Subsidy project. Business plan for obtaining subsidies for business development - step-by-step guide, examples and templates. When does the subsidy stop?

Citizens of Russia, Belarus or Kyrgyzstan, permanently registered in Moscow, who have no debts for utility bills and are:

  • owners of housing (apartment, residential building or part thereof);
  • members of a housing or housing construction cooperative;
  • tenants of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, a rental agreement (commercial) or a rental agreement for specialized residential premises and/or members of their family;
  • borrowers under an agreement for the free use of residential premises for social protection certain categories of citizens and members of their families;
  • former family members of the tenant or borrower under an agreement for the free use of residential premises for the social protection of certain categories of citizens, if they continue to live in this premises.
">users of residential premises in the state or municipal housing stock;
  • tenants under a rental agreement in a private housing stock.
  • 2. What income can I receive a subsidy for?

    If more than 10% of your family's income is spent on utility bills, you may qualify for a subsidy - the state will compensate for part of the housing costs. public utilities.

    Calculate your family's average total income. To do this, add up all sources of income (before taxes) for the last six calendar months and divide the resulting amount by six. The income of all family members registered with you, their and your spouses, parents or adoptive parents of minor children, minor children, including adopted children, is taken into account, even if they are registered at a different address.

    3. What documents are needed to apply for a subsidy?

    • passports of the applicant and all members of his family. For family members under 14 years of age - birth certificates;
    • The income certificate is issued in the form of a request on a form that can be obtained at any government service center “My Documents” or downloaded on the website of the City Center for Housing Subsidies.">income certificates or about the lack of income of the applicant and all members of his family over 16 years of age for the six calendar months preceding the submission of the application;*
    • if you pay for utilities not according to the EPD, attach the latest receipt for housing and communal services and a document confirming the absence of debt. You can read more about what ENP is in our instructions;
    • details of the bank account or social card of the Muscovite where you want to receive the subsidy;
    • additional
    • documents (or their notarized copies) certifying the citizenship of the applicant and his family members Russian Federation, citizenship of countries with which international treaties have been concluded by the Russian Federation;
    • documents (or their notarized copies) confirming legal basis classifying persons living together with the applicant at the place of permanent residence as members of his family;
    • documents (or their notarized copies) confirming the legal basis of the applicant’s ownership and use of the residential premises in which he is registered at his place of permanent residence;
    • documents containing information about persons registered together with the applicant at the place of permanent residence;
    • documents confirming the right of the applicant and (or) his family members to social support measures in the form of compensation for payment of housing and utilities.
    ">documents that you can provide if you wish.

    If your representative will submit the application, please also include:

    • passport or any other document confirming the identity of the representative;
    • power of attorney for a representative (in simple written form or notarized).

    The document is not needed if the family consists only of pensioners, each of whom has not worked for more than 6 months.

    4. What documents can confirm lack of income?

    • certificate of absence of a scholarship - for students studying full-time at a university or college or technical school;
    • certificate of education - for school students from 16 to 18 years old;
    • certificate of absence wages indicating the reason for her absence;
    • a document confirming that the woman is being observed in a medical institution due to pregnancy;
    • a document confirming that the citizen is being held in custody for the period of preliminary investigation or trial; is wanted until he is declared missing or declared dead; is undergoing long-term hospital treatment; cares for a child until he reaches 3 years of age and does not receive a monthly allowance or compensation for the period of parental leave; takes care of his minor child in accordance with the conclusion of the medical institution; has 3 or more children under 16 years of age or older if they are in school; is studying on a correspondence or evening basis with a full-time course of study.

    5. Are there special cases when receiving a subsidy?

    If one of your family members is conscripted in the army, sentenced to imprisonment, declared missing, undergoing compulsory treatment by a court order, died or declared dead, you may be provided with a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services (if all other requirements are met) , if you and/or other members of your family live in the same place where you previously lived with these family members. To do this, additionally imagine:

    • documents confirming the reason for the departure of these family members;
    • documents confirming that you constantly lived with them before their departure from this residential premises.

    6. What to do if more than just members of one family live in the apartment?

    If in your application you do not indicate everyone registered in this apartment or house as family members, additionally attach:

    If you submitted documents from the 1st to the 15th, then the subsidy will be awarded to you from the 1st of the same month. If from the 16th, then the subsidy will be calculated from the 1st of the next month.

    The subsidy is accrued for six months, after which you need to resubmit the application and package of documents.

    To start any business project you need start-up capital. And not everyone who wants to work for themselves has the required amount Money. But there is an option to obtain subsidized assistance from the state.

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    The rules for developing a business plan for receiving subsidies for business development (aid) in Russia in 2019 include several features. Knowing these nuances will help you get financing quickly and without problems.

    General provisions

    Every citizen of the Russian Federation can open their own business and work for themselves. And the development of such a link in the business system in the country is a priority for the state.

    This happens because small and medium business for the state are more profitable not so much in terms of taxes, but in terms of the efficiency of such labor. Because a person works more and better for himself.

    But to receive financing, a citizen needs to find an investor. And the state can provide its funds, but only on the condition of providing an up-to-date and viable business plan. This is what a future entrepreneur needs to learn to compile.

    Important Concepts

    Among the main concepts in this database are:

    Business plan A document that contains all the information about the business project including all the details, nuances and features
    Subsidy Government assistance, which involves covering any part of the costs. Usually provided in cashless form, but can also be monetized
    IP An individual entrepreneur is a person who is engaged in business in the field of small and medium-sized enterprises. Usually such enterprises are opened individuals and do not issue additional documents
    Entity Medium or big business, which is officially issued. She has leadership positions and owner personality

    Types of government support

    There are two main types of government support for opening own business:

    First Involves helping unemployed people in creating and developing projects In this case, you must obtain unemployed status. This can be done at any branch of the Employment Center. During the program itself, the citizen will be offered training and assistance in creating own project. If you manage to draw up a correct and adequate business plan with real prospects, you can count on financial assistance
    Second option Searching for investments in the state – Entrepreneur Support Center In this case, anyone can seek help - both new entrepreneurs and those who want to enter the new level development or support your project financially. This project exists in close cooperation with the municipality

    Legal basis

    A citizen who wants to receive help from the state through the Employment Center must study the federal law Russia No. 1032-1 “On employment in the Russian Federation”.

    All possibilities for obtaining unemployed status, which will be necessary to receive financing, are discussed here.

    Photo: mechanism for receiving subsidies from the Employment Center

    Article 3 contains information about registration and article 10 states that a citizen can get a job in the territory of other states.

    Federal Law “On state support Small Business in the Russian Federation” No. 88-FZ establishes the possibilities of obtaining government assistance for entrepreneurs.

    Article 7 contains data on what programs can be used, and Article 18 talks about the state’s responsibilities to support business and guide it in the field of education, constantly improving the skills of entrepreneurs.

    As for preferential loans, here too there are a number of provisions that will help a citizen - in Article 11. Since this Federal Law establishes the possibility of obtaining affordable loans.

    Basic moments

    Obtaining funding is always accompanied by careful selection. In terms of drawing up a business project, it is necessary to prepare a theoretical basis.

    And the business plan must meet several requirements. The main one is the reliability of the data on the basis of which the conclusion was made about the success of the idea.

    Photo: requirements for drawing up a business plan

    Often, during the preparation of documents for a business, it is understood that the project will not be successful. And this is normal, since it is not always possible to soberly assess the amount of costs that a future enterprise requires. This is precisely why this type of accompanying documentation is compiled.

    General terms

    You can get money for your business at certain conditions. The fact is that funds can only be spent on specific purposes and should be taken into account when planning your expenses.

    In total, there are three directions for the distribution of finances from the state:

    The main conditions in this area are:

    • a citizen who applies for assistance from the Central Employment Center must not have a registered commercial enterprise;
    • have own funds for investments - usually their size is at least 65% of the accrued amount of subsidized funds;
    • business planning must be drawn up according to the rules and for a period of 24 months.

    It is also worth noting that it is impossible to receive financial support from the Employment Center for business development in the field of tobacco and alcohol products.

    Priority areas of commercial activity

    Government business support programs are aimed at developing those areas of activity that are important to the country and its economic development.

    You should take this nuance into account and draw up a business plan in accordance with these current trends business:

    • industry and processing;
    • scientific, technical, service and management companies;
    • protection environment, cultural development;
    • food and household assistance services;
    • farming;
    • repair and construction operations.

    Taking into account these priority areas, the relevance of their application in a particular region should be calculated. The amount of funds a citizen has for business development and what kind of funding can be counted on from the state also plays a role.

    By what characteristics is it assessed?

    Required condition good plan— detail. Based on this project work should take up a decent amount of paper and use all the graphics and computer technology, which help to compile documents.

    There are several things that can be beneficial when considering a plan. Since the commission will be guided by the following characteristics of the project:

    Sociality of the direction How will the enterprise’s activities be reflected in society?
    Workplaces At least one will go to the project manager who is unemployed
    Profitability In this case, you need to show the real profit that the project will receive
    Target orientation Clear definition of the scope of work and a description of all actions to achieve it
    Personal capital It is imperative to indicate the presence of your own interest in the development of the project in the form of investing your own rubles in it

    Structure of a business plan for obtaining a business development subsidy (example)

    It is imperative to take into account the structured presentation of information, which will help to process it and see a careful approach to creating a project. An example of a business plan is available.

    The most commonly used plan sections are:

    Title page With the name of the company
    brief information In the form of information about the manager, his education and work experience
    Project goals, investments and team of workers
    Research of the market situation Analysis of audience, consumer demand
    Analysis of the marketing component
    Financial aspects In the form of costs, income and payback
    Risks Possible difficult stages and ways to resolve all these issues should be described in a positive way

    Nuances of project success

    In order for a project to be accepted for consideration and to qualify for success, you need to do more than just invent indicators and numbers.

    An entrepreneur must process various types of data. Based on them, the probability of profitability of a given production is obtained.

    Market analysis

    This procedure involves obtaining data on how prices have changed in a particular area of ​​work. For processing, data is taken over a period of five years..

    The following points are also taken into account:

    • what forecasts are made by experts in these areas of business, economists;
    • What are the prospects for the development of this project?

    Availability of production research

    In this case, research of the target audience of a product or service is used. It is important to take into account all the indicators of a citizen and structure the average statistical image of a buyer, as well as his share in the region where the enterprise is located.

    • where raw materials are purchased, what the price for the finished product will be;
    • how many employees there will be and the amount of their wages;
    • calculations of the cost of goods and deductions for protection labor activity and on-site work safety.

    When you start your own business, sometimes there may simply not be enough money, banks often refuse start-up entrepreneurs, taking microloans in an unstable economic situation is quite risky, and although they are quite good, they cannot always bring required amounts pretty quickly.But there is a way out - receive a subsidy for business development from TsZN (Employment Center).

    Before we start receiving subsidies, it is worth talking about the restrictions and conditions for receiving these subsidies:

    • Firstly, you don't have to be registered as entity or individual entrepreneur. You can start registering after receiving the subsidy. Moreover, I have already told you in detail about, , and;
    • Secondly, you need to have some money for investment (the percentage of your own investments depends on the size of the subsidy and the type of activity. You can find out exactly this figure in the central bank, but it is usually 60% );
    • Thirdly, it is worth choosing a field of activity that is different from anything related to alcohol and tobacco products. These types of activities are not subsidized.

    By observing these simple conditions, you can move on. And the next step is to create a thoughtful business plan. Make up business plan for receiving a subsidy at an employment center for development for a long period - at least two years.

    Remember: a business plan for receiving a subsidy must look respectable, profitable and, most importantly, be socially oriented, that is, provide jobs. The more specific the business plan, the higher the likelihood of receiving funds.

      1 Business plan for receiving a subsidy at an employment center for business development: writing criteria and evaluation principles

      2 Optimal structure of a business plan for receiving a subsidy from the employment center

      • 2.1 You might also be interested in:

    Business plan for receiving a subsidy at an employment center for business development: writing criteria and evaluation principles

    Criteria and principles business plan for an employment center not very many, but they are all important.As stated above, social orientation– the business plan must clearly state what the creation of such and such an enterprise or organization will entail vacancies(at least 2-3, but, as a rule, in reality it turns out more). It is also important to choose a specific service sector rather than an intermediary one.

    Jobs, profitability, payback - these are the pillars on which a business plan should be built to receive a subsidy at the employment center for a higher likelihood of approval from the commission. As you know, the employment center reports to higher authorities, so good and positive reports on new jobs created, subsidies for profitable organizations - all this is extremely important not only for you, as entrepreneurs, but also for your region.

    Since often more than half of the invested funds are subsidies, it is important to describe specific expenses. Don’t be lazy - find out the cost of the equipment that is needed for your business, find out the average salaries in the region and city, so that there are attractive salaries for applicants. Simply put, the need to include tangible and intangible costs in a business plan is extremely high. Money should only be spent on business, and not as a free gift.

    The optimal structure of a business plan for receiving a subsidy from the employment center

    There is no single template for a business plan. You can consider and apply a completely standard structure of a business plan for receiving a subsidy:

    • Title page
    • Summary
    • Objective of the project
    • Project information
    • Market assessment (state of the niche you have chosen, what is the competition, detailed market analysis)
    • Production plan
    • Marketing plan
    • Fin. plan
    • Risks
    • Applications

    Before we consider each item separately, it is worth recalling that a business plan should not be too complex and confusing, but accessible and understandable. If there is a lot of data that is important and plays big role, summarize this information, shorten and highlight only the most important thing, something that the commission will pay attention to when assessing the business plan.

    The title page and resume are perhaps the most straightforward of the items. Don’t forget to put your name (or several, if you are not alone), the name of the project (you should come up with it in advance), and you can also devote a few lines to finances - profitability and payback, as well as costs. The resume should consist of a description of the essence of the project, goals, and you should also not be lazy highlight the benefits of your project . Feel free to talk about the social significance of the project, and back up your words in real numbers– for example, prices for your products will be lower than the city average.

    You can analyze the market either yourself or with the help of people involved in this. But you shouldn’t spend money on detailed and in-depth analytical material, from which it is difficult to extract something significant in a short period of time. On 2-4 pages, try to give the most realistic forecast of your business, what is the market size, is there demand and what are the offers.

    The production plan is also not a very complicated item - you can learn about the organization of production processes while drawing up a business plan. In particular, the production plan should include the following: what is the number of jobs, how the production process will be organized (purchase of materials or raw materials, Supplies), Also justification of the cost of goods, compliance with all standards.

    Marketing and financial plan may seem like more of a challenge, but they are just as important as anything else. Marketing, as the name implies, involves market analysis and segmentation, as well marketing plan must answer the questions: who is your client ( the target audience)? What are the differences from competitors? What is the rationale for selling products? what is the price of the goods? Advertising campaign etc.

    The financial plan implies detailed description all cash flows – both incoming and outgoing.

    It is important to calculate as accurately as possible the approximate payback period of a business project, as well as the costs that will be required to open and organize a business and other financial questions. Among other things, it is necessary to indicate profitability, break-even point, etc.

    The more specifics, the fewer risks for the Employment Center subsidizing your business, the higher the likelihood of approval business development subsidies. And finally, the risks. Risk analysis is also necessary. Risks, as a rule, should be shown as manageable - market, financial, production.

    A properly drawn up business plan will allow you not only receive a subsidy to develop your business, but also to contribute our “two cents” to the economy of the city and region. And if your organization is also socially oriented, then in the future you can receive additional grants aimed at improving the service. Thank you all and good business! Read about

    First of all, in order to receive a subvention to start your own business, you need to draw up a business plan to receive a subsidy.

    Possible types of government subsidies for your own business
    If a person is registered in Moscow, he can receive one of three possible subsidies:

    If a person is registered in the Moscow region, only one type of subsidy is available - 60 thousand rubles for business development with the possibility of subsequently increasing the amount of the provided subsidy by 60,000 rubles for each hired unemployed person (can be received by any categories of citizens).

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    The process of obtaining subsidies to start your own business

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    Rules for drawing up a business plan to receive a subsidy

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    An example of the structure of a finished business plan

    It is worth noting right away that there is no single standard for drawing up a business plan. Therefore, as an option, the following sections can be included:

    1. Name.
    2. The purpose of the project being created.
    3. Full list of project participants.
    4. Basic information about the planned business.
    5. Details about the implementation of the project (full information about its participants, financing schemes, planned work and their cost, project status, description of its life cycle, agreements and support).
    6. Market research (general market condition, competitiveness, development strategy of the newly opened enterprise, its pricing policy).
    7. Economic justification (profit calculation, performance indicators).
    8. Possible risks and their limitation.
    9. Applications.

    It is worth understanding that another structure is possible.

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    Drawing up the necessary plan in detail

    The plan must begin with the approval stamp. In the center is written “Business Plan” indicating the short name of the future project. Next, write the name and address of the organization that is an applicant for the subsidy, the last name, first name, patronymic of the manager, the share of the authorized capital, a few lines about the essence of the project, its payback period, the planned construction time. It is worth noting that a start has been made successfully.

    Next will be the introductory part. It is necessary to reveal the essence of the project being created, justify its profitability and indicate the goals. You will need to prove how the business will differ from competitors, what services it will be able to provide and what specific products it will produce. Next, show the planned income and compare it with expenses. It is recommended to indicate what problems the new business will be able to solve.

    If the future company does not bring any benefit to society, then government officials will definitely refuse without explaining the reason. However, if it is planned to organize jobs not just for people, but also for disabled people and people with disabilities disabilities, preference will be given to the subsidy to such an enterprise.

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    Conducting case analysis in the industry

    The next step is to perform a case analysis in the industry that has been selected. It is worth noting that this part of the business plan should take approximately 3-4 pages. It is necessary to analyze the nature of the industry (for example, developing, stable, stagnant), the volume of consumption of the specified product or service. The nature of demand and the volume planned to be produced.

    Next, indicate the share of general production goods in the region, the impact of the opened business on the development of a particular region. You need to analyze and segment the market, describe your potential competitors, analyze their weaknesses and strengths. Describe possible analogues of manufactured products.

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    Drawing up a production plan

    Next you should move on to production plan. The purpose of this section will be to justify your own choice. You will need to allocate about 5 pages for this. There may be a program for sales and production of products. Requirements for equipment for production, organization of the production process how you plan to purchase equipment and pay for it. Who will supply the company with raw materials, at what prices and terms of delivery. Is it possible to switch to alternative suppliers in case of problems with the main ones?

    What costs are planned for employees, how many jobs are planned to be organized. Basic production assets, their cost. Depreciation, norms, forms. The cost of the products offered. If it is planned to provide separate buildings for organizing production, it is necessary to show the structure of monetary investments for construction, prepare design estimates and financial documentation, and commissioning. It will be necessary to describe how it is planned to comply with environmental and technical safety. It is important to note that equipment must be included in the same section of the business plan.

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    Drawing up a marketing plan

    IN this section you need to describe everything that relates to the external and internal markets: how the manufactured products will be protected, whether there are patents, whether the enterprise will violate the rights of other products, what the nature of the demand is.

    It is necessary to segment the market and describe the competitive properties of the product being manufactured. How will sales be organized, who will be involved in this, will investments be required? Should also show possible actions from competitors, report their plans and capabilities to counteract.

    You will also need to justify prices for products or services. To do this, you will need to analyze the seasonality of the market, market conditions, and the required profitability. Draw up a program for selling your own products.