    Business organization is built on the same principle as carsharing. A property, such as a villa, is distributed among many clients. This usually works well with commercial property formats such as motels, hostels, and leisure boats and yachts (eg houseboats).

    20. Coworking

    Often small companies do not have the opportunity to have their own office, and they have to look for a "corner", sometimes paying significant amounts for this. The essence of the business is that a building is bought or rented, for example, a former construction warehouse, put in order, communications are brought in, amenities are created - and here you can organize a couple of dozen office sites. The main thing is to make it convenient for customers to work, to have parking and everything necessary for business, engineering communications, including high-speed Internet.


    Service sectors of various types and designed for different groups of customers provide a good opportunity to create your own business. What is in demand in America now?

    21. Design studio

    These services are used not only by the commercial sector, but even by home owners who want to decorate the facade of the house with something unusual. An installation dedicated to the holiday - Columbus Day or the Chinese New Year.

    22. 3D printing studios

    This is a rapidly growing business where you can print any plastic molds and products by order of customers.

    23. Organization of courses, seminars

    Americans love face-to-face communication, and there are countless clubs, associations, and circles in this country for a reason. You can arrange for renting a studio or a small conference room (with all multimedia), where training seminars, trainings, master classes of various specialists will be held. For example, skiing or carp fishing.

    24. Art objects

    Various museums, art galleries, even small ones, are in demand in America. There you can hold exhibitions of sewing machine collections or drawings of local college students. These art events typically feature auctions and sales, which can also form part of the business' income in the form of commissions. At the same time, you can do charity work.

    25. Food analysis laboratory

    Many people take their health seriously, and it is important for them to know what kind of food they eat, with what content of pesticides and other additives. You can organize a small mobile laboratory for this.

    26. Emergency help

    Services for emergency non-medical care. To remove a cat from a tree or pull out a child stuck in a fence, you do not need to call the police squad, firefighters. It is enough to call the emergency service, which will help open the jammed door.

    27. Cooking cakes

    You can show originality by giving a custom-made cake. Through the culinary arts, you can express your attitude. Services for the preparation and delivery of cakes are in demand not only in the States, but are also becoming a good tradition in many countries of the world.

    Internet business

    28. Copywriting

    Americans have learned to make good money writing articles, essays for various online publications or local print newspapers. Copywriting is developed in America as a business, and you can make money on it.

    29. Online

    Organization of broadcasts of radio programs through network applications, including YouTube or telegram channels. Earnings come from traffic. The more traffic passes through the created resource, the higher the cost of advertising space.

    Construction and repair

    The construction business usually involves the creation of a large company and a considerable initial investment. But in America there is an opportunity to make money on construction topics.

    30. Landscaping

    To become a landscape designer and ennoble a 20 sq. meters, you do not need to graduate from an architectural institute.

    31. Construction of block houses

    The industry of modern housing construction has reached the point that a comfortable house can be assembled or built in a few days, like a designer. The organization of the business is aimed at finding contractors and a house structure that will be assembled on the client's site.

    32. Construction waste disposal

    This is a headache for all builders. Here, the services of a company that specifically deals with the disposal of such garbage in accordance with local environmental regulations will come in handy.

    33. Minor repairs

    Such types of construction services as repair of plumbing and heating systems should not be left without attention. In a modern format, the search for orders takes place on the company's Internet site, where the client is looking for what he needs, including in emergency situations.

    34. Remote security of houses and cottage settlements

    Installation and maintenance of burglar alarms, 24-hour video surveillance both around the perimeter of a private household and at critical access points.

    35. Land development

    It is profitable to buy land. Divide it into several allotments, conduct communications, create an engineering infrastructure. Plots prepared in this way are sold for individual residential development, but at higher market prices.

    US grocery prices vary from state to state, store to store. What influences the formation of the value of certain goods? The cost often varies depending on the quality of the product and the grocery chain that sells it.

    Panoramic view of Los Angeles

    In the US, there is no habit of buying food every day - the cost of gasoline is quite high, and buying food near the house is almost impossible - basically, there are only large retail chains. Shopping in America is usually done for a week or two - hence the tradition of having a large refrigerator and an impressive kitchen.

    US food prices

    • rice, flour - 0.5 - 0.7 $;
    • bread and spaghetti - 1.3 - 1.6$.

    Meat and poultry (price per pound):

    • minced beef - $ 2.7;
    • veal fillet - $ 4.2;
    • beef steak - $ 4.7;
    • pork with bones - $ 3.5;
    • pork fillet - $ 4;
    • a whole chicken $1.4;
    • chicken breasts $3.4;
    • chicken legs $1.5.

    Dairy products and eggs:

    • chicken eggs for 12 pcs. — $1.5;
    • fresh milk - $1;
    • butter $3.5;
    • processed cheese $4.2;
    • cheddar $5.7;
    • ice cream for a large jar (about 2 liters) - $ 4.9.

    Comparison table for food prices in America

    Fruits and vegetables (price per pound):

    • Apples - $1.6;
    • Bananas - $ 0.7;
    • Oranges - $ 2.5;
    • Cherry - $ 3.6;
    • Grapefruit - $ 1.2;
    • Grapes - $ 2.2;
    • Lemons - $1.4;
    • Fresh peaches - $ 1.4;
    • Pears - $ 1.6;
    • Strawberries - $ 1.5;
    • Potatoes - $ 0.8;
    • Tomatoes $1.5;
    • White cabbage - $ 0.8;
    • Broccoli cabbage - $ 1.4;
    • Celery $0.8;
    • Bulgarian pepper - $ 2.3.

    Drinks and alcohol:

    • Pepsi Cola - $1.47;
    • Orange juice 1.7l *2 pcs. — 5$;
    • Whiskey Jack Daniels 0.75 - $ 19;
    • Wine — from $3;
    • Vodka 0.75 - $ 8.

    The consumer value index can vary depending on the state, and the tax policy of the state also has a significant impact - as you know, the US authorities allow regional authorities to set their own tax levies, which can significantly increase final consumer prices.

    iPhone cost

    One of the opportunities of life overseas is to buy Apple products not at exorbitant prices. At least that's what the vast majority thinks. Is it so? How much does an iphone cost in the US?
    iPhone 6 Plus:

    • 16 gb - $649;
    • 64 gb - $749;
    • 128 gb - $849.
    • 16 gb - $549;
    • 32 gb - $599.
    • 8 gb - $450.

    More recently, our compatriots visited Apple retail stores in almost any country - the cost of products was much cheaper. After the exchange rate of the dollar against the ruble has changed (in a negative direction for the ruble), their price is still lower than in Russian stores.

    Real estate and services

    Of course, the spread of prices is very, very large - the state and city, district, real estate equipment and much more have an impact, but you can imagine at least some average values.

    Typical private cottage in America

    Rental housing in Los Angeles:

    1. Studio apartment - $ 500-1900.
    2. One-bedroom apartment (in Russian style - two-room) - $ 800-1900.
    3. Apartment with two bedrooms - $ 1000-2400.

    How much will it take to pay utility bills:

    1. Electricity - $ 110-155 (the calculation is made for a classic house - three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two garages).
    2. Water - $ 90-140.
    3. Lawn mowing - from $ 70.
    4. Telephone communication - $ 27-30.

    Other services:

    1. Full day kindergarten - $ 1000.
    2. A visit to the doctor - from $ 75.
    3. Veterinarian services - about $ 40.
    4. A visit to a beauty salon - $ 25-30.

    clothing cost

    It is unlikely that the consumer price index will be of interest to housewives - it is much more interesting and useful to find out how much something costs. In particular, how much will the clothes and shoes cost.

    Women's clothing

    • t-shirt from $12;
    • plain T-shirt from $8;
    • long sleeve T-shirt $12-20;
    • business shirts $30;
    • sweatshirts $45;
    • thin cardigan from $25;
    • short dress from $27;
    • shorts from $35;
    • sports jacket with a hood from $100;
    • jeans from $18;
    • sandals $40;
    • slates $12;
    • low shoes $75;
    • ballet flats $18;
    • women's shoes $75;
    • socks $7;
    • knee socks $10.

    Men's clothing

    • men's windbreaker $75;
    • leather jacket for men $300;
    • men's jacket $100;
    • men's jacket $145;
    • men's shirt $35;
    • T-shirt for men $19;
    • sweater $60;
    • trousers $50;
    • jeans $26.

    How much does it cost to maintain a car

    Automobile fines

    Before driving in a foreign country, you should study the traffic rules, as well as the parking rules. Car fines are quite high, so it's best to take care to avoid them.

    • A red traffic light will "cost" the violator $50;
    • Parking under the sign "Only for the disabled" - $ 250;
    • Unfastened seat belt - $ 50;
    • Speeding from $70 to $500;
    • Driving on the side of the road - $ 460.

    How much money do you need to live

    In order to imagine how much money you need to live in the US, you need to represent your spending in Russia.

    Prices of goods compared to other countries in the world


    Renting a home or paying off a mortgage is very different depending on where and what kind of housing is paid.

    So, for example, renting a small studio in Santa Monica will cost $2200-2500.

    For the same amount in San Fernando, you can rent two full-fledged apartments in a good house - where there will be a gym, a relaxation area and a swimming pool. Choose the state, city and area to live in carefully, because the low cost is usually offset by other expenses.

    That is, with an initially low cost of housing, the tax deduction for real estate will also be low, and this will certainly affect the cost and quality of medical services, education and other social aspects.

    Typical American private houses

    For life, it makes sense to choose safe areas, with well-developed infrastructure, with a certain number of Russians (at least in order to be sure of the tolerance of the local population).

    Insurance and medical services

    Many Russians have heard that they are incredibly expensive - a visit to the doctor will cost about $ 100, an ambulance call about $ 1,000, and a trouble-free birth - about $ 20,000. Thanks to the Obamacare law, absolutely all residents must have health insurance. If there is no insurance, then the authorities impose a fine - 1% of the total total annual income.