Cleaning company to open a business from scratch. Cleaning company business plan. Where is the best place to start a cleaning company?

This article will discuss how to open a cleaning company from scratch step by step.

To begin with, having registered a business (individual entrepreneur or LLC) with the tax office, you should begin to study:

  • target market;
  • work of competing companies.

What do you need to start a cleaning company? It is necessary to decide to whom to provide services:

  • commercial organizations;
  • private individuals (washing floors, windows, walls, dust control).

More profitable work for legal entities is the maintenance of various industrial buildings, warehouses, offices. There are fewer private clients (usually they are quite rich people, or single men who are busy with work), in addition, the profit here is less. But the first option is more difficult, it will also require more investments.

Cleaning happens:

  • one-time (including capital, including after repairs);
  • daily;
  • specialized (carpet cleaning, etc.).

So, it is approximately clear how to open a business Cleaning company. It is advisable to choose one direction, gradually expanding the scope of its activities. Gradually, a fairly large client base will be built up. It is necessary to take into account the presence of competition - other firms providing the same services. To begin with, it is recommended to study the activities of companies in this area: the list of services provided, prices, experience in the cleaning market. After that, you need to create a list of services provided, select suitable targets, think over a business strategy, and resolve the issue with prices, which will allow you to get more profitable customers. You will need to open a web page, or a site with detailed description services of the company (IP), contacts for communication. It is quite appropriate to advertise on television - it will pay off in a couple of weeks - a month. Promotion through print media will cost even less. The creation of the site must be entrusted to professionals who can make an online cleaning order form. All this will allow you to quickly find new customers. Now it’s approximately clear how to start a cleaning business.

Step one– registration of a business, determination of the services provided, study of the work of clients, creation of a website.

cleaning company staff


The next stage is recruitment and training. Employees need to be carefully selected as they determine the image of the firm, the customer experience and, ultimately, the income generated. Recommendations from friends or advertisements are suitable for hiring employees. When the recruitment is completed, the employer teaches the cleaners how to properly use modern equipment, detergents, and conducts briefings. Hiring, training, control of work can be completely shifted to the manager. Applications of clients are accepted by the employer himself, or he finds a dispatcher.

In total, several groups of employees will be required. Cleaning is better performed by women, respectively, teams should be formed from four women aged 25-50 years, the foreman can be a man who can carry heavy loads and move heavy objects. Let the dispatcher take orders. A driver is needed to deliver the working group to the site. A large company will need a director, accountant, secretary, senior shifts. Staff turnover is quite likely, especially among cleaners, since this work is not prestigious, not everyone is able to hold on to it. In addition, for a small salary it is difficult to find decent employees who are not prone to theft (and this is very important, since it determines the reputation of the company). It is recommended to conclude a material value agreement with the cleaners. Some firms pay for work in the form of a salary, sometimes it is a percentage of the order amount (usually about 20%).

Initially, it is recommended to hire a minimum of employees, and perform administrative functions yourself. This will reduce costs at first and reduce the payback period. Further, the number of people can be increased depending on the actual size of orders. And if the demand for services increases sharply for a certain period, it is possible to resort to outstaffing - hiring third-party personnel.

The cleaning business starts with people. When looking for them, you need to pay attention first of all to the presence of sufficient work experience (maids, cleaners), skills in handling equipment, inventory, benevolence, accuracy, pleasant appearance, modesty, the ability to behave, especially if you have to clean the objects of private clients. If the skills are not enough, it is desirable to retrain the staff. Inexperienced cleaners need to clearly explain in detail the principles of organizing modern cleaning. Training is possible independently by the head, or it should be a referral to special courses.


When preparing to open a cleaning agency, you should purchase everything you need to carry out activities:

  • professional vacuum cleaner;
  • battery and network scrubbing machines;
  • carpet dryer;
  • various small inventory;
  • detergents, cleaning products;
  • garbage bags;
  • office equipment.

Most likely, you will need a car (it is better to buy a minibus or several). It should be noted: everything must be of excellent quality, especially since there will certainly be orders for cleaning upholstered furniture, carpets, but they are not cheap and require careful attitude to them. It is advisable to purchase goods of well-known Western brands. Here is a summary of how to start a cleaning company from scratch. All this is important to foresee in advance, before opening the office. If you study in detail necessary information, think over the nuances of the work, it will be much easier to act later. For example, in the shopping center from shoes coming there in winter period people are left with the chemicals used to sprinkle the streets of the city. If you do not remove them in a timely manner, parquet, marble coatings will become unusable. It will be possible to prevent this by treating the floors with solutions at night, and during the day it is required to eliminate the emerging dirt. This is a whole science, before starting to carry out activities, it is necessary to carefully study the entrepreneur, then explain these nuances to the working staff.

Cleaning service

Business plan

Before starting a business, a cleaning company must come up with a business plan. Without it, successful activity is impossible. You will need to describe in detail the costs, estimated income. In principle, the field of cleaning is simple, the risks are minimal, and no special investments are required. It is necessary to register officially (tax, Pension Fund) to report. Most likely, you will need an office space, and for it - permission from Rospotrebnadzor and firefighters. There are quite enough rooms for inventory, a reception room, a locker room. Of course, you need a business plan from scratch for a cleaning company. It is important to ensure high-quality communication (cellular and landline phones, the Internet) in order to take orders on time, solve problems with employees and customers.

What is a cleaning company as a business? This is a staff, rented or purchased office space, a set of equipment, inventory, a valid viable business plan. Everything is simple. The cost estimate is roughly as follows:

400,000 - equipment, inventory, detergents;
100,000 - office equipment, computer, furniture;
300,000 - vehicles and fuels and lubricants;
20,000 - advertising spending;
300,000 - advertising company
10,000 - working capital;
50,000 - rent of premises
50,000 - salary to employees;
5,000 - utilities.

Total 1,235,000 rubles.

Cleaning service


In the calculations of income, expenses, all the little things are displayed, they try to predict the demand for the service. So, the primary costs will amount to 1,235,000 rubles. In the future, expenses will decrease, they will be equal to approximately 180,000 rubles. per month.

Incomes are painted something like this: let the cost of cleaning 1 “square” of area be about 25 rubles. There are daily orders - well, then when taking into work 500 sq. m revenue will be 12.5 tons. (for a month - already 375 thousand "wooden"). Taking into account expenses, the income will be almost 200 thousand rubles. This exemplary business cleaning company plan with calculations. Be sure to indicate income, expenses, approximate payback periods. When pricing, choosing pricing policy one should take into account how much the actual consumers of services are willing to pay, starting from the cost of cleaning from numerous competing companies. If desired, you can always find in global network examples in which everything is described in more detail. There you can download a business plan for a cleaning company for free. There are more than enough examples on the Internet. You will need to carefully study them, draw conclusions for yourself. In any case, you should give priority to such an indicator as the profitability of a cleaning company and think carefully about everything so as not to be a loser. Being a winner in practice is not as easy and fast as it seems. Attention should be paid to this.

Having properly organized the cleaning business from scratch, it will be possible to recoup the invested funds fairly quickly (a little more than six months). Compared to production, it is much more profitable, and you don’t have to wait years for a return on investment. In addition, there is no threat of a financial crisis.

What's next?

What does a cleaning company do? Cleaning of offices, retail space, apartments, private houses, industrial premises. To effectively develop the company, draw attention to yourself potential clients, you need to find your own characteristics in a "pure business", some kind of zest. It is also important to plan effectively. It is recommended to focus on long-term cooperation with customers. The company will be able to earn credibility by the quality of cleaning. Having won a reputation, you need to maintain it, constantly improve. You can gradually introduce additional services. Cleaning services include, in addition to cleaning itself, dry cleaning of upholstered furniture, washing of bedspreads, washing of windows, facades, stoves, refrigerators, garbage collection, and disinfection. Customers will eventually increase, although costs will also increase. To ensure savings, it is recommended to rent a not very large office.

It is important to understand that pitfalls are possible, but you will have to work without interruption, instantly solve any problems, maintain the trust of customers (for example, if they are permanent, it will be useful to send them greeting cards for holidays, birthdays). So it will be necessary to constantly improve in the areas of marketing, psychology. Employees will need to be trained on a regular basis. They must be able to communicate with customers. Over time, positive recommendations will appear, which are akin to advertising. A cleaning company is a constant struggle for customers. Having organized everything correctly, it will be possible to achieve success and profit.


So, the article addresses the question of what is a cleaning company. First of all, it is the personnel, a certain organizational structure. In addition, it is necessary to have an office, utility rooms, inventory, necessary equipment. And of course, the start of work is impossible without drawing up a business plan, which calculates:

  • expenses
  • income
  • profitability.

What is cleaning services? They can be basic (actual cleaning in the house, apartment, office, on manufacturing plant) and additional (carpet cleaning, garbage disposal). The list of services is different, here the management itself chooses what to give preference to. In any case, you need to think carefully about everything, purchase equipment, inventory, select and train employees. Only then can you be sure that the services are of sufficient quality, and the client will also be satisfied.

In this material:

A cleaning company whose business plan from scratch involves certain investments at the start is in demand in today's service market. The increasing division of labor and concern for their own health makes office plankton turn to the services provided by the cleaning company. And that's right, because professional staff with the help of special tools and devices, in a short period of time, he will do what office workers will not be able to do.

Why is the demand for these services increasing?

Skeptics will think that in the office, workers can clean themselves if necessary. But it often happens that there are staff in the room, the authorities force them to clean up after themselves, but very quickly the carpet becomes covered with dirt, no one cleans dust, dirt and cobwebs under the table, cabinet and batteries, a persistent unpleasant smell appears in the room. It is enough not to clean the room for a week, as it becomes unpleasant to enter it.

The authorities have faced this problem more than once, so they are trying to allocate funds for the services provided by the cleaning company. Moreover, a poorly cleaned room becomes a source of pathogenic bacteria, especially if strangers constantly enter the room. Therefore, a well-cleaned office on a regular basis reduces morbidity and losses in production. Finally, when the room smells fresh, it is pleasant and easy to breathe in, the efficiency of the staff increases. The agency not only provides services to restore order, but is directly involved in improving the efficiency of labor at the enterprise and, as a result, increasing its profitability.

Where to begin?

How to open a cleaning company from scratch? We will have to purchase inventory, equipment, hire and train staff.

The first thing you need to decide is the need for an office. Potential customers will not go to the company's office. They dial a phone number, are interested in the type of service and their cost, and place an order.

To do this, you can put the operator on home phone. But you will need a room to dry inventory, a scrubber-dryer, and store all these means for production. It may be some small office of 15 sq. m, the rent of which will cost 10-12 thousand rubles. per month.

It is not easy to organize a business from scratch, it will take a lot of effort and money investments. Reception of personnel can also be carried out on neutral territory.

To do this, you can advertise for a job, collect applicant applications by phone, set one day for an interview and conduct it in one of the offices of the business center, which is rented for half a day.

If you can somehow do without a good office and if you have a good garage, it will be enough, then without professional cleaning equipment for this project it will be impossible to get positive feedback and regular customers.

Office workers can also wipe the dust with a rag, but this does not make it much cleaner. The cleaning kit includes:

  • professional vacuum cleaner - 14-20 thousand rubles;
  • a flat mop, a modern analogue of a mop and a broom, costing 1.2-1.7 thousand rubles;
  • wringer trolley, equipped with a mesh for containers with solutions and a bag for collecting garbage, worth about 6-7 thousand rubles;
  • window cleaning kit - 2.3-2.7 thousand rubles;
  • scraper to remove adhering dirt - 420-480 rubles;
  • napkins for wiping dust - 180-250 rubles.

The cleaning business requires that every cleaner should be supplied with this kit, worth 24-32 thousand rubles.

If you plan to clean shopping centers or other large premises, you need to plan the purchase of a scrubber-dryer in your business plan, which will cost at least 80 thousand rubles. Price good models reaches 450-500 thousand rubles. But such equipment replaces the work of several cleaning agency employees, speeds up the cleaning process, while improving its quality.

This is not the end of the initial spending. The staff still needs to be trained and this must be done without fail. Training is carried out by large cleaning companies, the cost of which ranges from 5 to 20 thousand rubles. Choose a learning format that would teach:

  • What are the types of pollution?
  • how to choose chemicals;
  • cleaning technologies.

Based on the results of the courses, the cleaner must understand the composition of chemicals, the degree of their concentration in order to clean the dirt from a particular surface, clearly determine what is suitable.

In addition to equipped staff, you will need a vehicle that will deliver staff to and from facilities.

A passenger GAZelle is suitable, which can be purchased already with a run for 250-400 thousand rubles, or leased. Can be dispensed with car. The main thing is that cleaners with a cleaning kit do not go to public transport. The company must keep a certain brand and be solid.

For the first time, it can be added to the business plan that 3 employees will work at the same time. Schedule is week after week. Total will need:

  • 3 cleaning kits - 72-96 thousand rubles;
  • training for 6 people - 30-120 thousand rubles;
  • scrubbing machine - 80 thousand rubles.

Teaching can be varied. For example, 2 people will take expensive courses for 20 thousand rubles, and 4 - for 5 thousand rubles. As a result, total training will cost 60 thousand rubles. Scrubber dryer can be chosen the cheapest, and it is necessary to take it when there is already a corresponding customer. For the first time, you can do without it. In this case, the total start-up costs will amount to 132-156 thousand rubles, excluding the car and office rent. But this is a ready-made enterprise that is ready to provide services and earn money.

Promotion, expenses and income

It is better to promote your cleaning company through the possibilities of the Internet by creating a one-page page and promoting it through contextual and targeting advertising. This is the cheapest, fastest way to get targeted clients for your cleaning business.

Pricing policy for the provision of services - 25-40 rubles. for cleaning 1 sq. m. It is cost-effective at this price to clean a room of 5 thousand square meters. m. Finding one such room can be difficult, but if you take floors with outlets or offices, it is quite possible to get orders in one building at such a price that it would be profitable for the company to deliver cleaners there.

If we are talking about one-time trips, then the cost of cleaning should pay for the trip, the expense of funds, the work of the staff and still make a profit.

It is considered to be normal gross income such a company ranges from 140-200 thousand rubles. The costs are:

  • rent - 12 thousand rubles;
  • phone expenses - 1 thousand rubles;
  • accounting support - 6-8 thousand rubles;
  • operator salary - 12 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary - 50-70 thousand rubles;
  • chemicals - 2-3 thousand rubles;
  • delivery costs - 12.tys. rub.
  • unforeseen expenses - 5 thousand rubles.

Expenses amount to 95-118 thousand rubles. Excluding taxes - 8.4-12 thousand rubles. - the profit of the enterprise is 36.6-70 thousand rubles. per month.

It is also possible to develop a business plan for a project with the purchase of only 2 cleaning kits and the training of only 4 employees. This approach will further reduce the required investment at the start of this project. Additionally, you can purchase everything you need as soon as you realize that the hired staff cannot cope with orders.

At first, the duties of the operator, driver, promotion manager will have to be assumed by the project owner himself. Subsequently, when there will be no problems with orders, you will have to work on the business, and not in it.

In this case, the cleaning business will have to expand: hire more staff and increase the number of regular customers.

Order a business plan

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Investments: Investments 220,000 - 289,000 ₽

Exit dry-cleaner "Chisto-Chisto" was founded in 2015. Tyazhev Valery Mikhailovich, in Samara. The main activity and the main profit of the company comes from the field of dry cleaning of upholstered furniture (sofas, carpets, mattresses, chairs, armchairs, etc.), as it is the most marginal and highly profitable service. In addition, the company provides related cleaning services, dry cleaning of clothes, steaming of curtains, etc. Also…

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The history of the company began in 2016, when one of its founders ordered house cleaning. I found a company, called, found out the price, met a cleaner. And he received a check several times higher than the originally agreed amount. Further analysis of the activities of cleaning companies showed that this situation was not exceptional. Customers did not understand the pricing mechanism and wrote angry reviews. An idea came up...

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Investments: from 300,000 rubles.

Primex is a large cleaning company with a long history, stable reputation and high quality of services, technologies and professionalism. Company advantages: Work experience since 1991; Team of professionals; Full range of cleaning services; Individual approach to each client; Trust of our clients; Using the latest modern technologies in the field of cleaning; The quality management system complies with ISO 9001:2000 since 2003; Franchising…

Investments: 880,000 - 2,875,000 rubles.

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Investments: 109,000 - 500,000 rubles.

Evgeny Smirnov

# Business ideas

Cleaning company - promising business in many cities of Russia. The competition in this niche is currently quite weak.

Cleaning - promising direction to create your own business. In Europe, the business of cleaning apartments and commercial premises has existed for many years, is considered highly profitable, and the niche is almost overcrowded. As for the domestic market, the first cleaning companies appeared here at the end of the last century, and the direction itself has just begun to develop actively.

The cleaning company is engaged in cleaning of premises both inside and outside, regardless of their purpose. In simple terms, the activities of cleaning companies is a set of measures aimed at ensuring cleanliness in the premises.

IN last years this species services is gaining more and more demand due to the increased demand for professional cleaning, as well as the problems that companies have to face when creating their own services.

Main advantages

The cleaning business has the following advantages:

  • The market is in the stage of active growth, the niche is not filled, so there is an opportunity for the development of new companies. Despite this, cleaning services have long been familiar to domestic consumers and are in demand among them.
  • The main client base are legal entities seeking to cooperate on an ongoing basis.
  • Low level of competition and minimum investment greatly simplify the process of entering the market.

As already noted, you can start with small investment. Key costs include funds for equipment, which can also be borrowed or leased, and staffing.

How to start a cleaning business

In order to open your own cleaning company, you need to issue permits, purchase or rent equipment, and hire qualified professionals.

Close attention will have to be paid to employee training, because the main difference between a cleaning company and ordinary cleaning is high professionalism and the use of specialized equipment. You need to make sure that you have highly qualified specialists working for you who can cope with the tasks assigned to them.

The main mission of the cleaning company is to make the place where people stay not only clean, but also safe.

franchise business

One of the ways to organize a cleaning business for apartments and premises is to buy a franchise. This greatly simplifies the process of creating a company and allows you to get full support from the franchisor: development scheme, advertising strategies and plans.

What is it and why opening a franchise cleaning agency is considered the best option for start-up entrepreneurs?

  1. Opportunity to use the experience of the franchisor. He already knows where the biggest problems can arise and how to deal with them. The entrepreneur gets the opportunity to contact the franchisee for information support rather than solving problems by trial and error.
  2. Launch scheme. Any franchise includes information on how to start a business, step by step development and features of the organization of work in the new branch.
  3. Discounts or special conditions for the purchase of equipment (provided that the franchisor is its manufacturer).
  4. The ability to use an already promoted site as an advertising platform for your own company.
  5. Profitability. Any franchise usually includes an approximate payback time of the company, which makes it possible to evaluate all prospects and opportunities.

When choosing a franchise, be sure to pay attention to the ratio of the size of the lump-sum fee and what the franchisor offers. For example, if a step-by-step development strategy is not offered, then there is no sense in such a franchise. Even the possibility of using corporate identity will not help if a person does not understand how this field of activity works and does not receive help from the head office.

Each company independently forms the cost of the franchise, taking into account many factors: brand popularity, how much effort the main office spends on partner training, etc.

A ready-made business is easier to develop if there are no competitors under the same brand in a given city or district. Therefore, you should make sure that the central office will not sell the right to establish a cleaning company near you in the near future. Otherwise, part of the effort will be spent on competing with a company that follows the same strategy as you.

Business from scratch

Before you open a cleaning company from scratch, you need to carefully study this area of ​​activity, develop a step-by-step development strategy, and only then proceed to action. This will save money on opening, as well as roughly estimate how quickly the investment will pay off and in which direction you need to move.

What you need to know before starting a cleaning company

The peculiarity is that it can be organized with a minimum of funds and effort. To do this, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, purchase a set of equipment for work, find customers and you can proceed. As the clientele expands, you can hire additional employees, buy equipment, etc.

You should also take into account the features of the work. Cleaning is usually carried out on holidays or weekends, especially when it comes to large companies. The schedule usually has to be drawn up individually, adjusting to the needs and wishes of each client.

Where is the best place to start a cleaning company?

Of course, entering the markets of large metropolitan areas, where dozens of companies that have proven themselves already operate, is difficult and unpromising. It is best to choose areas and cities where the level of competition is not too high, and the number of customers will allow you to build the necessary customer base for payback and profitability.

How to choose a target audience

For selection target audience You need to decide which clients you plan to work with. Interaction with legal entities is simpler than with individuals. The reason is that large companies they perfectly understand the importance of professional cleaning, the quality of which largely determines the image and prestige of the company.

And here ordinary people rarely hire a cleaning company. This is due to the peculiarities of the mentality: our people are not used to being served by servants. Even with the availability of funds, it is difficult for most compatriots to come to terms with the presence of another person in the apartment.

Accordingly, all novice businessmen who decide to create a cleaning company should focus on mid-level organizations, as well as large commercial structures.

Business registration

To open a cleaning company, you do not need to obtain any special permission from government agencies. It is enough to register as individual entrepreneur or LLC, after which you can start your activity.

What form of ownership to choose

First you need to decide on legal form activities of a cleaning company - LLC or IP? From the point of view of the law, there are no restrictions, but the nuances of each form should be taken into account.

Individual entrepreneur Limited Liability Company
Minimum tax and more freedom. The need to submit reports to the tax and 13% tax.
Responsible with all his property even after the closure of the IP. Only the founders of an LLC are liable for obligations within the framework of their authorized capital.
Lack of accounting. Since 2013, all companies must maintain and submit accounting records, regardless of the chosen form of taxation.
If not employees you don't need to file reports for them. It is necessary to submit ERSV and 4-FSS every quarter.
Registration of entrepreneurs is carried out at the place of residence. Registration of the company is carried out at the location of the main office. For activities in other cities, you need to register branches.
It is difficult to get loans and investments. Investments and loans are more accessible.

When deciding to create an LLC, it is better not to use a sample charter downloaded from the Internet, but to hire an experienced lawyer who can develop it according to your preferences and wishes. But if this is not possible, use the standard document:

Download Sample

OKVED cleaning services

When submitting documents to the tax office, you must correctly indicate the OKVED codes:

  • 70.1 - cleaning and cleaning of industrial and residential premises, equipment;
  • 70.2 - cleaning and cleaning of vehicles;
  • 70.3 - activities for carrying out disinfection, disinfestation, deratization works;
  • 00.3 - cleaning of the territory and similar activities.

Sample business plan with calculations

A sample business plan with calculations will help you understand the features of this type of activity, present the work process and payback periods. You can create ready business plan cleaning company from scratch or use our example.

Business plan

The goal of the project is to open a cleaning company. The main source of income is payment for professional cleaning services.

Expenditure part

Registration of an enterprise costs from 1800 to 5000 rubles. You will also have to spend about 200 thousand rubles on equipment, but these costs can be reduced if you take everything on credit or leasing. It will also be possible to save on rent, since there are no special requirements for the condition of the premises: it is not the clients who will come to you, but you to them.

When compiling a list of initial expenses, you should also consider wages for the first time:

  • driver - 20-25 thousand rubles;
  • cleaners - 2-4 people for 18-20 thousand rubles.
Initial investment

Before launching a project, it is imperative to calculate how much money is needed for opening, taking into account the cost of equipment and machinery.

Item of expenses Price, rub
Cleaning equipment 200 000
Vehicle for transportation 300 000
Marketing 115 000
Company registration, preparation of all necessary documentation 6 000
office equipment 65 000
working capital 150 000
total amount 836 000

Thus, the initial investment for opening a cleaning company (subject to the purchase of all equipment, and not a loan) will amount to 836,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses

So, monthly expenses are determined at the level of 268,700 rubles.

Revenue part

Estimated monthly income

In order to understand what kind of profit you should count on, you need to start from the prices for certain services in this market segment. If you take into account regional rates, you get the following:

Most cleaning companies also have minimum limits on the area to be cleaned - 40–60 sq. meters. If the territory is more than 150 sq. meters, the client does not pay the transport costs.

Profitability and payback

With such calculations, the profitability of a cleaning company will be about 40%, which is quite high rate. Individuals will mainly be paid in cash, and legal - on a current account. Of course, there will be less cash receipts from individuals, so you can take the ratio of 40/60.

Suppose that a cleaning company can receive 90 orders from individuals and 20 orders from other companies per month. With a revenue of 560,000 rubles, the net profit will be 117,000 rubles. Profitability is more than 20%, and the payback period is 12 months.

Room selection

On the one hand, you don’t have to worry much about choosing a room. Clients will not come to you, and the office is needed only for registering a company, storing equipment, etc. On the other hand, the location will be important if most of the clients are located in a certain part of the city. This will save you money on transport costs.

List of required equipment

List necessary equipment depends primarily on the services that you plan to offer customers. If this is a complete package, then you will need the following:

  • industrial type vacuum cleaner;
  • floor washing machine;
  • floor dryer;
  • cleaning trolley;
  • bucket on wheels;
  • various cleaning equipment;
  • household chemicals;
  • window cleaning tools;
  • steam cleaners;
  • clothing for staff.

The amount of equipment depends on the number of clients that will be served at the same time.

How to recruit staff for a cleaning agency

The quality of work largely depends on the professionalism of the staff, so close attention should be paid to its selection. Employees must have some experience. If a newcomer is hired, then it is better to temporarily assign an experienced employee to him for control and training.

The appearance of employees will also be useful, which should evoke pleasant associations of professionalism and respect. Regardless of the qualifications of the staff, they must be trained. If the business is organized by franchise, then such concerns are usually taken over by the head office.

If a cleaning company opens from scratch, then you can send staff to specialized courses. There is no point in hiring a special person for training at the initial stage: it is effective only if there is a high turnover of staff.

How to find clients

You can promote your own cleaning business both offline and online. In most cases, a new firm receives its first orders through personal contacts and connections. It is worth trying to find potential customers through acquaintances, partners and friends.

Advertising cleaning company and services

It is better to pay close attention to regular customers. One-time orders bring a lot of profit, but instability does not end well. Regular customers can be found in office centers, shopping centers, entertainment complexes. Communication with administrators, managers, acquaintances is a proven approach that pays off.

It will be effective to use the Internet to promote your own company. This can be done through:

  • Corporate website, where all information about the company, the cost of services and features of work will be provided.
  • Contextual advertising and social networks.
  • Advertising of a cleaning company on thematic sites.

Business Development Paths

Cleaning is a process that includes many directions, so there is room for expansion. The development of a cleaning company can take place in the following ways:

  1. Exit dry-cleaner of a carpet and a carpet, upholstered furniture in house conditions.
  2. Professional cleaning.
  3. Cooperation with shopping malls, offices and shops.
  4. Washing windows, facades, etc. at a height.
  5. Organization of a carpet washing shop.

If things are successful in one city, the brand has become recognizable, then you can think about expanding. To do this, you need to register a branch in another city and carry out everything by analogy with the original version. In addition, you can offer a franchise for those who want to open a cleaning business under your brand.

Relatively recently, a rather new line of business appeared in Russia, which has been dynamically developing in the West for more than a decade and has received recognition from numerous customers. These are companies that provide cleaning services. An example of such activity is a cleaning service for private and corporate premises. Gradually, in our country, cleaning services are becoming more and more in demand. After all, the cleanliness of an office or apartment is prerequisite for the normal conduct of business or residence.

The concept of cleaning

The first high-quality cleaning companies appeared in the markets of America and Europe. They quickly took the place of unprofessional services.

In plain language? The very word for this service, appeared with us relatively recently. It comes from English word cleaning, which in a broad translation means the adoption of a set of measures that ensure the cleanliness of shopping malls and offices, hotels and apartments, cottages, etc. This action means work, the result of which is the absence of any pollution, stains, debris and unpleasant odors on both horizontal and vertical surfaces.

Why is cleanliness necessary? The answer to this question is clear to everyone without any further explanation. First of all, it is the health of the people in the room. However, if we take, for example, office cleaning, then cleanliness here has another, image side.

Often, the appearance of an office cleaned to a shine can play an important role in making the decision necessary for the company, as it will gradually be associated with purity of intentions.

What is included in cleaning?

Professional cleaning is not just washing. This is enough difficult process, which is the adoption of comprehensive measures that contribute to the cleanliness of the premises. Of course, washing windows, as well as other glass objects, is done with water. But at the same time, the cleaning company provides its service using a fairly wide range of equipment and devices. This includes both special equipment that allows you to clean surfaces under pressure, and special tools needed to eliminate specific stains.

For example, chewing gum from pile covers can only be removed by freezing. Cleaning companies use a temperature-reducing spray for this purpose. And there are many such solutions.

Main list of services

What does a cleaning company do? If we are talking about cleaning residential premises, then the owners of private houses and apartments can count on the following:

  1. rooms. This professional work includes washing floors and furniture, bathrooms and kitchens, armchairs, carpets, etc.
  2. General cleaning. In this case, moving away cabinets and other furniture, washing windows, and cleaning baseboards is added to the standard list of services.
  3. Cleaning of premises after completion repair work. Cleaning companies take on a lot. This is not only a complete cleaning of an apartment or house. They provide services for the removal of construction waste, as well as for cleaning up contamination formed during the work with plaster and paint.
  4. Cleaning up after a fire. These are cleaning services from burning and soot. After the work performed by the cleaning company, the premises will completely get rid of the consequences of this disaster.

In addition to apartments and private houses, offices need professional cleaning. In such cases, the cleaning company can provide their daily cleaning services. It should be borne in mind that all employees of such a company are previously instructed on how to properly care for the office equipment located in the premises.

In addition, the cleaning company offers the following services:

  • Washing front windows. If these are stained-glass windows of multi-storey buildings, then industrial climbers who have sufficient experience and skills in working in such conditions are working on the task.
  • Care of the external area outside the building. This refers to the washing of facades, as well as the care of landscaping and storm drains.
  • Cleaning of warehouses, which implies the complete cleaning of premises from pollution.

Idea for business

Many people who work in conventional organizations are often dissatisfied with the feeling of the very stability that is impossible without the daily performance of the same duties. This routine does not lead to financial satisfaction either. There is no particular change in living conditions even during those periods when the employer slightly raises wages. Those who are not satisfied with their lives sometimes decide to open their own business. From the implementation of the planned project, a novice entrepreneur can receive 3-4 thousand dollars a month, depending on the direction he has chosen. And here it is worth considering the question of how to open a cleaning company, since this event is quite promising, not complicated and does not require large financial costs.

Such an entrepreneurial idea is quite simple. The cleaning company takes money from companies and individuals for services that they themselves are not able to perform.

Choice of locality

Many aspiring entrepreneurs invariably face the question of how to open a cleaning company from scratch. And for this, you will need to develop a project for this event, which is a business plan for the future company. It should begin with a description of the industry and the situation that has developed in the locality chosen for work.

To date, the cleaning direction is not yet fully mastered. That is why the level of competition here is not too high. However, everything will depend on the city. And in this case, it is worth considering the rating of cleaning companies offering their services in this locality.

So, in megacities, the competition rate sometimes rises to 80%. And if we turn to the consideration of the question of how to open a cleaning company in small town, then there are no such problems. However, other obstacles can stand in the way of an entrepreneur. After all, in a small town it is hardly possible mass demand on similar services. And it will also deprive the company of profits, even in the absence of competitors.

Making a case

How to open a cleaning company from scratch? To do this, you need to go through some stages of organization own business. First of all, the company must register with the INFS. When choosing organizational form the best options will be USN or JSC. True, in this case it will be necessary to check the observance of certain conditions. So, when attracting investors, the share of capital invested by them should not exceed 25%. In addition, you will need to plan the annual amount of total revenue within 60 million rubles. The staff should not exceed one hundred employees.

Only if these conditions are met, registration with the tax authorities will be successful. After that, you will need to register with the Pension Fund.

Room selection

The business plan of the cleaning company should consider the issue of renting the building necessary for the operation. A novice entrepreneur should keep in mind that for such a company, the classic look of the office will be clearly inappropriate. The room should be selected in such a way that specialized equipment can be stored in it. There should also be an office for the head and accountant. There must also be a shower room in the room. An entrepreneur does not need a separate room for meeting with clients. After all, the assessment of the scope of work will be given directly at the facility.

Anyone who decides for the first time the question of how to open a cleaning company should keep in mind that the layout of the rented building should include a hall and a dressing room, a bathroom and a shower room, an office and a storage room. Based on the specifics of the work, you can ignore the location of the office. This will allow you to save on rent and choose a suitable building for yourself somewhere on the outskirts or in industrial areas. The main thing is that all the necessary communications come up to it and it is equipped with a good entrance.

What to do next in order to resolve the issue of how to open a cleaning company? For rented premises, you will need to conclude agreements with organizations involved in the maintenance of ventilation ducts and garbage disposal. The office needs a fire alarm.

It is worth remembering that all of the above procedures are a very lengthy process, so you should not delay them.

Purchase of equipment

What do you need to start a cleaning company? At the initial stage this business is not very costly. The main financial investments go to the purchase of equipment. However, you should not purchase it until the first orders have been received. After all, cleaning is a rather specific business. Depending on the services chosen by the customer, there may be a need for a variety of tools. That is why, for a start, it is worth talking with potential customers, having decided on the range of necessary equipment and its cost.

So, washing the windows of a business center, as well as other high-altitude work, will require more than one hundred thousand rubles for the necessary devices. But to provide staff with cleaning equipment office space and other buildings will require a much smaller amount, within a few tens of thousands.

The business plan of a cleaning company should consider a list of the most necessary equipment that will be needed to provide services in the first place. This list includes:

  • two sets for washing windows;
  • two two-bucket wringer carts;
  • small implements such as mops and buckets, sponges and dustpans;
  • two scrubbers;
  • rotary single disc cleaner;
  • polisher;
  • device for industrial carpet drying.

The above list can be slightly adjusted by the entrepreneur himself. In addition, equipment can be purchased gradually. However, for those who plan to take large corporate orders without the above equipment, it will simply be impossible to provide such services.

How to start a cleaning company? To do this, you will need to remember in the business plan and some details. Thus, it is important to consider the costs required for the purchase of professional cleaning products manufactured by well-known companies. Their list should include both universal household chemicals and substances that have a narrow range of activities. In general, an entrepreneur should count on 150-200 thousand rubles. investments.

You will need to find a driver with a personal minibus. After all, for work it will be necessary to transport a floor cleaning machine and industrial vacuum cleaners, and other equipment.

When buying equipment, do not forget about office equipment. It will consist of two computers, a multifunctional printer and a mini-ATS. The list of additional equipment will need to include work tables for the accountant and director, kitchen equipment, several chairs and wardrobes for changing rooms.


How to open a cleaning company? The business plan of the proposed project will also need to reflect the nuances that should be taken into account when forming the staff. At the same time, it is worth considering the specifics that the work will have, as well as the format of the company's activities. So, only women can be considered among candidates for employee vacancies to perform only current and general cleaning of private housing and offices. If the company plans to carry out seasonal landscaping or cleaning the premises after repair work, then men will be needed. And there should be as many of them as there are women.

The staff of a company that will offer customers a wide range of services should include:

  • two cleaners;
  • two assistants;
  • a foreman who simultaneously performs the work of a driver;
  • accountant.

At first, the entrepreneur must take over the overall management of the company and communication with customers. Over time, it will be possible to include two managers in the staff.

Given the specifics of the company, preference should be given to people under the age of 45. The only exceptions are the foreman and accountant. Candidates must be polite, sociable and necessarily responsible. It is also important that they are able to learn quickly. This will allow the company to apply novelties that constantly appear on the cleaning services market.

Business promotion

Under what conditions can one expect effective work cleaning company? In addition to accounting for all upcoming expenses, you will need to pay great attention to advertising. Only a large-scale campaign can significantly raise the rating of cleaning companies. It may include the production and distribution of flyers in transport and on city streets, as well as in business centers. Pylons and boards located on the streets of the city will contribute to attracting private individuals. Information about the company can also be placed by reference agencies. It would also be appropriate to create a website.

To attract permanent large customers will require a lot of effort. It will be necessary to consider potential customers among megastores and large enterprises. At the same time, it will be necessary to periodically hold negotiations with each of them regarding permanent cooperation. However, it should be borne in mind that not every head of a large firm will make a decision in your favor. To do this, you need to achieve a certain fame. At first, it is worth considering cooperation with small offices. And then gradually expand the circle of customers. Good luck!

Rendering various services population, is one of the most profitable types business. When opening his own cleaning company, an entrepreneur may not be afraid of a lack of demand for this type of service. High-tech cleaning of premises will always be in demand, and to register and organize this business, you do not need a huge initial capital and significant time costs.

Target audience for providing cleaning services

Regular cleaning of offices, apartments and houses can be delegated to professionals. To do this, it is enough for the landlord or business owner to conclude an agreement for the provision of this type of service, and you do not have to worry about the cleanliness of the house or office. These services are also in demand after major repairs in private houses and apartments. Sometimes, only partial cleaning of the premises is required, for example, washing windows.

In this case, also the cleaning company can solve the pollution problem. It is much more convenient for a business to order this type of service than to hire an employee who will keep the office clean. Among the population, this type of service is also gaining popularity, cleaning is especially in demand among people who do not have free time for self-cleaning of a house or apartment. Some people are allergic to dust, and it is absolutely contraindicated for them to deal with household pollution on their own. Many owners of large cottages simply cannot cope with cleaning on their own, and therefore are forced to turn to cleaning agencies for help.

Registration of a cleaning company

In order to register a cleaning company, it is enough to personally appear at the tax office at the place of residence. To register a business, you must submit to the tax authority an application for registration of a photocopy of your passport and TIN, as well as a receipt for payment of state duty. If the cleaning company will work mainly with legal entities, then the most appropriate form of doing business would be to open an LLC.

Despite the fact that it will take much more time to register a legal entity, this form of business is necessary with a large turnover of services provided, as well as when working with large organizations. If the cleaning business is focused on working with individuals, then it is enough to issue an IP. To register a private entrepreneurial activity, it is not required to collect a large number of documents, and registering a business will cost only 800 rubles.

Development of a list of services and targets

This type of business has been in demand for many years, so the competition in this area is quite high. The correct development of a business strategy will allow you to get a large number of regular customers. Particularly attractive is the conclusion of contracts for the provision of this type of service to large enterprises and companies. In order to properly organize the work, as well as determine the prices for this type of service, it will be necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of this market.

In order to determine the price limits for the services provided, you need to contact the cleaning companies under the guise of a client and inquire about the prices.

Contact information can be found online. Each modern cleaning company has its own web page with a description of the services provided and contact information. If entrepreneurial activity formalized as an LLC, then it is possible to provide cleaning services to the population and legal entities. In this case, you should not spare money for advertising campaign. It is important not only the quantity of promotional materials to be placed in various media, but also their quality. Advertising on television will cost the entrepreneur a decent amount, but this money will pay off within the first months of the cleaning business. Advertising in print media will be much cheaper.

Ads are best placed on the front page of the newspaper. Except printed matter, you can use cheap and effective method promoting business using the website. The creation of the site should be entrusted to professionals who will create not only a unique resource and fill it with content, but also install a form on the site for ordering this service online. To advertise a business, you can use radio advertising.

In the absence of a visual image, such advertising is slightly inferior to television and print, but it will be very useful for brand promotion, because not all people watch local television channels, and radio advertising can work effectively when a person is in a car or at work turns on the radio.

Recruitment and training of personnel

The image of the cleaning company will depend on the quality of the services provided. Positive recommendations from customers may work more effectively than the most expensive advertising in the future, so it is very important to choose responsible workers who will fulfill their labor obligations at the highest level. It is very important for an entrepreneur to understand this type of business on their own. To do this, you need to undergo special training, or get a job as a cleaner in an existing cleaning company in order to comprehend all the intricacies of this type of business. Recruitment can be carried out through special resources of Internet announcements. The most common of which is the site "avito".

A good way to attract unemployed citizens is to place an ad in various print media. The first thing to do after the required number of employees is recruited is to train the staff to properly handle modern equipment and detergents. If you don’t want to engage in recruitment and training yourself, you can hire a manager who will hire people, instruct them, and also monitor the performance of employees. To process orders by phone, you will need to hire a dispatcher. For this, it is not necessary to equip workplace for receiving and processing calls.

Modern technologies allow such an employee to work remotely, so it is enough to find a responsible person who will work from home, take orders, and fill out applications for this service online, through an Internet resource.

Selection of equipment and inventory

In order to provide quality cleaning services, you will need to purchase the following equipment:

  • Scrubber dryer - 170,000.
  • Professional vacuum cleaner - 30,000.
  • Hairdryer for drying carpets - 20,000.
  • Cleaning inventory - 40,000.
  • Car - 300,000.

For a small cleaning company, you will need to purchase equipment in the amount of at least 560,000 rubles. To save money on purchasing a car, you can hire a driver with a private pickup truck. In addition to the cost of purchasing equipment, a cleaning company cannot do without purchasing detergents and household chemicals. This item of expenses will depend on the amount of work, and will require monthly expenses in the range of: 30,000 - 50,000 rubles.

All household chemicals should be only highest quality, because in addition to washing floors, a cleaning company can take orders for cleaning furniture and carpets, the cost of which can be very high, so it is important to use products only from proven brands of cleaning products. Equipment must also be of the highest quality. Only well-known brands should be purchased, preferably German or Japanese. This technique is considered the most reliable.

Business plan - make it wisely

Before you start organizing a cleaning business, you need to properly draw up a business plan. In calculations estimated costs and business income, you need to display everything to the smallest detail, try to predict the demand for this service. Among the expenses that an entrepreneur expects, the following can be distinguished:

  • Purchase of equipment - 560,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of detergents - 50,000 rubles.
  • Rent of premises for office and warehouse - 50,000 rubles.
  • Office furniture and equipment - 100,000 rubles.
  • The salary of the staff is 50,000 rubles.
  • Payment utilities- 5,000 rubles.
  • Business registration - 1,000 rubles.
  • Payment for fuel and lubricants - 10,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 5,000 rubles.

The expenses of the cleaning company for the first month of work will be: 831,000 rubles. In the following months of work, it will require monthly payment of salaries to employees, rent, and utility bills.

To maintain this type of business, you will need to spend at least 170,000 rubles a month.

The business plan must also reflect possible income. The cost of cleaning the premises, on average, is 25 rubles per 1 m2. With daily orders for cleaning 500 m2, you can count on revenue in the amount of 12,500 rubles. In a month, such a business will bring about 350,000 rubles. The net profit of the enterprise for 1 month of work will be about 200,000 rubles.

With a properly organized cleaning business, you can fully recoup the investment cash within 6 months. Such profitability cannot be achieved when organizing a business in the production areas, therefore, those entrepreneurs who do not want to wait for a return on their investment for several years should pay attention to the cleaning business, which is not dangerous for any financial crisis, and the cost of services in this market will not decrease. no way.

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