Open the gas station. Recommendations for drawing up a gas station business plan. It’s better to open your own gas station or use a franchise


Types of gas stations

Gas stations are divided into two types: container-type stations (KAZS), as well as at gas stations with underground and external locations of tanks intended for storing fuel.

Please note that gas filling stations are used mainly for temporary use. The operation of such stations as part of the retail sale of fuels and lubricants is considered inappropriate for certain objective reasons, since they are subject to very stringent safety requirements from regulatory authorities, as a result of which the costs of completing the required documentation and installing equipment increase significantly.

How to register a gas station

An important factor for further successful promotion of the chosen direction is the choice of taxation system. In this industry, almost all organizations use a common system that requires working with VAT (value added tax). Fuel suppliers are extremely reluctant to enter into contracts with enterprises that operate without VAT.

It is worth considering that large suppliers and corporate clients prefer to deal with LLC (limited liability company). This form of business activity allows for a more in-depth approach to solving certain legal and financial issues that arise in the process of mutual cooperation between enterprises.

Licensing of gas station activities canceled.

Selection of land

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of land for the construction of a gas station, since the choice of location is the main criterion for the success of future activities. The ideal condition for locating a gas station is the presence of:

  • road junction,
  • federal roads with heavy traffic,
  • parking lots,
  • as well as, if possible, the maximum proximity of the object to populated areas.

A good indicator would be to locate a gas station in an area where there are no “promoted” gas stations. Of course, getting a plot that meets all the listed requirements is very rare, but at least one of these conditions must be present.

Advice: To determine its suitability for use as a road service facility (road service facility), an independent examination is required. The future fate of your endeavor largely depends on this.

The size of the plot is determined taking into account the gas station project you choose. But do not forget that for the smooth operation of a gas station, it is necessary to have convenient entrances. The marking of such entrances and the organization of traffic through gas stations is coordinated with the traffic police and road services.

Before choosing a project, an analysis of the location of the gas station should be carried out, based on the results of which the required quantity and equipment of the fuel dispenser (fuel dispenser) with which the gas station will be equipped is determined.

Regulatory documentation

No less responsible is the preparation of documentation for the registration of a land plot. All requirements for the conditions for locating a gas station, design, construction and organization of the territory of a gas station must be unconditionally met. Considering that at the time of opening your first gas station you will be faced with a number of problems previously unknown to you, you should entrust the solution to these issues to specialists.

Today, there are many organizations that will comprehensively carry out all the work, starting with the preparation of design documentation for a land plot and ending with the commissioning of the facility with the provision of all necessary certificates, approvals, permits and approvals. There is no point in listing all the requirements and provisions with numbers and dates of documents, since they are accepted at the regional level and may differ significantly from each other.

General list of necessary requirements:

  1. Requirements for placement of gas stations.
  2. Requirements for the design and construction of a gas station.
  3. Basic requirements for gas station buildings, structures and equipment.
  4. Environmental and sanitary-hygienic requirements for the design of gas stations.

Advice: You must clearly understand that failure to comply with even the most insignificant, in your opinion, points will subsequently lead to problems, the solution of which will require a significant amount of time, finances and your own nerves. A gas station is a high-risk facility.


There are many different models on the market from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. When choosing, you should be guided by the price and quality of the product offered.

Specialized stores have almost all the components for servicing and repairing a fuel dispenser. This usually does not cause problems during operation. I will list the minimum set of necessary equipment to equip a small gas station, taking into account the fact that two types of fuel will be supplied from each fuel dispenser.

  • Tank for storing and dispensing fuels and lubricants - 4 pcs. volume 15 m 3 each.
  • Tank for emergency fuel transfer - 1 pc. 15m 3
  • Tank for storm water system, any used one - 10m3
  • Broadcasting dispenser - 2 pcs. 2 sleeves each.

Control panels, cables and shut-off valves are included in the fuel dispenser kit. The cost of all of the above depends on the model and manufacturer you choose.

All gas stations use reliable software that can fully automate the entire cycle of the fuel dispensing process, starting from emptying the fuel tanker into the tank and ending with the submission of a daily report with its preliminary sending to the accounting department. Thereby reducing to zero the possibility of unforeseen situations arising as a result of circumstances that are commonly called the “human factor”. Such equipment and software for it are not expensive and can be installed in a matter of hours.


The next issue that should be considered when opening a gas station is the selection of personnel. Everything is simple here:

  • Gas station manager- 1 person, control over the operation of gas stations, work with operators, absolute knowledge of the program that ensures the operation of the fuel dispenser.
  • Repairer- 1 person His responsibilities include repairing equipment and premises, and, if possible, understanding gas station software.
  • Gas station operator- 4 people, fuel supply, control over revenue and delivery to collectors.

You will also need an electrician, who can be hired under a contract. I do not consider workers directly involved in refueling cars on site, since at first you can do without them.


On average, it takes from 3 to 6 months to approve all the documentation required to open a gas station; construction of a gas station takes 6-12 months. The cost of opening a budget gas station is 12 - 15 ml. rubles The payback period of the project is 3-5 years.

Starting your own fuel business from scratch is quite difficult; drivers are used to refueling at proven gas stations, and fuel will cost more due to its small volumes. Therefore, the ideal option for opening a gas station is to purchase a franchise of a well-known gas station in Russia. This will allow you to attract customers and receive high-quality gasoline inexpensively at wholesale prices. Today we will talk about how to open a gas station under the franchise of a world-famous corporation with many years of experience - Lukoil.

History of the Lukoil company

The open joint stock company Lukoil was created in 1991 on the basis of the state concern LangepasUrayKogalymneft (hence the abbreviation of the company). Over the years of its work, the company has managed to establish partnerships with American companies, build its own tanker fleet, and agree on cooperation with the Iraqi Ministry of Oil. Several dozen oil and gas fields were discovered in Russia and abroad, more than 100 international projects were carried out to develop the oil and gas industry, oil production enterprises and services were acquired. For its contribution to the development of the oil and gas industry, the company was awarded various awards from the governments of several countries.

Lukoil gas stations have more than 400 representative offices in Russia and abroad

What does the franchise include?

More than 400 gas stations operate worldwide from the Lukoil brand. So what does a franchisee get from working with this company?

  • the buyer of the franchise, after paying a lump sum fee and signing an agreement, gets the opportunity to sell products under the Lukoil brand;
  • Gas stations will be provided with fuel and related products on an ongoing basis at wholesale prices;
  • franchisees and staff will undergo a special training program developed over many years of operation of the company;
  • The equipment of the station will be carried out under the supervision of company specialists so that it meets the requirements of GOST.

Advantages and disadvantages of cooperation

Purchasing a franchise has a number of advantages for an entrepreneur. In the case of opening a Lukoil representative office, a businessman saves on an advertising campaign and promotion of his gas station. Under the agreement, he is guaranteed to receive high-quality petroleum products at the required frequency. All staff and the franchisee themselves undergo training, which is included in the cost of the franchise. They get to know the market, its tricks and tricks, and also receive advice on various topics at any time of cooperation.

The franchisee, according to the agreement, uninterruptedly receives high quality fuel at wholesale prices

Operating under a well-known brand will quickly attract customers who care about the quality of fuel for their cars. The discount system offered by the company will help attract people and increase the average bill. The payback of the project will take only 2-2.5 years despite the high level of investment.

There are also plenty of disadvantages for an entrepreneur to consider. After all, about 6 million rubles will need to be invested in the franchise; this amount includes a lump sum fee and the arrangement of a gas station. Supplies of oil products outside the company will be excluded, and development will depend on the plans of the franchisor. The agreement strictly regulates the period of cooperation, so the franchisee will not be able to leave the business earlier. Company owners can sell a franchise to several businessmen in one city, which will significantly increase the level of competition.

Conditions for obtaining a franchise

If an entrepreneur has his own gas stations, as well as a license to sell oil products, then he can send an application to open a representative office of Lukoil. The application must indicate the number of gas stations, their financial performance for the last months of operation, the presence of fuel tankers and oil depots. Photos of the objects must be attached to the information so that the company’s specialists can evaluate the external and internal design of the station.

Franchising staff will also need legal and accounting documents from the company applying to purchase the franchise. The presence of qualified workers will increase the likelihood of a positive decision, as well as the possibility of additional sales at the gas station. The application must be sent to the subfranchisor at the location of the proposed station or complex. You will receive a response within 30 days. If the result is positive, company representatives will be sent to you to verify the data received. After passing the inspection, Lukoil specialists will send recommendations for refurbishing your gas station in the company’s corporate style, as well as a list of documents for signing the contract. The verified and signed agreement is sent to Rospatent for registration, after which it comes into force.

Remember: Within 3 months after signing the contract, it is necessary to re-equip the gas station in accordance with the company’s conditions. The agreement will indicate the period of cooperation, before which the franchisee does not have the opportunity to leave the business, but can extend it.

Expert opinion

Roman Efremov

Work experience: 5 years. Specialization: all areas of jurisprudence.

The franchise of PJSC Lukoil is provided for a certain period, designated in accordance with the provisions of the commercial subconcession agreement. According to current requirements, the counterparty is required to pay a lump sum contribution. Its size depends directly on the location of the gas station:

  1. In urban agglomerations with a population of more than 500 thousand people – 357 thousand rubles annually (20% VAT is paid separately).
  2. Settlements with a population of less than 500 thousand people – 217 thousand rubles (+20% VAT).
  3. The gas station is located on a federal highway - 398 thousand rubles (+20% VAT).
In addition to the annual payment of the fee, the client will be required to bring the appearance of the gas station to a single standard characteristic of PJSC Lukoil. As practice shows, these are the requirements that entail the main financial expenses when opening a gas station under a franchise.In addition to strictly regulated financial requirements, PJSC Lukoil puts forward a number of fundamental rules for long-term cooperation:
  1. To be able to draw up a franchise agreement with Lukoil, the client must own a gas station that meets all legal requirements, or a plot of land intended for the development of a gas station.
  2. All work to bring the gas station to the Lukoil corporate style is carried out by the user at his own expense. If this right is ignored, Lukoil reserves the right to impose penalties or cancel the transaction.
  3. When operating a gas station, the franchisee is obliged to ensure careful compliance with company standards and the principle of customer focus.
  4. The commercial subconcession agreement may specify additional obligations and requirements for the counterparty. They must be guaranteed to be fulfilled.
  5. At gas stations operating under the Lukoil brand, only the company’s fuel can be sold. It is strictly prohibited to sell petroleum products from other manufacturers.
  6. The franchisee undertakes to independently organize fuel storage and monitor its quality at all stages, from wholesale purchases to sale to consumers.

Cost and payback forecast

An entrepreneur will have to spend about 5.8 million rubles to open a Lukoil gas station franchise. Of this, 400 thousand is a lump sum contribution, the rest of the funds are for the arrangement of a gas station. Royalties range from 220 to 400 thousand rubles per year, depending on the size of the city in which the representative office is opened.

In addition, the entrepreneur must pay monthly rent for the land on which the gas station is located, pay salaries to employees, and pay for the supply of petroleum products. According to experts, the net profit from one gas station is 250-400 thousand rubles. The payback period for the project takes 2-2.5 years.

Despite the high competition among gas stations and complexes, opening a franchise under the auspices of Lukoil guarantees the franchisee a high income and quick payback. Due to brand recognition and low product prices, the franchise buyer receives regular customers and stable monthly profits. The level of service of the company and the quality of its oil products have won the trust of millions of Russians, therefore, by becoming a partner of Lukoil, an entrepreneur is investing in a business proven by many years of experience.

Dear visitors, below is an example of a gas station business plan with economic calculations. The calculations were made by specialists with extensive experience working in an Excel file, so they can be adapted to any business plan of another gas station. After reading the document, you can download the file with calculations below. If you have any questions, ask them directly in the comments, in the VKontakte group, or by writing to us by email.


Goal: “Opening a gas station in the city of Penza”

Objectives: “Supplying motorists in nearby areas with fuels and lubricants”

Initiator of the project

The initiator of the construction of a new gas station is an individual entrepreneur - the owner of a network of gas stations (3 units) in Penza and the Penza region. The entrepreneur has extensive experience in this business, owns three profitable facilities and has established relationships with fuel and lubricants suppliers.

Investment costs

To open a gas station, investment investments in the amount of 3,949 thousand rubles will be required, which are divided into, project development, construction, purchase of equipment and products.

The distribution of investments by area is presented in the table below:

Name of works

Purchase of land

Project development


Purchase of equipment

Purchasing products

Project financing

The project will be financed from two sources - the project initiator’s own funds and loan funds. The loan is planned to be received in the amount of 2,649 thousand rubles. at 19% per annum for 5 years with a differentiated repayment schedule.

The purchased land plot, as well as the purchased refueling equipment, will be provided as collateral.

Project payback indicators

Based on the input data and prerequisites that will be described below in the financial part of the business plan, a model was built to calculate the payback of the construction of a gas station. The performance indicators of this project are described below:

  • Planned inflation - 10%;
  • Simple payback period - 3.6 years;
  • Discounted payback period - 4.3 years;
  • NPV - 5,367 thousand rubles;

These indicators indicate that the project is interesting from an investment point of view and pays off in a fairly short time.

Product suppliers

It is planned to attract the nearest oil refinery of one of the largest producers of fuels and lubricants - PJSC Lukoil - as the main supplier of products. This will provide gas stations with high-quality, inexpensive products. Lukoil prices are lower than prices for similar products from other gasoline and diesel fuel manufacturers, and also have extensive advertising support and a wide range. In addition, the company offers its own line of motor oils and gearbox oils.

In addition, it is planned to attract one of the manufacturers of these products in Penza as a supplier of cooling and brake fluids.

Construction company and equipment suppliers

It is planned to engage a local contractor as a construction company, with whom the company worked to open a gas station earlier. The company has more than 15 years of experience, as well as extensive experience in building similar stations for large gas stations - Lukoil, Gazprom, Rosneft.

The equipment supplier is planned to be a large Moscow company, which also supplies gas station equipment of its own production to all major gas station networks.


Gas station products will not differ from others and will include the following groups of goods:

  • Gasoline of three brands - 92, 95, 98;
  • Diesel fuel;
  • Motor oils and additives;
  • Coolants;
  • Brake fluids.
  • Related products (drinks, fast food, magazines)


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investment by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

The volume of investment in opening a gas station will be 3,949 thousand rubles, most of which will be spent on the purchase of equipment and the construction of the gas station itself. A large sum will be spent on the acquisition of land.

Investment costs are described in detail in the table below (RUB including VAT):

Naming of expenditures




Purchase of land


Production equipment

Fuel dispenser

Gas station control system

Microprocessor pressure sensor

Fuel station

Fuel storage tanks

Retail store equipment


Cash machine



Purchase of goods


3 949 000,00

Investment payment and work plan

It is planned that the duration of the construction and launch of the gas station will be 8 months. The work plan for opening a gas station is presented below:

Premises and gas station

As part of the business plan, it is planned to build our own premises, which will accommodate a cashier, a security guard and a small store of related products for the car (oils, liquids). The premises will consist of the following rooms:

  • Trading area (products and cashier will be located here);
  • Bathroom;
  • Warehouse for goods;
  • Locker room.

No more rooms are planned, since all management is located in office space, which the company rents specifically for this purpose in the city center. The number of management personnel will not increase, so additional office expenses will not be required.

There will be 2 gas pumps on the site with the ability to refuel two cars at the same time from each of them. This setting is a standard value for this type of gas station and provides an optimal ratio between the volume of investment and subsequent revenue.

Working hours

It is planned that the gas station will operate around the clock, seven days a week and on holidays. This is caused by the need to refuel cars at any time, regardless of the time of day or holidays.

Manufacturing process

The business process of operating a gas station will be fairly standard:

  1. A fuel truck brings gasoline from the plant and pours it into special fuel storage tanks at the gas station.
  2. The car owner drives his car up to the dispenser and inserts a gun into the tank of the car.
  3. He goes to the checkout to say the volume and brand of gasoline being poured and the pump number, and pays the money.
  4. The cashier punches the check and starts the fill.
  5. After the filling is finished, the car owner inserts the gun back into the column and drives away, making room for the next buyer.

Product cost

The gas station purchases fuel, oils and liquids from suppliers and manufacturers of these goods. The cost of products by product groups and markup are presented in the table below:

Product group

Cost price

Diesel fuel


Marketing plan


The number of competitors in the gas station market is very large. Today, it is almost impossible for a player who is not an expert in this field to enter this business. Large gasoline producers (such as Lukoil, Rosneft, Gazprom) and small but fairly stable gas station networks operate in the market.

Today, all the most profitable places for gas stations have already been taken, however, the constantly increasing vehicle fleet and requirements for speed of service lead to the fact that from time to time there is a growing need to increase both the number of gas stations and expand existing ones.


The land plot planned for acquisition for the development of a gas station is located at the exit from the city on a very busy road in the industrial zone of the city. After construction, the gas station will be clearly visible from the road both during the day and at night, which will allow it to receive customers at any time.

Assortment and prices

The range of products sold will be standard for all gas stations. First of all, it will be all brands of gasoline. In addition, motor oils, coolants and brake fluids will be offered to motorists. In addition, the gas station will sell related products for drivers (for example: drinks, snacks, magazines, personal care products)

Prices for products will follow the prices at large gas stations in the city owned by gasoline producers and will be lower by 50 kopecks. The fact is that at the same prices for gasoline, the consumer will definitely choose a gas station from an oil company, and when the price drops, some consumers are ready to refuel at third-party gas stations, even though they are confident in the quality of gasoline.

The table below shows the range of products by product group, price, cost and markup.

Product group

Cost (RUB/l)

Extra charge



Sales share

Diesel fuel



The table below shows the range of related products by product group.

Product group



Sales share

Cold drinks

Personal care products

Newspapers magazines


Volume of sales

Unlike other goods, the demand for gasoline has virtually no seasonality in demand, so we will not use seasonality indices to plan revenue by month. However, due to the fact that the opening of a gas station will not immediately attract the maximum number of motorists, we will set a schedule for reaching the planned sales volume:


%% of maximum sales volume

Thus, as can be seen from the table, the gas station will reach its maximum sales volume in about a year.

After reaching the maximum sales volume, we plan that the average refueling bill will be 1000 rubles, and about 600 cars will be refueled per day, which is approximately 25 cars per hour.

Advertising strategy

In order to achieve full sales as quickly as possible, it is planned to conduct an advertising campaign that would attract the largest number of consumers to gas stations. To achieve this, it is planned to use the following advertising channels:

  • Making a stele with glowing gasoline prices - 200,000 rubles;
  • Decorating a gas station in colors that match the trademark of the rest of the network of gas stations - RUB 100,000;
  • Making a sign - 50,000 rubles;
  • Decoration with balloons in the first month of opening - 30,000 rubles;
  • Distribution of leaflets at existing gas stations of the network with information about the opening of another outlet - 3,000 rubles;
  • Placement of advertising structures with gas station advertising at other gas stations in the network - 10,000 rubles;
  • Hiring a tall figure to attract clients - 20,000 rubles/month.

Organizational plan


Due to the fact that the company already has a network of gas stations, this gas station will also be registered under the name of an existing limited liability company. A plot of land will be purchased for the same legal entity and a loan will be issued.

Personnel and staffing structure

The staff, their salaries and bonuses are presented in the table below:

Job title





20% of profits

3% of revenue

Helper worker

"* - positions are marked whose functionality will be performed by existing employees of the enterprise for additional payment.

I would like to note that a security guard must be present at the gas station, but he will be provided by a private security company, so the costs for him are included under the heading “security services”.

Financial plan


- 4.3 years;
  • NPV - 5,367 thousand rubles;
  • Break even

    Based on the constructed model, the break-even point for a gas station was calculated, which amounted to 489 thousand rubles.

    Taking into account the fact that we plan to reach monthly revenue of 600 thousand rubles. with VAT and a schedule for reaching maximum sales, the gas station will begin to make a profit from the 7th month.

    Project sustainability analysis

    In order to obtain information about what factors and how much can influence changes in project profits, we have built the following table, which describes changes in the NPV indicator depending on changes in sales prices for gasoline and diesel fuel, purchase prices and enterprise expenses, taking into account wages:


    Selling prices

    Purchase price

    Risk analysis

    We divided all existing risks into political, economic, social, and technological.


    These include the risk of a decrease in demand for fuels and lubricants due to the invention and introduction of a radically new engine that does not require gasoline or diesel fuel, as well as the growth of gas-powered vehicles. However, as we see, there are no plans to introduce any new engine in the near future, and the use of gas instead of gasoline and diesel fuel, although it leads to savings, leads to faster engine wear. In addition, any significant increase in gas consumption will lead to a sharp jump in the cost of gas and, accordingly, will stop this growth.


    These risks include the risk of population decline in the city of Penza, which in turn will lead to a sharp decrease in the number of cars. However, all production facilities are operating in the city, the economic situation is normal, so no sharp population reductions are planned.


    The sales of gasoline are highly regulated by the state, therefore, the introduction of political restrictions on the price of gasoline may lead to the fact that all gas stations will be forced to reduce their prices and, accordingly, will receive less profit.


    A decrease in economic growth will not allow you to receive the planned profit, which will lead to delays in loan repayments and possible legal disputes with the credit institution. Further development of the network in this case will be quite difficult.

    ​The number of cars on the roads is increasing every day, so building a gas station can be a very profitable business. The main thing is to locate the gas station in the right place and provide high service that will help attract customers. Therefore, it is better to entrust the design and construction of gas stations to professionals. Drawing on their wealth of experience, they will be able to do everything in the best possible way and with minimal participation from the customer. In fact, the client’s assistance will be needed only at the stage of drawing up a gas station construction plan and calculating the total costs of the project. And then the contractor will take on all the functions of purchasing construction materials and monitoring the work process.

    Where to start building a gas station?

    To obtain the coveted permission you will have to go through many authorities. These include: sanitary epidemiological station, fire service, land management and environmental safety commission. A lot of effort will have to be made to convince the listed institutions that the selected site for the construction of a gas station meets all the requirements and legal norms. Not everyone can make it through a series of offices, so this can be said to be the first serious test on the path to becoming a successful businessman. The main thing is that they do not hesitate to defend their rights, citing existing laws. And if they are violated, you can safely sue. When the document has all the necessary signatures, you can proceed further.

    Where can I find a plot?

    Land for the construction of gas stations in the city will cost much more. And it will be incredibly difficult to attract new clients there, since all market niches have long been occupied. Therefore, it would be preferable to build a gas station on highways of national or international importance. There is always a fairly dense flow of cars there, so there shouldn’t be any problems with the clientele. It could be easier. There are a lot of advertisements for the sale of gas stations today.

    If you buy someone's business and then revive it, you can save money and get additional benefits. The most important thing is that if a gas station was already in the chosen location, many more people will know about it than about a facility built from scratch. In addition, you will not need to obtain permission, which will save a lot of time and nerves. Reconstruction and construction of gas stations have many common points. Both procedures require careful planning for the venture to be successful.

    The best solution is the construction of a turnkey gas station.

    Turnkey construction of gas stations is the most advantageous offer. It relieves the client from many associated problems, which are transferred to the shoulders of the contractor. And the customer at the end simply accepts the finished work. Therefore, the price of building a turnkey gas station is quite high. So it’s worth setting priorities and deciding what’s more important: saving money or not having headaches associated with construction.

    If you have a sufficient budget, it is of course better to go with the second option. The cost of building a turnkey gas station will be about 500 thousand dollars. This amount includes the cost of purchasing land, labor, building materials, equipment and various related expenses. The figure is not small, but with proper organization of work, the payback will come in a year and a half, and with a successful combination of circumstances, even earlier.

    The cost of building a gas station on your own will be significantly lower. But it will probably take longer, and success is by no means guaranteed. Therefore, this method can be resorted to only as a last resort, when there are simply no other options left. The cost of building a gas station can be significantly reduced if you first agree with a well-known company about franchising. The new gas station will have a sign of a recognizable brand, thereby expanding its sphere of influence. And in return, the businessman will receive patronage and financial assistance.

    The gas station construction project must not violate current legislation. Therefore, it is also coordinated with the relevant utility and government services. The requirements for the construction of gas stations are quite extensive and are divided into fire, environmental, and epidemiological components. The gas station must have all the appropriate facilities so that harmful products from its operation are not released into nature. You can familiarize yourself with the gas station construction standards on the website, where all current laws are collected.

    The retail fuel market is very attractive, since in Russia there are many more customers per gas station than in Europe, its marginal income reaches 15-20%. This market is also interesting because, in addition to vertically integrated oil companies, there is also a place for independent participants. Here we will look at the question of how to open a gas station, what is needed for this, what documents, how much it costs to open and a business plan for it.

    Types of gas stations

    If you decide to engage in this type of very profitable business, then first you need to choose the type of gas station, and there are two of them: gas station - container type - and those where fuel storage tanks are located underground and on the surface.

    In many cases, gas stations are used temporarily. The stringent safety requirements imposed on them significantly increase the costs of documentation and installation of equipment, so the retail sale of fuels and lubricants becomes unprofitable. Therefore, let’s consider the gas station of the second type.

    Coordination of documentation takes on average from three months to six months, construction - six months to a year. Opening a budget gas station will cost approximately 12-15 million, and it will pay for itself in 3-5 years.

    Business plan

    We present to you a ready-made example of a business plan for the construction of a gas station. You can download it for free.

    Don't forget about franchising in this area. You can read useful information about this in the links provided at the bottom of the article.

    Moreover, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs involved in the sale of automobile fuel very often buy a franchise from a large company. And in some regions, where the bulk of the market is occupied by one of these large companies, franchising becomes almost the only way of survival for independent gas stations.

    Instructions on how to open

    So, you have decided to start your own business in this area, but you do not know how to open a gas station, what is needed for it and what documents. Let's look at this issue step by step.

    Registration of this type of business

    There is currently no requirement to license gas station activities.

    The choice of taxation system for the gas station to be opened plays a major role in achieving success in this field. Almost all organizations operating in this industry choose a common system that requires payment of VAT. Suppliers in most cases do not enter into contracts with gas station companies that operate without VAT. In addition, both suppliers and corporate clients primarily cooperate with LLC - with this form of business activity, legal and financial issues that arise in the process of cooperation are resolved at a deeper level.

    Land plot for construction of a gas station

    One of the main criteria for success is the selection of land for the construction of a gas station. The most optimal areas are those located near a road junction, parking lot or major highway. The proximity of gas stations to populated areas is also important. It is advisable to locate gas stations in an area free of advertised gas stations. Finding a site that will meet all of the above requirements is quite difficult, but at least one of them must be met.

    Do not forget that the gas station must have convenient entrances. Their markings, as well as the organization of traffic around the gas station itself, must be coordinated with road services and traffic police.

    Before choosing a project, you need to analyze the location where the gas station will be located in order to determine the required number and configuration of fuel dispensers (fuel dispensers).


    Preparing documents for a gas station to register a land plot is a very responsible process. A prerequisite is the fulfillment of all requirements for the conditions of station placement, its design and subsequent construction and organization of the gas station territory. It is better to entrust the solution to these issues to specialists.

    Currently, a large number of organizations offer their services for preparing project documentation, putting the facility into operation, providing the necessary papers and many other intermediate issues. All necessary documents for gas stations are accepted at the regional level, so the requirements for them may have significant differences.


    The basic requirements for the construction of gas stations are divided into four groups:

    1. to the location of the station;
    2. to design and construction;
    3. to buildings and structures, as well as equipment;
    4. sanitary, hygienic and environmental protection.

    Gas stations are classified as high-risk facilities, and therefore the slightest failure to comply with any point can lead to problems associated with financial, time and moral losses.

    Required to study:

    • NPB 111-98 - Fire safety requirements for gas stations

    Equipment required for gas stations

    The market is replete with a large number of domestic and foreign models for gas stations, when choosing which it is necessary to adhere to the optimal price-quality ratio.

    Almost all components necessary for the repair and maintenance of fuel dispensers can be found in specialized stores. The minimum set of equipment for a gas station, where two types of fuel will be supplied from each pump, includes:

    • tank with a volume of 15 m3 - for storing and dispensing fuels and lubricants - 4 pcs.;
    • tank with a volume of 15 m3 - for pumping fuel in case of an accident - 1 pc.;
    • tank with a volume of 10 m3 (possibly used) - for a stormwater system - 1 pc.;
    • Fuel dispenser with 2 sleeves - 2 pcs.

    The dispenser equipment includes control panels, shut-off valves and cables, and the cost is affected by the model and manufacturer.

    The process of fuel dispensing - from draining into the tank to submitting a daily report - is fully automated thanks to reliable software. This reduces the likelihood of troubles at gas stations caused by human factors to zero. Installation of such equipment takes several hours.

    Working staff

    First of all, you need to hire the following employees:

    • the head of the gas station, who controls the work of the station and operators and has absolute knowledge of the software;
    • repairman responsible for premises and equipment; it is desirable that he also understands software;
    • gas station operators responsible for dispensing fuel, working with revenue, incl. handing it over to collectors - 4 people.

    You definitely need to hire an electrician at the gas station that you decide to open, who can be signed up under a contract. At first, you can do without tankers.

    useful links

    • How I opened a gas station // KP.RU - the story of the experiment of Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist Valery Butaev
    • Gas station partnership. Part 1 . Part 2 // BUYBRAND Inform – about franchising in this area